Memory Alpha

The Calypso was a Federation captain's yacht that was in service with Starfleet in the mid- 24th century , attached to Galaxy -class starships , among others the USS Enterprise -D . ( Star Trek: The Next Generation ) In 2371 , it scraped on the surface of the planet Veridian III , where the ship's saucer section had been forced to crash land . ( Star Trek Generations )

Shuttles of the USS (NCC-1701-D)
Shuttlecraft: • • Shuttlecraft 03 ( , , , ) • • Shuttlecraft 05 ( , ) • • Shuttlecraft 07 ( (Type 6), (Type 7) • • • • • Shuttlecraft 15 ( , , , ) • • • • • (2367) •
Shuttlepods: • • • Shuttlepod 05 ( , ) • • • Shuttlepod 09 ( , ) • • Shuttlepod 12 ( , ) • • • • •
Captain's yacht:

Appendices [ ]

Background information [ ].

Galaxy class captain's yacht design

Probert's take on the captain's yacht

Calypso was the name for the yacht in the notes to the captain's yacht entry of the Star Trek Encyclopedia , 3rd ed., p. 83. With the latest edition of the Star Trek Encyclopedia , 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 117, the name was changed to Cousteau .

The captain's yacht was the brainchild of Andrew Probert when he beefed out the details of his Galaxy -class design. Probert postulated, " In the original show the dome on the bottom of the ship was a sensor array . What I did was move the sensor array to more of a surrounding detail, leaving the dome on the bottom free. That's where I put the captain's yacht , which is a private vessel for dignitaries and captains of ships to use as personal shuttles . That was never used in the show. At one point there was a script where Picard was returning to the ship and the dialogue was, "The captain's shuttle is on the way back. Crew members, man your stations." Then the captain comes aboard. We never ever have a visual, so I suggested mentioning the yacht, but they decided against it. " ( Star Trek: The Magazine  Volume 1, Issue 16 , p. 55)

Captain's yachts did not become part of Trek canon until the debut of the USS Enterprise -E 's Cousteau in Star Trek: Insurrection .

Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual [ ]

Galaxy-class captain's yacht Calypso by Impel No

Calypso particulars

Galaxy-class captain's yacht Calypso by Impel No

Calypso explored

The Calypso was never seen in use or mentioned in dialogue, but its name came from the Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual and the Star Trek Encyclopedia , 3rd ed., p. 83. It was named for Jacques-Yves Cousteau 's ship Calypso by Patrick Stewart . Production staff wanted to use the yacht in episodes such as TNG : " The Neutral Zone " and " Samaritan Snare ", but budget restrictions prohibited building a miniature and sets.

Authors Rick Sternbach and Michael Okuda delved somewhat deeper into the specifics of the Calypso when upgrading their writings for the much (color) enhanced 1992 Impel trading cards set, Star Trek: The Next Generation - Inaugural Edition (card 111).

Apocrypha [ ]

The reference work Star Trek: Starship Spotter categorized the Calypso as a Mark I Captain's Yacht.

External link [ ]

  • Calypso at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • 1 Bell Riots
  • 3 Daniels (Crewman)

Forgotten Trek

The Unseen Enterprise-D

Star Trek: The Next Generation already required more sets than the average television show. It had to cannibalize whatever it could from the motion pictures and Gene Roddenberry wrote two superfluous scenes in main engineering into “Encounter at Farpoint”, knowing that such a large set might never be built if it wasn’t required for the pilot.

Inevitably many parts of the Enterprise -D went unseen: the main shuttlebay, the many observation lounges that presumably line the saucer, Cetacean Ops…

Fortunately we can draw on the work of Star Trek veterans and fans to get a more complete picture of the Galaxy -class starship. Here is a tour of the unseen Enterprise -D.

Main shuttlebay

Enterprise-D main shuttlebay deck plan

For budget reasons, The Next Generation never showed the enormous main shuttlebay that is supposed to take up the bulk of Decks 3 and 4 in the saucer section.

Rick Sternbach, who had worked as an illustrator on Star Trek: The Motion Picture , and who would go on to design many of the props and starships that appeared in The Next Generation and Voyager , drew up the layout of the main shuttlebay in the Star Trek: The Next Generation U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D Blueprints , which were at least partly based on the blueprints Ed Whitefire had prepared earlier in the 1990s but which weren’t licensed.

It shows a vast complex with about two dozen shuttles, a bunch of workbees, repair shops, fueling stations, cargo processing bays and a central control tower.

Rob Bryan and Stage 9 studio visualized the main shuttlebay for their aborted virtual-reality tour of the Enterprise -D. Unfortunately, CBS put a stop to their project, citing copyright, but we still have the pictures .

Enterprise-D main shuttlebay

Andrew Probert allocated many windows on the Enterprise -D model for observation decks. Having such a large vessel with families, singles, lovers and loners aboard, Probert envisioned those areas as comfortable places where people could go and relax.

“They were simply lounges,” he told Trekplace in 2005, “and they were different sized, ranging from a two-person lounge to a fourteen-person lounge, where you could have family gatherings or parties and they would all be very darkly lit, so you wouldn’t get gross window reflections, allowing you to see outside a lot easier.”

Enterprise-D lounge concept art

Some of those lounges were seen in the first season, including a small four-person lounge in “Encounter at Farpoint” (which was a redress of Dr Crusher’s office) and a Starboard Lounge in the episode “Justice” (for which the crew quarters’ set was used).

After Ten Forward premiered in the second season, no other lounges were seen anymore.

Enterprise-D lounge

Stage 9 as well as Jason B., whose similar Enterprise-D Construction Project was also shut down by CBS, gave us a glimpse of what might have been. They put small lounges on the lower Deck 1, in front of the bridge, a Two Forward behind the large observation windows on Deck 2 and a Nine Forward above Ten Forward in the front of the saucer.

Enterprise-D lounge art

Probert envisioned another lounge behind the four large windows in the underside of the saucer section. He provided Trekplace with a mockup of what this would look like.

Sternbach instead placed a secondary deflector dish in this area in his Star Trek: The Next Generation U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D Blueprints .

Observation Lounge ramp

A ramp is meant to connect the Enterprise bridge with the observation lounge, which is situated about half a deck lower.

In the real world, the reason we never saw direct scenes between the two sets is that they were disconnected. Picard’s ready room, by contrast, really was adjacent to the bridge.

Enterprise-D bridge ramp

In Stage 9’s visualization, the ramp became a small staircase flanked by relief sculptures of previous ships named Enterprise . These were initially mounted on the wall of the observation lounge but disappeared between the fourth and the fifth seasons.

Cetacean Ops

Cetacean Ops is referred to twice on the show — in “The Perfect Mate” and “Yesterday’s Enterprise”. In the Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual , Sternbach and Michael Okuda write that the section is home to several dolphins and two whales, who aid the Enterprise in its navigation.

In the Blueprints , Sternbach places Cetacean Ops on Decks 13 and 14 in the forward section of the saucer.

Enterprise-D Cetacean Ops deck plan

Probert put the section on Deck 7 of another Galaxy -class starship in his concept art for Star Trek Online in December 2005.

Click here to learn more about Cetacean Ops.

Medical Deck

Probert’s main contribution to Star Trek Online was the design of a large medical deck.

Galaxy-class medical deck concept art

With up to one thousand people on board, a Galaxy -class starship could hardly suffice with the four biobeds and one surgical theater we saw on the show.

In the episode “Tapestry”, it is revealed there are in fact three sickbay wards on the ship. “Ethics” makes reference to private recovery rooms. Other episodes mention a diagnostics center, medical labs, a morgue and a nursery.

Enterprise-D sickbay deck plan

Probert’s design includes many of these facilities as well as a spacious reception area. Gareth John Williams visualized two of Probert’s sketches.

Click here to learn more about the Galaxy -class medical deck that wasn’t.

Sternbach places all medical facilities on Deck 12 in his Blueprints . The sickbay we see on the show is only a small “primary ICU” of a much larger complex that includes a biohazard ICU, isolation rooms, surgical suite and trauma stasis unit.

Other areas Probert designed for Star Trek Online included an archeology and a geology lab.

Galaxy-class archeology lab concept art

Ed Whitefire placed a five deck-high mall or “grotto” in the front of the saucer section that seems to have been intended as a mix of arboretum and recreation deck. I don’t believe anybody has visualized it.

Whitefire placed a large, two-deck-high “organic storage” facility behind the large blue windows that are below the doors of the main shuttlebay on Decks 5 and 6. Sternbach, in his Blueprints , puts the arboretum here, as does Alexander Richardson , although the arboretum seen in “Data’s Day”, “Imaginary Friend” and “Dark Page” didn’t have large windows. Maybe that was only part of a larger complex, though?


Probert told Trekplace in 2005 that he designed those windows for observation lounges.

Ryan T. Riddle and Mark Farinas place a large arboretum in the back of the saucer of their Ambassador -class starship in “ The Word of God ” with a lobby reminiscent of Probert’s design for Star Trek Online .

The Word of God panel

Computer Cores

“Evolution” showed us a computer access room, but the cores themselves (the Enterprise -D is supposed to carry three) were never seen.

Enterprise-D computer access room

In his concept art for Star Trek Online , Probert places two computer cores side by side in the saucer section. The third is in the stardrive section.

Captain’s yacht

Enterprise-D captain's yacht art

Probert included a “captain’s yacht” in the bottom of the saucer, which Picard could presumably use for personal missions. He volunteered several ideas to show it in the first season of The Next Generation , but budgetary constraints made this impossible.

The only view of the yacht, called Calypso , we have is from Probert’s contribution to the 2010 Ships of the Line calendar. If you look closely, you can see Captain Picard sipping tea behind one of the windows as his yacht is being hauled in.

Great writeup. It’s a damned shame CBS gave Stage 9 a cease-and-desist. I loved being able to walk through the decks of the big D.
It’s plain the ones in charge of CBS have little to no love for the actual show, and what the show has inspired. Way to alienate fans. Stage 9 is rocking, and they even though it’s unfinished, the potential is great. If CBS had a single functioning brain cell they would get in on it and fund it. As it is, they do not deserve to own Star Trek . The Galaxy -class design is supremely elegant, awesome in every way, and completely beautiful. Best design hands down. They should finish Stage 9 – on the basis that it is not about profit, but about love for the show that Roddenberry loved, worked on, and inspired.
Excellent article, cool pics, love the D.
This is great, thank you for putting this together. Really fleshes things out even more, makes it more real, and still so long after how much we love it!
This is great!! Lots of extra details.
Wonderful. Now ILM’s first Enterprise -D study model was quite different as per Memory Alpha . What happened to that model?

Submit comments by email .

Federation Shuttles and Ground Vehicles Database
Captain's Yacht Galaxy Class

Calypso NCC-1701-D
U.S.S. Enterprise

   Length 18 meters  
   Width 10 meters  
   Height 8 meters  
   Performance 0.65c  
   Mass 95 metric tonnes  
   Crew 2  
  From Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual  
   Length 23m (in flight direction)  
   Width 41m  
  Large shuttle vehicle carried by Galaxy-class starships. The captain's yacht was intended for transport of dignitaries and other diplomatic functions. The yacht was a large elliptical vessel that docked at an external port on the underside of the Galaxy-class starship's Saucer Module.

Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers ! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy , the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG , Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online , as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant . Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{ spoiler }}, {{ spoilers }} OR {{ majorspoiler }} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU

  • Memory Beta articles sourced from short stories
  • Small craft classes

Captain's yacht

Captains yacht

A Sovereign -class captain's yacht.

Sovereign Captain's yacht

Ship views.

The captain's yacht was a type of auxiliary vessel installed aboard several classes of Federation starships in the 24th century , including the Galaxy -class and Sovereign -classes . On both designs, the yacht is launched from the underside of the saucer section and was used by the ship's captain to travel alone or to host visiting dignitaries.

While Captain Jean-Luc Picard commanded the USS Enterprise -D , he didn't often use the yacht in his eight years in command. This trend continued during his command of the USS Enterprise -E . While rarely using the yacht, he lost the Cousteau following a Son'a attack in 2375 and the Calypso was stolen by the Androssi and later destroyed in 2378 . ( TNG movie : Insurrection ; TNG - A Time to... novel : A Time to Be Born )

In the mirror universe, the captain's yacht was used aboard the ISS Enterprise -D . ( TNG - Through the Mirror - Ripe for Plunder comic : " Chapter One ")

  • 2.1 Connections
  • 2.2 External link
  • Thelasa ( STO - Star Trek Magazine short story : " Mirror Image, Part 1 ")
  • Calypso ( TNG - Through the Mirror - Ripe for Plunder comic : " Chapter One ")

Appendices [ ]

Connections [ ].

and auxiliary classes
, named classes • • • • • • (warpshuttle) • • • • • (scout) • • • • (warp shuttle) alphanumeric designations A • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
type designations • • • • • • type-6C • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
others • • • •
passenger shuttleStarfleet shuttle (2230s)

External link [ ]

  • Captain's yacht article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • 1 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 2 Odyssey class
  • 3 Star Trek: Destiny
and other starships are used for the captain's personal use, normally diplomatic missions. The yacht measures 18 meters long, 10 meters wide, and 8 meters high, with a mass of 95 metric tons. It's located in the center on the ventral side of the saucer, directly below the bridge.

The Enterprise's yacht was made of tritanium and duranium. It was designed to serve as a self contained, multipurpose vessel, but was used almost exclusively to transport personnel and visiting dignitaries when transporters were inoperable or inappropriate. The interior of the yacht consisted of a flight deck, two staterooms, accommodation for the flight crew, and a galley. Hatches allowed access to the engineering area and the impulse engines, which surround the habitat area. The ship was normally crewed by two pilots and a service representative who tended to and assisted any diplomatic guests. The yacht was equipped with a deflector grid, impulse engines, aerodyne flight motors which were used when it entered a planet's atmosphere. In space, the yacht was capable of achieving a maximum velocity of 0.65c; in a class-m atmosphere it has a cruise velocity of Mach 6, and can reach up to Mach 20.

Unlike shuttles, if necessary the yacht could be launched at speeds as high as warp 7. Once it has separated from the main vessel, the yacht safely decelerates until it reaches sublight operating speeds.

  • Edit source
Launched: 2378
Status: Active (2390s)

The Calypso was a Sovereign -class captain's yacht assigned to the USS Intrepid -A in 2378.

Deck 16 also featured the launch and retrieval mechanism for the Calypso , which normally docked on the ventral side of the saucer section, opposite the bridge, and immediately below the saucer torpedo launcher. When connected to the Intrepid , only the bottom side of the yacht was exposed to space; the top of the craft was concealed by the Intrepid , and the warp nacelles were folded against the hull. Upon launch, the Calypso nacelles folded downward and the entire ship dropped away from the Intrepid .

The Calypso contained a cockpit (with dedication plaque), a small transporter and cargo area, and a docking port which made a direct connection to the Intrepid . It was capable of atmospheric flight and landing on a planetary surface. It could also generate tachyon bursts. Only one pilot was needed to fly the craft. ( Star Trek: Intrepid )

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  • 1 Amanda Rollins
  • 2 Derelict (LV-426)
  • 3 Declan Murphy

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Enterprise-D Captain's Yacht Concept Design - Calypso

  • Thread starter timmyjack!
  • Start date Apr 6, 2022


  • Apr 19, 2023


  • Apr 20, 2023

captain's yacht calypso

Lieutenant Junior Grade

Lovely stuff mate! The space whales are the final cherry on the cake! You got any shots of the lower level as it looks in that space scene?  

scragnog said: Lovely stuff mate! The space whales are the final cherry on the cake! You got any shots of the lower level as it looks in that space scene? Click to expand...

captain's yacht calypso

The further along you go with this the more I like it. Well done!  

LongHauler said: The further along you go with this the more I like it. Well done! Click to expand...

captain's yacht calypso

Good Bad Influence

captain's yacht calypso

  • Apr 21, 2023

Ooh, those sketch drawings / technical schematics are fabulous! Very intricately designed! Plus, those are probably the cutest warp nacelles I have ever seen, even beating Voyager's tiny engines. I love it! What irritates me a bit about your more photorealistic renders is that none of the windows appear to have any glass in them. I guess that's done on purpose, but I guess if you were to add even a subtle glass reflection and refraction, it could do wonders to make this look even more like a Trek ship design.  



Rear admiral.

Nice. I always envisioned that it had a warp "ring" that makes up its outer edge, and it flys top first at warp.  

Lieutenant Commander

  • Apr 22, 2023
valkyrie013 said: Nice. I always envisioned that it had a warp "ring" that makes up its outer edge, and it flys top first at warp. Click to expand...

Love that line art!  

  • Apr 23, 2023
Michael said: Ooh, those sketch drawings / technical schematics are fabulous! Very intricately designed! Plus, those are probably the cutest warp nacelles I have ever seen, even beating Voyager's tiny engines. I love it! What irritates me a bit about your more photorealistic renders is that none of the windows appear to have any glass in them. I guess that's done on purpose, but I guess if you were to add even a subtle glass reflection and refraction, it could do wonders to make this look even more like a Trek ship design. Click to expand...
publiusr said: Love that line art! Click to expand...
  • Apr 24, 2023

I had always assumed it was sublight  

  • Apr 26, 2023
publiusr said: I had always assumed it was sublight Click to expand...

captain's yacht calypso

  • May 2, 2023

captain's yacht calypso

Professor Moriarty

Rice admiral.


Vice Admiral

Professor Moriarty said: (OT) Curse you, Imgur! The whole damn site seems to have run out of space at Amazon Web Services, so nobody using them has working images today (yours, @Warped9 ’s “Unseen TOS” thread, etc.) Click to expand...


  • Jun 7, 2024

I've been using to add images to my posts recently  

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  • Feb 5, 2024

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Star trek finally uses a starship captain’s perk that’s usually forgotten.


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Warning: SPOILERS for Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 4 Finale - "Old Friends, New Planets"

  • In the season 4 finale of Star Trek: Lower Decks, the Captain's Yacht makes its second appearance in the franchise, proving to be a crucial tool in the rescue mission of Lieutenant Mariner.
  • The Captain's Yacht is a small warp-capable spacecraft that operates independently from the starship it belongs to, with its own engines, transporters, and weapons systems.
  • Lower Decks also brings back another forgotten Star Trek vehicle, the Argo, which originally appeared in Star Trek: Nemesis. The Argo is a rugged all-terrain buggy designed for travel over difficult terrain.

Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4's thrilling finale remembers a starship captain's perk that's often forgotten by using it to heroic effect. In "Old Friends, New Planets", Lieutenant Beckett Mariner (Tawny Newsome) flees the base of disgraced Starfleet Academy cadet Nick Locarno (Robert Duncan McNeill), only to find that her stolen getaway ship is trapped by Locarno's Trynar Shield. Captain Carol Freeman (Dawnn Lewis) obtains an enormous Orion battleship from D'Erika Tendi (Ariel Winter) to blow through the barrier, but the derelict ship is only useful as far as it can be thrown since its sheer mass is enough to punch the requisite hole that allows for passage.

Unexpectedly, it's not the Cerritos that takes advantage of the new hole in the Trynar Shield, but a secret third vessel that deftly maneuvers through the fight to get in transporter range of Mariner's commandeered starship, the USS Passaro. With this little ship, Freeman beams her daughter Mariner aboard right before the detonation of Locarno's stolen Genesis Device and gets away fast enough to avoid being caught up in the resulting planetary formation. Despite being part of Star Trek since Star Trek: The Next Generation , Lower Decks marks the second time this specialized vehicle is even used on screen.

Star Trek: Lower Decks features an incredibly talented and prolific voice cast of actors. Here's who's who aboard the USS Cerritos.

Star Trek: Lower Decks Finally Uses The Forgotten Captain’s Yacht

Captain picard used the enterprise-e's yacht in star trek: insurrection.

In the Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4 finale "Old Friends, New Planets", Captain Freeman's secret third vessel is the Captain's Yacht, a frequently forgotten part of starship design that's finally put to good use as an integral part of Mariner's rescue from Nick Locarno's Nova Fleet. The Captain's Yacht is a small warp-capable spacecraft intended for the captain's personal use that detaches from the underside of a starship's saucer section and operates independently, with its own engines, transporters, and weapons systems. It's considered a perk of the captaincy, like the captain's ready room or private dining area.

A surprised Lt. Brad Boimler (Jack Quaid) remarks that he's "never actually seen someone use the Captain's Yacht."

The Captain's Yacht has been a part of starship design since Star Trek: The Next Generation. Production designer Andrew Probert made it part of the USS Enterprise-D with the Calypso, the Captain's Yacht belonging to Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart). The USS Voyager also included a detachable captain's yacht called the aeroshuttle for Captain Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew). Budgetary constraints meant the Captains' Yachts weren't used on screen in either TNG or Star Trek: Voyager, but as a feature film, Star Trek: Insurrection could use Picard's Enterprise-E yacht, the Cousteau, as part of the plot, much like the animated Lower Decks .

Lower Decks Brought Back Another Forgotten Star Trek Vehicle

The cerritos also has an argo from star trek: nemesis..

As an animated series, Star Trek: Lower Decks can bring back other forgotten Star Trek vehicles previously limited to movie budgets. In Star Trek: Nemesis , Captain Picard, Lt. Commander Worf (Michael Dorn), and Lt. Commander Data (Brent Spiner) utilize the Argo, an all-terrain buggy deployed from the sleek shuttle of the same name to Kolarus III to retrieve the component parts of B-4 (Brent Spiner). The Argo-type buggy is a rugged 3-seater specialized for travel over difficult terrain that features ample cargo space, independent sensors, a rear-mounted phaser cannon, and remote control of its paired shuttle. Best of all, the Argo is capable of being operated at "unsafe velocities."

An Argo-type buggy returns in Star Trek: Lower Decks season 1 premiere, "Second Contact", as a Starfleet standard-issue vehicle on an away mission, though this time without the shuttle. The buggy's durable build and cargo capacity make it a great vehicle on second contact missions that require the transport of supplies over uncertain ground. Ensign Beckett Mariner recognizes the Argo's capacity for hauling cargo and steals one to deliver needed farming equipment to the Galardonians, in lieu of Starfleet officially doing so. Both the Argo and Captain's Yacht are rarely used Star Trek vehicles, but thanks to Star Trek: Lower Decks , they don't have to stay forgotten.

All episodes of Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4 are out now on Paramount+.

Star Trek Lower Decks

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Oranienbaum (Lomonosov)

Still commonly known by its post-war name of Lomonosov, the estate at Oranienbaum is the oldest of the Imperial Palaces around St. Petersburg, and also the only one not to be captured by Nazi forces during the Great Patriotic War. Founded by Prince Menshikov, Peter the Great's closest adviser, the Grand Palace is one of the most opulent examples of Petrine architecture to have survived to the present, although until very recently the palace itself has been greatly neglected. After Menshikov's death, Oranienbaum passed to the state, and was used as a hospice until, in 1743, it was presented by Empress Elizabeth to her nephew, the future Peter III. Peter made Oranienbaum his official summer residence and transformed one corner of the park, ordering the construction of a "Joke" Castle and a small citadel manned by his Holstein guards. This peculiar ensemble, called Petershtadt, was mostly demolished during Pavel's reign. Antonio Rinaldi, the Italian-born architect who also designed the Grand Palace at Gatchina and the Marble Palace in St. Petersburg, was commissioned by Peter in 1758 to build a modest stone palace next to the fortress, and this has survived.

After Peter was deposed, Rinaldi was commissioned by Catherine the Great to build the Chinese Palace, in the Upper Park, as her official country residence. However, Catherine spent little time at Oranienbaum, which she had grown to hate during her marriage to Peter, and by the end of the 18 th century the estate had been turned into a Naval Cadet College. The palace became an Imperial residence again in the reign of Alexander I, and retained that status until the Revolution, when it was immediately opened as a museum. Although never captured by the Germans, Oranienbaum was bombarded during the war and, while the Grand Menshikov Palace survived intact, its restoration was given much lower priority than the more famous estates at Peterhof and Tsarskoe Selo. Today, the small but elegant park has been almost completely restored, while the full restoration of the palaces has finally gained momentum over the last decade.

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  1. Enterprise-D Captain's Yacht Concept Design

    captain's yacht calypso

  2. Enterprise-D Captain's Yacht Concept Design

    captain's yacht calypso

  3. Enterprise-D Captain's Yacht Concept Design

    captain's yacht calypso

  4. Enterprise-D Captain's Yacht Concept Design

    captain's yacht calypso

  5. Enterprise-D Captain's Yacht Concept Design

    captain's yacht calypso

  6. WIP

    captain's yacht calypso


  1. Calypso 28

  2. Captain Calypso is my favorite to!!! @CrazyCae ⚔️🧡

  3. Captain's Yacht Docking Fail: Painful Scenes

  4. St.Thomas Calypso king 2024 John Gotti


  1. Captain's yacht

    The captain's yacht was a large support craft built into the design of several Federation starship classes, including the Galaxy-class, Sovereign-class, and California-class starships. It was docked to the underside of the saucer section. On the USS Enterprise-D, the name of the captain's yacht was the Calypso. On the USS Enterprise-E, the name of the captain's yacht was the Cousteau. In 2375 ...

  2. Calypso

    The Calypso was a Federation captain's yacht that was in service with Starfleet in the mid-24th century, attached to Galaxy-class starships, among others the USS Enterprise-D. (Star Trek: The Next Generation) In 2371, it scraped on the surface of the planet Veridian III, where the ship's saucer section had been forced to crash land. (Star Trek Generations) Calypso was the name for the yacht in ...

  3. RV Calypso

    The Captain's yacht of the USS Enterprise-D, on Star Trek: The Next Generation, was named Calypso by actor Patrick Stewart. He also gave the name Cousteau to the captain's yacht of the USS Enterprise-E in homage to the Calypso ' s famous former captain. Wes Anderson directed a film homage of Jacques Cousteau's life called The Life Aquatic with ...

  4. Is the Captain's Yacht from Enterprise-D (the Calypso) warp-capable?

    Apparently, no. The Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual (considered, if not entirely canon, at least a quasi-official authoritative source), gives the following description of the Captain's Yacht:. The yacht is capable of sustained sublight velocities approaching 0.65c. The impulse propulsion system (IPS) consists of six sequential beam-fusion reaction chambers feeding a central ...

  5. star trek

    According to Patrick Stewart, the yacht would have been called Calypso. (Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual, p. 164) We didn't get to see a Captain's yacht in action until Star Trek: Insurrection. The yacht can be seen in this compilation of Enterprise E shots at ~0:55.

  6. The Unseen Enterprise-D

    Captain's yacht Painting of the Enterprise-D captain's yacht for the 2007 Ships of the Line calendar by Andrew Probert. ... The only view of the yacht, called Calypso, we have is from Probert's contribution to the 2010 Ships of the Line calendar. If you look closely, you can see Captain Picard sipping tea behind one of the windows as his ...

  7. Enterprise-D Captain's Yacht Concept Design

    Mainly inspired by Andy Probert's early Galaxy bridge concepts and the overall tone of a research ship like Cousteau's Calypso but with more of that command-level Starfleet 2360s aesthetic. Design would feature modular units that could be reconfigured for research missions, diplomatic enterprise, etc. Obviously there's a ton of detail that ...

  8. Calypso (USS Enterprise-D)

    For other uses, see Calypso. The Calypso was a Federation shuttle vehicle in service to Starfleet in the late 24th century. In the 2360s, Calypso was assigned to the USS Enterprise-D as a captain's yacht. (ST reference: Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual) Calypso maintenance was under the direction of systems technician Graham, who thought of the vessel as his own while it was ...

  9. Calypso (USS Enterprise-E)

    The Calypso was a Sovereign-class captain's yacht assigned to the USS Enterprise-E in 2376, as a replacement for the Cousteau.. In 2378, shortly after the Enterprise entered the Rashanar Battle Site, Captain Picard, Data, and Geordi La Forge, took the Calypso to investigate the wreckage of the USS Asgard.While the team were surveying the wreckage, two Androssi salvage scouts attempted to steal ...

  10. Federation Shuttles and Ground Vehicles Database

    The one aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701-D was named Calypso, in honor of a 20th century Earth exploration vessel commanded Captain Jaques-Yves Cousteau. : Length: 18 meters : Width: 10 meters : Height: ... The captain's yacht was intended for transport of dignitaries and other diplomatic functions. The yacht was a large ...

  11. What are your thoughts on dedicated Captain's Yacht designs?

    I love the Calypso Captain's Yacht design, but it's meant to be a Civilian vessel IMO. It doesn't feel like it matches the rest of the StarFleet design aesthetics of it's era IMO. See I disagree. It's built into the Starfleet vessel. It's not docked in shuttle bay 1 next to Sisko's solar sail craft.

  12. Captain's yacht

    The captain's yacht was a type of auxiliary vessel installed aboard several classes of Federation starships in the 24th century, including the Galaxy-class and Sovereign-classes. On both designs, the yacht is launched from the underside of the saucer section and was used by the ship's captain to travel alone or to host visiting dignitaries. While Captain Jean-Luc Picard commanded the USS ...

  13. Star Trek Starships Collection CAPTAIN'S YACHT CALYPSO

    Star Trek Starships Collection CAPTAIN'S YACHT CALYPSO - Shuttle Pack 7————————————————————————————This ...

  14. FSD: Starfleet Shuttlecraft

    The captain's yacht carried onboard the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D and other Galaxy-class starships are used for the captain's personal use, normally diplomatic missions. The yacht measures 18 meters long, 10 meters wide, and 8 meters high, with a mass of 95 metric tons. It's located in the center on the ventral side of the saucer, directly below the bridge.

  15. Calypso

    The Calypso was a Sovereign-class captain's yacht assigned to the USS Intrepid-A in 2378. Deck 16 also featured the launch and retrieval mechanism for the Calypso, which normally docked on the ventral side of the saucer section, opposite the bridge, and immediately below the saucer torpedo launcher. When connected to the Intrepid, only the bottom side of the yacht was exposed to space; the top ...

  16. Enterprise-D Captain's Yacht Concept Design

    The Tech Manual states that it is sublight, but the tech manual also gets the yacht's size completely wrong. When we scale the yacht off of the 1701-D model/blueprints and compare the yacht to other known shuttle or aux craft types, it just doesn't make any sense for it to not have warp capability at that scale (nor do I personally like the ...

  17. Star Trek Finally Uses A Starship Captain's Perk That's Usually Forgotten

    The Captain's Yacht is a small warp-capable spacecraft that operates independently from the starship it belongs to, with its own engines, transporters, and weapons systems. ... Production designer Andrew Probert made it part of the USS Enterprise-D with the Calypso, the Captain's Yacht belonging to Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart). The ...

  18. Calypso (Captain's yacht) for Space Engineers

    NCC 1701-D Calypso (Captain's yacht) Hydro/Ion multiflight hybrid. Dorsal merge for ventral dock on saucer section. Thruster damage ok to be on. Equipped with reloadable forward facing rockets.

  19. The History of Jacques-Yves Cousteau's Research Vessel CALYPSO

    This video shows you the history of one of the world's most iconic ships. Jacques Cousteau's Research Vessel Calypso. If you would care to help preserve th...

  20. Captain of Mike Lynch's yacht leaves Sicily on private jet

    The captain of Mike Lynch's yacht flew out of Palermo on Thursday, 10 days after the British tech tycoon and six other people were killed when the vessel sank off the coast of Sicily.

  21. Oranienbaum (Lomonosov), St. Petersburg, Russia

    Oranienbaum (Lomonosov) Still commonly known by its post-war name of Lomonosov, the estate at Oranienbaum is the oldest of the Imperial Palaces around St. Petersburg, and also the only one not to be captured by Nazi forces during the Great Patriotic War. Founded by Prince Menshikov, Peter the Great's closest adviser, the Grand Palace is one of ...

  22. Pargolovo Map

    Pargolovo is a municipal settlement in the Vyborgsky District of Saint Petersburg, Russia. Pargolovo has about 81,000 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.

  23. Vyborgskoe Highway, 344, Saint Petersburg

    Vyborgskoe Highway, 344, Pargolovo Settlement, St. Petersburg. Coordinates:. 60.091581, 30.257253

  24. Pargolovo

    Pargolovo (Russian: Па́рголово, Finnish: Parkala, German: Pargola) is a municipal settlement in the Vyborgsky District of Saint Petersburg, Russia.Until the late 20th century, it was the city's northern suburb. [1] The name derives from Parkola, a Karelian placename. Its population in 2010 was 15,852. Pargolovo was a family seat of the junior line of the Counts Shuvalov, starting ...