12er yacht anita

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12er yacht anita

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12er yacht anita

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12er yacht anita

Erhaltung und Renovierung

12er yacht anita

Natürlich, wir sprechen nicht nur über spannende Regatten und Segelabenteuer, bei uns kann man sie erleben!

Wenn Sie mitsegeln wollen können wir das natürlich organisieren. Die Anita ist ca. 80 bis 90 Tage im Jahr auf See. Dabei segeln wir regelmäßig verschiedenste Ziele an und nehmen dort an Regatten für klassische Segelboote teil. Auf der Anita sind zehn Schlafplätze vorhanden. Bei Eintagsregatten kann die Crew auch größer sein.


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Yachtsportmuseum digital


  • Die 12er im Spiegel der 'Yacht' 1906 - 1964
  • Die deutschen Zwölfer, "Yacht" 1940-1958

Die deutschen Zwölfer, "Yacht" 1940-1958

Text + Recherche: Wilfried Beeck

Lobito (alias Sphinx) bei einer Regatta 1949 auf der Elbe

Der Krieg hatte die lebhafte Regatta-Tätigkeit am Ende der 30er Jahre zu einem abrupten Ende gebracht. Nach der Segelsaison 1939, die in vielerlei Hinsicht ein Höhepunkt für die 12er Szene gewesen war, fanden keinerlei Regatten mehr statt. Die Yacht hatte zwar 1940 noch einen ausführlichen Bericht über die vier deutschen Zwölfer gebracht, aber es gab natürlich in Deutschland und England keine Regatten mehr. Im Dezember 1942 wurden bei einem Bombenangriff auf die Camper & Nicholson Werft große Teile des Archivs und auch die beiden Zwölfer Ornsay und Westravöllig zerstört. Das war natürlich in der Yacht nicht zu lesen. Die vier deutschen Zwölfer hingegen überstanden den Bombenkrieg unbeschadet. Nach dem Krieg wird allerdings Inga für kurze Zeit von den englischen Besatzungsmächten beschlagnahmt und eine zeitlang von den Offizieren gesegelt. Der schottische Yacht–Designer David Ryder-Turner nutzt dazu die Segel der zerstörten englischen Ornsay , die beim Bombenangriff auf C&N 1942 unbeschadet geblieben waren. 1948 geben die Engländer die Yacht an John T. Essberger zurück, der sie Anfang der 50er auf der Kieler Woche recht aktiv gegen Burmesters Aschanti III segelt, bevor Burmester mit der Aschanti in die USA reist. 1959 stirbt Essberger und seine Tochter verkauft die Inga für den symbolischen Betrag von 35.000 Mark an die Marineschule Mürwik, wo sie seitdem als Westwind  zusammen mit Sphinx (der ehemaligen  Ostwind ) segelt.

Aschanti III 1949 auf der Elbe

Anita ging vom Margarine-Fabrikanten Walter Rau zunächst an einen Verwandten, der sie zur Yawl umriggte, bevor sie dann Anfang der 60er zur Segelkameradschaft Ostsee kam, die sie noch heute als Fahrtenyacht betreibt und mittlerweile fast 300.000 Meilen gesegelt ist.

Aschanti III 1953 bei der Larchmont Week

Die von Henry Gruber entworfene Aschanti III war in vielerlei Hinsicht der modernste deutsche Zwölfer. Eigner und Werftchef Burmester hatte auch als Einziger nach dem Krieg den Ehrgeiz, die Yacht gegen internationale Konkurrenz antreten zu lassen. Das war etwas, worauf die Leser der "Yacht" Ende der 30er Jahre vergeblich gehofft hatten. Die junge deutsche 12er-Szene hatte damals aufmerksam verfolgt, was in der Saison 1939 in England passierte, bei der sich die Olin Stephens Konstruktion Vim von Harold S. Vanderbilt gegen alle englischen Zwölfer durchgesetzt hatte. Nachdem Burmester die Aschanti kurz nach der Ankunft in den USA mit einem Alumast ausgestattet hatte, siegte sie gegen Vim in vier von fünf Rennen der Larchmont Week 1953. Nicht auszudenken, wenn 1958 statt der englischen Sceptre die deutsche Aschanti die erste America's Cup Heraus–forderung der Zwölfer betrieben hätte. Sie wäre eventuell chancenreicher gewesen, denn Vim und der 58er Cup-Verteidiger Columbia waren sehr vergleichbare Boote, die stets Kopf-an-Kopf lagen. Leider wurde die Aschanti nach ihrer Rückkehr nach Deutschland jedoch an Fritz von Opel verkauft, der sie zur Fahrten-Yawl umbaute und im Mittelmeer segelte. Später kaufte Burmester die Yacht zurück und segelte sie noch einmal erfolgreich auf der Nordseewoche 1958. Im Juni 1963 kam es dann aber bei einem Batteriewechsel zu einer Gasexplosion an Bord bei der drei Arbeiter schwer verletzt wurden und die Aschanti III abbrannte und die Reste danach abgewrackt wurden.

Klaus Auf Dem Garten beschreibt den Werdegang Burmesters und speziell die USA-Reise der Aschanti III mit ausführlicher Hintergrund-Information in seinem Buch über die Werft. In der "Yacht" findet man eine sehr schöne Reisebeschreibung von Age Nissen und auch später die Mittelmeerreisen in Berichten von Kapitän Gutsch. Während von 1958 bis 1987 international auf immer weiter entwickelten Zwölfern um den America's Cup gekämpft wird, gehen die deutschen Zwölfer einer eher beschaulichen Segelei nach. Erst mit der Initiative der Freundeskreis-Regatten und speziell der von Oliver Berking durchgeführten Classics können wir heute wieder spannende Zwölfer-Kämpfe auf der Ostsee erleben.

Dokumente im Yacht-Archiv

  • Yacht 1939, Heft 42, Zwölfer-Beschläge: Doppelseite , Schluss .
  • Yacht 1939, Heft 43, Zwölfer-Entwurf: Seite 1 , Seite 2 .
  • Yacht 1940, Heft 9, Unsere Zwölfer: Seite 2 , Seite 3 , Seite 4 , Seite 5 .
  • Yacht 1940, Heft 16: Leserbrief & Klarstellung .
  • Yacht 1950, Heft 7, Vergleich 12er und 150er Seefahrtkreuzer
  • Yacht 1950, Heft 7, Rund um Fehmarn: Foto , Bericht
  • Yacht 1951, Heft 8, Kieler Woche: Aschanti & Inga , Zukunft mit Heuss
  • Yacht 1952, Heft 9, Kieler Woche: Aschanti & Inga , Bericht
  • Yacht 1952, Heft 3, Winterlager: Inga & Anita
  • Yacht 1952, Heft 8, Aschanti III, Burmester Werbun
  • Yacht 1953, Heft 18, USA-Reise der Aschanti III: Seite 1 , Seite 2 , Seite 3 .
  • Yacht 1955, Heft 12, Age Nissen & Aschanti III: Seite 1 , Seite 2 , Seite 3 .
  • Yacht 1958, Heft 6, Aschanti III auf Korsika: Seite 1 , Seite 2 , Seite 3 .
  • Yacht 1958, Heft 8, Aschanti III, Nizza nach Gibraltar: Seite 1 , Seite 2 .
  • Yacht 1958, Heft 16, Aschanti III, Deck und Aufbauten
  • Yacht 1958, Heft 19, Aschanti III, Rund Helgoland: Leserbrief der Crew .
  • Yacht 1958, Heft 12, Aschanti III, Burmester Werbung
  • Yacht 1959, Heft 10, Aschanti III, Aschanti III und I
  • Yacht 1981, Heft 16, Die Westwind-Story: Teil 1 , Teil 2 , Teil 3 , Teil 4
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12mR „Anita“: Klassiker-Clubyacht im neuen Look – „Endlich ein echter Zwölfer“

Anitas neue attraktivität.

Auf Youtube ist der Zwölfer „Anita“ ist ein -Star. Das Video von einer Orkanfahrt fand größte Beachtung. Nach einiger Zeit in der Werft fehlt ihr nun ein besonderes Merkmal.

12er yacht anita

„Anita“ mit ihrer neuen Beseglung.

ANITA liegt am Steg der Robbe & Berking Werft in Flensburg. Der neue Mast ist geriggt,  das Achterstag neu durch das Achterschiff geführt und am Achtersteven verbolzt, die Püttingeisen aus hochfestem Spezialstahl sind eingebaut, die Anschlagpunkte für die Backstagen verlegt und verstärkt. Der Zwölfer ANITA hat sich hübsch gemacht für die neue Saison.

12er yacht anita

So attraktiv ist „Anita“.

Aber irgendetwas ist anders. Richtig, der Besanmast fehlt. Zum ersten Mal seit der Kieler Woche 1939 segelt der „Rhein Main-Zwölfer“ ( ausführliches SR-Porträt ) als Slup. Seit Anfang der 60er Jahre war ANITA als Yawl unterwegs. Die handlichere zweimastige und kleinere Takelage anstelle des Meterklassen-üblichen Slupriggs war besser zum Fahrtensegeln geeignet. Und mit diesem Rigg legte sie auf Langfahrten und Klassikerevents gut 400.000 Seemeilen zurück.

Das Rigg der „Thea“

Doch bei den Regatten der wiederbelebten Klassiker-Flotte war ANITA mit dieser Beseglung chancenlos. Der Wunsch nach dem ursprünglichen Slup-Rigg bestand schon lange. Schließlich entwickelte sich im Herbst 2016 nach Gesprächen mit den Verantwortlichen des dänischen Zwölfers D1, „Thea“ die Möglichkeit, das Rigg der Dänin zu erwerben.

12er yacht anita

`Anita´ bei der 12er WM Flensburger Förde. Damals noch mit prominentem Kartenhaus. © Jan-Frederik Wäller

Joachim Arndt von der gemeinnützigen GmbH der Segelvereinigung Rheingau SVR verhandelte mit Patrick Howaldt von der „Thea“. Würde das Rigg auf ANITA passen? Die Bau- und Konstruktionsmaße mussten geprüft, Statik und Lastaufnahmen untersucht und mit der Robbe & Berking Werft die Verlängerung des Mastes erwogen werden. Die Daten passten, Howaldt schlug ein und für die Betreiber der ANITA ist nun ein Traum in Erfüllung gegangen.

Schließlich wird ANITA nicht wie die meisten ihrer schönen Zwölfer-Schwestern von einem Eigner unterhalten, sondern ist das Clubschiff des Segel Club Rheingau. Den Heimathafen in Waluff am Rhein bei Wiesbaden hat sie allerdings noch nie gesehen.

Einsatz und Hingabe

Betrieben wird die ANITA mit viel Einsatz und Hingabe von den gut 120 Mitgliedern des Fördervereins der Freunde der ANITA e.V. Die Sanierung und der Erhalt wurden über die vergangenen sieben Jahre mit der Unterstützung von mehr als 80 Spendern und Darlehensgebern privat aufgebracht. Viele hundert Stunden Eigenleistung flossen ein.

Zwölfer Anita

ANITA im neuen Glanz mit nur einem Mast.

2011/2012 nahm sich ANITA eine kleine Auszeit, als das Unterwasserschiff auf der Bootswerft in Gilleleje saniert und Elektrik und Tanktechnik erneuert wurden. Seitdem ist die Yacht wieder intensiv auf Klassiker-Events, Jugend- und Zubringertörns gesegelt worden.

Karfreitag wurde die Jugendcrew des SCR mit neun Jugendlichen unter der Führung von Moritz Eider und Skipper Peter Eider senior, noch einmal intensiv in die Änderungen der ANITA und die Besonderheiten des neuen Riggs eingewiesen, dann legte Joachim Arndt unter Maschine ab.

Erster Schlag auf der Förde

Die Flensburger Förde zeigt alles was sie hat im April – Sonne, Regen, Hagel, Wind, Böen. Dann wird erstmals das 130 m² Groß hochgekurbelt – Vorsicht mit den neuen Backstagen! ANITA legt sich leicht nach Steuerbord und beschleunigt. Die Arbeitsfock mit 40 m² soll heute bei angesagten 4 – 6 Bft genug sein. Dann geht es raumschots aus der Innenförde.

Zwölfer Anita

Der erste Schlag mit dem einen Mast.

Die Logge zeigt schnell über 9 Knoten. Es ist alles noch ein wenig ungewohnt und so entscheiden wir uns erst einmal für Q-Wenden statt Halsen. Sicherheit geht vor. Die jugendliche Crew hat Respekt und viel Spaß an den Manövern. Bei Holnis legen wir zwei Reffs ein für die Kreuz zurück. Aber auch mit dieser Besegelung kreuzt ANITA mit acht bis neun Knoten durch die Flensburger Förde.

Nach vier Stunden und einigen Schlägen legen wir wieder sicher am Steg von Robbe & Berking an. Ein kalter, wunderschöner Segeltag ist abgeschlossen. ANITA hat den ersten Tag als Slup nach 78 Jahren gut bestanden. Nun freuen wir uns auf viele schöne Segelsommer als „echter“ Zwölfer unter den Klassikern.

ANITA wird die verschiedenen Events des Freundeskreises klassischer Yachten Max-Oertz Regatta, The Run, Rendevouz der Klassiker, German Classics und die 12er events zur Kieler Woche, in Dyvig, Europameisterschaft in Glücksburg, Wessel & Vett Cup in Aarhus und verschiedene andere Events und Törns segeln. Auf einigen sind auch noch Plätze frei. Wer Lust hat einmal auf ANITA mit zu segeln meldet sich am besten über die homepage www.freundedersyanita.de .

Zwölfer Anita

So sah „Anita“ einmal aus. © Freunde der Anita

Zwölfer Anita

Das neue Segel.

12er yacht anita

„Anita“ mit ihrem alten Zweimaster-Rigg als Yawl. © Jan-Frederik Wäller

12er yacht anita

„Anita“ schlingert bei ihrem Orkan-Törn vor zehn Jahren.

Quelle: „Anita“ Jost Körte, SCR, 12mR – ANITA – G2

1 Kommentare zu „12mR „Anita“: Klassiker-Clubyacht im neuen Look – „Endlich ein echter Zwölfer““

Dieses wunderbare Schiff durften wir gestern besuchen. Die Thisbe Crew dankt der Anita Crew und wünscht Mast und Schotbruch und immer eine Handbreit Wasser unterm Kiel. A&G

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12mR – ANITRA – William Starling Burgess

12mR – ANITRA – William Starling Burgess

€ 1.220.000,00


  • Zusätzliche Informationen


Name Anitra
Designer William Starling Burgess, USA
Werft Abeking & Rasmussen
Baujahr 1928
Länge über alles 21,10 m
Breite 3,75 m
Tiefgang 2,58 m
Gewicht 26 t
Liegeplatz Flensburg


– Anitra verfügt über einen edlen, vollausgestatteten Innenausbau. Im Salon befindet sich ein wunderschönes Ledersofa an Backbord und Steuerbord.
– Der traditionelle Innenausbau ist aus Mahagoni gebaut.
– Aufgeteilt in 3 Kabinen gibt es an Bord insgesamt 8 Schlafplätzen, unteranderem 2 Kingsize Betten.
– Badezimmer mit WC und Dusche  im Achterschiff
– Pantry ausgestattet mit Waeco Kühlschrank und Origo 600 Kocher, ebenfalls ein Backofen für die frischen Brötchen am Morgen.

Motor, Elektronik

– Der 4-Zlinder Yanmar Diesel Motor, 125 PS befindet sich perfekt gelegen im Mittelschiff unter dem Salontisch (Geräusch gedämmt)
– Im Bereich des Stevens befindet sich unter Deck eine hydraulisch ausklappbare Niro Ankereinrichtung, welche über eine elektrische Winde bedient werden kann und beim Segeln nicht sichtbar ist.
– Anitra kann bei Törns mit einer kleiner Mannschaft gesegelt werden, da sie komplett mit elektrischen Winschen ausgestattet ist. Diese können bei Regatten ausgestellt werden, um  klassenkonform mit zu segeln.
– Die Navigationsecke ist mit einem Kartentisch ausgestattet und verfügt über eine große Vielfalt an technischen Geräten.
– Anitra wird über einen vierflügeligen verstellbaren Propeller angetrieben, welcher sich genau in Mitte Schiff befindet.

Rigg und Segel

– 181 m2 Segelfläche
– Mast und Baum aus Spruce
– komplettes Segelset
– Das Teakdeck ist in einem großartigem Zustand.
– Die Decksaufbauten sind aus Mahagoni gebaut.
– Der Rumpf ist aus Mahagoni gefertigt und mit 2 Komponenten Lack von der Marke Allgrip versehen.

Abeking und Rasmussen bauten 1928 sechs 12mR-Yachten im Auftrag des New York Yacht Club. Diese Boote wurden von Starling Burgess entworfen und zwei von ihnen sind noch am Segeln, eines davon ist Anitra. Ursprünglich wurde sie innerhalb von 5 Monaten gebaut und dann nach Kanada gebracht. Dann wurde sie nach New York gesegelt und im Laufe der Zeit nahmen sie dort an vielen Regatten teil. Sie wurde nach der zweiten Regel des 12mR-Reglements von 1928 gebaut. 2003 wurde Anitra in einem stark desolaten Zustand nach Deutschland gebracht, wo sie dann von Martin Yachts in Süddeutschland restauriert wurde. Viele Strukturteile wurden ersetzt und neu gebaut. Nach ihrer großen Überholung, die ihr ein nagelneues und schönes Aussehen verlieh, wurde Anitra nach Flensburg gebracht, wo sie an mehreren Regatten rund um die Förde und die dänische Südsee sowie an Welt- und Europameisterschaften teilnahm. Ihre Innenausstattung ist hochwertig und Anitra ist nicht nur ein gutes Regattaboot, sondern auch für große Touren geeignet. Sie ist komplett ausgestattet, so dass Urlaubsreisen oder lange Überführungen für Regatten überhaupt kein Problem darstellen.




60-70 Fuß


Deutschland, Flensburg

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Metre Class book from & (ISBN: 0713661798). If you are interested in a much more detailed overview, we would very much recommend that book. In case that you have any additional data, such as new locations, new owners, restoration projects, corrections, internet links, etc., we would of course appreciate if you could send us an . We have started to add e-mail contacts of the current owners. Please let us know in case you want your e-mail address added, changed or removed.
NameYearNumberBuilderDesignerFirst OwnerOwner todayLoaLwlBeamDraftSail
1908E 4Anker & JensenWilliam Fife III.Alfred Larsen , Norway18.7611.994.002.40160
1909 Anker & JensenJohan AnkerR. Van Rees, NLbroken up 195718.6711.993.49 243
Titania1910 Anker & JensenJohan AnkerRolf Nobel, Russiadisappeared 1920 11.963.48  
1911E 8Neglinge Varvet August Plym William Fife III.Nils Persson , Norway18.9011.943.432.50240
1911E 7Anker & JensenJohan AnkerS. Eyde , Norway18.4711.993.38 262
Rollo1911E 1Anker & JensenJohan AnkerMads Wielbroken up in 195318.6011.993.38 256
Magda IX1912E 11Anker & JensenJohan AnkerAlfred Larsenshipwrecked off the swedish coast in the summer of 195118.7811.963.38 267
Corona1913 Anker & JensenJohan AnkerW. Wilhelmsendisappeared 197018.9912.403.602.50242
Sibyllan1913 Anker & JensenJohan AnkerCarl D. DanielssonGuiseppe Rinaldi, Italy
new name: Desiree
Storm1913 Anker & JensenJohan AnkerOle Larsen Jr.disappeared 195815.0012.984.50 233
Raak1914E 15Fevigs BatbyggeriBjarne AasEilif Von Erpecom , Fredrikstad, Norway14.1712.003.812.30216
Ull II1914 Damsgaard BatbyggeriBjarne AasL. P. Johannsendisappeared 1935 11.983.81 216
Skum III1914 J. M. IversenCharles NicholsonDr. Johan Frieledisappeared 193116.3011.583.10  
Symra191412 N 2Anker & JensenJohan AnkerAxel Isdahlbroken up 197419.3811.993.24 267
Tatjana191712 K 2Anker & JensenJohan AnkerEmil Glückstadtsunk in Portugal, 194819.8112.193.38 224
Atalanta191712 K 5Anker & JensenJohan AnkerHenrik Ostervolddisappeared 1932 13.033.35  
191812 D 1Anker & JensenJohan AnkerJacob B. Stolt Nielsen , Denmark20.0713.483.482.62253
Le1919 Jorgensen & VikChristian JensenChristensenKarl H. Hoje, Norway14.6512.053.652.64 
Heira II1919 Anker & JensenJohan AnkerOlaf Ørvigdisappeared 195020.1212.953.452.57242
Figaro III191812 N 1Anker & JensenJohan AnkerFred Olsensold to USA in 193119.9012.103.50 215
Figaro IV192412 N 6Anker & JensenJohan AnkerThomas Olsendisappeared 196520.8812.983.732.26201
Noresca192412 N 13Anker & JensenJohan AnkerR. G. Perry, UKsunk in Sweden, 198420.6012.673.841.98201
Magda XI192812 N 7Anker & JensenJohan AnkerAlfred Larsenwrecked in a storm in the summer of 1949 in Ipswich, MA    192
193012 S 2Neglinge Varvet August PlymGustav Estlander, Torre HolmE. Akerlund , Sweden21.9513.923.57 183
193312 N 11Anker & JensenJohan AnkerG. Unger Vetlesen , Norway21.2513.873.582.71183
Figaro VI193612 N 12Anker & JensenJohan AnkerThomas Olsensunk 196721.4913.933.73 183
193912 N 13Robbe & Berking ClassicsJohan AnkerErik Larsen, DK , Hamburg, Germany     
Sverige197712 S 3Enoch & ElfstedtPelle PettersonRoyal Goteborg YC 19.5013.953.722.72174
NameYearNumberBuilderDesignerFirst OwnerOwner todayLoaLwlBeamDraftSail
Davo II1907E 1Max Oertz, HamburgMax OertzC. Vermeer, NLdisappeared 193716.8811.213.85 196
1911 Max Oertz, HamburgMax OertzC. Vermeer, NL , Amsterdam18.2911.523.471.98136
1912E 3Max Oertz, HamburgMax OertzH. Eschenburg , Hamburg18.6311.503.482.25263
1910 Summers & Payne, SouthamptonWilliam Fife III. Alexander Treuberg, RigaKarl Grauer, Riga 1938, last record is from May 194518.4712.403.352.20195
Schwanhild1909 C. Schaarstein, KielC. SchaarsteinDr. Hans Schreiner, Grazprobably destroyed in first world war17.0712.643.44  
Skeaf II1908E 1Neptun, RostockGerhard BargHenry Horndisappeared 193116.8511.483.512.30186
Skeaf III1909 Neptun, RostockGerhard BargHenry Horndisappeared in April 194517.9012.803.48 188
Skeaf IV1910E 5Neptun, RostockGerhard BargHenry Horndisappeared 197318.7012.993.522.20126
Skeaf V1912 Neptun, RostockGerhard BargHenry Horndisappeared 1964 in Langstone Harbour, UK18.2911.993.352.18131
1914E 2Abeking & RasmussenWilliam Fife III.Henry HornAlberto Alfonso, under restoration in Portugal19.9011.803.152.32284
193812 G 1Abeking & RasmussenHenry RasmussenJ.T. EssbergerAlexander B hning, London21.5014.003.602.72180
193812 G 2Abeking & RasmussenHenry RasmussenWalter Rau , Germany21.5014.003.602.72180
Aschanti III193912 G 3Burmester, BremenHenry GruberErnst Burmesterbroken up 196220.7913.723.642.68176
193912 G 4Abeking & RasmussenHenry RasmussenNRV, Philipp ReemtsmaFreundeskreis Sphinx, , Flensburg, Germany21.5014.003.602.72180
NameYearNumberBuilderDesignerFirst OwnerOwner todayLoaLwlBeamDraftSail
Heatherbell1907 Alexander RobertsonGlen CoatsAndrew Coats 18.6012.153.45 231
Ráfaga1908 Camper & NicholsonCharles NicholsonPablo Suarez, Argentinabroken up15.6711.943.45 225
Hera1908 R. McAlisterGlen CoatsGlen Coatsdisappeared 1950 in Argentina 15.9512.043.35 198
Nargie1908 R. McAlisterAlfred MylneJack Littledisappeared 1959 in Norway18.0512.043.43  
Mouchette1908 R. McAlisterAlfred MylneCharles McIverTigre Maritime Museum, Argentina15.5412.923.27  
Alachie1908 William FifeWilliam Fife III.George Coatsbroken up 193215.7011.913.37 250
1909E 1William FifeWilliam Fife III.Andrew Coats , Hamburg18.8211.973.382.30256
Cyra1909 Alexander RobertsonAlfred MylneA.F. Sharman-Crawforddisappeared 1956 in Marseille18.4712.273.402.48195
1909E 5R. McAlisterAlfred MylneCharles McIverdisappeared 1951 in Sweden as Beduin II, Replica in St. Kitts by 18.2912.133.38 245
White Heather1909 PhillipA. RichardsonHarter K. Glazebrook , Hamburg18.0212.803.482.28198
Ierne1911 William FifeWilliam Fife III.A.F. Sharman-Crawforddisappeared 1958 in Norway18.7811.963.372.31248
Vanity192312 K 1William FifeWilliam Fife III.J.R. Paynesunk 1992 in the Caribbean19.8113.413.732.74182
Moyana II192412 K 8Bute Slip DockAlfred MylneWilfred Leucharsdisappeared 1951 in Italy  3.77  
192412 K 10Camper & NicholsonCharles NicholsonPhilip de G. Bensonrestoration in France20.4713.823.702.57 
1925 William FifeWilliam Fife III.Alfred MelsonRahmi Koç, Istanbul, Turkey18.2913.543.922.77128
Doris192512 K 2Camper & NicholsonCharles NicholsonFrederick Lastdisappeared 1950 in the UK16.3011.993.762.57 
Moyana192612 K 3William FifeWilliam Fife III.Wilfred Leucharsbroken apart in 1950 in France  3.70 198
Modesty192612 K 4William FifeWilliam Fife III.Sir A. Mortimer Singerdisappeared 1970 in France21.34 12.803.70  
Iris192612 K 6Bute Slip DockGlen CoatsGlen Coatssunk 1970, off the coast of Hankø in Norway21.4914.693.66 193
Cerigo192612 K 12William FifeWilliam Fife III.Leon Beckerburned down 1977, British Virgin Islands20.1213.103.702.59143
Rhona192712 K 7William FifeWilliam Fife III.J. Lauriston Lewisdisappeared 1970 in Norway19.8612.953.76 190
Zinita192712 K 8William FifeWilliam Fife III.Arthur C. Connell , Netherlands19.9611.963.762.57147
Iyruna192712 K 11Camper & NicholsonCharles NicholsonSir William P. Burtondisappeared 1965 in the UK20.4912.953.642.57191
Mouette192812 K 15Camper & NicholsonCharles NicholsonSir Thomas Sopwithsunk 1976 in the US20.5713.483.552.66185
Moyana192912 K 3William FifeWilliam Fife III.Wilfred Leucharssunk in 1970 in the UK21.3413.723.792.66 
192912 K 16Camper & NicholsonCharles NicholsonSir Richard Fairey , Epping, UK20.5713.543.652.62 
Lucilla193012 K 17Camper & NicholsonCharles NicholsonJ. Lauriston LewisCollision w. Lulworth, 193020.1513.683.552.68184
Zoraida193112 K 8William FifeWilliam Fife III.Arthur C. Connelldisappeared in Italy 1945  3.53  
Veronica193112 K 10Bute Slip DockAlfred MylneSir William P. Burtondisappeared 1955 in the UK 13.413.502.71170
Zelita193312 K 9William FifeWilliam Fife III.Arthur C. Connelldisappeared 1965 in the Med20.4214.023.962.17159
Miquette193412 K 14William FifeWilliam Fife III.R. S. Grigg , UK 21.0013.543.532.67152
Westra193412 K 4Camper & NicholsonCharles NicholsonArthur C. Connelldestroyed by air-raid in 194221.1313.493.732.67 
Marina193512 K 6Bute Slip DockAlfred MylneSir William P. Burtondestroyed in world war II20.1213.413.70  
193612 K 5William FifeWilliam Fife III.John Payne , Kopenhagen21.5813.543.722.65 
193612 K 2Camper & NicholsonCharles NicholsonSir Richard Fairey , Germany21.3313.993.602.72186
193712 K 10Camper & NicholsonCharles NicholsonVernon MacAndrew , Hamburg21.3313.993.602.72186
193712 K 15Camper & NicholsonCharles NicholsonMaurice Solway , Copenhagen21.3613.933.552.71179
Blue Marlin193712 K 17Camper & NicholsonCharles NicholsonSir Thomas Sopwith , Helsinki21.3013.763.552.71183
Little Astra193712 K 18Camper & NicholsonCharles NicholsonHugh F. Paulbroken up 1970 in Italy21.3413.843.552.71180
193912 K 19Camper & NicholsonCharles NicholsonArthur C. Connelldestroyed by air-raid in 194221.18 3.63  
Tomahawk193912 K 3Camper & NicholsonCharles NicholsonSir Thomas Sopwith , Italy21.1113.903.562.71189
193912 K 1Bute Slip DockAlfred MylneSir William P. Burton , Kiel, Germany21.7014.173.662.74159
193912 K 14William FifeLaurent GilesHugh Goodson , Hamburg20.5214.853.622.77188
195812 K 17Alexander RobertsonDavid BoydRYS syndicate 21.0014.153.562.76172
196412 K 12Alexander RobertsonDavid BoydAnthony Boyden , Antibes, France21.0813.913.812.71175
196412 K3XAlexander RobertsonDavid BoydFrank & John LivingstonJean Rédélé, France21.0613.933.812.67174
Lionheart198012 K 18Joyce MarineIan HowlettAnthony Boyden , Newport, RI19.4314.943.732.82222
Victory 82198312 K 21Wilf SouterEdward DuboisPeter De Savary , Burnham, UK19.9613.853.762.72168
Victory 83198312 K 22Fairey MarineIan HowlettPeter De SavaryDennis Williams, Cape Cod, MA, USA19.81 3.76 198
Crusader I198512 K 24Cougar MarineIan HowlettGraham Walker , UK19.80    
Crusader II198612 K 25Cougar MarineDavid HollomGraham WalkerChris Freer, broken up in UK?     
NameYearNumberBuilderDesignerFirst OwnerOwner todayLoaLwlBeamDraftSail
192812 US 1Abeking & Rasmussen, GermanyStarling BurgessGoodwin, NYdestroyed in 195221.1013.103.752.58181
Isolde192812 US 2Abeking & Rasmussen, GermanyStarling BurgessMaxwell, NYbroken up 1988 in Australia21.1013.103.752.58181
Tycoon192812 US 3Abeking & Rasmussen, GermanyStarling BurgessMallory, NYdestroyed by hurricane in 195421.1013.103.752.58181
Iris192812 US 4Abeking & Rasmussen, GermanyStarling BurgessSteward, NYbroken up in Michigan 197221.1013.103.752.58181
192812 US 5Abeking & Rasmussen, GermanyStarling BurgessHarding, NY & , Germany21.1013.103.752.58181
192812 US 6Abeking & Rasmussen, GermanyStarling BurgessForbes, NY , Newport, RI21.1013.103.752.58181
193512 US 9Henry NevinsClinton CraneVan S. Merle-Smith , Porto20.7914.543.662.73176
193612 US 10HerreshoffFrancis HerreshoffWilliam StrawbridgeJim Henley, Dearbon, MI21.9513.413.402.65164
193712 US 11Henry NevinsClinton CraneClinton Crane , Newport, RI20.6513.543.662.64181
193812 US 12Henry NevinsOlin StephensFrederick Bedford , Italy21.4713.093.562.78187
Northern Light193812 US 14Henry NevinsOlin StephensAlfred Loomis , G teborg, Sweden21.3313.723.652.67179
193912 US 15Henry NevinsOlin StephensHarold Vanderbilt , Copenhagen21.4414.213.602.82179
195812 US 16Henry NevinsOlin StephensHenry Sears 20.1914.303.612.80 
195812 US 17Luders MarinePhilip RhodesSyndicate , Newport, RI21.0013.843.552.74178
Easterner195812 US 18James E. GravesRay HuntSyndicate , Jamestown, RI19.9414.353.662.79179
196212 US 19James E. GravesTed HoodAnderson-Purcell Syndicate , Newport, RI20.5213.904.042.74174
196412 US 20Minneford Yacht YardOlin StephensW. S. Gubelman & E. Ritter SyndicateSunk in Turkey20.8314.023.662.66170
196412 US 21Luders MarineBill LudersAurora Syndicate , Newport, RI20.5214.023.812.74178
196712 US 22Minneford Yacht YardOlin StephensW. J. Strawbridge Syndicate , Newport, RI19.6614.273.682.78164
197012 US 23Morgan YachtsCharlie MorganCharles E. Morgan , Marblehead, MA19.2014.403.782.84164
197412 US 24Robert E. DerektorOlin StephensRobert W. McCullough , Marblehead, MA19.6314.533.662.76163
Mariner197412 US 25Robert E. DerektorBritton ChanceKings Point FundWrecked on beach of Palm Beach, Florida18.7714.433.552.79162
197412 US 26Minneford Yacht YardOlin StephensRobert W. McCullough Syndicate , Newport, RI19.9413.713.732.64166
197712 US 27Minneford Yacht YardOlin StephensThe Maritime Collection of Fort Schuyler Foundation , Newport, RI 20.1513.413.782.74168
197712 US 28Minneford Yacht YardTed HoodKings Point Fundparts used for US 32 Clipper19.3413.773.732.69174
198012 US 30Minneford Yacht YardOlin StephensThe Maritime Collection of Fort Schuyler Foundation , Newport, RI19.2513.904.372.71 
Clipper198012 US 32Newport OffshoreDavid E. PedrickPeople to PeoplePeter Rubenstein, Linköping, Sweden19.4813.743.762.69164
Defender198312 US 33Newport Offshore LtdDavid E. Pedrick People to PeopleKen Carrico, Florida19.5313.563.762.67167
Spirit of America198312 US 34Newport Offshore LtdSparkman & StephensFreedom CampaignRebuild as Stars & Stripes19.6413.843.782.72164
198312 US 38Customer MarineJohan ValentijnFreedom Campaign , Netherlands18.5913.243.792.62155
198312 US 40Newport Offshore LtdJohan ValentijnFreedom Campaignsold to Japan in 198919.3713.703.702.67168
America II198412 US 42Williams & Manchester Sparkman & StephensAmerica II Syndicate , 12m Yacht Development Foundation, Greenwich, CT 20.75 3.652.74 
America II198512 US 44Williams & Manchester Sparkman & Stephens America II Syndicate Richard Elder, Seattle, WA  3.682.74 
198512 US 46Williams & ManchesterSparkman & StephensAmerica II SyndicateCharter vessel, Connecticut20.14 3.702.74 
198512 US 49Robert E. DerektorGary MullGolden Gate Challengebroken up in California 2008     
USA II198512 US 50Robert E. DerektorGary MullGolden Gate Challenge      
Heart of America198712 US 51Merrifield-RobertsGretzky, Graham, MacLane, SchlageterHeart of America ChallengeSince 1993 in Turkey     
198512 US 53Robert E. DerektorChance, Nelson, PedrickSail America Foundation , Hilton Head Island, SC19.5013.843.652.63164
Stars&Stripes 85198512 US 54Robert E. DerektorChance, Nelson, PedrickSail America FoundationPier 39 Yacht Club, Tokyo Bay, Japan20.12 3.66   
198612 US 56Robert E. DerektorChance, Nelson, PedrickSail America Foundation , St. Maarten 20.24 3.68  
198612 US 55Robert E. DerektorChance, Nelson, PedrickSail America Foundation , St. Maarten 20.12 3.66  
Eagle198612 US 60Williams & ManchesterJohan ValentijnEagle ChallengeTaken apart in 1994     
198712 US 61Robert E. DerektorGary MullGolden Gate Challenge , Newport, RI20.12 3.66  
NameYearNumberBuilderDesignerFirst OwnerOwner todayLoaLwlBeamDraftSail
196212 KA 1Lars HalvorsenAlan PayneSir Frank Packer , Flensburg, Germany21.1613.843.582.67171
196712 KA 2W. H. BarnettWarwick Hood Mads Buhl, Copenhagen     
197012 KA 3W. H. BarnettAlan PayneSir Frank PackerMichael Maxwell, Sydney19.8114.023.662.74187
197412 KA 4Lars HalvorsenBen LexcenAlan BondCharter vessel in North Queensland20.4514.203.712.74168
197712 KA 5S.E. WardBen LexcenAlan BondCharter vessel in North Queensland19.8113.713.712.74168
198312 KA 6S.E. WardBen LexcenAlan BondFremantle Maritime Museum19.2213.103.652.59171
Australia III198512 KA 9S.E. WardBen LexcenAlan BondMalaysia     
Australia IV198712 KA 16S.E. WardBen LexcenAlan BondMalaysia     
South Australia198712 KA 8S.E. WardBen LexcenAlan Bond , Antibes, France     
Challenge 12198312 KA 10S.E. WardBen LexcenAlan Bond , Antibes, France19.2513.433.652.66167
198312 KA 7AquacraftAlan Payne broken up 2006     
198212 KA 11Parry Boat BuildersMurray & SwarbrickKevin Parry , Melbourne20.2213.413.802.64168
Kookaburra II198512 KA 12Parry Boat BuildersMurray & SwarbrickKevin Parry , Italy20.1213.683.792.68164
198712 KA 15Parry Boat BuildersMurray & SwarbrickKevin Parry , Italy     
198712 KA 14Consolidated MarinePeter ColeEastern Australia America's Cup DefenseCharter vessel in North Queensland     
NameYearNumberBuilderDesignerFirst OwnerOwner todayLoaLwlBeamDraftSail
Cygne1907 G. de Conineck MaisonsG. DuperronG. Lacroixdisappeared 193712.8810.854.08 94
Chancegger196912 F 4Herman EggerBritton ChanceBaron Marcel Bich , Australia19.1314.403.762.57165
France I197012 F 1Herman EggerAndré MauricBaron Marcel BichEcole Navale, Brest19.1314.403.762.57165
France II197412 F 2PontarlierAndré MauricBaron Marcel Bich , Hyères19.1313.943.862.79 
France III198012 F 3Chantiers Navale d'AngelyValentijn/FarouxBaron Marcel BichFrench Military Navy19.9114.223.712.74 
198512 F 7AlubatPhilippe BriandMarc PajotideaArgo, 19.20 3.60 160
198512 F 8Aero SpatialeDaniel AndrieuChallenge Francais , St. Tropez19.6813.583.732.67164
NameYearNumberBuilderDesignerFirst OwnerOwner todayLoaLwlBeamDraftSail
192912 I 1Cantieri BagliettoVittorio BagliettoMarchése Franco Spinola 21.4713.873.902.62173
Emilia193012 I 1Cantieri CostagutaAttilio CostagutaAttilio Bruzzone , Genoa20.9314.563.832.95204
Azzurra I198212 ITA 4Maro CobauAndrea VallicelliConsorzio AzzurraKarim Aga Khan, Porto Cervo19.9813.873.812.72164
Azzurra II198512 ITA 8Maro CobauAndrea VallicelliConsorzio AzzurraMichael Kiersgaard, Venice19.9813.873.812.72164
Azzurra III198612 ITA 10SAI AmbrosiniAndrea VallicelliConsorzio Azzurra , Hamburg, Germany19.9813.873.812.72164
Azzurra IV198612 ITA 11SAI AmbrosiniAndrea VallicelliConsorzio Azzurra , Olbia19.9813.873.812.72164
Italia I198512 ITA 7Cantierri BagliettoGiorgetti & MagriniConsorzio Italia , Hamble, UK19.65 3.65 165
Italia II198612 ITA 9Cantierri FerriGiorgetti & MagriniConsorzio ItaliaRenaissance School, Adria19.65 3.65 165
NameYearNumberBuilderDesignerFirst OwnerOwner todayLoaLwlBeamDraftSail
New Zealand198512 KZ 1Marten MarineHolland, Farr, Davidson       
Wright on White198712 KZ 3McMullen & WingHolland, Farr, DavidsonNZ America's Cup Challenge , Rio, Brasil19.9914.024.022.74 
Hissar198712 KZ 5Marten MarineHolland, Farr, DavidsonNZ America's Cup Challenge , Newport, RI19.9914.024.022.74 
198612 KZ 7Marten MarineHolland, Farr, DavidsonNZ America's Cup Challenge , Palm Beach, Florida19.50 3.67  
NameYearNumberBuilderDesignerFirst OwnerOwner todayLoaLwlBeamDraftSail
198312 KC 1McConnel MarineBruce KirbySecret Cove Yacht Club Challengeredesigned as Canada II19.0013.783.842.72168
198512 KC 2McConnel MarineBruce KirbySecret Cove Yacht Club Challenge , St. Maarten20.1113.873.652.72166
198512 KC 87Crockett-McConnelSteve KillingTrue North Yachting Challenges , St. Maarten 19.8413.643.792.67167
198512 KC 4Crockett-McConnelSteve KillingTrue North Yachting Challenges , St. Maarten 20.5014.023.792.68164

12er yacht anita

12 Metre Worlds

Official website of the International Twelve Metre Class World Championships

2024 12MR WORLDS: Race Results, June 21

Editors’ Note: To receive the 12 Metre Worlds blog, sign up here: https://12mRworlds.com

2024 12 Metre World Championship, Porquerolles, France

CONTACTS: Bernard Minvielle , ITMA Vice President, Southern European fleet;  Aurélie Lhuillier , Porquerolles YC; SallyAnne Santos , International 12mR Class (ITMA) Communications Director

2024 12MR WORLDS: Race Results, June 21


#12mRWorlds2024, #12mRClass

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The 2024 12 Metre World Championship is sanctioned by the International Twelve Metre Association (ITMA) and hosted by the Porquerolles Yacht Club with the Yacht Club de France.

Yacht Club de Porquerolles

THE YACHT CLUB de PORQUEROLLES celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2016. Its founding President Sébastien Le Ber and his friends, passionate about sailing, created the Yacht Club in 1986 with a view to making the most of the magnificent body of water which surrounds Porquerolles.

Yacht Club de France

THE YACHT CLUB DE FRANCE, founded in 1867, remains faithful to its vocation: to contribute to the development of pleasure boating in all its forms; in cruises and in racing, defend and promote the values of solidarity, courtesy and moral elegance that animate all seafarers. Recognized as a public utility on the eve of the Great War, the Yacht Club de France is proud to have counted among its members Jules Verne, Virginie Hériot, Alain Gerbault, Commander Charcot, Marin-Marie, Eric Tabarly. Respect traditions, bring together the sailors of tomorrow.

Coupe de France

THE COUPE DE FRANCE by YACHT CLUB DE FRANCE was created in 1891 to develop the building of racing vessels in France. For its 55th edition, the challenge reunites the 12mR Class for twelve events throughout the Mediterranean Sea.

International Twelve Metre Association

THE INTERNATIONAL 12 METRE ASSOCIATION encompasses a living history of racing yacht design by the world’s foremost naval architects including Olin Stephens, Clinton Crane, William Fife III, Philip Rhodes, Johan Anker, Ben Lexcen and more who pushed their designs to the very limits of innovation. The resulting boats represented the pinnacle of yacht development from 1907-1987 for the highest levels of international sailing competition– the Olympic Games (1908-1920) and the America’s Cup (1958-1987).

Administration: 12mR Fleet, S. Europe Bernard Minvielle [email protected] +33 611 19 00 95

Press Inquires: YC de Porquerolles Aurélie Lhuillier [email protected] +33 (0)4 94 58 34 49

Communications Director: International 12 Metre Class SallyAnne Santos [email protected] +1 917-330-1730


12mR Worlds Official: https://12mrworlds.com

Porquerolles YC: https://yachtclubporquerolles.fr

Coupe de France: https://coupedefrance.org

International Twelve Metre Association: https://12mrclass.com

12mR Worlds Facebook: @12MetreWorldChampionship

ITMA Facebook: @12mRClass

12mR Worlds Instagram @12mRWorldChampionship

ITMA Instagram: @12metreclass

ITMA YouTube: @International12mR

#12mRClass, #12mRWorlds2024, #YachtClubdeFrance, #CoupedeFrance, #InternationalTwelveMetreAssociation, #PorquerollesFrance

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2024 12mr worlds: nous sommes prêts, 2024 12mr world championship: nous sommes prêts.

PORQUEROLLES, FRANCE (June 14, 2024) – Sixteen of the most beautiful and storied International 12Metre Class yachts are now assembled in the harbor at the Yacht Club Porquerolles. Fourteen are ready to race at the 12 Metre World Championship organized by the Yacht Club de Porquerolles on an island just south of Hyères, France, from June 17-23, 2024.

The “rockstar” roll call of 2024 competitors includes previous and reigning World and European Champions, Olympic Medalists and America’s Cup sailors. The yachts themselves, each with a distinctive pedigree, are sailing legends in their own right.

Aurélie Lhuillier, Director of the Yacht Club de Porquerolles said, “It is a great pride for the Yacht Club de Porquerolles to host the 12m JI World Championship. We look forward to seeing all these exceptional boats moored in the port and then watching them race for five days in the Hyères harbor. For over a year, all the Yacht Club teams have been mobilized for this event which will be the highlight of the 2024 season.”

Because of the diversity in age and design of 100+ 12mR yachts built to the International Rule since 1907, the 12mR Class designates a separate World Champion in each of four 12mR Divisions. At this event World Champions will be named in the Grand Prix and Vintage Divisions with trophies awarded to the top 3 finishers in each group.

12er yacht anita

The 2024 12mR World Championship Competitors in the VINTAGE Division are:

  • Flica II (K-14) , Christopher Bunning, BVI
  • Jenetta (K-1) , Thomas Müller, DE
  • La Spina (I-1) , Michael Creach, IT
  • Nini Anker (N-15) , Christopher Avenarius, DE
  • Northern Light (US-14) , Hans Eliasson, SW
  • Thea (D-1) , Robert de Haer, DE
  • Vim (US-15) , Patrick Howaldt, DN & Helmuth Henning, HK

12er yacht anita

With a number of exceptions, the VINTAGE Division yachts are centered primarily in ITMA’s Northern European region where they are frequent rivals on the 12mR race course. Over the past two decades, this fleet has enjoyed a renaissance in the Baltic Sea. Despite their ages –the eldest, D-1 is 106 years old– these yachts are in top racing trim in addition to being beautiful to behold. Vim (US-15) is the reigning World Champion (Finland, 2021) in this division but will be met with fierce opposition in a fleet stacked with very competitive teams.

“The waters of the Bay of Hyeres in Southern France will see 6 Grand Prix 12 Metres racing for their Divisional World Championship. This is the largest group of Grand Prix boats racing in many years. The resurgence of the class racing in the Med is truly spectacular. The Grand Prix boats will be joined by one Modern 12 and a highly motivated and competitive fleet of Vintage boats. Sunny skies, great 12 Metre racing and island life on Porquerolles sound good to me.” Chris Winter, President, International 12mR Association

The 2024 12mR World Championship Competitors in the GRAND PRIX Division are:

12er yacht anita

  • Crusader (K-24) , Richard Matthews, UK
  • France (F-1) *, Marc Bonduelle, FR
  • French Kiss (F-7) , Christophe Babule, FR
  • Kiwi Magic (KZ-7) , Christoffer Blach Petersen, DN
  • Kookaburra II (KA-12) , Patrizio Bertelli, IT & Torben Grael, BR
  • Kookaburra III (KA-15) , Jesper Banks, DN
  • South Australia (KA-8) , Yann DelPlace, FR

*Being built for the 1970 America’s Cup, the national racing yacht of our host country France (F-1) is technically a member of the MODERN 12mR Division but as there are no other entries in this division, F-1 will sail with the GRAND PRIX Division on this auspicious occasion.

12er yacht anita

Although Legacy (KZ-5), the reigning World Champion in the GP Division will not be competing, the Olympian sailor that helmed KZ-5 to victory– Jesper Banks (DN) will be. He is skippering another 12mR– Kookaburra III (KA-15) to defend his own GP champion title in a group stacked with world-class sailors including Patrizio Bertelli’s (IT) Kookaburra II (KA-12), skippered by Torben Grael, who sailed a perfect regatta sweeping all five races at the recent Pre-Worlds at St. Tropez. We expect “feathers to fly” when the two Kooka’s — KA-12 and KA-15, former Aussie stablemates — meet at Porquerolles. Watch for the the most closely contested 12mR Grand Prix World Championship in recent history.

Click for a complete list of 2024 12mR World Championship Competitor profiles.

In the 2-year Coupe de France Series the first 2 regattas of the 2024 season are now in the books and reflected in the updated standings below.

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Porquerolles Preview

If past is prologue, the 2024 12mR World Championship to be organized by the Yacht Club de Porquerolles (Hyères, FRA) from June 16-24 will be truly spectacular! Recently six twelve metres built between 1929- 1986 representing a 57-year cross-section of 12mR development experienced the glorious sailing conditions and onshore hospitality of the venue. They were, Vintage: La Spina (I-1) ; Traditional: Ikra (K-3) ; Modern: France (F-1) ; and Grand Prix: South Australia (KA-8) , French Kiss (F-7) and Kiwi Magic (KZ-7) .

Sailing conditions were perfect with 8- 14 knots wind, air temperature 24°c and fantastic coastal scenery. Porquerolles is beautiful island 5 nm south of Hyères. It is a tourist attraction like Skagen in Denmark, Marstrand in Sweden and the Cape Cod area of the US. With only 200 year-round inhabitants, the island hosts up to 10,000 visitors on a summer day. It is a little paradise, known for the most sun hours in Cote D’Azur. The marina is huge and offers plenty of space for a regatta fleet of 70 boats. The little city is charming with small restaurants around the Square. The organizers were very good, everything worked out well including the social activities. It is a superb place for the Worlds in 2024, and we can highly recommend other 12mRs to come – you will love it! Johan Blach Petersen, Kiwi Magic (KZ-7)

Calling All 12mRs to the Med!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: SallyAnne Santos , ITMA Communications Director, +1 917-330-1730

International 12 Metre Association

Calling All Twelve Metres to the Mediterranean!

A message from itma president, chris winter and yacht club de france president, philippe héral:.


Please see the correspondence below from ITMA President, Chris Winter and Philippe Héral, President of the Yacht Club de France to the 12mR fleet worldwide.. It contains an invitation to all Twelve Metres to gather together in the Med to participate at the 55th Coupe de France regatta series and the Puig Vela Classica Barcelona and 12 Metre Reunion, AC Edition .

ITMA President Chris Winter added: “”This is an extraordinary time of rebuilding for the Twelve Metre Class worldwide, particularly in our Southern European fleet. We hope that you will share our excitement and join us in the Med for the exceptional series of events being planned over the next two seasons.”


For more information on the Series, please visit: CoupedeFrance.org


Coupe de France

The   Yacht Club de France (YCF)   has announced a series of races for 12mR yachts throughout the 2023-24 sailing seasons; the winner will be awarded one of Europe’s oldest and most prestigious yachting trophies; the spectacular  Coupe de France . Participating host yacht clubs along the glamorous Riviera– including Cannes, Porquerolles, Saint Tropez, Touloun, Hyères and Barcelona– will organize a comprehensive schedule of events featuring 40 days of racing, social events and festive celebrations for the 500+ crew members expected to compete. In 2023,  the Series will include events in both Europe and the United States  (Newport, RI) before moving exclusively to the Med in 2024 leading up to the 12mR World Championship at Porquerolles.


Yacht Club de France

Founded in 1867, the YC de France has been the Club of 100s of both famous and accomplished sailors including Virginie Hériot, Jean-Baptiste Charcot and Eric Tabarly. With its’ partner Clubs throughout the country, the YC de France represents a strong regatta organizing power in France.


International 12 Metre Association

The 112 year-old International 12 Metre Class encompasses a living history of racing yacht design by the world’s foremost naval architects including Olin Stephens, Clinton Crane, William Fife III, Philip Rhodes, Johan Anker, Ben Lexcen and more who pushed their designs to the very limits of innovation. The resulting boats represented the pinnacle of yacht development from 1907-1987 for the highest levels of international sailing competition– the Olympic Games (1908-1920) and the America’s Cup (1958-1987).


International 12mR Association (ITMA) https://12mrclass.com

#12mRClass, #12mRWorlds2024 , #CoupedeFrance

55th Coupe de France

Yacht club de france to award most prestigious trophy to 12mr winner.

Coupe de France

The Yacht Club de France (YCF) has announced a series of races for 12mR yachts throughout the 2023-24 sailing seasons; the winner will be awarded one of Europe’s oldest and most prestigious yachting trophies; the spectacular Coupe de France .

Participating host yacht clubs along the glamorous Riviera– including Cannes, Porquerolles, Saint Tropez, Touloun, Hyères and Barcelona– will organize a comprehensive schedule of events featuring 40 days of racing, social events and festive celebrations for the 500+ crew members expected to compete. This season, the Series will include events in both Europe and the United States (Newport, RI) before moving exclusively to the Med in 2024 leading up to the 12mR World Championship at Porquerolles.

A British team sailing at Cannes was the first to claim the impressive silver cup in 1898. Since then, the Coupe de France has been awarded to teams from Italy, Germany, Norway, Switzerland, Sweden, Australia and France. 12mR sailors from all of these nations plus Canada, Denmark, Finland, Japan, New Zealand, Spain and the United States will compete for the privilege of raising this revered trophy in victory.

Learn more about the Series at the dedicated website: CoupedeFrance.org

Coupe de France

ABOUT THE YACHT CLUB DE FRANCE: Founded in 1867, the YC de France has been the Club of 100s of both famous and accomplished sailors including Virginie Hériot, Jean-Baptiste Charcot and Eric Tabarly. With its’ partner Clubs throughout the country, the YC de France represents a strong regatta organizing power in France. Southern European Fleet

12er yacht anita

ABOUT THE SOUTHERN EUROPEAN 12 METRE FLEET: Sailing primarily in the Mediterranean Sea, this fleet includes yachts in France, Italy, Turkey and Portugal and also includes Oceania. Southern European Fleet

12er yacht anita

ABOUT THE INTERNATIONAL 12 METRE ASSOCIATION (ITMA): The 112 year-old International 12 Metre Class encompasses a living history of racing yacht design by the world’s foremost naval architects including Olin Stephens, Clinton Crane, William Fife III, Johan Anker, Alfred Mylne, Charles E. Nicholson, Philip Rhodes, Ben Lexcen and more who pushed their designs to the very limits of innovation. The resulting boats represented the pinnacle of yacht development from 1907-1987 for the highest levels of international sailing competition– the Olympic Games (1908-1920) and the America’s Cup (1958-1987). To learn more, visit 12mRClass.com

Bernard Minivielle SallyAnne Santos


2024 12mr world champions: northern light (us-14) and kookaburra ii (ka-12).

PORQUEROLLES, FRANCE (June 22, 2024) –Fourteen International 12Metre Class yachts raced at the 12 Metre World Championship organized by the Yacht Club de Porquerolles on an island just south of Hyères, France this week.

12er yacht anita

Although a strong mistral (22-36 knots) prevented racing today; the required six races were completed and the 2024 12mR World Champions have been named in the Vintage and Grand Prix Divisions– they are Northern Light (US-14) and Kookaburra II (KA-12) .

“ Despite challenging weather conditions, the Race Committee did a superb job. Even with two “no sail” days; they were able to run the necessary six races needed to qualify the 12mR World Championship. ” ~ Chris Winter, ITMA President

In the closely contested Vintage Division, Hans Eliasson’s (SW) Northern Light (US-14) , skippered by Magnus Holmberg scored just 9pts. to edge out Thomas Müller’s (DE) Jenetta (K-1) and Christoph Avenarius’ (DE) Nini Anker (N-15) who claimed 2nd and 3rd place with 10pts. and 11pts. respectively.

12er yacht anita

“ We are very proud to be world champions! When we bought the boat five years ago, our goal was to win the 2024 world championship and it’s done here in Porquerolles, we’re really happy. ” ~ Hans Eliasson, owner Northern Light (US-14)

12er yacht anita

The 2024 12mR World Championship Competitors in the VINTAGE Division were:

In the Grand Prix Division; Patrizio Bertelli’s (IT) Kookaburra II (KA-12) , skippered by Torben Grael (BR) sailed away with the 12mR Grand Prix Division Championship by winning all six of the races. Kiwi Magic (KZ-7) and French Kiss (F-7) finished in 2nd and 3rd place; moving both up in the Coupe de France Series leaderboard.

12er yacht anita

“ This victory is the result of a lot of work by the team. We prepared, had good sails, and thanks to Mr. Bertelli we had an outstanding crew. It was great to sail with my friend Santi (Santigo Lange) for the first time, my great friend Marcelo (Marcelo Ferreira) who was my teammate for 25 years and my son too, it was a great experience for us. ” ~ Torben Grael (BR), skipper, Kookaburra II (KA-12).

12er yacht anita

The 2024 12mR World Championship Competitors in the GRAND PRIX Division were:

“ It is a great pride for the Porquerolles Yacht Club to have hosted the 12m JI world championship. The line-up was exceptional with the presence of legendary sailors. The races were intense, with difficult weather conditions for everyone. We are very lucky to have an extraordinary team of volunteers at the club, nothing would be possible without them! “ ~ Aurélie Lhuillier, Director of the Porquerolles Yacht Club.

Act II of the Coupe de France Series is now complete and reflected in the updated standings below. A disappointing performance at the Worlds by Coupe de France front-runner Vim (US-15) enabled 2nd place Kiwi Magic (KZ-7) and 3rd place French Kiss (F-7) to narrow the gap in the overall standings. The third and final Act III commences on September 4 at a special 12mR Regatta hosted by the RCNB at the Barcelona (SP) America’s Cup venue.

12er yacht anita

2024 12MR WORLDS: Race Results, June 20

2024 12mr worlds: race results, june 20.

After 3 races today, 4 races of the 2024 12mR World Championship are now complete…

12er yacht anita

2024 12MR WORLDS: Race Results, June 19

2024 12mr worlds: race results, june 19.

Race One of the 2024 12mR World Championship is in the books! There will no further racing today due to continuing blustery conditions.

12er yacht anita

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ANITA Cantiere Arno (Rodriguez Group)

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ANITA has 2 Photos

Yacht ANITA - Image by Leopard Yachts

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If you have any questions about the ANITA information page below please contact us .

A General Description of Motor Yacht ANITA

This well proportioned luxury yacht ANITA is a motor yacht. This 34 m (112 foot) luxury yacht was made at Cantiere Arno (Rodriguez Group) in 2006. ANITA used to be named (Leopard 34m). Superyacht ANITA is a stately yacht that is able to sleep up to 8 people on board and has around 4 qualified crew. Finished and launched in the year of 2006 her interior decoration confirms the integrity emanating from the boards of Studio Bacigalupo.

The Building & Design for Luxury Yacht ANITA

The yacht's general design work came from Studio Bacigalupo. The technical naval architecture intellectual property are a creation of Studio Bacigalupo. Motor Yacht ANITA received her elegant interior designing from the interior design company of Studio Bacigalupo. Italy is the country that Cantiere Arno (Rodriguez Group) constructed their new build motor yacht in. After the formal launch in 2006 in Viareggio she was passed over to the owner having completed sea trials. Her core hull was crafted from composite. The motor yacht main superstructure is fabricated extensively with composite. With a width of 7.3 metres or 24.1 feet ANITA has reasonable internal space. A reasonably shallow draught of 0.9m (3.1ft) limits the number of overall ports she can enter into, contingent on their individual depth at low tide.

Max/Min Speed & Main Engines On M/Y ANITA:

The vessel contains triple responsive MTU main engine(s) and can accelerate to a thrilling maximum speed underway of approximately 36 knots. The engine of the yacht generates 2000 horse power (or 1491 kilowatts). Her total HP is 6000 HP and her total Kilowatts are 4473. Her propulsion units are tripple water jets (kamewa). This yacht’s vivacious cruising speed is 33 knots which offers a range of 600.

Superyacht ANITA Accommodation:

The well proportioned luxury yacht M/Y ANITA can accommodate a total of 8 people and has 4 crew.

A List of the Specifications of the ANITA:

Superyacht Name:Motor Yacht ANITA
Ex:(Leopard 34m)
Built By:Cantiere Arno (Rodriguez Group)
Built in:Viareggio, Italian
Launched in:2006
Length Overall:34.13 metres / 111.9 feet.
Naval Architecture:Studio Bacigalupo, Studio Bacigalupo
Interior Designers:Studio Bacigalupo
Gross Tonnes:184
Hull / Superstructure Construction Material:composite / composite
Owner of ANITA:Unknown
ANITA available for luxury yacht charters:-
Is the yacht for sale:-
Helicopter Landing Pad:No
The Country the Yacht is Flagged in:Luxembourg
Official registry port is: Luxembourg
Max yacht charter guests:8
Number of Crew Members:4
The main engines are three 2000 HP or 1491 Kilowatts MTU. The Model type is 16V 2000 M91 diesel.
Giving the combined power of 6000 HP /4473 KW.
Cruise Speed: 33 knots.
Top Speed: 36 nautical miles per hour.
Approximate range: 600 at a speed of 33 knots.
Bunkering capacity: 16000 L.
Potable water capacity: 2000.00.
Yacht Beam: 7.3m/24.1ft.
Draught at deepest: 0.9m/3.1ft.

ANITA Disclaimer:

The luxury yacht ANITA displayed on this page is merely informational and she is not necessarily available for yacht charter or for sale, nor is she represented or marketed in anyway by CharterWorld. This web page and the superyacht information contained herein is not contractual. All yacht specifications and informations are displayed in good faith but CharterWorld does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the current accuracy, completeness, validity, or usefulness of any superyacht information and/or images displayed. All boat information is subject to change without prior notice and may not be current.

Quick Enquiry

Leopard Yachts (formerly Cantiere Navale Arno) history dates back to 1907, when the Picchiotti family founded the shipyard "Giuseppe Picchiotti and Sons". However, the shipyard which we know today under the brand Leopard Yachts, launched its first wooden boat in 1973.

Yacht ANITA - Image by Leopard Yachts

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Early 1970's Ouachita 12' aluminum boat restoration

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  • Start date Jul 25, 2010
  • Jul 25, 2010

Hello, I have been working on a 12' Ouachita boat due to some problems that it has. I have some pictures I will post in order so you all can see what I am dealing with. To start out with I was given this boat by my parents. They got it from my Grandfather who passed away more than a year ago. I trailored the boat over 800 miles to Missouri and parked it in my back yard. Last fall I began the tedious work of getting this thing back up to par and still have not finished it. The boat had a 4 inch crack in the center of the hull and it leaked water faster than you could bail it out. The hideous blue paint was flaking off and revealing 3 other coats of paint. A thick silver aluminum roof paint below the ugly blue, another coat of gray paint and a coat of blue primer. The original Ouachita decals on the sides were almost completely faded. I first began with laying tracing paper over the decals and got a pretty good reproduction of the original decals. I scanned those tracings into my computer then cleaned up the lines with MS paint. I will eventually take those to a sign / sticker company and have them remake the decals to the correct dimensions for me. I began stripping the paint off the boat by using aircraft stripper, a putty knife, a razor blade scraper and a drill with a wire brush. After I had most of the paint stripped off the boat I took it to a welding shop and had the crack welded shut. Once I got it home I began removing the completely rotten transom board with one hand. It never dawned on me before, but when I was removing the bolts from the handles that were bolted to the aft they were completely rusted. Once I got the transom board out and started grinding the paint away I could see the aluminum transom was corroded badly in spots do to two different metals contacting each other over the years along with exposure to water. So now I am at a stand still with need of advice. I had two options in mind, #1 mix up some JB Weld and smooth over the inside of the transom. #2 take the boat back to the weld shop and have an entirely new piece of aluminum plate welded over the outside of the aft. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I will add a replay with an additional 5 pictures.  


Before Any Work.jpg

Re: Early 1970's Ouachita 12' aluminum boat restoration Next 5 photos  


Re: Early 1970's Ouachita 12' aluminum boat restoration Last photo  


  • Jul 29, 2010

Re: Early 1970's Ouachita 12' aluminum boat restoration *bump*  

Huron Angler

Huron Angler

  • Jul 30, 2010

Re: Early 1970's Ouachita 12' aluminum boat restoration Thanks for the advice Huron, I'll keep that in mind.  


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American Eagle, US-21

American Eagle, US-21, photo by SallyAnne Santos

Built in 1964 according to the International Third Rule- America’s Cup.

1964 – 1968 Aurora Syndicate (Pierre S. Dupont III) – American Eagle – home port: New York, NY (USA).

The name is that of the sailing ship on which the first Dupont arrived in the USA. Built for the 1964 America’s Cup campaign, her keel was quite innovative from conventional Twelve lines and her mast passed through a raised section in the deck (known as “Mount Luders”) gaining an extra few inches in height. She ran off a 20-1 record in the June-July trials raced by Columbia , Nefertiti , Easterner , American Eagle and Constellation . American Eagle , helmsman William S. “Bill” Cox, bested all of the other boats, only to be overtaken by Constellation in a selection series still renowned for a 42-tack duel on the final windward leg of the second race. In 1964 she won the Lipton Memorial Trophy (NYYC).

1968 Firwood Investment, Ltd. (Herbert P. Wahl) – new name: Golden Eagle . The new Canadian owner paid $ 60,000 to the syndicate and commissioned Luders to create a new interior and deck layout. When the boat was to return to Canada, the Canadian customs taxed her for replacement value, not for the market value adding a total of $ 155,000 for duty and other taxes, forcing the owner to sell her to Ted Turner.

1968 – 1973 Robert E. “Ted” Turner, III – new name: American Eagle . Trial-horse Gretel II for the 1970 America’s Cup. Converted to IOR. Engine installed in 1968. She entered the most challenging races in the world, winning the Southern Ocean Racing Circuit, the Annapolis-Newport Race, the Sydney Hobart Race and the Fastnet Race.

1974 – 1983 Warren A. Brown – new name: War Baby – homeport: Hamilton, Bermuda.

1983 – 1987 American Eagle Syndicate – homeport: Annapolis, MD (USA).

Since 1987 American Eagle, Inc. (W. Herbert Marshall, II) – homeport: Barnstable, MA and Newport, RI (USA).

1987 – 2019 Together with Weatherly , Nefertiti and Intrepid she was part of America’s Cup Charters fleet

2020 American Eagle was purchased by Alexander Valcic and joined 12mR Yacht Charters fleet.

America’s Cup Results: 1964 19th America’s Cup Challenge, American Eagle (skipper: William S.”Bill” Cox) vs. Constellation (skipper: Bob Beavier) – 1-4.

World Championships Results:

2001 in Cowes (America’s Cup Jubilee): fifth in the Classic division

2005 in Newport: second in the Traditional division

2009 in Newport: winner in the Traditional division

2019 in Newport,  second in the Traditional division

Jump to Twelve Metre Yacht Club, Newport Station Fleet page for American Eagle ( US-21)

Bill Cox with Bill Stetson at helm, photo by Stephen Lirakis

Sail Number US-21
International Rule THIRD Rule-AC
Year Built 1964
Designer A.E. Luders, Jr.
Builder Luders Marine Construction Co.
Hull ID Number 1043
First Owner Aurora Syndicate, Pierre S. Dupont III
First Name American Eagle
First Sail Number US-21
First Country USA
Original Homeport New York, NY
Other Names Golden Eagle, War Baby
Current Status / Condition sailing
Current Owner Alexander Valcic
Current Location Newport, RI
Current Division Traditional
Construction Double-planked Mahogany, White Oak frames
Length Overall 20.32 m.
Length Waterline 14.02 m.
Beam 3.81 m.
Draft 2.74 m.
Sail Area 178 sq. m.
Displacement 27.35 t.


  1. 12mR "Anita": Klassiker-Clubyacht im neuen Look

    12er yacht anita

  2. 12mR "Anita": Klassiker-Clubyacht im neuen Look

    12er yacht anita

  3. 12mR Yacht Anita

    12er yacht anita

  4. 12mR „Anita“: Klassiker-Clubyacht im neuen Look

    12er yacht anita

  5. 12mR Yacht Anita

    12er yacht anita

  6. The Run 2016

    12er yacht anita


  1. Anita, G-2

    SPECS: 1938 - 1947: Walter Rau - name: Anita - home port: Mecklenburg and Warnemunde. Built for the margarine manufacturer Walter Rau, construction number 3241 was one of 3 twelves built by Abeking & Rasmussen between 1938-1939; she was sister ship of Inga. The hull was tabasco mahogany on steel frames. Intended for racing, no engine was ...

  2. Anita

    The resulting boats represented the pinnacle of yacht development from 1907-1987 for the highest levels of international sailing competition- the Olympic Games (1908-1920) and the America's Cup (1958-1987). HOME; ... Anita, G-2, photo by Wolf Hansen. Post navigation. Anita, G-2.

  3. Willkommen beim Förderverein "Freunde der Segelyacht Anita e.V."

    Wir haben jetzt die Möglichkeit, dieses Schiff allen Segelbegeisterten zugänglich zu machen. ANITA ist heute einer der Wenigen ihrer Klasse, auf der Sie mitsegeln können. Packen Sie mit an, um die Legende ANITA am Leben zu erhalten. Wir - als gemeinnütziger "Förderverein der Freunde der Segelyacht Anita" - freue uns über jede helfende Hand.

  4. Anitra, US-5

    Owned by a prominent Boston businessman, Charles L. Harding, Anita (US-5) was the fifth of the six Twelves built for American owners, she was completed in May of 1928. All six of the hulls were identical but the deck layout, interior arrangements and rigs varied among the six yachts. Anitra was rigged as a Bermudan sloop. 1934: Engine installed;

  5. "Anita"

    "Anita" - 12 mR. Text: SKO, Foto: Yachtbild Kai Greiser. Im Jahre 1937 war so etwas wie ein 12er Fieber ausgebrochen. Walter Rau, ein Margarinefabrikant aus Mecklenburg, gab gleichzeitig mit seinem Freund und Segelrivalen John T. Essberger, einem Hamburger Reeder, je eine 12mR Yacht bei der damals schon berühmten Yachtwerft Abeking und Rasmussen in Lemwerder bei Bremen in Auftrag.

  6. Anita (Schiff)

    Die Anita ist eine klassische Segelyacht der 12 mR-Klasse.Sie wurde im Jahre 1938 nach der damals gültigen Vermessungsformel der „Third Rule" aus Mahagoni (Tabasco) auf Stahlspanten auf der Werft Abeking & Rasmussen (A & R) in Lemwerder bei Bremen gebaut.. Zuvor hatte die Werft A & R im Jahre 1914 bereits den First-Rule-12er Skeaf VI und 1928 sechs Second-Rule-12er für US-amerikanische ...

  7. Die deutschen Zwölfer, "Yacht" 1940-1958

    Anita ging vom Margarine-Fabrikanten Walter Rau zunächst an einen Verwandten, der sie zur Yawl umriggte, bevor sie dann Anfang der 60er zur Segelkameradschaft Ostsee kam, ... Yacht 1950, Heft 7, Vergleich 12er und 150er Seefahrtkreuzer; Yacht 1950, Heft 7, Rund um Fehmarn: Foto, Bericht;

  8. 12mR

    Abeking and Rasmussen built six 12mR yachts in 1928 on behalf of the New York Yacht Club. These boats were designed by Starling Burgess and two of them are still sailing, one of them is Anitra. She was originally built within 5 months and then taken to Canada. Then she was sailed to New York and over time she participated in many regattas there.

  9. 12mR „Anita": Klassiker-Clubyacht im neuen Look

    Seitdem ist die Yacht wieder intensiv auf Klassiker-Events, Jugend- und Zubringertörns gesegelt worden. ... ANITA wird die verschiedenen Events des Freundeskreises klassischer Yachten Max-Oertz Regatta, The Run, Rendevouz der Klassiker, German Classics und die 12er events zur Kieler Woche, in Dyvig, Europameisterschaft in Glücksburg, Wessel ...

  10. Sailing 12-metre-class ANITA on Vimeo

    For one weekend in april 2014 a crew from the modern schooner yacht ESPRIT entered up on an original, vintage 12-metre-class yacht, named ANITA. Anita was build…

  11. 12mR

    Abeking und Rasmussen bauten 1928 sechs 12mR-Yachten im Auftrag des New York Yacht Club. Diese Boote wurden von Starling Burgess entworfen und zwei von ihnen sind noch am Segeln, eines davon ist Anitra. Ursprünglich wurde sie innerhalb von 5 Monaten gebaut und dann nach Kanada gebracht. Dann wurde sie nach New York gesegelt und im Laufe der ...

  12. Zwölfer: Faszination für historische Regattaboote

    Der Zwölfer ist das schönste Paradepferd der Regattabahnen. Ultimative Kreuzmaschine und Inshore-Renommierschlitten. Einblicke in eine scheinbar unzeitgemäße Klasse, deren Flotte in Norddeutschland und Skandinavien stetig wächst. Von Erdmann Braschos, veröffentlicht am 11.03.2015, aktualisiert am 31.07.2024.

  13. 12mR Yacht Trivia

    This should be a fairly complete list of all 170 twelve metre yachts that have been built between 1907 when the class was defined and 1987 when the last America's Cup was sailed on twelve metres. More than 100 of them still exist. ... Anita: 1938: 12 G 2: Abeking & Rasmussen: Henry Rasmussen: Walter Rau: Seglervereinigung Rheingau, Germany: 21. ...


    The 115 year-old International 12 Metre Class encompasses a living history of racing yacht design by the world's foremost naval architects including Olin Stephens, Clinton Crane, William Fife III, Philip Rhodes, Johan Anker, Ben Lexcen and more who pushed their designs to the very limits of innovation. The resulting boats represented the pinnacle of yacht development from 1907-1987 for the ...

  15. 12 Metre Worlds

    THE INTERNATIONAL 12 METRE ASSOCIATION encompasses a living history of racing yacht design by the world's foremost naval architects including Olin Stephens, Clinton Crane, William Fife III, Philip Rhodes, Johan Anker, Ben Lexcen and more who pushed their designs to the very limits of innovation. The resulting boats represented the pinnacle of yacht development from 1907-1987 for the highest ...

  16. Zwölfer: Die beinahe vergessene Klasse der 12mR-Rennyachten

    Die einstmals fast vergessene Klasse der 12-mR-Rennyachten hat sich wieder zum exquisiten Parkett alljährlicher Segelfestspiele entwickelt. Mit einer Note Gemauschel. Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen.

  17. Yacht ANITA, Cantiere Arno (Rodriguez Group)

    A General Description of Motor Yacht ANITA. This well proportioned luxury yacht ANITA is a motor yacht. This 34 m (112 foot) luxury yacht was made at Cantiere Arno (Rodriguez Group) in 2006. ANITA used to be named (Leopard 34m). Superyacht ANITA is a stately yacht that is able to sleep up to 8 people on board and has around 4 qualified crew.

  18. 12 Metre Yacht database

    The 115 year-old International 12 Metre Class encompasses a living history of racing yacht design by the world's foremost naval architects including Olin Stephens, Clinton Crane, William Fife III, Philip Rhodes, Johan Anker, Ben Lexcen and more who pushed their designs to the very limits of innovation. The resulting boats represented the ...

  19. 41st Peter Gast Shipping Regatta : The maritime industry ...

    "It was perfect," said Christian and Dieter Gast, Managing Directors of Peter Gast Shipping, summarising the 41st edition of the traditional regatta. "We had sporty sailing with some surprising winners and a wonderful summer evening with a big party in Denmark." The weather window for the regatta ...

  20. Anita, 12 mR

    Die „SPHINX", ein weiterer 12er für den Norddeutschen Regatta Verein 1939 bei A&R fertiggestellt, belegte regelmäßig den 1.Platz, „ANITA" und „INGA" wechselten sich beim 2.Platz ab. Im gleichen Jahr segelten dann drei deutsche 12 er („ANITA", „INGA" und „SPHINX") noch eine Regattaserie vor Kopenhagen. Ernst Burmeester baute für ...

  21. Early 1970's Ouachita 12' aluminum boat restoration

    6,025. Jul 29, 2010. #5. Re: Early 1970's Ouachita 12' aluminum boat restoration. Nice rig...looks alot like my 12' AeroCraft. I'd go the JB weld route on the transom skin. The welding probably adds up and this is a chance to cut your costs a bit. Many folks have used JB weld for similar holes successfully.

  22. Valiant, US-24

    The 115 year-old International 12 Metre Class encompasses a living history of racing yacht design by the world's foremost naval architects including Olin Stephens, Clinton Crane, William Fife III, Philip Rhodes, Johan Anker, Ben Lexcen and more who pushed their designs to the very limits of innovation. The resulting boats represented the ...

  23. American Eagle, US-21

    Since 1987 American Eagle, Inc. (W. Herbert Marshall, II) - homeport: Barnstable, MA and Newport, RI (USA). 1987 - 2019 Together with Weatherly, Nefertiti and Intrepid she was part of America's Cup Charters fleet. 2020 American Eagle was purchased by Alexander Valcic and joined 12mR Yacht Charters fleet.