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Your 2024 Guide to Nautical Flag Etiquette

Ever wonder why there are so many boat flags ? How do the sailors know which flag to put first and when? Nautical flag etiquette is an essential part of sailing. The seven most common types of boat flags are Skin Diver flags , Storm Warning flags , Coast Guard boat flags , US Jack flags , Maritime flags and Pennants, Yacht Ensign & Officer flags , and most importantly the International Code Signal flags .

Code signal flags and are frequently used by boats to send messages to other boats. They are made with a sequence of twenty-six square flags that represent a letter of the nautical alphabet. Ten numbered flags, one answering pendant, and three repeaters also form part of the nautical flag sequence.

As with most yesteryear traditions, the popularity of boat flags as a common communication tool is slowly reducing with the introduction of technology. This does not mean that we should discard this sacred tradition.

The world of nautical flags is broad, and we cannot possibly cover them all in this article. Navies, yachts and fishing boats have variations in the meaning of some flags.

While the need for nautical flags might be dwindling in the boating world, they are still pleasing to the eye. Learning when to use nautical flags and how to use them is a skill every sailor and thalassophile should have. Not only is it essential for safety reasons, but boat flags can also a lot of fun. Take a gander at our fun maritime flags and pennants !

Word of the Day: A thalassophile is someone that loves the sea!

This article will teach you the hows and whens of nautical flag etiquette. We will also provide you with a glossary of terms because, let's face it, some boating terms are pretty confusing even for a seasoned sailor.

So put your best sailor's cap on and join us on this great sea signal voyage.

What is Nautical Flag Etiquette?

Glossary of flag terms, flag courtesies.

As silly as it might seem, boat flag etiquette is crucial. In a worst-case scenario, it could mean the difference between life and death. Generally speaking, the nautical flag etiquette is a combination of years of maritime tradition and laws that help boats communicate messages to each other.

Different countries have varying legal requirements that should be observed for boats that enter and leave their waters or ports. So it is helpful to be mindful of sailing the vessel’s legal obligation for various countries. No one likes to pay a fine for something as simple as forgetting or putting up the wrong flag signal.

As we have stated before, the world of boating is vast and sometimes confusing. The terminology used is pretty unique. The key to understanding nautical etiquette is to know what everyone is talking about first.

Even professional sailors don't always get it right. So to help you brush up on your boating terms, we've put together this glossary with definitions. We hope this will help you to understand the nautical phrases that we will use in this article.

ABAFT - refers to the rear end or stern of a ship

AFT – means towards stern of the boat (the back of the boat)

ASTERN – it means to go towards the back of the boat

BOW - refers to the front of the ship

BUTT DIAMETER - is the width of the bottom of the flagpole.

CANTON - the rectangular part of a flag, usually at the top hoist corner of a flag, which occupies about a quarter of the total surface area of the flag

CLOSE UP - it means that the flags are now fully hoisted

COLORS - refers to the raising and taking down of the flags at 8:00 am and at sunset, respectively

COURTESY FLAG - is the national flag of the country that a boat is entering. Ex: Boats entering the United States would display an American flag as a courtesy flag.

DIP - means to lower a flag by turning it forward from an upright position to 45° or horizontal as a sign of deference or respect

ENSIGN - means a flag showing nationality of the boat, i.e. the country where the boat is registered. Ex:

  • The Red Ensign can be flown by a merchant vessel
  • The White Ensign can be flown by war or naval ships
  • The Blue Ensign can be flown by public or government vessels
  • The Civil Ensign is flown by civilian vessels
  • The Yacht Ensign is flown by yachts and is typically the largest flag on board; the flag may be flown at stern staff
  • The USPS ensign is flown by the United States Power Squadrons and is flown to signal that the boat is commanded by an active member of the USPS.

FLAG STAFF AT THE STERN - a pole at the stern/ back of the ship where the ship's country of registry flags is flown

FLY - refers to the length of the flag, measured from the heading to the fly end

GAFF - is a rig that extends from the flagpole that allows for more flags to be hoisted, which usually rises at an angle and represents the mast of a ship

HALYARD - rope or stainless steel cable used to hoist and lower flags

HOIST - the raising of flags

HOIST END - the edge of the flag that is closest to the flagpole

HOUSE FLAG - refers to the emblem that shows the company or commercial house that a merchant ship belongs to and also refers to a yacht owner's personal flag

INTERCO - stands for the International Code of Signals used in the maritime system

JACK - mean the additional national flags flown by warships (and certain other vessels) at the head of the shi

MASTHEAD - is the tallest part of a ship's mast or the lower section of a mast

NAUTICAL –refers to everything associated with maritime travel

NAUTICAL FLAGPOLE --refers to a flagpole with a yardarm and or gaff

PENNANT - is a triangular-shaped flag

PRATIQUE - refers to the license or permission to use a port from the host country

STARBOARD - is the right-hand side of the boat when you are facing the bow.

STARBOARD SPREADER - is the most forward part on the mast (if there is more than one) where the courtesy and q flags are flown

STEM – refers to the most forward part of the bow

STERN – refers to the back of the boat

STERN LINE – is the docking line that comes from the stern

TACK LINE - is the length of the halyard; it's used to separate the group of flags

UNDERWAY – means a vessel in motion

YARDARM - refers to the horizontally mounted and tapered pole attached to a flagpole to create a "t" or a cross

Now that we are familiar with some common terminology used in nautical language, let's move on to the order in which the flags must be arranged in terms of nautical flag etiquette rules.

This order is universal across the globe. We must follow the order to avoid confusing other ships. The flag with the highest honor should be flown at the highest point.

The order is as follows:

  • Gaff (reserved for the national ensign/ country flag)
  • Flagstaff at the stern
  • Starboard yardarm (Halyard)
  • Truck of mast (masthead)
  • Port yardarm (Halyard)

First, we need to establish the system that governs these nautical flag rules. INTERCO is the International Code of Signals. The system is used worldwide to communicate nautical messages related to navigation, safety, and maritime.

Signal flags like the ones we are discussing in this article form part of INTERCO's signals. The other signals include radiotelegraphs or radiotelephones, ALDIS lamps, hand signals and some sound signals to name a few.

Knowing and understanding the basics of the INTERCO signaling system is extremely important for anyone interested in sailing. Whether privately or otherwise.

The National Ensign/Flag

Let's talk about nautical etiquette rules that apply for the most critical flag signal, the national ensign.

The U.S. national ensign is the preferred flag for all U.S. vessels. This ensign is also known as the “50-star of “Old Glory.” This is also the preferred ensign for yachts, especially when sailing in international or foreign waters.

Great honor is given to the national flag of the country in which the ship is registered. On the order of positioning for the flags, the national ensign is given that most senior position; the gaff. If your boat does not have a gaff, then you should fly the ensign from the flagstaff at your boat's stern.

The second rule is that you can fly no other flag above the national ensign on the same halyard. Additionally, the Jack and the National Ensign should not be hoisted together. The Jack is only hoisted when the ship is at anchor or made fast to the shore or to buoy, never when the ship is underway, when the last line is cast off, and when the anchor is aweigh. We do not recommend hoisting the Jack for recreational purposes.

The scenarios where a national ensign should be flown include:

  • When dressing the ship
  • When occupying foreign waters during the daylight hours
  • When moving along a foreign port or a combat ship (man of war)

The Courtesy Flag

Flying the courtesy flag is a centuries-old tradition that is still relevant in these modern times. The act of flying a foreign nation's flag as your ship passes through or enters its waters is not only a sign of respect, it is an essential etiquette to observe. While there is no legal requirement to fly a courtesy flag, it is a polite custom to which you should adhere.

The only legal requirement for vessels in foreign water is to fly the red ensign flag.

Where does the courtesy flag fly? As per tradition, the courtesy flag is flown at the starboard spreader. If your boat has more than one mast, you must fly the courtesy flag from the forward most mast. The courtesy flag is tied and hoisted after the authorities have granted your vessel clearance to enter their space.

Key rules for courtesy flag etiquette include:

  • Never fly the national ensign and the courtesy flag on the same mast because that will be interpreted as a sign of you are challenging the foreign nation's authority
  • Never fly a courtesy flag that is in terrible condition; this is a sign of disrespect
  • If you have guests on your boat that are of another nationality, then you should also fly their national flags as a courtesy, but never on the same mast
  • When you return to your home country, always take down the foreign country's flag

Additional courtesy flag etiquette includes:

  • If your boat is mastless, then the courtesy flag can replace any flag which is normally flown at the bow of the boat
  • If your boat has a mast with a spreader, the courtesy flag is flown at the starboard spreader

However, you must keep in mind that these rules or traditions vary from one country to another, so always make sure that you look for the correct information.

Nautical Flag Etiquette Entering a Foreign Port

The Q flag is the first flag that you must raise when entering foreign waters or a foreign port. It signals to the port authorities that your ship is healthy and you require free practice.

We always fly the Q flag in international waters before customs clears you for entry. After clearing, you then replace the Q flag with the courtesy flag. You often fly the Q flag on the starboard yardarm.

Dressing the Ship

Certain occasions require that your vessel be decked up with all the flags that it can hold. We call this dressing the ship.

It is reserved for special occasions such as public holidays or when the ship is beginning its maiden or last voyage. Dressing the ship is only done when the ship is not underway.

The ship's full splendor will be on display, so this is the time to have fun. The dressing begins at 08.00 am at anchor unless it is the ship's maiden or last voyage, then the dressing can occur at sea.

The national ensign is first. All the other flags will follow, lining up from the waterline forward to the waterline after using the stem or bowsprit end and the masthead.

We have barely scratched the surface of all the rules and customs you need to follow to observe proper nautical flag etiquette. However, we hope that we have simplified some of the most important customs in maritime tradition. Hopefully, the next time you are on a boat, you will understand the meaning of the signals and flags better. Happy sailing!

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Racing Signals: Sailing Flag Meanings

Racing Signals: Sailing Flag Meanings | Life of Sailing

Last Updated by

Gabriel Hannon

August 30, 2022

Where other competitions have umpires and referees right next to the players, sailing race committees have to rely on flags to communicate with sailors.

In this article, we are going to explain the meanings of all the flags used at regattas to communicate with sailors. The flags can give information about starting procedures, course information, and on-the-water judging, so a basic understanding is a crucial part of general seamanship.

While nautical flags all have defined meanings in a historical context, they have very specific meanings in the context of racing competition. For instance, in the general nautical world, the Z-flag means that you are in distress and are in need of a tow or relief from a tug boat. At a regatta, the race committee may fly the Z-flag to indicate an additional penalty for any boat that has crossed the line early. Moreover, even though there are certain flags that have well-defined roles, race committees may stipulate additional meanings or introduce new flags via an announcement in the sailing instructions for the event, so we will cover some of these more common changes as well. We will break down the meanings into the various categories of usage.

A secret that I have learned over many years of regattas at every level from proverbial ‘beer-can’ races to national championships is that, as well as both you and the race committee can recite the racing flag rules on land, someone is always going to make a mistake or misunderstand these symbols. That is why I will be going through the official flag meanings and rules from the Racing Rules of Sailing for 2021-2024 to clarify any questions that you might have when the race committee flies a flag that hasn’t been seen since we used Clipper Ships to cross the oceans. Hopefully this article will help break down all the most common signals so that when your friend turns to you and asks ‘is that the flag that tells us it's time to go in,’ you’ll be able to help out!

Table of contents

‍ Flags at the Start

The start of a race is often the most confusing part of a regatta and is where the most flags must be used. We will be going over the rules for the flags at a basic 5-minute start. These can be modified for 3-minute dinghy starts, 5-minute match race starts, 6-minute Olympic starts, or 10-minute big boat starts, but the same logic applies.

A few flags are crucial to set everything up on the starting line prior to the starting sequence.


To begin, the race committee must have an Orange Flag visibly displayed, as this demarks the exact location on the boat from which the line is called. If there is a pin boat, they will often fly an Orange Flag as well, but if it is just a buoy, then the buoy serves as the other end of the line.


Next, the RC will additionally fly the L Flag if they are ready for competitors to check-in at the beginning of the race day. This helps them confirm that everyone is sailing under the correct sail number, which is often a logistical nightmare. They will blow one horn when raising this flag. If this flag is raised at any point later in the day, it is meant to tell competitors to come by the committee boat again.


Finally, the AP Flag is a general purpose postponement flag. The race committee may raise this on land to indicate that the harbor start has been delayed or on the water to indicate that there will be a delay in the starts. While there are other flags that are used for abandonment situations, particularly the N Flag, the AP is commonly used in informal situations. Two sounds accompany the raising of the AP, and it can be said that competitors are ‘under AP’ until it is dropped, along with one sound. If it is dropped on land, competitors may immediately launch. If it is dropped on the water, the next start may begin in as little as one minute.


The final note with the AP Flag is that the race committee may indicate the end of racing for the day by flying ‘AP over A.’ Again, the AP could technically be replaced with the blue and white checkerboarded N Flag, but the two serve very similar purposes at most levels.

Starting Flags


Once the race committee is set up and everyone is ready to go sailing, the next task is to get the right fleets to the starting line for their start. At the warning signal, one loud horn that indicates that the 5-minute countdown to the start has begun, the race committee will raise some type of Class Flag that indicates which type of boat will be starting. Above we have the different class flags for the different competition rigs for the ILCA-Dinghy, formerly known as the Laser, which would be raised to indicate which rig is starting.


This is a convention even if there is only one class on the water. Sometimes this is replaced with raising the Orange Flag itself, or some other flag as laid out in the sailing instructions. Often classes have been assigned a numeral pennant, of which 1-4 are displayed above, in place of the highly specific Class Flags. Still, some flag of this nature goes up at 5-minutes and remains up until go, at which point it is dropped.


At 4-minutes, the RC will sound another horn, known as the preparatory signal, and raise some combination of the above flags.

The P Flag is always required to go up, and it is simply the ‘Prep Flag,’ which signals to the racers that they need to get serious about the race. Once the P Flag is raised, all the right-of-way rules that apply during the start switch on and racers, particularly in team and match racing, are allowed to begin tactically engaging with each other (though in team racing this would happen at minute 2 of the 3-minute start). Moreover, racers can talk with their coaches until the prep signal, and race committees may alter the course up until this moment. Afterwards, all coaching is banned and all course changes on the current leg are not allowed. This belies the fact that a 5-minute starting sequence is actually a 4-minute sequence with a warning signal at 5-minutes, but that is a purely semantic detail.

Depending on how rowdy the competitors are, the race committee may raise any combination of the I, Z, U, or Black Flags. Each of these flags deals with boats that start ‘on-course side’ (OCS), essentially a false start for sailing. If any of these flags is raised, a boat is not allowed to be anywhere within the triangle formed by the starting line and the first mark of the course after the 1-minute signal during the start. These flags essentially help the RC ensure that they can get off a clean start and ensure that they can identify any boats that are OCS at go. When they are flown, the following penalties are added beyond requiring a boat to clear itself by dipping back under the line:

  • I Flag: Conventionally referred to as the ‘one-minute rule,’ this requires that any boat over the line after a minute also has to sail around an end of the line in order to start the race fairly. This punishes a boat for being over by potentially making it a little harder to clear themselves if they are over on a large line.
  • Z Flag: Often flown in combination with the I Flag, this flag adds that any boat that is OCS will get a 20% penalty on top of their score in that race, regardless of whether they clear themselves or not. This further hurts any boat that is ‘pushing the line’ by ensuring that even if they manage to clear themselves and come back, they will still see an impact on their scoreline that is equivalent to immediately being passed by 20% of the fleet.
  • U Flag: Now we’re getting into harsh territory. When the RC is really trying to brush the fleet back off the plate, this flag immediately disqualifies a boat that is over after a minute with no course for redress. If these boats are identified, they tend to be told to stop sailing the race by a notice board at the top mark.
  • Black Flag: The black flag serves a very similar purpose to the U Flag, except it is a step harsher. It disqualifies you after a minute and even prevents you from sailing in a restart of the race or a race abandoned halfway through.

The I Flag is by far the most common flag, and is often effective at keeping boats from being over. The U Flag rule was introduced in 2013 as an option and formally codified in the Racing Rules in 2017 and is massively more popular than the Black Flag, which is considered overly punitive. In particular, when many sailors are over in a Black Flag start, such that the RC cannot determine who was over, they are forced to make unfair decisions that carry over to the restart, so the U is now almost universally used in its place. Additionally, as the U has become more popular, people tend to shy away from the Z flag, which is considered cumbersome for scorers and confusing to sailors.

In general, while these flags are supposed to be raised in conjunction with the P Flag, often the RC will only raise the most punitive of the flags, as any of them can essentially be considered as a prep flag.

As the starting sequence continues, any prep flag(s) raised must be lowered at the 1-minute signal. The class flag is then lowered at go, leading to the next category of flags: Recall Flags

Recall Flags

After the pain of raising and lowering all those start flags, the RC then has three possible jobs. If the start is clean, they shout ‘All Clear!’ and can then relax until they have to start another race or record finishes for the race in progress. Unfortunately, this is often not the case, as they likely will need to ‘recall’ certain competitors for being ‘OCS,’ i.e. false starting. They have two choices here.


If only a few, easily-identifiable boats have started early, the RC will raise the X Flag along with a single sound in what is referred to as an individual recall. This indicates to the boats on the course that there are some competitors who are currently OCS and must clear themselves. If the I Flag had been flown for the start, competitors have to round an end; if not, they can just dip back behind the starting line and restart from there.

While the X is suitable on its own to inform a boat that it has been called over, it is an oft practiced courtesy for the RC to hail an OCS boat’s sail number over a megaphone, a radio, or other transmission device. The X Flag is dropped when all OCS boats have cleared themselves or after 4 minutes from go, whichever comes first.


If more boats than can be easily identified are called over, the RC can blow two horns and fly the First Substitute Flag, indicating a general recall. In this case, the race is fully reset and the committee will initiate another entire starting sequence for that fleet. After a general recall, the RC will often, but not always employ the next level of penalty flag for the restart in an attempt to get the race off cleanly.

Sometimes, as in college sailing or as stipulated by other sailing instructions, any general recall immediately implies the I Flag for the next sequence if it had not been flown previously. As such, the RC does not necessarily have to fly the I if it is unavailable. Still, such stipulations are almost always written out explicitly for a given event and are often accompanied by a verbal announcement as a courtesy.

Still, outside some usages of the AP or N Flags to abandon or delay starts already in sequence, these are all the flags that deal with general housekeeping and the starting sequence.

While Underway

While the starting flags are by far the most complicated of the flag rules, there are still other flags to keep track of while racing. The first among these are...

Course Change Flags

Although course changes are relatively rare, race committees often pull them out when conditions change substantially during races or if there has been a problem with one of the marks.


When wind or time constraints require, the race committee may send an official to any mark of the course that no boat has yet rounded and have it raise the S Flag along with two sounds. This indicates that the fleet shall finish at that mark, cutting off the race earlier than written in the sailing instructions.


In the case of any other change to the course, such as a minor adjustment to the angle or distance of an upcoming leg, a race committee boat will go to the preceding mark and raise the C Flag along with repeated sounds.

This is sometimes accompanied by a Red Square or a Green Triangle to indicate that the mark has been moved to port or starboard respectively. Although during less formal events, you can change the positions of any marks so long as there are no competitors currently sailing on that leg of the course, it is considered poor form if at all possible to inform competitors, particularly in longer races. Sailors make decisions based on the position of the marks, and if this has been changed without them noticing, that can drastically affect the outcomes of strategic decisions, so in large competitions the C Flag is a must.


If, meanwhile, something odd has happened to a mark of the course, any official boat may fly the M Flag with repeated signals. This serves to inform the competitors that they have become a replacement for the missing mark. This is relatively uncommon, but anchors do occasionally snap on marks, so it is always good to have a support boat with the M if possible.


Finally, as mentioned before, if conditions have deteriorated to the point that a race is considered no longer possible, due to lack of wind, fear of foul weather, or some form of interference -- I’ve seen it happen because cruise ships wanted to pass through a dinghy course, and you don’t say no to them -- the race committee may abandon the race using the N Flag. Still, this flag is relatively rare as you will often see the AP in its place for convenience, as they are functionally similar.

Miscellaneous Flags

While we have covered the bulk of the flags necessary for racing at any level, there are a few more flags from across different disciplines and classes that are worth mentioning, if only to let you in on these quirky parts of the racing world! This starts with what one could reasonably call…

The Cheating Flag


Calling the O Flag the cheating flag is certainly a bit of a misnomer. The O Flag does, however, suspend Rule 42 of the Racing Rules of Sailing. Rule 42 is particularly notorious, as it bans pumping, rocking, ooching, sculling, and excessive maneuvering, all of which are methods to make your boat go substantially faster. While Rule 42 is worth an article in and of itself, the larger point is that it is meant to keep anyone from gaining an unfair advantage over their competitors.

Certain competitive classes, however, including the Olympic class 470s and Finns and many of the new foiling fleets, allow competitors to ignore Rule 42 in certain conditions, typically in heavy breezes that are referred to as ‘planing’ conditions. There are differences across the classes, but whenever it is allowed and the RC flies the O Flag, Rule 42 is switched off and competitors can ooch, pump, rock, and tack their boats all around the racecourse. This allows for a much more physical style of sailing and is a rule that many different classes and sectors of sailing are beginning to consider.


If conditions no longer meet the threshold for that class’s rules regarding suspension of Rule 42, an official boat will raise the R Flag at some point during the race. They can only do so at a mark of the course so that it is fair to all the competitors throughout the fleet. This is relatively rare, and is normally done between races, but is still a key part of the O Flag rule.

Judge and Umpire Flags

On the topic of Rule 42, there are certain fouls in sailing that can be actively enforced on the water by judges or umpires, depending on the context.

Rule 42 is enforced by judges with a Yellow Flag, which they will point at an offending boat along with a sound signal and a direct sail number hail. That boat may clear themselves from their first Yellow Flag by taking their two-turn penalty, but, unless otherwise noted in the sailing instructions, any subsequent violation can entail disqualification.

Finally, certain levels of modern match and team racing, with the addition of high-performance racing like SailGP, have full on-the-water umpires who actively follow the racing to make calls on fouls and other plays. While this is not the spot to go through the intricacies of team and match race calls, the basic gist is as follows.

In any interaction, any boat involved in the race may call in the umpires if they believe that their opponent has fouled them. If the opponent clears themselves quickly, essentially admitting fault, the umpires will not get involved. If no boats clear themselves, the umpire has to make a call on whether there has been a foul. If they determine that the maneuvers were clean, they will make one sound and fly a Green Flag, thus exonerating all boats in the interaction. If they determine there was a foul, they will fly a Red Flag with a singular sound and hail the offending boat.

Beyond that, if a boat is found to have broken a rule not related to an interaction, the umpires may come in and fly the Red Flag without being directly invited into the situation. Further, if a boat is found to be in violation of sportsmanship or refuses to take a penalty as assessed by an umpire, the umpire may fly a Black Flag, disqualifying them from the race.

While there are differences at each event and in each discipline, these general guidelines are followed in most umpired races, with specific flags used at various events, generally depending on availability.

With that, we have made it from land, through the start, a few general recalls, all the way to umpire flags! I hope this has helped you get a grasp of the various flags used across sailing. While this has not scratched the specifics of the various alterations made for kiteboards and windsurfers, nor some of the annoyances of protest flags and more, we have gone through the bulk of regularly used race committee and umpire signals.

The ‘Wear Your Life Jacket!’ Flag


Finally, we have a safety flag. At big boat regattas, the race committee may, if it chooses, fly the Y Flag at any point prior to a start to inform competitors that they must wear personal floatation devices, which is not always strictly necessary.

The Most Important Flag

While I wish I could tell you that everyone uses their flags properly and accompanies them with the proper timing and sound signals, that is far from the truth. Everyone’s flag set is slightly incomplete or out of date, and invariably there is going to be a miscommunication somewhere, where the race committee forgets to put the I Flag up but really should have; I’ve certainly done that a time or two. Still, there’s nothing quite like being on the water, so, despite the endless mutual griping between racers and their race committees, hopefully everyone comes back to shore flying the ‘Happy Flag.’

Happy sailing!

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I have been sailing since I was 7 years old. Since then I've been a US sailing certified instructor for over 8 years, raced at every level of one-design and college sailing in fleet, team, and match racing, and love sharing my knowledge of sailing with others!

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Flag etiquette has been transmitted to us by generations of mariners. Although not often appropriately respected these days, especially not by charterers, we might add, observing flag etiquette can provide some pride of perpetuating a very old tradition as well as some fun. We will not get into deep details and purist fanaticism. However, we will try to show charterers the minimum that is expected for basic respect of rules.

Therefore, we will only talk here about 4 main flags, potentially used by charterers and charter boat owners: the Ensign or the National flag; the club burgee; the Private Signal; and the Courtesy Flags.

Boats should fly the National Flag. Most pleasure boats in US waters have a choice of 2.

The yacht ensign, with its fouled anchor over a circle of 13 stars, the "Betsy Ross" flag. Originally restricted to documented vessels only, it is now commonly flown on recreational boats of all types and sizes instead of the National Flag (see picture).

The 50-star flag "Old Glory" you are familiar with.

The appropriate time to fly the ensign is from 0800 to sunset, except when racing. It is also important to take the flag down prior to leaving the yacht if the ship will be unmanned at the time of sunset.

However, whenever a boat is taken into international or foreign waters, the 50-star U.S. ensign is the proper flag to fly and the yacht ensign cannot to be displayed . In other words, if you own a US boat in the British Virgin Islands, you should not fly the Ensign, but the National Flag.

Boats today fly the ensign from the stern, which provides the best visibility, but it can also be flown from the leech of the most aftersail. When flown from the stern, it should be on a staff (pole) that is sufficiently long and angled, and that is offset to one side (traditionally the starboard side), so the flag flies clear of engine exhaust and rigging.

It is a small flag displaying the symbol of the skipper's yacht club or other sailing organization. It may be flown day and night.

Most people opt to fly the burgee lower in the rig, hoisted to the end of the lowest starboard spreader on a thin flag halyard. While purists rail this practice, it is an accepted adaptation of another tradition, which is that the starboard rigging is a position of honor (when you visit a foreign port, that's where we fly the host country's flag). Besides being reasonable, flying the burgee in the starboard rigging is such a widespread custom that to try to end it would be close to impossible.

Private Signal

It is a small, custom-designed and custom-made flag that carries symbols standing for the owner, so it can basically be anything. The signal may be flown day or night, but is not displayed when another sailor is in command. (The rule is: the private signal and burgee follow the sailor, not the boat.)

On a multi-masted boat, the private signal is flown at the head of the aftermost mast. On a sloop, the private signal may be flown from the starboard rigging, either below the burgee or alone.

Courtesy Flags

As a matter of courtesy, it is appropriate to fly the flag of a foreign nation on your boat when you enter and operate on its waters. There are only a limited number of positions from which flags may be displayed. Therefore, when a flag of another nation is flown, it usually must displace one of the flags displayed in home waters. However, it is hoisted only after the appropriate authorities have granted clearance. Until clearance is obtained, a boat must fly the yellow "Q" flag . All charter boats should carry the national flags of neighboring islands as well as the yellow flag, in case charterers want to visit those islands.

The courtesy flag is flown at the boat's starboard spreader, whether the United States ensign is at the stern staff, or flown from the leech. If there is more than one mast, the courtesy flag is flown from the starboard spreader of the forward mast.

As a side note, some authorities are not amused at all if you fly their courtesy flag using an old, raggy flag. Some will even fine you for disrespect! It happened to a friend of mine who was chartering in Turkey.

Lastly, it is also a common courtesy to fly the national flag(s) of your guest(s) on board, if they have a different nationality than the ensign is showing.

Flags' Dimensions

Flags come in standardized sizes, but there are guidelines about selecting the proper size for your boat.

The size of a nautical flag is determined by the size of the boat that flies it. Flags are more often too small than too large. So in the rules below, round upward to the nearestlarger standard size.

The flag at the stern of your boat: U.S. ensign or national flag should be about one inch for each foot of overall length. For example, on a 40ft. boat, the ensign should be 40 in. i.e. about 3.5ft.

Other flags, such as club burgees, private signals and courtesy flags used on sailboats should be approximately 1/2 inch for each foot of the highest mast above the water. For example, on a 30ft. boat, with 50ft. between the masthead and the water, the burgee should be about 25 in. The shape and proportions of pennants and burgees will be prescribed by the organization which they relate to.

Raising and Lowering Flags

Fly the ensign from morning (8:00 a.m.) to evening (sunset) whether the boat is at rest, under sail, or under power. The exception to this rule is: The ensign is not flown by a boat in a race, which signals to other boats that you are racing.

To prevent wear and tear, the flag may not be flown when out of sight of other vessels or when nobody is aboard. The flag is flown while entering or leaving a port, even at night. For purists: In the morning, the ensign is hoisted rapidly before other flags. In the evening, it is lowered slowly and with ceremony after other flags come down.

Additional sources:  Seaflags

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yacht flag rules

Boats & Flags: 11 Answers You Should Know (For Beginners)

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The flags on a boat can signify many different things.

Mostly, they can seem confusing to a layperson or a new boater.

Flying the wrong flag at the wrong position can confuse other boaters and result in a fine!

Here’s what you need to know about how and when you can use flags on a boat:

Table of Contents

yacht flag rules

1. What Are The Main Types Of Flags Flown On Boats?

On any non-commercial vessel, you can usually find these four different types of flags:

  • Ensign – a variety of national flag
  • Burgee – a flag representing a boating organization
  • Private Signal – a small custom-made flag for the boat owner
  • Courtesy – the flag of a foreign country for an onboard guest or when you are in foreign waters

2. What is an Ensign Flag, and When Do I Use It?

An ensign is a flag from the nation from which the boater originates.

They are slightly different from their national flags. Ensign flags used to be restricted to documented vessels only.

Now it is common courtesy to fly the national flag on all types of recreational boats.

It is proper etiquette to only fly ensign flags from 0800 to sunset unless you’re in a boat race outside those hours. It is also important to take this flag down before leaving your boat if it is unmanned at sunset.

If you take your boat into international waters, you should fly your national flag. These days ensign flags are flown off of the stern.

If you do this, make sure it is on a staff-pole and that the pole is long and angled.

If you offset it to one side (like the starboard side), it’ll fly clear of the engine’s exhaust.

This will also keep it clear from the rigging.

3. What is a Burgee Flag, and When Do I use That?

A burgee flag is a small flag with the skipper’s sailing organization or yacht club on it.

It follows the skipper from boat to boat. These are flown day and night.

Traditionally, sailing vessels hoisted these flags on a “pigstick” at the top of the highest mast.  Because of instruments that are often at the top of the mast, it is more common to hoist a burgee on a spreader halyard. 

Of course, this is the modern way to fly it.

The starboard rigging is known as a place of honor (when it comes to flags). That’s why you fly the host country’s flag there when visiting a foreign port.

4. What is a Private Signal, and When Do we use Those?

These are small flags that are custom designed (and custom made) specifically for the boat owner.

It’s flown day and night but is only flown when the owner is in command of the boat.

If a different sailor is in command, they are to fly their own private signal.

Private signals are flown at the aftermost mast’s head (if you have a multi-mast boat). On a sloop, fly private signals on starboard rigging, below the burgee.

Unless you don’t have a burgee, then you can fly it alone.

5. What’s a Courtesy Flag, and When Do I Fly That?

Courtesy flags are flown when you are in a foreign nation’s waters.

It also comes into play when you have someone from a foreign country on your vessel.

You can only fly a courtesy flag if certain conditions are met:

  • Only after authorities from the country have granted you clearance.
  • After you remove your yellow “Q” flag.
  • If you have a flag that is in the proper condition.
  • If you fly a courtesy flag, do so at the boat’s starboard spreader.
  • If there is more than one mast, then it must be flown off the starboard spreader of the forward most mast.

By “proper condition,” you must fly a flag that is not old or in a disrespectful state.

If you do fly a ratty old flag, you could be fined for being disrespectful!

6. What About International Signal Flags?

There is a system of internationally recognized numerical and alphabetical pennants and flags known as the International Code of Signals.

This helps communicate when you’re out in the open water.

The messages these flags send can be about navigation or even safety.

Signals can be sent by:

  • Flag semaphore
  • Signal lamp (otherwise known as “blinkers”)
  • Radiotelephony
  • Radiotelegraphy

There are so many different communication methods because it is important when the crew’s safety is concerned—especially when you’re in open water.

Boaters use nautical signal flags in several different ways:

  • With each spelling out a letter of a message
  • With a flag symbolizing a specific message (For example, an “A flag” is flown by diving support vessels when they can’t move from their current location.)
  • In a yacht or dinghy race, with each flag flying as code (For example, a “P flag” is used to stand for “Prepare,” which indicates that the race is about to start.)

Some boaters use signal flags to dress their ships for holidays by hoisting the national ensign at the stern staff first.

A rainbow of flags can then be arranged, reaching from the waterline forward to the aft, from the bowsprit end (or stem).

7. Why are There so Many Boat Flags?

Flags are flown for multiple reasons but remember that when you’re out at sea, this is the easiest way to recognize other boats.

It’s like the license plate on a car. Different countries have different license plates.

Within each country, different states or provinces can also have different license plates.

Then, you can have symbols that signify clubs or organizations on your license plate in each state.

This is a way you can express yourself on your vessel.

Check out our article about what colored flags on houses are all about.

8. Why are Some Flags Flown at Half-Mast?

Just like on land, flags are sometimes flown at half-mast in respect for someone who has passed.

This isn’t required in all places, nor is it mandated by any law.

However, it’s good to note why you might see this when you are out in the water.

Some boaters will also dip their flags (drop it down to half, then raise it again) as a friendly signal to a passing boater.

9. What Size Are Boat Flags?

Generally, boat flags come in different sizes, depending on the type of boat that you have.

For aesthetic purposes, most flags are roughly 1” per foot of the length of your boat.

Also, the staff should be twice the length of the height of your flag.

For example, if you have a powerboat that is 33’ long, you should have flags that are 24” x 36” on a staff that is 48”.

This is the recommended proportion of ensign flags. Burgee and private signals are approximately half that size. For the same powerboat example above, you might get burgee and private signal flags, which are 12” x 18”.

10 What do “Fishing Flags” Mean?

Fishing flags are signal flags that have representations of various types of fish on them.

Flying one (or more, if you’re lucky) lets other boaters know what sort of fish you’ve caught that day. It also lets other boaters know what sort of fish are in the area that day.

Fishing flags should be placed on the port rigger, spaced at least one flag length apart. This will let the proper authorities or other boaters count your catch easily.

It should also be placed in order of size, with the biggest species of fish on top.

Certain rules follow certain types of fish so make sure you read up on the fish flag etiquette in fishing manuals.

In the past, if a fisherman tagged a fish, they would fly the species flag with a white “T” under it to let others know of their tag. If they hoisted the species flags upside down, that signifies that they had caught and released that particular fish.

If they did so with multiple fish of the same species, they hoisted several red triangle pennants under that species flag.

However, today most fishermen are doing the opposite when they practice catch and release. They fly a fish right-side-up to signify that it swam away healthy after being released.

While an upside-down species flag signifies a fish caught and harvested.

11. How Much do Boat Flags Cost?

Boating flags can range from $12 for a single flag to $175 for a set.

The average cost for an ensign flag is roughly $20.

Final Thoughts

There is a long history of nautical flag use.

Using the wrong flag or flying a flag in the wrong position can get you into trouble. Thus, it is important to brush up on the meanings of different flags before using them.

It is important to have a boat handling book or flag manual on your boat in case of emergency.  The US Power Squadron is a good source for their publication “ How to Fly Flags, Nautical Flags Display .”

If you are out with your family and an emergency occurs, they must know how to call and signal for help in different ways: including using a flag signal.

Flags aren’t just important for you and your boat, however.

It is also important to recognize what different flags may mean when you run across other boats.

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Yacht Flag Etiquette: How To Fly Flags on a Boat

Long before phones and radios became the norm, boats of all shapes and sizes relied on flags to communicate with other boats and port authorities. Today, flags are obviously no longer the main method of communication for sailors, but they’re still important for any boat on the water. Given the history and significance of most flags, one must follow certain etiquette when flying them. We’ll go over some yacht flag etiquette and how to fly flags on boats so that you can avoid any unpleasant incidents.

The National Ensign

The national ensign is considered the most important flag to fly on a vessel. For the United States, the “stars and stripes” serves as the national ensign. This flag should fly the farthest aft of any other flag, as that is the position of honor. In most cases, the national ensign should also be the largest flag you fly aboard your vessel. Important things to remember about flying the national ensign include:

  • It shouldn’t be too big or small. The ideal size for the national ensign should be one inch of fly (or length) for each foot of boat length. The hoist should be two-thirds of the fly.
  • Only fly the American national ensign during daylight hours. 0800 hours is the earliest you can fly the national ensign, and you should take it down when the sun sets.
  • Positioning is important. You shouldn’t fly the national ensign at the top of the mast; rather, it should be in the furthest aft position that you can manage for your boat.
  • Always fly the national ensign in international waters.

The US Yacht Ensign

Many American yachts choose to fly the US yacht ensign instead of the national ensign. Originally, you needed a special license to fly the US yacht ensign, but nowadays, any vessel—whether professional or recreational—can fly the yacht ensign. You can fly either the yacht ensign or the national ensign, but never both at the same time.

Club Burgees

Many yacht and sailing clubs have their own burgees, which are pennant-shaped flags used to identify a vessel as part of that club. If you’re part of a yacht or sailing club, make sure you proudly fly your club’s burgee from your ship’s masthead. Burgees usually come with membership to one of these clubs.

Courtesy Flags

Another piece of important yacht flag etiquette you should know regards flying courtesy flags. If you enter another nation’s waters, it’s appropriate to fly their flag to show respect after the nation’s authorities have given you clearance. Flying the yellow Q flag first will signal that you’re seeking clearance from the authorities.

Part of good flag etiquette aboard a boat is keeping your flags in good condition. A yacht flagpole from Innovative Marine group can help you fly the right flags and show proper respect to them as well.

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Nautical Flags: Essential Guide for Maritime Communication

Nautical flags have long played a vital role in maritime communication, acting as a visually efficient way for ships to transmit crucial information across vast distances. With their vivid colors and distinctive shapes, these flags are capable of conveying a broad range of messages, from signaling distress to identifying a vessel's nationality. By understanding the history and various types of nautical flags, one can better appreciate their critical role in ensuring the safety and smooth conduct of seafaring ventures.

Nautical flags

The roots of using flags for communication can be traced back to ancient civilizations, but the development of a standardized system has made them an indispensable part of modern maritime practices. The International Code of Signals, established in 1857, created a systematic approach to communication between vessels, allowing sailors to use a combination of different flags to represent letters, numbers, and specific messages. In addition to the nautical flag alphabet, colors and patterns bear significance when interpreting their meaning, further expanding the range of messages that can be sent using these visual cues.

Aside from signaling and communication, nautical flags are often seen in various situations, such as races, ceremonies, and decorations on recreational boats . Material and quality are essential factors to consider when selecting nautical flags, as they must withstand harsh maritime conditions. As awareness and understanding of this unique language continue to grow, the public remains intrigued by its history, use, and the frequently asked questions surrounding nautical flags.

yacht flag rules

Key Takeaways

  • Nautical flags have been an essential element of maritime communication for centuries, evolving into standardized systems like the International Code of Signals.
  • Different flag combinations represent letters, numbers, and messages, with colors and patterns aiding in interpretation.
  • Nautical flags are used in multiple scenarios, including races and recreational boating, making their material and quality vital for prolonged use.

History of Nautical Flags

Nautical flags have been an essential part of maritime communication for centuries. They serve various purposes such as signaling, identification, and even as decorative elements on ships. The history of nautical flags can be traced back to the time of ancient civilizations when maritime cultures like the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans used flags to convey messages between ships and from ships to shore.

In the Middle Ages, the use of flags became more prevalent as maritime trade flourished, and seafaring nations started using distinctive national flags. The British Navy, for example, established a system of flags for specific commands known as the  British Naval Flags of Command . This system assigned different colored ensigns to categorize naval ships, government service ships, ships in the naval reserve, and merchant vessels.

The development of the  International Code of Signals  in the 19th century marked a significant milestone in the standardization of nautical flags. It introduced a set of flags representing letters of the alphabet, numbers, and various maritime safety situations. This enabled ships of different nationalities to communicate effectively with each other at sea or with shore stations, regardless of the language spoken by the crew.

Today, nautical flags continue to play a crucial role in maritime communication and safety. The  semiotics of flags  highlights their importance as a versatile and enduring means of conveying information at sea, from signaling distress to relaying navigational information. Flags remain an integral part of maritime culture and continue to evolve to meet the modern demands of the global shipping industry.

yacht flag rules

Types of Nautical Flags

Nautical flags are an essential tool in maritime communication. They serve various purposes, such as conveying messages, identifying ships, and signaling distress or emergencies. This section will cover the main types of nautical flags, including  Alphabet Flags, Numeral Pennants, Substitutes, and Repeaters .

Alphabet Flags

Alphabet Flags represent the 26 letters of the alphabet. Each flag has a unique design and color, making it easy to identify and differentiate them from one another. They are used to spell out messages, call signs, or abbreviations and can be combined with other flag types for more complex messages. The  International Code of Signals (ICS)  is a widely used system for maritime signaling that utilizes these flags.

Numeral Pennants

Numeral Pennants represent numbers from 0 to 9. Similar to Alphabet Flags, these flags have distinct designs and colors, enabling clear communication of numerical information. Numeral Pennants are often used in combination with Alphabet Flags to relay more specific information, such as distance, speed, or time.

yacht flag rules


Substitutes, also known as  repeater flags , come into play when a letter or number occurs more than once in a given message or sequence. These flags signify that the associated letter or number should be used again. For example, if a ship uses the same Alphabet Flag twice in a message, a substitute flag would be raised in place of the second occurrence. There are three types of substitute flags commonly used in nautical signaling:

  • First substitute flag: Indicates the repeating of the first letter or numeral flag
  • Second substitute flag: Indicates the repeating of the second letter or numeral flag
  • Third substitute flag: Indicates the repeating of the third letter or numeral flag

Repeaters, like Substitutes, are used when a particular flag appears more than once in a message. However, Repeaters specifically denote the repetition of entire groups of flags, such as the repetition of a call sign or a series of coordinates. Repeater flags can help ensure that messages are communicated accurately and without confusion.

In summary, nautical flag signaling is an essential aspect of maritime communication. The various types of flags including Alphabet Flags, Numeral Pennants, Substitutes, and Repeaters, allow for the transmission of diverse messages, contributing to effective communication and safety at sea.

yacht flag rules

International Code of Signals

The International Code of Signals (ICS) is a comprehensive system of flags and signals used by ships and other maritime vessels for communication purposes. It is designed to aid in communication between vessels, especially when language barriers are a concern. The ICS includes a set of 26 flags, representing the letters A to Z, along with 10 numeral pennants, three substitute flags, and one answering pennant. Each flag has a unique meaning, and specific combinations of these flags can convey various messages.

Some common meanings in the ICS include:

  • A : "I have a diver down; keep well clear at slow speed."
  • B : "I am taking in, or discharging, or carrying dangerous goods."
  • D : "Keep clear of me; I am maneuvering with difficulty."
  • G : "I require a pilot."

The  Reeds Maritime Flag Handbook  provides a comprehensive guide to the meanings of each flag in the International Code of Signals.

yacht flag rules


To communicate effectively using the ICS, vessels will hoist the appropriate flags in a specific order. For example, if a ship wants to convey that they are on fire and require assistance, they would hoist the "C" flag followed by the "F" flag. When the receiving vessel understands the message, they will hoist the answering pennant to signal acknowledgment.

In addition to the flags, the ICS includes a series of single-letter, two-letter, and three-letter signal codes that are used to communicate more complex messages. For example:

  • AA : "I am abandoned my vessel which has suffered a nuclear accident and is a possible source of radiation danger."
  • AL : "I have a doctor on board."

The combination of the alphabet flags, numeral pennants, and signal codes in the International Code of Signals allows for a vast vocabulary of messages to be conveyed between vessels. In this way, the ICS serves as a critical communication tool for maritime safety and navigation.

Nautical Flag Alphabet

Letter flags.

The Nautical Flag Alphabet uses a set of 26 distinctive flags, representing the letters A to Z, to communicate messages between ships and from ship to shore. Each flag represents a specific letter of the alphabet, allowing for the spelling out of words and phrases. Some of these letter flags also have additional meanings in maritime communication. For example, the flag for letter "A" is called "Alpha" and represents the code for "I have a diver down; keep well clear at slow speed." The flag for letter "O" is called "Oscar" and signifies "Man overboard."

In addition to the individual meanings of each letter flag, certain combinations of flags can represent specific messages. These combinations adhere to the International Code of Signals, which aims to standardize maritime communication across various languages and cultures.

yacht flag rules

Number Flags

The Nautical Flag Alphabet also includes flags representing the numbers 0 to 9. These number flags are essential for conveying numerical information, such as distances, depths, or the identification of specific vessels. Similar to letter flags, each number flag has its own design, allowing for clear communication and identification.

To enhance readability and understanding, the Nautical Flag Alphabet often employs formatting techniques such as tables and bullet points. For example, a table of letter and number flags might look like this:

![Flag A Image]AAlphaI have a diver down; keep well clear at slow speed
![Flag B Image]BBravoI am taking in or discharging explosives
![Flag C Image]CCharlieYes (affirmative)
![Flag D Image]DDeltaKeep clear of me; I am maneuvering with difficulty
![Flag 0 Image]0
![Flag 1 Image]1
![Flag 2 Image]2
![Flag 3 Image]3

By using the Nautical Flag Alphabet, mariners can effectively communicate important messages and information, ensuring the safety and smooth operations of vessels on the high seas.

Colors and their Significance

Primary colors.

Nautical flags use a variety of colors to communicate different messages. The primary colors used in these flags are  red ,  blue ,  yellow ,  black , and  white . Each color represents a specific meaning, and they are often combined with other colors or symbols to convey more complex messages.

  • Red : Often associated with danger or emergencies, red is used to signify urgent situations or warnings.
  • Blue : A common color in nautical flags, blue may represent various meanings such as general-purpose signaling or indicating a particular vessel or territory.
  • Yellow : This color typically represents caution or attention, making it common in flags signaling speed limitations or navigation warnings.
  • Black : Black is used to signify different meanings like navigational hazards or signals regarding the vessel's status.
  • White : Often combined with other colors, white is frequently used to indicate the presence of other colors in the message and act as a contrast.

Pendant Colors

Pendants are special flags used in combination with other flags to indicate various meanings or designate specific roles. The colors of pendants used in nautical flags vary, but they usually include primary colors like  red ,  black ,  white ,  blue , and  yellow . These colors also carry the same meanings as mentioned above, depending on their position and combination in the communication system.

For example, a red pendant in combination with a particular letter flag might indicate a special navigational warning, while a yellow pendant with another flag could communicate a speed limitation in a specific area.

Using these primary colors and pendant flags, mariners can effectively communicate essential messages and instructions, ensuring smooth sailing and safety at sea.

yacht flag rules

Signaling and Communication

Nautical flags play a crucial role in maritime communication, allowing vessels to send various messages under different circumstances. In this section, we will focus on maneuvering signals, distress signals, and position signals, demonstrating the versatility and importance of these visual tools.

Maneuvering Signals

Maneuvering signals are used by ships to indicate their intentions for navigational maneuvers, ensuring other vessels are aware of their actions and can respond accordingly. For example, a ship preparing to turn may raise a specific flag to inform nearby boats, helping to maintain safety and prevent collisions on the water. Signal flags are typically raised or flown at different points of the vessel to convey specific messages, such as the masthead, yardarm, or a designated signal halyard.

The use of nautical flag signaling codes, such as  Elford's universal signals , can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of maneuvering signals, facilitating clear communication between vessels.

yacht flag rules

Distress Signals

In emergencies, ships use distress signals to alert other vessels or shore-based services of their critical situation. These flags can communicate a variety of issues, such as incapacitated crew members, fire, or severe damage to the vessel, among others. Distress signals often use internationally recognized flags, allowing for effective communication regardless of language barriers.

For example, the International Code of Signals (ICS) specifies the use of the "N" (November) and "C" (Charlie) flags, flown together, as a distress signal, indicating the urgent need for assistance. Other distress signaling methods include waving a red flare, sending a Mayday radio message, or activating emergency beacons.

Position Signals

Position signals are used by vessels to communicate their position or course in relation to other ships, navigational obstacles, and hazards. This type of flag signaling helps to maintain safety and efficient navigation while at sea, contributing to an overall reduction in incidents.

These signals can be particularly vital in poor visibility conditions or where verbal or radio communication is not possible or practical. Position signals can also be used by fleets of ships to communicate tactical information, as well as for navigational guidance through channels and harbors.

In conclusion, nautical flags are an integral part of maritime communication, serving various purposes in maneuvering, distress, and position signaling. Understanding and correctly utilizing these signals can significantly contribute to the safety and efficiency of vessels at sea.

yacht flag rules

Nautical Flags in Different Situations

Nautical flags are both a practical tool and a showcase of maritime tradition. In various situations, ships, vessels, and even recreational boaters use these flags for communication and identification purposes.

During normal operations, a ship may display its  national flag  as an ensign, which represents the country the vessel is registered with. However, nautical flags also play a crucial role during specific situations. They convey crucial messages between ships and are particularly useful in situations where radio communication may not be possible or ideal.

For fishing vessels, nautical flags can indicate the type of fishing gear being used, such as trawling or longlining. This helps other vessels in the vicinity understand the activities taking place and allows them to navigate more safely, avoiding possible collisions or other hazards.

Recreational boaters and competitors in sailing events also rely on flag signals to communicate their intentions,  navigate racecourses , or notify others of emergencies. For example, during a regatta, race committees use specific sets of flags to signal the start and end of races, course changes, and other important information.

Furthermore, in distress or emergency situations, nautical flags serve as crucial tools for communication. The International Code of Signals (ICS) includes specific flags that indicate various needs, such as medical assistance, mechanical problems, or the need to abandon ship. By hoisting these flags, a vessel can quickly alert nearby ships, assisting in coordination of rescue efforts and making the difference between life and death for stranded or injured crew members.

In conclusion, nautical flags play a vital role in different situations and settings within the maritime world, functioning as a vital, versatile, and time-tested form of communication among ships, vessels, and boaters.

yacht flag rules

Nautical Flags Material and Quality

Nautical flags are an essential tool for maritime communication, signaling, and decoration. They need to be made from durable materials to withstand harsh weather conditions. Two of the most common materials used in the production of nautical flags are nylon and cotton.

Nylon is a popular choice for nautical flags due to its strength, durability, and resistance to UV rays. It is also lightweight and quick-drying, which makes it suitable for use in various weather conditions. Nylon flags are usually made with a tight weave, providing a smooth surface that allows for bright and vibrant colors. These characteristics make nylon flags an ideal choice for boaters and maritime enthusiasts who prioritize longevity and weather resistance.

On the other hand, cotton is a natural and traditional material for making nautical flags. Cotton flags have a more authentic appearance and a soft, textured feel. They are also highly absorbent, which can be advantageous in terms of color vibrancy. However, cotton flags may not be as durable and resistant to weather conditions as their nylon counterparts. Exposure to moisture and UV rays can cause cotton flags to fade and deteriorate over time.

When it comes to quality, it is essential to pay attention to the workmanship in addition to the materials used. High-quality nautical flags should feature double stitching on the edges for added durability, reinforced grommets for secure attachment, and fade-resistant, colorfast dyes to maintain their vibrancy. Additionally, the design and pattern should be accurately represented and visually appealing.

In conclusion, both nylon and cotton have their advantages and drawbacks as materials for nautical flags. Nylon flags tend to be more durable and weather-resistant, while cotton flags offer a more traditional and authentic look. Ultimately, the choice of material depends on individual preferences and intended use. To ensure a high-quality product, consider factors such as stitching, grommets, and dye used in addition to the base material.

yacht flag rules

Frequently Asked Questions

What do the different nautical flags mean.

Nautical flags, also known as the International Code of Signals, consist of 26 different flags representing the letters of the alphabet and 10 numeral pennants. Each flag has its individual meaning, which can range from general communication to emergency signals. For example, the flag A (Alpha) represents "diver down; keep clear," whereas B (Bravo) signals that the vessel is carrying, loading, or discharging dangerous goods.

What are nautical flags called?

Nautical flags are often called signal flags or maritime flags and are part of the International Code of Signals. These flags are used for maritime communication among ships and harbor authorities.

What is the nautical flag for yes?

The nautical flag for "yes" or affirmative is the "Code Flag P" or "Papa." This flag, with a blue background and a white, square-shaped center, is commonly hoisted to convey the affirmative response to a question or signal.

What is the flag code for boats?

The flag code for boats involves using the International Code of Signals and following standard maritime practices. Boats should display their national flag (ensign) when moored or anchored, as well as when entering or departing a foreign port. Additionally, the nautical alphabet flags can be used for various communications, such as identifying the boat or indicating particular situations.

What is the purpose of nautical flags?

Nautical flags serve multiple purposes, mainly to communicate between ships and between ship and shore. They convey essential information regarding the ships' intentions, status, safety, and movements. Furthermore, they are used for emergency communication, weather warnings, and other vital messages.

How are nautical flags used for communication?

Communication through nautical flags is achieved by hoisting single or a combination of flags to form specific codes. Semaphores, flag signals using two flags, can also be utilized for more direct communication at closer distances. Besides, flag signals can be used along with other communication methods, such as radio and sound signals, to ensure clearer and more efficient maritime communication.

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Boat Flags & Boat Flag Etiquette

The United States Flag Code provides advisory rules for display and care of the American Flag, but there are also specific guidelines for flying flags on recreational boats. In fact, boat flag etiquette not only ensures that the flag is displayed respectfully, it actually helps boaters to identify one another and communicate while on open water.

Boat Flags: When & Where to Fly Them

The five most common types of boat flags are Ensign, Burgee, Private Signal, Courtesy and Signal Flags.

National Ensign Flags

Ensign Flag

The ensign flag is the largest, most important flag on a boat because it identifies the nation of origin. The preferred U.S. national ensign flag is the traditional American Flag , however, the United States Yacht Ensign may be flown in its place, provided the boat remains in domestic waters. Similar to the Betsy Ross Flag , but with a fouled anchor in the center of the 13 stars, the yacht ensign should never be used in international or foreign waters.

Always flown off the stern, on a staff-pole that is long and angled, the ensign may be offset to one side to allow it to fly clear of the rigging and engine exhaust. In addition, American boat flags should only be flown from 8:00 am until sunset, and when entering or leaving port during daylight or at night, weather and rig permitting. When leaving your boat in port, the flag should be taken down if you will not return before sunset.

Burgee Flags

Typically triangular or swallow-tailed in shape, the burgee flag is a small flag with a symbol signifying the skipper’s sailing organization or yacht club. Many yacht clubs have rules about when their burgees are flown, but generally speaking, burgee flags are flown from the bow staff or under the starboard spreader. These flags are flown day and night, and follow the skipper from boat to boat.

Private Signal Flags

Private signal flags are personal flags, sometimes referred to as house flags, which are custom designed and made specifically for the boat owner. Custom Boat Flags usually feature a personal interest, hobby, family tradition, initials or some other symbol to identify the boat owner. These boat flags are flown day and night, but only when the owner is in command of the boat. Custom boat flags are flown at the head of the aftermost mast, from the bow staff on mastless vessels, or on the starboard rigging below the burgee.

Courtesy Flags

To show respect, courtesy flags are flown when entering or operating a boat in foreign waters and, in some instances, when there is someone from a foreign country on the boat. Courtesy flags represent the host nation or state in whose waters you are traveling, and are flown from the starboard spreader on a sailboat, the starboard spreader of a powerboat with a mast, or the bow staff of a mastless boat.

Signal Flags

Signal Flags are an international standard in maritime, used for nautical ship-to-ship communication, primarily related to safety and navigation. Each signal flag corresponds to a number or letter of the alphabet, and when displayed by itself or in conjunction with other letters and numbers, the flags relay important messages and information to other vessels. Although radio transmissions have largely replaced the use of signal flags, they are still required on commercial vessels and in foreign ports of call.

Signal Flags

Other Boat Flags

Fishing boats often fly flags denoting their catch. Known as Fishing Flags , these boat flags can feature marlin, sailfish, tuna, albacore, tarpon, wahoo, striped bass, bluefish, shark, mako shark, king mackerel, swordfish and more. They are flown from the port outrigger or spreader, and are flown upside down if the catch is released.

Gettysburg Flag Works also carries a variety of Nautical & Marine Ensigns , as well as Jolly Roger Pirate Flags , and several fun and humorous boat flags, including Mother-in-Law On Board , Baby on Board , Wife On Board and Husband on Board .

Boat Flags: How to Order

When ordering an ensign, or American Boat Flag , we recommend a flag that measures one inch for each foot of boat length. For smaller vessels, a 12x18” flag is usually suffice, while larger boats may opt for the 2x3’ flag. Burgee and personal Custom Boat Flags are generally smaller than the ensign, but can measure up to half an inch for each foot above water of the tallest mast.

Need help ordering a flag for your boat? The flag experts at Gettysburg are happy to help. Give us a call at 1-888-697-3524 or contact us online .

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Sailing yacht etiquette & marina rules: an in-depth guide

Explore the unwritten charter of sailing. Read this guide and get accustomed to marina rules, yacht etiquette, and unique traditions on the water.

Stepping aboard a sailboat, whether as a new boat owner or a first-time guest, opens the door to thrilling liberty and unparalleled experiences. More than just setting foot on a vessel, it's an introduction to a broader community that shares a unique code of respect and camaraderie. This ethos is embraced by everyone who spends time at sea, from those dipping their toes into sailing to seasoned sailors living on their yachts .  

In this guide, we'll drift through the essentials of marina rules and sailboat etiquette. From understanding the intricacies of docking and communal responsibilities at a marina to mastering the nuanced norms onboard a yacht, we've got it all covered.  

Informal sailing yacht rules 

Yes, boat rules set by maritime regulations abound, dictating everything from handling to safety measures. However, there is a tacit understanding, an unwritten charter, if you will, that presides over life aboard. It establishes the expectations for every individual setting foot on the deck and forms the cornerstone of the singular culture that is yachting.  

Sailboat safety rules  

Both written rules and the unwritten charter of yachting converge on one primary tenet: boating safety . Essential gear such as life jackets, flares, fire extinguishers, and first-aid kits must always be readily available. Additionally, sailboats should be equipped with safety harnesses for secure movement during rough seas, an emergency tiller in case of steering failure, and a man overboard recovery system, critical for immediate response to such incidents.   

Safety equipment on a sailing yacht

Boat rules for passengers during sailing trips  

First-time guests on sailing trips should be briefed on the basics and personal conduct - such as understanding the critical role of deck gear, sails, and rig equipment. Everyone should be cautious against handling winches, cleats, or line clutches, and avoid standing under the boom to prevent sailing accidents.

Other practical considerations are equally important, such as removing shoes to protect the deck from scuff marks, not entering the cockpit or touching navigation instruments without permission, and being mindful of personal space in shared quarters. Active adherence to yacht crew etiquette and duties should be encouraged to instill respect for the sea and the vessel and promote responsible enjoyment, ensuring festivities do not hamper navigation safety or disturb the peaceful marine environment.  

Adhering to the smoking policy  

Clear yacht rules regarding the smoking policy are indispensable. Typically, it's best to discourage it due to the inherent risk of fire and the impact on the comfort of non-smoking guests. However, if it’s allowed, specific smoking areas should be designated and cigarette butts should be disposed of responsibly - never overboard.  

Understanding marina rules 

Apart from being a safe haven for boats, a marina serves as a diverse community hub - a melting pot where seafarers from all walks of life come together. Everyone finds a niche in this unique community, from those who have chosen the tranquility of waterborne homes as permanent liveaboards to weekend enthusiasts savoring their brief maritime escapades. The rules and etiquette here exist to keep things orderly and maintain a harmonious environment, ensuring that the marina remains a peaceful refuge for all.

An overview of a marina  

A marina has a distinctive layout and includes specific features that distinguish it from a standard harbor or port. Here are some of the primary elements:

Breakwater: This is a barrier built offshore to protect the marina and boats from waves and wind. It reduces the intensity of the wave action within its shelter, thus providing calm waters for the docked boats.  

Berths : Designated spaces where boats are moored, often facilitated with mooring lines or docking aids.  

Fueling docks : Areas for boats to refuel.  

Boat ramps : These are the structures used to launch boats into the water.  

Washrooms and showers : Basic amenities for boaters and liveaboards.  

Electricity and water hookups : Essential services for boat maintenance and comfort, usually located at each berth.  

Laundry facilities : Often provided for the convenience of long-term guests.  

Waste disposal stations : Designated areas for waste management, usually including facilities for recycling and disposal of marine-specific waste like oil or bilge water.  

Restaurants and shops : Many marinas feature eateries and retail outlets catering to boating-related needs.  

Marina etiquette: the unspoken code of conduct for new boat owners  

Boat dock etiquette  .

At the heart of marina etiquette is the practice of docking and leaving. This process begins with clear and compliant communication with marina staff , who can assist in guiding your boat to its assigned berth. Manage your docking lines efficiently and pay heed to the safety and space of surrounding vessels. The objective is to disembark with as minimal disruption as possible.   

People talking in front of sailing yachts


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Flag Etiquette on a sailing boat today

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Nautical flags: Meanings and Alphabet

nautical flags

Nautical flags serve the purpose of communication in situations concerning navigation safety and individuals. They form an international code system enabling boats to signal to shore or for two boats to communicate with each other.

Individual flags have specific and standard meanings. These ones can be used in combination with another flag or alone. Using different nautical colored flags have a different meaning.

What are Nautical Flags?

Nautical flags, also known as maritime signal flags, are a set of flags and pennants used to communicate messages between ships and boats. Each flag represents a specific letter, number, or message, allowing vessels to convey information even when verbal communication is not possible.

The use of nautical flags dates back centuries and continues to be an essential aspect of seafaring traditions.

Nautical flags  are compose of 26 square flags that represent the letters of the alphabet. There are also 10 numbered pendants, one answering pendant and three substitutes.

You will see nautical flags in a few colors because only a few flag colors are easily recognized:

Nautical Flags and Their Meanings

Importance of nautical flag meanings.

Understanding the meanings behind nautical flags is crucial for anyone involved in maritime activities.

Whether you’re a sailor, a boater, or simply fascinated by the sea, having knowledge of nautical flag communication enables you to interpret messages, navigate safely, and respond appropriately in different situations.

International Code of Signals

The International Code of Signals, also known as ICS, is a special set of rules that tells people who use nautical flags how to use them correctly. It helps sailors understand each other and communicate important messages by using these special flags in a specific way.

It was first established in the 19th century to facilitate communication and prevent misunderstandings among ships of different nationalities. 

Over time, the code evolved and expanded to cover a wide range of messages and situations encountered at sea.

Within the International Code of Signals, each nautical flag represents a specific letter or number, as well as a set of predefined messages. These flags are combined to form words, phrases, and sentences, allowing vessels to spell out messages and communicate essential information.

The nautical flags in the International Code of Signals can be categorized into several groups, including alphabetic flags, numeric pennants, substitutes, repeaters, and special flags. Each category serves a specific purpose and carries distinct meanings when used in communication.

Individual Flag Meanings

Numeric pennants and their meanings.

Numeric pennants are a series of flags, each representing a number from zero to nine. These flags are used to communicate numerical information, such as coordinates, distances, or time. By combining different numeric pennants, vessels can convey precise numerical values, ensuring accurate communication between ships.

Letter flags and their meanings

Individual letters of the alphabet are represented by letter flags in the International Code of Signals. They are used to spell words and form sentences. Understanding the meanings assigned to each letter flag is critical for interpreting nautical flag messages and effectively communicating information.

Substitutes and repeaters in nautical flag communication

Substitute flags and repeater flags play important roles in nautical flag communication. Substitute flags are used to replace specific letter flags when they are not available or cannot be easily identified.

Repeater flags, on the other hand, are used to indicate that the preceding flag should be repeated. These flags ensure clarity and facilitate accurate transmission of messages.

Special flags and their purposes

The International Code of Signals includes several special flags that represent specific messages or commands. These flags convey information related to safety, medical assistance, maneuvering instructions, and more.

Understanding the meanings behind these special flags is crucial for maintaining safety and effective communication on the water.

Nautical Flags Meanings

It’s important to understand nautical flags and their meaning because they are valuable at sea in case of breakdowns in other communications systems (eg. radio) or in case of danger.

  • One-flag signals are urgent or common signals.
  • Two-flag signals are used for distress and maneuvering.
  • Three-flag signals are for points of the compass, relative bearings, standard times, verbs, punctuation and also general code and decode signals.
  • Four-flags are used mostly for geographical signals, names of ships, bearings, etc.
  • Five-flag signals are used to relate time and position.
  • Six-flag signals are used to indicate the main cardinal directions (N, S, E or W) in latitude and longitude signals.
  • Seven-flags are used as signals for indicating longitude signals containing more than one hundred degrees.

Nautical flags are also used in nautical racing which signal to the competitors what they are supposed to do.

nautical flags

The Nautical Flag Alphabet

It is critical to understand that each flag representing a letter has a specific meaning.

International meanings for nautical flags:

  • A: Alpha – diver down; I am undergoing a speed trial
  • B: Bravo – carrying dangerous cargo
  • C: Charlie – yes (affirmative)
  • D: Delta – keep clear of me, I am manoevering with difficulty
  • E: Echo – altering course to starboard
  • F: Foxtrot – I am disabled, communicate with me
  • G: Golf – I want a pilot
  • H: Hotel – a pilot on board
  • I: India – I am altering my course to port
  • J: Juliet – vessel on fire keep clear
  • K: Kilo – I want to communicate with you
  • L: Lima – stop your vessel instantly, I have something important to communicate; Come Within Hail or Follow Me (Sailing Regatta)
  • M: Mike – my vessel is stopped and making no way through the water; Mark Missing (Sailing Regatta)
  • N: November – no (negative); Abandonment and Re-sail (Sailing Regatta)
  • O: Oscar – Man overboard
  • P: Papa – In port: All personnel return to ship; vessel is about to sail; At sea, fishing vessels might use this specific flag to convey the message “My nets have become entangled with an obstacle.”
  • Q: Quebec – I request free pratique
  • R: Romeo – reverse course
  • S: Sierra – engines are going astern
  • T: Tango – Keep clear; engaged in trawling. (International); Do not pass ahead of me. (Navy)
  • U: Uniform – you are heading into danger
  • V: Victor – require assistance
  • W: Whiskey – require medical assistance
  • X: X-ray – stop your intention
  • Y: Yankee – am dragging anchor
  • Z: Zulu – I require a tug

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Solo or combined nautical flags have different meanings

Depending on the type of message, boats fly between 1 and 7 nautical flags. The combination of the O (Oscar) and W (Whiskey) flags, meanwhile, means “Man overboard. I require medical assistance”.

Signals with two nautical flags usually mean a certain problem of danger or maneuver. Three or more flags may include pendants and may indicate things such as compass points, time and position, geographic signals, geographic coordinates, and boat names.

Nautical Flags, sometimes the secret language of ships

While sailors around the world use nautical flags to communicate different scenarios, certain situations use secret language.

For example, the US Navy groups signals together in ways known only to its staff to communicate with its fellow ships.

NATO uses also the same nautical flags, with a few additional ones to warships, alone or in short sets to communicate various unclassified messages.

In yacht racing, the nautical flags have other meanings. These ones are solo or combined.

The P flag, for example, is employed as the “preparatory” flag to indicate an impending start, while the S flag indicates that a course has been shortened.

Nautical Flags to Buy

Interested in buying nautical flags to decorate your yacht? Whether you want to add a nautical flag pole, or you’re looking to replace an old nautical flag, we hope you find what you’re looking for!

Set of 50 Nautical Flags

We recommend this set of 50 (100% cotton) nautical flags. All flags are hand-made, so they can be quite smaller or bigger. Each flag is about 8 inches tall and 13 inches wide. All are printed on both sides. They give you a guarantee on color for life.

nautical flags for sale

Maritime Signal Flags - 40 Different Decorative Flags - Over 40 Feet Long - Easy to Display

The flags are constructed of weather-resistant nylon cloth with double stitched seams. They are connected on a nylon chain with knots at both ends for convenient hanging.

These rectangular flags are 6″ x 9″, while pennant flags measure 6″ x 14″ or 6″ x 9″. The nylon cable is more than 40 feet long, with 7″ between flags and 36″ ties on either end.

nautical flags to buy

FLAGLINK International Marine Navy Signal Code Flag Set - String of 40 Flag - 40 Feet Long – Nautical Maritime Boat Ship Vessel Nautical Theme Decoration for Patry

Do you plan on throwing a big party on the boat and want to deck out the entire vessel in honor of the occasion? These nautical flags, which are less expensive than the previous ones, are an excellent choice for interior or outdoor decorations.

You may hang your ornamental flags in your front yard, garden, or patio, so that your family and friends can view the gorgeous holiday flag design from every aspect and vantage point. Because they are constructed of a water-resistant polyester fabric, they may be left outside for an extended period of time.

nautical flags to buy

What nautical flags mean?

The purpose of nautical flags is to give ways and means of communication in circumstances involving the safety of navigation and people. Nautical flags are an international coding system used for a boat to indicate to land or for two vessels to signal to each other in situations involving the safety of navigation and people.

How many nautical flags are there?

There are 26 square nautical flags. Each of them symbolizes an international code term associated with the letters of the alphabet, such as Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, and so on.

What are nautical flags called?

Nautical flags are also known as international maritime signal flags, signal flags or boat flags.

How do you spell out messages using nautical flags?

Messages are spelled out using nautical flags by hoisting the flags in the correct sequence according to the International Code of Signals. Each flag represents a letter, and the combination of flags creates words, phrases, and sentences.

Are there any alternative systems to nautical flag communication?

While nautical flags are widely used for communication at sea, alternative systems such as radio communication, semaphore flags, and modern technologies like VHF radios and satellite communications also play a role in maritime communication.

Where can I learn more about nautical flag meanings?

To learn more about nautical flag meanings and communication, you can refer to resources such as official publications on the International Code of Signals, maritime museums, boating and sailing organizations, and online references that provide detailed information on nautical flags and their meanings.

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Boat flag etiquette: Everything you need to know about ensigns and burgees

Andy Du Port

  • Andy Du Port
  • April 20, 2022

Andy Du Port draws upon 50 years’ experience to share the customary way of doing things when it comes to boat flag etiquette…


Illustration by Jake Kavanagh

Almost everything we do, ashore and afloat, is governed by laws, which we must obey, and guidance, which we can accept or ignore.

When driving, we are governed by the Road Traffic Regulation Act and guided by The Highway Code.

At sea, we are bound by the Merchant Shipping Act and guided by advice from the likes of the Royal Yachting Association (RYA).

For example, the law requires us to wear our national ensign on specified occasions, but we are only advised to hoist it at 0800 and lower it at sunset.

And then we have etiquette, which may be somewhat perplexing but soon becomes second nature.

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It can be specific or it can simply reflect good manners, courtesy and common sense, thus avoiding awkward or embarrassing pitfalls.


All sports have their etiquette, some of which is quite prescriptive. You only have to google ‘golfing etiquette’ or ‘football etiquette’ to see what I mean.

Sailing etiquette tends to be more relaxed but, nonetheless, you should be aware of it – even if you then decide to ignore it.

The dictionary description is along the lines of: The customary code of polite behaviour among members of a particular group.


Photo: iWebbtravel/Alamy

In other words, in this context, it is ‘what most people do’ when afloat in their boats. To add confusion to this somewhat prickly subject, boat etiquette is continually changing.

When I started sailing yachts in the late 1960s it was de rigueur to conduct Colours and Sunset, with due ceremony, when in harbour.

Many a snooty look would be directed at a yacht who was two minutes late or whose crew was not smartly turned out. Nowadays, the custom has all but disappeared.

Some etiquette is founded on tradition, but most is based on practicalities which, if observed by the majority, just makes life afloat even more agreeable.


Boats under 7m LOA are not allowed to wear special ensigns. Photo: Peter Alvey/Alamy

At one end of the scale you will meet yachtsmen or women who are sticklers for what they regard as inflexible etiquette.

If you don’t conform they will glower at you from under the peaks of their yachting caps and splutter into their gin.

At the other extreme are those who are quite content for their boats to resemble Steptoe’s yard while they themselves ignore all around them. Most fall somewhere in between.

Boat flag etiquette explained

Few topics generate more discussion, irascibility and confusion than boat flag etiquette. As far as I can determine, only one boat flag (the ensign) is governed by the rule of law; if you get it wrong, you could be prosecuted.

The flying of all others is either the subject of well-founded recommendations – usually for safety reasons or to avoid confusion – or simply by what has become common practice.

This is the flag you must get right. Almost every boat which puts to sea wears an ensign. The rules are strict and enforceable under the Merchant Shipping Act: the law requires that only the relevant national ensign may be worn, in the right position.

The law also requires the ensign to be worn on certain specific occasions, such as entering a foreign port or when asked to do so by a warship.

You would be breaking the law by hoisting any boat flag other than a national ensign at the ensign staff or other authorised position.


River Class Will O’ The Wisp with ensign on the Norfolk Broads. Photo: Anglia Images /Alamy

By all means fly regional flags elsewhere in the rigging. It is a nice custom, for example, to fly the Cornish flag in Cornwall or the Breton flag in Brittany – usually at the port spreader.

Should you hoist your ensign in the morning and lower it at night? This is not compulsory and most people now do not.

Theories abound about the origins of Colours and Sunset, the most likely being that all boat flags, not only ensigns, were taken in at night for two very logical reasons: no one could see them, and it saved bunting.

This then developed into the ceremonies of Morning Colours (usually at 0800 in the summer and 0900 in the winter) and Sunset (referred to as Evening Colours when conducted at 2100 if sunset is later).


Traditionally, an ensign is ‘worn’ while all other flags are ‘flown’. Photo: Stuart Pearce/Alamy

I can find no evidence to support the various beliefs that these ceremonies show veneration for those who have lost their lives at sea or that they demonstrate respect for the monarch.

However, etiquette also comes into play. Many yacht clubs conduct Colours and Sunset, and require their members to do so.

So if you find yourself berthed for the night in sight of such a club, or in the company of its members, boat flag etiquette suggests that you should follow their lead.

Similarly, it would be remiss of you not to lower your ensign at the same time as a nearby warship.

Lowering or hoisting the ensign on a short staff is not really practicable, so it is widely accepted that the staff may be removed, with the ensign attached, and stowed for the night.

Avoid wrapping the ensign round the staff and leaving it in situ; it looks scruffy and is neither one thing nor the other.

Most other boat flags demand no such angst, but the burgee comes a close second. If you are entitled to wear a ‘special ensign’ i.e. white, blue (plain or defaced) or red (defaced), your permit will dictate that the relevant burgee must be flown at the same time.

If this applies to you, you will know all about it. If not, don’t worry. Some clubs insist their members fly the burgee at the masthead. Otherwise, the starboard spreader is an acceptable alternative.


A defaced blue ensign

Courtesy flags

Standard practice is to fly a courtesy flag when in the territorial waters of another nation, usually hoisted at the starboard spreader (never at the masthead). Some countries require a courtesy flag to be worn, and you could cause considerable offence if you do not comply.

A tricky situation arises if you normally fly a burgee at the starboard spreader, as a courtesy flag should take precedence. A solution is to transfer the burgee to the port spreader.

If the country you are visiting also requires you to fly a Q flag, your problems just get worse. There doesn’t seem to be much agreement on this but I suggest you should leave the courtesy flag on its own to starboard, and fly the Q flag below the burgee to port.

The situation will resolve itself as soon as you have been cleared by customs and can put the Q flag away.

Other flags

Basically, you can do what you like but common sense indicates that you should not fly any boat flags which could be misinterpreted.

For example, almost all the International Code Flags (A-Z and 0-9) have specific meanings. If you decide to fly flag Juliet because its blue and white stripes match your topsides, you will also be signalling ‘On fire and have dangerous cargo on board; keep well clear of me’.

For much the same reason, there is a recommended order for boat flags when dressing overall. If you follow it, not only will the flags give a pleasing appearance, you can also be sure that you do not unintentionally spell anything which you may regret.

You often see boats flying all sorts of bunting. A common boat flag is the Jolly Roger (also known as the Skull and Crossbones), or those with young children may be seen flying a kite in the form of a fish from the backstay.

Does it matter? Not really, but boat flag etiquette suggests that too many flags is a bit sloppy and makes your boat look like a fairground.

As for burgees (again), I see no reason not to fly more than one (being careful to obey the special ensign rules if relevant), but too many could imply that you are either showing off or indecisive.

You can read more boat flag etiquette guidance on the official Royal Yachting Association website .

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  • Regulations

Flag etiquette

Flag etiquette is a combination of law (what you must do) and maritime tradition (expectations of behaviour within the sea faring community).

Being ill-informed of your obligations could lead you to cause insult at home or abroad by giving a signal you do not intend to give, or could lead you to a fine for breaking the law.

For many who go to sea, flag etiquette and flag rules are an essential part of the overall sailing process. Only with the right flag, correctly positioned, can you to be sure that you are giving the correct message and that any signal you are giving is clear.

For RYA members

The original RYA book (C4/01) has been reorganised into 3 parts for publication on the RYA website and is available to RYA members to download .

For all website users

A brief overview designed to demystify the basics of flag etiquette follows:

What to put where

The most senior position for a flag on a vessel is reserved for the Ensign - this is as close to the stern of the vessel as possible.  The Ensign shows the country of registry of the vessel and indicates its nationality. A UK flagged vessel must wear her ensign as required by the Merchant Shipping Act, which includes when entering or leaving a foreign port and on demand. It is recommended that the ensign is worn at all times in daylight, especially when near to or in sight of land or another vessel.  A UK registered vessel should wear the national maritime flag, the Red Ensign, unless entitled to wear a special Ensign . Wearing anything other than an authorised Ensign is a violation of British and International Law.

As the Ensign takes the senior position on a vessel, the order of precedence for positions for flying other flags is: 2) masthead, 3) starboard spreader, 4) port spreader. This assumes a simple plan of one halyard per spreader; other combinations including motor boats are discussed in the Members’ section.

Traditionally, the burgee is flown at the main masthead. A burgee must match a special Ensign if one is worn and it should always be higher than the Ensign. Flag etiquette states that only one burgee is flown at a time, but it is not uncommon nowadays to see yachts flying more than one burgee. Although this might cause offence to some, there is nothing legally wrong with this practice provided the rules governing the wearing of a special ensign are adhered to.

The starboard spreaders are used for signalling. This is where both a courtesy flag and the Q flag , as signals, should be flown. These days it is becoming increasingly common for yachts to fly a burgee from the starboard spreaders because of instrumentation sited at the main masthead. Again, legally there is nothing wrong with doing so but this practice presents a number of problems for those who wish to adhere to the traditions of flag etiquette.

More than one flag may be flown on a halyard except that flag etiquette states that no flag can be above the burgee on the same halyard and no flag can be worn above the courtesy flag. If you fly a burgee at the starboard spreaders and are sailing in the territorial waters of another country this presents something of a dilemma, particularly if you must fly a burgee to match a special Ensign. Unless the burgee is in its traditional position at the masthead, you risk flouting one or another element of flag etiquette. How you choose to resolve this is a matter of choice.

A word on courtesy flags, most countries use their national flag at sea and it is therefore not uncommon to see a foreign visitor flying a Union Jack as a courtesy flag when visiting UK waters. This is wrong; the correct flag is always a Red Ensign. There is no legal requirement to fly a courtesy flag; it is a courtesy that acknowledges that the vessel will respect the laws and sovereignty of that country. However, if one is not flown or it is tatty or faded, it may cause grave offence and in some countries can lead to a fine.

The port spreaders are used for house flags . A house flag is normally but not always a small rectangular version of a burgee. It may indicate membership of an association (e.g the RYA) or society or may be to indicate membership of another club should that club have a house flag.  More than one house flag may be flown on the port halyard, but with caution as too many might appear vulgar to some.

The Union Jack, Welsh Dragon, the Crosses of St Andrew, St George and St Patrick and the EU flag are primarily land flags and must not be flown at sea as an Ensign by cruising yachtsmen. At sea the cross of St George is the flag of an Admiral and it should therefore not be flown by anyone else, without special dispensation. A vessel flying the St Andrew’s Cross could be mistaken as saying "my vessel is stopped and making no way through the water" as this is the meaning of code flag M which has the same design and the St Patrick s Cross could be misinterpreted as code flag V "I require assistance".  

Union Jack or Union flag?

There is often a lively debate about which term is correct. In fact both terms are acceptable having been given parliamentary approval in 1908 when it was stated that "the Union Jack should be regarded as the National flag".

Sizing your flags

The sizes and condition of flags are important. They should not be tatty and should not hang in the water, but should still be large enough to be seen.

The best advice is "what looks right" but a rough guide is:

The general guideline for the size of Ensign used to be an inch per foot of yacht, but on many modern yachts this is found to be a little on the small side for the vessel to look "well dressed". Roughly speaking a 3/4 yard Ensign should look right on a boat of 21-26 ft, 1 yard for 27- 34 ft, 1 1/4 yard for 35 - 42 ft, 1 1/2 yard for 43 - 50 ft and 1 3/4 yard for 51 - 60 ft, but some discretion may need to be applied.

A burgee of 15" in the fly (the horizontal measurement) should look appropriate on vessels up to 34ft. This increases to 18" for up to 42ft, 24" for up to 50ft and 30" up to 60 ft.

Courtesy Flag

Having an undersized, faded or tatty courtesy flag in many places is worse than having no courtesy flag. Again as a guide only, 12" in the fly should look appropriate for 21-26 ft, 15" for 27- 34 ft, 18" for 35 - 42 ft, 22" for 43 - 50 ft and 30" for 51 - 60 ft. Availability may however end up dictating the size of the flag.

House flags

A house flag of a similar size to those listed for the courtesy flag will generally be appropriate.

Special Ensigns

In addition to the national maritime flag, the Red Ensign, there is a White Ensign, a Blue Ensign and there are a number of Red Ensigns with a badge, Blue Ensigns with a badge and a light blue Ensign with a badge. These additional Ensigns are special or privileged Ensigns may only be worn with permission, which is granted ultimately by the King.

A warrant grants this permission and the Ensign must be worn in accordance with the warrant, which will in most cases require the corresponding burgee to be displayed. In most cases the warrant is granted to a Yacht Club, which in turns gives its members permission to wear the Ensign under the conditions of the warrant, by issuing the members with a permit.

The RYA has no power to police the wearing of ensigns or prohibited flags other than by spreading the word about flag etiquette and encouraging good practice.

The RYA flag etiquette book C1/04 has been re-written and is published online for the benefit of RYA Members.

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How to choose your yacht's flag state

If you consider buying a superyacht for international cruises and chartering in the Caribbean and the Med, your lawyer or broker will tell you to register and flag the yacht offshore.

The flag you choose to fly from your transom can have a direct bearing on your privacy, taxes, exposure to liability and boarding, the vessel’s success as a commercial enterprise, and, ultimately, your enjoyment of the yacht. So how do you decide which flag best serves your purposes? There is no simple answer that covers every owner, but some basic considerations do apply.

‘The choice of flag state has, over the last few years, become one of the most important decisions owners and/or their representatives must make,’ says Mike Dean of Isle of Man-based Döhle Yachts.

A flag state is the country or governmental entity under whose laws a vessel is registered or licensed. This can be the country in which the owner resides, or more commonly in the superyacht world, an offshore ship registry in a country with laws that are attuned to the complexities of yacht ownership and charter operations.

The flag state has the authority and responsibility to enforce regulations over vessels registered under its flag, including those relating to inspection, certification and issuance of safety and pollution prevention documents.

Offshore flagging advantages

Owners who choose to flag offshore – especially those who plan to make their yachts available for charter in the EU – can benefit in many ways, including, but not limited to, mitigation of some tax burdens, confidentiality of ownership, and reassuring lenders and insurance companies. An owner who intends to operate his vessel as a private yacht and not charter might register the vessel in his home country.

However, many popular flag states have appealing and relatively simple avenues for setting up offshore corporate structures that offer favourable taxation and liability protections under a stable fiscal and legal system. In addition they have construction, inspection and regulatory compliance regimes that can streamline the process of owning and operating a large yacht.

The choice of flag state has, over the last few years, become one of the most important decisions owners and/or their representatives must make

Mike Dean, Döhle Yachts

Registering as a private yacht with a non-EU flag also allows an owner to operate under the Temporary Importation regime in Europe in which a yacht can operate for up to 18 months without the vessel being subject to customs duties or the EU’s Value Added Tax (VAT).

Owners who intend to actively pursue charter in the world’s most popular destinations – in particular, the Med, which is ringed by EU states – and the Caribbean, will generally choose to incorporate, flag offshore and register as a commercially operated vessel.

In addition to the benefits above, such structures can allow the vessel to operate within the VAT system. VAT on charters is still chargeable to the end consumer – the charterer – but the system allows operators of legitimate charter businesses to account for their input tax in the normal business sense. For instance, if a business buys food for a charter, it will pay input tax on the supply but can deduct it as an operating expense.

Good and bad flags

Registering a yacht to operate commercially subjects it to a broad range of regulations related mainly to safety.

A flag state will generally require a yacht to be in compliance with construction standards set forth by one or more of the main classification societies such as Lloyd’s Register, American Bureau of Shipping or Det Norske Veritas, as well as meeting safety and practice standards set forth by government agencies such as the UK’s Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA), as applied by the relevant states’ national legislation.

Choosing a particular flag is a vastly complicated matter generally settled between an owner and his attorney, but there are some basic considerations, not the least of which is the potential for the yacht to be boarded and detained by authorities. In short, there are good flags and bad flags.

‘You need to be with a flag that can provide a solid commercial registration that’s accepted in the shipping industry and accepted by the governments of the world,’ says Ken Argent of Water’s Edge Consulting Ltd.

You need to be with a flag that can provide a solid commercial registration that’s accepted in the shipping industry and accepted by the governments of the world

Ken Argent, Water’s Edge Consulting Ltd

A wise starting point would be to choose a flag on the so-called ‘White List’ as maintained by the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control (Paris MoU).

The Paris MoU consists of 27 participating maritime administrations and covers the waters of the European coastal states and the North Atlantic basin from North America to Europe. Its mission is to eliminate the operation of sub-standard ships through a harmonised system of port state control. There are other MoU groups around the world, with similar aims.

Port officers inspect foreign ships in the Paris MoU ports, to ensure they meet international safety, security and environmental standards, and that crew have adequate living and working conditions.

Flags on the Paris White List have demonstrated strong performance in those areas and thus, are subject to fewer boardings when they enter foreign ports.

Flags on the Grey List and Black List have been deemed deficient and risk more boardings and possible detentions. Traditionally, yachts have been a low priority for Port State Control (PSC) inspections, but since the advent of the New Inspection Regime in Paris, this is no longer the case and so it is important to choose a flag with a good PSC record and a rigorous approach to safety and certification.

A wise starting point would be to choose a flag on the so-called “White List”

‘There are rogue states that remain outside the family of civilised nations, and yachts that fly those flags are not welcomed,’ says maritime attorney Michael T. Moore. ‘Generally speaking, most civilised countries have subscribed to a web of treaties designed to protect the world’s oceans from pollution, overfishing and various other unacceptable practices. Almost all seafaring nations are on the alert for out-of-pattern flags.’

Other considerations extend beyond the prospect of being boarded. ‘Lenders and insurance companies will review a flag state’s enforcement of international environment and safety and procedures and standards, compliance with international regulations and casualty record,’ says Dean. ‘A poor record will inevitably affect the decisions of the lenders and underwriters.’

The Red Ensign Group

The brokerage and management firm Edmiston Company estimates as many as 80 per cent of large yachts are flagged in the British overseas territories commonly known as the ‘Red Ensign Group’, in particular, the Cayman Islands, Gibraltar and the Isle of Man.

Factors influencing that, says Edmiston, include prestige, tradition and history; international recognition of high standards and adherence to the Large Yacht Commercial Code; ready availability of a large number of qualified surveyors; protection of British maritime law, consular services and navy; and commercial confidentiality (the owning companies can be registered in the flag state, rather than the person who owns the yacht).

As many as 80 per cent of large yachts are flagged in the British overseas territories commonly known as the Red Ensign Group

‘The Red Ensign Group uses the UK MCA’s Large Yacht Code (LYC) as the criteria for building and equipping commercial yachts,’ says Clive Harrison of Döhle Yachts. ‘The LYC has been submitted (and accepted) to the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) as the UK’s equivalent provisions under the equivalence arrangements of several international conventions (Load Lines, SOLAS and STCW).

‘Yachts built and operated under the LYC do so under internally recognised standards,’ says Harrison, ‘whilst other jurisdictions operate their own codes, these have not been presented or accepted to the IMO. Compliance with LYC can have a positive impact on resale values.’

The Red Ensign registry with the largest number of yachts is the Cayman Islands Shipping Registry. According to Peter Southgate, Advisor, Maritime Policy and Legislation Development and Shipping Master of the Cayman Registry, service is one key to the flag’s popularity.

‘The various members of the Red Ensign Group offer a very high quality flag option for any owner, and we ensure that as a group, we do not compete on quality,’ Southgate says. ‘This leaves essentially only service and the possible effects of local restrictions. For example, the UK is an EU flag and hence, temporary importation would not be available to a UK-flagged vessel.’

Flags of different colours

Most flag registries, while either an agency of a government or acting on behalf of the government, are to some extent, in competition with each other for business and offer various angles that may benefit the needs of some owners.

The Marshall Islands allows qualified private yachts to charter up to 84 days a year, but subjects them to detailed surveys heavy on lifesaving, safety and fire fighting. They also have to have a minimum safe manning certificate for when they’re chartering.

‘We look at that as an owner trying to recoup some of his expenses – not putting his yacht into a commercial mode,’ says Eugene Sweeney, senior vice president, Yacht Operations for International Registries, Inc., which provides administrative and technical support to the Marshall Islands Maritime and Corporate Administrators.

The US flag has long been problematic for ship and yacht owners due in large part to onerous regulations and manning requirements. ‘The US flag has a very unwelcoming regime of laws and regulations that make it extremely difficult for a ship of any size to be registered,’ says Moore. Matt Ruane, director of JTC Marine and Aviation, cites some specific reasons a US flag may not appeal to owners of large yachts.

If you are tempted to use the flag of a state because you like the AK-47 image on it, resist.

Maritime attorney Michael T. Moore

‘US residents often wish to purchase yachts outside the US and register on to a non-US flag in order to avoid US sales and/or use tax,’ Ruane writes. ‘US Coast Guard legislation fails to differentiate between merchant vessels and commercial yachts, meaning most large yachts would fail to meet their “Seagoing Motor Vessel” requirements, which, in essence, apply SOLAS requirements to all vessels in excess of 300GT.

‘A US-resident master and crew are required for all large yachts, unless operating privately and outside of US waters. A US flag requires US corporate or private ownership, and the concept of nominee directors and shareholders is less understood and thus, less acceptable, essentially meaning that US corporate ownership is more transparent.’

The actual cost of flagging offshore is relatively low, provided your yacht meets class requirements, which is something an owner would want to consider especially when buying a brokerage yacht. The cost of bringing a yacht up to class can be substantial.

Choosing a flag is a matter best undertaken under counsel of a maritime attorney. There are many possible avenues depending on an owner’s intended use and other considerations, but at the end of the day, most advise sticking with the tried and true.

‘If for whatever reason you are tempted to use the flag of a state because you like the AK-47 image on it,’ says Moore, ‘resist.’

Originally published: Superyacht Owners’ Guide 2012.

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  • Yachting etiquette from A to Z

Like a social event, there are written and unwritten rules to follow on a boat and in the harbour. It doesn't matter if you're sailing with a group of friends, racing or a lone sea dog, everyone should know the basics of sailing etiquette. Do you know the basic rules and customs on a yacht?

General rules of sailing etiquette

Sailing, boating, yachting and all ways of navigating the waters have a very long tradition. Over this time, rules have evolved about how to behave on boats and in harbours. Most of these rules have a practical rationale to ensure a smooth and accident-free voyage, whilst others are rather ridiculous nowadays and stem from the superstition of ancient sailors venturing into the unknown. Still, some of these are worth heeding as well and you should never needlessly try the patience of Poseidon or Neptune.

In general, yachting etiquette can be divided into two main categories. The first is behaviour on board when sailing and the second is etiquette in port. Sub-topics include  observing the applicable rules of yachting , the correct placement and display of flags and greeting crews of passing yachts .

YACHTING.COM TIP: Before every voyage,  pay your respects to Neptune  by pouring a small amount of alcohol in the sea. Superstition though it may be, no one wants to antagonise the King of the Seas. Also, don't whistle on board. They say it disturbs the souls of dead sailors, who will retaliate with a foul wind. Do you know all the  patrons  who have protected sailors and seafarers for centuries?

The pouring of alcohol into the sea for Neptune is a well-respected tradition.

How to behave on board when under sail

The first and most fundamental rule is that  the captain always has the final say . They are responsible not only for the boat and the smooth running of the voyage, but also for the whole crew. In addition, a yacht provides a relatively limited space in which a group of people must get along together. If a conflict arises, which is not uncommon in tense situations, the captain acts as the chief arbiter and conciliator.

Next, during the voyage, the crew should not stand on deck unless absolutely necessary. Either crew members are on deck as part of manoeuvres, sitting on deck, acting as a so-called 'live ballast' when the ship is heeling, or resting in the cabin. This rule is purely practical. A standing crew member could obstruct the helmsman's view of the boat and its course, and there is also a risk of losing balance and falling overboard.

An experienced crew should also never, as a matter of yachting etiquette, have fenders out of the boat along the sides or have ropes and lines dragging in the water. Aside from the fact that loose ropes and untidy fenders hinder the boat, it shows an ignorance of the basic rules of sailing that is an embarrassment to the crew.

YACHTING.COM TIP: A skipper's licence is required to operate a boat at sea. Unfortunately, unlike a driving licence, there are several options — how do you choose the right one? If offshore sailing appeals to you, try our  Academy where you can get a  C skipper's licence  or a  Royal Yachting Association RYA licence .

How to behave in port

There are two main areas of yachting etiquette in the harbour. One is the arrival of a sailboat or ship into the harbour and the other is behaviour on the moored ship and ashore. This is where you need to be well versed in yachting etiquette, as the eyes of experienced seafarers will be watching you and they will be able to tell at a glance how experienced and knowledgeable your crew is. There are many rules, but above all — consideration for others is fundamental. Never get in anyone's way and only do what you wouldn't mind from others.

A group of people on board a ship celebrating, having fun, having a drink.

The boat should always be in top condition when in port. This means a tidy deck ,  properly packed sails and furled lines, and an overall orderly appearance. Different shoes should be worn on deck than ashore, or at least shoes with white soles and only after checking that there are no stones stuck there that could scratch the boat.

Woman in a marina with high heels.

Yachting etiquette in port also includes camaraderie and empathy . No one will like a crew that is unhelpful to others in distress, loud late into the night, disrespectful of marina rules and regulations, disrespectful of service, and otherwise out of step with other customs, including local ones.

Sailing flags, greetings and other wisdom

Not only should an experienced crew know how to behave during a voyage and in port, they should also understand other written and unwritten customs. It certainly pays to know the flag alphabet and the location of yachting flags. A yacht should always carry the national flag of the country where it is sailing, the flag of its country and possibly the flag of its yacht club. For each type of boat, the placement of the flags varies. Generally, however, the national flag is placed at the stern mast, the courtesy flag goes under the starboard spreader or from the leech with the placement of the club flag being relatively arbitrary.

Croatian flag on the bow of the ship.

Sailors use specific jargon which is true in greetings, where there are two common ways. On smaller boats, helmsmen greet each other with a shout of  "Ahoy" , while on larger boats a raised hand is sufficient. In both variations, it is always the helmsmen and never the crews who are saluted.

If you get your sailing clothes wet during the voyage or need to change your clothes in port, they can be dried on the line, rails or boom on the boat. However, it is essential to stow all laundry on board before setting sail.

There are many other rules and customs associated with yachting etiquette, but you should always know the basics first.

YACHTING.COM TIP: Ethics  – a theoretical science and doctrine that summarises a set of rules for proper conduct Etiquette  – a code that specifies written and unwritten rules of conduct and social customs within a particular group of people or community (family, state, interest group) A final piece of advice   – if you are unsure about anything, ask the skipper.

Despite all the rules, a holiday on a boat is an incredible experience. I will be happy to help you arrange it.

Denisa Nguyenová

Denisa Nguyenová

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Boat Flag Etiquette

Usa boat flag etiquette is unique, a word on boat flag size, boat flag etiquette extends beyond size and symbolism, boat flag verbiage everyone should know, boat flag courtesies, why the national ensign nautical etiquette rules are so important, additional boat flag rules you should know.

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When it comes to the subject of etiquette, most people are aware that proper manners are expected at the dinner table, in public settings and especially on the golf course.  However, few people outside of the boating community are aware that boat flag etiquette exists.  Moreover, some newbie boaters are unaware that there are expectations for the presentation of a vessel’s flag.

Here’s an inside look at everything you need to know about boat flag etiquette and boat flags meaning.

Boat Flag Etiquette

Boat flag etiquette differs by geography.  In particular, the conventions for the presentation of a boat flag in the United States are highly idiosyncratic.  The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary devised the code for boat flag etiquette with assistance from the United States Power Squadrons and the Auxiliary Coast Guard.  Though few know it, the code for boat flag presentation in the states details the points of honor whereupon the flags are flown.

The flag can only be displayed at the highest possible permitted point of honor that is permitted.  The order of the points of honor from top to bottom are:

  • Flagstaff positioned at the stern
  • Halyard or yardam on starboard
  • Truck of mast
  • Yardam at port

Every boating vessel in the United States must reserve the most elevated point of honor for the national ensign.  The national ensign is a flag with 50 stars originally implemented by the country’s Continental Congress in the summer of 1777.  The national ensign has been in use by the Navy dating back to the mid-19th century.  This ensign is typically displayed on the stern.  However, boating etiquette in the United States permits the use of a yacht ensign as opposed to a national ensign presented on the stern.

Boat flag size holds importance.  Most boat flag sizes are sold in a set series of standard sizes.  National ensign flags are to be an inch for every foot of length.  As an example, if the boat is 35 feet, the ensign is to be 35 inches.  Ideally, the national ensign will be presented an inch on the fly for each foot of the boat’s length.  The remainder of flags are to be 5/8-inch on the fly per foot of boat length.

Flags other than the national ensign such as courtesy flags, private signals and club burgees displayed on boats are to be half an inch for every foot per the highest mast.

Nautical flag etiquette is one part function, one part form.  The purpose of boat flag etiquette is to facilitate communication between boats.  However, it is the subtleties of boat flag etiquette that shape perception of the boater as well as his or her vessel.

Each country has its own nuanced requirements for boats that enter and depart local ports, meaning the boat flag etiquette described above and below will not be appropriate for waters outside of those near or within the United States.  Though not guaranteed, there is the potential for the failure to comply with boat flag etiquette to result in a fine.

If you aren’t well-versed on boat flag etiquette, take comfort in knowing you are not alone.  Even some of the most experienced boat owners have forgotten or simply failed to learn boat flag etiquette lingo.  Let’s take a quick look at some of the most common terms used when discussing boat flag etiquette.

The flagpole’s bottom width is referred to as the butt diameter.  A flag that is fully hoisted is close up.  The word “colors” refers to the elevating and dropping of flags at 8 in the morning and at sunset.  Courtesy flags are national flags are hoisted for presentation when entering a new country.

To dip is to lower the boat flag by moving it forward from its original upright position to a horizontal position or a 45-degree angle to display a sign of respect.  Ensign is the flag that displays the boat’s nationality, meaning the country where it was first registered.  The canton is the flag’s rectangular portion at the upper hoist corner that takes up ¼ of the flag’s surface area.

The phrase “flag staff at the stern” refers to the pole at the ship’s stern used for the flying of the nation’s registry flags.  The gaff is a rig that protrudes from the flagpole for additional flag hoisting, elevating at an angle.  The rope or cable that raises and lowers flags is referred to as the halyard.

The order of flag arrangement in regard to etiquette is particularly important.  Such order is the same throughout the world.  If the order is not adhered to, it will present communication challenges with other vessels.  Flags with the highest level of honor are to be displayed at the highest elevation.

The order is as follows:

  • Gaff for the nation’s flag
  • Flagstaff at stern
  • Starboard yardam
  • Truck of mast port yardam

What is INTERCO in the Context of Boat Flag Etiquette?

INTERCO is an acronym that is short for the International Code of Signals.  If you are a boat owner or considering taking to the water, you should know and understand the INTERCO signaling system.  This system is used across the globe to communicate information pertaining to maritime travel, boat safety, navigation on the waters and more.

INTERCO signals include boat flags and plenty more.  Additional examples of signals include:

  • Audio signals
  • Signals made by hand
  • ALDIS lamps
  • Radiophones and even radiotelegraphs

The United States national ensign is the flag used for designate vessels traversing waters in or near the United States.  This honorable flag must be presented with care.  The ensign takes the senior spot in the gaff.  However, some vessels do not have gaffs, requiring the flying of the ensign from the boat stern flagstaff.

Every boater should be aware that no other flag can be flown higher than the national ensign within a single halyard.  It is also a violation of boat flag etiquette to hoist the National Ensign and Jack together.  The Jack can only be hoisted when the boat is anchored or travels fast toward the shore instead of when the boat is underway or when the final line is cast away.

Though the nuanced rules of boat etiquette differ by country, there are general themes applicable to the waters across the globe.  As an example, regardless of where you are sailing, a mastless boat should have a courtesy flag used to replace flags that are displayed at the boat’s bow.  A boat with a mast containing a spread requires display at the starboard spreader.

If your courtesy flag is weathered, torn or otherwise in bad condition, do not display it on your boat.  Presenting a worn courtesy flag is a blatant indication of disrespect.

If you are traveling in international waters, do not use the same mast to display the courtesy flag and national ensign as it will be viewed as an indication that you are rivaling the sovereignty of a foreign country.

Moreover, if you are boating internationally or are traveling with riders of a different nationality, display their country’s flag(s) as a gesture of courtesy.  However, these flags should not be displayed on the same mast.  Be sure to remove the foreign flag from your vessel upon returning to domestic waters.

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Table of Contents

yacht flag rules

  • because of foul weather,
  • because of insufficient wind making it unlikely that any boat will Definition: Finish " data-url="/definitions/76?xformat=fleet" href="javascript:void(0)">finish within the race time limit,
  • because a Definition: Mark " data-url="/definitions/70?xformat=fleet" href="javascript:void(0)">mark is missing or out of position, or
  • for any other reason directly affecting the safety or fairness of the competition,
  • a line the course requires boats to cross; or
  • at a gate, between the gate Definition: Mark " data-url="/definitions/70?xformat=fleet" href="javascript:void(0)">marks .

yacht flag rules

  • the new compass bearing or
  • a green triangle for a change to starboard or a red rectangle for a change to port.
  • Subsequent legs may be changed without further signalling to maintain the course shape.
  • replace it in its correct position or substitute a new one of similar appearance, or

yacht flag rules

  • prohibit a boat from competing unless she has broken rule Rule: 30.4 " data-url="/rules/1569?xformat=fleet" href="javascript:;">30.4 ; or
  • cause a boat to be penalized except under rule Rule: 2 " data-url="/rules/1150?xformat=fleet" href="javascript:;">2 , Rule: 30.2 " data-url="/rules/1544?xformat=fleet" href="javascript:;">30.2 , Rule: 30.4 " data-url="/rules/1569?xformat=fleet" href="javascript:;">30.4 or Rule: 69 " data-url="/rules/1626?xformat=fleet" href="javascript:;">69 or under rule Rule: 14 " data-url="/rules/1320?xformat=fleet" href="javascript:;">14 when she has caused injury or serious damage.

yacht flag rules

Previous Versions

Last updated.

Racing Rules of Sailing for 2013-2016; Version 6 December 2015
Racing Rules of Sailing for 2017-2020 August 2017
Racing Rules of Sailing for 2021-2024 December 2020
Australia July 2017
Canada November 2019
Great Britain - RYA has declined to grant a license for prescriptions and cases. November 2019
New Zealand July 2017
United States February 2017
World Sailing Cases February 2022
World Sailing Q&As March 2022
Match Race Calls January 2020
Match Race Rapid Response Calls October 2018
Team Race Calls December 2018
Team Race Rapid Response Calls February 2016
CAN Cases October 2017
RYA Cases November 2019
US Appeals November 2019
World Sailing Judges Manual December 2019
  • Boat & Yacht Etiquette
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yacht flag rules

How to Clear Customs in the Bahamas

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How To Buy a Boat

What is proper boat etiquette.

Knowing local boating laws is essential before heading out for a fun day of fishing, cruising, and watersports. However, it's also important to understand the unwritten rules of boating. Following these rules for proper boating etiquette can ensure that you and your guests stay safe, remain courteous to other boaters, and comply with boating regulations when visiting distant places.

Boat Flag Etiquette

One of the unspoken rules of boating is flying the appropriate flags. As a nod to mariners of old, displaying the correct flags lets you honor boating history and communicate effectively while on the water. There are four basic flag types to choose from:

  • Ensign Flags

Burgee Flags

Private Signal Flags

Courtesy Flags

Each flag has a specific purpose that signifies when their display is appropriate.

Flag Sizes Each nautical flag's size should be proportional to the vessel itself.

In general, an ensign flag should be about one inch long for each foot of a yacht's overall length. Other flag sizes are based on the distance between the highest mast and the water.

Burgees, signals, and courtesy flags are roughly ½ inch long for each foot of the mast's length.

Flag Condition In some cultures, flying a damaged or faded flag indicates disrespect, so it's important to keep your flags in good condition. Though you can remove flags to protect them when out alone on open water, be sure to raise them when entering or leaving port. Courtesy flags, in particular, should remain clearly visible, even at night.

ensign flag

Ensign Flag

An ensign flag is the national flag of a vessel's origin point. In the United States, pleasure boaters can choose between the traditional 50-star flag or the yacht ensign, which features a fouled anchor over a circle of 13 stars. However, boaters should opt for the traditional flag rather than the yacht ensign when in foreign waters.

Most often, yacht owners fly their ensign flag from the stern, though you can also display the ensign from the leech of the most aftersail. When mounting a flagpole on the stern, locate it near the vessel's starboard side. Make sure the staff is sufficiently long and angled to keep it clear of any exhaust or rigging.

Flight times for ensign flags are reserved to the hours between 8:00 AM and sunset. Be sure to take it down if your craft is docked or unmanned before then. You should also remove the ensign during races to alert other boaters that you're engaged in that activity.

yacht flag rules

This small flag displays the logo of a particular sailing organization or yacht club. Traditionally, boaters fly the burgee as a symbol of honor on the starboard rigging. However, many people place it lower in the rig on a thin halyard near the lowest starboard spreader. While you typically fly this flag both day and night, you may need to remove it to show respect when sailing into a foreign port.

private signal flags

A private signal flag is specific to a yacht's captain and is often custom-made. Each private signal flag corresponds to a particular person rather than the boat and should only be flown when the vessel is under that person's command. Fly these flags day or night from the head of the aftmost mast or from the starboard rigging on a sloop.

hanging a courtesy flag

When entering foreign waters or approaching national boundaries, it is proper boating etiquette to display that country's flag on the boat's starboard spreader. If your yacht has more than one mast, choose the starboard spreader of the forwardmost mast, even if it means temporarily displacing another flag for a time.

Before obtaining clearance from local authorities, all vessels should hoist a yellow "Q" flag to indicate a request for permission to enter. After receiving clearance, you can replace the "Q" flag with the appropriate national flag. If you are traveling to multiple locations, such as island nations, be sure to bring along a flag for each place you intend to visit.

Etiquette at the Marina

Around a marina slip, safety and cleanliness are the hallmarks of boating etiquette. Be considerate of others by keeping dock lines, cables and gear stowed neatly away when not in use. When fueling or loading up supplies, move as quickly as possible so as not to block another boater's access. Keep noise levels appropriate and closely supervise any children so that others can enjoy their experience.

Boating Etiquette on the Water

Practicing proper boating etiquette on the water means understanding and obeying the rules regarding boating right of way and passing. When two boats come head-on, each vessel should turn starboard and pass port to port. If a boat approaches you from the right, they are the "stand-on vessel" with the right of way, while you are the "give-way vessel" and must accommodate them.

Boating right of way rules can sometimes change depending on the type of vessel you have and the types of vessels you encounter while on the water. For example:

  • Sailboats under sail have the right of way over powerboats. A sailboat that runs on an engine is considered a powerboat whether its sails are up or down.
  • In an encounter between two sailboats under sail, the one on the starboard tack has the right of way over the vessel on the port tack. If both boats are on the same tack, the leeward vessel has the right of way.
  • Human-powered vessels such as kayaks and canoes always have the right of way over other vessels, even sailboats.
  • Vessels with limited maneuvering abilities due to draft, size, or other reasons have the right of way, while other boats must accommodate them.

All boaters should know and obey these guidelines for boat passing etiquette. However, avoiding collisions and maintaining safety is the main priority, regardless of which vessel technically has the right of way. If another boat is overtaking you, maintain course and speed if you can do so safely. Otherwise, slow down and allow the other vessel to pass.

Boat Docking Etiquette

When entering the marina or approaching a slip, slow your speed to six knots or less for safety. Though the goal is to get situated as quickly as possible, this will give you more time to react to other boaters and help minimize noise levels. If you're boating at a new location, watch a few other boaters before you approach to gauge the traffic flow.

When it's your turn, enlist a friend to help so the process goes as smoothly as possible. Move as quickly as possible to secure your boat and avoid causing damage to it or the dock. Once you've secured your vessel, rather than immediately unloading your extra fuel and equipment, move away from the ramp to give other boaters room.

Boat Etiquette for Guests

Like the captain and crew, guests must practice proper boating etiquette to ensure everyone stays safe and has a good time. If you receive a boating invitation, ask if there is anything the host would like for you to bring (food, drinks, sunscreen, extra towels, etc.). Or, offer to chip in on expenses like food, fuel, or boating fees.

On the day of the boating trip, be sure to arrive at the docks on time to ensure that everything remains on schedule. Volunteer to help out with the boat prep, loading, and launching processes however you can and perform whatever tasks the host gives you to the best of your ability. Before boarding, remove your shoes to avoid damaging or scuffing the vessel.

Since the captain is responsible for the safety of everyone aboard the boat, following their instructions is essential once you're out on the water. Ask your host if you have any questions, and avoid the following actions:

  • Standing while the vessel is in motion
  • Distracting the captain
  • Touching any of the controls
  • Smoking (unless the captain permits it)
  • Throwing anything (garbage, cigarette butts, etc.) into the water

If the captain asks, assist with boat retrieval at the end of the trip. Help unload the vessel once you return to the staging area, remembering to clean up any messes and take all your personal items with you when you disembark. Lastly, be sure to thank the captain or host for inviting you onto their boat and showing you a good time.

Prioritize Safety and Maintain Courtesy

Again, safety and courtesy are the key tenets of proper boating etiquette. Follow all written regulations for your yachting or boating location, and use these tips on launching, passing, boating right of way, boat docking, and guest etiquette to ensure that your day on the water is fun and accident-free.

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  1. Your 2024 Guide to Nautical Flag Etiquette

    Nautical flag etiquette is an essential part of sailing. The seven most common types of boat flags are Skin Diver flags, Storm Warning flags, Coast Guard boat flags, US Jack flags, Maritime flags and Pennants, Yacht Ensign & Officer flags, and most importantly the International Code Signal flags. Code signal flags and are frequently used by ...

  2. Racing Signals: Sailing Flag Meanings

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  5. Boat flag etiquette

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    The ideal size for the national ensign should be one inch of fly (or length) for each foot of boat length. The hoist should be two-thirds of the fly. Only fly the American national ensign during daylight hours. 0800 hours is the earliest you can fly the national ensign, and you should take it down when the sun sets. Positioning is important.

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  18. Flag and Etiquette Committee

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    Most boat flag sizes are sold in a set series of standard sizes. National ensign flags are to be an inch for every foot of length. As an example, if the boat is 35 feet, the ensign is to be 35 inches. Ideally, the national ensign will be presented an inch on the fly for each foot of the boat's length. The remainder of flags are to be 5/8-inch ...

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