Boat Profile

Seaclipper 16

A folding trimaran for the home builder

From Issue   January 2017

I ’ve built more than a few boats for myself in the past 38 years, and in all that time I have never been tempted to build a multihull. Why go to all the work of building two hulls, let alone three, when I’ve never found any of my single-hulled boats lacking in any significant way? I started getting answers to that question as soon as I stepped aboard a Seaclipper 16 designed by John Marples of Searunner Multihulls and one of nine designs in the Seaclipper series of trimarans. The hull is constructed of 7 sheets of 1/4″ six-ply marine plywood, five sheets of 3/8″ nine-ply, and lumber in commonly available sizes. Fiberglass-and-epoxy sheathing is optional. The instructions are geared for novice builders; full-sized templates for the bulkheads are provided in the plans. Stringers connecting the bulkheads define the shapes of the plywood panels for the hulls. The 15′ 11″ vaka (center hull) has a flat bottom that will take to landing on the beach without digging in or causing the kind of wear you’d get with a sharp V hull. The amas (outrigger hulls)  have bottom panels set at an angle, deeper outboard than inboard. This configuration adds a fin-like element for increased lateral resistance for sailing in shallow water with the daggerboard pulled up. The angled ama bottoms also present an edge to the water, keeping the amas from slapping the waves when they’re close to the water’s surface; it’s a quieter ride. The amas’ bottoms are positioned higher than the vaka’s bottom, so their edges are not subjected to wear when the boat is hauled up on a beach.

Each of the four swing-arm akas has three bolts: one securing the pivoting part of the aka to the ama, and two (one of those anchoring the shroud bridle) connecting the pivoting part of the aka to the fixed part on the vaka. Removing the inboard bolt allows the swing arm to pivot, moving the ama aft and inward.

Each of the four swing-arm akas has three bolts: one securing the pivoting part of the aka to the ama, and two (one of those anchoring the shroud bridle) connecting the pivoting part of the aka to the fixed central section on the vaka. Removing the inboard bolt allows the swing arm to pivot, moving the ama aft and inward.

The akas (crossbeams) can  be made in three ways: as one piece bolted to the three hulls, hinged to fold the amas on top of the vaka, or as swing-wings, like LIMONADA shown here. With the swing-wing, the amas pivot aft and nest against the vaka, bringing the beam down from 11′ 3″ to 7′ 7″ for trailering and to fit in a standard marina slip. The swing wings can function whether the boat is afloat or on a trailer, so they are handy when launching or landing at a crowded boat ramp. The swing wings don’t require any hardware beyond nuts and bolts, and have an advantage over the hinged akas: there’s no need to lift an ama and set it down gently on the vaka. The Seaclipper 16 can be built as an open-cockpit cruiser, or as a daysailer with a tandem cockpit, with the helmsman sitting in the aft position, legs straddling a centerboard trunk and the crew sitting forward. The 7′-long open cockpit has side decks between the akas that offer more options for seating, moving around while under sail, and sleeping aboard while moored.

John Marples, designer of the SeaClipper 16 and builder of LIMONADA, goes for a sail on the Mystic River.

John Marples, designer of the Seaclipper 16 and builder of LIMONADA, goes for a sail on the Mystic River.

L IMONADA, as an open-cockpit version of the 16, has a daggerboard deployed through a slot in the cockpit sole. A softwood stick wedged in the slot keeps the board down; it has a loop of line at its top for quick removal and raising of the board. The cockpit sole is high enough above the waterline that any water coming into the cockpit drains right out. The rudder is mounted on a false transom, hinged at the top, that allows the rudder to kick up when meeting an unexpected shoal or to be retracted when coming ashore. The downhaul at the bottom of the false transom leads to the cockpit for easy operation. The rudder blade is balanced and has enough of the blade ahead of the pintles and gudgeons to lighten the load on the skipper when coming about. It also allows the arms of the rudder yoke to be short and unobtrusive. The lines from the yoke lead forward to pedals in the cockpit to  for hands-free steering. A tiller above the yoke allows steering while sitting on a side deck and is the means of raising the rudder when coming ashore.

A hinged false transom allows the rudder to be kicked up. The tiller pulls the rudder up and holds it. The line at the bottom of the false transom holds the rudder down while the boat is underway.

A hinged false transom allows the rudder to be kicked up. The tiller pulls the rudder up and holds it. The line at the bottom of the false transom holds the rudder down while the boat is underway.

The Seaclipper 16 is designed to take a Hobie 14 sailing rig. The pivoting aluminum mast, roller-furling jib, and fully battened mainsail are readily available from a wide network of Hobie dealers and may be found used in online classifieds. The Hobie 14 has a beam of 7′ 8″, so the Seaclipper 16, with a beam of 11′3″ can take better advantage of the 146-sq-ft sail rig without flying a hull to the brink of capsizing. Dyneema shrouds, secured to bridles spanning the side decks, support the mast. The plans include specifications for an unstayed wooden mast. For auxiliary power, a short crossbeam aft of the port aka serves as a mount for a small outboard.

The side decks provide seating when two are aboard, and the steering is then done with the tiller, not the foot pedals.

The side decks provide seating when two are aboard, and the steering is then done with the tiller, not the foot pedals.

I had a chance to sail LIMONADA, the Seaclipper 16 built by Marples for Mac MacDevitt, on Mystic River near Mystic Seaport. Stepping aboard, I got my first lesson in the values of a multihull. I didn’t have to lunge for the centerline as I do with my monohulls to keep them on an even keel. The trimaran has plenty of stability no matter where I put my weight and the amas (outer hulls) have enough volume of to support my 220 lbs. Without having my movement aboard the boat restricted by the nagging demands of a monohull, I could wander around the boat. The decks are all flat, so the footing is good everywhere. While I like the sweep of a curved sheer line, the Seaclipper’s flat decks simplify the construction of the boat and provide the geometry required for the swing-wing akas.

The deck surrounding the cockpit is large enough to set up a tent for sleeping at anchor. The windsceen was added by the builder to block spray when sailing a brisk breeze.

The deck surrounding the cockpit is large enough to set up a tent for sleeping at anchor. The windshield was added by the builder to block spray when sailing into a brisk breeze.

I liked being able to walk around the boat while it was under sail with Mac at the helm. I never get to see my own boats moving through the water, so stretching out on an ama to watch the vaka’s bow at work was a treat. The 7′-square deck around the cockpit offers a place to pitch a tent. Mac has a two-person tent with an oval hole in its floor to match the cockpit opening. He can sleep to one side of the cockpit, sit comfortably upright with his feet in the cockpit and have access to the gear stowed there. The amas and vaka offer plenty of room for cruising and camping gear; commercial plastic hatches offer access.

I took LIMONADA out by myself and enjoyed steering with my feet and having my hands free to manage the sheets. Nestled down in the cockpit on a padded seat with a backrest, I was very comfortable and relaxed. The sheets were right in front and could be cleated off, making sail-handling a breeze; there was no need to switch sides or do-si-do with a tiller when coming about. During my outing the weather was warm and the wind was light, perhaps 8 to 10 knots at best with a few gusts, but in a cold wind, being mostly below deck level would be a boon. Mac had made a removable windshield that wraps around the forward end of the cockpit for even greater protection from cold wind and spray.

With Marples and owner Mac MacDevitt aoard, LIMONADA flies the windward ama. The leeward ama still has plenty of freeboard.

With Marples and owner Mac MacDevitt aboard, LIMONADA flies the windward ama. The leeward ama still has plenty of freeboard.

The light wind was more than enough to get Mac’s Seaclipper going at a brisk pace and fly the weather ama. There was no spray, so I stayed dry, and even with the boat moving at a good clip I didn’t notice any water coming up through the daggerboard slot.

I was surprised by how well the Seaclipper could come about. With three hulls in the water, I thought there would be a lot of drag in the turns and that the boat would get bogged down, but the rudder blade and the centerboard have enough area to swing the bow around before the boat loses momentum. I never got caught in irons, but I backed the jib for a moment to hasten the bow’s falling off and the filling of the main.

LIMONADA owner Mac MacDevitt reports that his SeaClipper 16 is “super fun in a stiff breeze.” Here, sailing on Lake Champlain, just south of the Split Rock lighthouse he estimated his speed at about 13 knots. “It was exciting, but I felt safe and secure.”

LIMONADA owner Mac MacDevitt reports that his Seaclipper 16 is “super fun in a stiff breeze.” Here, sailing with a reefed main on Lake Champlain, he estimated his speed at about 13 knots. “It was exciting, but I felt safe and secure.”

seaclipper 34 trimaran

Christopher Cunningham is the editor of Small Boats Monthly.

Seaclipper 16 Particulars

Length/15′ 11″

Beam/11′ 3″

Beam, amas retracted/7′ 7″

Draft, hull only/11″

Draft, board down/2′ 7″

Sail area/127 sq ft

Displacement, dry/400 lbs

Displacement, full load/800 lbs

seaclipper 34 trimaran

Plans for the Seaclipper 16 are available from Searunner Multihulls for $180.

Is there a boat you’d like to know more about? Have you built one that you think other Small Boats Monthly readers would enjoy? Please email us!

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Comments (2)

Thanks for the multi-hull perspective. Lots of cool ideas.

I’ve been looking. This could be the one!

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  Seaclipper 16 Trimaran

I love sailing little boats. I sail on the local lakes as well as the nearby straits. The ocean frequently whips up some steep seas that concern me and would terrify my friends and the special-needs adults I work with.

A year ago, I began building a Seaclipper 16 trimaran, designed by John Marples. I chose this trimaran for its stability yet speed. I also wanted this seating arrangement where the crew needn't scramble from side to side while tacking. It is also wonderful that the boat and sails can be controlled from both cockpits.

John Marple's plans are wonderfully clear and easy to follow. I was able to do most of the building inside an unheated shop, so work could continue most days through the winter.

Here, one of the amas is about ready to be turned over to work on the decking.
The work on the main hull moved to a car port just before it got too wide to make it out of the shop door. Also in time for warmer spring weather.

I am using a Hobie 14 mast and sails. All the information for using that rig as well as using optional aluminum tubing for the cross beams is included in John's plans.

The boat folds easily for trailing.

I can assemble the boat by myself, though it is nice to have a hand flipping the amas into sailing position. I use the trailer winch to raise the mast with no trauma.

This picture was taken the day of the launch.

The boat sails nearly flat and easily reaches 6 knots in light winds. I've reached nearly 10 knots in moderate winds.

On Father's Day, I went for my first sail in a protected strait near Comox, BC, Canada. The water was very choppy and the winds were 10 - 15 knots. The boat rocked with the waves, but didn't do any rolling other than in the wake of big boats. That sail was exciting, but not scary. Like downhill skiing. I was recording speeds of 6 knots in the chop, and up to 8 knots when I got into a harbour where the water was calmer, but the winds not diminished.

Back in the choppy water, I tied in a reef and all the action settled down, perfect for touring. Also great for touring is the amount of storage space ahead and behind the cockpits.

I made a short video that day from the cockpit. Full sail and beating into the wind at about 6 knots.

I am streamlining my assembly and I still have too many lines to sort out, including the great pedal steering. Once I am on the water and sailing along I realize the nuisance of getting there is well worth it. I am looking forward to taking my friends and special-needs clients on some adventures they never dreamed of.

John Marple's plans are available at

Thanks for the opportunity to show my rendition of a terrific trimaran.

Gerry Lavoie

seaclipper 34 trimaran


seaclipper 34 trimaran

I have been struggling with time constraints and other commitments while trying to redesign the web site and I am not getting things done quite fast enough. Because there are so many boats to put up, I will put up all the new boats in the old style and change them over to the new style when it is finished. I hope to put up 5 boats a day starting today. I will send each of you a note when your boat page is up. Thanks for your patience. Bob

.  It is intended to be as complete a list of boats and owners as can be assembled.  In addition to listing boats and owners, we provide pictures and information about each boat.

The only way to assemble this data is for Owners to send it in.  If you own a Searunner, Seaclipper or Constant Camber boat, please submit the following information.    Also, if you know an owner, please send them this page.See below.

by name, along with photos of the boats when available.


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Tri Review Header

Review of nine small, folding day-trimarans (2010)

by mike waters n.a.

Ful 19

As much as I like the basic concept of Jim's new boat, there are a couple of aspects that I need to mention. To put a light rig from a Hobie 16 on a boat that is FAR heavier and more stable than the boat for which it was originally designed, might prove too much for this mast, especially since the shrouds are more inboard than normal—so raising the mast compression. Normally, a Hobie would just 'go over' and so relieve the load—but not this beamy 800 lb twenty-footer! Also, the too-typical, puny 4-oz sail cloth of a regular Hobie 16 sail, is hardly man enough for this job. It's certainly a low cost start up solution and we've all admired Jim for his support to those with lesser means, but I think any builder should plan on something more substantial to be a better match for this cruiser. Finally, as the ama looks to be quite substantial in volume (guessing about 800 lbs buoyancy?), I have some concern for the strength of the single plank akas (cross beams) that act as swing arms for folding, should the builder decide to choose regular construction lumber. Sooner or later, someone will push this boat hard enough to bury an ama and that's a LOT of leverage on those arms, even if they are cleverly designed to act like huge flexible wooden leaf springs. But without seeing the details, I can only suggest that some good laminated material might be in order for these parts and perhaps Jim's plans already call for that or even some added carbon here as well. But I like the general concept and even though the boat will be no speedster, it's a design that can give a young couple on a small budget, a lot of weekend pleasure provided the conditions are within what the rig and swing arms can take.

Discovery 20

  • This particular Performance Index is simply a product of the principal things that affect multihull performance (LOA × BOA × Sail Area) all divided by the listed Weight. By taking the square root of this value, you then get a figure that very roughly reflects speed for comparison purposes. Yes, I agree there are a lot of factors NOT taken into account with this crude approximation, but the base figures used are easy to find and at least the general trend is indicated—and quite fairly so I believe.

TRIKALA 19 The Trikala 19 is from the board of imaginative designer Kurt Hughes. This boat was actually in production for a while in Spain but since then, a few have also been built by amateurs. A couple reportedly even cruised the Mediterranean in one! This is a boat design that always frustrated me—perhaps wrongly so.

Trikala 19

For me as a designer, the looks of a boat are almost as important as its performance and the Trikala looks quite stunning from the bow, with its long fine entry and streamlined deck lines. But then, as it opens out to encompass a very wide cockpit aft, it always appeared to me that something distracted the designer or he just lost interest, as the view from the stern quarter is not so elegant. It's no doubt practical but it's a shame that its wonderful efficient appearance from the bow could not in some way be maintained at the stern. But with that very personal comment aside, this is an interesting boat with no doubt a good performance. It would be a particularly interesting boat to build for someone wanting to learn about composite construction with a larger boat in mind 'down the road', as the Trikala is lightly built of foam core under fibreglass skins and would therefore provide a good learning experience. The boat does not fold in a conventional way but like some other small designs by Kurt, uses a sliding system with tubular akas, the port ones, sliding into tubes with Teflon runners behind the starboard ones—so the two sides are not exactly symmetrical—a factor that some potential buyers find disturbing, though the difference is purely cosmetic. (The larger 7 m, L7 by Mike Leneman, also uses a similar sliding system – though in this case he uses fiberglass channels—see my REPORT on SMALL TRIMARANS for more on the L7, available through my website.)

Strike 18

W17 This design of mine was created during 2009 and completed in 2010.  It's hard to review your own boat designs without being accused of inevitable bias, so I will simply tell you about it and point out the features I've incorporated and why.  However, time has now shown [2020] it's as good as I had hoped and expected her to be.

This is a primarily a boat 'to just enjoy sailing in'. She's designed to be comfortable, way drier than average, fast and efficient and is just at home on a weekend camping cruise as on the circuit.   With several boats now [2020] having each sailed and cruised over 1000 miles and with open sea passages of up to 60 miles safely accomplished, she is certainly proving very capable in experienced hands, employing intelligent sail reduction when things get rough.   Her seemingly simple hull forms give a very high efficiency and she has proven quiet and dry through a chop and with her wing mast and unique ama shape, shows an unusual ability to climb to windward with minimal leeway.   [Following an independent test and review by Wooden Boat Mag., I was asked to explain why the W17 performed so well with such simple shapes and my reply to this was published in the prestigious Professional Boatbuilding magazine #169 .. and is available to read on this website under 'Published Articles'].    

Sailing this boat is indeed a magical experience and dozens of boats are now (2020 update) being built in over 30 countries.   She's a little more time-consuming to build than others her size, but numerous owners have since dubbed her, 'The Miata of the Seas' .      For them, a few more hours is well worth the effect and this boat will take you to a whole new level above any production boat of this size out there .... and also cost you less.


Comparison Chart  (created in 2010)

Model >> Fulmar 19 Windrider 17 WETA 4.4 Seaclipper 20 Discovery 20 Trikala 19 Strike 18 Cross 18 W17
Designer Blackline Prod Jim Brown Weta Marine Jim Brown Chris White Kurt Hughes Richard Woods Norm Cross Mike Waters
Description Cruise Tri Day Tri Sport Tri Cruise Tri Day Tri Day Tri Cruise Tri Day Tri Day Tri
Length 5.8m / 19' 5.3m / 17' 4.4m / 14.4' 6.1m / 20' 6.1m / 20' 5.8m / 19' 5.5m / 18' 5.49m / 18' 5.2m / 17'
Beam OA 3.35m / 11' 3.4m / 11' 3.5m / 11.5' 4.72m / 15.5' 4.65m /15.25' 4.12m / 13.3' 4.3m / 14.1' 3.57m / 11.6' 4.2m / 13.8'
Folded 1.83m / 6' 2.4m / 8' 1.7m / 5.6' 2.6m / 8.5' 2.6m / 8.5' 2.44 / 8' 2.4m / 8' 1.98m / 6.5' 2.2m / 7.2'
Float volume Low Medium Low Med-high Med-low High Medium Medium Med-high
Weight listed 118kg / 260# 145kg / 320# 100kg / 220# 363kg / 800# 238kg / 525# 245kg / 540# 272kg / 600# 181kg / 400# 190kg / 420#
Sail Area m² / ft² 7.43 / 80 13 / 139 11.5 / 124 20.4 / 220 21.8 / 235 19.25 / 208 19.2 / 204 16 / 175 18.6 / 200R
Sail source Custom Custom Gaastra Hobie 16 Custom Beach cat Beach cat Custom Custom
Construction Matl Vinylester Polyethylene Glass/foam Ply-epoxy Veneer-epoxy Composite Ply-epoxy Ply-epoxy Ply-epoxy
Cross beams - akas Vinylester Alloy tubes CF tubes Wood Wood Alloy tubes Alloy tubes Box beams Box beams
Estimated Matl. Cost ~$8000 ~$9500 ~$13000 ~$4000 ~$5000 ~$6000 ~$4000 ~$3500 ~$4000
Accessories Vinylester Al-alloy Carbon Hobie 16 x x Cuddy Wood Wing mast
Features s F&A sitting CF Mast Swing arms Beam fairing Telescopic Hinged Hinged Hinged+fairing
Plan Cost N/A N/A N/A $250 $295 $500 ~$230 $20 per sheet $195-> 230
Appearance Kayak style Day cat style Day cat style Large cockpit Large cockpit Large cockpit Large cockpit Large cockpit Large cockpit
Year of availability ~1995 ~2002 2007 2010 1986 ~1995 2009 ~1980 2010
Comfort good for 1 good for 2 sport sailing very good excellent very good very good good excellent
Space 1 2 2 4 4 4 3 3 3
P.I. = L*B*SA / Wt 64.3 81.2 93.3 85.2 136.5 97.3 86.3 91.3 112
Sq.Root of Perf.Index 8.01 9.01 9.66 9.23 11.7 9.86 9.29 9.55 10.6
Rough  speed comparison


  • Boats for Sale

Seaclipper 24 for sale in Windham, Maine United States of America

Windham, Maine United States of America

Make & Model

Seaclipper 24



- Stock #' Trimaran AutoTiller, GPS, VHF, New Sails, comes with Trailer! Update November 2023: the seller has purchased brand new sails for the boat which have never been used. This Seaclipper 24 trimaran is featured on the main page of the designer, John Marples, Searunner website..that you can find at the link below:: The owner built over a period of several years, this boat has served the seller/builder well and it is only being sold because the seller wanted more room in his multi-hull. Built of marine plywood that has been fully glassed over, she is stoutly built and works well as a trailerable pocket cruiser with amas that fold in to make the boat legal width. This seller is motivated and will consider all reasonable offers. Please submit any and ALL offers - your offer may be accepted! Submit your offer today! Reason for selling is seller is moving up in size. At Pop Yachts, we will always provide you with a TRUE representation of every vessel we market. We encourage all buyers to schedule a survey for an independent analysis. Any offer to purchase is ALWAYS subject to satisfactory survey results. Contact us for a free BoatHistoryReport report on this vessel. We pay upfront for a report on every vessel possible, and we provide this peace of mind to our buyers at no charge and with no commitment. All you have to do is ask! You have questions? We have answers. Call us atto discuss this boat. Selling your boat has never been easier. At Pop Yachts, we literally sell thousands of units every year all over the country. Calland we'll get started selling your boat today. Take a look at ALL ***79 PICTURES*** of this vessel on our main website at POPYACHTS DOT COM. We appreciate that you took your time to look at our advertisement and we look forward to speaking with you!

Engine Count

Engine Horse Power

Max Speed Knots

Good Condition


John Marples

Hull Material





The Seaclipper 24 is 24 feet long and has a 16 feet beam. This 2012 Petrol Seaclipper 24 with 6 horsepower. The Seaclipper 24 is made of composite and can accommodate up to 6 passengers. This vessel comes equipped with anchor, battery, bilge pump as well as being equipped with autopilot, compass, gps, vhf.


1981 j boats j-24 for sale.

Ketchikan, Alaska


NEW Rustler Rustler 24 for sale

Newport, Rhode Island

Berthon International

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Punta Gorda, Florida

2004 Regulator Boats 24 for sale

Newport Beach, California

Northrop and Johnson

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Tampa, Florida

Tampa Yacht Sales, INC

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Similar locations.

  • Seaclipper in Maine
  • Trimarans in Maine
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    Beam:  24'    Draft:  2'
    Beam:  16'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  15'    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  11.5'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  5.5'
    Beam:  11.5'
    Beam:  18'    Draft:  5'6'
    Beam:  24'    Draft:  1.5'
    Beam:  22'    Draft:  5'
    Beam:  13'    Draft:  1.5'
    Beam:  19'    Draft:  1.5'
    Beam:  23'    Draft:  5.6'
    Beam:  12.9'    Draft:  1.5'
    Beam:  11.5'    Draft:  .5'
    Beam:  19.75'    Draft:  4.9'
    Beam:  19.5'    Draft:  1.5'
    Beam:  12'    Draft:  1.5'
    Beam:  11.6'    Draft:  2.5'
    Beam:  18'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  2'    Draft:  2.5'
    Beam:  20'    Draft:  1' 2"'
    Beam:  37.7'    Draft:  2.6-7'
    Beam:  18'    Draft:  4.4'
    Beam:  24'    Draft:  1.3-5'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  .8'
    Beam:  14'    Draft:  1'6'
    Beam:  18.44'    Draft:  3.3'
    Beam:  18'    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  10.25'    Draft:  0.5'
    Beam:  18'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  28'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  17'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  20'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  19.2'    Draft:  1.2''
    Beam:  27'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  11.5'    Draft:  0.5'
    Beam:  11'
    Beam:  18'    Draft:  1 4'
    Beam:  19'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  18'    Draft:  4.8'
    Beam:  10'    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  27'    Draft:  2'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  22.5'    Draft:  1-5.5'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  7.9'    Draft:  2'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  1.5'
    Beam:  2110'    Draft:  46'

seaclipper 34 trimaran

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Thoughts on the Seaclipper 24 Trimaran “Daysailer”

by Small Tri Guy | Jun 18, 2010 | Self-built Small Trimarans , Small Tri Info - All | 0 comments

After considering the “daysailer” version of the Seaclipper 24 Trimaran , I wanted to point out a feature that I especially like. I’ve often thought about it after Paul Dawson (designer of the Predator Trimaran) emphasized the notion to me during my interview with him for “More Small Trimarans.”

Paul pointed out that putting a full cabin on a trimaran that is primarily going to be used for “daysailing” can waste valuable cockpit space. For example, if you’d like to be able to regularly go sailing with 4 to 6 people, then the seating area in a boat that has a full cabin is going to be limited. That’s why he designed the micro-cruising version of the Predator trimaran with a very small cabin area upfront. This cabin area is just big enough to house a Porta Potti, along with space for an adult or couple of kids to get out of the sun when then want to.

The cockpit seating area, however, is very generous. Since this is where most riders will want to find a comfortable seat while the boat is under sail, then it makes sense for the cockpit to be spacious.

The very cool thing about this arrangement is that you can still hook a tarp or tent up to the small hard cabin upfront and drape it over the cockpit in order to create an incredibly roomy mini camper for lunch, dinner or overnighting. Click here to see example photos of this very desirable feature in a Predator trimaran .

With the Seaclipper 24, sailors are now given the opportunity to have a homebuildable version of a boat that offers the same type of setup. While every sailor may not be interested in this particular approach, it is certainly an incredibly practical aspect of this new sailboat.

And you may want to consider the fact that whether most gals vocalize it or not … many of them like the idea of going daysailing … but they’re decidedly NOT enthusiastic about the idea of taking a bathroom break without ready access to a clean, private Porta Potti (with private enclosure around it).

With these things in mind, the Seaclipper 24 is offering some very nice benefits.

Spacious Seating Inside the Seaclipper 24 Trimaran Daysailer

Click here to view or download the image of the Seaclipper 24 trimaran above in pdf .

Click here to view or download the above image of the Seaclipper 24 trimaran with sail plan in pdf .

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  • Seaclipper 10

The Seaclipper 10 is a solo trainer and harbor racer is fun for the entire family. The crew sits in a secure cockpit, steering with foot pedals, with all sail controls arranged on a dash board, close at hand. Performance is lively, with good steering control in a comfortable, forward facing, semi-reclining position. Construction is beginner level stitch and glue plywood using epoxy adhesives. Most components are ¼″ thick plywood and ¾″ thick lumber. The mast and demountable cross-arms (akas) are aluminum tubing. Expect to spend 3-6 months part time effort to complete. Plans are well illustrated and easy to read. The overall beam is 8′ for trailering. ABOVE: When sailing a Seaclipper 10, the crew sits in the cockpit, steers with his or her feet, and controls all lines without leaving the cockpit. Picture by John Marples. IMAGE 1: SOUR GRAPES was built in the 1980s and restored and relaunched in 2013 by designer John Marples. Picture by John Marples. IMAGE 2: Seaclipper 10s and the Constant Camber 3-meters race together near Vashon Island. Picture by John Marples. IMAGE 3: The Seaclipper 10 BANANAS sailing in San Francisco Bay. Picture by John Marples.

Length Overall 10′0″
Waterline Length 10′0″
Beam Overall 8′0″
Beam of Main Hull 2′3″
Draft, Hull Only 10″
Draft, Board Down 2′11″
Displacement, Full Load 360 lbs
Displacement, Dry 160 lbs
Payload 200 lbs.
Sail Area, 100% fΔ 60 sq ft
Sail Area, Max 130 sq ft
Mast Length 18′6″
Bridge Clearance 20′
Engine Power N/A
Fuel Tankage N/A
Water Tankage N/A
Speed under Power N/A
Number of Crew 1
Berths, Min/Max N/A
Headroom in Cabin N/A
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seaclipper 34 trimaran

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01-01-2010, 13:45  
Boat: 34' Searunner Tri
forum. Thanks to Steve Ripples for this: From Steve's other post.

. I contacted the design about plans and got an (extremely quickly) from John Marples saying that it was Jim's , that he hasn't quite finished the plan package and is at present cruising off , not expected back for 3 weeks or so. How old is Jim? He's still cruising? Way to go! Now that's a man that just loves what he's doing.

I wanted to make this a new thread, because Jim Brown is a very special kind of designer/man. If you listen to his audio file, you will hear him explain all the reasons behind every thing on this . The material, the construction methods, the availability to make it your self. Jim has always, since the 1960's been a who knew his where for the home , and yet they were going around the world. Imagine the worry of a watching complete novices building, and those same builders saying they are heading out....and they had never been on a boat!
He always kept the material in line with what was needed to get the joib done, at a reasonable cost and time. That is harder than is seems I bet. Keeping it simple but not too simple. Strong, plenty strong, but not too heavy.
There is a genius in Jim. He could have gone to the top no doubt. Designing million dollar exotic machines. But he didn't. He is still fighting high costs and unreachable for the regular sort of guy.

The Sea Clipper line of boats (sold by John Marples) were designed to have a guy bang them out, and get out there sailing to far off places. They are not the lightest, fastest, or latest design going. But they are hell for stout and rugged and can pack a load. More like a serious offroad utility vehicle, that just happens to be fast and comfortable.
01-01-2010, 14:25  
Boat: 63 ft John Spencer Schooner
01-01-2010, 14:46  
Boat: 34' Searunner Tri
02-01-2010, 07:31  
Boat: Ex liveaboard, now grounded.
has the outline information.

Hi, Jmolan, good idea to make a thread just for the new Seaclipper 20. Do you get the feeling interest in the Searunners is on the up and up? Hope so, maybe it's because the design values are more long lasting than onboard HDTV....

Now I have a real dilemma on my hands - build my own cruising tri half-size model for testing which will come out about the 18-20 size, or go for the new Seaclipper. What the hell, either would teach me a great deal. Or how about building both? Steady, now...
02-01-2010, 16:02  
Boat: Searunner 34 and Searunner Constant Camber 44

22-01-2010, 18:40  
Boat: Windrider 17
23-01-2010, 08:34  
Boat: 34' Searunner Tri
23-01-2010, 08:38  
Boat: 34' Searunner Tri
Jim Antrim for more info.  
25-02-2010, 08:25  
26-02-2010, 14:15  
Boat: Windrider 17
28-02-2010, 11:19  
Boat: Searunner 34 and Searunner Constant Camber 44
  • I spoke with Jim Brown last weekend who showed me the model he was working on which matches the drawings. The model is his way of physically verifying what he has imagined will work in 3D. The main hull is identical to the drawings, as are the asymmetrical amas.
  • Jim said two real boatbuilders, both name Scott with one living St Augustine, were going to build the prototypes in order to help with feed back. I had thought he meant amateur boatbuilders but from the plans I now assume he meant pro.
  • Jim said he was going to put the study plans on line but the finals would be for sale .
  • He noted he was also working with John Marples on this.

seaclipper 34 trimaran

06-03-2010, 15:08  
Boat: Careel 22
, here in Aus', and sellers of WR17's overseas are less than forthcomming with details I "need" to , that leaves me with one "easy" choice.
I "will" build a JB Seaclipper 20...Just as soon as I can buy and get my hands on the plans can't happen soon enough for me
28-03-2010, 07:04  
28-03-2010, 16:55  
Boat: Careel 22
29-03-2010, 08:44  
Boat: Searunner 34 and Searunner Constant Camber 44
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  3. Seaclipper 16 Open Cockpit HealthCare Center

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    Originally Posted by md7a For lake sailing and trailer convenience, you might consider building or buying a Seaclipper 20. They seem to sail well, fit on any flatbed trailer and can take a simple tent

  20. Searunner Multihulls

    The first Seaclipper 20 under sail in Saint Augustine, Florida. The Seaclipper 20 is suitable as a family daysailer or an expedition trimaran. Mike O'Brien reviewed the design in WoodenBoat No. 217 (Nov/Dec 2010), and a class at the WoodenBoat School in the summer of 2011 built one in nine days (see WoodenBoat No. 227 (July/August 2012). The ...

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    Paul pointed out that putting a full cabin on a trimaran that is primarily going to be used for "daysailing" can waste valuable cockpit space. For example, if you'd like to be able to regularly go sailing with 4 to 6 people, then the seating area in a boat that has a full cabin is going to be limited. That's why he designed the micro ...

  22. Searunner Multihulls

    Searunner trimarans and catamarans designed by John Marples and Jim Brown ... The Seaclipper 10 is a solo trainer and harbor racer is fun for the entire family. The crew sits in a secure cockpit, steering with foot pedals, with all sail controls arranged on a dash board, close at hand. ... Seaclipper 24; Seaclipper 28; Seaclipper 34; Seaclipper ...

  23. Jim Brown's Coming Seaclipper 20 Trimaran (the 'Janganda')

    Jim Brown's newest design, the SeaClipper 20, does in fact employ a swing wing for docking and trailering, which brings the amas underneath its fixed 8' x 8' platform. Jim intends to release the SeaClipper 20 design plans in the near future. 26-02-2010, 14:15.