La risposta breve a questa domanda è no. Mentre altri paesi occidentali hanno regole più progressiste per l'acquisto del senza prescrizione medica (o per il trattamento della disfunzione erettile), il Viagra è ancora un farmaco soggetto a prescrizione. Il Viagra è disponibile da qualche anno allo sportello nel Regno Unito e in Nuova Zelanda […]

500 FLY - Le plus convivial et innovant des yachts de la catégorie!

Le Galeon 500 FLY, élu Bateau de l'année 2016 Boot Dusseldorf, est le plus innovant yacht de la catégorie 51/54 pieds avec son système de plage privée élargissant le cockpit avec des terrasses au dessus de l'eau!

365 HTS - Deux bateaux en un !

Le 365 a rejoint la ligne "Sport Cruiser" de Galeon dans la catégorie de 37/38 pieds. Il propose deux bateaux en un avec sa baie vitrée fermant complétement le cockpit à la demande.

485 HTS - Luxe et Sportivité

Le 485 propose une immense cabine propriétaire à l'arrière, une cabine VIP à l'avant, un garage à annexe et un ingénieux système de baie vitrée totalement dissimulée fermant hydraulique ment le cockpit sur demande!


Chaque yacht Galeon est unique!

Galia motorboats

Visitez le site Galia Boats

French Boat Market

Importateur exclusif Galeon France Un réseau français de 10 points de vente Galeon en Méditerranée et Atlantique Visitez notre site !

Nouveau 360

Trois cabines doubles dans un FLY de 37 pieds!

Fil d'actualité

Galeon Yachts au Cannes

GALEON Yachts France et ses ...

Naviguez en Galeon cet

Une dizaine de Galeon de 31 à 58 pieds sont ...

Le printemps est là, montez à bord du Galeon 470 Sky !

Aujourd'hui, c'est le printemps ! Montez à bord du Galeon 470 Sky pour une petite croisière gourmande...

TEASER – GALEON dévoile les coulisses de son chantier à Gdansk

Teaser vidéo

Nous sommes impatients de vous faire découvrir la vidéo complète réalisée chez Galeon Yachts, pour vous faire découvrir le monde fascinant de la construction de nos yachts de luxe sur mesure. En attendez, savourez ce teaser !

Le Galeon 500 gagne le prix Motor Boat Awards 2023

Cérémonie annuelle des Motor Boat Awards

Après 2 rendez-vous manqués à cause du Covid, c'est à l'hotel Kö59 qu'a eu lieu cette année la cérémonie des Motor Boat Awards, en marge du salon nautique Boot 2023 à Düsseldorf.

230 personnes du secteur étaient réunies pour célébrer ensemble une nouvelle année d'innovations nautiques.

A cette occasion, 10 Motor Boat Awards ont été remis. Ceux-ci sont décernés après des mois d'essais, mais également en fonction de critères concernant le marché concerné en lien avec la taille, le style et le prix du bateau.

Le GALEON 500, vainqueur dans la catégorie "Flybridge moins de 60 pieds"

Nous sommes ravis de vous annoncer que dans la catégorie "Flybridge jusqu'à 60 pieds", le GALEON 500 a remporté le prix !

Pourquoi le GALEON 500 a-t-il impressionné le jury ?

Les innovations de ce modèle ont beaucoup plu, tels que les fenêtres latérales avec commande intégrée au tableau de bord, ou encore les sièges rotatifs.

L'espace sociable du flybridge a également été apprécié, avec les bains de soleil généreux à l'avant, un bar et un carré à l'arrière.

Il y a également une timonerie agréablement sociable sur le flybridge, avec des bains de soleil à l'avant et un salon enveloppant, ainsi qu'un bar humide à bâbord et un vaste espace de dîner à l'arrière.

A la proue du bateau, l'espace convivial transformable a également été jugé fort bien conçu.

Dans la coque est appréciée la lumière naturelle, provenant de grandes fenêtres et de skylights.

Pour finir, c'est la partie arrière du pont principal qui a fait mouche. Le pavois tribord s'ouvre pour créer un véritable balcon sur mer, permettant de profiter du bar intérieur-extérieur. Tandis qu'en face à bâbord, le sofa se retourne vers l'extérieur, avec son pavois ouvrant également. Enfin l'arrière répond également à vos envies avec une grand assise en rotation pour pouvoir l'orienter face à la mer ou comme vous le souhaitez !

Vous l'aurez compris, les nouveaux atouts du GALEON 500 ont vraiment charmé le jury des Motor Boat Awards !

La gamme Galeon

Choisissez votre yacht parfait parmi une large sélection de modèles luxueux et dynamiques, sport cruiser.

Grande performance avec cockpit ouvert et salon en bas

Extérieur élégant avec salon lumineux sur le pont principal

fonctionnelles et spacieuses sur les trois ponts

Une combinaison parfaite de substance et de style

Société Galeon

Créé en 1982, le chantier Galeon est une entreprise privée spécialisée dans la conception et la fabrication de yachts jusque 25 mètres. C’est l’un des plus grands fabricants européens, fort d’un site de production et d’assemblage de 18 000 m² et de plus de 800 employés spécialisés.

Chaque yacht Galeon est une œuvre d’artisanat et d’excellence. Avec ses vingt-huit modèles de 30 à 82 pieds, tous personnalisables de par les nombreux styles de décoration intérieure et de par les nombreux équipements disponibles, chaque bateau est unique!

Nos trente années d’expérience et notre exigence en matière de qualité nous ont amené à rencontrer un succès désormais mondial.

Trouver un revendeur

Recherchez sur le réseau galeon un revendeur officiel près de chez vous..

Canet Boat Plaisance

Pôle Nautique Rue Hermione 66140 Canet-en-Roussillon

Expérience Yachting Cap d'Agde

2 Quai de la Trirème

34300 Le Cap d’Agde

[email protected]

Expérience Yachting Port Camargue

ZT 1 Route des Marines 30240 Port Camargue [email protected]

Port de Mandelieu la Napoule 06210 Mandelieu-la-Napoule

[email protected]

French Boat Market Port de la Rague 06210 Mandelieu La Napoule FRANCE

Tel: +33 (0) [email protected]

EN Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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Galeon webpage conditions of use Galeon has made every effort to provide accurate information on all featured models, range and performance figures as well equipment and features of the yachts. This information however is subject to change without notice, contain mistakes and misprints and cannot as such be relied upon as a valid and binding offer or a term of contract. All photographs, visual representations and descriptions of the yachts may contain options or elements that are not standard or available on a particular market. Actual specifications of all models may vary from the ones shown and be changed without notice – please contact your local Galeon Dealer for an up-to-date offer sheet and terms of contract. All information featured on the website including, but not limited to: photographs, descriptions, technical data, logos and brand names is copyrighted and may not be used, copied or featured without prior written consent from the Galeon Company. The website may contain links to other, third-party websites which the Galeon Company does not endorse in any way, has no control over the content or any other information shared and as such does not accept any responsibility for their content or use. Galeon reserves the right to revise and amend any information and conditions featured on this webpage at any time without prior notice.

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58 Galeon 2024 Boat For Sale

Asking price: €1,550,000.

  • Yachts for sale
  • motoryachts
  • 58' Galeon

Last updated Sep 18, 2024

58' Galeon 2024

The 560 FLY first grabs the eye with lines that are both muscular and playful. A wide beam that carries well forward gives this vessel a substantial presence. It’s a design choice that pulls double duty, allowing for unmatched interior volume, particularly on the accommodations level. But the 560 FLY has other attractive exterior aesthetics at play as well. Loads of glazing along the hullsides combine with massive windows on the main deck to create an airy and futuristic look. And when coupled with creatively designed bridge accents which appear to defy gravity, this is a yacht with lines to remember.

Denison Yacht Sales is pleased to assist you in the purchase of this vessel. This boat is centrally listed by USP Laivu Centrs.

Denison Yacht Sales offers the details of this yacht in good faith but can’t guarantee the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of this boat for sale. This yacht for sale is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal from that yacht market without notice. She is offered as a convenience by this yacht broker to its clients and is not intended to convey direct representation of a specific yacht for sale.


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galeon yacht france

First-Time Buyer?

Read our guide to learn the process for buying this 58' Galeon


  • Yacht Details: 58' Galeon 2024
  • Location: Riga, Latvia
  • Engines: Volvo Penta
  • Last Updated: Sep 18, 2024
  • Asking Price: €1,550,000
  • Max Draft: 4' 6''

58' Galeon additional information

  • Beam: 15' 10''
  • Hull Material: Fiberglass
  • Fuel Tank: 1 x 475|gallon
  • Fresh Water: 1 x 171|gallon
  • Holding: 1 x 63|gallon

Schedule a Tour of 58' GALEON

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News | London

Londoners can visit replica 17th century warship due to arrive in capital

galeon yacht france

A full-sized replica of a 17th-century Spanish warship is due to arrive in London next week.

On September 23, Tower Bridge will be opened at approximately 4pm to let the 500-ton Galeon Andalucia pass through after arriving from Gravesend. The vessel will arrive at St Katherine’s Dock.

Galeon Andlucia launched in 2009 and has since covered over 70,000 nautical miles. This year, the vessel has crossed ports in France, Germany, the Netherlands and multiple UK cities.

It is a full-size replica of the 17th century Spanish galleons that for over three centuries took the lead role in many of the longest trade and cultural routes in the history of maritime navigation.

They were used in expeditions of discovery and inter-oceanic trade between Spain, America and the Philippines .

galeon yacht france

Now visitors can find out more about life aboard its decks with the 'floating’ museums’ interactive presentations and exhibits, along with videos, projections, historical documents and demonstrations by crew members in traditional costume.

The ship will be docked at St Katherine Docks near Tower Bridge from 23 September until 6 October. It can be visited between 10am and 8pm from September 24 onwards.

However, dates and times may be altered due to weather conditions.

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A replica 17th century warship will arrive in London next week – and Londoners can hop on board

The Galeon Andalucia will be docked at St Katherine Docks near Tower Bridge from September 24

India Lawrence

Ahoy there shipmates, something is coming on the horizon. A full-size replica of a 17th-century Spanish warship will sail into London next week, and Londoners can hop on board. 

Want to catch a glimpse of the enormous Galeon Andalucia? Get yourself to Tower Bridge on Monday September 23. At approximately 4pm, the bridge will be drawn up to let the mighty 500-tonne vessel pass through. It will then dock up in St Katherine Docks , the marina next to the Tower Bridge, where visitors will be allowed to look around inside.  

London is the next stop on the galleon’s world tour, where it has already visited France , Germany , the Netherlands and numerous cities in the UK. The ship will arrive in the capital from Gravesend in Kent . 

The Galeon Andalucia is a full-size replica of the Spanish ships that played a huge part in historical marine navigation, crossing some of the biggest cultural and trade routes for more than 300 years. It will be open to the public from September 24 until October 6. Visitors can find out more about life aboard its decks with the ‘floating’ museum’s interactive presentations and exhibits, along with videos, projections, historical documents and demonstrations by crew members in traditional costume. 

Want more ships in London? Check out the HMS Belfast , Cutty Sark and the National Maritime Museum . 

ICYMI: An immersive Barbie DreamHouse is in London’s West End this week . 

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The Fourth Plinth’s newest artwork is a monument to trans lives – and it’s just been revealed .

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  5. Used Galeon yacht for sale on the French Riviera

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  1. Galeon Yacht 640 Fly. Messe Düsseldorf 2024 #boot #düsseldorf #galeon #yacht

  2. Galeon 375 GTO, un yacht de luxe innovant


  1. Galeon

    Galeon Yachts au Cannes. GALEON Yachts France et ses ... Naviguez en Galeon cet . Une dizaine de Galeon de 31 à 58 pieds sont ... 20.03.2023 Le printemps est là, montez à bord du Galeon 470 Sky ! ... Chaque yacht Galeon est une œuvre d'artisanat et d'excellence.

  2. World's Leading Luxury Yacht Manufacturer

    Galeon never settles. Each of our luxury yachts is a master class in design and engineering. The passion and innovation of our artisans reach new levels when matched with leading-edge technology that stands at the industry's forefront. Old-World European craftsmanship is alive and well at Galeon. Our unrivaled attention to detail shines ...

  3. Model Lineup

    REQUEST INFORMATION. Prepare to be amazed as you explore our enviable lineup of luxury yachts. Each of our yachts is a handcrafted masterpiece abounding with innovative features not seen elsewhere in the market. Galeon offers different models between 32- and 80 feet long, each of which is built in Europe with the American yachtsman in mind.

  4. Galeon 560 FLY

    The 560 FLY first grabs the eye with lines that are both muscular and playful. A wide beam that carries well forward gives this vessel a substantial presence. It's a design choice that pulls double duty, allowing for unmatched interior volume, particularly on the accommodations level. But the 560 FLY has other attractive exterior aesthetics ...

  5. Galeon Yachts for sale in France

    Galeon Yachts ⁄ / France; Galeon Yachts for sale in France. Save Search. Clear Filter Make / Model: All Galeon Country: France. Location. By Radius. By Country. country-all. All Countries. Country-FR. France. All. Tutte 25 km 50 km 100 km 200 km 300 km 500 km 1000 km 2000 km 5000 km. from your location. Region. Region-all.

  6. Galeon Yachts for sale

    Find 23 Galeon Yachts for sale near you, including used and new, boat prices, photos & more. Locate boat dealers and find your boat at YachtWorld.

  7. Galeon Yachts for sale in France

    Find Galeon Yachts for sale in France. Offering the best selection of Galeon Yachts to choose from.

  8. Galeon 500 FLY

    The 500 FLY is one of Galeon's most award-winning and innovative yachts. The model sets benchmarks with its ever-popular Beach Mode, comprised of fold-out side decks that expand the yacht's total entertainment area by leaps and bounds. Optional rotating aft seat with garage underneath acts as a luxurious complement to space.

  9. France

    France. About. The company; Technology; Yacht design; Winterizing; Dofinansowanie; Partners; Galeon. Yachts; News; Contact; Links. Galia motorboats; Pre-owned Yachts; ... cookies in the terminal equipment of users of the service and who gets access to them is The operator of the website Galeon Service Sp. z o.o. Sp. K with seat in Starogardzka ...

  10. Galeon 500 Fly 2021 "SATISFACTION"

    The award-winning Galeon 500 Fly is the most innovative yacht in its class. With all the luxury and craftmanship that Galeon is known for, the 500 Fly offers ingeniously unique features that make it an incredible investment in your boating lifestyle. With it's unique "beach mode", the cockpit width extends to a stunning 20 feet by ...

  11. 44 Galeon In Stock 2023 Southampton

    In Stock Yacht for Sale is a 44 superyacht built by Galeon in 2023. Currently she is located in Southampton and awaiting her new owners. ... bright and airy interior and certainly brings you unforgettable experience. Find your new paradise with Galeon Yachts! Technical specificationLength of the hull [m] 11,99 [ft] 39'4"Length overall [m] 13,46 ...

  12. Galeon 440 FLY

    Galeon has leveraged all of its storied boatbuilding experience to create the 440 FLY, a medium-sized motor yacht packed with intelligent innovations and a fresh approach to onboard space distribution. The yacht has a sleek exterior and unmistakable Galeon DNA in regards to this boat's aesthetic appeal. Play video for Galeon 440 FLY (and 450 ...

  13. Yacht for Sale

    Yacht for Sale is a 58 superyacht built by Galeon in 2024. Currently she is located in Riga and awaiting her new owners. ... Le Barcares, 66, France 68' Itama 2017 68' Itama 2017 €1,270,000 NAPOLI, IT-NA, Italy 68' Galeon 2018 ... OTHER Galeon YACHTS FOR SALE View All.

  14. Galeon 325 GTO

    The Galeon 325 GTO is the proud recipient of the European Powerboat Award 2022 for the "up to 10M" category, judged by a panel of test riders and editors-in-chief of powerboat magazines throughout Europe. Receiving this distinction is a nod to the GTO's award winning design to enhance its focus for "fun on the water" and its family friendly ...

  15. Londoners can visit replica 17th century warship due to arrive in

    Galeon Andlucia launched in 2009 and has since covered over 70,000 nautical miles. This year, the vessel has crossed ports in France, Germany, the Netherlands and multiple UK cities.

  16. Galeon Andalucia: Replica 17th Century Warship Will Dock in London Next

    The Galeon Andalucia is a full-size replica of the Spanish ships that played a huge part in historical marine navigation, crossing some of the biggest cultural and trade routes for more than 300 ...

  17. Galeon: Building a World-Class Brand

    Galeon is an award-winning, privately run family-owned manufacturing company founded by Mr. Wieczysław and currently managed by his son, Jacek. As a young man, Jacek started as an apprentice beside his father. Today, he continues to lead as president with a continued focus on innovation and excellence. With a manufacturing area of 114,829 sq ...