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Bye, Greece: There’s A Yacht Week In East Africa Now

Bye, Greece: There’s A Yacht Week In East Africa Now

As tourism booms in Africa, so does the number of curated experiences on the continent. One unique expedition that’s caught TravelCoterie’s eyes is the East African Yacht Week taking place off the coasts of Kenya and Tanzania.

black yacht week east africa

Yacht Week has traditionally been known as a pretentious European event involving celebrities, models, oligarchs and über successful businessmen sailing around the Mediterranean or Aegean Sea. It’s an expensive experience costing as much as $100,000 for a 100-foot fully-staffed vessel. The prices in East Africa may be significantly cheaper, but the white sand beaches and turquoise waters are just the same.

black yacht week east africa

East African Yacht Week was created by Chicago native and entrepreneur, Kelsy Horton. His love of sailing, history and Pan-Africanism are parts of the reason he now resides in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.  With “beauty and culture of the Eastern coastline of Africa and its neighboring islands” on the itinerary, Black folks stateside are prepping their passports for a week on the water this fall.

black yacht week east africa

If sailing around the motherland’s coast sounds like something you might be interested in, head over to the East African Yacht Week website .

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Eric has revolved in and out of passport controls for over 20 years. From his first archaeological field school in Belize to rural villages in Ethiopia and Buddhist temples in Laos, Eric has come smile to smile with all walks of life. A writer, photographer and entrepreneur, the LA native believes the power of connectivity and community is enriched through travel.

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Creator of Black Yacht Week: "They Totally Overlooked Africa"


black yacht week east africa

Yacht Week is apparently the “best week of your life.” It’s the “original floating festival… seven days of sailing… exploring the most picturesque pockets of the world” on a yacht, all-inclusive.

Except one thing’s missing… melanin.

Entrepreneur Kelsy Horton felt that . “While attending the sailing events in Europe, one thing I noticed… is that they totally overlooked Africa,” he says. He also noticed that while Black attendees “made the most” of what they were offered, we usually weren’t catered to in any way.

So as we often have to do, he made his own! Yacht Week East Africa is by us, for us. “We sail for the culture and are committed to the African Diaspora,” he says . And he wants it to be more than just a party. 

Yacht Week East Africa is intended to “connect more people in the African diaspora with the Motherland for leisure, business, and self-exploration.” That means it also includes delicious food and off-the-beaten-path excursions.

What started out as a single yacht experience has grown substantially since its founding in 2016. They now have multiple dates in multiple beautiful locations - the Seychelles , Kenya , and Tanzania so far.

If you’re ready to connect to your heritage, explore Africa, and party on a yacht with other Black folks, then Yacht Week East Africa might be worth checking out!

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Chicago’s Black Yacht Weekend: A Celebration of Culture, Community, and Luxury


In 2019, Shaniqua Davis founded Black Yacht Weekend, a luxury event experience in Chicago inspired by the famed Yacht Week in Croatia. What began as a local event to recreate the magic of yacht trips abroad has quickly grown into a cultural celebration that attracts attendees from around the globe. Now in its fourth year, Black Yacht Weekend has become a highlight of the summer, blending music, food, and vibrant social gatherings on land and water.

black yacht week east africa

This year, a special Labor Day pop-up edition in partnership with Ciroc will elevate the experience even further, featuring brunches, yacht parties, and a transformed beach oasis to celebrate the launch of Ciroc’s new Lemonade product. As Shaniqua continues to build this unique brand, she shares her vision for creating unforgettable experiences that unite people in celebration of life, culture, and community.

Ahead of the weekend, Davis spoke with The Source on the development of Chicago’s Black Yacht Weekend and what is to come in the future.

black yacht week east africa

The SOURCE: Can you tell us about the inspiration behind Black Yacht Weekend and how it came to life?

I came up with the idea for Black Yacht Weekend in 2019 after exploring Yacht Week in Croatia. At that time, a lot of friends were planning these big group trips to Croatia and Greece, and I thought it looked amazing. But it was really expensive, and the whole experience required a lot. It’s still on my bucket list, but until I have the opportunity to do that, I wanted to recreate that experience here in Chicago. I think Chicago is the most beautiful place in the summer, and it felt like a great opportunity to bring people together. Since 2019, we’ve been doing this for four years, and it’s grown each time. Now, we have an amazing partnership with Ciroc, which is looking to be our continuing backing partner.

You mentioned that partnership. How did it come about, and what will it bring to this year’s event that may not have been present in the past?

This weekend is actually a pop-up experience. Our annual event was in June, with around 500 people coming to Chicago worldwide. Ciroc reached out to us in May and wanted to explore a partnership for the June event, but we couldn’t make it work then due to timing. They asked if we could recreate the experience for Labor Day weekend to celebrate their new Ciroc Lemonade product launch. With this partnership, we’re taking all the elements of what we do—parties on land, parties on water—and letting them enhance the experience with their product.

You mentioned events like the Beach Fest, the lake experience, and the brunch. What can attendees expect at each of these events? What would be a memorable takeaway for them?

At all the events I host, whether Black Yacht Weekend or otherwise, people are always wowed by unique experiences, whether it’s dancers, musical artists, or special giveaways. With Ciroc involved, there will be a lot of product giveaways, like tote bags, complimentary drinks, and food. At the Beach Fest, we’re transforming Whispers into a beach oasis to create a Mediterranean experience in Chicago. It’s a chance for people to connect, meet new folks, engage with VIPs or influencers, and see all the activations from Ciroc.

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What are you most excited about for this pop-up experience?

I’m really excited about the Beach Party. My backyard is currently filled with Ciroc products! I thought they would send a few things, but it looks like a Ciroc shop in here. Seeing all of this makes me confident that what we’re going to walk into on Monday will be something truly special. It will be a fun way to wrap up the Chicago summer.

My last question concerns your ambitions for the event and the brand. What are some of your key goals for this weekend, and what does the future look like for you?

My goal for this weekend is to showcase the brand’s growth and where we’re heading. I want people to see Black Yacht Weekend as more than just a boat meetup—it’s a full production experience. People should start planning for it years in advance, like a floating festival on the water. We had people fly in from South Africa, London, New Zealand, and more for the June event. With our June 19-22 event next year, which starts on Juneteenth, we’re excited to continue building partnerships and expanding into new cities.

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Yacht Week East Africa: Your Next Stop to Experience Tanzania’s Beauty and Opportunities

As the Africa Rising narrative continues to spread, interest in Africa for both travel and business is booming. As more people travel to the continent, perceptions are changing and new opportunities are being created as Africa becomes a desirable place to live, work and play. The East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania have all experienced recent booms in tourism and the private sector. Oil and natural gas discoveries have fueled the interest of multinational corporations, while improved business environments have attracted smaller investors to the region.

Kelsey Horton, a Chicago native, is capitalizing on this opportunity by merging the best of both worlds and introducing people to both the beauty and opportunity that Africa has to offer. Kelsey just wrapped up his first successful ‘ Yacht Week East Africa ’ and sat down with Gaidi Faraj to share some insights into doing business in Africa and his contribution to the Black travel movement.

How did you wind up in Tanzania?

As a kid, my mom worked at what was then called the Center for Inner City Studies, a satellite campus of Northeastern Illinois University located on the South Side of Chicago, (now called the Jacob H. Carruthers Center for Inner City Studies). The campus offered curricula through an Afrocentric lens and celebrated African culture and traditions. She would take me and my brother to work with her during summer breaks, and it was within this atmosphere that I first became enamored with Africa. Later, I began working as a finance manager in the international development space and began traveling to Africa frequently for business. It was at this time that my affinity for Africa grew and when an opportunity to live and work in Tanzania presented itself, I jumped on it.

Why Yacht Week?

My interest in yachting initially came from attending yacht events on Lake Michigan in Chicago. When I moved to Dar es Salaam, which sits on the Indian Ocean, I began to attend yacht events more frequently. I noticed many travel companies organizing yachting trips throughout Eurasia and the Americas, but Africa was being totally overlooked. Fully aware of the unparalleled beauty and potential of East Africa, I began to develop the Yacht Week East Africa concept. In addition, African-Americans had been attending other yachting events in Europe and felt that those events didn’t particularly cater to their travel needs. Yacht Week East Africa was also designed to address this gap.

How did you market your event?

Considering it was a new event, it made sense to initially market it to my existing networks in the U.S. As a result, the first Yacht Week East Africa cohort was primarily from the states. Future Yacht Week East Africa events will be marketed to African-Americans as well as others within the African Diaspora.

What was the local reception to the idea?

Yacht Week East Africa was well received by the local community. They viewed it as an exciting and refreshing idea that could potentially boost tourism.

What was the international reception like?

The Black travel movement is at an all-time high and people are very interested in seeing what Africa has to offer. Many Black people came across Yacht Week East Africa in their social media feeds and not only saw it as an amazing way to explore Africa but also as more meaningful and culturally relevant version of the yachting events being offered in Eurasia and the Americas.  

Did you encounter any fears or concerns based on negative perceptions of Africa?

Yes! Someone wanted to know how will they be protected from a Captain Phillips situation! I quickly alleviated those concerns by informing guests that pirate incidents are rare, and those that do occur typically take place off the coast of Somalia, a country about 1500 miles away from Tanzania, about the distance from NYC to Kansas. Tanzania has no such issues and is one of the safest and most peaceful countries in Africa.

What were some of your obstacles in implementing your first Yacht Week East Africa?

One of the biggest obstacles was yacht availability. There are no official charter companies in East Africa, so I had to search for and source yachts from private owners based in Dar es Salaam.

What were some of your biggest successes, and what are the lessons learned from this first event?

Some aspects of the event were absolutely amazing, others aspects will require some fine-tuning before the next Yacht Week East Africa event. The land component of the event, which was primarily managed by my team and included the welcome reception, tours in Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar and all of the official Yacht Week East Africa parties went extremely well. And the guests absolutely fell in love with Zanzibar! The sea component of the event, which was outsourced to the private yacht owners, is an area that I’m committed to improving. I’m currently in discussions with charter companies in the Seychelles that would be able to provide better yachts, and I’m also exploring the possibility of hiring our own captains. There will be other improvements, including an update to the route so that it is more efficient and impactful, and the hiring of more staff to assist with logistics and guest services. This was the first run of the event, and I’m committed to refining it in order to make it the premier yachting experience in East Africa.   

What potential do you see for expanding?

I’ve contemplated having similar events in other parts of Africa, but considering I live in Tanzania and I’m well-connected here, I would like to focus on Yacht Week East Africa for now. With that said, I would like to eventually secure funding to procure my own yachts and provide daily charters to Tanzania’s network of islands in addition to hosting Yacht Week East Africa several times per year.

What would you say to other African-Americans interested in moving to East Africa?

East Africa is a beautiful and peaceful region of the continent and we’re definitely welcome here. There are many other African-Americans here, and numerous business and career opportunities. The same ingenuity that we use to make it in America can certainly be applied in Africa, perhaps with greater impact and reward.


Dr. Gaidi Faraj is a Pan African scholar, writer and entrepreneur. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley in African Diaspora Studies and resides between the U.S. and Mauritius. His twitter is @iamgaidi

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Sailing Seychelles With Yacht Week East Africa Left This Girl From Kentucky With A Lifetime Of Memories

I'm from Kentucky where boating is mostly an activity for the privileged. Exploring Seychelles with Yacht Week East Africa transformed me.

Travel Noire • Oct 3, 2019

Updated Jan 22, 2024

black yacht week east africa

Written by: Krista Hayes

I’m from Lexington, Kentucky where boating is mostly a weekend activity during the summer, only for the privileged. For the sons and daughters of wealthy horse breeders, business possessors, descendants of bourbon-distillery founders and ritzy home-owners who live in the same glamorous neighborhood as John Calipari.

Even though my life as a pre-teen raised there consisted of being the only “black girl” in the bunch, it wasn’t out of the ordinary that my best friends were white or of Asian descent. Regardless of my skin color, at ten-years-old was when my then best-friend asked me to join her very conservative family on a boat outing at Lake Cumberland, about a two-hour car ride from home that was totally out of my comfort zone (and to this day, I still can’t believe my parents let me go). However, when I took my first step on that 14-passenger pontoon, I forgot I was the only person of color, and the smell of grass meeting the water hit me in the most intense and enlightening way. The hue of the lake was radiant from sunbeams, and that moment ignited my fascination with boats and set the tone for my life as a “water baby.”  

22-years later, the same momentous adoration for the water revisited my soul again, but this time, it was an out-of-body experience from God, and it wasn’t from a man-made lake in Kentucky, oh no!

black yacht week east africa

Exploring the Seychelles islands off the coast of East Africa with Yacht Week EA was so tantalizing, so eye-opening, that the entire trip from beginning to end transformed me. At first, the Indian Ocean and Seychelles never appeared on my radar as a part of the world I needed to see. I figured I’d end up as far as Ghana soon, or maybe even Nigeria. To be completely transparent, I didn’t even know the islands of Seychelles (Mahe’, La Digue, Eden, Curieuse, etc.) existed until I agreed to take this trip. I am beyond grateful to God that I took that leap of faith.

I spent eight days in Seychelles total. Eleven catamarans packed with working professionals from across the United States ready to indulge in vacation air sailed the islands for five days. This sea space created a unique bond with EXTREMELY different women from across America. My boat mates and I all have one thing in common now that we will share forever because of this trip: Seychelles was one of the best vacations we’ve ever had.

black yacht week east africa

We hiked the red-earthed hills of Curieuse Island and enjoyed fresh coconut from treetops. We discovered the rich yet aphrodisiacal existence of coco de mer and the sweet tropical scent of Takamaka rum. We’ll look back on innocent experiences like falling in love with the 100-year old tortoise I nicknamed “Victor Cruise.”

black yacht week east africa

The countless discoveries with a group of women I had never met in my life turned into lifetime memories with women I now call my boat mate sisters.

Interactions with the native characteristics of Seychelles – the people, the languages, the animals, and the landscape down to the bikes we used as transportation all around La Digue, those are the one-on-one connections I made on the land that resonated with me more than the people I actually met who came from the States. No offense to them at all, and I’m not saying Seychellois culture is any better than my own, but I made it my goal to develop a bond with our Seychellois yacht chef and captain solely so they could take me on land and immerse me fully into the local lifestyle of the Seychelles and my GOD , I succeeded and it was epic. There aren’t enough words I could say to thank the locals on our yacht who made this trip that much more phenomenal. 

black yacht week east africa

Nearing the end of our trip, as we were sailing for four and a half hours towards Eden, a warning was issued from experienced sailors to wear Dramamine bands and to hydrate heavily to avoid sea-sickness. Insane paranoia struck because I couldn’t shake the idea of getting seasick, as I did on the way a few days earlier. I started to experience a panic attack in my bedroom quarters.  Our captain took it upon himself to invite me to sit with him above deck while he steered the yacht, and advised me to simply calm down and take in everything I see. Once I sat in that captain’s seat and relaxed, for hours, there was God’s presence and the entire Indian Ocean one wave at a time, islands off in the distance, clouds forming in the sky, sun rays slightly poking through. Instead of sitting below deck preoccupying my mind with the waves making me ill, I took in the ocean air just like I inhaled the air back in Kentucky during my first trip at the lake when I was ten years old. After a few deep breaths, I soon realized, “Wow, I am an African-American woman from Kentucky in the middle of one of the most beautiful countries in the world, sailing with Seychellois, not a care in the world.” 

black yacht week east africa

For those like me, those who were not raised in major metropolitan cities or were not exposed to landmarks and destinations outside of the United States. People who read travel blogs and websites and just wish they could “do it” … just do it. Research, investigate and save to travel with a fantastic group like Yacht Week East Africa. 

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HELLO WORLD: Yacht Week East Africa Is Catering To Black Women

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Yacht Week. When you close your eyes, you can feel the wind from the water and smell and taste the ocean on your lips. The sun is warming your melanin skin and you are surrounded by lots of other party goers ready for a good time. You hop from boat to boat, partying, drinking, connecting. The music is blaring, the drinks are flowing, you are surrounded by paradise. While there is fun in Croatia, beauty in Greece, and you can never go wrong with Montenegro, Kelsy Horton realized there was a major miss for people of color: no Yacht Week focused on an African or Black experience. Thus, three years ago, Yacht Week East Africa was born. Talk about sailing for the culture!

Sailboat Sailing On Sea Against Sky

Source: Alexandra Wontorra / EyeEm / Getty

This Yacht Week sets sail in the Seychelles where guests can spend two days on land learning about the Seychelles and experiencing the culture prior to setting sail. There are options for attendees to sight see, go shopping and learn more about the islands. During the actual sailing experience, there are options as well. Guests will be able to go on a tropical rainforest hike, snorkel, fish, bike riding, exploring and more. It’s more than just a boat and water!

We caught up with Kelsy Horton, Founder and Host of Yacht Week East Africa , who got candid with us regarding why he started East Africa Yacht Week, things you need to know, and more. Starting a business can be daunting, what placed Horton up for the task? He told Hello Beautiful , “I started Yacht Week East Africa to provide an Afrocentric alternative to the sailing events that take place in Europe and the Americas. I also wanted to showcase the beauty and culture of East Africa, which is under the radar for many people.”

In addition to East Africa being under the radar for many people, sailing isn’t something that Black people are culturally involved in on a large basis. Horton has been sailing since he was a child, “My first sail took place when I was a kid in Chicago, on the waters of Lake Michigan,” he shared with Hello Beautiful. How he got from sailing to a kid to running a yacht week was a little more complex. “In 2015, I moved to Tanzania, which sits on the Indian Ocean, and has a strong sailing community. I started sailing with friends for birthday parties, when guests were in town, and other special occassions. It was at this point that sailing became one of my passions.”

And passionate he is! Horton is hosting three different trips in 2019. Currently, there is room to register for two more trips occurring in September and October. The first one is August 30th to September 8th, 2019 and the second one is October 11th – October 20th, 2019. Anyone can attend! Horton shared, “We celebrate Black culture and we welcome anyone from any background to join us.” If you are worried that you can’t swim, don’t be. Horton assured, “You don’t need to know how to swim to attend Yacht Week East Africa. Swiming during the event is totally optional.” Just wear a floatie girl and get ready to slay some serious beach photos!

If you are someone that has been to other Yacht Weeks and wondering what makes this one different, Horton reveals, “in addition to sailing, beautiful beaches, and partying, our emphasis on culture and cuisine separates us from the rest. Our sailing locations are also off of the beaten path.” So yes, you will have a one of a kind experience with unique photos focused on our culture. While personally, I have never been to East Africa, Horton was able to help me understand what makes this region so special. “East Africa calms your spirit and is good for your soul.” He boldly boasts, “There’s a strong change that East Africa is more beautiful than your favorite vacation spot.” Wow! He also adds that “the people are extremely welcoming and the culture is very accommodating,” which is also a plus for people traveling while Black.

I was looking through images and the company’s Instagram page and I noticed one thing: there were so many Black women in attendance! It made me wonder if Horton was focused on our demographic and behold, he is most definitely catering to Black women. (Come on, Black man!). “There is something that is very appealing about a beautiful woman in her best swimsuit, laid out on a yacht in the middle of the ocean without a care in the world,” he swoons. What makes this trip so attractive to us? Horton explains, “Add a beautiful backdrop like the Seychelles, plus the fact that the event is curated with them in mind, and our Sisters are ready to sign up!”

As mentioned, the company has been around for only three years; however, they are already thinking of expansion. Horton is looking closely at routes in other countries as well as land-based events in Tanzania and Kenya. He tells us to “stay tuned!” …and we are. We end our interview with Horton encompassing Yacht Week East Africa, “It is for us, by us, and we sail for the culture.”

You can find out more about Yacht Week East Africa on their website, here . Currently, you have until February 28th, 2019 to book for the August/September or October trip. Get on it!


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7 Best Travel Groups for Black Travelers

Sustainable travel expert, adventure seeker

Laurel, MD, USA

Exploring a destination with a group may help you navigate a new city better than you might have if you were traveling solo. But have you tried traveling with a group of people who inherently understands your existence? As humans, we are likely to group ourselves with people similar to us, so it isn’t a coincidence that Black people tend to travel in groups. From gathering at some of the best Black festivals IRL to cheerleading other Black travel bloggers online, for Black travelers, community and travel have always been intrinsically interlinked. If you’re a Black traveler looking to scratch your travel itch, try one of these seven Black travel groups on your next trip.

For Creative Travelers: Wind Collective

black yacht week east africa

Wind Collective has only been around since 2017, and they’re already a force to be reckoned with. Their itineraries have taken travelers from places like Brazil all the way to The Philippines. The London-based collective believes in meshing creativity with travel, which is evident from their Instagram feed. Travelers joining this Black travel group can expect a ‘creative session’ where they’ll be authentically photographed and recorded as they enjoy their trip. These creative sessions serve as beautiful reminders of the experience (and make for great travel ‘grams, too).

As a way to infuse social good into everything they do, every Wind Collective trip includes a ‘give back session’ where travelers contribute to bettering the local communities in the destinations that they visit. They’ve given back in places all over the world like Bali, Cuba, and Colombia.

For Single Black Travelers: Haywire Weekend 

black yacht week east africa

If you’re a single traveler, then Haywire Weekend might be for you. Touted as “the best weekend of your life”, Haywire expertly combines island life, luxury travel, and partying. They pride themselves on finding the best and most exclusive villas for every trip. If luxury travel is your thing, Haywire is for you.

As erratic as its namesake, Haywire Weekend is absolutely for single people, groups of friends, or couples who are traveling together. The crew is fun to follow along with on social media too. The company films epic episodes on their trips similar to the style of a reality television show. If boat parties and flowing bottles sound good to you, don’t forget to add Haywire to your list. 

For Solo Women: Black Girls Travel Too 

black yacht week east africa

Black women looking to join a group trip should definitely consider Black Girls Travel Too . The travel company was founded to steer away from the narrative that Black women don’t travel. In her youth, BGTT’s founder, Danny Rivers-Mitchell, fell in love with traveling after a school field trip to Washington, D.C. The Alabama native started the organization as an online community on Instagram in 2015.

Since then, over 100K people have followed the company’s far-flung adventures. Previous destinations for their group trips have included London, Thailand, India, and Australia. Barbados, in particular, is a favorite destination for the group as they take travelers to the island each year to celebrate crop over: a carnival-style celebration held every summer. Black Girls Travel Too trips are immersive in the local cultures, often including volunteer opportunities, while providing camaraderie amongst Black women.  

For Adventurers: Urban Events Global 

black yacht week east africa

Founded in 2011 as a camping trip for a group of friends, Urban Events Global is the go-to Black travel company for those seeking a bit of adventure. Every year, they host a range of trips including a camp weekend, two international trips, and a cruise weekend. UEG events are made for the curious, thrill-seeking Black traveler.

Urban Camp Weekend is usually held in the South; this year’s event was in New Braunfels, Texas. Campers can pull up in their own RVs, cozy up in a cabin, or pitch a tent. Activities include everything from tubing on the river to beach volleyball. The best part about this camp? No kids are allowed and there’s an open bar all weekend–a true adult camping experience. 

The company has hosted International trips in destinations like Capetown, South Africa where travelers got to explore nature and dive into the historical culture of the region. Urban Cruise Weekend takes travelers to breezy Caribbean destinations like Cozumel, Mexico. Adventurous Black travelers shouldn’t miss the chance to travel with this group. 

For Luxury Lovers: Yacht Week East Africa 

black yacht week east africa

If your idea of luxury travel is living on a yacht in Seychelles for a week, then book your trip with one of our favorite Black travel groups— Yacht Week East Africa —immediately. This Yacht Week is a lot more welcoming than what some Black travelers have experienced when attending Croatia’s version. In Seychelles, travelers get to spend two days on land before hopping on the water for a week-long expedition. Water activities include snorkeling, fishing, swimming, and some yacht hopping, too.

Unique activities on the YWEA itinerary are a sunset beach BBQ and a full moon party. If Tanzania is tugging on your passport strings, the collective will bring in 2021 exploring Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar island. During 7 days of authentically experiencing Swahili culture, travelers will get to take a Spice Tour and visit Mikumi National Park. If Keyna is calling, join the community in Nairobi for safaris, white water rafting, and a visit to the best place for handcrafted goods, Maasai Market. 

For Group Tours Across Africa: Tastemakers Africa 

black yacht week east africa

Traveling across the continent hasn’t always been easy or well connected, but Tastemakers Africa is the missing link. With Black travel group tours and experiences hosted by locals, Tastemakers is allowing people of African nations to tell their own stories. From Johannesburg to Accra, the platform lists various types of locally-led tours for travelers to choose from.

In Accra, one tour takes attendees to the former slave castles of Cape Coast, which was the last time many West Africans stepped foot on African soil before being shipped to The Americas during the transatlantic slave trade. Tastemakers tours allow travelers to link up with local insiders for experiences like a live music crawl in Johannesburg or fabric dying in Ghana. These authentic experiences are a great way for Black travelers of the African diaspora to connect with the parts of their ancestral roots. 

For Black Teens: beGirlWorld

black yacht week east africa

beGirlWorld was founded in 2014 in Philadelphia as a way to empower young Black girls through global education and travel. Here, travel is a vehicle for cross-cultural experiences, future career paths, leadership, and inspiring new possibilities. The organization accepts donations that are often used to sponsor passports for their travelers. On their trips, the teens are exposed to cultural activities like language learning and culinary arts.

The program isn’t just about travel. It’s a structured two-year cohort that features notable guest speakers, lessons in travel planning, and assignments like interviewing travel professionals. At the end of the two years, the girls travel to destinations like London and Madrid as part of their graduation from the program. Organizations like beGirlWorld serve as important pillars in the Black community. 

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Travel Goals! This Man Created A Yacht Week Just For Black Folks

Travel Goals! This Man Created A Yacht Week Just For Black Folks

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Black Yacht Weekend - Chicago | A Black Chicago Yachting Experience

Black Yacht Weekend

A floating party on the water for black travel enthusiasts everywhere. This event is all about culture, fun, and creating new experiences. Rally the crew and meet us in the water!

black yacht week east africa

A #SummertimeChi Black Yacht Experience

The biggest weekend of the summer.

Welcome aboard Black Yacht Weekend, a floating party created for black boaters to party on Lake Michigan each year. Boaters connect and party on the water while sitting against the stunning backdrop of Chicago’s iconic skyline. Since launching, Black Yacht Weekend has quickly become a highlight of the city’s summer calendar, drawing black boaters to the vibrant vibes of the water each year.

Enjoy a full weekend of parties, cruising on the water, and chilling in the Playpen. Grab your crew, find a boat and meet us in the water.

Event Dates:

Location: chicago.

June 19th – June 22nd 2025

More details to come.


An Unforgettable Experience

Reserve a spot.

Register for the weekend to get access to our charter rental partners, event information, and day of tie-up information. Registration also includes branded swag for each charter. Only one registration is needed for each charter group.

Find a Crew and Join a Boat

Want to join the weekend but you don’t have a group to book with? Join our facebook group to match with other boaters looking to fill boats.

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27 Best Black Travel Groups to Follow in 2022

Introduction to Black Travel Groups – Do you like adventure, exploration, chilling, partying and/or just living your life to the fullest? Do you want to travel with a like-minded community that not only gives you a sense of belonging but also a sense of protection as you see the world?

Also, if you are a black traveler, and intimately familiar with potential issues you can encounter as you travel while black. Then these 27 Black Travel Groups are what you need in 2022:

1. Haywire Weekend

Calling all single black travelers! If you are looking for the perfect combination of luxury travel, island life, and partying. Then this is the group for you. Haywire Weekend. as they say, “Will give you the best weekend of your life!”. The turn-up and the bottles are real.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Haywire Weekend (@haywireweekend)

2. Wind Collective

If you are a creative traveler. The Wind Collective has been on doing trips since 2017. Their itineraries are impressive. They are a London-based collective that believes in blending travel and creativity.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by The Wind Collective (@windcollective)

3. Black Girls Travel Too 

The old narrative of Black women don’t travel is literally obliterated. For all the black women who love traveling, this group is the best traveling group one can get.

It started with an online Instagram profile in 2015 and today their trips and experiences have enriched the lives of hundreds of women. With more than 100k followers. Various trips throughout the year. Be ready for a seamless and enriching travel experience from start to finish.

Black Girls Travel Too
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Black Girls Travel Too® (@blackgirlstraveltoo)

4. Urban Events Global 

Are you a thrill-seeking traveler? Urban Events Global is a black travel company with overloaded adventure. They host several trips. Including International trips , camp weekends and cruise weekends. Adventure freaks will love their itineraries.

They have hosted International trips in places like Cape Town, South Africa. Where tourists enjoyed the opportunity to explore nature and appreciate the historical culture of the region.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by UrbanEventsGlobal (@urbaneventsglobal)

5. Yacht Week East Africa 

Not everyone is a budget traveler. Some travelers prefer luxury over everything. Yacht Week East Africa is perfect for hosting luxury travel. They also arrange water activities like swimming, fishing, snorkeling, and some yacht hopping. 

Extraordinary activities on the YWEA itinerary are a full moon party and sunset beach BBQ.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Yacht Week East Africa (@yachtweekea)

6 . Tastemakers Africa

Wandering across the continent is not always manageable. With Tastemakers Africa, traveling across the continent is fun and easy. Your group travel plans will be a success as Tastemakers allows people of African nations to tell their own stories. 

From Johannesburg to Accra, the outlet details several types of locally-led trips for tourists to select from. They host tours of cities like Dakar, Lagos, and Accra. The authentic experience they provide is a great way for black travelers in Africa to engage with the fractions of their ancestral roots. 

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tastemakers Africa (@tstmkrsafrica)

7. beGirlWorld

Founded in 2014 in Philadelphia, beGirlWorld has left no stones unturned to empower young black girls to travel and educate themselves about this beautiful world. 

For these girls, travel is a means for inspiring new possibilities through cross-cultural experiences, leadership and future career paths. They accept donations that are continually used to finance passports for their travelers. On their excursions, the black teens are exposed to language learning, culinary arts and other cultural activities.

Black Travel Groups

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8. Nomadness Travel Tribe

Nomadness is a forerunner of the black travel movement. It began as a web series in 2011. The founder Evita Robinson started documenting her trips via YouTube after globetrotting. Her work has now evolved into a community of more than 15,000 members and 100,000 passport stamps. 

Apart from the NomadnessTV web series, they plan workshops, yearly travel conferences, events, and group trips via the Nomadness Travel Tribe. They unite like-minded people looking for an alternative to mainstream travel.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Nomadness Travel Tribe (@nomadnesstribe)

9. Travel Noire 

If you wish to unlock your potential, build meaningful relationships, and change the world, Travel Noire has it all! They are in the business of encouraging travelers to discover and experience new destinations, communities, and global opportunities.

Also, they equip their travelers with a roadmap to design a journey of their dreams. They believe in experiencing all that life has to offer, from international travel to exotic trips.

Also the Founder, Zim Ugochukwu built the community as a place for people of color to share their experiences abroad.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Travel Noire (@travelnoire)

10. Black Adventuristas

Veronica Garnett, also the founder of Black Adventuristas is on a goal to encourage more women of color to live daringly. Rock climbing, skydiving, volcano trekking, and other exciting adventure sports are a few activities on the list for her trips.

11. Black Voyageurs 

Moreover, Black Voyageurs is a digital publishing platform and travel lifestyle brand that produces equipment for enthusiastic voyageurs. It is a booking platform that curates one-of-a-kind travel experiences to black travelers in destinations around the world.

They bring people together and smash the narrative that keeps them divided by their differences. They are paving the way for considerable cultural impact, by making it manageable for people to connect to culture-oriented adventures celebrating the culture.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Black Voyageurs (@blackvoyageurs)

12. Passport Posse

Do you wish to travel in crews? Passport Posse is the travel group that you must know about. Shantoya and Willie, two travel addicts, started this group outside of a cafe in Greece. They started Passport Posse from the view to overturn the pessimistic perceptions and encounters that they had suffered as African-Americans in different countries. 

With this empowering message, they organize group tours in incredible destinations like Cuba and Barbados. They create sponsor activities and trips intended to immerse globetrotters in the culture of the nations they have elected to visit.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Passport Posse™ (@passportposse)

13. Black & Abroad

Black & Abroad is a travel & lifestyle company that has redefined experiences for the black traveler. They take pride in planning adventure travel moments for black travelers and curating international, culturally conscious luxury. 

The founders, Kent and Eric wanted to see more of their community exploring the world and they wanted to dive into a sense of pride when doing so.

Because of Black & Abroad’s mission, they have been invited to the United Nations to talk on diversity & inclusion and the significance of sharing multiple perspectives within travel. They expose the people to diverse and nuanced narratives within the travel community.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Black & Abroad® (@blackandabroad)

14. Jet Black Travel

Their main idea is don’t just fly, fly jet black. Shunning the narrative of suppressing black lives, they are centered on curating life-changing experiences. 

They plan the entire trip and provide every traveler with an extensive itinerary that defines everything the tour entails. They also give important data to be mindful of in every country they organize tours.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by JetBlack Events™️ (@jetblacktravel)

15. Melanin Journey

One-stop destination for wanderlusters, Melanin Journey will undoubtedly inspire you. From Positano to Paris, Accra to Anaheim, get lost in a kingdom of wonder. Melanin Journey takes a voyage around the real globe, calling attention to melanated people across the planet.

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16. Melanin On The Map

The Map is a Global Black Business that is involved in curating unforgettable travel experiences. Melanin on The Map is the first travel mobile application devoted to people of color. Their company is all about inspiration, information, and inexpensive travel opportunities.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by MelaninOnTheMap (@melaninonthemap)

17. Sisters Traveling Solo

Sisters Travelling Solo was established to empower women to travel and connects, empowers, inspires and supports women travelling solo. Their goal is to support Sisters. They are also aimed at making the minority travel experience a manageable one.  

Cole Banks, the founder of Sisters Travelling Solo is helping to drive the travel culture for black women with unmatched global travel experiences. She says “As women, we need to give ourselves some time. We need to recoup. We must learn who we are, and travelling solo can help us do that.”

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sisters Traveling Solo™️ (@sisterstravelingsolo)

18. The Black Travel Groups Club 

If you ever get bored in this world, connect to the Black Travel Club. Whether you are thinking of travelling in a group or solo, it would be a good option to connect with fellow Black travelers all over the globe.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by The Black Travel Club (@theblacktravelclub)

19. Up In The Air Life

Up in the air life helps you explore the world through culture, wine, food and luxury. It unifies luxury travel with the art of connections to create milestones, memories, and charm for people looking to tour the world.

Black Travel Groups – From wine tasting in Italy and France to going on luxury yachts in Croatia, the team deals with each special detail for the ultimate level of luxury and adventure. Their founder, Claire Soares, recently completed a luxury trip to Antarctica at the end of 2021.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Up in the Air Life (@upintheairlife)

20. Green Book Global

Green Book Global is a black travel review platform that was created after the founder, Lawrence Phillips, left his job to travel all 7 continents and 30+ counties in less than year. When looking forward to visiting different destinations, he was nervous about how is blackness would be received. He couldn’t find a platform that provide these types of insights, so he built one.

Black Travel Groups – Their name pays homage to the original Negro Motorist Green Book which was essentially the Black Travel Groups Bible during Jim Crow and Segregation. Similarly, they want to make travel as easy as possible for black travelers around the world.  Currently they have over 5000 crowd sources destination reviews on their website including what it is like Traveling While Black and they ACTUALLY PAY their community members to travel and to leave reviews.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Green Book Global (@greenbookglobal)

21. You Me Travel Co

You me travel co is a black travel community organized to connect you with travel enthusiasts across the Diaspora. They have created a members-only club just for honest travelers. They have an amazing team of Cool people, places, events & Black-owned businesses. 

Who knows? You might find your next travel buddy, bae, or co-founder.

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22. Black Travel Groups Alliance 

The Black Travel Groups Alliance is a group of black travel content creators from all across the world. The three pillars of their community are accountability, alliance, and amplification. As travel bloggers, authors, bloggers, journalists, broadcasters, podcasters, vloggers and social media influencers, they unite to heighten the travel experience.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Black Travel Alliance (@theblacktravelalliance)

23. Bucket List Beasts

Established by Sonjia Lioness Mackey, Bucket List Beasts is for people who love adventure and thrill. From diving with great white sharks to bungee jumping and drinking shots of cobra blood, you will be assured of heart-pounding fun. They also plan a secret trip where the location is hidden until you arrive at the destination.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Griots Republic (@griotsrepublic)

24. Black Travel Summit

The Black Travel Summit is a year-round event celebrating Black travel industry professionals and travelers, with an emphasis on the Millennial and Gen Z audience. It is based in Miami/Fort Lauderdale and has a variety of in-person and virtual events with various panels, keynote speakers etc. that cover a range of travel topics of all things black!

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25. Mount Noire

Mount Noire is a travel community devoted to improving inclusivity in winter sports through curating unique experiences and new memories with like-minded people on and off the slopes. Their mission is “Bringing colors to mountains”.

They bring about exhilarating activities, pushing their boundaries and attaining new heights.

26. Certified Africa

If you like to explore and challenge yourself with like-minded people, certified Africa will help you to begin a new adventured journey with an investment twist. 

Their custom group trips help you navigate the unknown while giving you different investments insights and opportunities (like buying real estate) while in the Motherland. They primarily focus on Ghana, Kenya, and Tanzania

View this post on Instagram A post shared by CERTIFIED AFRICA ™ (@certifiedafrica)

27. ColorOutside

If you happen to watch “Get Out” one too many times you may be hesitant to explore remote locations and the outdoors, but Nailah Wylie is changing that for Black Women. Creating a safe place for black women to explore the outdoors, be prepared to escape your normal routine and reconnect with yourself like never before with wellness retreats, workshops and coaching.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Color Outside (@wecoloroutside)

Final Words

For black travelers, travelling and knowing that our needs will be catered to, sometimes feels like a foreign idea. However, these black travel groups are changing the travel industry and helping to make it a more enjoyable, inviting, and equitable place for black travelers.

Are you a black traveler who is looking for a good black travel group? Well, your question ends here. Try one of these Black Travel Groups and make the most out of your next trip.

Maxie Palmer III

1 thought on “27 Best Black Travel Groups to Follow in 2022”

I s there any travel groups specifically for Over 65 Black couples?

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October 14 – 22, 2024

Prices from

single & double occupancy available

– Set Sail & Explore –

Imagine yourself sailing in stylish yachts, island hoping off the breathtaking archipelago of Seychelles.

This dream vacation will provide you with an unprecedented adventure of exploring the shores of Seychelles, both off and aboard the yacht.

Seychelles is known for clear blue oceans, picturesque backdrops and endless miles of white sands. Looking to create an unforgettable experience that sunbathing, snorkeling, fishing and a rainforest hike? Then we have a room aboard the yacht with your name on it. See you in Seychelles!

Add-Ons Available

Please schedule a phone call or send us a message to inquire about international round trip flights.

Covid-19 Travel Restrictions

Covid-19 Updates for Seychelles

Visa Requirements

View Passport Index

Day to Day Itinerary

black yacht week east africa

Arrive in Seychelles & Unwind

Monday, october 14, 2024.

After landing at the Seychelles International Airport (SEZ), or Aéroport de la Pointe Larue in French, your private Away to Africa driver will transport you to your lodging.

  Constance Ephelia Mahe Seychelles . Dinner Included  

black yacht week east africa

Mahe – Full day Tour

Tuesday, october 15, 2024.

Spend the day exploring the main and largest island of the Seychelles, Mahe.

Your first stop will be at Mission Lodge, a historical site which today include the ruins of an ancient school for freed slave children.

Leaving Mission Lodge, you will then make your way to Victoria, the world’s smallest capital, for a guided tour of the bustling Sir Selwyn Selwyn-Clarke market, the Hindu temple, the cathedrals and the Clocktower.

You will proceed to the Takamaka Bay Distillery where our much loved local rum going by the same name, Takamaka Bay is made.

The next stop will be Cap Lazare Nature Reserve for a delicious Creole lunch and exploring the reserve.

  Constance Ephelia Mahe Seychelles . All Meals Included  

Away to Africa seychelles-island-adventures-forest

Anse Major Nature Trail

Wednesday, october 16, 2024.

Today you will go on a wild and scenic coastal walk with views of waves breaking on the granite boulders.

The first part of the trail is through patches of open woodland areas, small river valleys and over exposed, rocky ridges.

Enjoy spectacular views across the sea over Silhouette and North islands as you make your way towards the stunning Anse Major beach.

  Constance Ephelia Mahe Seychelles . Breakfast & Dinner Included  

black yacht week east africa

Star Fish Excursion – Full day Cruise on Catamaran

Thursday, october 17, 2024.

Today you will discover St. Anne Marine Park onboard a catamaran.

Spend the day swimming and snorkeling in the marine park, exploring its exciting underwater world. You will get to disembark on Moyenne island, for a tour before enjoying a delicious lunch at the island’s restaurant.

After lunch, you will re-embark on the catamaran to spend the rest of the day cruising along the islands of the marine park.

black yacht week east africa

Friday, October 18, 2024

After breakfast, head to the domestic airport for your 20 minute flight to Praslin.

  Constance Lemuria Resort . Breakfast & Dinner Included  

black yacht week east africa

Visit of Vallee de Mai and La Digue Island

Saturday, october 19, 2024.

Start your day with a guided tour of Vallee de Mai Nature Reserve, a UNESCO protected site where our unique Coco de Mer, the world’s heaviest seed, grows naturally. The reserve is also home to other endemic flora and fauna of Seychelles, including the Black Parrot.

You will then make your way to the jetty to board the ferry to La Digue, where you will explore the island like the locals do – by bike, to visit:

  • Anse Source D’argent.
  • L’union Estate
  • Anse Severe Beach

  Constance Lemuria Resort . all meals Included  

black yacht week east africa

Robinson Crusoe Cruise – Full day tour to St. Pierre and Curieuse

Sunday, october 20, 2024.

Your first stop today will be at St. Pierre Island, for its vibrant marine life.

You will then head to Curieuse Island, for a hike through the mountains and mangrove swamps to Anse Jose in time to enjoy a mouth-watering BBQ lunch following by some relaxation time.

The final stop is the stunning Anse Georgette beach for a photo stop and a refreshing swim.

Away to Africa mahe-Island-seychelles_1

Day At Leisure

Monday, october 21, 2024.

Laze around the pool, go for a refreshing dip in the turquoise ocean or pamper yourself at the spa.

black yacht week east africa

Depart Mama Africa

Tuesday, october 22, 2024.

Transfer to Praslin airport for your flight to Mahe Island. Once on Mahe, transfer to the Mahe international Airport for your international flight back home.

  Travelling & Breakfast Included  

“The opportunity that God sends does not wake up him who is asleep.”

– Seychelles PROVERB

Your investment, we offer flexible & custom payment plans, contact us for a quote with flights included, single occupancy, one room with one large bed. paired travelers or couples will share a room & a bed., deposit $250.

For alternate payment options including direct deposit & PayPal please contact us.

Custom Payment plans available at booking

*If booking a double room as a solo traveler we will attempt to pair you with another solo traveler. If we’re unable to match within 60 days of tour, you must upgrade and pay a single traveler supplement (single occupancy).*

Double occupancy

Our tour to Seychelles includes enjoying diverse cultural expeditions throughout the country based on single occupancy ensuite for all lodging.

  • Swag Bag including our ‘I Met God’ T-shirt upon arrival
  • All Lodging Accommodations.
  • Breakfast and specified Meals throughout the entire tour.
  • Return domestic flight (Mahe – Praslin – Mahe)
  • Return ferry (Praslin – La Digue – Praslin)
  • An Away to Africa Tour Representative that travels with you 100% of the time on the ground during the duration of the tour.
  • All Transportation Costs which includes Personal Driver and Airport Pickup & Drop-off.
  • This Trip includes all boating experiences via our “at sea” provider.
  • Entry Fees into all Excursions and all lounges we attend as a group.
  • Pricing is contingent on the time which tickets are purchased.

Not Included

  • International Round Trip Flight Add-On is available for each departure.
  • Required travel documentation (Valid Passport &/or Visa).
  • Parties and Events not included in package.
  • Transport outside of tours.
  • Gratuities for Guides & Drivers.
  • Travel Insurance (More Info About Insurance). *affiliate link*
  • Hotel Room Charges, Personal Telephone Calls on Hotel Phones & Laundry.
  • Souvenirs & Snacks, Lunch, Dinner & Alcoholic drinks.

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black yacht week east africa

Windhoek Jazz FestiVAL

November 22 - december 03, 2024, december 6 - 15, 2024.

black yacht week east africa

Tanzania & Zanzibar

Rwanda & kenya, maasai mara great migration, lamu & zanzibar, kriol jazz festival.

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The Africa Channel Presents Top 10: Black Cruises

Traveling aboard an opulent cruise liner or on a private luxury yacht is the ultimate status symbol of wealth and success. These high-end excursions at seas were largely a playing field for white travelers until the early 90’s when an African American travel industry professional launched what is today a popular trend in cruise ship experiences for the Black traveler. And others have followed her lead creating luxury experiences for the Black yacht enthusiast as well.

Noting some great seafaring vacation opportunities, The Africa Channel offers its list of Top 10: Black Cruises. And with CDC safety measures in place, the seas are reopening to travel.


Top for… Pioneering Achievement

Patricia Nicholson Yarbrough first saw this opportunity in 1992, launching  Festival at Sea : Cruising with an African American Twist. Today it’s an award-winning experience attracting new and seasoned guests to full chartered ships of Gospel Brunch, Midnight Soul Food, and Stomp the Deck events. Festival at Sea sets sail for Aruba and Curacao in July 2022 for its 30th Anniversary.


Top for… Empowering Black Sailors

In 2001, in Chesapeake Bay, Marcus Asante, and Michael Campbell founded the Universal Sailing Club (USC), for African Americans to share culture and camaraderie on the Chesapeake Bay. Today the club’s global membership collaborates with other Black boating clubs, supports events like the Volvo Around-the-World Race, and runs Summer Sailing Youth Day Camps to inspire a new generation.


Top for: A Quick Getaway for Busy Professionals

Attracting up to 2000 per voyage, this Mardi Gras at sea hosts a Sail Away Party, Poker Tournaments, Basketball, and more along the crystalline waters, and world-famous coral reefs of Cozumel, and a chill atmosphere for professionals of color to network and mingle.


Top for… Best Vibes

Inspired by the TV sensation, The Soul Train Cruise 2022, is a weeklong Caribbean excursion celebrating musical legends like The Whispers, After 7, and Freddie Jackson on the Holland America Line Nieuw Amsterdam; consistently the highest-rated premium cruise line by Conde Nast Traveler’s “Readers’ Choice Awards” and “World’s Best” by Travel + Leisure.


Top for… Musical Line-up

Expect port-to-port performances from artists like Multi-Grammy Award winner Taj Mahal & Phantom Blues Band, Keb’ Mo’, and Mike Zito’s Band with Tito Jackson. Seasoned musicians and fans can jam together in selective lounges. Artist Workshops, Autograph Signings, and Industry Panels provide a chance to network with the stars. Referred to as the best blues experience on the planet, others have chimed in; “The grand-daddy of music cruises.” and, “This concert-centered cruise is the Vacation of a Lifetime.” -Islands Magazine


Top for… Higher Education

Considered the #1 cruise for professional people of color, the annual Fantastic Voyage raises funds for students attending HSBCU’s with a week of Networking, Educational Forums, Concerts, and stimulating Youth Spaces where kids can have fun and make friends. Departing Miami in November aboard the Carnival Freedom and featuring an A-list lineup, Joyner promises, “the best 8 days and nights of your life Partying with a Purpose”.


Top for… a Vehicle to Freedom

There is a rich history of Africans at sea in America as another avenue of escape to the Underground Railroad. Today, in New London, Connecticut the White Sails, Black Hands boat tour travels the Thames River exploring stories of Black Revolutionary Patriots, Governors and Whalers, the Amistad, and more.


Top for… Cultural Connection

Kelsy Horton put his Lake Michigan sailing experience to use along the shoreline of Tanzania where he bonded with local yacht enthusiasts leading Horton to create Yacht Week East Africa . Guests are immersed in Swahili culture, with excursions to historic sites and colorful local villages, introducing Africa as a hotspot for yachting and a sailing experience for Black people to connect to their history.


Top for… Risk

Howard alum and St Thomas maritime attorney Shelia Ruffin noticed a lack of Black representation in the yachting industry so invested her savings into  Soca Caribbean Yacht Charters . Expect luxury from start to finish beginning with limousine transport, private chefs on board, and personalized all-inclusive service.


Top for… Action During the Pandemic

In August 2020, William “Bud” Lee left Chicago for a two-week Tulum vacation that sparked an idea for Black travel along Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula. Today he is CEO of a thriving yacht charter company filling a billion-dollar spending gap for Black travelers interested in luxury vacations, like Megan Thee Stallion, Trey Songz, and DJ Kev. Lee partnered with hospitality industry veteran Jon Roberts and H2oh Sun Cruises of Puerto Aventuras for their supply of luxury boats.

For more great Black Travel experiences, check out The Africa Channel’s new series, Escape with Nate: In Search of Black Utopia

Escape with Nate: In Search of Black Utopia

Nate Fluellen, the headliner of TAC’s Telly Award-winning series World Wide Nate is back to host his new show Escape with Nate. Nate will sit down with today’s top Black travel influencers and celebrities and explore how travel opens the doors for people of color.

Tune in Saturdays and Sundays starting at 5 pm Eastern followed by other exciting travel series encouraging connection to culture through travel.

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Guide to East Africa

A land of stupendous sights and unique encounters

Magical East Africa is a feast for all the senses. In this captivating corner of the planet, magnificent landscapes, extraordinary wildlife and enchanting cultures collide to create a travel experience unlike any other. Come here to track the big five and conquer imposing peaks before indulging in dashing coastal delights as part of a luxury yacht charter.

There is no doubt East Africa is the ultimate safari destination. Zebras, wildebeest and gazelles stampede across scorched savannahs, gorillas forage in the montane forests of Rwanda, hippos bask in Saadani National Park’s mangrove swamps, elusive tree-climbing lions prowl Lake Manyara and elephant herds roam across the iconic safari circuit of northern Tanzania.

The list of creatures to inhabit these lands does not end here. Other big-hitters include leopards, cheetahs, hyenas and wild dogs. As such, the region abounds with wildlife-spotting opportunities. To take in the fascinating animals is also to immerse yourself in the region’s untamed and utterly spell-binding landscapes. Among the must-sees are the Masai Mara, the Serengeti and the Ngorongoro Crater while mountains such as Kilimanjaro, Meru and the Rwenzori are impossible to miss.

There is much more to East Africa than its wonderful wildlife, however. Somehow the East Indian Ocean coastline has remained under the radar despite its dazzling beauty. Hammock-strewn, white sand beaches lapped by electric blue waters fulfil the definition of paradise for many while, off-shore, a wealth of rainbow-hued coral and tropical fish make the region a top diving spot. Exotic islands are also strewn across the sea, from the day-dreamy Zanzibar archipelago to eco-friendly escapes majoring in barefoot luxury to protected, untouched gems.  

The coastline also has the intoxicating power to transport you back in time to the days when this part of the world was at the centre of a widespread trading network. African, Asian and Middle Eastern influences still permeate the coastal Swahili culture and, if you head further in land, there’s more seductive cultures to experience, such as those of the red-shawled Maasai warriors in Maasailand and the ancient Hadzabe people of Lake Eyasi. The warmth and hospitality of the East African people are sure to leave you with some of your yachting vacation’s most memorable moments.

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Thanda Island: Private Marine Reserve

Your own private sanctuary and marine reserve

The whale shark pod of Thanda Island

Meet the island's finned friends

Desert Island Dining Experience

Rustic surrounds meet exquisite cuisine

Themed Dining Nights

Culinary masterpieces with themed twists

Featured Yachts in East Africa

To help you in your search for your perfect luxury charter yacht for your next vacation, we’ve selected some of the finest and most exclusive superyachts and megayachts that are currently available for charter in East Africa.

Over The Rainbow yacht charter in East Africa

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East African Yacht Support

East Africa is excited to welcome YACHTING  to its untouched shorelines, unparalleled wildlife and life-changing experiences. Whether you are an owner,  guest, captain, crew or broker, we at EAYS are here to assist with your every need . N atural beauty at its finest, Kenya and East Africa has opened its doors to the yachting industry and we at EAYS are looking forward to hosting some of the worlds most adventurous superyachts. This untouched coastline hosts divers, deep-sea anglers, watersports enthusiasts and whale watchers and is also the gateway to some of the world’s most amazing wildlife, from the Masai Mara to the Serengeti. 

With over a decade and a half of industry experience, pared with an unapparelled knowledge of Kenya and East Africa and all it has to offer, EAYS is “ever at your service.”  


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black yacht week east africa


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    For Yacht Week East Africa, it is not only a sailing and travel experience, it is also a diasporic initiative. As a pan African I believe that we are stronger when we are connected.

  2. How A Chicago Native Created 'Yacht Week East Africa' For Black

    Photo Credit: Photo provided by Yacht Week East Africa. Kelsy Horton, a native of Chicago, is the founder and host of Yacht Week East Africa. Kelsy has lived in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania for the last three years and has become very familiar with the region. Kelsy found his love for sailing after being exposed to the vibrant boat scene, filled ...

  3. Bye, Greece: There's A Yacht Week In East Africa Now

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  13. Travel Goals! This Man Created A Yacht Week Just For Black Folks

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  16. Travel to Seychelles

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  17. The Africa Channel Presents Top 10: Black Cruises

    In August 2020, William "Bud" Lee left Chicago for a two-week Tulum vacation that sparked an idea for Black travel along Mexico's Yucatan peninsula. Today he is CEO of a thriving yacht charter company filling a billion-dollar spending gap for Black travelers interested in luxury vacations, like Megan Thee Stallion, Trey Songz, and DJ Kev.


    Get ready to explore beautiful islands and white sandy beaches, eat amazing food, go on adventures and party hard, all while fully experiencing East African ...

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    1 East Africa Middle East majors make Horn of Africa playfield; 2 Rest of Africa UN: Sudan warring factions committed abuses; 3 Comment OBBO: Why Kiir is better off stealing next polls than not holding it at all; 4 Comment EDITORIAL: No, the Horn cannot afford another conflict; 5 World Africa's conflicts fuelling 'disappearance' of people

  21. Guide to East Africa

    Come here to track the big five and conquer imposing peaks before indulging in dashing coastal delights as part of a luxury yacht charter. There is no doubt East Africa is the ultimate safari destination. Zebras, wildebeest and gazelles stampede across scorched savannahs, gorillas forage in the montane forests of Rwanda, hippos bask in Saadani ...


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  23. Yachting

    East African Yacht Support is a full luxury yacht service to support vessels exploring East Africa from Lamu to Madagascar. We cover any bunkering, docking and anchorages to all logistics, formalities, provisions, safari's, aviation and charter services as well as vast investment opportunities.