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Rainbow II is for sale.  If you are interested in becoming the new custodian to take her into the future phone 021 280 0360.

Rainbow II was designed by Olin J Stephens II of Sparkman and Stephens design office to meet the RORC rule.  She was built of single skin splined kauri in 1966 by Max Carter for Chris Bouzaid who very successfully campaigned her on the one ton cup circuit which took New Zealand yachting to the global stage. Rainbow II is currently on public display at Heritage Landing, Silo Park, Auckland.

Words from Chris Bouzaid

It’s now approaching 50 years since Rainbow II’s ocean race win in the 1969 One Ton Cup shared equal front page billing in the Auckland Star evening newspaper with Neil Armstrong landing on the moon (“One Small Step For Man” on the left and “Rainbow Wins Battle Of Jutland” on the right) so it is easy to forget the impact she made on the New Zealand public. Heck – she even had her picture on the lid of the Arnotts Biscuits tin - a distinction usually reserved for racehorses in those days.

I take a lot of pride in the fact that people in a position to judge these things claim that Rainbow II’s feats in the late 1960s, backing up Jim Davern’s 1966 line honours win, in Fidelis, in the Sydney-Hobart, are credited with launching the New Zealand invasion of ocean racing which, in the next 40 years, resulted in Kiwi designed boats and crews winning every major event in world offshore racing scene, most of them more than once. That includes the Whitbread Round the World race, the Trophee Jules Verne and the America’s Cup, all three Ton Cups (Quarter, Half and One), plus the Admiral’s Cup, Southern Cross Cup and Kenwood (nee Clipper) Cups.

That domination of the sport extended to yacht design, boatbuilding, and the design and construction of rigs and sails.

Quite astonishing when you consider: New Zealand’s population was only 2.8 million when Rainbow won the One Ton Cup in 1969; 2.89 million when Pathfinder, Runaway and Wai-Aniwa finished first, second and third in the Sydney-Hobart classic to clinch the 1971 Southern Cross Cup;  just 3.3 million when, in 1987, Propaganda, Kiwi and Goldcorp won the 1987 Admiral’s Cup; 3.36 million when Steinlager II won all six legs of the Whitbread Round the World race (on line and on handicap); and just 3.6 million when, in 1995, “Black Magic” (NZL 32) won the America’s Cup.

Now – is that punching ‘way above your weight?

The Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron (RNZYS) and its members have been integral to most of that phenomenal success (and one should never forget either the important part played by the Royal Akarana Yacht Club).

Rainbow’s 1968 challenge for the One Ton Cup in Heligoland was a first for the Squadron that, for the most part, in those days was content to organise racing for its magnificent fleet of harbour and gulf racers. The challenge in Germany was championed by Commodore Bruce Marler and senior club member Arnold Baldwin. What visionaries they proved to be.

We managed to raise, mostly from club members, almost £20,000 – an awful lot of money in those days. From the acorn of those small beginnings, a very large oak tree sprouted, and - look where it has led the Squadron. There is no yacht club in the world that has as much recognition for its successful campaigns, and no other yacht club has won as many international regattas.

I want to thank all of you who have helped us get this far. It has been a journey with lots of memories and old friends coming out of the woodwork in all parts of the world.  And, it would appear that the old Rainbow magic is still a factor. Even though we kept fairly quiet about the Rainbow II restoration, a steady flow of interested parties found their way to Horizon Boats to check on progress  - no easy task because the yard is well tucked away in a district north of Auckland that is only now beginning to make its way on to the GPS maps.

The modern era of the One Ton Cup started with yachts designed to the RORC Rule (1964 to 1969 - the Rainbow II era). Then the newly formulated International Offshore Rule (IOR) was introduced and, from 1970 to 1980, all competitors were designed and built to that rule. (the Wai-Aniwa era). During those two periods, the average Joe could afford to build, own and campaign a One Tonner. Then costs began to spiral and today you would not get much for the money you managed to scrape together for a whole campaign in days gone by, and this has had a serious impact on international competition. Maybe the old days weren’t so bad and maybe that’s why the idea for a One Ton Revisited regatta proved so popular.

Good and happy sailing


Racing History

Chris and his crew's winning results included 121 races over three years. Among the victories were the Whangarei-Noumea race in April, 1967, the Sydney-Hobart classic in December, 1967, finished second (1968) and then first (1969)  in the One Ton Cup in Heligoland, and then, in August 1969, won the 245-mile Channel Race and finished first in her class in the 605-mile Fastnet Classic.  

Her time in Bermuda

Chris sold Rainbow II to Charlie Berry of Bermuda in 1969 immediately after the Fastnet Classic. She remained in Hamilton, Bermuda for the following 43 years.

And Back to New Zealand

Chris Bouzaid was passing through Bermuda in 2009 and took the time to visit Rainbow II which was then owned by Jeremy Brasier. The old girl was in bad shape and not all that far from the scrap heap. With a couple of friends, he took her for a sail and was amazed how well she still slid along, especially in the light air. Unfortunately, the breeze increased during the day, and so did the volume of water coming in through the garboard planks. They were pretty lucky to get back to the mooring without drowning the engine. 

Chris made the decision there and then that this was not a fitting end for a yacht that had inspired so much and so many. She had to be brought home to Auckland.A few quick phone calls to friends in New Zealand and Monaco produced some very generous offers of both financial and physical help. So, Chris bought Rainbow II from Jeremy and pretty soon, with the help of the Maersk Line, she was on her way home to the Waitemata Harbour.

The original concept was to put Rainbow II back into presentable shape and donate her for public display in the New Zealand Maritime Museum at Hobson Wharf Auckland. That idea was modified when it emerged that there was a lot of interest in Rainbow having another romp around the harbour with as many of the original crew as could still come sailing, before she was retired to a museum.  So, what was going to be a quick lick tidy up, became a tad more complicated.

In October 2013 the plans all changed again. Over a few beers at the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron, it was suggested by Alan Sefton that we should see if there was any interest in having a rerun of the old One Ton Cups in Auckland around the time of the 2014/15 Volvo Ocean Race stopover in 2015. An announcement was made seeking “Expressions of Interest”. The international response – 28 from 9 different countries – was good enough for the RNZYS to commit to formal planning and a Notice of Race for a “One Ton Cup Revisited” regatta was published and disseminated in March 2014.

Rainbow’s “quick lick” now became a full restoration to enable her to go racing again. The target was to have all work completed by the end of August, 2014, with Rainbow re-launched at the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron’s Westhaven clubrooms in mid-September, 2014.

The 2014 restoration

The works team on the job was Wayne Olsen of Horizon Boats Ltd and the amazingly resourceful Mike Smith. The invaluable volunteer helpers included Max Carter, the man who built Rainbow II back in 1966, John “Bulldog” Street, Tony “Womble” Barclay, and Roy “Rocket” Dickson. 

A considerable list of equipment was donated, to ensure that Rainbow II lacked for nothing when she returned to the race start line again in the One Ton Cup Revisited regatta in Auckland in March 2015. 

When Chris and Max set out to build Rainbow II in 1966, for weight purposes they opted for a single skin of kauri with glued splines between the planks (instead of caulking). It is amazing how well she stood the test of time, considering that the S&S 36-footer was raced very hard in the first three years of her life.

Once Horizon Boats had water blasted Rainbow’s exterior, they found a very small amount of rot in the marine ply deck but none at all in the hull – testimony to the qualities of the wonderful Kauri and to the boatbuilding skills of Max Carter.  

The exterior of the hull was fibre glassed, undercoated and brought up to finish-coat standard. All deck hardware was removed, for refurbishment or if needs be replacement, while deck and cockpit were fibre glassed and repainted with anti-skid. The cabin top and teak toe rail were reinstated and coamings scraped right back and re-varnished. The interior, meanwhile, was sand-blasted prior to prep and repaint. New floors and mast step were installed. The original bunks will be restored and the galley and navigatorium were refurbished.

The engine was fully reconditioned and repainted and housed in a new engine box. All wiring and the two batteries and engine start panel were renewed. New deck and navigation lights and a new performance electronics package were installed.

With all work completed, Rainbow II was as close to original as they could make her with boat builder Wayne Olsen confident that she is stronger than she’s ever been.

Lorraine Street rechristened Rainbow II at the relaunch at Pier 21 on 2 nd Feb 2015 in front of a gathering that included John Street, Chris Bouzaid, Alan Sefton, Bruce Marler, who was commodore of the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron and a driving force behind Rainbow’s campaigns for the Cup, current RNZYS commodore Andy Anderson, and Rainbow II crew stalwarts Roy Dickson, Alan Warwick and Peter Shaw. One more than interested observer was Bouzaid’s son Richard who, as a four-year-old, first tasted “stardom” when the Auckland Star newspaper photographed him sitting in the trophy that his father et al had just won in Germany.

One Ton Revisited

The One Ton revisited event was held from 1 st to 7 th March 2015. Regrettably only five boats made it to the start line, however they made for some very close and nostalgic racing.

Rainbow II showed off her pedigree and class by winning the five race series with impressive 2/1/1/1/2 placings. Here’s the full story by Alan Sefton

2017 / 2018 cruising fitout

Neil Gillard is the current skipper and caretaker of Rainbow II having taken over from Leo Bouzaid in late 2016.

By September 2017 Neil had sailed Rainbow II enough to realise that she badly needed more work to complete her refit that started when she was brought back to her original racing configuration. With the support of John Street and Chris Bouzaid it was decided to improve the interior of the boat to accommodate more comfortable cruising. Chris McMullan had a vacant shed at the time at Rainbow II was hauled out at Chris McMullen's yard in Mt Wellington late 2017. Neil's background in boat builing came to the fore and a full interior fitout was completed over the following 15 months. Works included:  Mahogany trim around the bulkheads, coamings stripped filled and glassed with Altex 2pot paint, interior sanded faired and repainted, galley and chart table installed, bunks installed in the forward cabin and aft quarter berth, new compact engine box, new hatches and cabin top dorades. During the covid19 "lock down" period fromm March 2020 Neil widened the saloon bunks, installed a holding tank, and made repairs to the keelson/lead joint water leak.

While Rainbow II continues to display her original racing lines she is now beautifully fitted out inside for comfortable cruising.

Rainbow II restoration photographs

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  Yachts / Posted 1 month ago

rainbow ii yacht 1898

Yes! THAT Rainbow II

Rainbow II was designed by Olin J Stephens II, of Sparkman and Stephens, to meet the RORC rule. She was built of single skin splined kauri in 1966 by Max Carter for Chris Bouzaid who very successfully campaigned her on the One Ton Cup circuit which took New Zealand yachting to the global stage. Chris and his crew’s winning results included 121 races over three years. Among the victories were the Whangarei-Noumea race in April 1967, the Sydney-Hobart classic in December 1967, finished second (1968) and then first (1969) in the One Ton Cup in Heligoland, and then, in August 1969, won the 245-mile Channel Race and finished first in her class in the 605-mile Fastnet Classic, in England. Rainbow II has been under the stewardship of the Classic Yacht Charitable Trust, in Auckland since she was brought back from Bermuda by Chris Bouzaid and John Street and underwent a major restoration in 2014. Since then, she has been lovingly cared for, maintained, and cruised by boat builder, Neil Gillard. A considerable list of equipment was donated, to ensure that Rainbow II lacked for nothing when she returned to the race start line again in the One Ton Cup Revisited regatta in Auckland in March 2015. The Classic Yacht Charitable Trust is now ready to pass this historic yacht along to new owners/custodians. We are looking for the person, or syndicate, who have the right skills and passion to write the next chapter of her story.

If you are interested in discussing this opportunity and would like a copy of the inventory, send us a message, or go to https://www.classicyachtcharitabletrust.org.nz/trust_boats.htm?boat_id=13 Rainbow II is currently on public display at Heritage Landing, Silo Park, Auckland.

  • Listing ID : 165128
  • Type : used

North Island , 1071   021 280 0360   [email protected]   https://www.classicyachtcharitabletrust.org.nz/trust_boats.htm?boat_id=13

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rainbow ii yacht 1898

Rainbow II, a 51 metre sloop pays homage to the era of the big classic yachts of the early 1900s, offering a back-to-the-roots classical sailing experience packed with contemperary comfort features.

rainbow ii yacht 1898


  • LOA: 51.32m/168.4 ft
  • BEAM OVERALL: 8.26m/27.1 ft
  • DRAFT: 5.00m/16.4 ft
  • GROSS TONAGE: 230 Approx
  • MAX SPEED: 15.5 Knots Approx
  • MATERIAL: Aluminium 5083-H321
  • CLASS: DNV-GL; @100 A5 Sailing Yacht
  • EXTERIOR DESIGN: Dykstra Naval Architects
  • INTERIOR DESIGN: deVosdeVries Design
  • NAVAL ARCHITECTURE: Dykstra Naval Architects
  • MAIN ENGINES: 1x 551 kW Volvo D16
  • GENERATORS: Kohler 2 x 70kW


  • TENDERS & TOYS: 1 Novurania 9.4m Limousine, 1 Pascoe 7m SOLAS, 2 Wave Runners (Seadoo GTX300), 1 Seadoo Spark (reservation)
  • GUEST ACCOMMODATION: Owner’s Suite with private access to aft deck house, Main deck salon with dining, Lower deck lounge convertible to 6th cabin, 1 VIP Double cabin, 1 Double cabin, 2 Twin cabins
  • CREW ACCOMMODATION: 1 Captain’s cabin, 1 Engineer’s cabin, 1 Twin crew cabin, 1 Crew cabin, 4 person

rainbow ii yacht 1898


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20 May 2014

rainbow ii yacht 1898

Chris Bouzaid with
arrives in Auckland (above and below)

rainbow ii yacht 1898

Whangarei to Noumea race, 1967 (George Layton)

rainbow ii yacht 1898

John Street, Wayne Olsen and Chris Bouzaid
in action soon after the start of the fourth race during the 1969 One Ton Cup
crosses the line of the fifth and final race to win the One Ton Cup, 1969
The original crew of

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The restoration and launch of Rainbow.

rainbow ii yacht 1898

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Unframed Black and White, Silver Gelatin, Limited edition Photograph of sailing yacht Rainbow. Taken by a talented marine photographer Alfred John West in 1898. This photograph was scanned from original glass plate negatives and developed in the dark room as they used to do it period. Available to purchase in deferent sizes from Brett Gallery. Beken of Cowes Framed Prints, Beken of Cowes archives, Beken of Cowes Prints, Beken Archive, Cowes Week old Photographs, Beken Prints, Frank beken of Cowes.

Sailing Yacht Rainbow, 1898

This picture was take in 1885 by Alfred John West. Its a black and white photograph of three sailing boats becalmed at sea. Photograph was scanned from original glass plate negative from period. Available to purchase from Brett Gallery. Beken of Cowes Framed Prints, Beken of Cowes archives, Beken of Cowes Prints, Beken Archive, Cowes Week old Photographs, Beken Prints, Frank beken of Cowes.

£ 775 – £ 5,950

Alfred John West (1857 – 1937)

Beken of cowes archive.

Limited edition, silver gelatin photograph, printed using the original 8” x 6” glass plate, with 3 x 3.5mm conservation mountboard and presented behind 99% UV, non-reflective glass.

Edition number will be advised on purchase.

Print only available upon request.

Available in 4 sizes

  • Sizes & Prices

Sizes & Prices

External Frame Dimension


 Image Size


No in Edition




1,000mm x 830mm 594mm x 420mm 50 £775
1,230mm x 985mm 835mm x 585mm 50 £1,295
1,680mm x 1,330mm 1,189mm x 841mm 25 £2,500
2,175mm x 1,680mm 1,682mm x 1,189mm 25 £5,950

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Unframed Black and White, Silver Gelatin, Limited edition Photograph of sailing yacht Suzanne sailing at sea. Taken by a famous marine photographer Frank Beken in 1910. This photograph was scanned from original glass plate negatives and developed in the dark room as they used to do it period. Available to purchase in deferent sizes from Brett Gallery. Beken of Cowes Framed Prints, Beken of Cowes archives, Beken of Cowes Prints, Beken Archive, Cowes Week old Photographs, Beken Prints, Frank beken of Cowes.

Beken of Cowes

Sailing Yacht Suzanne, 1910

Unframed Black and White, Silver Gelatin, Limited edition Photograph of sailing yacht Westward sailing at sea with full sails of air. Taken by a famous marine photographer Frank Beken in 1930. This photograph was scanned from original glass plate negatives and developed in the dark room as they used to do it period. Available to purchase in deferent sizes from Brett Gallery. Beken of Cowes Framed Prints, Beken of Cowes archives, Beken of Cowes Prints, Beken Archive, Cowes Week old Photographs, Beken Prints, Frank beken of Cowes.

Sailing Yacht Westward, August 1932

Unframed Black and White, Silver Gelatin, Limited edition Photograph of sailing yacht Westward sailing at sea with full sails of air. Taken by a famous marine photographer Frank Beken in 1932. This photograph was scanned from original glass plate negatives and developed in the dark room as they used to do it period. Available to purchase in deferent sizes from Brett Gallery. Beken of Cowes Framed Prints, Beken of Cowes archives, Beken of Cowes Prints, Beken Archive, Cowes Week old Photographs, Beken Prints, Frank beken of Cowes.

Sailing Yacht Westward, August 1930

Unframed Black and White, Silver Gelatin, Limited edition Photograph of sailing yacht Suzanne with sails full of wind. Taken by a famous marine photographer Frank Beken in 1911. This photograph was scanned from original glass plate negatives and developed in the dark room as they used to do it period. Available to purchase in deferent sizes from Brett Gallery. Beken of Cowes Framed Prints, Beken of Cowes archives, Beken of Cowes Prints, Beken Archive, Cowes Week old Photographs, Beken Prints, Frank beken of Cowes.

Sailing Yacht Suzanne, 1911

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Unframed Black and White, Silver Gelatin, Limited edition Photograph of sailing yacht Thistle on the Clyde sailing in Scotland. Taken by a talented marine photographer Alfred John West in 1893. This photograph was scanned from original glass plate negatives and developed in the dark room as they used to do it period. Available to purchase in deferent sizes from Brett Gallery. Beken of Cowes Framed Prints, Beken of Cowes archives, Beken of Cowes Prints, Beken Archive, Cowes Week old Photographs, Beken Prints, Frank beken of Cowes.

Sailing Yacht Thistle Sailing on the Clyde, 1887

Unframed Black and White, Silver Gelatin, Limited edition Photograph of sailing yacht Velsheda sailing at sea. Taken by a famous marine photographer Frank Beken in 1936. This photograph was scanned from original glass plate negatives and developed in the dark room as they used to do it period. Available to purchase in deferent sizes from Brett Gallery. Beken of Cowes Framed Prints, Beken of Cowes archives, Beken of Cowes Prints, Beken Archive, Cowes Week old Photographs, Beken Prints, Frank beken of Cowes.

Sailing Yacht Velsheda, 1936

Square, black and white, silver gelatin, Limited edition photograph of sailing yachts Kariad, Nyria, Heather taken by a great marine Photographer Alfred John West on his handmade camera. This photograph was scanned from the original glass plate negatives dated 1906. this photograph can be purchased from Brett Gallery. Beken of Cowes Framed Prints, Beken of Cowes archives, Beken of Cowes Prints, Beken Archive, Cowes Week old Photographs, Beken Prints, Frank beken of Cowes.

Sailing Yacht Kariad, Nyria & White Heather, 1906

Unframed Black and White, Silver Gelatin, Limited edition Photograph of sailing yacht Nyria. Taken by a famous marine photographer Frank Beken in 1923. This photograph was scanned from original glass plate negatives and developed in the dark room as they used to do it period. Available to purchase in deferent sizes from Brett Gallery. Beken of Cowes Framed Prints, Beken of Cowes archives, Beken of Cowes Prints, Beken Archive, Cowes Week old Photographs, Beken Prints, Frank beken of Cowes.

Sailing Yacht Nyria, 1923

Unframed Black and White, Silver Gelatin, Limited edition Photograph of sailing yacht Prince of Wales Yacht Britannia with a beautiful set of clouds on the background. Taken by a famous marine photographer Frank Beken in 1923. This photograph was scanned from original glass plate negatives and developed in the dark room as they used to do it period. Available to purchase in deferent sizes from Brett Gallery. Beken of Cowes Framed Prints, Beken of Cowes archives, Beken of Cowes Prints, Beken Archive, Cowes Week old Photographs, Beken Prints, Frank beken of Cowes.

Prince of Wales Sailing Yacht Britannia, 1923

Stunning Black and white, limited Edition, silver gelatine, developed in he darkroom photograph of sailing boats Lulworth, White Heather and Britannia sailing at sea. This picture was scanned from original glass plate negative. Available in 5 sizes to purchase from Brett Gallery. Beken of Cowes Framed Prints, Beken of Cowes archives, Beken of Cowes Prints, Beken Archive, Cowes Week old Photographs, Beken Prints, Frank beken of Cowes.

Sailing Yacht Lulworth, White Heather & Britannia, 1927

Unframed Black and White, Silver Gelatin, Limited edition Photograph of sailing yacht Shamrock 4. Taken by a famous marine photographer Frank Beken in 1914. This photograph was scanned from original glass plate negatives and developed in the dark room as they used to do it period. Available to purchase in deferent sizes from Brett Gallery. Beken of Cowes Framed Prints, Beken of Cowes archives, Beken of Cowes Prints, Beken Archive, Cowes Week old Photographs, Beken Prints, Frank beken of Cowes.

Sailing Yacht Shamrock 4, August 1914

Stunning, Black and White, Silver Gelatin, Limited Edition Photograph of sailing yachts Lulworth and Norda taken by Frank Beken in 1927. This photograph was take by a great marine photographer Frank Beken in 1927. This photograph was scanned for original glass plate negative and printed by Brett Gallery in darkroom. Available to buy in different sizes. Beken of Cowes Framed Prints, Beken of Cowes archives, Beken of Cowes Prints, Beken Archive, Cowes Week old Photographs, Beken Prints, Frank beken of Cowes.

Sailing Yacht Lulworth & Norda (Foreground), 1927

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RAINBOW (I) yacht 1898

Post by aukepalmhof » Mon Jun 07, 2021 8:52 pm

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a boat on the water aboard RAINBOW II Yacht for Sale

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RAINBOW II Yacht for Sale


Length (LOA) 168'
Year 2024
Gross Tonn. 230
Draft 17'
Beam 27'
Location Monaco


Staterooms 5

Dimensions & Capacity

LOA 168'
Max Draft 17'
Gross Tonn. 230


Hull Material Aluminum
Ext. Designer Dykstra Naval Architects
Int. Designer DeVosdeVriesDesign

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rainbow ii yacht 1898

RAINBOW II is a 51.32 m Sail Yacht, currently being built in Turkey by Turquoise Yachts and to be delivered in 2026.

Her power comes from a Volvo Penta diesel engine. She can accommodate up to 12 guests in 5 staterooms, with 9 crew members waiting on their every need. She has a gross tonnage of 230.0 GT and a 8.26 m beam.

She was designed by Dykstra Naval Architects , who also completed the naval architecture. Dykstra Naval Architects has designed 21 yachts and created the naval architecture for 29 yachts for yachts above 24 metres.

Her interior was designed by deVosdeVries Design , who has 4 other superyacht interiors designed in the BOAT Pro database - she is built with a Teak deck, a Aluminium hull, and Aluminium superstructure.

When delivered, RAINBOW II will join a fleet of 39 sailing yachts in the 50-55m size range.

RAINBOW II is registered under the Cayman Islands flag, the 2nd most popular flag state for superyachts with a total of 1414 yachts registered


  • Name: RAINBOW II
  • Yacht Type: Sail Yacht
  • Yacht Subtype: Classic Styled Yacht
  • Builder: Turquoise Yachts
  • Naval Architect: Dykstra Naval Architects
  • Exterior Designer: Dykstra Naval Architects
  • Interior Designer: deVosdeVries Design

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Nicholas II’s family yachts (PHOTOS)

rainbow ii yacht 1898

The last Russian emperor is often considered one of the richest people in history. His worth was estimated at $250-300 billion, if we go by what the ruble was worth in 2010. A multitude of factors must be considered when speaking of the Royal family’s ‘bank account’ ( not all is straightforward there ), but what we know for sure is that living expenses left a massive dent in the Russian Empire’s treasury. In 1894-1914, the family had the largest yacht flotilla of all monarchs on the planet. These floating castles were formally owned by the maritime department, but, in practice, belonged to the Romanov family and built to its specifications. 


In 1892, the maritime department ordered a Danish shipyard to build a cruiser, but Alexander III soon ordered to turn it into a yacht. It was already during Nicholas II that the yacht was finally lowered into water, using ‘Standart’ - a traditional name for a tsar’s vessel (the first yacht of this name saw the light of day during Peter I’s reign, almost 200 years earlier).

Imperial Russian yacht Shtandart (1893–1961), off the coast of the Crimea, near Yalta, in 1898.

Imperial Russian yacht Shtandart (1893–1961), off the coast of the Crimea, near Yalta, in 1898.

The cruiser yacht, meanwhile, was humongous: measuring 128 meters, it had a crew of almost 400! The Standart was the largest and most luxurious emperor’s yacht in the world, boasting a conference room, an exquisite dining hall for official visits, separate living room, ensuite amenities for every guest cabin and so on. The interior was fashioned with expensive wood and matched the Winter Palace in luxuriousness: crystal chandeliers, candelabras, velvet portiers and other bells and whistles.

Imperial Yacht Standart

Imperial Yacht Standart

All of that was, of course, perfect for welcoming the most esteemed guests onboard: a Siamese King, a German Emperor and a French President were all visitors at one point. However, the yacht was just as likely to be used for family outings. Nicholas and his family loved to vacation from June to early August, usually on the Finnish islands. They would live on the yacht and only set foot on land for relaxing walks. 

The Russian Imperial Family aboard the Imperial yacht Standart.

The Russian Imperial Family aboard the Imperial yacht Standart.

World War I put an end to those walks and yacht trips, for security reasons. In 1917, the tsar-cruiser became the site of a sailor rebellion - just as other vessels at the time, and already in April, the Baltic Fleet’s Revolutionary Committee took up residence in it. 

rainbow ii yacht 1898

All of the metamorphoses that had taken place henceforth aboard the yacht did not exhibit even a trace of its former elitist flair. The ship was repurposed into a minelayer, then used in battle. After the war, the vessel served as a barracks on water and, from 1961, as target practice for missiles. By the end of the 1960s, it bore the unglamorous fate of being taken apart for parts and scrap metal. 

rainbow ii yacht 1898

‘Polar Star’

The ‘Polar Star’ appeared in the Royal family earlier than the ‘Standart’, in 1888. Its construction was also that of a cruiser yacht, with four 47-millimeter cannons on board. 

Imperial Russian yacht Polyarnaya Zvezda in Copenhagen.

Imperial Russian yacht Polyarnaya Zvezda in Copenhagen.

The cruiser served the Romanovs until 1914 and used to take the tsar on visits to European capitals, as well as participating in official military functions and celebrations. And, although the Polar Star was a more modest affair than the Standard, according to Count Ignatyev, “her rival”, which belonged to English Queen Alexandra of Denmark, Nicholas II’s aunt, “paled in comparison”. The Polar Star housed a church and even a cowshed, with a separate cabin. 

Emperor Nicholas II of Russia and Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaievich

Emperor Nicholas II of Russia and Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaievich

The yacht was most frequently spotted not at official state functions, but in a small Copenhagen port, where this “dark blue beauty, fringed with a massive gold rope”, voyaged every year with Nicholas’s mother, Maria Fedorovna, aboard. The Royal family loved going shopping in Copenhagen and, although the Danish capital was only a couple of days’ travel by train, the widowed empress preferred the yacht. 

Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna with Anna Vyrubova in the main deck salon of the Imperial yacht Polar Star

Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna with Anna Vyrubova in the main deck salon of the Imperial yacht Polar Star

After the Revolution, the vessel faced a similar fate to the Standart. It was first taken up by revolutionary sailors, then, before World War II, it was repurposed to serve as a submarine mothership. In 1954, the former Romanov yacht was likewise turned into a floating barracks and, seven years later - into a target for missile tests. It was finally sunk in the 1960s. 


Nicholas II’s uncle Prince Aleksey’s personal yacht, the ‘Svetlana’, was inspired by the 2nd class French armored cruiser, the ‘Catinat’, so was given to French engineers to design. It was lowered into the water in 1897. 

rainbow ii yacht 1898

Due to the fact that the ship was first intended for Grand Duke Aleksey Aleksandrovich, it contained luxurious chambers, fashioned with expensive wood, marble and persian rugs. The Portuguese queen once took a 45-minute tour of the yacht, allegedly never hiding her amazement.

rainbow ii yacht 1898

But, aside from taking the Royal family on vacations and serving as an armored minelayer and escort, the vessel also managed to take part in battle. Aside from soft couches and marble, the ship was armed to the teeth: in 1904, it was included in Russia’s Pacific Fleet and sent to fight in the Russo-Japanese War. Having received a direct shell hit during the Battle of Tsushima, the cruiser attempted to get itself to safety, but was detected and sustained heavy Japanese fire. Almost 300 sailors lost their lives. An investigative committee set up after the battle determined that the crew of the Svetlana “showed exemplary fortitude and self-sacrifice”. This appraisal was especially important to those who had survived: prior to the war, the Pacific Fleet’s sailors considered them “maids” and their ship - a “floating hotel”, instead of a fighting unit. 

rainbow ii yacht 1898

A dozen smaller yachts 

The list didn’t end there. Almost every Romanov relative used to own their own cruiser. From 1905, one such vessel - the ‘Almaz’ (‘Diamond’) - acted as a double. For six long years, it would swap places with the Standart in Finland - their silhouettes were extremely similar. The security measures weren’t unfounded: there was word that, in 1907, a floating mine was spotted on approach to Kotkin Bay. The Almaz was docked in the Standart’s place that day. 

Imperial Russian cruiser Almaz.

Imperial Russian cruiser Almaz.

However, aside from these humongous yachts, the Romanovs also used a dozen smaller ones: the ‘Tsarina’, ‘Aleksandria’, ‘Slavyanka’, ‘Livadia’ and others. They were used for relaxed outings around that same area and not for official state visits to Europe.


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Fabergé Eggs and the Fabergé Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia

by Larry · July 9, 2020

Of the 50 Fabergé Imperial Easter eggs, 44 have survived. On our trip to Russia, we saw nineteen of the forty-four. We saw ten of them when in the Kremlin Armory in Moscow (where no photography is allowed) and nine when we visited the Fabergé Museum in Saint Petersburg .

  • Where are the Eggs
  • Fabergé Eggs at the Fabergé Museum
  • Fabergé Eggs at the Kremlin Armoury, Moscow
  • Kelch Eggs at the Fabergé Museum
  • About the Fabergé Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia

Where are the Fabergé Eggs

My wife has visited all of the U.S. Presidential Libraries. The viewing of all of the Fabergé Eggs may become another such quest. But through time, wars and other turmoil, the Eggs have been scattered throughout the world. Some are held in private collections, which would make this quest difficult. But isn’t that what makes a quest?

The remaining eggs are scattered:

  • 5 at at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Virginia in the US
  • 3 are in the Royal Collection in London
  • 3 are part of the Matilda Geddings Gray Foundation, on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City
  • 2 are at the Edouard and Maurice Sandoz Foundation, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • 2 are in the Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, Maryland
  • the Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio
  • the collection of Albert II of Monaco
  • the collection of Alexander Ivanov, and is displayed at the Faberge Museum in Baden-Baden, Germany
  • the State of Qatar
  • the Dorothy and Artie McFerrin Collection
  • 4 are held in separate private collections

Fabergé Eggs at the Fabergé Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia

The Fabergé Museum is located in the Shuvalov Palace in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. It sits along the Fontanka River, near Anichkov bridge where there are statues of four horses and their horsemen.

This description of the Fabergé Eggs comes from a plaque in the “Blue Room” at the Museum

The House of Fabergé, founded in 1842 in St. Petersburg, manufactured a wide range of items, from unique pieces made by order of the Russian royal family, European monarchs and Eastern rulers, to mass-produced goods (jewelry, silver utensils, and gemstone carving sculptures). The peak of the creative work of Carl Fabergé, who headed the family business in 1872, is considered to be his Easter eggs with surprises inside, made to the order of the last of the Romanov’s – the Emperors Alexander III and Nicholas II. The House of Fabergé created 50 Imperial eggs altogether. Each one of them took a year’s worth of work, starting just after Easter, and was barely finished by Holy Week a year later. Carl Fabergé personally delivered each new Easter masterpiece to the Tsar. Each new egg was striking for its novelty, the originality of its composition, and its virtuoso jewelry work. Sign at museum titled “Blue Room. Faberge Easter egg masterpieces”


Made in 1894. Like the “Hen” egg this one was also made for Alexander III by Michael Perchin who worked for Fabergé. The surprise for this egg is lost. The picture below was taken at the Fabergé Museum.

Renaissance Fabergé Egg

Resurrection Egg (not an Imperial egg)

Made between 1884 and 1894. The Resurrection Egg is not considered an Imperial Egg, yet it is displayed in the Blue Room with the Imperial Eggs. There is a theory ( link ) that this egg was in fact the surprise in the Renaissance Egg (the one just above in this article).

rainbow ii yacht 1898

Made in 1894. The surprise is the yellow rosebud shown in front of the egg. There were originally two surprises contained within the yellow rosebud – a crown and a pendant. But those surprises within a surprise have been lost. The picture below was taken at the Fabergé Museum.

Rosebug Fabergé

Imperial Coronation

Made in 1897. This was the egg I neglected to photo, as it was at the end of the Blue Room and had a crowd around it. The surprise is show in the photo; it is a replica of the coach that carried Tsarina Alexandra to her coronation.

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Made in 1897. This egg is lost. But the assumed surprise inside is the heart-shaped picture frame in the photo below.

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In the photo above of the Rosebud egg, the bright red back of this heart-shaped picture frame can be seen.

Lillies of the Valley

Made in 1898. The egg’s “surprise” are the three portraits that come out of the top under the crown. The portraits are of Tsar Nicholas II and his two oldest daughters. The photo below is one we took in the Fabergé Museum in Saint Petersburg.

Fabergé Egg Lillies of the Valley

Made in 1900. This is also called the “Cuckoo Clock Egg” because the surprise is the bird that comes out of the top. This egg was given to Tsar Nicholas II and then to his mother the Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna. The photo below was taken at the Fabergé Museum.

rainbow ii yacht 1898

Fifteenth Anniversary

Made in 1911, this egg is named for the fifteenth anniversary of the coronation. This egg has eighteen separate panels with 16 miniatures. Seven of the miniatures are portraits of the Imperial family and nine show events from Nicholas II’s life. For a really in-depth look at each of the panels, I recommend this web page . The photo below was taken at the Fabergé museum

rainbow ii yacht 1898

Made in 1911 this egg was for a time known incorrectly as the Orange Tree Egg. The surprise is the bird that pops out of the top. The photo below was taken at the Fabergé Museum in July 2019.

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Order of St. George

Made in 1916. This was the last Imperial egg, made during World War I. The surprise, the photos under the emblems, are revealed when a small button is pressed. This is the last Easter Egg given to the Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna and apparently the only Fabergé Egg that left Russia with its original owner. The photo below was taken at the Fabergé Museum in July 2019.

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Below is a photo of the other side of this egg with the emblem down, hiding the photo.

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Souvenir Egg

The gift shop at the Museum offers a variety of Fabergé Egg copies. These are quite heavy, and all of them open and contain, as with the originals, a surprise.

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The inside surprise is a bouquet of flowers that spins.

rainbow ii yacht 1898

Fabergé Eggs at the Kremlin Armoury in Moscow

As part of our visit to Red Square and the Kremlin before we visited Saint Petersburg, we had a tour of the Kremlin Armoury. Our tour was before the crowds, so it was a somewhat dark and eerie place (yes, it was very cool!). In addition to carriages, weapons, armor and other items, there was one display case that contained a large number of Faberge eggs.

No photography was allowed inside the Armoury, thus the photos below are those taken by other folks….not sure how they got them but my hat is off to them! Where available attribution for the photo is provided.

Memory of Azov

Made in 1891. This bright green egg stood out from all the others in the display, in my view. Though there are other eggs in the Kremlin collection that are also mainly green, the Memory of Azov stood out. It is also the oldest in the Kremlin collection. The surprise, a replica of the ship of the same name, can be seen in the photo. The photo below is from Wikipedia.

Fabergé egg Memory of Azov

Bouquet of Lillies Clock (or Madonna Lilly Clock Egg)

Made in 1899. At the Kremlin. Photo below is from Wikipedia, attribution below. This egg was never sold and has been in the Armoury Museum since 1927.

rainbow ii yacht 1898

Trans-Siberian Railway

Made in 1900. The surprise, which can be seen in front of the egg in the photo below, is a model of the train that ran on the Trans-Siberian railway (which would be a great way to tour the other parts of Russia!).

rainbow ii yacht 1898

Made in 1902. When opened a monogram of the year and initials are on the rim. The surprise contained in this egg has been lost. There is an article in the Fabergé Research Newsletter from 2019 that has some interesting detective work on what might have been the surprise, worn in a photo of Empress Alexandra.

rainbow ii yacht 1898

Moscow Kremlin

Made in 1906. From the Department of Redundancy Department – this is an egg on a replica of the Kremlin that is in a display of eggs at the Kremlin Armoury. The egg, which represents the Cathedral of the Assumption at the Kremlin can be removed. The Kremlin model also contains a music box wound by a key.

rainbow ii yacht 1898

A photo of the Assumption Cathedral which the egg is patterned after, is below. This was taken on our Kremlin tour which included the Armoury and the grounds.

Dormition Cathedral

Alexander Palace

Made in 1908. The top of this egg flips open to show a model of the Alexander Palace. The model sits on a table. In the photo below this “surprise” is to the left of the egg. Alexander Palace is near the Catherine Palace in Pushkin, which is outside Saint Petersburg.

rainbow ii yacht 1898

Standart Yacht

Made in 1909. This egg is currently in the Kremlin Armoury. This is one of the few Fabergé eggs that has never left Russia. The clear egg contains a model of the yacht named Standart, which was the largest yacht in the world at that time.

rainbow ii yacht 1898

Alexander III Equestrian

Made in 1910. Kremlin Armoury. Inside is a model of the statue of Alexander III on horseback.

rainbow ii yacht 1898

Romanov Tercentenary

Made in 1913. Kremlin Armoury. This egg celebrates the three hundred years of Romanov rule, from 1613 to 1913. It has 18 portraits of the Romanov Tsars.

rainbow ii yacht 1898

Steel Military

Made in 1916. Kremlin Armoury. This egg was made of steel due to the lack of precious materials during World War I. The steel egg sits on four artillery shells. The portrait that sits on easel inside the egg shows Emperor Nicholas II and his son at the front during the war.

rainbow ii yacht 1898

Kelch eggs at the Fabergé Museum

From the sign in the Blue Room at the museum comes this description of the Kelch eggs.

Seven Easter eggs were made by the House of Fabergé in the Kelch cycle from 1898 to 1904, with the first being the “Hen” egg and the last being the “Chanticleer” egg. These eggs were made for Varvara Petrovna Bazanova (wife of Alexander Kelch). Bazanova came from a very wealthy family of Moscow merchants, owning gold mines and a railway construction and shipping company. Kelch commissioned the seven eggs from Faberge for his wife. Sign at museum titled “Blue Room. Faberge Easter egg masterpieces”

Made in 1898. Photo taken at Fabergé Museum. Similar to the 1885 “Hen” Imperial Egg, this egg has a yellow yolk inside, with a chicken inside the yolk with the painting and easel inside the chicken.

rainbow ii yacht 1898


Made in 1904. This was the last Kelch egg to be made. It is also, along with the Moscow Kremlin egg, one of the largest of the Fabergé eggs.

Chanticleer Fabergé Egg

The Fabregé Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia

There is quite a bit more to see in the Fabergé Museum than just the famous Fabergé Eggs. Fabergé Museum is located in the Shuvalov Palace in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. It sits along the Fontanka River, near Anichkov bridge where there are statues of four horses and their horsemen. Our visit was part of the Volga Dream tour in July 2019.

The Museum consists of multiple rooms:

  • The Grand Staircase, through which visitors enter the museum.
  • The Knight’s Hall, which contains military themed works.
  • The Red Room, containing Russian silver.
  • The Blue Room, containing the Fabergé Imperial and Kelch eggs.
  • The Gold room, containing gifts for the Tsars.
  • The Beige room, which houses a collection of religious items, including icons.
  • The White and Blue Drawing Rooms, containing Russian porcelain.

Below are photos from each of the rooms and some of the contents. Click on each photo to see a larger version.

rainbow ii yacht 1898

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Rainbow II Charter Yacht


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RAINBOW II yacht NOT for charter*

51m  /  167'4 | holland jachtbouw | turquoise yachts | 2024.

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Special Features:

  • Brand new for 2024
  • Germanischer Lloyd classification
  • Sleeps 10 overnight

The 51m/167'4" gulet yacht 'Rainbow II' was built by Holland Jachtbouw in the Netherlands. Her interior is styled by design house deVosdeVries design and she was completed in 2024. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of Dykstra & Partners.

Guest Accommodation

Rainbow II has been designed to comfortably accommodate up to 10 guests in 5 suites. She is also capable of carrying up to 9 crew onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht experience.

Range & Performance

Rainbow II is built with a aluminium hull and aluminium superstructure, with teak decks. Powered by 1 x diesel Volvo (D16) engines, she reaches a maximum speed of 16 knots with a range of up to 15 nautical miles at 15 knots. She was built to Germanischer Lloyd classification society rules.

Length 51m / 167'4
Beam 8.31m / 27'3
Draft 4.2m / 13'9
Gross Tonnage 230 GT
Cruising Speed -
Builder , Holland Jachtbouw, Turquoise Yachts
Model Custom
Exterior Designer Dykstra & Partners
Interior Design deVosdeVries design

*Charter Rainbow II Sail Yacht

Sail yacht Rainbow II is currently not believed to be available for private Charter. To view similar yachts for charter , or contact your Yacht Charter Broker for information about renting a luxury charter yacht.

Rainbow II Yacht Owner, Captain or marketing company

'Yacht Charter Fleet' is a free information service, if your yacht is available for charter please contact us with details and photos and we will update our records.

Rainbow II Photos

NOTE to U.S. Customs & Border Protection


S/Y Rainbow II

Length 51m / 167'4
Exterior Designer Dykstra & Partners
Interior Design deVosdeVries design
Built | Refit 2024
Beam 8.31m / 27'3
Gross Tonnage 230 GT
Draft 4.2m / 13'9
Cruising Speed -
Top Speed 16 Knots


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RAINBOW II Turquoise Yachts

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If you have any questions about the RAINBOW II information page below please contact us .

RAINBOW II is a 51m sailing yacht from Turkish shipyard, Turquoise Yachts. She features exterior design from Dykstra Naval Architects and interior design courtesy of deVosdeVries design, with a 2021 delivery date. She can accommodate 12 guests over 5 cabins, with a crew of 9 on board to ensure guests have a smooth and safe ride.

NOTABLE FEATURES OF RAINBOW II: ~Gorgeous semi-classic styling ~Spacious aft deck living space ~Owner's suite with overhead skylights ~Ensuite cabins ~Air conditioning ~WiFi

The sailing yacht’s long, elegant lines give her a classic appearance, with plenty of space for relaxing outdoors. The main cockpit is situated aft, and protected from the element by the main deckhouse in front. There is a large table with surrounding couches, creating an excellent place for guests to dine al fresco while enjoying the surrounding views.

She is equipped with modern sailing technology, allowing for easy and safe handling. She also features a side-boarding platform, which makes it easy to access the sea or tenders.

RAINBOW II Specifications

Type/Year:Turquoise Yachts/2021 
Beam:8.26m (27'1") 
L.O.A.:51m (167' 4") 
Max Speed:15.5 knots 
Cruise Speed: 
More Yacht Info: ,  
Builder/Designer: , ,  

The main deckhouse is both spacious and sumptuous, with lacquered mahogany wood paneling giving the space an elegant, classic feel. The salon is surrounded by windows on all sides, which provide plenty of light as well as great views. There is a large dining table, able to seat 12 guests with ease, as well as a plush lounge area with a huge ‘C’ shaped couch.

Yacht Accommodation

Accommodation is situated on the lower deck, and sleeps 12 guests over 5 cabins: 1 Owner’s stateroom, 1 VIP cabin, 1 double and 2 twins. The Owner’s cabin is situated aft and has a wonderful airy feel due to the above skylight – placed directly over the large double bed. There is also a seating area, plenty of storage, and en-suite bathroom. The remaining cabins are accessed by a central hallway, and all enjoy their own en-suite bathroom each. The lower salon acts as both an entertainment area or alternatively, the sofa can be converted into a double bed to bring the total accommodation capacity to 12 guests. Accommodation for 9 crew members is placed forward, along with the galley and mess, and also has direct access to the foredeck.

Amenities and Extras

We do have available further amenity, owner and price information for the 51m (167' 4") yacht RAINBOW II, so please enquire for more information.

RAINBOW II Disclaimer:

The luxury yacht RAINBOW II displayed on this page is merely informational and she is not necessarily available for yacht charter or for sale, nor is she represented or marketed in anyway by CharterWorld. This web page and the superyacht information contained herein is not contractual. All yacht specifications and informations are displayed in good faith but CharterWorld does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the current accuracy, completeness, validity, or usefulness of any superyacht information and/or images displayed. All boat information is subject to change without prior notice and may not be current.

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    9 March 2022 • Written by Tom McGhie. Turkish yard Turquoise Yachts has revealed a new colour scheme for the interiors of its 51 metre in-build sailing yacht Rainbow II. The new interior renderings, from the boards of deVosdeVries Design, showcase a brighter colourway with the studio taking cues from Scandinavian design and employing light ...

  14. RAINBOW (I) yacht 1898

    $4.00 RAINBOW - Designed and built in 1898, RAINBOW scored a resounding victory over the best of the Sydney fleet in the 1900 Intercolonial Regatta. ... In the 2008 Lindauer Classic Yacht Regatta RAINBOW achieved 3rd in the highly competitive large gaff division. Designer: Arch Logan Type of Boat: 36ft Linear Rater Rig: Gaff Cutter Year Built ...

  15. RAINBOW II Yacht for Sale in Monaco

    Click here to discover RAINBOW II yacht for sale in Monaco. This 168' (51.32m) Cruising Sailboat boat by TURQUOISE YACHTS is for sale with Northrop & Johnson.

  16. RAINBOW II yacht (Turquoise Yachts, 51.32m, 2025)

    GUESTS. 12. RAINBOW II is a 51.32 m Sail Yacht, currently being built in Turkey by Turquoise Yachts and to be delivered in 2026. Her power comes from a Volvo Penta diesel engine. She can accommodate up to 12 guests in 5 staterooms, with 9 crew members waiting on their every need. She has a gross tonnage of 230.0 GT and a 8.26 m beam.

  17. Nicholas II's family yachts (PHOTOS)

    Imperial Russian yacht Shtandart (1893-1961), off the coast of the Crimea, near Yalta, in 1898. Public domain

  18. PDF Rainbow Ii

    available on our sale's list. We also work in close contact with all the big yacht manufacturers from all over the world. If you would like to buy a yacht Rainbow II — TURQUOISE YACHTS or would like help answering any questions concerning purchasing, selling or chartering a yacht, please call +1(954)274-4435

  19. Fabergé Eggs and the Fabergé Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia

    the collection of Albert II of Monaco; the collection of Alexander Ivanov, and is displayed at the Faberge Museum in Baden-Baden, Germany ... Standart Yacht. Made in 1909. This egg is currently in the Kremlin Armoury. ... Seven Easter eggs were made by the House of Fabergé in the Kelch cycle from 1898 to 1904, with the first being the "Hen ...

  20. RAINBOW II Yacht

    Brand new for 2024. Germanischer Lloyd classification. Sleeps 10 overnight. The 51m/167'4" gulet yacht 'Rainbow II' was built by Holland Jachtbouw in the Netherlands. Her interior is styled by design house deVosdeVries design and she was completed in 2024. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of Dykstra & Partners.

  21. RAINBOW II Turquoise Yachts

    RAINBOW II is a 51m sailing yacht from Turkish shipyard, Turquoise Yachts. She features exterior design from Dykstra Naval Architects and interior design courtesy of deVosdeVries design, with a 2021 delivery date. She can accommodate 12 guests over 5 cabins, with a crew of 9 on board to ensure guests have a smooth and safe ride.

  22. St. Petersburg Yacht Sales and Service 727-823-2555

    St. Petersburg Yacht Sales and Service 727-823-2555. St. Petersburg Yacht Sales and Service has been serving customers since 1964 and is located in downtown St. Petersburg. We are close by the St. Petersburg Municipal Marina where we have some of our many brokerage boats on display. Here are the advantages of listing your yacht or boat with St ...

  23. Ivan Aivazovsky

    Ivan Aivazovsky was born on 29 July [O.S. 17 July] 1817 in the city of Feodosia (Theodosia), Crimea, Russian Empire. [9]In the baptismal records of the local St. Sargis Armenian Apostolic Church, Aivazovsky was listed as Hovhannes, son of Gevorg Aivazian (Armenian: Գէորգ Այվազեանի որդի Յօհաննեսն). [4] During his study at the Imperial Academy of Arts, he was known in ...