Why this new sailing ship may be the ultimate way to explore Costa Rica and Panama

Gene Sloan

Editor's Note

Just a handful of passengers are awake as our giant three-masted sailing ship, Sea Cloud Spirit , chases the sunrise into Costa Rica's remote Golfo Dulce — one of the most eco-diverse bays on the planet. But for those early risers, it's a treat.

From the soaring, 136-passenger vessel's teak-lined top deck, we watch as the rising sun lights up the fjord-like bay's pristine and primeval shoreline — a verdant patchwork of palm-lined beaches, dense mangroves and twisty rivers.

It is a prelude to a day of adventure. After the ship anchors early off the tiny coastal town of Puerto Jimenez, we are soon zipping to shore in a tender boat to spread out in search of wildlife.

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Some of us head off on a nature walk to a crocodile-filled lagoon. Others board a catamaran searching for dolphins. Still others, like me, ride a van into the rainforest looking for the elusive sloths that call this region home.

At the recently opened La Perica Sloth Garden, we find them in droves, along with capuchin monkeys, scarlet macaws and other iconic denizens of the Costa Rica jungle.

catamaran tour in costa rica

It is, in short, a classic day of exploring the Golfo Dulce region and the wildlife-rich Osa Peninsula that makes up its north shore.

It's also wonderfully different from the outdoorsy experiences we had just the day before in and around Costa Rica's more northerly Manuel Antonio National Park and what we will see tomorrow as we head south to the 39 islands and islets that make up Panama's Coiba National Park.

On this 11-night Sea Cloud Spirit sailing down the coasts of Costa Rica and Panama, just about every day brings a new adventure, including — on many days — the experience of traveling under the power of nothing but the wind.

catamaran tour in costa rica

In addition to wildlife and nature experiences, there's also a daylight crossing of the Panama Canal — a chance to see one of the great marvels of human engineering up close.

The final day of the trip includes a visit with the indigenous Kuna people living in the remote San Blas Islands just off the coast of Panama.

It's the sort of diversity of experiences that is hard to arrange during a land-based trip to Costa Rica and Panama unless you have far more time than 11 days.

Propelled by the power of the wind

Sea Cloud Spirit, which Germany-based Sea Cloud Cruises unveiled in 2021, isn't the first cruise vessel to offer voyages focused on the coasts of Costa Rica and Panama. Small vessels operated by Windstar Cruises , Lindblad Expeditions, Star Clippers, Ponant and Aurora Expeditions also offer such trips.

Still, Sea Cloud Spirit may be the most intriguing ship to ply the route. Five decks high and nearly 500 feet long, it is a full-rigged, three-masted sailing vessel of the sort that hasn't been common on the world's oceans for more than a century.

As large sailing ships go, it's also particularly authentic in how it operates.

Related: Why Sea Cloud Spirit is a vessel you'll want to try

Sea Cloud Spirit is, notably, propelled by a massive, old-style array of 28 sails that are unfurled by hand by an enormous team of 19 deckhands — something you don't see on almost any other large sailing ship in the world.

Most other large sailing ships offering multiday cruises, such as the two sailing vessels Windstar Cruises sometimes deploys to Costa Rica and Panama (Wind Star and Wind Spirit), have automated sails that unfurl at the push of a button.

catamaran tour in costa rica

The result is a much different experience of coastal travel on Sea Cloud Spirit from the one you'll get from any other ship.

In addition to being sailed by hand, another differentiator for Sea Cloud Spirit when sailing the Costa Rica and Panama coasts is that it offers a more expansive exploration of the region than you'll generally get with other ships. Most of the small-ship cruise itineraries in the region are seven nights in length. Sea Cloud Cruises, by contrast, typically budgets 10 to 11 nights for Sea Cloud Spirit to cover the same territory.

Even under full sails, the vessel often only meanders down the coast at just three to five knots.

Call it the "slow travel" way to do the Costa Rica and Panama coasts.

Exploring the Pacific side of Costa Rica

Our sailing down the coasts of Costa Rica and Panama begins in the sleepy Costa Rica port town of Puntarenas, on the Pacific side of the country. But we don't stay there long.

Just hours after passengers arrive at the ship, which is tied up all alone at an otherwise empty dock, Sea Cloud Spirit sets off on a six-day exploration of Costa Rica's Pacific coast — a region known for ecotourism of all sorts, from spotting monkeys and colorful birds in national parks to zip lining through lush rainforests and horseback riding along unspoiled beaches.

catamaran tour in costa rica

After rounding Costa Rica's famous-for-its-surfing Nicoya Peninsula, Sea Cloud Spirit points northward toward the northwesternmost corner of the country near the border with Nicaragua.

It is here, after a day of cruising under full sails, driven by the power of the wind alone, that we land at Playa Panama — a secluded and quiet crescent of dark sand beach that serves as a gateway to nearby Palo Verde National Park.

After motoring to shore in Zodiac boats, many of the ship's passengers head to the national park for a boat ride through its marshlands in search of monkeys and crocodiles, as well as the many colorful birds for which it is known. Others visit a hacienda for horseback riding with the local cowboys and zip lining through the surrounding forests.

Related: The 18 best small cruise ships in the world

A handful of us, including me, sign on for a catamaran ride along the rocky coastline to a reef for snorkeling with colorful fish, margaritas on deck and spectacular sunset views over the ocean on the way back.

catamaran tour in costa rica

It is the sort of diverse outdoorsy pursuits that a vacationer could experience while staying at one of the area's resorts, such as the Four Seasons we passed on our way to our snorkeling site.

But unlike those land-based visitors, we would see a much wider array of Costa Rica's allures over the coming days.

Heading south from Playa Panama, we spend another full day cruising along the Costa Rica coast under full sails before reaching Quepos, the gateway to another of Costa Rica's iconic eco-destinations: Manuel Antonio National Park.

Outings to the national park and other private reserves in the area are the order of the day here after we land by tender boat at the small dock in Quepos.

Not wanting to rise at the crack of dawn, as is required for the Manuel Antonio National Park tour, I instead choose an afternoon hike over swinging bridges and past tumbling waterfalls at a small rainforest preserve called Rainmaker Conservation Park.

catamaran tour in costa rica

It turns into a perfect day, partly because I sneak away from the tour group with one other tour member (with the guide's permission) to climb a too-steep-for-most trail to a spectacular series of hanging bridges. We have it all to ourselves.

The next day Sea Cloud Spirit brings us to Costa Rica's Golfo Dolce, mentioned above.

With the stops at Playa Panama, Quepos and the Golfo Dulce's Puerto Jimenez, we have visited all three major segments of the Pacific coast of Costa Rica — the north, middle and south — in just a few days.

While we only make short day stops in each area, it's a taste of the country that isn't available to the typical visitor who comes to Costa Rica for a week and stays in one location.

Off-the-beaten-path Panama

After six days along Costa Rica's Pacific coast, Sea Cloud Spirit drives southward into the waters off Panama, where our first stop is the cluster of 39 islands and islets that make up Panama's Coiba National Park.

Designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the mostly uninhabited island group is known for its untouched rainforests and wildlife that exists nowhere else, such as the Coiba Island howler monkey. But for our purposes, it serves mostly as a place to stop for a beach day as we land by Zodiac at one of its many sandy beaches for snorkeling and sunning.

Unlike many of my Sea Cloud Spirit compatriots, I skip the snorkeling, scared away by a warning in the ship's daily planner about the occasional presence of plankton and jellyfish in the water that send out "stinging microscopic harpoons." But I find diversion in a small one-room national park visitors center just off the beach that goes into great depth on its flora and fauna.

It is here that I learned that the particular island where we landed, the island cluster's main island of Coiba, once served as a penal colony known for brutal conditions and the disappearance of political prisoners during the dictatorships of Panamanian strongmen Omar Torrijos and Manuel Noriega.

catamaran tour in costa rica

Two days later, after another full day of sailing down the coast, we get a second beach day with snorkeling at Mogo Mogo Island, part of another cluster of islands and islets off the Panama coast called the Pearl Islands.

Here, I brave the plankton and jellyfish stings to wade out past the rocky shallows to snorkel the edge of a coral reef teeming with foureye butterflyfish and honeycomb trunkfish.

catamaran tour in costa rica

Not only is the water crystal clear and the fish lovely, but it is an outing that I survive without a single strike from a stinging harpoon (several of my snorkeling companions, alas, do report such strikes, though they say it's not terribly painful).

The marvel of the Panama Canal

The next day of the trip brings an adventure of a different sort as Sea Cloud Spirit transits through the Panama Canal.

Passengers line the teak walkway in front of Sea Cloud Spirit's bridge early in the morning to watch as the vessel glides through Balboa Harbor near Panama City to the start of the canal at the Miraflores Locks.

It is the first of three sets of giant rectangular chambers that will lift the 4,228-gross-ton vessel up and over the Continental Divide to the Caribbean, and it is a sight to behold.

catamaran tour in costa rica

After we enter the first of the chambers, seven-story-high steel gates slowly swing shut behind us, and the basin begins filling with millions of gallons of water. At 1,050 feet long, the lock is roughly the size of three football fields — so long that a second cruise vessel, the 100-passenger Emerald Azzurra, fits into the chamber behind us.

More than 100 years after its construction by the United States, the 48-mile-long Panama Canal remains a marvel of modern engineering — and an alluring attraction for cruisers on trips to the region.

As passengers learn during an onboard lecture the day before our transit, thousands of workers toiled for a decade to carve the passageway out of the dense Panamanian jungle. In addition to building giant locks at both sides of the canal (near both the Pacific and Atlantic entrances), its builders had to construct what at the time was the world's largest dam along the Chagres River, which in turn created one of the world's largest man-made lakes.

catamaran tour in costa rica

Dubbed Gatun Lake, the 21-mile-long body of water makes up a significant part of the waterway vessels use to cross the country.

Sea Cloud Spirit spends much of the day crossing the canal from the Pacific to the Atlantic as the ship's onboard lecturer, Stephen Weston, offers a running narrative from the top deck.

The entire process of moving between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans takes just seven hours.

The indigenous people of San Blas

The final stop on this trip is the San Blas Islands, a sprinkling of several hundred mostly uninhabited spits of white sand and palm trees that rest off Panama's Caribbean coast.

Controlled by the Kuna, an indigenous people spread across three politically autonomous reservations in Panama and Colombia, the islands are mostly off-limits to tourists and undeveloped for mass tourism, as the Kuna like it. But the Kuna allow small groups of visitors, such as those aboard Sea Cloud Spirit, to visit occasionally.

Anchoring off the Kuna-inhabited island of Wichub Wala, we tender to a small dock to wander the sandy paths between the Kuna's bamboo and palm leaf huts, past the dugout canoes they use for fishing.

catamaran tour in costa rica

It is, for many passengers, an opportunity to purchase a souvenir from the trip that is hand-made and local, as the women of the village line the pathways hawking the colorful needlework panels called molas that they make both for their own use (traditionally, they sew them onto the fronts of their blouses) and for tourists.

Molas that we're told take weeks to make sell for about $15 to $20.

The brief visit to Wichub Wala also includes a short dance performance by the Kuna in their main square before we are back on the tender to the ship. It is a morning stop paired with an afternoon call at another sandy island for more snorkeling and swimming.

The trip ends the next morning in Colon on Panama's Caribbean coast.

Bottom line

A voyage along the Pacific coast of Costa Rica and Panama on Sea Cloud Spirit is an intriguing way to see the highlights of both countries in a single trip.

One of the biggest passenger sailing ships ever built, Sea Cloud Spirit takes a go-slow approach to travel down the coast from Puntarenas, Costa Rica, to the Pearl Islands of Panama, followed by a daylight crossing of the Panama Canal to the Caribbean side of Panama. Along the way, it visits several of the most popular tourist areas in the two countries and offers passengers a relatively rare opportunity to experience the joys of sailing the region on a tall ship.

One caveat about the trips: Sea Cloud Cruises, which is based in Hamburg, Germany, has a big following in Germany, and its Sea Cloud Spirit sailings often are heavy with German speakers. That said, the vessel's onboard program is bilingual (the relatively rare number of announcements on board are made in German and English, and most of the staff speaks both languages). You'll likely find at least some English speakers among your fellow passengers.

For more details on what it's like on board, see TPG's first-look guide to Sea Cloud Spirit .

Ten-night Sea Cloud Spirit sailings to Costa Rica and Panama start at $9,530 per person, based on double occupancy. For more information, call 888-732-2568 or visit seacloud.com .

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  • The 5 most desirable cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • A beginners guide to picking a cruise line
  • The 8 worst cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • The ultimate guide to what to pack for a cruise
  • A quick guide to the most popular cruise lines
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  • The ultimate guide to choosing a cruise ship cabin

Sail Away: The Ultimate Guide to Catamaran Tours in Costa Rica

Would you like to explore the most beautiful beaches in Costa Rica and swim in its aquamarine waters alongside colorful fish and manta rays? A catamaran cruise can offer this magnificent opportunity. A catamaran tour will not only unveil beautiful views but will also give you access to some of the most exciting outdoor activities available in Costa Rica.

Choosing the right catamaran charter depends on various factors and the following guide will acquaint you with essentials facts such as:

  • Reasons why Costa Ricaboat tours are so popular
  • The types of catamaran tours available in Costa Rica
  • The best spots for catamaran tours in Costa Rica
  • Details to pay attention to before booking a catamaran tour
  • What to expect on the boat and additional amenities
  • A catamaran charter checklist 

Reasons to Try Catamaran Charters in Costa Rica

Costa Rica’s catamaran charters are not just about the amazing beach vistas that sweep before your eyes. Here’s the allure that beckons travelers:

  • A diverse palette of experiences awaits, from the opulence of luxury catamarans to the intimate charm of sunset sails that color the horizon.
  • Dive into adventures, be it a refreshing swim, an underwater snorkeling escapade, or a moment with the wild in its natural habitat.
  • The value proposition of these charters is unmatched; an equilibrium of price and quality is hard to find elsewhere.
  • With seasoned guides and a dedicated crew at the helm, every journey is elevated to an unforgettable voyage.
  • Catering to the wide-eyed wonder of a child, the dreams of honeymooners, or the seasoned tales of seniors, there’s a chapter here for every traveler’s story.

How to Choose the Right Costa Rica Catamaran Tour

Before thinking about anything else, determine what kind of catamaran tour is the right choice for you. Some of the most popular opportunities include:

  • Sunset cruises: Relaxed and very romantic, sunset cruises are perfect for couples and for anyone who’d like to experience the beauty of Costa Rica’sbeaches when the sun sets.
  • Adventure cruises: A snorkeling adventure gives you a once-in-a-lifetime chance to observe the stunning underwater scenery. You will get the chance to admire mesmerizing marine creatures (like dolphins and whales) and swim in crystal-clear waters.
  • Wildlife observation tours: The focus here is on the flora and fauna, giving you a chance to observe and learn curious facts about the incredible creatures that inhabit the region.

Experience the Thrill at Marina Flamingo

Welcome to paradise! Don’t spend it indoors scrolling through your phone. Explore all of the natural wonders Playa Flamingo has to offer with us!

A few other things you need to pay attention to when booking this kind of memorable experience include:

While this type of sailing experience is fairly affordable, you will also find decadent and luxurious options. Determine your budget in advance to narrow down the range of possibilities.

Operator Reputation

Your relaxing experience depends on the condition of the boat, the available amenities, and the staff competencies. Always check out an operator’s reputation before booking. Online reviews and testimonials can shed a lot of light on quality.

Needless to say, bigger boats tend to accommodate more people. If you’re seeking out a more intimate setting (to admire beautiful sunsets with someone special, for example), you’ll need to pay attention to the size of the boat and the number of people that can go on the same cruise.

Available Amenities and Services

Don’t assume that a certain service or an amenity is available. Double-check to understand exactly what’s included in the price. Will you be provided with snorkeling gear? Will you get a delicious lunch or alcoholic beverages on board? If you want extra amenities for a good time, inquire in advance and make sure everything is included (or ask for the price of additional services when these aren’t listed in the main package).

Costa Rica’s Best Coastal Destinations for Catamaran Tours

The sun-dappled decks of majestic boats, with the famous catamarans such as the “ Ocean King ” and the beloved “ Blue Dolphin Tamarindo Catamaran Cruise ,” offer promises of journeys that trace the pristine beaches from Playa Flamingo to the captivating shores of Playa Tamarindo and Playa Hermosa.

So many spots on the Pacific Coast can offer access to renowned catamarans. Here are some of the best places you may want to head to if you’d like to enjoy an unforgettable sailing experience:

  • Tamarindo Beach : Playa Tamarindo is one of the catamaran tour hotspots in Costa Rica. Guanacaste’s coastal gem features excellent snorkeling and water sportsopportunities. You’ll also get a chance to admire dolphins, whales, tropical fish, and turtles.
  • Coco Beach : Playa Del Coco is a prominent catamaran charter starting point. The charter lines are really beautiful, and you’ll get to enjoy some of the best views of white-sand beaches. Just grab a juicy cocktail or a couple of colorful tropical drinks, sit back, and relax! Let the experienced crews take good care of you.
  • Manuel Antonio : Manuel Antonio National Park is an absolute treasure you need to witness during your Costa Rica trip. A Manuel Antonio catamaran charter gives you the perfect opportunity to explore a lot more than you’d be capable of on foot while visiting the natural park.
  • Playa Flamingo : Another Guanacaste hotspot for sea cruise enthusiasts is Flamingo Beach. Playa Flamingo ’s cruises are an excellent choice for wildlife observation. You’ll also get access to amazing watersports and adventure opportunities.

Essentials to Bring to a Catamaran Tour in Costa Rica

Thrilling water sports, incredible water activities, and a chance to experience the adventure of snorkeling – you’ll get to experience all this and more during a catamaran cruise. To make the day experience an outstanding one, however, don’t forget the essentials, especially if you’re going on snorkeling tours or other boat adventures:

  • Comfortable clothes, preferably made of materials that wick away moisture and dry quickly
  • A sunhat and sunglasses
  • A rain jacket
  • Sunscreen and insect repellent
  • Your camera, smartphone, and any other piece of digital equipment
  • A waterproof backpack
  • Neoprene socks (especially if snorkeling is on your to-do list; the rest of the snorkeling equipment will be provided)
  • A swimming suit

You wouldn’t need your documents, money, valuables, and jewelry on the boat. It’s best to keep such important and expensive items in your hotel room.

If there’s anything else you need, do let the attentive crew know. Their goal is to ensure you have an amazing time during your sea excursion and they’ll be more than willing to accommodate your needs.

Marina Flamingo: The Perfect Starting Point for a Memorable Catamaran Adventure

Bathed by the gentle waters of Costa Rica’s Pacific Coast, Marina Flamingo emerges as a sparkling gem, setting the stage for unparalleled luxurious catamaran adventures and beautiful vacation rentals .

Morning tours beckon with the promise of snorkeling adventures. Playa Fantasia and Playa del Coco offer wonderful spots, and if you’re looking for a more thrilling experience, the adventures with catamaran excursions around Tortuga Island or the breathtaking Corcovado National Park are not to be missed.

For those seeking a more laid-back experience, the afternoon sunset catamaran tours offer breathtaking views of beaches, where the beauty of nature harmonizes with the setting sun, casting golden hues upon the white-sand beaches and creating an unforgettable experience.

Onboard, the amiable crew, renowned for their exceptional service, stands ready to serve refreshing beverages, from tropical drinks to soft drinks. And if hunger strikes, a delicious lunch, sometimes featuring fresh fish from the bountiful Pacific Ocean, awaits to satiate your palate.

In essence, Marina Flamingo is not just a starting point but a prelude to a tapestry of experiences, from the relaxing ambiance of beach relaxation, and the thrill of water activities, to the allure of a delicious meal under the canopy of breathtaking beauty, it’s where your Costa Rican experience begins, and memories are forged.

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Marina flamingo.

Playa Flamingo, Costa Rica 10°26'27.1"N 85°47'12.0"W 506-4500-3000 | (833 MF-YACHT) Fuel Dock: 506-8977-9360 Whatsapp: 506-8765-6006

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Tours & Charters

Jaco Catamaran Tours

Sunset Tour Jaco

  • Beach Club at Playa Fantasia
  • Lunch & Open Bar
  • Surf, Paddle, Bodyboard
  • Sunset at the Catamaran

Day Tour Jaco

  • Morning Snorkeling Tour
  • All Inclusive Open Bar
  • Boogie, Surf, Paddle Boards
  • Catamaran to Secluded Beach Club


Full Day Tour Costa Rica




Bachelorette Party Jaco

Travel in style with our a Jaco Catamaran Tours along the Pacific coastline of Jaco and Los Suenos. Our luxury Jaco Catamaran Tours can turn your simple vacation into a sumptuous adventure, where you can indulge in gourmet food and top-quality beverages while savoring the sea breeze and the sun warming your skin. Music, silence, good conversation—whatever makes you feel alive and happy. It’s your own cruise, made to spoil you and your group. All our Jaco Catamaran Tours are based in Herradura Bay and serve all surrounding areas including Los Suenos Marriott Hotel, Punta Leona, Playa Hermosa, Esterillos, and Villa Caletas, Croc's Hotel and the most important hotels in Jaco.

Jaco Excursions

There are lots of Jaco Excursions you can do but definitely the best rated activities in Jaco are our Catamaran Tours . Private Charters for small groups are our specialty, give yourself, to your family or friends the gift of a private charter! 10% OFF - Book Direct with an open Bar and food combined with a secluded white sand beach called Playa Fantasia. Playa Fantasia is a hidden white sand beach along the coast of Costa Rica . All our guests on board enjoy a combination of a catamaran cruise and Playa Fantasia’s beach club with access solely for our guests. Get a Free Quote Accessible only by boat, there’s truly no place more secluded or romantic.

Catamaran Tour Jaco Costa Rica

Things to do in jaco.

Visiting Playa Fantasia on any of our tours is without a doubt enjoying the Best things to do in Jaco Our tours combine the beautiful Catamaran Sealounge and the exclusive and secluded white sand beach called Playa Fantasia. This combination makes our tours and private charters unique. If you are more adventurous and looking to have more contact with marine life, our Day Tours or morning tours are the most recommended specifically for snorkeling. In our Day Tours with snorkeling our clients are accompanied by boys part of the crew who will show them the reefs, many colorful fish as well as sometimes Turtles and schools of AmberJacks, Snappers and Manta Rays. Sunset Tours offer trolling fishing to Playa Fantasia , Surfboards, Boogie Boards, Paddle Boards as well as Soccer and Beach Volleyball. Sunset Tours are more relaxing and due to the position of the sun they are NOT the most recommended for snorkeling . Prepare your camera to appreciate one of the best sunsets of your life We received our TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence after only one year! Thanks to our clients, we are the best Things to do in Jaco

Banana Boat Costa Rica

Had a wonderful excursion to Sealounge Catamaran! The staff was terrific; very accommodating and fun! The beach was beautiful, they prepared a fabulous lunch, and the cocktails on the beach were perfect. I would do this again in a heartbeat!


Randall and the crew were awesome! They took us to a private beach where we ate, played with the jet skis, and snorkeled. They also took us to watch the sunset before taking us back to the dock! Highly recommended!!

We used Sealounge Catamaran for a boat party and they were great! The crew was awesome and very helpful, we explored a private beach where they cooked for us and rode jetskis. Plenty of tour for a large crowd and a nice roof that you can jump from. Definitely would recommend to others!

Great experience and service!I'll make this quick.What was provided for us: yacht, diving, snorkel, jetski, catered food, drinks, snacks, private beach.The staff were very friendly and service was great.

This beach is completely secluded and accessible only by boat, it nearly takes your breath away as you realize this is where you will be spending your day! Randall and his team are professional and extremely detail oriented. The beach is wonderful, white sand and the jungle flows right into the sand.

Book Now Costa Rica

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Kaya Nosara Boat Tours

Take a trip through the Nicoya Peninsula or charter us for points beyond. 

See the sights from the deck of your own private sailing tour or make new friends in a group tour with Kaya. It’s a unique and personal Costa Rican cruise that regular tourist tour boats can't match.  We offer boat tours for up to 16 people at just $140 per person (plus tax). 

Operated by a knowledgeable, Coast Guard-licensed captain with over a decade of experience, you’re in great hands. 


Sailing Catamaran Tours

Our Sailing Catamaran - Kaya - comfortably cruises the serene waters of some of the nicest coastline on the Guanacaste Peninsula.

An Intimate Setting

You'll appreciate the comfort and space of our private catamaran. Its large, open deck is perfect for sunbathing and taking in the natural beauty that the Costa Rican waters have to offer. 


Get in Touch

Kaya Nosara is committed to exceeding your needs. Questions, comments or special requests? We’d love to hear from you, so don’t hesitate to reach out today.

Find us at: Playa Garza, Guanacaste, Nicoya, Costa Rica

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: +506 8688 9853

catamaran tour in costa rica

It's time to experience Zafira!

Zafira Catamaran is a fantastic modern and luxurious Fountain Pajot 2006 Bahia model catamaran sailboat, offering private and regular sailing trips for clients staying in Guanacaste, including Tamarindo, Flamingo, Conchal, JW Marriot, Las Catalinas, Sugar Beach, Rui Guanacaste, and Riu Palace and Potrero Beach.

The perfect catamaran sailboat to fully explore Guanacaste's rugged coast and dramatic views with all the necessary comfort and fun to make your Costa Rica vacation unforgettable!​ Book directly above to email us with any questions:  ​[email protected].

Zafira Catamaran Instagram Page

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Costa Rica Catamaran Tours

Catamaran tours blend both leisure and diversion in these half-day, sensationally pleasant trips. Sailing silently across the ocean, the catamarans pass isolated islands and rocky coastlines, calm bays and towering cliffs. Passengers will be given the opportunity to snorkel above colorful reefs, lounge along secluded beaches, and paddle kayaks through picturesque caves. Snacks and drinks are served during the tours, and both morning and afternoon trips are available.

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Playa del Coco Catamaran

Tamarindo catamaran tour, catamaran cruise and snorkeling, manuel antonio catamaran, panache catamaran sailing, waterfall rapelling and rafting tour, buena vista mega combo adventure, corcovado national park day tour, lake arenal and el castillo - road cycling tour, la paz waterfall gardens tour, costa rica pura vida experience, pure trek canyoning costa rica, rafting on the savegre river, talamanca indigenous village half day, treetop climbing, ocean kayak and snorkel isla chora, rainforest birdwatching tour, sensoria tour of rincón de la vieja, cafe de monteverde coffee tour, jungle spa adventure horseback.

The Marlin del Rey Catamaran Tour is a great activity for family and friends to enjoy ocean breezes and coastline scenery while sipping delicious tropical drinks. Feel the wind in your hair and bask in the sun while sailing breezily past bays and sandy beaches.

Culinary & Cultural Encounters

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  • Open daily from 8 AM - 7 PM
  • Located at Marina Los Sueños

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Sunset Catamaran Tour!

  • June 28, 2021

catamaran tour in costa rica

Get Closer to the Sunset!

When it gets dark in Costa Rica, no matter what day it is, tourists and locals alike run to admire one of the most beautiful shows that the Universe gives us. Sunset! Now, imagine if you could enjoy it from the front row, as the sun dips down below the horizon, “touching” the ocean on the way. Our catamaran tour gives you front row seats to the spectacle that leaves everyone grateful for another day spent in paradise.

The Costa Cat II is our new, 39-foot catamaran, completely air-open and specially designed to make our sunset tour an absolutely unforgettable experience.

To Infinity and Beyond!

The concept of of this tour is that you can experience one of the most captivating spectacles of nature from another perspective. Setting sail from Los Sueños Resort & Marina, in Playa Herradura, we are only a 1 ½ hour drive from San José. We embark at 3:45 p.m., in search of the best angle to be able to experience and photograph the star of our trip, the Sun!

As the blue midday sky fades to late afternoon, we set sail in search of those red and orange colors that streak the skies like a brightly painted canvas.

Indulge in Cocktails & Good Vibes!

Enjoy classic, delicious tropical cocktails, music, and good vibes as you revel in the magic of the evening sky. This tour is ideal for a group getaway or celebration. Celebrate your engagement, birthday, bachelor party, or family vacation! Our team will exceed your expectations, ensuring that all of your needs are met.

Crew & Safety!

Since our launch in 2017, more than 60,000 passengers have traveled with us. For more than 2 consecutive years, these very travelers have recognized us for excellence in service on the well known TripAdvisor page. We are honored to be continuously chosen as a top experience in the area, and take pride in ensuring that every passenger leaves the Costa Cat II feeling satisfied, and part of this great family of ours.

We follow all of the security requirements established by the United States Coast Guard (US Coast Guard) and national authorities including; the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation (MOPT) and Tourist Declaration from the Costa Rican Tourism Institute ( ICT). Our staff is bilingual and will be able to guide and assist you throughout the entire journey.

Under the Sea Surprises!

On the way to catch the “golden hour”, you have the possibility of crossing paths with different marine species, such as: whales, manta rays and dolphins. Our luxury catamaran is designed so that you can appreciate any movement from the marine life around. The crew is always on the look out, and will notify you when the true treasures of the Central Pacific pop up to make an appearance.

Discover the True Central Pacific !

We have all seen sunsets, some more beautiful than others, but we guarantee that the sunset view from our luxury catamaran is like no other sunset you have seen before.

Click here to book! Or write to us at [email protected] • WhatsApp +506 8390 7070 so that we can design the tour of your dreams.

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Our passion is to be able to make our clientes live the best experience.

Panache sailing is a Costa Rican Catamaran Company, with more than 10 years of experienc of private and shared tours in the area of Flamingo, Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Shared Morning Sailing

Shared afternoon sailing, private sailing, full day sailing.

Family friendly, safety, fun are included and foremost priority




About Us    Terms & Conditions     Contact

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Panache Sailing, Main Road Flamingo beach Playa Potrero Surfside, Guanacaste, 50304, Costa Rica, CR.

2024 @ All rights reserved.

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Bali Private Catamaran Charter

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Marlin del Rey

Catamaran Tours – Playas del Coco

Quick details.

  • Duration:  4 hours
  • Available Times:  8 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. daily
  • Snorkeling in crystal clear waters
  • Delicious lunch prepared by our outstanding crew
  • Tropical drinks from our open bar
  • Wildlife sightings include dolphins, sea turtles, flying fish, or even a breaching whale

Morning (Ages 12+)

Morning (ages 6-11), afternoon (ages 12+), afternoon (ages 6-11), morning or afternoon (ages 5 & under), guanacaste’s playas del coco catamaran tours.

With our open sailing tours in Playa del Coco, you silently glide along Costa Rica’s Gold Coast while passing some of Guanacaste’s exotic bays, white sand beaches, and tropical jungles. Playa del Coco is north of our other launch site in Tamarindo but both tours include amazing views of Costa Rica, mesmerizing wildlife sightings of dolphins, sea turtles, flying fish, and the occasional breaching whale, and delicious cold tropical drinks that are prepared by our experienced crew.

We drop anchor in a tranquil bay so you can swim in the blue Pacific. Snorkel in the bay or run down the deserted white sand beach while the ever helpful crew prepares a feast of BBQ chicken, yellow Spanish rice, fruit, chips, black bean puree, pico de gallo, and homemade chocolate chip cookies.

As the Marlin del Rey sailing catamarans set sail, hear the waves lapping at the sides of the giant catamaran as you watch a gorgeous sunset that illuminates the clouds left in the sky. Bring your camera and capture the moments everyone throughout the world talks about when on board the Marlin del Rey sailing catamarans.

Please note that the minimum for the morning catamaran tour of Costa Rica is 15 people. If we do not reach this minimum we will reach out to you to reschedule.

Location: Playa del Coco

  • Chevron down Cancellation Policy

Open tour cancellations made with at least 24 hours are fully refundable. Open tour cancellations made with less than 24 hours notice are charged 100% of the quoted, confirmed, and charged amount. As such, there are no refunds if you wish to cancel the reservation with less than 24 hours notice. A great deal of time, effort, and cost has been spent getting the tour ready for you and your group. Others seeking space on our tour have likely been turned away as a result of your reservation.

Related Sailing Tours

  • Most Popular
  • Anchor Public Tour
  • Hour Glass 4 Hours

Catamaran Tours – Playa Tamarindo Excursions

Start at Playa Tamarindo, glide along Costa Rica’s Gold Coast, and take in the beautiful views of beaches, bays, and jungles.

Catamaran Tours – Playa Flamingo

Our newest departure location in Playa Flamingo is now available. Take in the beautiful views of beaches, bays, and jungles. Enjoy some time for snorkeling as well! This relaxing four-hour sail is the perfect addition to your tropical vacation.

  • Anchor Private Tour
  • Users 25 - 30 People

Half Day Private Catamaran Tours

Book your own private excursion for half the day along the northern pacific coast of Costa Rica, starting at 8 a.m. or 1:30 p.m.

catamaran tour in costa rica

Catamaran Sailing Tours in Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Catamarán tours in guanacaste, costa rica.

catamaran tour in costa rica


catamaran tour in costa rica


catamaran tour in costa rica


We have the capability of developing your tour specifically for your group or family, bespoke yacht cruises, perfect cruises make lasting memories, we’re the world’s leading private cruise company for a reason. that reason is full dedication to crafting the most memorable five-star experience, tailored exactly to your needs..

catamaran tour in costa rica


Half day private catamaran tours.

Book your own private half-day tour along Costa Rica’s northern Pacific coast. Start at 8:00 a.m. to explore the beautiful coastline in the morning, or at 2:00 p.m. to enjoy a breathtaking sunset.

Full Day Private Catamaran Tours

Book your own private full-day tour along Costa Rica’s northern Pacific coast. Start at 12:00 PM and enjoy a day of exploration, culminating in a breathtaking sunset at 6:00 p.m.


Discover the beauty of the sea like never before aboard our exclusive catamaran! Fill out our form to receive detailed information and get ready for an unforgettable adventure. Enjoy panoramic views, top-notch service, and unique moments on the open water. Reserve now and experience a journey that will take your breath away!

catamaran tour in costa rica


Created by Christian Rodriguez


Lazy Lizard Sailing in Playa Flamingo, Costa Rica has been around since 2002. Lazy Lizard is more than a sailing company; we are a family and we love what we do! If you are looking for the best day tour or private charter in the Playa Flamingo or Playa Tamarindo area, look no further. Our crew works together seamlessly to accommodate your every need. From the moment we greet you at the marina to when we return you safely to shore at the end of your journey, our attentive staff is there for you.

On our catamaran sailing tours, we offer you diverse water activities, such as snorkeling and kayaking at some amazing beaches.

All our tours (which are four hours in duration) include unlimited nonalcoholic and alcoholic drinks, and transportation from your accommodations in the Flamingo and Tamarindo area. Further, our staff will offer you fruits, snacks, and even a delightful meal after the water activities.

We, at Lazy Lizard, are strongly focused on providing you with an unforgettable memory, as soon as you get on the catamaran you'll feel the Pura Vida experience.

Sit Back, Relax and Enjoy!

Explore Costa Rica's Pacific Coast with us

Mourning tour - This family-friendly sailing tour includes all of the activities

Morning Catamaran

This family-friendly sailing tour includes all of the activities and amenities of our other trips but with some additional benefits for those who are traveling with children or want to be on the water before noon.

catamaran tour in costa rica

Sunset Catamaran

This is our most prominent tour, and the most popular in the Guanacaste region. An afternoon of sailing and snorkeling with Lazy Lizard provides the perfect combination of relaxation, comfort, and excitement.

Private charter tour - This Private Charter tour can be customized to suit your desires

Private Charters

Your Private Charter will be on our 38′ catamaran leaving from Playa Flamingo. This Private Charter tour can be customized to suit your desires, please just ask.


From the moment we greet you at the beach, or pick you up from your local accommodation, to when we set you safely ashore at the end of your journey, our crew works together seamlessly to accommodate your every need as you travel the Guanacaste coast. We have a unique vision for our sailing tours: we aim to not only show you the unforgettable sites of Costa Rica’s Pacific shoreline but also to extend the strong sense of friendship from our team members to all of our guests.

Did you know that we also have sea kayaks and Zayaks for children as part of our tour?


Morning private charter.

The Lazy Lizard is Pura Vida! The morning half day trip was a perfect start to the day, especially with family. The crew members were great and we had an excellant guide for our snorkeling tour. When we finished snorkeling, we enjoyed a delicious meal that the crew prepared for us. If you’re visiting Costa Rica, I highly recommend taking a tour with the Lazy Lizard. We even saw whales and dolphins.

Sunset Catamaran Tour

I highly recommend that you sign up for the 4 hour sunset tour. Lazy Lizard staff is very professional from the time that they pick you up until the time that they drop you off (if you are within their area). The entire experience was fabulous! You get a great boat ride out to the bay with beautiful views of the Guanacaste area. You get drinks, music, food and the opportunity to snorkel, kayak or standup paddleboard in the bay. The staff on board assist you while you walk and in the water, and they are very attentive to all of your needs. They made sure that all of us on board were very happy.

Private Charter Playa Flamingo

Selecting the private tropical sunset catamaran trip seemed like the right idea for us. The bus picked us up right on tim and brought us to our boat about 20-30 minutes away. The second we got on the boat we were welcomed by the crew and they were absolutely awesome. They were always making sure we had drinks in hand and were always aware of safety when each of us were walking around the boat. The snorkeling stop was awesome and then.... THE FOOD. Truly unbelievable food was prepared for us, it was honestly incredible and delicious and there was more than enough to feed everyone. After the meal we started heading back to the beach and the sunset was one of the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen. The price was absolutely worth this amazing day. Would do this again for sure.

+506 8800 0880

Manta Ray Sailing

Costa Rica Sailing Tours

Full-service private charter and sailing tours, the Manta Ray caters to small groups and families to provide an intimate and all-inclusive experience of Guanacaste’s coastline.

Choose from our four vessels – The Luxury Bali 4.1, the NEW Manta Catamaran, the Original Manta Ray Catamaran or The Margarita center-console fishing expedition.

catamaran tour in costa rica

A full-service private charter and sailing tours, the Manta Ray caters to small groups and families to provide an intimate and all-inclusive experience of Guanacaste’s coastline.

Dedicated Crew

Our experienced, multilingual crew is here to listen, answer, and serve to provide a a new nautical experience that is redefining the meaning of Pura Vida.


Bring a towel and we'll bring the rest! From cervezas to sunscreen, we've got you covered. Food, drinks and activity equipment included.

Hidden Coastline

Discover Costa Rica Sailing with our daily Private Tours, 24-Hour Overnight Expedition Experiences, Custom Itinerary Trips and discover the Gold Coast in luxury.

catamaran tour in costa rica

Marine Life Watching

Seeing wildlife can never be guaranteed, but as we sail north around Isla Brumel with a beautiful view of Las Catalinas Islands, we often see dolphins, sea turtles, jumping manta rays and depending on season, humpback whales!

Manta Ray Snorkeling Tours Flamingo Costa Rica

Expert-Guided Snorkel Tour

Depending on weather and visibility, we select the best spot for snorkeling, swimming and secluded coastline. You'll have an experienced guide lead you through the waters to discover species of fish, sting rays, starfish and various marine life.

catamaran tour in costa rica

Go Fish, Swim & Paddleboarding

Our crew are experienced fishermen as well as sailors! We immediately begin trolling for fish on professional reels hoping to catch a bite to go with our main course. We also have a paddleboard ready to explore the waters.

catamaran tour in costa rica

Homemade Meal & Open Bar

While you're in the water, we're in the kitchen! We serve a delicious meal complete with snacks, fresh cut fruit, Matteo's fresh and famous guacamole, and refreshing drinks including water, juices, sodas, beer, wine, local spirits and Prosecco.

catamaran tour in costa rica

Morning: $1,500 | Sunset: $1,900 | Full Day: $3,000

Minium price varies for up to 10 passengers.

Bali 4.1 Catamaran

The 41-foot luxury catamaran that is redefining the meaning of “Pura Vida” from Playa Flamingo to the Papagayo Peninsula. We offer Private Tours daily to explore our coastlines, and now our unforgettable 24-hour Overnight Expedition Experiences.

For your adventure, you’ll have access to Pro Snorkel Equipment, Professional Fishing equipment, Stand up Paddle Boards, Lily Pad and Professional Stereo Speakers with Bluetooth radio. 

Morning Tour  (8AM – 12PM)   Sunset Tour   (1PM – 6PM)   Full Day   (11AM – 6PM)

Comfortable Capacity:  35

catamaran tour in costa rica


From $105/pp.

catamaran tour in costa rica


catamaran tour in costa rica


catamaran tour in costa rica


Don't just take it from us, don't take it from us.

5-Star Rating on TripAdvisor

The King Catamaran Costa Rica

Costa Rica Catamaran Charter

Our Catamaran Charters offer the privacy and exclusivity to make unforgettable memories with your friends or family

Best Price Catamaran

Connect with your local Charter specialist for your Catamaran Vacation in Costa Rica

Catamaran Costa Rica

We offer the widest selection of top class catamarans that Costa Rica has to offer

Crew Catamaran

Rent a brilliant catamaran in Costa Rica that includes a full crew that is ready to attend to all of your needs

Jaco Catamaran

Featured Catamarans for Charter in Costa Rica

Guanacaste, Los Sueños, Jaco, Manuel Antonio for Charter (15)

Blue Dolphin Catamaran Tamarindo

Catamaran Charter Testimonials

Read all Testimonials

Testimonials Catamaran Costa Rica

" Do not hesitate to book this tour, especially on your first trip to Costa Rica. It’s so much fun and the guys of the crew are absolutely awesome, they made the experience 100x better for me. I got a little sea sick and they were so understanding and helpful, I was so very embarrassed lol. Thank you for your hospitality. After I felt better, we arrived to something I consider magical considering I don’t live very close to anything like that. The views were breathtaking, and the bar tender was on it! Sooo So much fun. The lunch they provided and snacks were A+++..." Nahely, Texas

Testimonials Catamaran Costa Rica

" We had absolutely amazing time! It was very easy to book the trip. They actually picked us up from our hotel. What a wonderful crew- everyone on a catamaran was so friendly and just did everything to male this trip unforgettable for us. The food was outstanding, the drinks as well. We were able to see the dolphins and then we were able to swim in a ocean, and use the slides -it was so much fun! The whole crew was very attentive, they also were following all the safety precautions. We took our 4 and 8 years old kids. So it's definitely kids friendly, they had a ..." Masha T, Toronto

Testimonials Catamaran Costa Rica

" This felt like a luxury! Everything was very clean, and the staff very friendly. We never had an empty drink, the lunch and other food they provided was very delicious. The view was breathtaking. We went snorkeling, got to jump off the top of the boat, and even went down the slides. We had so much fun!! We also met some of the nicest people. To top it off, the photographer got really good pictures of us and only charged us $15 which we found very affordable..." Llewellyn, Washington

Testimonials Catamaran Costa Rica

" This was not my first time on the boat. It was probably my 15th time. This was a special event. I chartered a private cruise for 40 of my closest family and friends in town for my wedding. This was the BEST DAY ON THE Water I have ever had!! The staff was absolutely incredible. They were so attentive and made the day extra special. It was incredibly windy that day. We were nervous about being on the water. But this boat is so big that we did not even feel the the waves. And they hit 6 feet!! Smaller boats would not be able to do this The snorkeling, lunch and sail..." Amanda F, Alaska

Testimonials Catamaran Costa Rica

" We were picked up from the beach at coco on time and by an experienced, welcoming crew on time. Sailed up north to a beautiful beach that has snorkeling, lounging and a cave that has wave action through from the other side of the land spit. Just a magical place. The crew was very clear about what our itinerary would be and what to expect. Lunch after beach as we sailed south was prepared on board. Nothing real fancy but was very tasty and all on board cleaned their plates with many (11 guests, 4 crew) going back for seconds. Then we sailed south to RIU where we were..." Joe Camel, California

Plan your Charter

Each event and celebration is unique and deserves to be celebrated. No matter how many guests you decided to invite, we will ensure that your charter in Costa Rica is absolutely perfect

Weddings Costa Rica

We specialize in Catamaran Charters in Costa Rica and planning your event is our specialty. At The King Catamaran, our team has 20 years of experience managing Catamaran Charters and Catamaran Rentals in every area of Costa Rica. - Randall Duran

Costa Rica Boat Tours

Welcome to The King Catamaran, your premier choice for Costa Rica Catamaran Charters and Boat Tours , conveniently located at Los Suenos. With 25 years of experience in Catamaran Charters and Tours across every area of Costa Rica, planning your event is our specialty. Our Costa Rica Catamaran Charters provide unparalleled privacy, exclusivity, and come with experienced and safe crews. Our Catamarans are fully insured and equipped with great amenities, making us the top option for groups looking to indulge in cruising, catering, entertainment, and water sports under the glorious sun. The diverse selection of Catamaran Charters we offer ensures there's a perfect fit for your needs, and rest assured that all our Costa Rica Catamaran Charters are all-inclusive. Whether you are vacationing in Manuel Antonio Catamaran , Jaco, Guanacaste, Tamarindo, Playas del Coco, Playa Grande, or any other resort in Costa Rica, you have access to our top-notch event planning services. From dream weddings and LGBT weddings to birthday celebrations and corporate events, we make each occasion unique and unforgettable. For the Best Catamaran Tours , we have fishing, snorkeling, paddle-boarding, and access to secluded beaches, along with many more exciting activities. Our Costa Rica Catamaran Tours come with the same benefits of privacy, exclusivity, experienced crews, and safe insured boats and catamarans, all brimming with fantastic amenities. Embark on the best all-inclusive catamaran charters in Costa Rica with The King Catamaran. Many of our packages include fishing, snorkeling, water activities, an open bar, visits to secluded beaches, and exploration of beautiful hidden destinations. Enjoy a perfect blend of relaxation, adventure, and luxury on our unforgettable

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Happy Coco Catamaran Costa Rica

Morning snorkeling catamaran tour info and prices.

Morning Catamaran Pic 2


Happy Coco Catamaran – Morning Sail.

Start at Playa del Coco, glide along the Pacific Ocean taking in the many views of beaches, bays, and Islands of Costa Rica’s Beautiful Gold Coast. 

Keep an eye out for the many marine animals that may pass you by like Dolphins, Turtles, Eagle Rays, Fish and possibly even a whale.   Enjoy a few drinks along the way and we will drop anchor where you can swim, snorkel or hang out and explore on the beach.

We will then serve you some snacks and start making our way back to Playas Del Coco enjoying the beautiful sights of Costa Rica. 

Time – 8:00 am – 12:00 pm – Coco Beach           – 8:30 am – 12:30pm – Hermosa Beach

Time of Tour – 4 hours.

Minimum 12 – People / Maximum 35 people.

Price Includes – Beer, Cocktails, Smoothies, Water, Soft Drinks. Snacks – Various in season fruits, Guacamole, Salsa, Bean dip, Pico da gollo, Chicken wraps.

Meet on Coco Beach near the Dock 10 – 15 minutes Prior to Loading. Meet at Claudio and Gloria Restaurant (Coco) Meet at Hotel Bosque del Mar (Hermosa)  We will take you in our Passenger boat out to the Catamaran  awaiting you in the Bay.

We can coordinate a Pick up at your hotel during Booking confirmation for an additional fee if you need transportation.

Things to Bring: Swimsuit or Shorts, Towel, Comfortable Clothing for hot climate, Cover-up after the sun, Flip Flops, Camera, Bug Repellent, Sun Screen, Sun Glasses, Hat, and Money.

Morning Sail  – $95.00 P.P. USD.

*Please note that the minimum for the morning catamaran tour is 12 people. If we do not reach this minimum we will reach out to you to reschedule.

Sunset Snorkeling Catamaran Tour Info and Prices

Happy Coco Catamaran

Happy Coco Catamaran – Sunset Sail.

We will then serve you some snacks and start making our way back to Playas Del Coco while watching the Beautiful Sunset. 

Time – 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm. Pick Up Coco 1:30 pm / 2:00 pm – Hermosa.  

Minimum 12 – People / Max 35 people.

Meet on Coco Beach near the Dock 10 – 15 minutes Prior to Loading. Meet at Claudio and Gloria Restaurant (Coco) Meet at Hotel Bosque del Mar (Hermosa) We will take you in our Passenger boat out to the Catamaran awaiting you in the Bay.

Sunset Sail  – $95.00 P.P. USD.

*Please note that the minimum for the sunset catamaran tour is 12 people. If we do not reach this minimum we will reach out to you to reschedule.

If you cancel the tour with more than twenty-two (22) days notice there will be no fees owed. If you cancel this tour with less than twenty-two (22) days notice but more than seven (7) days notice, you agree that only 50% of the total will be refunded. If this tour is cancelled with less than seven (7) days notice, you agree that there will be no refund of the funds paid to date. If Alore Sailing Tours finds it necessary to cancel the tour for weather or other reason, there will be no monies owed.

Private Morning Snorkeling Catamaran Tour Info and Prices

Private Morning Catmaran 2

Happy Coco Catamaran – Private Morning Tour

Spend the morning in PARADISE on your private charter with Happy Coco Catamaran , where you will silently glide across the beautiful blue ocean alongside Costa Rica’s Amazing Coast line passing by some of Guanacaste’s most pristine bays, with white, and dark sandy beaches, surrounded by lush tropical jungles.

You will be mesmerized by ocean wildlife sightings of dolphins, sea turtles, Eagle Rays, tropical fish and the occasional breaching whale, while enjoying delicious cold tropical drinks prepared by our experienced crew.

We will drop anchor in a tranquil bay so you can swim or snorkel in the warm blue Pacific Ocean or explore the shoreline taking in the sun and fantastic sights around. While you are enjoying life, our ever helpful crew will prepare a snack of in season fresh local fruit, nacho chips, black bean dip, pico de gallo, guacamole, and salsa.

Whether you are hanging out with friends, planning for a fantastic family outing or looking to organize a business mixer, come on aboard the Happy Coco Catamaran .

Time – 8:00 am – 12:00 pm.

Maximum – 35 people.

For Private Tours we can pick your group up at any of the local beaches (Playa Ocotal, Playas Del Coco, Playa Hermosa or Playa Panama) or in Front of any hotel in the Golf of Papagayo .


1 – 10 people – $1400.00 USD.                         

Over 10 People add $95.00 P.P. USD for the Morning Sail.  

Private Sunset Snorkeling Catamaran Tour Info and Prices

Private Sunset Catamaran 2

Happy Coco Catamaran – Private Sun Set Tour

Spend the afternoon in PARADISE on your private charter with Happy Coco Catamaran , where you will silently glide across the beautiful blue ocean alongside Costa Rica’s Amazing Coast line passing by some of Guanacaste’s most pristine bays, with white, and dark sandy beaches, surrounded by lush tropical jungles.

Whether you are hanging out with friends, planning for a fantastic family outing or looking to organize a business mixer, come on aboard the Happy Coco Catamaran.

Time – 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm.

Over 10 People add $95.00 P.P. USD for the Sun Set Sail.  

Private Snorkeling Catamaran Tour with On Beach BBQ - Info and Prices

Private BBQ Catamaran 2

Happy Coco – Private Catamaran Tour with On Beach BBQ Tour

Spend the good part of the day in PARADISE on your private charter with Happy Coco Catamaran, where you will silently glide across the beautiful blue ocean alongside Costa Rica’s Amazing Coast line passing by some of Guanacaste’s most pristine bays, with white, and dark sandy beaches, surrounded by lush tropical jungles.

We will drop anchor in a tranquil bay so you can swim or snorkel in the warm blue Pacific Ocean or explore the shoreline taking in the sun and fantastic sights around. While you are enjoying life, our ever helpful crew will prepare a wonderful BBQ Chicken, Beef and Sausage Lunch on the Beach Accompanied with Salad, Potato, Beans, Corn, along with in season fresh local fruit, nacho chips, black bean dip, pico de gallo, guacamole, and salsa.

Available Time 9:00 am – 3:00 pm.

Time of Tour – 6 hours.

Maximum –  35 people.

For Private Tours we can pick your group up at any of the local beaches (Playa Ocotal, Playas Del Coco, Playa Hermosa or Playa Panama) or in Front of any hotel in the Golf of Papagayo.


1 – 10 People – $1900.00 USD.  

Over 10 People add – $150.00 P.P USD.

Contact Information

  • Cell / WhatsApp - 1 (506) 6055 - 2238
  • Email - [email protected]
  • Website - www.exclusivetourcostarica.com
  • Playas Del Coco, Costa Rica

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Hola, Welcome to Alore Sailboat, How Can We Help You?

catamaran tour in costa rica

  • Tour Description

Trimaran Dolphin and Whale Watching Tour Manuel Antonio

Family Business.

Established in 1997.

Sunset Cruise Manuel Antonio Costa Rica

Camataran Tours

Sunset Sails

Snorkeling Manuel Antonio

Snorkeling Tour

Sailing in Manuel Antonio Costa Rica

Perfect For Private Tours.

Catamaran Tour & Sailboat Cruise Manuel Antonio Costa Rica

Best price booking directly on our website.

Welcome to the Sunset Sails Tours!    We are the first Catamaran company to operate in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica.   Here at Sunset Sails Tours we focus on customer satisfaction. We strive to perform the best Catamaran Boat Cruise.

The Catamaran Tour in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica with Sunset Sails provides you with  a great adventure for  Snorkeling, Dolphin and Whale watching.

Morning & Afternoon Tour Information

We have two type of tours, a morning and an afternoon.   The morning catamaran tour is from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. while the afternoon sunset catamaran tour is from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.   In both tours, we include transportation, fruits, snacks, drinks, and a lunch or dinner, as well as the snorkeling equipment for adults and children. 

Want to read more about our Morning & Afternoon Catamaran & Sailboat Tour?

Head over to our Tour Description Page

For those who are unfamiliar with a Trimaran, it is very similar to a Catamaran.   In fact the only big difference between the two, is that the Trimaran has a main hull and two smaller outrigger hulls, while a Catamaran has two hulls.  

Enjoying a Catamaran Sunset Tour in Manuel Antonio Costa Rica is the same as being on our 49 ft Trimaran which offers plenty of shade and space for all passengers.

Call Toll Free: 1-888-260-5671

WhatsApp: (506) 62181036

catamaran tour manuel antonio costa rica

snorkeling tour in manuel antonio costa rica

One of the highlights of your tour is snorkeling, while at anchor in a beautiful Jungle Bay. All of your snorkel gear is provided by the crew of Sunset Sails. A guide will lead you to the reef, which is home to many species of beautiful and fascinating fish. If you float cracker crumbs, you’ll be amazed, as schools of fish dart all around you, in a feeding frenzy. Parrotfish, damselfish, sargeant majors, wrasses, puffers and many more beautiful fish abound on the reef. If you have an underwater camera, you might want to bring it with you.

As your boat glides through the water, you will likely encounter Dolphins, which love to swim in our bow wake. Occasional Giant Sea Turtles and whales are a special treat, when they appear.

It is always a thrill to see the reaction from our guests when we encounter dolphins on our Manuel Antonio Coastal Boat Cruise . The dolphins that are most frequently seen are the Spotted Dolphin, Bottlenose Dolphin and Snipper Dolphin.

For those interested in viewing the Humpback Whale, the best time to see this magnificent mammal is from August through the end of October.  We have written an article about our whale watching cruise in Manuel Antonio .

Of course, one of the real highlights of our Sunset Cruise, is the Sunset. As the sun sets into the ocean horizon, it often creates spectacularly beautiful displays of color. It’s a perfect, romantic ending to a beautiful day in “Paradise”.

catamaran tour in manuel antonio costa rica

Whether on our Trimaran or Sailboat, Sunset Sails Tours is your number one choice for a wonderful and relaxing boat tour in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica.  Both of our boats are located in the Marina Pez Vela, which is conveniently located in nearby, downtown Quepos.

Our Van will pick you up at your Hotel or Villa (free transportation is provide in Manuel Antonio and Quepos area), and bring you right to the Marina.  Our 54 ft Sailboat named Camaradien is very popular with Honeymooners and Small Groups who enjoy a more romantic and private experience.  Our 49 ft Trimaran named Lorelei is perfect for larger groups. Both boats offer plenty of space and comfort and are fully equipped with all safety and navigational equipment.

While savoring the delicious food and refreshing drinks, you’ll discover first hand, why Sunset Sails is known for the first class service we provide. It’s all part of insuring that you have a wonderful and memorable cruise.

With over 20 years of experience, the Sunset Sails Crew will ensure you have an unforgettable experience in and on the water. Join us now for your perfect adventure cruise in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica.

Camaradien Sunset Sailing Cruise

The dolphin watching tour around the coast of Quepos and Manuel Antonio can be enjoyed from on board one of our vessels.

Camaradien tours.

catamaran tour in costa rica


Water Slide Trimaran Cruise

Planet Dolphin

Manuel Antonio is on the North and South Humpback Whale migration route

The pioneers and leaders of the whale&dolphin watching excursions in costa rica, breath-taking sunsets, unique experience to finish your day off in costa rica, the best on water adventure, a trip to remember for a lifetime, our boats are awesome. what else really needs to be said, the most romantic setting for the most important event, sustainable tourism providers in manuel antonio and guanacaste costa rica, enjoy tiquicia.

Tom Cat

  • Spanish Dancer


The best trip on the Pacific

Comfort, space and customized quality service.


The best food and drinks

Fresh seafood grilled in the boat. Try our famous fish Brochettes enjoy our selection of local drinks in the hot pacific sun .

tom cat 2 sunset3

More than just a tour

Watch whales and dolphins; explore Manuel Antonio or Flamingo from the sea, snorkel and swim in crystal clear waters all at Planet Dolphin catamaran adventures.


A true gift on vacation

Give yourself and your loved ones a unique gift. Take one of Costa Rica’s most exciting tours experience this remarkable adventure and unforgettable.

Wildlife is an essential part of our trip

Soon you will be in open water and on the lookout for spotted dolphins, migrating humpback whales, sea turtles, and manta rays. You will be captivated by the sight of dolphins frolicking in the boat’s wake, or the inimitable sound of a whale’s song. As we go down the coastline of national wildlife sanctuaries, the mysterious islands, jagged cliffs, and unique rock formations will look almost close enough to reach out and touch. These are the nesting grounds and home for numerous species of marine birds, including pelicans, boobies, magnificent frigates, and white ibises. We offer 2 main destinations in Costa Rica in the central pacific at Manuel Antonio and in the north pacific Flamingo and Tamarindo Guanacaste.

We have the safest funest boats in the Pacific of Costa Rica

Wildlife costa rica.

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  • Sustainable Conservation Projects

Costa Rica Eco Friendly


Don’t just take our word for it

“ My family and friend had a blast. We saw so many Dolphins. The view was fantastic and the crew were very helpful and friendly. The slide was AWESOME, you go fast off the slide. It was a great experience. Costa Rica is Spectacular. I LOVE this boat ride. TOM CAT ROCKS ” Georgia, Arizona USA
“ Such a wonderful outing on the ocean in Costa Rica. Our two families of 4 had a great time! The crew was ever so friendly & knowledgeable. Would recommend this boat trip to friends for sure! ” The Rokowy Family Netherlands
“ Thanks for making this sunset cruise so much fun. Great fun staff, beautiful settings and excellent food. Was such a nice surprise to see so many dolphins. ” Carrie Flynn England

Quepos & Flamingo – Costa Rica

  • Reservations
  • Planet Dolphin Video

QUEPOS: Office: (506) 2777-1647 Whatsapp: (506) 8417-6449 FLAMINGO: Whatsapp: (506) 6028-8250

How to get here

Cámara De Comercio

© 2024 Planet Dolphin.

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  • Weather in Manuel Antonio
  • Sand & Sea Combo
  • Canopy & Catamaran Eco Adventure
  • Full Day Chasing Waterfalls “Off the Beaten Path”
  • Eco Chontales Waterfall Experience with Blue Clay
  • Full Day Nauyaca Waterfall
  • Private Ground Transfer Countrywide
  • Rent a Cars in Costa Rica
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  2. THE TOP 10 Costa Rica Catamaran Cruises (Prices from $83)

    from. $95.00. Likely to Sell Out. All Inclusive Catamaran Eco Adventure from Manuel Antonio. 331. Sail along the coastline of Manuel Antonio National Park on this half-day tour from Quepos. Onboard a catamaran, cruise to snorkeling and swimming spots in Biesanz Bay and spot marine life in its natural environment.

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  8. Playa Flamingo, Costa Rica Catamaran Tours

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  9. Sunset Cruise Costa Rica

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  10. Catamaran Adventures

    The best catamaran adventure in Manuel Antonio and Costa Rica! The catamaran sails in the Marino Pez Vela bay, in Quepos, where you can leave your vehicle and enjoy the relaxing tour . View Map ... Send . Contact us today and reserve your space now on the Ocean King, the biggest, safest and most fun Catamaran in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica (506 ...

  11. Costa Rica Catamaran Tours & Boat Tours

    Catamaran tours are a pleasant mix of leisure and diversion. In addition to sailing, they often include swimming, snorkeling, and kayaking. 1-888-456-3212. ... Set in Costa Rica's Northern Lowlands near the base of the Arenal Volcano, the scenery for this tour couldn't be any more beautiful. Explore Tour.

  12. Sunset Catamaran Tour in Costa Rica!

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  13. Home Page

    Happy Coco Catamaran - Private Morning Tour. Description. Spend the morning in PARADISE on your private charter with Happy Coco Catamaran, where you will silently glide across the beautiful blue ocean alongside Costa Rica's Amazing Coast line passing by some of Guanacaste's most pristine bays, with white, and dark sandy beaches, surrounded by lush tropical jungles.

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    8:30 AM - 4:00 PM. Write a review. See all photos. About. Welcome to Catamaran Ocean Tours. Daily catamaran sailing adventures in Playas del Coco, Costa Rica, with a ton of fun. Open-bar, snorkelling and the smoothest sailing experience in Costa Rica. We pick up directly from the beach of the Riu Resorts, and from the beach of Playas del Coco.

  17. Catamaran Tours

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  18. Catamaran Tours Costa rica

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    Our Costa Rica Catamaran Tours come with the same benefits of privacy, exclusivity, experienced crews, and safe insured boats and catamarans, all brimming with fantastic amenities. Embark on the best all-inclusive catamaran charters in Costa Rica with The King Catamaran. Many of our packages include fishing, snorkeling, water activities, ...

  22. Happy Coco Catamaran Tours

    Morning Snorkeling Catamaran Tour Info and Prices. Start at Playa del Coco, glide along the Pacific Ocean taking in the many views of beaches, bays, and Islands of Costa Rica's Beautiful Gold Coast. Keep an eye out for the many marine animals that may pass you by like Dolphins, Turtles, Eagle Rays, Fish and possibly even a whale.

  23. Catamaran & Sailboat Tours Manuel Antonio Costa Rica

    Enjoying a Catamaran Sunset Tour in Manuel Antonio Costa Rica is the same as being on our 49 ft Trimaran which offers plenty of shade and space for all passengers. Call Toll Free: 1-888-260-5671. WhatsApp: (506) 62181036. One of the highlights of your tour is snorkeling, while at anchor in a beautiful Jungle Bay.

  24. Costa Rica Quepos Manuel Antonio and GuanacasteSailing Catamaran Tour

    We offer 2 main destinations in Costa Rica in the central pacific at Manuel Antonio and in the north pacific Flamingo and Tamarindo Guanacaste. Book this Trip. Planet Dolphin Catamaran -Manuel Antonio,CR - YouTube. Planet Dolphin Catamaran -Manuel Antonio,CR.