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RYA Yachtmaster Prep Course

yachtmaster prep course solent

Sailing from Cuxhaven to Lymington

(with possible calls at helgoland, vlieland, den haag, dunkerque, dover, souvereign harbour, portsmouth, cowes and many other harbours in the solent).

yachtmaster prep course solent

Patty from USA sailing on the Yachtmaster Prep Course in 2013

A typical Yachtmaster Prep course onboard Regina Laska takes two weeks, including the two days exam in The Solent on the south coast of England.

My experience has shown that the learning is so much greater if enough time is granted for each individual subject: Not only are you becoming very well prepared for the actual exam, but, at the same time, you are building your own competence, both theoretically and practically (e.g. manoeuvres). Skipper training forms an important part onboard Regina Laska’s Yachtmaster Prep course.


Tobias from Sweden taking the Yachtmaster Offshore exam in 2015

The Prep week 

There is no RYA standard curriculum for the Yachtmaster Prep Course. Contrary to other Prep Courses on the market, my prime goal with Regina-Sailing is not only to pass you through the exam, but to give my students the chance to become better seamen and –women with an emphasis on skippering a yacht.

It is no co-incidence that my Prep Course takes place in tidal waters in an area with shifting and interesting weather, heavy traffic and loads of lights and buoys, giving countless possibilities to practice night navigation, blind navigation, ColReg’s, anchoring, Man Overboard and berthing manoeuvres in a huge variety of conditions. Practicing to take decisions and to communicate these to the crew are key.


Stig and Tobias discussing casting off in Dover. Who is the skipper and who is crew?

Being able to throw a line or lasso is also part of any good course, since it is so easily done if you just know how…

yachtmaster prep course solent

The maximum number of students is four rather than the RYA-standard of five-to-one tuition. With so few students onboard and two weeks time, the course is very exclusive and it goes without saying that I have the possibility to be utmost custom oriented, covering the subjects and topics that are important and essential for each individual student.

During the two weeks, we can also jointly agree on whether you should opt for the tougher RYA Yachtmaster Offshore, or the identical, but more relaxed RYA Yachtmaster Coastal exam. This all depends on the students’ experience (tidal miles, days at sea as skipper etc) and the skill of the students. As an extra bonus, the 600 miles covered during the Yachtmaster Prep Course onboard Regina Laska (including three passages over 60 miles) may be added to your log book in connection with the exam.


Practicing setting up the pole for running downwind along the Frisian coast


The pole is up and we enjoy a stable downwind sail


Artur from Poland enjoying Gennaker sailing crossing the English Channel from Dunkerque to Dover

Typically, we start the Yachtmaster Prep Course in Cuxhaven, which is easily accessible outside Hamburg, Germany. The detailed safety check made on the first day is also a typical example of what is being asked for by the examiner, so the students pay great attention from the very first moment onboard. We talk about all the safety equipment onboard Regina Laska and how it is being used, by far surpassing a standard teaching boat.


The green water in the Traffic Separation Zone between France and England

Depending on the weather we either sail directly to Dunkerque in France, or, should we encounter heavy westerly winds, we sail to Helgoland and make possible stops in various harbours in Holland. On the way, we often have a good possibility to practice heaving-to in real sea- and wind conditions, something hardly possibly if sail training is only done in sheltered waters or in the Mediterranean. For many students, the trick how to heave-to is a real eye-opener. It is impressive how well it works, even – or especially – in high seas and gale-force winds, if you know how.


Stronger winds on the North Sea. Time to practice heaving-to as a storm tactic?

In Helgoland, there is good possibility to buy ship supplies in the many local chandleries – the Helgoland way…. For some reason, sailors seem to have a certain need for liquid equipment when calling into the tax haven of Helgoland…


One of the many chandleries offering “Ship’s Equipment” to thirsty sailors 


Helgoland off season in April. One can just imagine how this place looks in summer!


Practicing harbour manoeuvres at the fuel dock of Helgoland

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Practicing lassoing in Dover as a great mean to moor with the wind blowing off the dock.

Regina sailing gannet

Bird watching in Helgoland

If weather is tough or unpleasant, we use the days in harbour for  extensive theory sessions, which also forms part of the exam. Of course, if you have joined a Yachtmaster Theory Course in Malta before your join the Yachtmaster Prep Course, it helps a lot and less time has to be spent on theory.

In any case, it is essential that students come well prepared to the course and know all ColRegs by heart before boarding Regina Laska (which is not always the case, hint-hint…!). Yes, there is a lot of theory to cover, ranging from tidal calculations to weather, safety and passage planning.


Tom, Patty and Jan working on secondary port calculations


Tobias presenting the ColRegs: Lights, shapes and sound signals


Artur trying to understand how the tides effect the choice of anchoring depth.


The atmosphere is always friendly and with a lot of patience no question is left out.


Michael working on the passage plan for the forthcoming day crossing the English Channel.

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The most essential book during the Yachtmaster Prep Course: The Reed’s Almanac

As soon as weather permits we set off on the 350 miles long passage to Dunkerque, including two overnight passages. From Dunkerque the actual Yachtmaster course continues since the following three legs are perfect to practice passage planning. Each students picks a leg of his desire to prepare for his exam, e.g. Dunkerque – Dover, Dover – Souvereign Harbour or Souvereign Harbour – Portsmouth. Each of these has a tidal gate and is over 60 miles. One of them also has a Traffic Separation Zone to take into consideration.


Sometimes size seems to matter more than ColRegs, or does this ship have a cylinder hoisted?


Approaching Dover: The famous white cliffs of Dover


The marina of Dover

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A rainy day in Dover. Time for some theory session rather than to continue against the wind in the rain…


Consequences in Dover, if you miss your tidal calculations…

Once in The Solent, we have several valuable days to practice what is being requested by the examiner in the very waters of the exam. During the intense days, we practice anchoring, harbour manoeuvres in tidal waters, ferry gliding, picking up a mooring buoy under power and sail, man-overboard under power and sail, finding unlit marks in the dark during night navigation, blind-navigation with just traditional instruments and study all the theory that is necessary. After these days, I can promise that CTS (course-to-steer) and EP (estimated positions) can be plotted in no time and deviation and variation comes as natural as the beer in the pub at night.


The heavy shipping in The Solent


Knowing the rules of the rode is essential when sailing The Solent, hence it is such a good sailing area to boost your experience and skills 

yachtmaster prep course solent

Colregs the real way by watching the navlights by night. Here: Tug restricted in manoeuvrability with a tow over 200m, while the tug itself is under 50m. Would you have known that?

During the sail training, food plays an important roll onboard, be it in a restaurant or when the students and skipper compete in the galley for a fantastic meal. To me it is an important aspect of cruising, since sailing is also a lot about living onboard having a pleasant time together. During the meals, we continue to talk not only about sailing and boats but also other interesting conversations follow after an intense sailing day.


Restaurant in Dunkerque, France


Pub in Dover, England, a day later


Fun at the dinner table onboard Regina Laska


Inspiration on Regina Laska


The RYA prefers navigation at the nav-table down below, but I am Swedish enough to allow using the special navtable that (equally Swedish) Hallberg-Rassy have built into the cockpit for this very reason

yachtmaster prep course solent

Me explaining the principles of “intercept”, which I call “finding the treasure”. By mastering this technique it becomes a simple task to find a spot on the chart by taking bearings alone.


Artur is taking hand bearings (and is not saluting with a wine glass, if you mistakingly thought that. This comes later in the evening!)


Stig trying out the electronic fluxgate hand bearing compass.


Sometimes, studying ColRegs is just not that exciting… I have sympathy, no doubt!

yachtmaster prep course solent

What is this? Yachtmasters from The Solent know this better than anyone else, but possibly only as a faint black shadow on a moonless night. This is how the famous unlit Bramble Post looks in day-time!

The two days exam 

At the first exam’s day, most students are more nervous than they had anticipated. After all, they really want to pass at this stage and the level of training has been high during the last two weeks! For many, taking an exam lies a decade back in time or even more and it feels as if you are back at school. Or, as one candidate expressed it: “… and me, who thought my next assessment in life would be for the application to the old people’s home! Why am I doing this?!”

We usually go out eating with the examiner on the night before the exam, getting to know each other and Allan, our examiner, can take the worries out of the students. If you still feel uncertain, there is always the chance to opt for the Yachtmaster Coastal instead. You need to take your decision on the day of exam! After all, it is your own responsibility to judge your own seamanship! The examiner’s job is then to confirm your own judgment, whether you consider yourself as a  Yachtmaster Coastal or a Yachtmaster Offshore. This is also part of a skipper’s responsibility: Not to overestimate your skills and knowledge, always remaining a careful skipper.

On the exam’s day, the examiner comes onboard in the morning. At first some initial small talk breaks the ice to get rid of some of the excitement. Allan is doing a great job to eliminate the nervous atmosphere onboard by explaining that he is just here to observe and to enjoy a day on the water, while the candidates have a chance to demonstrate their skills and knowledge.

yachtmaster prep course solent

Allan stressing that he is very much looking forward to this day and is certain that he will enjoy a nice day at sea.

It doesn’t take long, until it gets serious: Allan starts checking the paperwork, such as the application, including a valid First Aid certificate, the necessary miles and the VHF certificate.

yachtmaster prep course solent

Achim showing his paper to Allan, who checks them thoroughly. Michel is waiting for his turn in the background.

Thereafter, it is time for the safety briefing, where each student has to present one part of the same, e.g. talking about life wests, the harness, fire safety, gas safety, flooding or any other part of the safety checklist you have onboard. The examiner takes up subjects the students should talk about, which also could be topics around safety, engine, emergencies, weather, ColRegs or seamanship.

It quickly becomes obvious if a student is well prepared for the exam and hence it is good to have had two full weeks onboard Regina Laska where we covered all the requested subjects.

yachtmaster prep course solent

Michel explaining how, when and why to use a harness. Jos and Michel are listening carefully. Soon it will be their turn to talk about another safety subject.

When it is confirmed that weather and the boat are in good order, it is time to get on the water for some practical exercises.


Getting the instructions for the navigation exercise by examiner Allan. All navigation has to be done classically without a plotter or radar.

The examiner steps back and becomes a pure observer.

yachtmaster prep course solent

Allan stands on aft deck, enjoying how the candidates take control and organise the vessel to depart from the dock in Cowes.


The good news is that the atmosphere is generally very relaxed and pleasant, although one can clearly feel the seriously that all candidates put into their exams. We do have breaks, such as for lunch an tea, after having performed an anchoring demonstration or grabbed a buoy for lunch in these tidal waters.

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Lunch during exams day with examiner Allan (right)

yachtmaster prep course solent

After lunch, the examiner takes the opportunity to ask some more theory questions, such as about weather.

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Achim explaining frontal systems for he examiner Allan.


Allan checking the passage plans of Jan and Tom

During the exam it is also presented what we have been practicing during the last two weeks, namely to communicate to the crew in a direct, clear and yet polite and friendly way. Skipper communication is actually what I see is lacking quite a lot, even (or maybe especially) for very experienced skippers, who are used to be understood or often just sail alone or with crew they know.

yachtmaster prep course solent

During one exam we were lucky enough to follow a helicopter rescue training on a neighbouring sailing boat.

A special night sailing exercise is also part of the exam, where navigation in complete darkness is performed by using traditional navigation only. Sometimes, the path is crossed by one of the many ships sailing in and out of Southampton.

yachtmaster prep course solent

I should not forget to mention that many of the students connect for a life-long friendship during the two weeks course and continue to meet up long after the course.


Leaving Cowes on exam day


The exam continues the following day early in the morning with more practical and theory, including the presentation of the passage plan, where the examiner can ask any questions on the chart, about the students decision why to cast of at what time and how he or she was thinking when making one or the other tidal triangle. The symbols on the chart play an equally important roll as the rules valid in a Traffic Separation Zone.

yachtmaster prep course solent

Allan asking for the day shape used for an anchored vessel to Kurt.

But don’t worry. The examiner will explain each and every exercise in detail and you may ask until you have fully understood your task.


The examiner Allan explaining what is expected from the candidates.

In the night of the second day, the students are really exhausted when they are being debriefed one by one by the examiner. During the exam days the examiner’s face looked as if he was playing poker and now the the time of truth: the results are discussed in detail with the individual student in the debrief.

It is fun to see how the relieved students cheer up as if they were just taking their A-level, hugging each other and calling each other with their new titles after having passed: Yachtmaster!

The day ends with a great meal in a pub celebrating! After all, the Yachtmaster feels like a PhD getting your Doctor-title. Just like your PhD might not be that very essential for your professional life, but for sure, it is a a great achievement proving your knowledge and skills!

Congratulations to all Yachtmasters! And it doesn’t take long, until all the spouses know about the success as well. Typically, when coming back to the boat after having said good bye to the examiner, I find the new Yachtmasters scattered around the deck simultaneously calling their wives (or husbands); one on foredeck, one on aft deck, one to starboard and one to port. The proud Yachtmasters couldn’t wait to pass on the great news that they have now become Yachtmasters!

yachtmaster prep course solent

And yes: I can reveal the secret that, so far, I have always been able to celebrate with my students since I am glad to say that all have passed my courses!


A big relief! We passed!

For more info on Theory see here

For more info on practical see here.

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Providing a full range of RYA sailing courses in and around the Solent

Call us: 0239 3000 300.

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Book your RYA Training Course today

Ready to start your sailing adventure? Find the course right for you and sign up today.

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RYA Sailing Courses

At Broad Reach Sailing we offer a full range of RYA practical sailing courses. Whether you are a complete novice or an aspiring Yachtmaster we can provide the course that suites you. Based in Gosport we are a stones throw from the Solent and easily accessible by car or train.

yachtmaster prep course solent

Our mile builders are an ideal way to get out on to the water, meet new friends and gain valuable sailing experience in some amazing waters, visiting Northen France, Channel Islands and the Jurrasic Coast.

Skills and Drills weekends give you the oportunity to get to practice things like berthing, sail trim, helming and more.

yachtmaster prep course solent

RYA Online Courses

Using the latest animated graphics and easy to use learning techniques you will find these online Day Skipper and Yachtmaster theory course easy to follow. All course supporting material is included and you will have an instructor on hand to guide you through. Automatic feedback allows you to ensure you are on track.

About Broad Reach Sailing

At Broad Reach Sailing we are committed to ensuring the time you spend with us will be memorable and enjoyable. We are based in Gosport Marina, Hampshire, only a stone’s throw from the Solent. As a Solent Sailing School, we offer all RYA sailing courses such as Day Skipper, Competent Crew and Coastal Skipper through to Yachtmaster Offshore courses. Our yachts are high specification and very comfortable, and they have the latest navigation equipment and the best safety equipment available. Whether you choose one of our RYA sailing courses or you just want to enjoy some time on the water and gain more sailing experience with a Mile Builder Trip, we can make it happen for you.

Tripadvisor Reviews

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Upcoming RYA course dates

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28 Aug-1 Sept 2024 (Wed-Sun)

1 place left.

25-29 September 2024 (Wed-Sun)

2-6 october 2024 (wed-sun).

Fully Booked

16-20 October 2024 (Wed-Sun)

2 places left.

30 Oct-3 Nov 2024 (Wed-Sun)

Yachtmaster preparation & exam 12-17 nov 2024, 20-24 nov 2024 (wed-sun).

4 places left.

4-8 Dec 2024 (Wed-Sun)

Yachtmaster preparation & exam 28 jan- 2 feb 2025 (tues-sun), 5-9 february 2025 (wed-sun), 19-23 february 2025 (wed-sun).

3 places left.

12-16 March 2025 (Wed-Sun)

For all available dates, please select the course you wish to participate in.

Upcoming Mile builder dates


3-5 May 2025 Bank Holiday Mile Builder

5 places left.

24-26 May 2025 Bank Holiday Mile Builder

16-22 june 2025 summer cruise 1, 14-20 july 2025 summer cruise 2, 23-25 aug 2025 bank holiday mile builder.

Latest TRIP BlogS

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Iceland and Greenland Advanture

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The Channel Islands a hidden treasure

Rya yachtmaster coastal prepweek + exam solent.

SELECT DATE: {{event_selected.start_format}} - {{event_selected.end_format}} - {{event_selected.year}} -

DURATION: 5 + 2 days


LEVEL: Intermediate

BOAT: Beneteau First 40




* Not included in the price is transportation to and from the Marina and all costs ashore, such as food and drinks.

yachtmaster prep course solent


  • Professional RYA Instructor (ratio 1/4)
  • Cruising Performance Class (Sail wardrobe on board)
  • High safety standards (Epirb, Radar, Liferaft)
  • Lifejackets (Spinlock PFD) onboard
  • All nights aboard (shared cabins)
  • All meals and drinks onboard (cook together)
  • Bed linen and Towels
  • Yacht consumables (Mooring fees, diesel fuel, gas)
  • Free parking (Medemblik)
  • Memories of a lifetime

COURSE package

Arranged lunch/diner (week groceries)

At DBN we want to make the most out of our day of training. Arranging groceries at the start of your course doesn’t add to your learning curve so we arrange this for you where other companies don’t.

Harbour fees

Bed linnen/towels

Course dates

Sharpen skills and prepare them for the specific demands of the exam..

  • Using eletronic plotter
  • Prior to Going to Sea
  • Preparation of Boat and Crew
  • Boat Handling confined space
  • Seamanship and Boat Handling
  • Passage Planning
  • Navigation and Chartwork
  • Meteorology
  • Knowledge of Diesel Engines
  • Cold Water Rescue
  • Picking up a mooring bouy


Next Step ——–

Course schedule

As the sun breaks over the horizon, a group of aspiring skippers gather on deck, their eyes set on the coveted title of RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore. It’s a title that speaks of mastery, of the ability to command a yacht through extended offshore passages, day and night. Unlike the Coastal Skipper, a Yachtmaster navigates with a seasoned hand, steering through arduous conditions with a blend of grace and grit.

This enriching journey is available in two captivating locations: the scenic waters of the IJsselmeer and the Wadden Sea in the Netherlands, and the vibrant sailing grounds starting from Cherbourg, offering exhilarating trips around the Channel Islands and the Solent region. Ideal for those new to the world of sailing, this course offers an all-encompassing introduction to sailing skills, set against a backdrop of diverse and dynamic environments. Whether you’re navigating the tranquil waters of the IJsselmeer or exploring the bustling Solent, this course promises a memorable and transformative sailing experience.

Following is an example of how a typical course week might unfold:

The week starts with an air of anticipation. The instructor, a seasoned mariner with a keen eye, observes each candidate. The goal is not just to assess but to understand – to pinpoint the strengths that will be honed and the weaknesses that will be transformed into expertise. This isn’t just a course; it’s a voyage of personal and professional discovery.

As the week unfolds, the focus sharpens on the areas pivotal for the examination. Passage planning becomes not just an exercise but a narrative, each decision weaving into the next to create a tapestry of strategy and foresight. The art of man overboard recovery is practiced, transitioning from a drill to a ballet of precision and urgency.

In the confines of the harbor, close quarters handling is no longer about following procedures; it’s about intuition, feeling the yacht’s every move and responding with a calm assertiveness. Skippering techniques are refined, transforming the act of leading into an expression of confidence and competence.

Today, we plot and execute a challenging coastal passage. This is where theory meets practice, where planning interweaves with real-time decision-making. As a skipper-in-training, you’ll take the helm, leading your crew with the wisdom and assurance of a seasoned captain. Every decision, every manoeuvre is a stroke in the portrait of your developing skipper’s acumen.

The rules of the road Knowledge of the International Collision Regulations isn’t merely theoretical. It’s a living, breathing set of guidelines that inform every decision, every maneuver. It’s about safety, yes, but also about respect – for the sea, for other vessels, for the very essence of sailing.

The instructor’s debriefs are thorough, a blend of constructive criticism and encouragement. As the week progresses, each candidate gets the opportunity to address their weaker areas, turning them into pillars of strength.

The prerequisites for the course – experience, theory knowledge, understanding of the Collision Regulations – all converge as the weekend approaches. The examination is a culmination of every lesson learned, every challenge faced. Each candidate is asked to skipper the yacht on short passages, their skills and abilities showcased in a symphony of sailing prowess.

As the sun sets on the final days, the candidates emerge not just as sailors, but as Yachtmasters – ready to take on the world, one wave at a time.

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Reserve Spot


DATE —Please choose an option— RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Prepweek + Exam Oct 13-20 C

By checking and completing this order you agree to our terms and policies Sign up for our Special discount and updates


RYA Yachtmaster Motor Practical Prep & Exam - Offshore

Rya yachtmaster motor practical prep & exam in southampton (offshore): course summary.

  • Course Duration: 5 days
  • Course Location:  Saxon Wharf Marina, Southampton, SO14 5QF
  • Course Cost: From £1595pp
  • Previous Experienced Required:  Yes
  • Minimum Age Requirement: 18 years old
  • What The Course Includes: Tuition, moorings, waterproofs, breakfast, and more! 
  • What You Will Learn: Practice the finer points of boat handling, planning, navigation and theory, and more. Then Yachtmaster Offshore exam.

The  RYA  Yachtmaster™ Offshore Certificate of Competence is a highly regarded qualification that is recognised worldwide. RYA Yachtmaster Coastal is a new pathway Certificate of Competency for an Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch on yachts less than 3000gt.

The RYA Yachtmaster offshore/coastal preparation and exam week consists of intensive revision, as well as expert instruction followed by the Yachtmaster Exam. The exam starts on the Friday, however it may include the weekend depending on the number of students.


  • Minimum age 18
  • Completed the RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Theory Course or have equivalent knowledge

Its highly recommended that you also have attended the RYA one day radar course, *RYA sea survival course  and RYA diesel engine course. 

*required to commercially endorse your RYA MCA certificate.

Yachtmaster coaster skippers will need:

  • 30 days on board
  • 12 night hours
  • Two days as skipper all on vessels under 24m in length

Or if you have completed the RYA Coastal skipper course this is reduced to:

  • 20 days on board
  • 12 night hours and two days as skipper, all on vessels under 24m in length
  • 12 night hours on yachts up to 3000gt
  • Two days as skipper on vessels less than 24m.

Yachtmaster offshore candidates will need:

  • Minimum of 50 days at sea
  • Minimum of 2,500 miles logged
  • At least 5 passages over 60 miles measured along the rhumb line from the port of departure to the destination
  • At least 5 days experience as a skipper (acting as skipper for at least 2 of these passages including 2 as overnight passages)

A minimum of half the required mileage and passages must be completed in tidal waters and within 10 years of the exam.

Candidates must also hold a  valid first aid certificate  and GMDSS VHF licence to be eligible to be entered into the exam


The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore preparation and exam week is an intensive bespoke, focused week of skills and drills putting everything together. You will practice the finer points of boat handling, planning, navigation and theory, as well as crew management and decision making, culminating with the Yachtmaster Offshore exam.


The RYA Yachtmaster Motor Practical Preparation and Exam consists of 2 stages:

  • Monday – Friday AM (9.30AM onwards) is the practical exercises, as well as theory sessions, both day and night.
  • Friday PM onwards is the Yachtmaster Offshore Examination.


  • Monday – Friday AM practical exercises = £1595.00 per person
  • Friday PM onwards Yachtmaster Offshore Examination = £241 (paid directly to the RYA, via the exam payment portal ) Yachtmaster Coastal examination fee = 208


  • Low student instructor ratio 
  • All moorings
  • Expert tuition and guidance after the course
  • Onboard accommodation, can be provided £20pp pn
  • Waterproofs
  • On site parking available


  • RYA Cruising Instructor (Motor) Course

Book Your Yachtmaster Motor Practical Prep & Exam Here

Book online below, or call on 023 81 242159 .

If there are no courses listed below, please email us to enquire about availability:  [email protected].

We Can Also Help With...

Jet ski club, boat charter, safety boat services.

  • RYA Powerboat Level 1 Course
  • RYA Powerboat Level 2 Course
  • RYA Tender Operator Course
  • RYA Intermediate Powerboat Course
  • RYA Advanced Powerboat Course
  • RYA Powerboat Instructor Course
  • RYA Advanced Powerboat Instructor Course
  • RYA MCA Advanced Powerboat Prep & Exam
  • RYA MCA Commercial Powerboat Skipper Course
  • RYA Helmsman Course
  • RYA Day Skipper Motor
  • RYA Coastal Skipper Motor Course
  • MCA Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate of Competence
  • MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence
  • RYA / MCA Yachtmaster Academy
  • Superyacht Deckhand Course
  • RYA PWC Proficiency Course
  • PWC Instructor Course
  • Own Boat Tuition
  • RYA VHF Radio Course
  • RYA Sea Survival Course
  • RYA First Aid Course
  • RYA Essential Seamanship & Navigation Course
  • RYA Day Skipper Theory Course
  • RYA Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster Theory Course
  • RYA VHF Radio Online Course
  • RYA Essential Seamanship & Navigation Online Course
  • RYA Day Skipper Theory Online Course
  • RYA Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster Theory Online Course
  • RYA CEVNI Assessment Online
  • RYA PPR Online Course
  • Instructors
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • Course Feedback
  • Gift Vouchers

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Sailing School Solent – RYA Training Centre

Solent sailing school rya training centre for practical sailing sea school courses on “whole yacht” basis for maximum 5 students, we only use experienced  instructors  to deliver all our sailing school courses. our modern yachts will help you get more out of your time on the water., 5 day rya training courses run all year round on board our beneteau 37   and jeanneau 43 yachts., these yachts have modern navigation systems including ais and have usb charging and comfortable cabins. they also have heating for those chillier days afloat, if you are unsure which course is for you please do not hesitate to get in touch to discuss. the rya cruising logbook (g158) also contains a handy guide to experience levels required before each practical course. this and other publications are available on our student resources page..

In addition to the RYA courses listed below for our sailing school Solent, we also offer ICC training  which is often required as the minimum level for someone chartering abroad – you are automatically entitled to ICC if you hold Day Skipper practical or above.

Bespoke training can be arranged to suit your individual needs, whether it be a day at sea of boat handling, spinnaker work or practicing MOB drills with Ryan our 50kg MOB dummy.

Click on the course below for further information or pre-course requirements and what you will need to achieve to get a certificate at the end.

Student Resources Online & Shorebased

UK based Solent yacht charters

Competent Crew

Designed for students that have been sailing a few times and now want to learn more

UK based Solent yacht charters

Day Skipper

Designed for students to extend their knowledge and confidence to become a skipper

UK based Solent yacht charters

Coastal Skipper

Designed for the skipper who wants to be able to achieve more adventurous passages

UK based Solent yacht charters

Yachtmaster™ Prep

Often the ultimate aim of spring skippers proving skipper experience & competence

UK based Solent yacht charters

ICC prep and exam

For those with Day Skipper theory and knowledge going to be chartering in Europe

Why a Four Seasons Yacht Charter & Sailing Sea School course?

  • Close access to direct trains from London Waterloo or Victoria
  • Based at Haslar Marina, free car parking and 5 minutes to the Solent
  • Organisations welcome- Whole yacht options
  • Choice of you or us supply food for the course
  • We only use experienced RYA Instructor skippers
  • Proper 50kg MOB dummy for coaching days
  • Full public and employers liability insurance
  • Non-branded RYA Sailing School yachts
  • Sailing School Solent

Boat Hire Solent Yacht Charters and Outdoor Activities

yachtmaster prep course solent

RYA Sailing Courses | Solent

Family Sailing Courses

For private courses we are not setting fixed dates so just call us to check availability and we can get you booked in.

What is included the price

  • Yacht Hire & Safety Equipment
  • Instructional Skipper
  • Mooring Fees
  • Breakfasts & Lunches
  • Yacht Fuel & Gas
  • RYA Certificates

The only thing we don’t provide are the evening meals which can be taken ashore.

If preferred we can also arrange for the instructor to sleep ashore for the additional cost of B&B ashore.

Family Sailing Courses

Private Courses & Rates

Courses are priced for taking whole yacht with up to 5 persons max. 


Prices are for the whole yacht with a max of 5 persons.

Yacht we use for our courses is a Dufour 390 .

  • Start Yachting
  • Competent Crew
  • Day Skipper
  • Coastal Skipper
  • Yachtmaster Prep
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British marine

Universal Yachting Ltd: Mercury Yacht Harbour, Satchell Lane, Hamble, Southampton, Hampshire SO31 4HQ

Call Us: +44 (0) 2380 458737   Mail: [email protected]


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Yachtmaster prep and exam - recommendations in solent area?

  • Thread starter CalmSkipper
  • Start date 15 Jun 2009
  • 15 Jun 2009


Hi I'm looking to do Yachtmaster prep/exam in the solent area. Has anyone completed this recently and if so are there any sailing Schools they would recommend/avoid?  

Well-known member

All the schools that are RYA approved have a good reputation & there are rarely any complaints on here. Many will compliment that school that they had direct experience of. Experiences will vary by the often self employed instructor (often work for a variety of schools) that the school used but again if a school gets complaints that person is not used again. Reputation is everything.  


Two in the Solent that I have direct experience of: Southern Sailing - boats tend to be older and mankier than some other schools but the level of tuition is excellent and a policy of a maximum 4 to a boat means a better teacher/pupil ratio than you sometimes get elsewhere. Also did the 1 day VHF shorebased course with them and it was good - though I knew more about VHF portable licenses than the instructor /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif Hamble School of Yachting - Did a bespoke weekend with them, mainly for the benefit of Mrs jhr and No. 1 Son and Daughter, before going on a flotilla holiday. Nice boat (Dufour 34) and simpatico instructress, who didn't patronise the kids though she was a bit full-on about taking Mrs jhr outside her comfort zone on Day 1, which could have put the kybosh on the holiday. Luckily, things went better on Day 2. Food was excellent (they have a good reputation for their catering). I'd recommend both of them. The Solent is a competitive environment for sailing schools and most operations that don't measure up tend to go belly-up.  

It depends on the individual instructor you get. Ask the question: 'Is the instructor a practising YM examiner?' Also when comparing prices, check what is included, e.g food, mooring fees...  

Active member

Another vote for Southern Sailing. I did mine with them in 1998, so they may have changed but at the time they had a reputation for high standards of sensible sailing.  

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Commodore Yachting

Late notice spaces available for selected courses - click here for details

RYA Day Skipper Combination Theory and Practical

Price: from £1,095 (Finance now available)

Location: Our Solent Day Skipper course starts from our base at Premier Gosport Marina. On the course, we visit different ports around the Solent and adjacent waters around the South Coast, including Portsmouth and Southampton.

Duration: 9 days

The RYA Day Skipper Combined Theory and Practical Course runs over nine days. The course brings students with at least the RYA Competent Crew qualification, or some sailing experience, up to RYA Day Skipper level, through undertaking both the theory and practical courses.

Accommodation during the theory side of the course is available at extra cost

(subject to boat availability).

Take a look at our live course calendar for RYA Day Skipper Theory and Practical Combined Course dates, taking place at Gosport Marina.

Booking details

Please select your preferred start date below.

  • Saturday 5th October 2024 (2 spaces)
  • Saturday 2nd November 2024 (1 spaces)
  • Saturday 30th November 2024 (5 spaces)
  • Saturday 15th February 2025 (5 spaces)

Information about the RYA Day Skipper Combined Theory and Practical Course

Joining Instructions: Please click here for course joining instructions.

What is included in the course cost:

  • RYA Qualified Instructor
  • RYA Combined Theory and Practical Course materials and Cert card
  • During practical element of the course – Breakfast, lunches, snacks and three evening meals (one evening meal is taken ashore at the students own cost)
  • Accommodation on board during practical section of the RYA day skipper combined course. This does NOT include mooring fees, the cost of which is split between students.
  • Accommodation for the theory side of the course is available at extra-cost (and also subject to boat availability – please check with us two weeks prior to your course commencing)
  • Tea, coffee & soft drinks (during the Day Skipper Theory Course)
  • Cooking gas
  • Wet weather kit hire (not footwear)
  • Hire of a Baltic automatic life jacket
  • We can accommodate most dietary requirements, such as vegetarian, vegan, pescatarian or gluten free. Just let us know when you fill out the booking form.

Recommended Reading: RYA Day Skipper Handbook Sail (G71), RYA Yacht Sailing Techniques (G94), RYA Yachtmaster scheme and syllabus (G158)

Prerequisites for taking the Day Skipper Theory and Practical Course: RYA Competent Crew (at least 5 days on board a yacht sailing), or suitable sailing abilities to the same level.

Minimum Age: 16+. 

Holiday Insurance: We would advise ALL our customers to ensure they have suitable holiday insurance in-place. Yachtsman’s insurance is available from a variety of sources, such as Topsail Insurance , and can cover things like cancellations and personal effects cover.

This course will enable students to safely plan and undertake day passages in familiar waters, with an introduction to making a night passage, always returning to a port of safe haven. This is the gateway course to chartering yachts anywhere in the UK and the world. With the skills learnt on the course you will have a good, solid grounding ready to start your adventures.

yachtmaster prep course solent

Who is the RYA Day Skipper Theory and Practical Combined Course for:

The RYA Day Skipper Course Solent is designed for anyone who has successfully completed the RYA Competent Crew and wants to undertake the practical and theory qualification in one sitting over nine continuous days.

Successful completion qualifies students for their International Certificate of Competence (ICC), allowing them to confidently plan and complete passages around Portsmouth, Southampton and the Solent, as well as charter yachts in the UK and abroad.

As a guide we would recommend an absolute minimum of five days (or 100 nautical miles) of tidal waters yacht sailing experience as an active crew member. This requirement is usually obtained by taking the RYA Competent Crew course. However, If you are short of a few days experience then why not try one of our sailing mile builders!

We sometimes find that students with less than this level of experience struggle to pass and complete the RYA Day Skipper Combination course.

What we cover on the RYA Day Skipper Course UK:

The RYA Day Skipper Combined Theory & Practical Course will enable you to gain the full RYA Day Skipper qualification in just nine days. It’s the fastrack way to gain your skippers licence.

The RYA Day Skipper Combined theory and practical course is held over 9 days and is conducted from our Gosport Marina base.

You will need to spend your evenings reviewing your theory classes and reading some of the upcoming theory sections ready for the next day. You will have exercises to complete each evening to help consolidate your learning.

The RYA Day Skipper Combined Theory and Practical Course covers preparation for sea and the safety briefing, deck work, navigation (both traditional and electronic), pilotage into and out of ports and harbours, meteorology, rules of the road, maintenance and repair work, engines, victualing, emergency situations and actions, yacht handling under power and under sail, passage making, night sailing back to a port of safe refuge, and of course being the skipper of a vessel.

Please be aware that RYA Day Skipper Combination Courses completed in the Solent and other tidal waters are demanding. This course is held in high regard with yacht charter companies worldwide due to the challenging waters, winds, tides and busy waterways you will encounter. Courses run in the non-tidal waters of the Mediterranean are generally not accepted by the UK yacht charter industry. Our Day Skipper course also qualifies you for the International Certificate of Competence (ICC).

Our RYA Day Skipper Combination courses have 4 to 5 students. In some instances sharing a cabin may be required.

yachtmaster prep course solent

Course formats & details:

Courses run in a single format:

  • 9 consecutive days: (Saturday to the following Sunday)

During your RYA Day Skipper (Tidal) Combination Course, you will cover theory and practical navigation, pilotage, boat handling, seamanship, skippering techniques, customs and sailing etiquette and the all-important berthing in marinas. You will also potentially cover rafting alongside another vessel, which is common during high season.

The course includes accommodation aboard our immaculate, well-maintained yachts with breakfast, lunch and snacks and three evening meals onboard with one evening meal taken ashore at the students cost during the practical side of the course.

During the theory side of the course we only provide accommodation on a “bed only” basis at extra-cost. (This is strictly subject to availability of spare yachts – Please confirm two weeks prior to your course commencing).

We also include all fuel and safety kit such as lifejackets and waterproofs (Excluding footwear).

Fancy going VIP and having your own exclusive private course for you and your friends or family? You can book the whole yacht just for your own exclusive course from only £1,095 per person. Enjoy the course in style, with up to five persons on the boat being taught by one of our friendly, experienced Yachtmaster Instructors! What a way to start your sailing adventure!

Our Chief Instructor says this about the RYA Day Skipper Combination Course:

This is the best way to gain your RYA Day Skippers licence in the shortest possible time frame. This course will give you the ability to charter a yacht in the UK or abroad.

It’s advisable to ensure that your practical sailing skills are up to scratch, as there is no time on the course for refreshing skills. You need to be able to helm the yacht, hold a course, operate winches, tack, gybe and sail the yacht into a triangular course. In short, you need to be confident of the skills you learnt on your Competent Crew course.

This course is the starting point for your skippering life. It’s all about the journey, visisting new ports, navigating in and out of them safely by day. This course will immerse you in boat life, so get involved, enjoy the banter, ask questions and have a great time. Once you complete this course, go sailing, charter a boat with friends and family.

Remember with this course that it’s a full-on nine days! So please be well-prepared for long days a a lot to learn!

We will help you as much as we can but you need to work with us to really get the most out of the full nine days. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or ask for things  to be explained in more detail if you don’t understand them. Practice the skills in the evenings to really home your knowledge. But most of all have fun.

yachtmaster prep course solent

  • Saturday 5th October 2024 (7 spaces)
  • Saturday 2nd November 2024 (3 spaces)
  • Saturday 30th November 2024 (10 spaces)
  • Saturday 15th February 2025 (10 spaces)

Related courses

Rya yachtmaster™ theory.

The RYA Yachtmaster™ Theory Course brings students with at least the RYA Day Skipper / Coastal Skipper qualification and a sound level of sailing experience, up to Yachtmaster™ level (Theory only).

Take a look at our live course calendar  for dates for the RYA Yachtmaster™ Theory course!


The RYA SRC/VHF Radio Course is minimum qualification required by law to operate the VHF or VHF Digital Selective Calling (DSC) equipment on any British flagged vessel carrying a radio.

Take a look at our live course calendar  for dates for the RYA SRC/VHF Radio course!

RYA Coastal Skipper Practical

The RYA Coastal Skipper Practical course is the next progression step from being a qualified RYA Day skipper. With more advanced skills and valuable techniques being taught along with the planning and executing of much longer passages, it’s the next natural step-up from the RYA Day Skipper course, giving you more confidence in planning those all-essential Channel crossings.

Take a look at our live course calendar  for dates for the RYA Coastal Skipper Practical course!

Customer reviews

A fantastic weekend of sailing, almost 130 NM in all, with a relaxed, but fully engaging skipper. Great set up and brilliant on the admin. Thanks Stef, Tom et al!

Google Logo

I did a weeks coastal skipper course getting ready for my yacht master and I have to say it was one of the best training weeks I’ve had - our training instructor was superb, exactly the sort of person that you want. He could inspire, provide discipline and impart knowledge as well as let you learn through your own mistakes. Tom and Steph run an excellent operation there and I highly recommend it. They’re flexible and very helpful when it comes to your journey into being a qualified sailor.

Nigel Frith Avatar

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Nomad Sailing

Mobile: 07931 940277 07917 573772 Tel: 02392 528019

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  • Yachtmaster Prep
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  • Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster
  • Yachtmaster Ocean
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  • RYA First Aid
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  • CEVNI Inland Waterways
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RYA Courses in London and the Solent

Welcome to nomad sailing.

Nomad Sailing is an RYA Recognised Training Centre offering practical sail training, sailing adventures and shorebased theory courses in London, Gosport and Online. We pride ourselves on putting the student/customer at the centre of what we do. Check out our Trip Advisor reviews to see what our students think. May has so far shown us a mix of weather but it is definitely getting warmer so time to get out on the water. We have been very busy so far this season but do have availability from June for you to complete your RYA practical course or perhaps join our trip to The Channel Islands in late July 2024. All of our sailing courses and trips are fully inclusive, we do provide 3 meals a day, we cater for all dietary requirements and we pay for all mooring fees, we guarantee no hidden extra costs. As a Nomad student you will not waste any time hunting down your breakfast, lunch and dinner, instead we use all our time learning and having fun. 

Image of RYA Training Centre logo

Shorebased Courses

RYA Theory Course Classroom Photo

Sailing Courses

Photo of students on the water sailing the yacht in an RYA Practical Training Course

Sailing Adventures

Photo of Nomad 1 Jeanneau Sunfast 37 sailing towards a sunset

RYA Practical Sailing Courses  are available in the busy tidal waters of the Solent and will give you the hands on experience you need to sail in tidal waters. They cover the entire experience range from those new to sailing and wanting to give it try, through to experienced sailors looking for their Yachtmaster ticket. Our courses include Start Yachting, Competent Crew, Day Skipper, Coastal Skipper & Yachtmaster Preparation.

RYA Shorebased Theory Courses  are available in various locations in London and now at our new shorebased training venue at Endeavour Quay (Gosport Marina). We offer evening classes in London and intensive courses at Gosport. These RYA theory courses include the Day Skipper Theory, Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Theory and the VHF SRC Radio course. From 2020 we will also be offering RYA First Aid and RYA Diesel Engine at our Gosport Centre. Should you wish to enquire about shorebased training delivery at your own venue please contact us. See  TripAdvisor  for what people have been saying. Yacht Charter and Corporate Charter  .  Nomad Sailing also manage Solent Yacht Charter, a long established charter company in Haslar marina. We can provide you with a full range of options for sail and motor boat charter, both bareboat and skippered along with some interesting corporate charter options

Free Resit Guarantee*

Our guarantee is that we won't give up on you: in the unlikely event that you fail or can't complete one of our RYA courses, you can resit or rejoin another at NO EXTRA COST (includes practical courses up to Day Skipper and all theory courses less exam fees where applicable) (*see  Terms & Conditions ).



yachtmaster coastal fast track

yachtmaster coastal fast track

rya yachtmaster instructor

rya yachtmaster instructor

Solent Sail 08443 573673

Sailing school

All courses are on our 40′ CATAMARAN. Perfect for doing an RYA qualification with a little more style and comfort. Ideal for people wanting to get ready for a catamaran charter in the Med or Caribbean.

Our use of catamarans reflects the fact that people are buying and chartering multihull yachts and need practical training in using them. It also makes for a much more stable teaching platform and more space below for the students. However courses are still limited to just 5 students, so bigger boat does not mean less time on the helm. Start Yachting courses take place over a weekend (Friday evening to Sunday afternoon). Competent Crew, Day Skipper and Yachtmaster (exam prep) courses take place over at least 5 days (either Sunday evening to Friday afternoon, two weekends including one extra day or three weekends). Coastal skipper courses also take 5 days, but will always be in one block.

If you don’t have one already, you will need an RYA logbook for the course. These are available in the local chandlers or on-line here .

Scheduled courses are shown below. If you have a group of 4 or 5 individuals that want an RYA course, we can arrange that for dates to suit you. The cost is based on a 5-day charter as per our information page. And if you just want a one-day or weekend, catamaran familiarisation course, it can also be arranged to suit your needs. Costs for this are the same as the one-day charters on our information page.

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