• International Certificate of Competency (ICC Certificate)
  • Recreational


The International Certificate of Competency, commonly referred to as “ICC” is a certificate of competency, not necessarily a “course”.   The ICC is a certificate confirming that an individual is competent to the level required to meet the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Inland Water Committee (UNECE IWC) Resolution 40 .  In 2013, IYT released “courses” to train to the level of competence for 10 Meter and 24 Meter named ICC <10m and ICC <24m.  Now it is 2020 and in hindsight we recognise this was not an ideal decision because charter agencies have begun to ask for a base level certificate and not the ICC.  We are encouraging candidates to take the base level course/s and gain that certificate instead of or in addition to the ICC.  Please read all of the information below for information regarding the base level certificates. 

Please note that each school must be approved by IYT Worldwide to offer the ICC to their students .  Only IYT schools that have been audited or inspected and are in good standing with IYT can offer the ICC certification.  We are happy to consider new school applications to offer this certificate.  Please note that we do not accept ISSA VHF qualifications.  (I f you are unsure if your radio license will be accepted, please send a scanned copy of the front and back of your license to [email protected] .  We will verify that your license is sufficient to receive the IYT International Certificate of Competency (ICC) license).  

Are you thinking of chartering in Europe? MAKE SURE YOU ARE QUALIFIED


In the past, if you were chartering in Europe, an International Certificate of Competency (ICC) may have been sufficient proof of your ability to safely operate a boat.

However, it has recently been brought to our attention that a number of  European charter companies and insurance companies will not accept an ICC as sufficient proof to command a yacht for a one week bareboat charter (power or sail). These companies are insisting that the charterer should hold an IYT International Flotilla Skipper or IYT International Bareboat Skipper, power or sail  (or equivalent qualification that is on their “approved” list).

The charter companies and insurance companies do not have a comfort level handing over an expensive yacht to someone who they feel is not sufficiently qualified to command it for a weeks duration.

Some customers have had their charters cancelled because they have only held an ICC. IYT has removed the restriction of “daylight hours” on the Flotilla and Bareboat Skipper Certificates.  This restriction was applied previously  because charter companies do not allow their boats to be operated after sundown.  We are leaving this decision up to the charter companies.  IYT highly recommends holding both Flotilla Skipper or higher as well as the ICC to avoid any issues when chartering or operating in European waters and harbours. 

It is imperative that you check with your charter company in advance of your charter to make sure that you hold the required qualifications. 

The ICC is required for operators of most vessels on both inland and coastal waters in a large part of the European Union.

  • Candidates who successfully complete the International Flotilla or Bareboat Skipper course also qualify to hold the 24M ICC provided the course was taken with a partner school approved to offer the 24M ICC. The school may order this extra ICC certificate for you or you may order directly from IYT by contacting [email protected] .
  • Candidates who successfully complete the Small Powerboat & RIB Master – MCA Recognised course also qualify to hold the 10M ICC.  Schools that offer the Small Powerboat & RIB Master – MCA Recognised course will also be approved for the 10M ICC Certification so there will be no issue regarding the partner school chosen for the “RIB” course. The school may order this extra ICC certificate for you or you may order directly from IYT by contacting [email protected] .

IYT's ICC Government Recognitions

The 24M ICC is recignised by the British  Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA).

The 24M ICC is also recognised by Transport Canada so that holders of the 24M ICC (Canadian Edition) will not require a Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC) to operate a pleasure boat in Canada, provided the section on “Canadian Boating Requirements” has been completed. Holders of a current IYT 24M ICC can “upgrade” to the Canadian Edition by completing a short course and examination. This Transport Canada ICC remains MCA recognized.

The 10M ICC is recognised by the British Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA).

ICC Preparation Course Available On Line (E-learning)

We are proud to announce that we now have an E-learning course available for students to study and execute theory examinations before proceeding to an authorised IYT Training Provider to undertake the written and practical examinations. To access these courses, register and receive your IYT account ID# and log in. ICC E-learning courses are available here once logged in.

What is an ICC (and CEVNI) & where is it required?

As you may be aware, it is now mandatory to hold a recognised International Certificate of Competency (ICC) if you wish to charter a boat in certain European countries. It is generally required for the inland and coastal waters of Mediterranean countries. In Northern Europe and Scandinavia the ICC is generally not required, but it is strongly advised to check with any European country that you wish to charter in before you leave.

The ICC is a product of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Resolution 40. The ICC provides documentary assurance from one government to another that the holder meets the levels of competence laid down in Resolution 40 .

Who May Receive An IYT ICC Based On Resolution 40?

In accordance with UNECE Resolution 40 (Revision 4), citizens and residents of countries (listed below), that are signatories to Resolution 40, will be obliged to obtain an ICC from their own national issuing authority and not from IYT (with the exception of the United Kingdom, see below). The only exception for IYT to issue ICCs to citizens of these countries, is if the applicant can provide proof of residency* in a country not on this list. For example: an Austrian National living in Spain or Greece that can provide “proof of residency” in Spain or Greece would be allowed to receive an ICC from IYT.

*Proof of residency (examples) Utility bill (electric or gas), Property tax bill, Telephone bill, Insurance bill, IYT can issue ICCs to any other country’s citizens that are not listed below.

As of July 2023 the following countries have adopted resolution 40.

  • Czech Republic
  • Netherlands
  • South Africa
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom***

**Latvia accepts the IYT MCA Recognised ICCs issued to their residents or citizens.

***IYT has been authorised to issue ICC’s to United Kingdom Nationals and Residents for the past 18 years which are issued on behalf of the British Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA). Reference: UNECE Resolution 40 document Guidelines_to_Resolution_No. 40.pdf

Note: The list of UNECE member states that have accepted Resolution 40 is subject to change without notice therefore a person’s eligibility can change during the period the ICC is valid for. Should this be the case, the certificate holder must notify IYT and surrender the certificate. If the certificate holder cannot satisfactorily demonstrate his or her continued eligibility when the certificate expires it will not be renewed by IYT.

ICC Endorsements & Vessel Sizes

The Endorsements may be:

  • (Power -24m) for any power driven vessel up to 24 metres.
  • (Power -10m) for any power driven vessel up to 10 metres.
  • (Sail – 24m & Power 10m ) Sail vessel up to 24 metres. (Must include Power 10m for operating tender to and from shore).
  • (PWC) for personal water craft.
  • (Coastal waters) for coastal passages only.
  • (Coastal and inland) for use in the inland waterways of Europe as well as coastal. A CEVNI exam must be successfully completed. See below for more details.

What vessel sizes are covered?

For Sailing Vessels

The ICC Sail <24m, Power <10m covers sailing vessels <24 meters and power <10 meters . The power <10m is included as most sailboats have small dinghies for going to and from shore.

To gain this certificate the candidate must do the IYT International Crew & Flotilla/Bareboat Skipper Sail course (modules 1 – 11 and 13 – 25 in the IYT Recreational Programme contained in the “International Boating & Sailing Passport”). The candidate must either hold a recognised VHF Marine Communications Qualification or must do IYT’s module 12 which is the IYT VHF/SRC Marine Communications Course.

Note that the online ICC course includes all of the above mentioned modules, 1 – 25 which includes VHF/SRC.

For Power Vessels

the ICC certificate is based on which course you undertake as outlined below.

If you wish to operate a power vessel <24m, please do as stated above for sailing vessels (except of course take the power course).

If you wish to operate a power vessel <10m, please take the IYT/MCA Small Powerboat & RIB Master course. After successful completion of this course, you will be eligible to receive the ICC <10m Power.

How do I obtain an ICC?

Most IYT Partner Schools are approved to offer the ICC certification to their students. However, you should verify this with the school where you choose to train or on our website. The schools who are approved to offer this certification are determined by IYT. Please remember that candidates must meet the requirements outlined above regarding Resolution 40.

There are two ways to obtain an ICC. By holding an acceptable IYT Worldwide qualification as mentioned in the next section “Which IYT Certificates of Competency are recognised for obtaining an ICC without the need for an examination?” , OR, by attending one of these qualifying courses listed below with an IYT partner school approved to issue ICCs to their students.

If you hold an acceptable qualifying IYT Worldwide certificate please follow these instructions to obtain an ICC: (Note – See Resolution 40 requirements above to determine if you are eligible to receive an IYT ICC or if you must obtain from your own national issuing authority and not from IYT).

  • If you have not registered on our site and have a user I.D.# please do so.
  • Do this by going to “login” on the top menu bar, then register and follow the prompts.
  • IMPORTANT:  A digital signature is now required (as of Feb 28, 2024) in order for IYT to issue the ICC Certificate.  Please see these instructions on how to upload a digital signature to your IYT Account ID. https://iytnet.com/media/docs/How_to_add_signature_to_profile_for_ICC.pdf
  • Make sure to upload a current photo government issued I.D. such as a passport or identity card. We must have this to process your certificate.
  • Make sure to upload a good quality headshot photograph as this photo will be used on your certificate.
  • Make sure to enter the shipping address with phone number as this will be used when we mail or courier the certificate.

Send email to [email protected] with the following:

  • A scan of the valid (not expired) certificate you hold entitling you to receive the ICC certificate.
  • For 24M ICC – A scan of your valid (not expired) VHF certificate
  • For 10M ICC – A scan of your valid (not expired) VHF certificate, or if you’ve done the online Small Powerboat & RIB Master eLearning course, provide a scan of the downloadable PDF “Basic VHF-SRC Course Completion Certificate”.
  • Inland Waters Endorsement: If you wish to add the inland waters endorsement (such as French canals) to your certificate you will need to complete the CEVNI examination and the school will choose the certificate type “coastal and inland waters”.  You may do the online CEVNI course and exam   or  you may take the CEVNI exam at the school..
  • State where (which school) you took the course for your qualifying certificate.
  • State your IYT I.D. number (received at end of registration process).
  • Advise courier (fee depends on location) or airmail (free of charge). Note that we cannot trace airmail if lost.
  • An order/invoice will be created in our system and emailed to email address on profile for payment.
  • Once payment is made the order will be reviewed, processed and shipped.

If you attend a qualifying course with an IYT partner school approved to issue ICCs, the school will place an order for your qualifying certificate (ie. Bareboat Skipper, Small Powerboat & RIB Master) plus the ICC.  Please follow these instructions:

  • After successful completion of the course the school will order your qualifying certificate and the ICC for you. By doing so the school is attesting to your competence.
  • Inland Waters Endorsement: If you wish to add the inland waters endorsement (such as French canals) to your certificate you will need to complete the CEVNI examination and the school will choose the certificate type “coastal and inland waters”.  You may do the online CEVNI course and exam or you may take the CEVNI exam at the school.

If you wish to have an existing IYT ICC endorsed for navigating inland waters you must take the CEVNI exam.  To do this you may:

  • complete the online course “CEVNI EU Inland Waterways Endorsement eLearning” found here
  • go to an IYT school approved to offer the ICC and undertake the exam. In this case, the school must place the order for certification thus verifying successful completion.

Which IYT Certificates of Competency are recognised for obtaining an ICC without the need for an examination?

IYT Small Powerboat & RIB MasterPower – 10m
IYT International Flotilla Skipper Sail*Sail -24m, -80gt & Power -10m
IYT International Flotilla Skipper Power*Power -24, -80gt
IYT International Flotilla Skipper Sail Catamaran**Sail -24m, -80gt & Power -10m
IYT International Bareboat Skipper SailSail -24m, -80gt & Power -10m
IYT International Bareboat Skipper PowerPower -24m, -80gt
IYT International Bareboat Skipper Sail Catamaran**Sail -24m, -80gt & Power -10m
IYT Yachtmaster Coastal SailSail -24m, -80gt & Power -10m
IYT Yachtmaster Coastal PowerPower -24m, -80gt
IYT Yachtmaster Coastal Sail Catamaran**Sail -24m, -80gt & Power -10m
IYT Yachtmaster Offshore SailSail -24m, 80gt & Power -10m
IYT Yachtmaster Offshore PowerPower -24m, -80gt
IYT Yachtmaster Offshore Sail Catamaran**Sail -24m, 80gt & Power -10m
IYT Yachtmaster OceanDependent on seatime experience
IYT Master of Yachts Coastal/ Mate 200 Tons SailSail -24m, -80gt & Power -10m
IYT Master of Yachts Coastal/ Mate 200 Tons PowerPower -24m, -80gt
IYT Master of Yachts Limited SailSail -24m, -80gt & Power -10m
IYT Master of Yachts Limited PowerPower -24m, -80gt
IYT Master of Yachts UnlimitedDependent on seatime experience

Please note there are pre-requisite courses required for Flotilla Skipper and Bareboat Skipper.  They are IYT International Crew (or exhibit knowledge to this level) and IYT Marine Communications VHF-SRC (or recognised equivalent certificate).

* A 24M ICC can be awarded based on a Flotilla Skipper certificate; however, it is recommended candidates gain a Bareboat Skipper certificate.

** Please note that for Catamaran certificates, the equivalent ICC Certificate will not state “catamaran”.

Please note that training and examinations for the qualifications listed above must have been undertaken at an ICC approved facility and you must meet eligibility requirements outlined above regarding Resolution 40.

Who may obtain an ICC

IYT Worldwide has had approval from the M.C.A. (Maritime and Coastguard Agency of Great Britain) for many years to issue ICCs to United Kingdom passport holders and persons of other nationalities provided they are eligible under Resolution 40. See above. The school must be approved by IYT Worldwide to instruct the ICC course. The applicant must:

  • Be 16 years of age or older.
  • Be physically and mentally fit to operate a pleasure craft, and in particular, must have sufficient powers of vision and hearing.
  • Have successfully passed a written and practical examination or prove the necessary competence for pleasure craft operation by holding an acceptable IYT Worldwide certificate.

Is there a period of validity for an ICC?

The ICC is valid for a period of five years. See instructions for revalidation

Cancellation or Withdrawal of an ICC

IYT Worldwide may suspend or withdraw an ICC where the holder has by some action demonstrated that he or she has not complied with the conduct demanded of a holder of an ICC. The matter will be presented before the IYT Worldwide Training Board for adjudication.

Important Notice: Charter Brokers are asking for qualifications higher than ICC – Please be aware

Over the past few years, it has come to our attention that a large number of charter brokers are asking to see/verify a higher nautical qualification other than the ICC (International Certificate of Competency). The charter companies are asking for proof that a client is capable of handling a $400,000 charter boat for a weeks vacation, as the ICC does not prove this capability. As you can imagine, a broker would want to be sure that a skipper is fully capable of handling their vessels before renting.

The ICC is a certificate that based on one’s level of competency. It is not a “course”. In hindsight, IYT and IYT candidates would have been better served had we not allowed the ICC to be ordered as a qualification without proof of, at minimum, an IYT Flotilla or Bareboat Skipper Certificate, but ordered directly by candidates who hold these qualifications or higher.

Therefore, we highly recommend that schools purchase the IYT qualification as well as the ICC qualification for their candidates who want an ICC. This will eliminate any concerns of their ICC not being accepted by charter brokers.

In some instances, a candidate may hold their national qualification plus an ICC, which may be accepted by charter brokers. IYT obviously has no control over what brokers will or will not accept. We believe it is better to be on the safe side and ask the schools to make this recommendation to their candidates.

As you advance and become more proficient as crew or skipper you take on bigger challenges that require proper training to ensure the safety of your family and friends. The bigger the boat or length of adventure the more training you require.

Most of us prefer to spend our time on the water and not in a classroom. To facilitate this, IYT has a series of E-learning courses available for the theoretical part of sail and powerboat training.

  • Take one of our online (Elearning) courses for your next level of training.
  • Plan your practical training at one of our many schools worldwide to earn your final qualification.
  • Book in advance with your school as class sizes and availability may be limited.
  • Review the IYT course progression details to learn about professional level courses.
  • Spend time on the water and properly log your seatime.

The Boating Lifestyle is one of the most rewarding pursuits available. There is something physically and emotionally invigorating when you are offshore. To enjoy the experience fully you need the proper training & skills to be safe, prepared and command a vessel.

Recreational Student Information

Benefits of an iyt certification.

IYT is the largest provider of crew and skipper certificates for the recreational yachting industry in the world. Learn more about the benefits of an IYT Certificate.

Certificate Renewal

For many IYT certificates, there is the need to re-qualify for your certificate every 3 to 5 years. This ensures that our certifications are meeting international standards.

IYT Yachting Passport

The IYT Passport is recognized in over 40 countries around the world and offers you an opportunity to study and train worldwide.

  • Course Progression

A beginner at sailing or operating a powerboat should be familiar with the training path that is available from IYT. Many recreational boaters progress to become crew on superyachts.

  • Privacy Policy & Terms Of Use
  • Become a Partner School
  • Register with IYT
  • Find a School
  • IYT E-Learning
  • Certificate Renewal & Replacement
  • Get Certified
  • Recreational Training Course Progression
  • IYT Passport
  • Crossover Opportunities
  • Course Progression Interior
  • Dive Boat Training
  • Forms And Docs
  • Instructor Training
  • Personal Watercraft Operator
  • Dinghy Sailing Programme
  • IYT Try Sailing
  • IYT Introductory Sailing Skills
  • IYT Day Skipper / Crew Sail
  • International Crew
  • International Flotilla Skipper
  • International Bareboat Skipper
  • International Flotilla Skipper Sail – Catamaran
  • International Bareboat Skipper Sail – Catamaran
  • Powerboat Skipper
  • Yachtmaster Coastal (Power or Sail)
  • Yachtmaster Coastal Sail – Catamaran
  • Yachtmaster Offshore (Power or Sail)
  • Yachtmaster Offshore Sail – Catamaran
  • Yachtmaster Ocean
  • Patron de Yates (Yachtmaster Coastal Spanish edition)
  • Marine Communications (VHF-SRC)
  • Small Powerboat and Rib Master (MCA Recognised)
  • IYT Commercial Tender License Course
  • Weather Master
  • Navigation Master
  • Master of Yachts Coastal/Mate 200 Tons (Power or Sail)
  • Master of Yachts Limited (Power or Sail)
  • Master of Yachts Unlimited
  • Superyacht Chef
  • Superyacht Deck Crew Course
  • Introduction to Yacht Marine Engineering
  • Superyacht Hospitality Training
  • Boat Engineer Course (SCV Code for Vessels Operating in the Caribbean)
  • IYT-MSWI BoatMaster Course
  • Become An IYT School
  • Upgrade Your School
  • Find A School
  • Course Levels
  • Instructor Qualifications
  • Vessel Requirements
  • Vessel and Facility Requirements
  • Unauthorised Schools and Other Entities
  • Shipping & Delivery
  • Government Approvals


  • Powerboat Summary
  • RYA Powerboat Level 1 Junior
  • RYA Powerboat Level 2 ICC
  • RYA Powerboat Intermediate
  • RYA Powerboat Advanced
  • Commercial Rib Powerboat Skipper Training
  • Powerboat Night Exercises Course
  • Own Boat Tuition
  • ICC - International Certificate of Competence
  • Motorboat Summary
  • RYA Helmsman Course
  • RYA Day Skipper Practical
  • Day Skipper Plus Package for Motor
  • RYA Coastal Skipper Practical
  • Motorboat Marina Skills Day
  • RYA Sailing Courses
  • RYA Start Yachting
  • RYA Competent Crew Practical Sailing
  • RYA Day Skipper Practical Sailing
  • RYA Day Skipper Plus Package
  • RYA Coastal Skipper Practical Sailing
  • Solent Day Sailing Experience
  • Solent Sailing Mile Building
  • Isle of Wight Experience & Mileage Builder
  • Poole Sailing Rally Experience
  • Weymouth Sailing Experience
  • Seven Day West Country Sailing Cruise
  • Sail Trim & Sailing Manoeuvres
  • Sailing Yacht Marina Skills & Handling
  • RYA VHF SRC Radio
  • Diesel Engine Course
  • SBT Outboard Engine Course
  • RYA First Aid
  • HSE First Aid Courses
  • RYA Essential Navigation & Seamanship
  • RYA Day Skipper Theory Course
  • RYA Yachtmaster Theory Course
  • Theory & Navigation Refresher
  • RYA Radar Course
  • Weather At Sea For Sailors
  • RYA Professional Practices and Responsibilities ( PPR )
  • RYA Cevni Inland Waters Test
  • Google Reviews
  • Course Details
  • Administration Fee
  • Gift Vouchers
  • RYA VHF SRC Radio Online Course
  • VHF Course Top Up Payment
  • RYA Essential Navigation Online Course
  • RYA Essential Navigation Online Course Renewal
  • RYA Professional Practices and Responsibilities
  • RYA PPR Course Exam Resit
  • Car Parking
  • Customer Reviews
  • Meet Our Team
  • Photo Gallery
  • Training Boat Fleet
  • Boating Knots
  • Onboard Accommodation
  • RYA Action Plan Costs
  • Course Cancellation Summary
  • Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
  • Our Terms of Business

RYA Sailing Courses by Solent Boat Training

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Free Radio Course

RYA ICC Powerboat, Motorboat & Sailing Yacht Certificates

What is an icc* qualification.

An  International Certificate of Competence  (ICC) is usually essential if you are considering taking your own boat abroad or chartering one when overseas. The ICC can be obtained either using a relevant RYA qualification or through an 'ICC Direct Assessment'.

The RYA ICC certificate (International Certificate of Competence) is available for  powerboats , sailing yachts, motor yachts and jet skis and will allow you to helm these types of vessel abroad. It is not a universal license but is fast becoming the worldwide standard, for example it is not needed for helming these vessels in the UK, but still would help reduce your insurance costs.

* The  RYA ICC certificate  comes in 4 versions which are usually obtained by taking the appropriate RYA training course as detailed below.  An ICC processing fee is payable to RYA if you are eligible,  please read more here .

Powerboats under 10 metres in lengthRYA Powerboat Level 2 Or Above
Powerboats including motor boats over 10m in lengthRYA Day Skipper Motor Practical Or Powerboat Advanced CoC
Any sailing vesselRYA Day Skipper Sail Practical Or Above
Jet Skis (known as personal watercraft PWC)

RYA ICC For Powerboats Under 10m  

The RYA ICC powerboat certificate  allows holders to skipper a powerboat of up to 10m in length in many international waters. Full details of the ICC certificate are below, but the best way to get you ICC certificate in the UK is via the RYA Powerboat level 2 course. The level 2 course runs for 2 days from £249 per person and is available from our Southampton marina base.

In summary, on completing the RYA Powerboat Level 2 course UK citizens may apply for their ICC certificate directly with the RYA. We also offer a 1 day RYA ICC direct assessment costing 499 for those who feel they already have the knowledge and skills needed.

RYA ICC For Motorboats Over 10M

For those looking to skipper powerboats over 10m in length then the  RYA Day Skipper practical courses would qualify for the correct ICC certificate. We also offer a 1 day RYA ICC direct assessment costing £999 for those who feel they already have the knowledge and skills needed. This includes use of  our Rodman 1040 & the ICC examiner. You will need a crew to help which you can provide or we can for £99. 

We also offer a 2 day ICC motor boat over 10m preparation and exam package. Have a days practise with a RYA Yachtmaster then take the exam on the second day on the same boat, our Rodman 1040 all for £1,875.

For members of the RYA the ICC application is free, none RYA members will have to pay a fee directly to the RYA for the ICC.

If you already hold the correct RYA qualification then you simply need to print out the form via the link below, complete it and send it directly to the RYA.

An ICC processing fee is payable to Directly to the RYA (if you are eligible),  please read more here .

*Please Note:  Your ICC Application Completion time can vary, dependant on the time of year (this can be in excess of 4 weeks, during busy periods).  

All ICC applications are dealt with by the RYA Directly. 

Solent Boat Training can NOT issue an ICC to any student.

All questions regarding your ICC application must be directed to the RYA.

ICC Sail - Solent Boat Training

All RYA Courses in Southampton are run by Solent Boat Training a recognised RYA Training Centre.

All other events such as mile builders, experience days and sailing cruises are run by Solent Boat Care Ltd.

All companies operate throughout the Solent in Southampton, Hamble, Portsmouth, Cowes, Yarmouth & Lymington.

Our safeguarding policy does not allow under 18`s to attend residential sailing courses without an accompanying parent or guardian.

Copyright 2023 | Solent Boat Training 

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(1-to-1 private tuition)

Select course dates below:

Book 3 places and save £96.00 (Discount applied automatically)

Upcoming course datesPriceAvailabilityBook
RYA Powerboat Level 2 - Tue 13th & Wed 14th August 2024, 10:00-17:30 500.00 place(s) remaining
RYA Powerboat Level 2 - Sat 17th & Sun 18th August 2024, 10:00-17:30 500.00 place(s) remaining
RYA Powerboat Level 2 - Thu 22nd & Fri 23rd August 2024, 10:00-17:30 500.00 place(s) remaining
RYA Powerboat Level 2 - Sat 24th & Sun 25th August 2024, 10:00-17:30 500.00 place(s) remaining
RYA Powerboat Level 2 - Sat 31st August & Sun 1st September 2024, 10:00-17:30 500.00 place(s) remaining
RYA Powerboat Level 2 - Sat 7th & Sun 8th September 2024, 10:00-17:30 500.00 place(s) remaining
RYA Powerboat Level 2 - Sat 14th & Sun 15th September 2024, 10:00-17:30 500.00 place(s) remaining
RYA Powerboat Level 2 - Sat 21st & Sun 22nd September 2024, 10:00-17:30 500.00 place(s) remaining
RYA Powerboat Level 2 - Sat 28th & Sun 29th September 2024, 10:00-17:30 500.003 place(s) remaining

Our Standard courses require a minimum of two candidates in order to run. In the event that insufficient candidates book onto a course, we will contact you to arrange a refund or offer you alternative dates (subject to availability). 

Minimum age: 12 years old (candidates under 16 must be accompanied by an adult booking). 

Upon successful completion of the PB2 course, candidates can submit an application to the RYA to obtain an  ICC  (subject to eligibility).

Focus Marine

Trusted by professionals

10m powerboat

We deliver commercial maritime training, marine services, and RYA instructor courses in London to corporations, charities, HM Forces, professional bodies and university societies. We are licensed by the Port of London Authority for commercial marine services in London on the River Thames, and have RYA Advanced Powerboat instructors on our team with PLA Local Knowledge Endorsements for high-speed boat operations. 

Our team works across the UK and Europe – if you require professional marine services or training, contact us  to discuss your requirements. 

Introducing: Youth courses

We welcome candidates aged 12 upwards onto any of our courses, but to provide opportunity for younger candidates to enjoy the best learning experience we’re currently offering the following dates for candidates aged 12-19 years old : 

Upcoming course datesPriceAvailabilityBook

On youth courses there will be a maximum of three students (all aged 12-19) per boat. Classroom sessions may be delivered in larger groups with candidates of all ages. For group bookings of 3+ candidates we can also look to run youth courses on additional dates, subject to instructor availability.  Contact us  to find out more…

Focus Marine also offers...

Marine vhf radio, film/tv support, rya level 2 powerboat   syllabus, theory topics.

Clothing and equipment

Types of craft

Propulsion systems


Launch and recovery

Tides and tidal streams


Introduction to charts & symbols

Buoyage systems

GPS/Electronic nav

Pilotage and passage planning

Emergency procedures

Distress signals

Cold water shock

Immersion hypothermia

Disabled craft

Advice for restricted visibility

Fire precautions and fire fighting

Man Overboard procedure

Practical syllabus

The RYA Powerboat Level 2 syllabus is suitable for novices, with  no prior experience  required!

Introductory skills

Boat familiarisation 

Slow speed handling

Holding off

High Speed manoeuvres

High speed turns 

Trim tabs & power trim

Close Quarters

Turning in a confined space

Turning using springs 

Leaving and coming alongside in a range of conditions (wind & tide) 

Mooring and Berthing

Approach and securing to a mooring buoy

Mooring alongside a pontoon


Person Overboard – standard approach

Person Overboard – drift-down method

Recovery of Person Overboard into craft

Use of steering compass 

Execute basic passage plan

International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft (ICC)

Upon successful completion of our Powerboat training course , candidates may submit an application to the RYA to obtain an International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft (ICC) for the category of “Power up to 10m” – subject to eligibility (see below). 

The ICC is intended to provide evidence of competence when requested by officials in foreign countries. 

It is issued by the RYA in the United Kingdom to British Nationals and UK Residents (of any nationality), aged 16 or older.

If you are neither a British national nor resident in the UK, check here whether the RYA can issue your ICC  

The RYA currently charge a certificate fee of £55 for issue of the ICC (free for RYA members), which is valid for 5 years. 

The cost of RYA membership is equivalent to (or in some cases cheaper than) the cost of ICC certification; for non-members, it is worth considering RYA membership at the point of application. 

If you require the inland category to be validated on your ICC (this is required for use of inland waterways – rivers, canal systems and lakes in Europe), you will need to complete a CEVNI theory test. For full details, supporting materials/resources, and test bookings, please visit: www.focusmarine.co.uk/cevni

We can conduct own-boat ICC assessments in UK/European waters for the following categories: 

  • Power up to 10m 
  • Power (unlimited)*

Vessels up to

Accepted in.

We operate from Chiswick Pier, located off Corney Reach Way in London W4.

Please check your joining instructions for detailed information about where to join your course.

10m powerboat

No – there's no need to bring a lifejacket with you, we provide candidates with lifejackets and we also have a limited stock of wet-weather shell layers (jackets and salopettes). A full list of what you'll need to bring is included in the course joining instructions – do check the weather forecast and ensure you bring appropriate clothing/layers for a full day outside!

Yes – we offer Solo courses, please  contact us to find out more.

You must be aged 12 years or older to attend an RYA Powerboat Level 2 course.

Candidates under 16 must be accompanied by an adult, unless attending a dedicated  Youth Course  –  contact us  for more information.

The International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft (ICC) is a certificate which is intended to provide evidence of competence when requested by officials in foreign countries. It was historically known as the International Certificate of Competence. It’s often required for demonstrating competence when bareboat chartering/renting boats abroad (ie. without a professional skipper/crew).

You can apply for an ICC after completing an RYA Level 2 Powerboat course.

The easiest way to apply for your ICC is to apply online via the RYA website

Lunch isn’t provided, but we do provide refreshments (tea, coffee, biscuits) and we return to the pier each day for a lunch break.

Candidates are welcome to bring a packed lunch, or head out to cafés/shops nearby (within easy walking distance).

Our training venue is located at Chiswick Pier, which is within a private housing estate with on-street parking restrictions in operation at all times (including weekends and bank holidays).

On Pumping Station Road and Corney Road, Hounslow CPZ hours are Monday-Friday 9am-5pm, so anytime outside of these hours you can park on surrounding roads for free.

Pay & Display parking is available at Chiswick House (10 minute walk). There is also limited on-street parking on Riverside Drive during weekdays.

The RYA Level 2 Powerboat course has no pre-requisites, and there’s no need to have undertaken any training prior to attending.

Candidates under 12 years old may attend a Level 1 course, which is aimed at covering the very basics of boat driving for children under supervision.

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10m powerboat

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If you’d like us to let you know when we publish new course dates or add additional capacity, please fill out the form below to register for course updates. You can unsubscribe at any time! 

Powerboat Training UK

The RYA Powerboat Scheme is aimed at craft up to about 33ft/10m. The qualifications gained from within this scheme are recognised around the world and some are relevant to those driving commercially. The powerboat scheme courses suit a wide variety of craft from small dories and RIBs to larger 4 berth family cruiser type vessels.


From the menu below please select the course that you think best addresses your needs and then select the button to read more. To help make things even clearer we’ve created a simple Training Pathway document (blue button above right) that you can download and read at your leisure.

Do feel free to call/email us though as for many people which course to take isn’t entirely clear and we’re always delighted to provide objective and impartial advice – whether you decide to train with us or another school.

10m powerboat

Powerboat Level 2 – on our boats

This is the most popular course that we teach. Suits those new to boating who want to develop the base skills but also those who have boated for a while but who want to ensure they are approaching their boating the right way. There is no requirement for Level 1 to do this course.

10m powerboat

Powerboat Level 2 – training on your boat

This is the course to take on your boat for those keen to get a really good grounding in close quarter boat handling plus the ability to use charts, tidal information and understand buoyage so you can undertake short inshore passages. Level 1 is not required.

10m powerboat

International Certificate of Competence – ‘ICC’ (up to 10m)

An ICC is usually essential if you are considering taking your own boat abroad or chartering one when overseas. The ICC can be obtained either using a relevant RYA qualification or through an ‘ICC test’.

10m powerboat

Intermediate Powerboat – on our boats

Also known as the Powerboat Day Cruising Course the  course is aimed at those who have boated a season or more, probably already have Level 2 and want to learn more about coastal cruising. It focuses on navigation  and passage planning.

10m powerboat

Intermediate Powerboat – on your boat

Learn more about charts, tides, planning a passage and how  to use electronic navigation effectively then undertake a passage with one of our instructors on board to put the skills into practice. A great course to do on your own boat.

10m powerboat

Development Days

After Level 2 this is a great way to get afloat and hone the skills you learnt during the Level 2 course. Time is spent focussing on both boat handling and making a passage and there’s time for a relaxing lunch too!

10m powerboat

Powerboats and RIBs – tailored training on your boat

Training on your boat can the form of either a RYA course or often just focusses on the subjects that you want to cover. Read about the various options for training on your boat.

10m powerboat

Children’s Powerboat Level 2

Children aged 12 upwards are welcome to join us on our  Level 2 courses.  Courses run usually in the Easter and Summer holiday and during half terms.

Children’s Powerboat Level 1

We welcome children aged 8 upwards on to our dedicated children’s Level 1 courses.  Courses run usually in the easter  and summer holidays and during half terms when it is warm (ish).

10m powerboat

Powerboat Level 1

Level 1 is a great course as a basic introduction to boating as a ‘competent crew’ type course or a taster session. Suits both children or adults. It is NOT required for entry to Level 2 and most adults go straight in at Level 2.

Superyacht Tender Operators Course

Aimed at those already working as a tender driver transferring guests/passengers in sectors such as the superyacht world or in other environments where you may need to transfer guests and passengers.

10m powerboat

Powerboat night exercise – on our boats

Aimed at those keen to develop a better understanding of boating at night – suits those with no experience at night and also those with experience keen to add hours afloat ahead of an advanced exam.

10m powerboat

Advanced Powerboat – on our boats

Aimed at experienced leisure boaters and those seeking to work commercially the Advanced Course can be followed by the Advanced Examination. Addresses areas such as night navigation, rough water handling and search patterns – a great course!

10m powerboat

Powerboat Instructor

Become a RYA Powerboat Instructor to be able to teach Level 1, Level 2 and potentially the Safety Boat course as part of a RYA Training Centre. A great way to share your passion for boating with others.

Powerboat Instructor Skills Assessment

This is a mandatory requirement ahead of the Powerboat Instructors course. If possible undertake the assessment 4 – 6 weeks before the Instructor course but we always schedule assessments for the day before an Instructor course just in case you can’t make it sooner.

Advanced Powerboat Instructor

An Advanced Instructor can teach the Advanced Powerboat and Intermediate Powerboat courses and run own boat training away from the centre’s base.

10m powerboat

Advanced Powerboat (‘CoC’) Commercial Exam

The Advanced Powerboat Exam is the qualification needed for almost all skippers looking to drive commercially in sub (about) 10m powerboats whether RIBs or hard boats. It qualifies you up to 20 miles from a safe haven.

Get in touch


Where to find us...

Powerboat Training UK Ltd, The Slipway, Cobbs Quay Marina, Poole, Dorset, BH15 4EL

T: 01202 686666 E: [email protected]

Aquasafe Powerboat School, Lymington Yacht Haven, Kings Saltern Road, Lymington, Hampshire SO41 3QD

T: 01590 678809 E: [email protected]

Marine Education, Port of Poole Marina, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HJ

T: 01202 406066 E: [email protected]

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Register your interest in this course

At the moment it is not possible to book places on this particular course as we have marked it as full. However it may be that we are able to add additional people to this course or to add you to a reserve list in case someone already booked cannot attend. If this date is of particular interest to you please complete the form below and we will contact you to see what we can do to accommodate you.

Request a last minute space

At the moment it is not possible to book places on this particular course as we have marked it as closed due to it being very close to the course running. However it may be that we are able to add you to this course or to add you to a reserve list in case someone already booked cannot attend. If this is is of interest to you please complete the form below and we will contact you to see what we can do to accommodate you.

  • Boating abroad

You must log in to your personal MyRYA account to apply or renew an ICC.

If you’re looking to operate a pleasure craft or hire a boat outside the UK and need to evidence your competence, then the UK International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft (the ICC) issued by the RYA, may be useful.

What is the ICC?

The ICC is intended to provide evidence of competence when requested by officials in a country you are visiting (i.e. a country you are not a citizen or a resident of).

It’s an assurance from one government to another that the certificate holder is sufficiently competent to be operating a pleasure craft, despite not holding the visited country’s certificate.

Is the ICC for me?

When you visit another country, in most circumstances (in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) you can be required to comply with the maritime legislation of the visited country (the Coastal State) in addition to that of your vessel’s country of registration.

To know whether the ICC is the right document for your circumstances you need to consider the applicable legislation.

Find out more about applicable legislation and flag and coastal states .

What is Resolution No. 40 and why is it important?

The ICC was developed under the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Inland Transport Committee Working Party on Inland Water Transport Resolution No. 40, the UK Government has accepted Resolution No. 40 and has authorised the RYA to issue a UK ICC on its behalf.

Resolution No. 40 details how and to who the ICC may be issued, the syllabus requirements and the layout of the certificate. The Resolution also lists the countries which have notified the UNECE Secretariat that they have accepted the resolution.

Find out more about ICC Resolution No. 40

your ICC questions answered

Eligibility - nationality based criteria

I’m British. Can I get a UK ICC from the RYA?

Yes. You’ll need to provide a copy of a document or a combination of documents with your ICC application, which allow the RYA to verify your nationality. This will usually be a copy of your passport.

Find out more

I’m a citizen of a country that has accepted Resolution 40. Can the RYA issue me with an ICC?

The RYA will only issue you with an ICC if you are resident in the UK.

I’m a citizen of a country, other than the UK, that has not accepted Resolution 40. Can the RYA issue me with an ICC?

The RYA can issue you with an ICC. However, if the country you are a national of accepts Resolution No. 40 in the future you will not be able to amend or renew your ICC. You must return the certificate to the RYA and you will not be entitled to any refund. You may wish to find out if the country you are citizen of intends to accept the ICC in the future.

Eligibility - competence based criteria

I’ve been boating for a long time but have never taken any formal courses. Can I get a UK ICC issued by the RYA?

Applicants for the UK ICC issued by the RYA, who do not hold an eligible certificate but already have the required level of competence can take ICC assessments to demonstrate their competence for each of the categories they would like to have validated on their ICC.

Read our detailed information on how to evidence your boating competence for the issue of a UK ICC.

I only have a shorebased course completion certificate, I didn’t take a practical course. Can I still apply for a UK ICC from the RYA?

To be issued with a UK ICC by the RYA you must provide evidence of your competence for both the type of vessel categories you would like to be validated on your certificate and the coastal waters and / or inland waters category.

An RYA Day Skipper Shorebased or higher Course Completion Certificate can be used to validate the coastal waters category only. A shorebased certificate on its own is not sufficient. You must also provide evidence of your competence for at least one of the type of vessel categories.

Can I covert non-RYA qualifications into an ICC?

In general, non RYA certificates cannot be used to evidence your competence for the issue of a UK ICC by the RYA. Some certificates issued for or on behalf of the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) can be used in an ICC application as evidence of competence.

Application process for UK ICC

Do I need to provide a photograph?

Yes, a current passport sized head and shoulders photo of the certificate holder is printed on the ICC. A suitable photo must be submitted with your application.

Photo specifications

Passport style photograph i.e. a photo of the head and shoulders in portrait orientation

  • Clear and in focus
  • Contains no other objects or people
  • Taken against a plain light-coloured background
  • In clear contrast to the background
  • Not have 'red eye' - eyes must be open and visible
  • The applicant must be facing forwards and looking straight at the camera

I’m applying online, how do I upload my passport sized photograph and proof of eligibility?

You’ll be prompted to upload this digitally in a PDF format - we also accept jpg for photos. HEIC format will not be accepted. Documents must not exceed 5MB.

Can my ICC be sent to an alternative address?

No, your ICC must be sent to the address you give on your application form which is the address printed on the certificate.

I’ve downloaded the pdf application form and I’m applying by post. Do I send original documents to support my application or are copies sufficient?

Please DO NOT send original documents.

You should send copies only of your passport, driving licence and any other certificates or documents you need in support of your application.

General ICC questions

Do I need to be an RYA member to apply for my ICC?

No, you are not required to be a member of the RYA. However, the ICC application is free for RYA members.

Which countries accept the ICC?

Please refer to our information on where might the ICC be accepted.

Can I renew my ICC if it has expired?

Yes, expired certificates, issued on or after 1 April 1999 can be renewed. Certificates issued prior to 1st April 1999 were not issued in accordance with Resolution No. 40 and cannot be renewed.

Your new certificate will be issued with the same categories validated as your existing certificate.

Should you require any further categories validated you will need to pass the appropriate ICC assessment or provide the necessary documentary evidence of competence.

Apply now for your ICC renewal

Can I renew early?

Yes. If you renew your ICC no more than three months before the certificate expires, the new certificate will have a validity of 5 years from the date the previous ICC would have expired. You can renew your ICC earlier than that, but it will only be valid for 5 years from the date of issue.

How do I apply for a replacement ICC?

If your ICC is still current and you require a replacement then you will be required to complete the ICC application form and submit as a replacement request.

The replacement is free of charge to current members or the cost for non-members can be found on the form. The expiry date will remain the same.

Apply for an ICC

How do I change the address on my ICC?

You will be required to complete the ICC application form and tick the box for updating details.

This update is free of charge to current members or the cost for non-members can be found on the form. The expiry date will remain the same.

I have Power Yes on my Certificate, what does this mean?

Sometimes an ICC is issued with the validity for Power restricted to vessels up to 10m in length.

Where the applicant has demonstrated that they are competent to drive a larger powerboat, motor cruiser or barge, the 10m restriction is lifted and the ICC says Power - Yes.

What vessels that ICC is valid for is determined by the legislation of the flag and coastal states.

Find out more about flag and coastal states

You can apply for a UK ICC issued by the RYA either online or by using a paper form (which you download from the website and print).

Learn more about the ICC, its history, what is does and doesn't do, and where it and other RYA certificates might be accepted.

Find out if you are eligible to apply and how to evidence your competence for the issue of a UK ICC by the RYA

East Coast Motor Boat Training

  • RYA Inland Waterways Scheme

RYA Powerboat Scheme

  • RYA Specialist Short Courses
  • RYA Navigation and Seamanship Theory Courses
  • International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft - ICC
  • Our Courses
  • Online Booking
  • Testimonials

Boat training Coastal courses Suffolk

The RYA powerboat courses are for those using powered craft such as RIBs and sportsboats, and also for the professional boat skipper who is required to prove their competence or provide certification for work. Our courses can be run either Inland or Coastal.

The Powerboat Level 2 Certificate can also be used to apply for the International Certificate of Competence Coastal Power up to 10M LOA.

To discuss your training or to find out more information on what we can offer please do not hesitate to contact us on 07570 794196 or by email. We are open seven days a week.

RYA Training Centre logo

RYA Powerboat Training Courses

Rya level 1 start powerboating (1 day).

RYA Level 1 Start Powerboating

This course is an introduction to boating techniques for launching and recovering a boat from a road trailer, everyday boat handling and the use of safety equipment.  It is ideal for introducing younger family members to powerboating, and for giving them an understanding of how they can be safe on the water.

Your instructor will cover all the basics of, preparation of boat and crew; boat handling; picking up and securing to a mooring buoy; leaving and coming alongside; being towed and  what to do in an emergency.

Maximum 3 people. Minimum age 12. Certificates for children aged between 12 and 16 will be endorsed to show that they must use boats only under the supervision of a responsible adult Course time 09:00 - 16:30 approx.

Offers: Book 2 places for £390 Book 3 places for £570 Own boat for £320 (For up to 3 people)

RYA Level 2 Powerboat Handling (2 days)

10m powerboat

This entry level course provides the skills and background knowledge needed to drive a powerboat. It assumes no prior knowledge and so is ideal for the first timer, yet the more seasoned boater will learn plenty of tricks of the trade and tips to make their boating safer and more enjoyable. It is a hands-on course with minimal theory, and is not only an opportunity to learn new skills but also to have a fun day out!

Your instructor will cover, low speed close quarters handling;  man overboard recovery; securing to a buoy, anchoring, man overboard; driving at planing speed; an introduction to charts, pilotage and collision regulations.

Maximum 3 people. Minimum age 12. Certificates for children aged between 12 and 16 will be endorsed to show that they must use boats only under the supervision of a responsible adult. Price includes RYA Start Powerboating Handbook (G48). Course time 09:00 - 16:30 approx.

Offers: Book 2 places for £625 Book 3 places for £927 Own boat for £620 (For up to 3 people)

RYA Level 2 Powerboat Direct Assessment, experience required (1 day)

RYA Level 2 Powerboat Direct Assessment

This is an assessment ideal for the more seasoned boater. Your instructor will be assessing your knowledge of, low speed close quarters handling;  man overboard recovery; securing to a buoy, anchoring, man overboard, driving at planing speed, chartwork, pilotage and the collision regulations.

RYA Powerboat Intermediate (2 days)

RYA Level 2 Powerboat Coastal Conversion

This course builds on the foundation knowledge of the Powerboat Level 2 course and is suited to those who aim to drive larger more powerful powerboats. During the two days you will cover, cruising at planing speed and more advanced boat handling.

Your instructor will cover planning a day cruise, boat preparation, advanced boat handling, pilotage, passage making, and man overboard.

Maximum 3 people. Minimum age 16. It is strongly recommended that candidates hold a first aid certificate and a VHF/SRC operators certificate. Course time 09:00 - 16:30 approx. Available 1st April - 31st October

Course cost: Book 2 people for £665 Book 3 people for £987 Own boat for £620 (For up to 3 people)

RYA Powerboat Advanced (2 days)

RYA Level 2 Powerboat Coastal Conversion

This course is for leisure and professional boaters wanting to undertake more adventurous trips by day and night. Candidates should be competent to the standard of the Intermediate Powerboat Certificate with a thorough knowledge of the navigation and chartwork to the level of Coastal Skipper/RYA Yachtmaster Shorebased certificate.

Your instructor will cover preparation for sea, boat handling, passage making and responsibility as skipper, pilotage, meteorology, rules of the road, use of engines, emergency situations, night cruising, navigation at planing speed and other aspects of skippering powerboats on more challenging passages in coastal waters.

Maximum 3 people. Minimum age 17. It is strongly recommended that candidates hold a first aid certificate and a VHF/SRC operators certificate. Course times dependant on time of year.

Course cost: Book 2 people for £735 Book 3 people for £1,080 Own boat for £670 (For up to 3 people)

RYA/MCA Powerboat Advanced Exam Preparation

RYA Level 2 Powerboat Coastal Conversion

The RYA/MCA Advanced Powerboat exam is a practical test of skippering ability by day and night in the type of craft applicable to the National Powerboat Scheme. We can offer preparation for before taking the exam.

  • 2 years relevant experience including night pilotage.
  • As a guide 30 days, 2 days as skipper, 800 miles, 12 night hours.
  • If you hold an RYA Advanced Powerboat Course Completion Certificate the seatime is reduced to: 20 days, 2 days as skipper, 400 miles, 12 night hours.
  • All qualifying seatime must be within 10 years prior to the exam.

Maximum 3 people. Minimum age 17. Candidates must hold a GMDSS Short Range Certificate (SRC) or higher grade of marine radio certificate and a valid First Aid Certifcate.

Course cost: Call to discuss

RYA Tender Operator (2 day)

RYA Tender Operator 2 Day Course

This course is intended for operators responsible for ferrying passengers between Superyachts and the shore. Building on the Powerboat Level 2 Course attendees will gain confidence in their ability to manoeuvre a powerboat more smoothly but the real benefit is the emphasis on learning important skills in pilotage, both day and night, and passenger carriage and management.

Your instructor will cover passenger safety and comfort, daytime pilotage, night time pilotage, emergency situations and associated theory.

Maximum 3 people. Minimum age 17. It is strongly recommended that candidates hold a first aid certificate and a VHF/SRC operators certificate. Course times dependant on time of year. Available 1st April - 31st October

RYA Inland Waterways Scheme

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10m powerboat

Level 2 Powerboat Handling

10m powerboat

This two-day entry level course provides the skills and background knowledge needed to drive a powerboat and is the basis of the International Certificate of Competence (ICC). Courses can be taken either onboard a centre's boat or your own boat and you can enter at any level, provided you have the relevant experience beforehand. Be realistic when assessing your current experience and abilities and, if in doubt, discuss your requirements with us before booking your course. This two-day entry level course provides the skills and background knowledge needed to drive a powerboat and is the basis of the International Certificate of Competence (ICC). It focuses on low speed close quarters handling, man overboard recovery, an introduction to driving at planing speed, and collision regulations. The course can be taken inland or on the coast and your certificate will be endorsed accordingly. When applying for an ICC please note: • With the Powerboat Level 2 you can apply an ICC for coastal waters and power up to 10m. • You can also apply for an ICC for Inland waters and power up to 10m as long as you successfully complete a CEVNI test.

Requirements & Outcomes:

Assumed knowledge: •  None. May be preceded by Level 1 Start Powerboating Minimum duration: •  2 days Minimum age: •  12 years. Candidates under the age of 16 will be issued with an endorsed certificate. Course content: •  Launching and recovery, boat handling, securing to a buoy, anchoring, leaving and coming alongside, man overboard, introduction to planing speeds. Ability after the course: •  Self-sufficient powerboater in the right conditions, aware of own limitations and those of craft.


10m powerboat

Brig 10m Eagle

Brig 10m Eagle Greg Copp tests this extremely capable Ukrainian-built boat with a Jekyll and Hyde personality aimed at those looking for something different in the luxury boat sector … The 10m Brig eagle is a perfect example of the modern high-performance luxury RIB. I suppose it should be with its price tag. However, it should also be noted that this boat is constructed with a zero compromise approach, from the big twin-prop DF350s on its transom to the neatly finished anchor locker in its bow step. It is not built purely as a hard-core sports RIB, which is evident in its blunt bow, discreet cabin and plush seating. Nevertheless, the Brig Eagle is very easy and exciting to drive. Without wanting to take anything away from its soft-riding deep-vee hull, a lot of its character comes from having two very punchy 350hp outboards. It was my first experience of this recently launched and only twin-prop outboard engine in production. With their broad spread of power, these engines make light work of the 3.4 tonnes that the fully loaded Eagle displaces. The boat picks up noticeably from 2000rpm, and is planing before you reach 2500rpm, with 25 knots coming up in a fraction over 4 seconds. I will go so far as to say that it is virtually unheard of for petrol engines to be getting into their stride so quickly. In simple terms, the reasons for this are twofold: plenty of torque from a high-compression motor, and twin counterrotating propellers, which give this boat such a responsive low-down power delivery. Twin props give a much greater degree of grip under initial acceleration than a single propeller. This makes this boat ideal for water sports, and well suited to driving in rough weather where you need to punch up and down the waves. Running at 3000rpm the ride is blissfully smooth, and the 26-knot pace is whisper quiet. Among other things, this is thanks to the soundproofing membrane under the engine cowling. However, the DF350 has a Jekyll and Hyde personality that suits this boat perfectly. Inevitably anyone who buys the Brig Eagle will spend a lot of ‘civilised’ time on it with friends or family, but they are also very likely to enjoy its Hyde side. Pushing up through the power spectrum, the boat is very quick for its size – deceptively so, until you meet the point of ‘critical mass’. At 4800rpm, everything changes, and the Eagle takes off with a unique ‘demonic howl’ that no petrolhead can resist. Some engines scream like a banshee when they come on song, but the DF350 produces a deeper, distinctly powerful tone that makes you reluctant to back the power off. It revs cleanly to 6300rpm without hesitation. Across this last 1500rpm the valve timing is advancing at its maximum, and you hear the bark of a 12:1 compression ratio. I also reckon that someone at Suzuki spent some time tuning the exhaust to sound the way it does. Not surprisingly, you are not doing much for the environment, as the combined thirst of 8.8 litres running towards full chat will empty the tank in 100 miles. Driving the boat at 40 knots in the calm sea of the day was a pretty laid-back affair. This is the fast cruising speed that most will want to drive at. The Brig returns around 2mpg at this speed, and requires around 40% trim out on the legs. Throwing the boat into tight turns at this speed is reassuringly steady, as it does not really want any trim in on the legs to tuck the bow down when cornering. However, if you want to drive this boat in a way that its twin-props allow, I found that tucking the nose in helped. The boat will turn exceedingly sharply, so much so that you really need to steady yourself by spacing your feet apart against the console, with your backside firmly in the flip-up seat bolster. Do not consider sitting if you intend to go into ‘manic mode’ as you will be thrown around the very comfortable bench seat. Given how the DF350 holds the water, some supportive seating is an option that Brig might like to consider for those that wish to enjoy its full sports boat potential. I will say that the steering on the test boat was very light, and that the electrical power steering was due to be reset to provide a firmer response from the wheel. This certainly needs to be done, as with such a grip from the twin-prop engines you could overcook it. Hitting the wake of the photo boat at 50 knots required a touch of trim in to get the hull forefoot down for a ‘slap-free ride’. This was to be expected considering that we were aiming a beamy (3.4m) boat at a sharp ridge of water at speed. If you do not do as I did on the first occasion, you will get a bit of forward chine slap, though I got the distinct impression that it can take this sort of abuse without any problems. If you get the boat airborne, its deep-vee hull with a transom deadrise angle of 22 degrees gives a pretty soft landing. Running at the Brig’s top speed of 56 knots, the boat is very stable, requiring around 70% trim out. If you trim her too far she tells you with a mild chine walk. Helm ergonomics are very good. In particular, you can either look perfectly over the screen with a good view of the bow when standing, or easily through it when seated. You do not get the screen top in your line of sight. The wind is totally denied you, thanks to what is a big console. The dash layout works well, with the throttles and wheel easily to hand, and the plotter and engine instruments under your line of sight. Any big RIB nowadays is expected to have some degree of comfort, and with the Brig you not only get a proper sea toilet, but there is also a double berth. The door in the side of the console hints at a toilet within, but the bed under the sun pad is cleverly slipped in, and you would not know it was there from looking at the outside. At best, this only provides weekend overnighting, but it increases this boat’s cruising credentials. Behind the helm sits a galley with twin-ring hob, sink and a fridge beneath. Cup holders and convenient grab trails sit either side of the waterproof Silvertex-upholstered aft bench seat. For alfresco dining, a double table can be inserted in front of the bench seat, which, along with an aft-facing double seat under the galley, provides all-round seating for five. The decking throughout is synthetic teak-effect SeaDek. This teak substitute is one of several on the market, and provides a durable and well-finished effect in various colours. The detailing behind the scenes is no less impressive as the lined anchor locker with its hidden windlass indicates. Beneath the aft bench seat sits a big storage cavity, which also enables access to the batteries and the various master switches. One aspect I certainly approve of, having been in a superyacht tender that became totally swamped by heavy weather, is the four drainage ducts in the cockpit, running directly overboard. The Orca Hypalon tubes are about as heavy-duty as you can expect in the leisure market, and are available in various colours in either fabric impression or carbon effect. The hull can be ordered in dove grey, dark grey or black as an alternative to white.

Verdict This is a very capable boat built by a Ukrainian company with a lot of experience in RIB construction. It is aimed at the luxury sector and will appeal to those who wish to vary or downgrade their boating activities from the traditional hard boat. It is also a very exciting boat to drive, and will appeal to the water sports enthusiast. Its price tag is reflected in its build quality and attention to detail. Though offered with twin 300hp Suzuki DF300s, this boat will lose its appeal and character with anything less than the twin-prop DF350. Fuel consumption (both engines)

Engine speed Knots MPG 2000rpm 12.5 2.6 2500rpm             19.5 2.8 3000rpm               25.7 2.6 3500rpm              31.6 2.3 4000rpm              36.0 2.1 4500rpm              41.9 1.8 5000rpm              45.7 1.6 5500rpm 49.3 1.4 6300rpm (wot) 56.2 1.2 All fuel figures were from the factory-fitted fuel flow meter.

Specifications LOA: 10.30m Beam: 3.40m Transom deadrise angle: 22 degrees Displacement: 3379kg (fuel and engines) Power options: 2 x 300hp or 2 x 350hp Fuel capacity: 128 gallons (580 litres) Water capacity: 10 gallons (45 litres) RCD category: B for 12 Test engines: Twin 350hp Suzuki DF350s

Performance 56.2 knots (2-way average), 90% fuel, 2 crew

Price From (twin 300hp Suzuki DF300s): £150,000 (inc. VAT) As Tested: £165,000 (inc. VAT)

Contact The Wolf Rock Boat Company Unit 1G South Hams Business Park Churchstow Devon TQ7 3QH www.thewolfrock.co.uk

Photo Credits: Graeme Main

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10m powerboat

Power Boat Magazine

Admiral 10m

Admiral 10m

Cover Story

It’s been eight years in the making and the final result is nothing short of outstanding. Kiwi designed and built cruisers are making a comeback and the new Admiral 10m is a boat at the forefront of that revival.

10m powerboat

When Jason Mckenzie and Steve Clement brought the Steadecraft Patrol 28 moulds off Trade Me over eight years ago, they had no detailed plans for the boat, apart from the fact they wanted to transform what was a blokes fishing boat into a more practical cruiser.

They also felt that there was a gap in the market for a boat of this size that was right on the edge of being trailerable or moored. At 3m beam, you can trail the Admiral with a special permit, but it’s more likely to be moored or kept in a dry stack.

While the basic hull was essentially retained, the original deck was completely remodelled and today’s Admiral looks nothing like the original. From the Steadecraft 28 Patrol there is virtually nothing left and while below the chine it’s unchanged, apart from a 250mm hull extension, there is no Steadecraft left to recognise.

“We built a new higher deck with more curve, put swage lines in the topsides, moved the saloon door bulkheads back 600mm to increase the cabin living space and built a one-piece inner liner, so the boat is effectively three large moulds; hull inner liner and deck, with lots of small moulds filling all the gaps”, says Steve.

The Portofino style boarding platform was also moulded as part of the deck and this increased the cockpit space considerably. Steve admits that while they had an idea of what they wanted to achieve in the end and the profile of the boat, it was very much a case of trial and error, with components made, analysed and either kept, dumped or modified. The result is a modern stylish small cruiser with soft, timeless lines that gives a feeling of being a lot bigger than it is.

“It took us eight years to finish mainly because this was only a part-time project for both of us as I was concentrating on my fibreglass business and Jason his upholstery company, so there was never a dedicated time frame to finish it”, adds Steve.

10m powerboat

In mid-2107 things started to crank up and the pressure was on to get the boat finished and launched for the 2018 summer. Well they nearly made it and the boat hit the water in early April this year. There was one goal, however, and that was to make the Hutchwilco NZ Boat Show, which they have managed to achieve.

10m powerboat

When I got to take the boat for a trial, it was raining and miserable in the morning and we only got to run the boat for a short time up the Tamaki River. First impression was the super slick transition onto the plane and how quick we achieved a top speed of 32 knots. Not bad for just 260hp. In the calm water, I found around 25 knots the ideal cruise speed.

The 12.5 deg hull is reasonably flat and is extremely responsive to the helm. One of the reasons is the Admiral 10m is fitted with a pair of Humphree X-Series interceptors, which offer stabilisation at any speed. They are not ordinary trim tabs. The Interceptor system creates a hydrodynamic lift force by intercepting the water flow underneath the hull. In that way, the interceptor creates a lift force acting on the hull instead of on the trim-device itself, which is indifference of the regular trim tab. The X-Series features ultra-fast servo actuators that react instantly to hull movements, as demonstrated in my high-speed manoeuvers. With advanced controls, the system operates very fast and with high precision.

At 25 knots I spun the wheel hard over and to my surprise, the bow dug in almost instantly and the boat hooked into a very sharp turn. The Volvo Penta DPH leg hung on tight and moments later I was on the plane and heading back down my previous track. Felt safe and the boat suffered minimal heel, although maybe I should have told my passenger before I did it!


Full Production

With a complete moulded construction, the opportunities to customise the boat is limited, although items such as upholstery and timbers are owner’s choice. The builders have tried to present the optimum layout for what they feel most people would want in a boat this size and they have certainly achieved that. Perhaps the only significant changes available are in the cockpit, where you can have the choice of a central island with live bait tank, sink and bbq or wrap around seating and single access. As Steve says, not everyone is into fishing, so they wanted to be able to offer a more casual entertaining arrangement in the cockpit with plenty of seating.

However, if you are a hard-on fishing guy, then you can replace one of the transom doors for a pair of tuna tubes.

Talking fishing, the Admiral 10m has this covered, with a good size platform aft of the transom complete with a central bait station. You can add removable rails either side if you feel you want some extra security for the kids. A slide-away ladder slips in under the stern.

Two Cabin Layout

The accommodation is another area that came in for a lot of attention and by utilising the space under the saloon sole, Steve and Jason have managed to include a second cabin. The generous berth runs almost the full width of the hull and there is ample sitting headroom at the head of the bed. By using open treads on the companionway staircase and well placed Hella LED lighting, the aft cab feels quite open and spacious and not like a dark box.

The forward cabin has twin single berths below, with an infill to make a significant double and a single above on the starboard side. While Admiral #1 had a storage shelf to port, you do have the option of making this another berth.

Both share a dedicated head/shower compartment which has the usual features you would expect to find, plus over 2m headroom in the shower stall.

It’s one level from the helm to the transom, with excellent visibility through high windows and the lack of a rear bulkhead. Extra ventilation is available through sliding side windows as well as an overhead hatch. The main saloon is very Kiwi traditional layout with forwarding helm starboard and an aft galley port. In between, there’s side loungers and a dining table, plus further aft an entertainment centre.

The helm is a separate moulding and Steve says this was subject to a lot of changes. The result is a large facia capable taking a 16″ MFD and with plenty of space for all your other electronics and controls. The full adjustable single Hi-Tech pedestal seat, comes with seated or bolster the position. There is the option of a bench seat base with storage under.

Opposite is a settee that is long enough to make another berth and the dining table that can be either fixed or drop down. Aft, the galley is more than adequate for a boat this size and comes with a three burner hob, oven, composite surface, with storage above and below. Plates, cups and glasses are stowed in a deep slide-out drawer under the forward settee.

To starboard under the entertainment centre, complete with swing-out TV and Fusion sound system, is the fridge and if you require a freezer, then this can be incorporated into a settee box in the cockpit.

Alloy Bi-fold doors divide the cabin and cockpit and when everything is open it presents a seamless flow through the boat. The cabin top overhang has been adapted for storage of things you often need in the cockpit, such as a net, gaff, boat hook and cleaning gear. Another ingenious use of space. There is also storage both sides of the cockpit and in two large cockpit sole spaces. These are divided off from the engine bay but come with access panels to make working on the engine a little easier.

As for the power option, at this stage, it’s a single Volvo Penta D4/260 with a DPH leg and quite honestly that’s plenty. 32 knots was an impressive speed for the boat and a little more than I thought it would achieve.


It is pleasing to see another all Kiwi boat coming to market and Admiral Boats have certainly produced an outstanding example. It’s a stylish performer and certainly fits into a gap in the market for a local boat of this size. With its first public showing at the Hutchwilco NZ Boat Show, it will be interesting to see the reaction, but I’m picking that it may exceed expectations and the boys at Admiral Boats are going to have a busy time ahead with orders.

Boat Design NameYear LaunchedBuilderDesignerLOABeamDeadriseDispl (Dry)Max SpeedConstruction
Admiral 10m 2018Admiral BoatsAdmiral Boats10m 3m12.5 deg4200 kgs32 knotsGRP
Fuel CapWater CapEngines MakeDrive TrainTrim TabsLightingMFDWinchEnt SystemPrice of Boat
650 litres370 litresVolvo Penta D4 260DPHHumphreeHellaGarmin 12Maxwell RC8FusionTBA

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10m powerboat

Powerboat Under 10m - The International Certificate of Competence (ICC)

ICC Powerboat Under 10m with Boatability


Icc power boat license for powerboat under 10 metres including jetskis/pwc's.

  • UK Nationals 
  • UK Residents 
  • Countries that have not accepted Resolution 40 can also apply for an ICC here in the UK. Please head over to the RYA website to see if you are eligible. 

ICC Application Form

  • Power up to 10m ICC 
  • Power over 10m ICC (Or up to 24m/80 Tonnes) 
  • Sail up to 24m ICC 
  • Personal Watercraft (PWC) 
  • Coastal ICC 
  • Inland ICC 

ICC Powerboat training Under 10m

PWC (Personal Water Craft) Endorsements

Inland and coastal endorsements.

ICC Powerboat courses Under 10m

Below a selection of courses that are often used as proof of competence:

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  9. ICC Powerboat Over 10m

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  10. RYA Powerboat Courses

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  11. RYA Powerboat Training Centre, Boat License

    ICC Power under 10m. Power Boat License for Boats Under 10 Metres Including Jetskis/PWC's. Find Our More . ICC Power over 10m. When using or renting a boat over 10m in length you will likely need the Power Over 10 Metre International Certificate of Competence (ICC).

  12. RYA Powerboat Advanced Training

    ICC Powerboat Under 10m. Power Boat License for Boats Under 10 Metres Including Jetskis/PWC's. Find Our More . ICC Powerboat Over 10m. Using a boat over 10m in length, especially abroad, you will likely need the Power Over 10 Metre (ICC). Find Our More . PWC (Jetski) - Personal Water Craft.

  13. UK ICC issued by RYA

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  19. Admiral 10m

    One of the reasons is the Admiral 10m is fitted with a pair of Humphree X-Series interceptors, which offer stabilisation at any speed. They are not ordinary trim tabs. The Interceptor system creates a hydrodynamic lift force by intercepting the water flow underneath the hull. In that way, the interceptor creates a lift force acting on the hull ...

  20. RYA Powerboat Level 1 Training

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  22. RYA Powerboat Level 2 Training

    Our Powerboat Level 2 costs £350* per person, this includes VAT, certification, The RYA Powerboating handbook, ICC application form, all safety equipment, boats and fuel and if the weather is bad the foul weather gear is free too! The course can also be run from your location using your own boat, depending on type and suitability.

  23. ICC Powerboat Under 10m

    Essentially, the ICC boat license has many categories. When an ICC certificate is issued, only the categories for which competence has been proven will be validated. These categories are as follows: Power up to 10m ICC. Power over 10m ICC (Or up to 24m/80 Tonnes) Sail up to 24m ICC. Personal Watercraft (PWC)