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Peter Pan Traveler

How To Become A Yachtie | How To Land Your First Yacht Job

How would you like to travel the world with no expenses while getting paid to do so?

Sounds too good to be true, but it’s not!

Working on superyachts, that is exactly what happens. You get paid a great wage all while traveling the world with no expenses.

Most readers have already heard about working for a cruise line, however, not many people know they can skip the crowded cruise ships and work on a Superyacht for the rich and famous.

If you have seen or heard of “ Below Deck ” then you already know all about the yachting industry.

With the popularity of this TV drama series, more and more people are trying to get into the industry.

But with more people applying for jobs each year, it is getting harder and harder to break into the industry. This is why I decided to write this, to help people like you on how to become a yachtie.

How To Get Into Yachting

Before you start your career in yachting, you’ll need to get your STCW 95 and your ENG 1. YOU CANNOT WORK ON A YACHT WITHOUT THESE.

The STCW 95 is a one-week basic training course that costs around $1000-$1500 depending on where you take it. To find a location near you go to the STCW 95 course .

This course covers basic firefighting training, first aid, and sea survival. You will be in charge of a multi-million dollar, even billion-dollar yacht.

They want to make sure you are wise and capable of taking care of it.

You will also need to get your ENG 1 before you can begin working on a yacht. It is a simple health exam to ensure you are physically fit and is entirely for safety reasons.

You can’t be out at sea and have health issues that might require emergency evacuation.

It is normally a good idea to get your ENG 1 while you are taking your STCW 95 course. There are only a handful of doctors that are permitted to assign you an exam.

They all tend to work from where the yachts are based and the exam will be in high demand.

The ENG 1 is usually around $100 – $150, and it only takes about 15 minutes, but it is REQUIRED.

For anyone interested in working for the deck department, it is a disadvantage if you are color blind.

If you are only wanting to go yachting for a year or two, this won’t be a problem. But, if you want to make this a career and work your way up to captain then you will not be able to do so.

You will be in the wheelhouse at night and doing watches so you’ll need to know the difference between red and green lights.

Not sure what you want to do on a yacht? Click here for the best entry-level jobs .

Also, be aware that yachting is a very old-school industry, and having visible tattoos might hurt your chances of getting a job. Although this is becoming less and less of an issue.

11 Tips On How To Become A Yachtie

Standard CV photo for the yachting industry

1. Make a Kick-Ass CV

With more and more people joining the yachting industry, you have to make yourself stand out for an entry-level position.

A standard CV in the yachting industry includes a professional photo of yourself (Be sure to wear a white polo shirt ), nationality, date of birth, smoker/nonsmoker, tattoos, and previous work experience.

Also include hobbies, places you’ve lived, accomplishments, and what you do for fun.

You never know what will get you hired, it could be that time you climbed Kilimanjaro! If the first mate that is hiring has also done this, he will most likely put you in front of the line and call you first.

If you pass the phone interview and get along well with the crew, you will most likely get the job.

Canva is also a great place to go to get a great CV template to make yourself stand out

2. Dockwalk

Dock walking is like cold calling but in person. You have to get used to rejection in yachting, you might not be the right fit for one yacht but you will be the perfect fit for another.

DON’T take rejection personally and DON’T give up.

One of the best ways to get a job in yachting is by dock walking, talking to the crew, and asking if they have any day work.

After your day work, you never know what might turn into a full-time job. Yachting is all about networking.

For a full guide on dockwalking

3. Yachting Facebook Groups

Facebook is great these days for their group forums. Jobs are constantly being posted in Facebook groups so join as many as possible.

They are also great for keeping up-to-date with topics that are going on in the industry.

Joining one of these groups is a great way to find out information on How to become a yachtie or how to land your dream job.

Be sure to focus on groups for the area you are based in. If you are in Fort Lauderdale, it doesn’t make sense to join a crew Facebook group based in Antibes, boats want local crew.

If you are new to the industry, no one is going to fly you out to the boat.

Be aware of what you post in these groups, greenies are constantly ridiculed for foolish posts and stupid questions.

But if you are clever enough to post a creative or funny posting looking for work, it might even land you a job : )

Here are some great Facebook groups to get you started

  • Yacht Crew Wanted
  • Med Yacht Crew Jobs
  • Yacht Chef Jobs

Two yachts tied up in crystal clear water

4. Daywork123

This is a great website for crew seeking work in South Florida, they are constantly posting jobs and day work. You can upload your CV and apply for jobs that are posted here.

If you post your CV on this website be awake and ready to work by 8am. You can get a phone call at any time and they likely want you to start work right away.

They say the early bird catches the worm, in yachting, it’s all about who can show up ready to work first.

However, I only recommend this website if you are legal to work in the US.

Immigration has been known to look for illegal workers here, and sometimes even set up traps. The last thing you want to happen is to get caught looking for work before your career even starts.

5. Drop Off Your CV At Local Yachting Spots

If you want to get a job on a Superyacht, it is best to go where the superyachts are based: South Florida, Antibes or even Palma.

Like I said before if you don’t have the experience, no one is going to fly you to the boat.

Wherever yachts are based, there are local yachting bars or uniform shops that are great for green crew to leave their CV’s behind.

Boat crews go there often when they are looking to hire.

If you are in Fort Lauderdale you can drop your CV off at Smallwoods, a crew uniform shop. If you are in Antibes then you can post them in the Blue Lady, a local yachting bar.

Put a copy of your CV or business card in these types of places.

Be sure to keep an eye on it, go in and move it to the front of the line if you are still looking for work.

It’s all about being at the front of the line if you want to get a job.

6. NETWORK with Superyacht Crew

Yachting crew busy at work

I can’t tell you how important this one is, network, network, network…. You need to be social and likable to make it in yachting.

Not only are you going to be working with the same people every day, but you also live with them. They become your family away from family and you have to see them and get along 24/7.

If you are a person who likes your personal space, yachting is most likely not for you.

You might be traveling the world with the same 7 people for the next 2 years, you need to get along.

So network, and talk to everyone you meet or pass by because you never know where your first job will come from.

It could be as simple as talking to someone in line at the grocery store.

Or letting someone cut in front of you at a crowded bar that helps land you your first job.


You are not going to get a job on a Superyacht unless you keep applying and sending out your CV. On average you should be sending your CV out at least 20 times a day.

Most likely you might only hear back from one or two of the boats, sometimes none.

But you can’t give up.  You might not be the right fit for 100 yachts, but you will be the perfect match for one.

You just have to keep on applying until you land your first job.

Because you are technically not a yachtie until you get your first job.

8. Triton/ Social Superyacht Events

This comes back to networking. You have to get involved in the yachting community and go to local events in your area if you ever want to get a job.

Triton holds some great events frequently, so it’s a good idea to check them out and see what’s going on in your area.

Networking is key if you ever want to get a job. Talk to captains, add people on Facebook and most importantly be friendly and social. No one wants to hire an unfriendly crew member that isn’t social.

9. Airdrop Your CV or Business Cards

Ok, I had never made b usiness cards, but they are truly effective. Nothing is worse than being caught without your CV when someone is looking to hire and you are the perfect fit.

Always have business cards in your pocket, they are much easier to hand out than your CV.

Another tip is to have your CV on your phone ready to Airdrop or email. Yachting is a fast industry.

When a boat needs a crew member to start, it was most likely yesterday. The person who can start the fastest is usually the one they will hire.

There are hundreds if not thousands of crew members looking to join the industry and everyone is replaceable.

10. Yachting Crew Houses

Stay in a crew house when looking for work, this will give you a great opportunity to network.

Think of a hostel except everyone staying there is in the industry, in-between jobs and usually looking for work. I was able to score my first job from a crew house.

A girl in my crew house was fired from a boat because she was unable to cook.

Since I was cooking she recommended me and voila! That is how I got my first permanent job.

Check out Facebook to find a crew house in your area. If you are in Fort Lauderdale I highly recommend Ancorhed Crew House .

If you keep doing all of the above until you land your first permanent job, I promise you will get a job on a superyacht.

Keep trying and don’t give up. I promise you will get a job if you follow these steps.

It is a dream job for some. A job that lets you travel the world making money while having no expenses.

All of your expenses on the yacht are paid for! Including your shampoo and deodorant.

You will also have all of your meals cooked for you by an amazing chef, and your laundry washed, ironed and folded.

It is the perfect job for anyone looking for an alternative lifestyle, to save a ton of money, and travel.

Downsides Of Working On Yachts

Once you are a yachtie, you will realize that is does have its downsides.

You have no personal space or private life, you are at the beck and call of the owner 24/7 year-round.

So you can throw out planning for anything or going home for family events.

It is unstable. Depending on the yacht, you can be let go from a position for any reason.

You will also have to be off the boat within hours ( luckily they do have to pay for your ticket home).

Also, it is a very sexist industry.

If you can’t handle that, don’t join the industry.

Besides modeling, it is the only industry that not only allows but requires you to put a picture on your CV.

There are stories of girls getting fired because of their hair color, they were too short, or the owner’s wife thought they were too pretty.

You have very different working rights than you are used to. Forget about overtime. You will be working long hours, holidays and weekends.

If you don’t like it they will simply find someone who does. At times you will work 18 hours or more a day, sleep very little, and you won’t step foot on land for weeks.

However, without expenses, you should be able to save a lot of money. When you are working all the long hours you can’t spend your paychecks.

But when you do have to time off you are able to do some awesome things.

You will meet some amazing people. Collect stories that your friends back home will never believe.

It’s not for everyone, but if you can deal with the downsides of it, it is completely worth it.

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed this article on “How to become a yachtie”

So are you ready to get a job on a Superyacht or are you looking for other cool jobs to do aboard ?

What Qualifications Do I Need To Work On A Superyacht?

You only need two qualifications to work on a Superyacht. The first is your STCW 95 a one-week training course and the other is your ENG 1 a psychical medical exam. These are the basic qualifications for entry, but there are more courses you can do to better your odds of getting a job.

Is It Easy To Get A Job On a Superyacht?

Yes! It is easy to get a job on a superyacht, it just takes a little determination. Females tend to have better luck starting out than males, but as long as you don’t give up you will land yourself a job on a superyacht.

How Much Do You Make Working On A Superyacht?

You normally make around $3,000 – $3,500 as an entry-level yacht employee. This does not include your free room and board, as well as all your toiletries and uniforms that are paid for. Salaries will go up every year that you continue to work in the industry.

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  • What Questions to Ask Before Joining a Yacht
  • How to Become a Yacht Stewardess
  • How to Become a Yacht Chef

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14 thoughts on “how to become a yachtie | how to land your first yacht job”.

' src=

Thank you for posting

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I would like to know more about the course prices and if you may have accommodation for learners

' src=

It all depends on where you take the course, as it is offered all around the world. However, it is normally around $1000. You can also normally find a room to rent near where the course is being held for around $200 a week.

' src=

Very good blog

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I would love to work in a superyacht

' src=

What do you do if 1. you are not a US citizen (for jobs in Fort Lauderdale). 2. if you don’t live in Fort Lauderdale or near a dock?

You don’t have to be US citizens, if you are able to work in Europe you can also try Antibes.

' src=

Can older people work. There age 61

Generally, it is a pretty young industry. Especially when you are starting out and have no experience. I think they would really struggle to find work, especially if they are just getting started.

' src=

Please I would love a job please

Do the steps I write about in this post and you will get one : )

' src=

good day, can I apply as a crew?

' src=

First, you need to get your STCW, and after that you can apply.

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Seaworthy Secrets

How To Become A Yachtie: Essential Guide

Are you wondering how to become a yachtie? With over 10 Years of experience in the industry, I know what it takes!

Follow this step-by-step guide on how to get into yachting and fast-track your goal of finding your dream job.

Here, I will provide insight into what it takes to enter this exclusive industry and offer tips for securing your first yacht job.

Table of Contents

What is a Yachtie?

A Yachtie is a term used to describe anyone who works on a yacht. You will be welcomed to a world of free travel, adventure, lots of money, and experiences of a lifetime.

If you’re starting your search for becoming a yachtie, there are a few positions you can apply for, namely stewardess or deckhand.

A stewardess is an entry-level position working within the interior of the yacht. This role covers a range of tasks, including but not limited to housekeeping, laundry, bartending, table scaping, floral arrangements, serving and hosting guests.

A deckhand’s role is to maintain the exterior of the yacht. Duties will include cleaning, polishing, varnishing, sanding, caulking, and any other maintenance work required.

4 girls wearing bright red gumbie suits

Mandatory Qualifications to Becoming a Yachtie

In order to get a job in the yachting industry, every seafarer has to have the STCW basic training certification and pass an ENG1 medical certificate.

The STCW (Standards of Training and Certification of Watchkeeping) is an internationally mandated course and a minimum requirement for anyone who wishes to work on a yacht.

The training focuses on basic safety skills and knowledge to ensure that all crew know how to handle emergency situations onboard as well as basic safe working practices.

This STCW course is comprised of 4 modules, takes 5 days to complete, and is valid for 5 years. The modules include:

  • Personal Survival Techniques (PST)
  • Firefighting and prevention (FFP)
  • Elementary First Aid (EFA)
  • Personal Safety and Social Responsibility (PSSR)

In 2010, the STCW convention added a new module requirement to the basic safety training. The Proficiency in Security Awareness (PSA) module is a requirement for all crew working on ISPS-compliant vessels (over 500gross tons/+50m).

Furthermore, if you are going to become a yachtie with designated security duties, you require the PDSD (proficiency in designated security duties) course. I recommend you just skip straight to the PSDS course which is a one-day online course and includes PSA.

6 people dressed in firefighting gear at their STCW training course, training to become a yachtie

An ENG1 is a basic medical examination carried out by an MCA (Maritime Coastguard Agency) certified doctor. This confirms that you are in a fit condition to work on a yacht and mandatory to becoming a yachtie.

Without passing this medical check, you will not be able to work on a yacht. This has to be done with an  MCA approved doctor .

Before we move on to other courses that are not mandatory, I am going to nail down some more essential items to consider if you want to become a yachtie.

Passports and Visas Required to Become a Yachtie

This is a big one and not easy for all to figure out when becoming a yachtie.

When you work on a yacht it is likely to travel to all sorts of destinations around the world. In order for you to do that you need to hold a passport or obtain certain visa’s that allow you to travel and work in those areas.

Look into your personal situation and passport to identify which visa you need.

3 passports and a world map

B1/B2 Visa – Needed to Enter the United States and Surrounding Waters

This visa is notoriously hard to obtain, but once you have it, it will be valid for 10 years!

The B1/B2 is a combination VISITOR visa, a non-immigrant visa for persons who want to enter the United States temporarily for business (b1) or for tourism (b2), or for a combination of both (b1/b2).

When you have this visa, it does not mean you can work in the United States or be employed by a U.S. employer. For yachting purposes, it allows you to enter the U.S. to work on a yacht that is flagged by another state (such as Cayman Islands, Jamaica etc).

In order to get this visa, you need to have a job lined up so that the Captain can give you paperwork to go the embassy to apply for the visa. This is unfortunately very rare as Captain’s are going to hire superyacht crew that already hold visa’s and are available immediately.

However, if you land a job on a yacht in the Mediterranean , you might get lucky. If that boat is planning on crossing for the Caribbean Season , and the Captain wants to keep you on for the following season, then they will assist you in obtaining the B1/B2 visa.

Schengan Visa – Needed to Enter Europe for the Mediterranean Season

A Schengan visa is a short stay visa that allows a person to travel to any member of the Schengen area, per stay, up to 90 days for tourism or business purposes. For more information on how to apply for this visa, go to the Schengen info website.

You really want to try get yourself a multi-entry visa. This way you can travel freely in Europe and locate yourself in the right place at the right time.

How to get into Yachting with the Perfect Yachting CV

It is crucial to have a well-laid-out Yacht CV that showcases your skills and grabs the attention of the Captain.  

If you’re looking to work on a yacht but you don’t have any previous experience, it can be tough to stand out from other crew members.

Give the Captain or agent a reason to stop and read your CV. Here are a few tips and tricks for writing the perfect yacht CV.

  • Have a professional head and shoulders photo of yourself, look smart, professional, and friendly. DON’T TAKE A SELFIE.
  • Write a simple yet captivating objective. Highlight the job you are aiming for as well as why you are the best candidate.
  • SPELL CHECK!! I cannot reiterate this enough. When we work in an industry that requires you to be meticulous and show attention to detail, spelling errors in a CV are not a good start.
  • Keep it simple and try to highlight ANY attributes/experiences that could be transferable to yachting.  
  • There are certain bits of information that are crucial to a CV that you do not want to leave out. You need to list your personal information such as health status, passport and visa’s held, education, contact info, location, and availability. You also need an objective, work experience, any additional courses and skills you hold, references, and some hobbies and interests.
  • Have a Word document and PDF version of your CV as different agents will have a preference.

CV's on a desk. Next to glasses, a pen and a small plant

Where to Be and When in Order to Become a Yachtie

It is important to base yourself in the right place and at the right time in order to become a yachtie.

Wherever you decide to go, you will want to head over a few weeks before the season starts.

Boats will be arriving from having crossed the Atlantic, or coming out of the yard and getting themselves ready for the season ahead. These boats will be looking for day workers so you want to position yourself near the main marinas and start networking.

“Daywork” is when you get hired on a day-to-day basis, earning cash and assisting boats as they need extra help onboard.

Daywork is a great way to get experience as a Yachtie. It can either lead to you getting a full-time job or if you’ve made a good impression on the crew but they don’t have an open position, they are likely to pass on your CV to boats that are looking.

Captains prefer to hire crew that come recommended by other captains. Never stop working hard to make a good impression!

Another good time to seek work is towards the end of the season. If crew are looking to resign, they generally wait until the end of the season so you can bet that there will be a lot of positions opening up.

Also, keep an eye out for Boat shows, these are busy times for yachts and they will always need extra help. Some of the biggest boat shows are:

  • Fort Lauderdale Boat Show: End of October
  • Antigua Boat Show: Early December
  • Monaco Boat Show: End of September

aerial view of a marina filled with hundreds of yachts and boats

The Mediterranean Summer Season (April/May to September/October)

In the Mediterranean, the best place to position yourself is in Antibes in the South of France. This is one of the biggest yachting hubs with a lot of crew houses and yacht agents. You are also not far from other popular locations such as Monaco and Nice.

Palma on the island of Mallorca is also one of the biggest yachting hubs to be situated with a lot of marinas, agents and crew housing.

The United States and Caribbean Winter Season (November/December to March/April)

The biggest hub for yachting in America is Fort Lauderdale, and in the Caribbean, it is Antigua and St Maarten.

I do not recommend flying into America and dock walking if you are not a citizen or green card holder. This is ILLEGAL and could get you into trouble.

Sign Up to Yacht Crew Agencies

Sign up with as many crew agencies as possible, as most Captains will use agencies to find crew.

This process can be tedious but make sure you take the time to fill out all your information correctly and login regularly to keep your information up to date.

This is also an opportunity to try arrange interviews with the agents as they can better get to know you rather than just reading your CV. Make a good impression and agents will be sure to put your CV forward where possible.

Here are some popular crew agencies you should sign up with to get started: Luxury Yacht Group, Blue Water Yachting, The Crew Network, Cotton Crews, YotSpot, Northrop and Johnson, HR Crew, Burgess and Elite Crew.

There will also be a lot of job posts happening on Facebook and social media so keep an eye out there too.

Yachting Facebook pages you will want to join and check regularly are: Fort Lauderdale Yacht Crew, Palma Yacht Crew, Antibes Yacht Crew and anything else that pops up with job posts.

three yacht stewardesses wearing tropical glasses

Additional Courses to Consider to Become a Yachtie

Here are a few courses that aren’t mandatory to become a Yachtie, but you might consider doing if you want to get some more experience or to boost your CV above the rest.

In some situations, relatable experience might be more important than holding a certificate. This will all really depend on the position you are going for, your budget, and your relatable land-based experience.

Food Hygiene and Safety Level 2

This course is for a yacht stewardess or steward , as well as chefs. Larger boats will require this certification so I do recommend it

Interior Start Up Courses

This entails approximately 5 days in which you will be taught all the basics of life onboard including service, cleaning, laundry, wine service, flower arranging, table setting and much more.

These courses can be great to boost your confidence and gain some insight into what you can expect onboard as a yacht stew.

Power Boat Level 2

If you are pursuing a deckhand position then this is the very first entry-level course you will need.

Approved Engine Course, this will be the first entry-level course if you are thinking of pursuing an engineering career.

a man driving a tender doing a training course to become a yachtie

Attitude is Key

Once you’ve made it this far and you are out there trying to become a yacht crew member, just remember you are competing with a lot of people that are doing the same thing.

Your attitude is SO important.

When living on a yacht in a tight space with a bunch of other people, working crazy long days and sometimes feeling worn out, it is fundamental to have a good team of “good people”.

So work hard, put in the extra hours, stay positive, and remain professional at all times. You may not have the experience right now, but making a good impression and having the willingness to learn will take you far.

yachtie pages

Hi, my name is Lisa, a Chief Stewardess in the yachting industry with 10 years of experience, as well as 8 years of hospitality experience prior to that. Being in the yachting industry has been a whirlwind of adventure, growth, challenges and some of the best experiences of my life, and I am excited to share my knowledge and experiences with all of you.

Ultimate Guide to Dock Walking: 10 Tips on How to Dock Walk

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Covid-19 & T&T - We'll talk you through it here .


Yachtie Packing List

One of the requests we had recently was to provide a "packing list" for your break into the superyacht industry - a great idea! If you read your guides, you know the exact steps you have to take to get your first job - starting with your move to crew housing in Florida and earning your certification! Standard routine is for greenies to stay in their crew house the weeks following their STCW and embark on their job hunt. If you read your guides, you ALSO know you'll have to pack your entire life into ONE suitcase and perhaps a duffel/carry on. Boat storage space is limited so you can't show up with a lot of belongings. I know this seems daunting, but don't worry, we're here to help :) .

A few things to remember:

When you get crewed on a yacht, you move on board and the boat nearly always provides your work uniform, towels/bed linens, and basic toiletries.

Most yachting itineraries follow summer weather, so plan for that when you’re prioritizing what to pack.

Laundry is completed daily or almost daily on superyachts, so you don’t need to bring a huge amount of clothing with you.

Most yacht crew are outgoing and enjoy a variety of activities in their downtime, so cater the below lists to your own personal lifestyle and interests.

Limit Luggage To:

1x Large Luggage Piece – Preferably Soft Case/Bag to take up less boat storage

1x Carry On/Duffel

1x Personal Item - Purse, tote, backpack, etc

Quality Flip Flops or Sperry Boat Shoes (flip flops are more common amongst crew)


Shoes to go out in – wedges, heels, nice sandals etc

For Interviews/Daywork - (see your Interview Prep Guide for more specifics)

1-2 White Polos/Button Ups for Interviews & Daywork

1-2 Khaki Bottoms (Skort/Shorts) for Interviews & Daywork (can purchase at yacht outfitters in Fort Lauderdale, but they’re quite pricey) Ladies - not too short!

Every Day Personal Clothing Preferences - (again, plan for warm weather)

**Remember your every day uniform will be provided by the boat, so pack whatever you'd normally wear in the summer months. Also consider some nicer outfit options for dinners and evenings out with your crew**

Swim Suit(s) & coverups/beachwear

Light Rain Jacket/Windbreaker

Skirts (if applicable)

Dresses (if applicable)

1-2 Pairs of Jeans/Pants for chillier weather

1-2 Sweaters/Jackets for chillier weather


Underwear/Bras - (Ladies - be sure to have a few nude-colored options - lots of yacht uniform tops are thin white fabric)

Work Out Gear if applicable :

Athletic bottoms & tops

Travel Yoga Mat

Exercise Bands/Straps


Sunglasses - we recommend a polarized pair to protect from the ocean sun glare

Compact Umbrella - lots of afternoon rain showers in FL

Jewelry (if applicable - look for nice compact jewelry wallet case for easy storage)

Make Up (if applicable)

Prescriptions if applicable (collect in bulk – ask your doctor to prescribe 3-6 months upfront so you don’t have to worry about refills once you get work)

Hair Ties/Pins/Accessories (if applicable)

Cell Phone – be sure to know your provider’s international plans and be ready to commit if you get hired onto a boat leaving the country


Additional Suggestions:

Jambox or other portable speaker

Hat/Cap for sunny days

Compact Umbrella

Kindle/Tablet to store books/reading material - Kindle paperwhite is great for beach days :)

Beach Towel

Pre-Print CVs & Business Cards and bring in folder (can do in FTL as well)

Ladies - Light Bath Robe/Dressing Gown

Go-pro or similar

Your T&T Superyacht Guidebook <3

If you're flying, here are some bulky items you may want to wait to buy in FL:

Toiletries for Crew House - Shampoo, Conditioner, Wash, Razors, Etc

Sunscreen & bug spray

Bulky skin care products

Over the counter vitamin/supplement preferences

Hair Styling Products (Ladies - Dry Shampoo will be your best friend!)

Happy Packing! <3L

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How can we help you ?

Our mission statement is to assist, guide and train students for a  prosperous  superyachting career. 

With over a decade experience in the industry, we strive to provide a tailor-made  service  for every individual.

Our leading and up to date  training facilities give students the ability to thrive in this  industry .

We provide support:

- CV design + Business card and QR  code 

-  Course bookings   -After training support   ​- visa applications

- job  opportunities, which are posted  regularly  on our social media platforms.

Dean Hampshire has been active in the industry since 2012. His love and passion for the ocean took him to the superyacht industry.

The Industry gave him the ability to travel and explore the world, giving great memories and life skills.

Dean currently resides as a Royal Yacht Association (RYA) Chief instructor power and deckhand instructor at Superyacht training academy in Cape Town,  South Africa.   


Our Career Packages





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Jason Durler

"Yachtie connect was very professional, helpful and efficient. I booked my super yacht courses through them and they were quick to reply. Over all it was a smooth process. YC also helped me with job opportunities."


Travis Rall

"Yachtie connect was one of  the best decisions I have made, coming into the industry not knowing what to expect or where to go, the team helped me with booking the right courses, creating my cv  and setting me up properly for the industry. After 4 days of fininishing my courses I landed my first permanent  position on a vessel. I highly recommend using YC for anything related to the yachting industry, such an amazing team. "

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Jaryd Deetlefs

"Throughout my stay at super yacht training academy there was never a dull moment, from creating life time bonds with the people I met to the excitement  that all the courses brought for me.   Coming from someone who knew nothing about yachting, I would highly recommend going to super yacht training academy as I believe it is the best place to be."

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Samantha Humman

Yachtie Connect is highly recommend for their exceptional services. From start to finish, the team provided top-notch assistance. Their attention to detail and prompt communication made the booking process seamless for what i wanted. The assistance itself was in offering a luxurious experience. I could not have asked for better service. The booking process is streamlined, with clear instructions and options to customize your experience. The customer service team is highly responsive, promptly answering any inquiries or concerns.The CV was exceptionally well done. 

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Dylan Middleton

"Thank you to yachtie connect for helping me achieve my goals, I applied for my courses through them and I could not be happier! 

I'm now on my way to Abu dabi with the help from yachtie connect, could have not done it without them, one of my best recommendations."


Celeste Erasmus

"Yachtie connect, I just want to say thank you for the excellent help you guys have provided me with, all the  questions were answered in a timely manner every time without hesitation. They are very friendly, very helpful and highly skilled. I have  learned more  than I initially  thought  I would and will recommend their services to literally anyone. My CV and business card  was  also done in the shortest time and I can't express my gratitude enough! 

Thank you YC"

How to build a yachtie CV!

by Gemma Hulbert

I have been promising to do this blog post for what feels like years now.

I have been putting it off because I wanted to make sure I could dedicate enough time to answer the most frequently asked questions & eloquently put into words just how important it is to format your CV correctly.

Last May, I started looking to fill a Junior Stewardess position I had onboard. Using my social media & various Facebook groups, I shared that I was more than happy to take green candidates. I’ve said it before that I don’t feel as though enough Chief Stews hire green stews. While many Captains won’t allow it,  I had the freedom to pick my team & I wouldn’t let this opportunity go to waste. Within 24 hours, I had over 400 CV’S!!! To ensure the hiring process was as fair as possible, I went through & reviewed every single CV, reference letter & email. I sat in my office until 10 pm for three days in a row; I just found it so interesting to see various layouts, photographs, introductions, etc. It was very apparent who had put time into their CV & who had just thrown it together. I’m sure it isn’t surprising that I only shortlisted candidates who had put considerable amounts of effort into their CVs.

So, I am here to help!

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions from Stewardesses regarding CVs and my answers!  Please keep in mind that this is just based on my opinion.

What basics should I follow?

I follow five rules:

  • CV’s should be no longer than two pages
  • Keep font size between 10-12
  • Don’t have significant gaps – if your CV is only 1 page, that’s fine!
  • Save it as a .doc if you are using a Mac & always send your CV as a PDF to boats & .doc to crew, agents,
  • When saving your CV, ensure it is listed, for example, Anna Clarke CV.

The general order I follow is:

  • Personal Info & Photograph
  • Qualifications

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What personal information should I put in my CV?

I list my info on the top left corner with a photograph on the top right side. I list the following:

  • First & Last Name (This is the header – so make it a larger font)
  • Position Wanted (This is the sub-header, write Stewardess, Stewardess/Masseuse, etc.)
  • Telephone Number
  • Email Address
  • Date of Birth
  • Nationality & visas held *Include expiry dates for your passport(s) & visas
  • Current Location *BE HONEST If you are shortlisted because you say you’re in Antibes when you are actually in Cape Town – then you are already misleading the vessel
  • Health *I always write “Excellent, No Tattoos, Non-Smoker.”

When you are a Greenie with no experience, what should you put on your CV?

Below the personal details are the Objective Paragraph. This is your time to shine! Share how your previous experiences have set you up to take on this new challenge. Have you worked in a bar? Share that your boutique bar experience has provided you with excellent bespoke cocktail knowledge. Write out what you are looking for in an Interior Team , for example: “I am looking forward to joining a dynamic Interior team with a heavy focus on training & teamwork.” It is ALL about wording & being confident in your experience.

Next, list all of your previous jobs in chronological order. Yachting-related positions, including daywork, come first & then move onto land experience. Write a least 2-3 FULL sentences about each position you held. Go into depth about all hospitality ( service, food & beverage, housekeeping, laundry & floristry ), organisation, administration skills that you have learned whilst on the job.

When sharing about your yachting experience, write out the following:

Date’s Onboard (left side of the page), Name of Vessel (centre of page), Position Held (right side of the page) Paragraph about the  position

For example: Oct 2019 – 2020, M/Y Lilly, Chief Stewardess I joined M/Y Lilly during a very busy shipyard season…

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What should I leave off of my CV?

  • Any info relating to High School, as it makes you come across as very young
  • There is no need to list the negative reasons why you have left previous positions; keep it POSITIVE
  • Don’t write anything regarding salary, enquire about this during the Interview

I only have 1 season’s experience; what should I be sharing about that vessel?

I have seen Stewardess with 1 season experience Far too often only write a few words about their time onboard; this is NOT acceptable. Here are a few questions to consider when typing out your experience:

  • How many guest cabins were you responsible for?
  • Did you assist with provisioning?
  • What type of service did you do onboard? Silver service, plated, buffet, etc.
  • Was it strict or a family atmosphere with the guests?
  • Did you perform a solo drinks service at night?
  • Are you comfortable detailing a cabin by yourself?
  • What was your highlight while onboard?

For my CV photo, should I wear a Polo or Shirt?

The all-important photo is a topic that will probably be debated until the end of time! However, my personal preference is as follows:

  • White fitted polo shirt
  • Crop the image, chest it
  • Have your hair neatly pulled back. It HAS to look tidy
  • Professional and classy makeup *Less is more & don’t overdo it
  • Smile!! I want to see your smiley face!

Keep in mind that often CV’s have to be sent to Management, Owners or the Owners Representative before the interview. Therefore, ensure that your photograph is professional-looking.

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Are cover letters needed?

In my experience, I have never needed to send a cover letter. I use my introduction email as a cover letter instead and then allow my CV to speak for itself. As a Chief Stew, I seldom look at Cover Letters – my focus is on your experience and the professionalism of your CV.

I hope this helps you when you are next putting together your CV! Have a question about CVs? Let me know in the comments below, and I will be happy to answer them!

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After 8 adventurous years of working on yachts, Taryn decided to return to life on land. She currently lives on the coast of sunny South Africa. Fresh off the yachts and having worked in high-end resorts and hotels, Taryn has a broad knowledge of what the industry needs and is well-qualified to find the perfect match for both crew and the yacht. Taryn’s friendly, kind demeanour and passion for the industry ensure to provide excellent and professional communication with clients and crew at all times. When Taryn is not working you can find her on the beach, participating in any form of outdoor activity or sharing a bottle of wine with family and friends.

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Ciara joins our team with 5 years of experience in the industry and is based in Bristol, UK. She brings her people skills and passion for luxury customer service into recruitment whilst maintaining a calm and kind nature for both crew and clients. When not working, Ciara continues studying music history and classical music performance and enjoys walks in the countryside with her husband and sausage dog.

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Mandy has 8 years of experience in the industry and brings her A-game from the South of France. She brings a unique and energizing perspective with 5 years of land-based recruitment experience in London and is sure to make anyone feel welcome with her kind-hearted nature. When she’s not working, she can be found spending time with her husband and daughter, enjoying the beauty of France.

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Eloise brings 3 years of experience in the industry to our team. Currently living in South Africa, Eloise was the first member of the TYSR team and has since built lasting relationships with clients and crew. Eloise splits her time between South Africa and TYS HQ in the UK. She is incredibly caring and ensures all crew and clients get the best possible support, with high standard of customer service. When not working, Eloise spends time with friends and family enjoying wine farms and safaris in sunny South Africa.

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Gemma Hulbert


Gemma founded The Yacht Stew in 2016 and has over a decade of experience in the industry. When she founded TYS she wanted to create a community for people in the industry and create an incredible support network that was both informative and nurturing. She brings her keen eye for detail, and her incredibly compassionate perspective to anything she does, and is sure to get anyone inspired. In her spare time Gemma loves to be with family and friends, or out exploring and traveling with her husband.

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How to become Yacht Crew ?

How to become a deckhand a stewardess on superyachts, can a yachting career really be true .

Yes. The industry employs 50 000 crew worldwide. For entry level positions no education is required apart from being at least 16 years old, healthy and willing to work hard.

Is Yachtiecareers free ?

Yes, Yachtiecareers also does yacht recruitment, focusing only on junior deckhand and stewardess positions. We are the only agency in the world to offer this service for free for both crew and Superyachts.

We choose Superyachts carefully, that we know will be a good match for you starting.

How much do i need to pay ?

We can kick-start your career, giving you a basic package for only €12, this is giving you an Introduction, E-book and a 100€ award to spend on kick-starting your career, without making a big commitment. To see if it is right for you.

Are these courses for me ?

These courses has been specifically developed by experienced leaders in the Super Yacht industry for you with no prior experience.

The courses gives you the skills and full service with a personal instructor giving you all you need so that we can employ you on board.

Whether you are just starting or looking for your first job. Yachtiecareers is the best place to start.

What is required ?

The only pre-requirement is that you are minimum 16 years old.

Before starting your first job you need to complete a safety course and get a medical certificate. We guide you through the whole process.

What is the Deckhand Job ?

Deckhand is one of the entry level positions you can select. You will work closely in a professional team operating tenders, jet skis and water sports. Being in charge of washing and detailing the exterior parts of the Yacht.

What is the Stewardess job ?

Stewardess is one of the entry level positions you can select. You will work closely in a professional team in charge of the interior providing luxury service to the Owners and VIP guests.

What is my yachting salary ?

Starting salary for entry level positions start from € 2500-3500 per month. Developing your career salaries are over 10 000 euros per month. Yachts also offer very lucrative bonuses, tips and holiday packages.

How do I start working on Superyachts ?

We recommend getting a certified Instructor and Yachtie Careers training and tools to start. This is a proven way that works.

Before starting to look for work, you need the Yachtie Pro course, this will make you ready to work on board and give you the right skills and training.

Once you have this you will together with your personal instructor design your route. We recommend starting in Antibes or Palma.

Why choose YachiteCareers ?

  • We are working in leadership postions on Superyachts.
  • We have been in the same situation you were in starting, not having the right guidance
  • We have made a package and training , making it easy,fun and a succesful adventure starting and getting a yacht job fast. 

What if it does not work ?

After recruiting for junior positions for 10 years, we have designed a step-by-step plan that works. We guarantee that if you follow this plan with your personal instructor, you will be successful.

Or we give you your money back.

Are the yacht courses quality good ?

The first edition was over 5 days of material. But we made it into 5 modules covering what really matters, and what is giving you the job. The rest you can access in our guides and be guided by our experienced crew members.

What is in the yacht training ?

We give you the tools and engaging training to start. Once completed you will be matched with a  personal instructor to make sure you follow or plan that you can ask.

We take care of everything from Visas, to CV writing to job interviews, getting a bank account and signing your first contract.

Is Yachting right for me ?

In my experience, everyone I have met, has always been able to offer something of value to us on board. If you like new exciting experiences, travel, meeting friends and grow as a person, it is the right choice for you.

What Certificates do I need to start?

The minimum certification you need to start is Basic Safety STCW, Medical Certificate and Passport. Yachtiecareers gets you all this but so much more. We give you the training to succeed.

We have a 10-step plan for this, that you will do with your Stewardess instructor. It takes work and effort, but we make it fun and an enjoyable learning experience.

We have a 10-step plan for this, that you will do with your Deck instructor. It takes work and effort, but we make it fun and an enjoyable learning experience

Yes! Please check our job board, for open positions. To maximise your chances, make sure you have our CV, references and training to start.

You will have a personal instructor, and all the right tools and guidance.

 With us failure is not a possibility.

We have included a full training and service package that you need to a good price, saving you money and time.

They will all be a part of your training and completing it. You will learn from each one.

But after the training, we match you with one that suits your location, yacht type and wishes best.

This is where we give you both trainings, but also all the international certifications you must carry on board. You will have a full training week with hotels on the beach in beautiful Croatia, Spain or France, learning , making friends and starting your career in the only and best way possible.

The best options for starting in the industry.

Most of the crew are clueless of what we require on board, and the once that get on board are not ready for the tasks ahead. Our training solves both these problems.

There are to much old fashioned agencies, irrelevant courses and hate on facebook groups giving the wrong advice, with high fees and low level of knowledge.

This is so you do not have to go through the long periods of mistakes, self doubt and struggles we had to go through starting. We guide you all the way.

STCW Yacht Deckhand Training Europe

All stcw certificates and yacht training to get a yacht job as a deckhand (split, croatia).

Superyacht Deckhand Training

STCW Yacht Stewardess Training Europe

All stcw certificates and yacht training to get a yacht job as a stewardess (split, croatia).

STCW Superyacht Stewardess Training Croatia

Do you need help to become a Yacht Stewardess or a Yacht Deckhand ?

Become yacht crew by getting the right qualifications and certificates, how to start working on yachts  .

Simply select your location and position above and get full access to Yachtiecareers Training programme. This gives you all mandatory STCW Basic Safety Certification with a training week in US or Europe. 

How to Get into the Yachting Industry ?

Once you have the basic qualifications (STCW) you can register and apply through any of the reputable recruitment agencies – such as Nordic Yacht Support , Yachtiecareers or Another way is to “dock walk” looking for daywork. This involves quite literally walking the docksides where superyachts are berthed – such as Antibes, St Tropez, Palma and other Mediterranean ports, looking for daywork or temporary positions. 

How Long Will it Take to Get a Yacht Job ? 

The Superyacht industry is volatile, things can happen very quickly. You are dock walking and meet a Captain who, because a crew member has left and the yacht is sailing imminently, is looking for a dayworker/deckhand to start immediately, so be prepared to drop everything to come aboard. 

On the other hand a Captain could be looking to recruit crew looking for long term employment (referred to in the industry as “longevity”). The Captain could be looking to build a particular type of person who will be able to work with other crew members as a team. It also depends on the time of year you apply.

What are the basic Entry Qualifications to become yacht crew ?

For employment on a commercially registered superyacht, the minimum requirement for all crew is basic safety training. STCW The basic safety training is known as Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers (STCW). This safety training was developed by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). The full course comprises four modules/certificates:

  • Personal Survival Techniques 
  • Fire Fighting and Fire Prevention  
  • Elementary First Aid 
  • Personal Safety and Social Responsibility

This is the STCW minimum qualifications to work on ships and on commercial yachts. When you book our Deckhand and Stewardess packages you also get an included STCW Basic Safety Training week in Croatia or Florida to get your full STCW certification and Basic Safety training. 

Our packages above include every STCW certificate, Yacht CV and yacht qualifications you need to become a stewardess or deckhand to work as yacht crew on board. 

Do you need help to star ? If you drop us a message and a Yachtiecareers Instructor will help you out !

We are usually very quick to respond!

Or get in touch where we usually hang out:

2024 Dates full.   Book Final  4 spot for October date with payment plan “paylater50”

Get free yacht cv and yacht job offers


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Step-by-step guidance on how to, not only, get a job on a superyacht, but what it takes to get there and how to establish yourself as the best crew member possible.



Clickable Links  to top crew agencies, crew house accommodations, yachtie Facebook Groups & top yacht schools and academies.

Advice  from experienced crew members within the industry. Including Captains, Deck crew,  Stewardesses, Engineers and Chefs.

FREE access to downloadable CV/resume templates, cover letter templates & business card templates.

So much more including:  What courses to do, where to go, what visas to get and how to get them, what to do before you leave and when you arrive, interview questions to expect and what questions you should ask, what happens when you're on board , how to deal with tax, a list of popular yachtie hangouts, a list of annual boat shows and a list of yachtie terminology.



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>>>>>>>>>>>>>, <<<<<<<<<<<<<.

If you have any questions regarding the book or would like some extra advice, shoot me a message below and I'll get back to you.

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  22. blog

    Motor Yacht Rocinante. Rocinante (ex: Madsummer and TV) is a 78.4m / 257,3ft luxury motor yacht built by Lürssen Yachts in 2008. Her 2717hp Caterpillar engines give her a maximum speed of 17 knots, and the estimated range is 6000 nautical miles. With exceptional interior design by Alberto Pinto and exterior design by one of the yachting ...

  23. Major Cargo Service LLc

    Moscow - Russia Directory Of Freight Forwarders, Cargo Agents, Shipping Companies, Air - Sea - Land - River - Railroad Transport, Logistics, Brokers Cargo Services.