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  • Sailboat Reviews

Be sure to check out those boats built between 1978 and 1981—owners think they're the best.

By the mid ’80s, after only ten years in business, Hunter Marine had become one of the two leaders (with Catalina Yachts) in the volume of auxiliary-sized sailboats on the US market. And, like Catalina, the corporate philosophy at Hunter was to mass produce low priced boats with as few changes in tooling, hence design, as possible.

Hunter 25

As a result, Hunter until 1978 had a line basically consisting of three boats: the Hunters 25, 27 and 30, added to thereafter by smaller (20′ and 22′) and larger ( 31, 34′, 36′, 37′ and 54′) while the original three remained in production. Only after nine years production was the 25 replaced in the line (with the 25.5) and, after 10 years, the 27 (by the 28.5).

The basic marketing program of Hunter has remained remarkably consistent since it produced its first boats in 1974. That policy has made price the single most important factor in selling its boats. With the cost savings from mass production and minimum changes in tooling, Hunter has sold by far the highest volume of the lowest priced boats of their size and type on the market for the last 10 years.

Hunter Yachts came into being amid the energy crunch in the early 1970s. Silverton, a large manufacturer of smaller powerboats, expanded to build “energy-conscious” sailboats. It started with three boats, two John Cherubini-designed performance cruisers, the Hunters 27 and 30, and a Robert Seidelmann/J. Cherubini-designed small (MORC) racer, the Hunter 25.

The original Hunter 25 was a racy boat with a wedge-shaped cabin trunk that limited interior space. That space was further restricted by a design parameter for trailering, an 8′ beam.

From the outset Hunter has maintained a policy of selling its boats “fully equipped” so the original boats came with sails, dock lines and fenders, required safety gear, etc. and no factory supplied options except a shoal draft keel (in the fall of 1978 this sales policy got a name, CruisePac). Price of the 25 in 1974 was quoted at less than $8,000 with the boats reportedly being offered to dealers at closer to $6,000 in order to encourage a high sales volume.

By 1975, the desired sales being apparently unattainable with a boat as performance-oriented as the 25, the boat was offered in a so-called “pop-top” version with a more box-like cabin trunk at a price just $150 above the $8,500 tag on the standard version. The hull, rig and interior layout remained essentially the same. The following year the original model was discontinued and a box cabin trunk model without a pop-top became the standard Hunter 25.

At the same time, in keeping with the cruising image and purpose, a Yanmar single-cylinder diesel engine became an option and much was made of the increased headroom (from 5′ 2″ to 5′ 8″). Later still the transom was made more vertical (cockpit space having been at a premium and helping to cure the problem of mounting a outboard motor) and the headroom further increased.

In all over 2,000 25s were built, the exact number an oddly unavailable figure from Hunter Marine. Today they are probably the most universally recognized boat of their size and one of the most ubiquitous both in anchorages and on the used boat market, in brokers’ listings and classified advertising.

A Look at the Boat

Looking critically at a boat with the sales success of the Hunter 25 invites contention, but it does have notable deficiencies as well as notable virtues. Its virtues start with price just as Hunter Marine intends they should. When low price is a chief priority, it buys a lot of boat in a Hunter 25. This axiom applies just as much to the used 25 as it did to the new. For the entry-level sailor or one moving up into a first boat suitable for cruising, the 25 offers good livability (space, berths, enclosed head, and cookable galley), at least average performance and stability, a functional decor and styling, easily maintained (or neglected) cosmetics, and adequate structural strength for semi-protected waters. And all of this is obtainable at a price that competes with typical prices for the smaller, more cramped 23 footers of similar vintage.

On a negative side, the 25 suffers from the original narrowish beam, an unfortunate parameter since the boat never proved practical for trailering. Worse still, the shoal draft version, otherwise a desirable feature in boats of this size and purpose, does not have top-notch performance or stability. The cockpit is short and cramped for daysailing with a crew of more than three or four, and the coaming is too low for back support.

In general the Hunter 25 performs adequately. Under PHRF a fin-keel 25 rates about 222 (shoal draft, 230 or so), letting it sail boat-for-boat with the Catalina 25 and the O’Day 25, two slightly higher priced but otherwise comparable boats in size and type. Windward performance is hurt by shrouds attached at the rail and by the heavy weather helm created as the 25 heels. The shoal version further suffers from excessive leeway.

Perhaps the most serious fault of the Hunter 25 (as well as a lot of other boats of her size) is the inadequacy of an outboard motor as auxiliary power. For a “transition cruiser” auxiliary power is a highly desirable feature. At 4500 pounds with considerable windage the 25 needs engine power unavailable with outboard motors of reasonable horsepower. Add to this problem the tendency of a transom-mounted engine to lift free of the water in pitching conditions as well as the awkwardness of operating engine controls from the end of a tiller in a tight cockpit and you have persuasive arguments in favor of inboard engines in boats of this size even at the considerable additional cost.

Since, with the exception of the short-lived Yanmar option and owner-retrofitted engines (usually Saildrives), Hunter 25s are not available with inboard power, they are probably not a good choice for a buyer wanting a small auxiliary cruising boat.

What To Look For

Anyone in the market for a lower priced boat has to be more aware of possible problems than those prepared to spend more. The reasons are two-fold. In the first place, quality in boats is to a large degree a function of price. Secondly, for the less expensive boat the cost of repairs or replacement becomes a greater proportion of the value of the boat. With this in mind, we suggest looking at the following:

• A number of owners report problems with gelcoat. Crazing, voids, and porosity (pinholes that trap dirt) are commonly cited faults, especially in the deck and cabinhouse. Also, Hunter used a stippled gelcoat non-skid deck surface that deteriorates over the years. This pattern can be restored but it is not an easy task for the average owner unfamiliar with working with gelcoat.

• About half of the Hunter owners (25s and 27s) whose PS Boat Owner’s Questionnaires are in our files report at least “some” bottom blistering. Even if owner-refinished, the cost of ridding the boat of the pox could amount to 10% or more of the resale value of the boat and is unlikely to be more than tokenly recoverable in the sale price.

• Another oft-cited problem with the 25 is deck and cockpit-sole flexing. This flexing, while not a severe structural problem unless delamination has occurred, is unnerving and offends our sense of what a boat should feel like underfoot. To check for delamination (separation of the outer fiberglass laminate from the core material) tap the whole deck lightly with a hard plastic object such as the handle of a screw driver. Voids produce a dull sound.

• Play in the rudder post seems common on the 25s. Of the three we specifically looked at, 1977-1980 vintage, all had a noticeable degree of “slop” between the rudder post and the rudder tube. There is no simple or easy way to cure the ill that is more annoying than dangerous.

• Several readers report—and our findings support-the impression that 25 built between 1978 and 1981 are generally of at least a bit better quality than those built before or since. Note, however, there there can be no similar assurance that boats of that era were better maintained.

In our opinion the Hunter 25 does not recommend itself for any substantive restoration project except as it may help make the boat more enjoyable to own. With the number on the market, the basic functionality of the boat inside and out, and the low cost versus quality, expensive improvements do not produce commensurately higher value for the boat. At the same time, a polyurethane refinishing, bottom fairing (especially the iron keel), some dressing up of the decor (e.g., new berth upholstery), and a good choice of sails can do much to both the appearance and the pleasure of owning a 25.

One owner questionnaire voices the wonder of why Hunter-built boats tend to depreciate in contrast to other less popular boats. The reason is simple: the supply exceeds the demand. With the numbers built there are a lot on the used boat market. Many are also available because they were traded in on new boats, a source on the used boat market that tends to further depress selling price.


Frankly the Hunter 25 is best as a used boat when the most boat for the dollars is the overriding concern and, on a buyer’s market, when a good deal presents itself. Yet even then there are roomier, faster, better finished, and more distinctive boats readily available at comparable prices. One example is the Catalina 25. More importantly we think buyers should think smaller if budget constraints are crucial because they will want better performance with outboard power or they should think inboard at 10-15% higher price if needing 25′ and/or 4000+ pounds of boat.

If still otherwise sold on a Hunter 25, we would opt for a deep draft 25 for her performance and greater stability, and look for one that has had better-than-average maintenance to reduce the chances of serious problems. Whether valid or not, we’d also look for one built between 1978 and 1981—they have impressed owners as better boats.


Looking at trailerable 25’s and read your articles on the Hunter 25 and Catalina 25. Your research and writing style are excellent, and insights greatly appreciated. Planning to buy a basic and clean “grandaddy’s baby” of a ready-to-sail 1982 Hunter 25 deep draft at $2,500 over a nicely outfitted yet 2-year out of water ’87 Catalina 25 pop-top swing-keel with trailer and lots of extras for $10,000 (plus new rudder and 4 new tires plus…?). Two 50-sumthin’ high school sailers looking to get back into sailing and test part-time live-aboard to complement our full-time tiny home lifestyle. Thanks for sharing your perspective. 🙂

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Hunter 25 Brochure 2 Pages

Hunter 25 Brochure

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Hunter 25 Brochure - 2

\kM TL M. Think you have to compromise comfort and convenience in a 25-foot We V^O I ilG UlSïQ IÌCG* trailerable? Think again! The all-new Hunter 25 sets a new standard for quality and features in its class. The Glenn Henderson-designed fiberglass hull and sail plan is simple to sail, and its fixed shoal keel draws only 2 feet. This makes the Hunter 25 display excellent shallow-water launching and sailing capability. This pocket cruiser sleeps four adults, has a compact galley and enclosed head. Best of all, skippers of all ages will find the Hunter 25 fun to run! Sail a Hunter 25 today....

All Marlow Hunter catalogs and brochures

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Hunter 25 - 2005

Sailboat specifications.

  • Last update: 15th April 2020

Hunter 25 - 2005's main features

Hunter 25 - 2005's main dimensions, hunter 25 - 2005's rig and sails, hunter 25 - 2005's performances, hunter 25 - 2005's auxiliary engine, hunter 25 - 2005's accommodations and layout.

Marlow Hunter Hunter 25 - 2005  Picture extracted from the commercial documentation © Marlow Hunter

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1985 Hunter 25.5 SL

1985 hunter 25.5 sl specs.

  • Boat Type : Monohull Sailboats
  • Hull Material : Fiberglass
  • Beam : 9'0"
  • Length : 26'
  • Net Weight : 5000 lbs
  • Looking for the Boat Manual? 1985 Hunter Boats 25.5 SL Request Boat Manual Now

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  • Sailboat Guide

hunter 25.5 sailboat specs

1985 Hunter 25.5

  • Description

Seller's Description

The owner bought this boat in 2008

General condition and any additional information

Handles well, very stable. Deep rudder allows for tight turns.

Standard features

Highlighted Specifications: Shoal draft - 3 3, 9 1 beam, displacement 4500 lbs., LOA - 25.7 feet, mast height - 29.6 feet, sail area - 282.5 sq. feet.

Highlighted Features: tiller steering, forward berth with head (portable toilet) and sink, door between main cabin and forward section, stern berth sleeps one for a total of 5 persons. Lots of teak paneling and wood in interior. Also used in sole and companionway door.

Stainless steel sink and 2 burner alcohol stove.

Extra gear included

Large spinnaker pole included. White horseshoe life preserver, cockpit table 4 standard life preservers Fire extinguisher

Improvements to the hull, deck, rigging, engine, or interior

1 GM Yanmar diesel engine - head rebuilt in 2015,

11 gallon fuel tank, fuel lines replaced in 2008

Hand faucets replaced with new faucets and electric pumps in head and galley sinks.

Roller furling added. New Sunbrella on head sail.

Recent bimini, mainsail cover and tiller cover in burgundy.

New Richie compass (2016), Raytheon speed and depth meter.

Hull prepped and waxed, and abatable bottom paint applied this spring.

Rig and Sails

Auxilary power, accomodations, calculations.

The theoretical maximum speed that a displacement hull can move efficiently through the water is determined by it's waterline length and displacement. It may be unable to reach this speed if the boat is underpowered or heavily loaded, though it may exceed this speed given enough power. Read more.

Classic hull speed formula:

Hull Speed = 1.34 x √LWL

Max Speed/Length ratio = 8.26 ÷ Displacement/Length ratio .311 Hull Speed = Max Speed/Length ratio x √LWL

Sail Area / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the power of the sails relative to the weight of the boat. The higher the number, the higher the performance, but the harder the boat will be to handle. This ratio is a "non-dimensional" value that facilitates comparisons between boats of different types and sizes. Read more.

SA/D = SA ÷ (D ÷ 64) 2/3

  • SA : Sail area in square feet, derived by adding the mainsail area to 100% of the foretriangle area (the lateral area above the deck between the mast and the forestay).
  • D : Displacement in pounds.

Ballast / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the stability of a boat's hull that suggests how well a monohull will stand up to its sails. The ballast displacement ratio indicates how much of the weight of a boat is placed for maximum stability against capsizing and is an indicator of stiffness and resistance to capsize.

Ballast / Displacement * 100

Displacement / Length Ratio

A measure of the weight of the boat relative to it's length at the waterline. The higher a boat’s D/L ratio, the more easily it will carry a load and the more comfortable its motion will be. The lower a boat's ratio is, the less power it takes to drive the boat to its nominal hull speed or beyond. Read more.

D/L = (D ÷ 2240) ÷ (0.01 x LWL)³

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds.
  • LWL: Waterline length in feet

Comfort Ratio

This ratio assess how quickly and abruptly a boat’s hull reacts to waves in a significant seaway, these being the elements of a boat’s motion most likely to cause seasickness. Read more.

Comfort ratio = D ÷ (.65 x (.7 LWL + .3 LOA) x Beam 1.33 )

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds
  • LOA: Length overall in feet
  • Beam: Width of boat at the widest point in feet

Capsize Screening Formula

This formula attempts to indicate whether a given boat might be too wide and light to readily right itself after being overturned in extreme conditions. Read more.

CSV = Beam ÷ ³√(D / 64)

Draft for shoal draft/wing keel version: 3.33’/1.01m

This listing is presented by SailboatOwners.com . Visit their website for more information or to contact the seller.

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Boat Information

Member boats at harbormoor.

  • Hunter Marine Manuals
  • Owner's manual

Hunter Marine HUNTER 25 Owner's Manual

  • page of 128 Go / 128

Table of Contents

  • Systems and Circuits
  • Owner Information Card
  • Customer Service / Warranty
  • Limited One-Year Warranty
  • Warranty Registration Form
  • Sample Form Letter
  • Glossary of Sailing Terms
  • Explanation of Safety Precautions
  • Safe Boating Tips
  • Life Jackets
  • Fire Extinguishers
  • Before Getting Underway
  • While Underway
  • Pre-Departure Checklist
  • After Sailing Check List
  • Launching and Retrieving Procedures
  • Getting Ready to Sail
  • Electrocution Hazard
  • Water System Operation
  • Electrical System
  • Discharge and Disposal of Waste
  • Exhaust Emissions
  • Anti-Fouling Paints
  • Cleaning Chemicals
  • Instructions for Preparation for Bottom Painting
  • Engine Maintenance
  • Electrical Systems
  • Plumbing System
  • Protecting Your Rigging
  • Trailer Maintenance
  • Winch Maintenance
  • Windscreen Care
  • Fabric Care
  • Electrolysis and Galvanic Protection
  • Storage/Winterization
  • Routine Maintenance


Quick Links

  • 1 Getting Ready to Sail
  • Download this manual

Related Manuals for Hunter Marine HUNTER 25

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Summary of Contents for Hunter Marine HUNTER 25

  • Page 1 HUNTER OWNER’S MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PAGE • Warranty Registration Form……………………………………… • Hunter Warranty………………………………………….………… • Brief History…………………………………………………………. • Glossary of Sailing Terms….……………………………………… • Explanation of Symbols and Labels……………………………… GENERAL HANDLING AND OPERATION • Safe Boating Tips………………………………………………….. 11-12 • Preliminary Care and Inspection Worksheet……………………. •...

Page 2: Systems And Circuits

  • Page 3 HUNTER OWNER’S MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT’D) EQUIPMENT MANUALS AND INFORMATION • Warranty Registration • Marine Rigging Guide • VHF Radio (except where not provided) • Sail Maker Information • Mast Information • Bilge Pump • Toilet Manual • Stove Manual •...

Page 4: Owner Information Card

Page 5: customer service / warranty.


Page 7: Warranty Registration Form

Page 8: sample form letter.

  • Page 9 Marine, Mainship Motor Yachts, and Champlain. Luhrs Fishing Boats with its Alura divi- sion, as well as Hunter Marine, which exclusively manufactures sailboats. The sea skiff is a class of boat that has been very popular, owing to its seawor- In January of 1996, the Luhrs family thiness.

Page 10: Glossary Of Sailing Terms

  • Page 11 GLOSSARY OF SAILING TERMS (rate UK); 3, UK: the distance a boat Guard rail: a metal rail fitted around Kicking strap: a line used to pull the is carried by a current in a given time. the boat to prevent the crew falling boom down, to keep it horizontal, par- Drogue: a sea anchor put over the overboard.
  • Page 12 GLOSSARY OF SAILING TERMS Member: a part of the skeleton of the Position line/ Line of position: a line used in the setting and trimming of hull, such as a stringer laminated into drawn on a chart, as a result of taking sails.
  • Page 13 GLOSSARY OF SAILING TERMS Stall: a sail stalls when the airflow Terminal fitting: fitting at the end of a Waterline length (WL): the length of over it breaks up, causing the boat to wire rope by which a shroud or stay a boat from stem to stern at the water- lose way.

Page 14: Explanation Of Safety Precautions

  • Page 15 SafetyTuneUp At Hunter Marine, we believe that it is appropriate to highlight some very important maintenance and safety issues to all of our boat owners. Our goal is to have all owners enjoy safe and trouble-free boating at all times.
  • Page 16 How A Person Is Affected By Carbon Monoxide When breathed, carbon monoxide is absorbed by the lungs and reacts with the blood hemoglobin to form carboxyhemoglobin, which reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. The result is a lack of oxygen for the tissues with the subsequent tissue death and, if prolonged, death of the individual.
  • Page 17 What To Do When Someone Is Overcome By Carbon Monoxide When someone falls victim to carbon monoxide poisoning, fast and responsive action is crucial. Know the symptoms. The earlier the effects of CO are detected the better the chances for recovery. The following list shows the sequence of events that must be done in an effort to revive a CO victim: Evacuate, Ventilate, Investigate and Take Corrective Action:...
  • Page 18 Leaks in your own exhaust system from the engine or generator can allow harmful levels of CO to accumulate at a surprising rate. Good maintenance practices are critical to avoid this. There are many variables that can combine to affect the accumulation of carbon monoxide. Some of these variables are: the presence of weather enclosures and covers, boat layout and configuration, location of ports, hatches, windows, doors, and vents, proximity and types of structures and other boats, wind speed and direction, speed of the boat, etc.
  • Page 19 Dangers Of Carbon Monoxide In The Water On many boats, carbon monoxide from your main engine or generator or those of another boat can accumulate in high concentrations beneath the swim-platform. Carbon monoxide can also accumulate between boats, boats and docks, and below docks and other structures. Accumulations of carbon monoxide at or near the surface of the water can present the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning to anyone swimming in or otherwise near the water surface.
  • Page 20 If you would like to purchase a CO detector and receive a special purchase price, please contact the Hunter Marine Customer Service Hotline at 800-771-5556. If you need assistance, please feel free to contact...
  • Page 21 BoatingUnderTheInfluence BUI is just as deadly as drinking and driving! Did you know: A boat operator is likely to become impaired more quickly than a driver, drink for drink? The penalties for BUI can include large fines, revocation of operator privileges and serious jail terms? The use of alcohol is involved in about a third of all recreational boating fatalities? Every boater needs to understand the risks of boating under the influence of alcohol or drugs...
  • Page 22 Estimating Impairment This table gives a guide to average impacts of alcohol consumption. However, many factors, including prescription medications and fatigue, can affect an individual’s response to alcohol, and impairment can occur much more quickly as a result. There is NO safe threshold for drinking and operating a boat, so do not assume you are safe just because you fall into the “rarely”...
  • Page 23 Tips For Avoiding BUI Boating, fishing and other water sports are fun in their own right. Alcohol can turn a great day on the water into the tragedy of a lifetime. Consider these alternatives to using alcohol while afloat: Take along a variety of cool drinks, such as sodas, water, iced tea, lemonade or non-alcoholic beer.
  • Page 24 RiggingMaintenance As a sailing yacht owner the list of responsibilities that ensure the enjoyment and safety of you and your family and friends may feel overwhelming at times. It may seem that you are expected to be "the expert" at every turn in an arena where all you were looking for was some fun and relaxation. One of the most important systems to get to know on your sailboat is the primary function of Sail power.
  • Page 25 HUNTER MARINE CORPORATION would like to thank Mr. Tom Sharkey, General Manager, Selden Mast, Inc. for this article and his contribution to this edition of the Hunter Safety TuneUp.
  • Page 26 Specifically, Hunter Marine is aware of 16 rudders which have been lost on boats within your size range, most of which had been in use for more than two years. We were able to review 13 of the 16 reported.
  • Page 27 Our research has shown that the SOS rudder system can be purchased for about half the cost of an emergency life raft. In closing, we want you to know that Hunter Marine remains committed to your total satisfaction, boating safety and excellent sailing experience. We hope that this safety alert and precaution...
  • Page 28 RudderlessSailing The rudder on a sailboat is extremely vulnerable to damage and is under extreme pressure at all times when being used, including motor sailing. It also is exposed to any hazard that exists in the sea and can be damaged by grounding or receive shock loads by hitting flotsam and debris in the water.
  • Page 29 Imagine a boat resting in the water with no sails rigged. Underwater, the keel or centerboard acts as a fulcrum, called the Center of Lateral Resistance (CLR, indicated by dotted line in illustrations on the top of the next page) somewhere near the center of the boat. If you were to push against the bow from the starboard side, the boat would turn toward the port, rotating on that fulcrum (figure 1).
  • Page 30 If both sails are up, sheeting out all the way on one or the other sail can provide the same effect as if the other were the only sail. When the jib is sheeted out, it does not exert any force, so it is as if it were not even there.
  • Page 31 To refine this method, we need to understand that a boat is designed so it will slowly head into the wind if the helm is let go (A, fig 5). Accordingly, the mainsail should be eased so that the jib can "blow" the bow back down to compensate. Also, a drag device can be easily improvised to reduce the boat’s tendency to head-up into the wind.
  • Page 32 TrailerTuneUp One of the most overlooked investments many boat owners have is their boats trailer. While most owners only take a quick glance at the owner’s manual after taking delivery of their boat they do not realize that trailer maintenance and setup is a crucial part of having a fun day on the water or in some cases not making it to the boat ramp at all.
  • Page 33 5. Safety chains: Very few owners are aware that not only are safety chains required in most states they should also be crossed under the trailer coupler for maximum performance. Safety chains and the use of an emergency brake cable (supplied on most trailers with brakes) are the only means of controlling and stopping your boat/trailer should it become detached from the vehicle while it is moving down the highway.
  • Page 34 WindlassFactAndFiction Windlasses are often times viewed as the culprit whenever there has been a problem with the anchoring system. All vertical and horizontal windlasses must have the same installation opportunity to function as the manufacturer has intended for it to work. Unfortunately vessel manufacturers and designers have space constraints that may cut into the perception that the consumer has regarding the level of performance that is delivered from the system.
  • Page 35 Another cause for jamming is when the rode has been dumped into the locker. The "loops" appear as part of the rode from the start. For example the "looping" found with a common garden hose. If the rode was originally stowed removing the tangles and loops as the rode pays off into the locker, as apposed to just dumping the rode into the locker.
  • Page 36 GeneralSafety Safety Equipment Federal law requires that you provide and maintain certain safety equipment on your boat. As the boat owner, you are responsible for providing all required safety equipment. Consult the United States Coast Guard and your state and local regulations to ensure your boat is in complete compliance with all requirements concerning safety equipment on board.
  • Page 37 Fire Safety — Continued Never modify any of the boat's systems (especially electrical, exhaust, fuel, and ventilation). Never handle fuel of any type when machinery is running or when cooking or heating appliances are in use. Follow proper fueling procedures. Never smoke while handling fuel.
  • Page 38 If a visual inspection is not easily done, call Hunter Marine Customer Service at 800-771-5556 or 386-462-3077 for instructions. Keep your bilge absolutely free of dirt and trash. Check frequently and clean out as often as needed.
  • Page 39 Maintenance For Safety — Continued Maintaining your engine and generator exhaust systems is critical to prevent flooding and the infiltration of deadly carbon monoxide gases. Inspect your entire exhaust system regularly for signs of leaking, breakage, cracking, and dry rotting of hoses. Have a qualified marine technician inspect and repair the exhaust systems annually.
  • Page 40 Is Your Boat As Safe As It Can Be? If you can answer YES to the following questions, chances are that your boat is safely equipped and that you operate it safely. Do you carry legally required and other safety equipment aboard and do you know how to use it? Before getting underway, do you review, with everyone on board, emergency procedures and identify all safety equipment and exits? If you carry a life raft aboard your boat, have you included its proper deployment as part of your...
  • Page 41 ProductRecallsandNotifications This publication is distributed annually to all known Hunter owners. In it, many important product recalls and notifications are highlighted from the past year. These recalls and notifications are generally safety related and contain information that you need to be aware of. We also mail all recalls and notifications to our dealers, customers, or both as they are released.
  • Page 42 If you no longer own your boat, please give this memorandum to the purchaser and advise Hunter Marine of the name and address of the purchaser. Call 1-800-771-5556. CUSTOMER HOTLINE: 800-771-5556 Hunter Marine Corporation P.O. Box 1030 Alachua, FL USA 32615 • •...

Page 43: Safe Boating Tips

Page 44: before getting underway.

  • Page 45 Hunter Marine. Owner’s need to familiarize themselves with individual equipment manuals on all such items, especially aftermarket purchases or optional equipment installed by your dealer or Hunter Marine. This should insure that you are following the manufacturer’s recommendations for proper maintenance and up-keep.
  • Page 46 Preliminary care and maintenance checklist A qualified Technician should be used if you are not completely confident in your ability to make repairs or inspections. Out of Water Inspection Pre-launch inspection ____ Sacrificial zinc anodes installed ____ Propeller installed with keyway, nuts and cotter pin ____ Propeller shaft turns freely and without excess wobble ____ Struts and shaft log free of corrosion ____ Rudder swings easily &...
  • Page 47 Mast Assembly ____ Review manufacturers manual for maintenance and up-keep ____ Spreaders securely fastened ____ Mast and spreaders free of corrosion and stress cracks ____ Standing rigging and pins inspected for wear, tear, corrosion and cracking ____ External wiring secured for anchor, steaming and deck lights ____ Electronic wind indicator installed per manufacturers recommendation ____ Manual wind indicator installed on masthead ____ VHF antenna installed and connected...
  • Page 48 Primary Pumps Functional ____ Manual bilge pumps ____ Electric bilge pumps and float switches (discharge hose has anti-siphon loop in place to prevent back flow under sail) ____ Macerator pumps ____ Fresh water pumps ____Toilet flush pumps ____ Shower sump pumps ____ High water bilge alarm pump Illumination and small electrical components check ____ Bow light...
  • Page 49 Head and Holding Tank Systems ____ Vent clear from tank to atmosphere ____ Filled with fresh water and test pumped with macerator ____ Toilets flush to holding tanks properly ____ Waste level indicating system properly functioning ____ No leaks at any hose fitting within the system Galley Systems ____ Gas bottle filled installed and connected to regulator.
  • Page 50 Interior Inspection ____ Drop-in hatches for bunks and floors in place and fit securely ____ Interior steps and grab rails secured ____ Bilges clean and free of debris ____ Opening port and hatch screens in place ____ Blinds / privacy curtains, shades and interior cushions cleaned, installed and secured ____ All doors open / shut / latch properly ____ Insure all wires and connection on distribution panels are tight (should be professionally inspected)
  • Page 51 In Water Inspection Dockside inspection of Engine, Pre-start sequence and operating system ____ Review engine manual for maintenance requirements and proper starting procedure ____ Propeller shaft properly aligned (per engine manual) ____ Shaft to engine coupling bolted and properly torque (per engine manual) ____ All engine mounting bolts in place and properly torque (per engine manual) ____ Crankcase oil at full mark (per engine manual) ____ Transmission fluid / oil at full mark (per engine manual)
  • Page 52 Climate Control System ____ Review and follow manufacturers manual for maintenance and up-keep ____ Seawater strainer water tight and clean ____ Seawater pump air purged and operational ____ Seawater flow adequate fwd and aft ____ Fwd system functions properly in all modes of operation ____ Aft system functions properly in all modes of operation ____ No seawater leaks in system components and lines ____ No condensation leaks to deck or liner...
  • Page 53 (Several copies may be required to complete each of the following categories) Chapman’s Piloting recommended operating techniques, maintenance inspections and safety points for my particular boat length and type of sailing PAGE 13A- 9...
  • Page 54 Recommendations made by manufacturers of original equipment for proper maintenance and up-keep PAGE 13A- 10...
  • Page 55 Power Squadron recommendations for maintenance and safe boating PAGE 13A- 11...
  • Page 56 Local sailing club or marina’s recommendations for maintenance and up-keep PAGE 13A- 12...
  • Page 57 List of onboard safety equipment and location (A copy should be posted onboard at all times) PAGE 13A- 13...
  • Page 58 Spare parts list PAGE 13A- 14...
  • Page 59 Dates of practice drills and onboard safety inspections PAGE 13A- 15...

Page 61: Pre-Departure Checklist

  • Page 62 Directive’s criteria. Hunter Marine Corporation does NOT establish these criteria, and the category indicated is only a reference to the assigned category. The safety of the captain and crew of any vessel is not measurable by such categories, and you should not interpret these categories as an indication of your safety in such condition.

Page 63: Float Plan

Page 64: after sailing check list.

  • Page 65 SAFE BOATING TIPS DOCKING Docking your boat should be handled fenders on the appropriate side. One carefully to avoid potential damage. Un- dock line should be attached to the bow der normal wind and water conditions, cleat, another to the stern cleat opposite the following considerations should be the side that will lie against the dock.
  • Page 67 MAST RAISING & LOWERING SYSTEM 12. When raised, leave the mainsheet jammed and tensioned. Take the forestay forward and connect to 7. Loosen forestay turnbuckle and remove forestay the forward of the two holes in the stemhead fitting. from stemhead fitting. 13.

Page 69: Launching And Retrieving Procedures

  • Page 70 LAUNCHING & RETRIEVING PROCEDURES RETRIEVING 1. Raise rudder. 6. Slowly pull boat from water until the weight of the boat is on the trailer. 2. Back trailer into water. Extend trailer tongue if needed. 7. Confirm alignment on trailer. Put trailer back in water if necessary to realign boat.

Page 71: Getting Ready To Sail

  • Page 72 GETTING READY TO SAIL 9. Tension the lower shrouds until the mast ap- sheets inside the shrouds to the lead blocks on the pears straight when sighted up the trailing edge, cabin top and aft to the jams or winches on the using the bolt rope slot as a guide.
  • Page 73 GETTING READY TO SAIL main should be capable of sheeting in hard with- shrouds no longer appear slack and forestay sag out the topping lift being tight. With the main has been reduced. Removal and reinstallation of sheeted in hard, the topping lift should have eight the turnbuckle cotter pins will be necessary to make to ten inches of sag and should be adjusted ac- these fine tuning adjustments.
  • Page 74 TOILET Your Hunter 25 comes standard with a portable, self-contained marine toilet. Please refer to the • Do not add holding tank deodorant manufacturers instructions to familiarize yourself with the correct operation of your toilet.

Page 75: Water System Operation

  • Page 77 WARNING California Proposition 65 Diesel engine exhaust and some of its constituents are known to cause cancer, birth defects, and reproductive harm in the State of California.
  • Page 78 WARNING California Proposition 65 Battery posts, terminals, and related accessories contain lead and lead compounds; chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling!

Page 79: Electrical System

Page 80: discharge and disposal of waste, page 81: instructions for preparation for bottom painting, page 82: engine maintenance, page 83: protecting your rigging, page 84: trailer maintenance, page 85: sail care.

  • Page 87 ACRYLIC CARE As in all plastics scratching must be avoided… Acrylic is much softer than glass and therefore can scratch. Also, certain chemicals • can damage the product. These chemicals will either dull the finish or cause crazing and eventually crack the acrylic. Do not use paper towels when cleaning (use a cotton cloth instead) •...
  • Page 88 What if I have a deeper scratch? 1. Sand the scratch with a 400 grit sand paper. 2. Once the scratch is removed wet sand with a 600 grit sand paper. 3. Buff out using 3M super duty rubbing compound and a high speed bonnet buffer. 4.

Page 89: Windscreen Care

  • Page 90 What if I have a deeper scratch? 1. Sand the scratch with a 400 grit sand paper. 2. Once the scratch is removed wet sand with a 600 grit sand paper. 3. Buff out using 3M super duty rubbing compound and a high speed bonnet buffer. 4.

Page 91: Fabric Care

Page 92: electrolysis and galvanic protection, page 93: teak care, page 94: storage/winterization, page 95: routine maintenance.

  • Page 96 BALL VALVE DRAINING AND WINTERIZING INSTRUCTIONS To winterize, the vessel must be out of the water. Close the valve and loosen the hose at its upper end opposite the valve. Open the valve to drain hose and valve. Remove the drain plug on the side of the valve to drain water from the valve body. Open and close valve until liquids have been drained from valve body.
  • Page 112 PAGE 46A-1...
  • Page 113 PAGE 46A-2...
  • Page 117 PAGE 48B...

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10/9/23, , Canyon Lake, Texas, $4,000
3/9/20, , Canyon Lake, Texas, $1,795
5/27/19, , Eagle Mountain Lake, Azle, Texas, $7,400
1/27/18, , Daytona Beach, Florida, $49,000
4/20/15, , Baltimore, Maryland, $5,995
2/9/14, , Lake Ray Hubbard, Rockwall, Texas, $4,995
7/22/13, , Lake Perry, Kansas, $7,400
8/16/11, , Madison, Mississippi, $1,800
4/28/11, , Manhattan, Kansas, $3,450
4/23/11, , Austin, Texas, $5,900
9/1/10, , Canyon Lake, Texas, $4,900
8/8/10, , Lake Travis, Texas, $6,200
6/23/10, , Lake Canyon Yacht Club, Texas, $7,125
4/14/10, , Lake Ouachita, Arkansas, $4,650
6/17/10, , East Patchogue/NY (Long Island), $8,400
2/28/10, , Greenville, South Carolina, $6,900
9/6/09, , Roosevelt Lake Marina, Arizona, $6,500
7/20/09, , La Vida Starships, Lake Lewisville, Texas, $8,550
2/2/09, , Chicago, Illinois $4,000
1/11/08, , Lake Norman, Charlotte, North Carolina, $4,500
3/24/08, , Lake Ouachita, Arkansas, $5750
4/24/07, , Canyon Lake, Texas, $9,500
4/7/07, , Lake Travis, Austin, Texas, $2,495
4/20/06, , Canyon Lake, Texas, $7,200
3/30/06, , Eagle Mountain Lake, Fort Worth, Texas, asking $7,600
3/17/06, , Lighthouse Landing in Grand Rivers, Kentucky, $8,700
7/11/05, , Lake Travis, Austin, Texas, asking $9,000
, Verplanck, New York, asking $7,000
3/25/22, , Knoxville, Tennessee, $5,999
12/24/17, , Pensacola, Florida, $5,999
8/16/17, , Muncie, Indiana, $5,300
9/9/14, , Indianapolis, Indiana, $9,850
6/19/13, , Lake Jacomo, Missouri, $5,200
5/5/13, , Mayo, Maryland, $4,900
4/25/12, , Sarasota, Florida, $5,500
6/4/10, , La Vernia, San Antonio, Texas, $5,000
10/15/09, , Kingston, New York, $5,800
3/17/08, , Jacomo Lake, Kansas City, Missouri, $7,500
10/18/07, , Big Cypress Marina, Lake O' the Pines, Texas, $6,850
8/20/07, , Lake Amistad, Texas, $8,000
4/23/07, , Lake Perry, Kansas, $5,750
9/19/06, , Dana Point, California, asking $7,000
4/12/05, , Austin, Texas, $6,370
4/24/18, , Austin, Texas, $24,900
9/22/17, , Liberty, Missouri, $10,500
8/1/17, , Lake Cheney, Wichita, Kansas, $4,200
2/17/16, , Austin, Texas, $1,950
9/30/14, , Lake Grapevine, Texas, $5,000
7/28/14, , Lake Hefner, Oklahoma, $6,000
3/7/13, , Grapevine Lake, Texas, $6,295
11/25/12, , Wichita, Kansas, $7,600
10/19/12, , Highland Lakes Marina, Lake Travis, Texas, $3,900
3/5/11, , Lake Travis, Louisville, Kentucky, $10,000
11/12/10, , Lake Travis, Austin, Texas, $6,500
9/14/10, , Cheney Lake near Wichita Kansas, $8,500
11/29/09, , Panama City, Florida, $7,000
7/10/07, , Sherrodsville, Ohio, $9,500
3/20/06, , Highland Lakes Marina, Lake Travis, Austin, Texas, $5,600
6/17/05, , Canyon Lake Marina, Canyon Lake, Texas, asking $4,500


hunter 25.5 sailboat specs

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25.5 Trailer specs

  • Thread starter John
  • Start date Apr 26, 2003
  • Hunter Owner Forums
  • Smaller Boats

Just bought a used trailer for my Hunter 25.5 (1985) shoal draft. The trailer is a six pad dual axel model. Thought someone might be able to save me some grief and supply some measurements to help me get it set up close to right so I can pull my boat the first time with a little less worry about if I guess the measurements close enough to have few problems. Thanks in advance.  

Trailer Trailers are going to vary from one manufacturer to another. Your draft is 3'3" so you may have to just guess by determining where the pads will be in relation to the boat and how far apart the pads are related to the beam at that point on the boat. I would definitely recommend having the boat hauled on a travelift and set down on the trailer the first time so you can get the adjustments right. You could do some damage to the boat or yourself by not having the trailer adjusted right while pulling it out at a ramp which by the way is not easy even when the trailer is adjusted right. Good luck Dan  

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  1. HUNTER 25.5

    Discount Sails-Hunter_25.5. Electric Yacht. New Rudders. Sail Trailers. SeaWaterPro. SBD App - BR. top 1 ads row1. top 2 ads row2. top 3 ads row2. HUNTER 25.5. Save to Favorites . Beta Marine. BOTH. US IMPERIAL. METRIC. Sailboat Specifications Definitions Hull Type: Fin w/transom hung rudder: Rigging Type: Masthead Sloop: LOA: 25.58 ft / 7.80 m:

  2. Hunter 25.5 Shoal draft

    The Hunter 25.5 is a 25'7" (7.8m) cruising sailboat designed by Cortland Steck Yacht Designs (). She was built between 1984 and 1987 by Marlow Hunter (United States). The Shoal draft version features a shorter keel to grant access to shallow areas. The Hunter 25.5 is as well listed, on Boat-Specs.com, in Deep draft version (see all the versions compared).

  3. Hunter 25.5 Deep draft

    The Hunter 25.5 is a 25'7" (7.8m) cruising sailboat designed by Cortland Steck Yacht Designs (). She was built between 1984 and 1987 by Marlow Hunter (United States). The Deep draft version displays a deeper fin allowing a lower center of gravity and extra performance especially upwind. The Hunter 25.5 is as well listed, on Boat-Specs.com, in Shoal draft version (see all the versions ...

  4. Hunter 25

    Hunter 25 Specs. As a result, Hunter until 1978 had a line basically consisting of three boats: the Hunters 25, 27 and 30, added to thereafter by smaller (20′ and 22′) and larger ( 31, 34′, 36′, 37′ and 54′) while the original three remained in production. ... When low price is a chief priority, it buys a lot of boat in a Hunter 25 ...

  5. Hunter 25.5

    The Hunter 25.5 is a recreational keelboat, built predominantly of fiberglass, with wood trim.It has a masthead sloop rig, a raked stem, a vertical transom, a transom-hung rudder controlled by a tiller and a fixed fin keel.It displaces 4,500 lb (2,041 kg) and carries 1,600 lb (726 kg) of ballast. [1] [3]The boat has a draft of 4.50 ft (1.37 m) with the standard keel and 3.33 ft (1.01 m) with ...

  6. Hunter 25.5

    Hunter 25.5 is a 25′ 7″ / 7.8 m monohull sailboat designed by Cortland Steck and built by Hunter Marine between 1984 and 1987. ... Sail area in square feet, derived by adding the mainsail area to 100% of the foretriangle area (the lateral area above the deck between the mast and the forestay). D: ...

  7. PDF Marlow-Hunter, LLC

    The Hunter 25.5 is much more than her size indicates. With a great deal of planning, the Hunter Design Group has created the 25.5 with and amenities normally found on boats much larger and more expensive. The Hunter 25.5 has been designed to be responsive at. the helm, spacious above and below decks and like all Hunter boats, the 25.5 comes com-

  8. Hunter 25 Brochure

    The all-new Hunter 25 sets a new standard for quality and features in its class. The Glenn Henderson-designed fiberglass hull and sail plan is simple to sail, and its fixed shoal keel draws only 2 feet. This makes the Hunter 25 display excellent shallow-water launching and sailing capability. This pocket cruiser sleeps four adults, has a ...

  9. Hunter 25

    Sailboat specifications. Last update: 15th April 2020. The Hunter 25 - 2005 is a 24'6" (7.47m) cruising sailboat designed by Glenn Henderson (United States). She was built since 2005 (and now discontinued) by Marlow Hunter (United States).

  10. Hunter 25

    The Hunter 25 is a small recreational keelboat, built predominantly of fiberglass. It has a masthead sloop rig, an internally-mounted spade-type rudder and a fixed fin keel. It displaces 4,400 lb (1,996 kg) in the Mark I version and 3,850 lb (1,746 kg) as the Mark II. Both carry 1,800 lb (816 kg) of ballast. [1] [2]

  11. 1985 Hunter 25.5 SL Boat Specs, Tests and Reviews

    Get the latest 1985 Hunter 25.5 SL boat specs, boat tests and reviews featuring specifications, available features, engine information, fuel consumption, price, msrp and information resources. ... 1985 Hunter 25.5 SL Specs. Boat Type: Monohull Sailboats; Hull Material: Fiberglass; Beam: 9'0" Length: 26' Net Weight: 5000 lbs; Looking for the ...

  12. 1985 Hunter 25.5

    Handles well, very stable. Deep rudder allows for tight turns. Standard features. Highlighted Specifications: Shoal draft - 3 3, 9 1 beam, displacement 4500 lbs., LOA - 25.7 feet, mast height - 29.6 feet, sail area - 282.5 sq. feet. Highlighted Features: tiller steering, forward berth with head (portable toilet) and sink, door between main ...

  13. HUNTER 25

    It takes into consideration "reported" sail area, displacement and length at waterline. The higher the number the faster speed prediction for the boat. A cat with a number 0.6 is likely to sail 6kts in 10kts wind, a cat with a number of 0.7 is likely to sail at 7kts in 10kts wind. KSP = (Lwl*SA÷D)^0.5*0.5

  14. HUNTER 25.5: Reviews, Specifications, Built, Engine

    If you are a boat enthusiast looking to get more information on specs, built, make, etc. of different boats, then here is a complete review of HUNTER 25.5. Built by Hunter Marine (USA) and designed by Cortland Steck, the boat was first built in 1984. It has a hull type of Fin w/transom hung rudder and LOA is 7.8.


    Page 42 If you no longer own your boat, please give this memorandum to the purchaser and advise Hunter Marine of the name and address of the purchaser. Call 1-800-771-5556. CUSTOMER HOTLINE: 800-771-5556 Hunter Marine Corporation P.O. Box 1030 Alachua, FL USA 32615 • •...

  16. Hunter 25 Sailboat Specs Details Specifications Beam Draft

    The purpose of this website is to provide you with specifications and details on the Hunter 25 Sailboat. Key characteristics such as draft, beam, length overall, length over the deck, and other specs have been included. Hull Material: Fiberglass. Keel: Fixed. Length (Feet): 25.0.

  17. Thinking of buying a hunter 25.5

    Jenn, I think you will find the Hunter 25.5 ideal for sailing on Narragansett Bay with your three kids. Your kids are more or less the same ages as my older grandkids and they love sailing our 25.5 on Lake Travis here in Austin. Some of the positives for the 25.5: 1. The 25.5 is sturdy and well built.

  18. Hunter Marine (USA)

    Warren Luhrs, founder of Hunter Marine began in the boat building business, first with his father and brother at Henry Luhrs Sea Skiffs and then Silverton Sea Skiffs. Both companies were quite successful. Being an avid sailor, Luhrs had the idea of applying production line efficiencies to the sailing industry. In 1973, the first Hunter sailboat was launched. This was the HUNTER 25, designed by ...

  19. Hunter 25.5 Sailboat Photo Gallery

    Hunter 25.5 Sailboat pictures, a collection of Hunter 25.5 sailboats with specifications and photos. Hunter 25.5 Sailboat Photo Gallery. Home: Lessons: Rentals: How To: Forums: Videos: Texas Regattas: ... Hunter 25.5 Specifications LWL 22'1" Beam 9' Sail area 315 Draft 4'6" / 3'3" Displacement 4500lbs Ballast 1800 lbs Mast height 34'3" ...

  20. Questions about Hunter 25.5

    Jan 10, 2003. #13. Hunter Says. I just got off the line with Hunter. According to them a 10HP motor cannot push the 25.5 at hull speed. The only reason they stick with the 10HP is because the transom cannot withstand the torque of a larger motor - it can stand the weight, but not the torque.

  21. Hunter 25.5 Bow Damage Advice

    Jun 9, 2004. 4. - - Lake Travis, Austin. Jul 20, 2023. #1. I hope I can get some advice on how to repair or replace damaged hardware on a 1985 Hunter 25.5. Recently, a big windstorm blew through my marina and broke a couple of docklines on one side of the boat. This allowed the boat to drift over and tangle with the steel winch drum that ...

  22. Stepping Mast @ Hunter 25.5

    At least four mast-raising systems have been developed for the H23 by owners in this forum. Most have detailed photos in the Photo Forum as well. Select "23" for boat model, enter the key words "mast raising" and step back. With slight modifications for the slightly longer foredeck, any of the these systems should work for the 25.5.

  23. 25.5 Trailer specs

    25.5 Trailer specs. Not open for further replies. Just bought a used trailer for my Hunter 25.5 (1985) shoal draft. The trailer is a six pad dual axel model. Thought someone might be able to save me some grief and supply some measurements to help me get it set up close to right so I can pull my boat the first time with a little less worry about ...