location yacht djerba

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Location yacht TUNISIE

La Tunisie, fusion entre histoire et modernité, se dévoile majestueusement depuis la mer. Louer un yacht offre une perspective unique pour explorer ce pays, où les médinas rencontrent la Méditerranée.

Louer un yacht pour la Tunisie

Sidi bou said et carthage.

location yacht djerba

  • Départ de Tunis et navigation vers Sidi Bou Said, un charmant village au bord de la mer Méditerranée.
  • Explorez les ruelles blanches et bleues de Sidi Bou Said, avec ses maisons traditionnelles et ses boutiques d’artisanat.
  • Visitez les ruines de Carthage, site archéologique fascinant qui était autrefois une puissante cité antique.
  • Dînez au restaurant Au Bon Vieux Temps à Sidi Bou Said, offrant une cuisine tunisienne raffinée dans une atmosphère agréable.

location yacht djerba

  • Naviguez vers Hammamet, l’une des stations balnéaires les plus populaires de Tunisie.
  • Profitez des plages de sable doré et des eaux turquoise.
  • Visitez la médina de Hammamet avec ses ruelles étroites, ses souks et ses maisons traditionnelles.

Îles Kerkennah

location yacht djerba

  • Mettez le cap sur les îles Kerkennah, un archipel préservé et paisible au large des côtes tunisiennes.
  • Explorez les villages de pêcheurs traditionnels et découvrez la vie insulaire authentique.
  • Profitez de la beauté naturelle de l’archipel en vous détendant sur des plages isolées.
  • Dînez sur le pont du yacht avec des mets locaux préparés par l’équipage.

location yacht djerba

  • Naviguez vers l’île de Djerba, la plus grande île de la Tunisie.
  • Explorez la médina de Houmt Souk et ses souks animés.
  • Dînez au restaurant El Bahr, situé à Houmt Souk, qui propose des plats de poisson frais et des spécialités tunisiennes.

Île de Galite

location yacht djerba

  • Mettez le cap sur l’île de Galite, une réserve naturelle préservée et peu visitée.
  • Profitez de la tranquillité et de la beauté sauvage de l’île, avec ses eaux cristallines et ses paysages spectaculaires.
  • Organisez un pique-nique sur une plage déserte pour une expérience unique.

Nos yachts à la location

location yacht HUTIANE

A partir de 66000 € /semaine

location yacht Infinity

A partir de 62000 € /semaine

location yacht Invictus

A partir de 40000 € /semaine

location yacht IRAMA

A partir de 160000 € /semaine

location yacht IRENE'S

A partir de 37500 € /semaine

location yacht Iris

A partir de 25500 € /semaine

location yacht Jajarò

A partir de 56000 € /semaine

location yacht JOHNNY HANDSOME


A partir de 31000 € /semaine

location yacht KISS

A partir de 23000 € /semaine

location yacht KISSMI

A partir de 24000 € /semaine

Aléatoire Prix croissant Prix décroissant Taille croissante Taille décroissante Année de construction

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Louer un yacht en Tunisie avec ATI Yachts

La location de yacht en Tunisie avec ATI Yachts est une démarche simplifiée, ouvrant les horizons vers des découvertes maritimes enrichissantes. Nous veillons à ce que chaque moment de votre séjour tunisien soit sans tracas, dévoilant la beauté du littoral en toute sérénité.

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  • Zaton Šibenski
  • Marina Zaton
  • Harmony 38 DJERBA

Harmony 38, DJERBA Sailboat

We excel at matching any offer and making it even better. How would you fancy a deposit insurance for FREE? Our offer

Basic Parameters

  • Boat type Sailboat
  • Production year 2008
  • Capacity 8 persons
  • Length 11.67 m
  • Beam 3.82 m
  • Draught 1.5 m
  • Mainsail Type Full batten
  • Genoa Type Furling / Roll
  • Engine power 39 hp
  • No. of Toilets 1
  • No. of Showers 1
  • Water tank capacity 500 l
  • Plotter in cockpit Yes
  • Sprayhood Yes


Our staff are available to answer your questions. Click the chat button and speak with a real person.

Excluded charges

These are fees that will be added on top of the boat price (transit log, tourist tax, final cleaning and etc.). The final price may vary depending on the number of people

Final cleaning

180 EUR /per_booking

Handling fees

20 EUR /per_booking

Starter pack

30 EUR /per_booking

Tourist tax

1.33 EUR /per_guest/day

Optional Services

Why choose yachting ° com, cruise cancellation insurance, experienced skippers, paddleboard rental, yacht location on the map, explore more boats for rent, in location:.

  • Yacht charter: Marina Zaton  - 

By Boat Brand and Type:

  • Harmony Yachts  > 
  • Harmony 38  > 

Frequently asked questions

It's certainly not a requirement, however we always recommend cancellation insurance to our customers, especially when booking boats well in advance. Unexpected events have always complicated holidays and you risk forfeiting your funds. We've summarised 7 reasons why it pays to take out cancellation insurance .

  • Location Bateau Tunisie avec ou sans permis
  • Location bateau

Location Bateau à moteur Yamaha 200ps Storm 200 pd Hammamet Sud

Yamaha Storm 150 CV  (2008)

À partir de 300 € par jour.

Location Bateau à moteur COBA COBA5.5 Bizerte

Bateaux moteur 115 CV 4 temps  (2020)

À partir de 280 € par jour.

Location Semi-rigide hippocampe 460 Djerba Midun

Hippocampe 460  (2020)

À partir de 150 € par jour.

Location Bateau à moteur Fairline Phantom 40 Monastir

Vedette FAIRLINE PHANTOM 40  (2005)

À partir de 1 380 € par jour, tunisie, le pays du jasmin.

Située au nord de l’Afrique, entre l’Algérie et la Libye, la Tunisie est l’un des plus beaux pays de la région. Bordé par la mer Méditerranée au nord et à l’est , le sud du pays est surtout marqué par la présence du Sahara. Louez un bateau en Tunisie pour profiter de ses paysages à couper le souffle.

Du côté de Tunis, vous trouverez le port de plaisance Sidi Bou Saïd qui dispose de 400 anneaux. Un peu en dessous d’Hammamet , vous trouverez une grande marina de plus de 700 places appelée port Yasmina Hammamet. Enfin, dans le nord du pays, vous trouverez le plus grand port de plaisance de Tunisie, le port de plaisance de Bizerte qui peut accueillir jusqu’à 800 bateaux d’une taille de 11 mètres pour les plus grands.

La navigation en Tunisie

Fort d’un patrimoine architectural et naturel remarquable, vous pourrez faire de nombreuses balades dans le pays en découvrant toujours de nouvelles choses. Avec ses 1148 kilomètres de côte, la Tunisie dispose d’un littoral très important et d’un grand nombre de ports . De ce fait, vous n’aurez aucun mal à trouver un bateau en Tunisie.  

Ne manquez pas la fameuse Grande Mosquée de Kairouan bâtie en 670 de notre ère. A 15 kilomètres au nord de Tunis, vous pourrez vous approcher du palais présidentiel de Carthage qui est aménagé sur le front de mer, et qui se trouve à proximité du site archéologique de Carthage datant de l’époque romaine. Enfin, sur la route entre Sousse et Sfax , vous trouverez la petite ville d’El Jem avec le Colisée de Thysdrus qui fut construit, vraisemblablement, vers le premier tiers du 3ème siècle. Classé au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco en 1979, l’amphithéâtre est l’édifice romain le plus connu du pays.

Dans le centre du pays, près du Chott el-Jérid, vous pourrez prendre une voiture et vous rendre entre les petits villages de Nefta et de Tozeur (proche de la frontière algérienne) afin de vous balader dans les mythiques décors du film Star Wars. En effet, c’est au sud-ouest de Nefta que furent tournées les scènes se déroulant sur la planète Tatooine. Tandis que du côté de la ville de Tataouine, vous pourrez également visiter le village de Ksar Hadada qui fut également utilisé pour des scènes du quatrième film Star Wars (ou le premier dans l’ordre chronologique).

Si la location de bateau en Tunisie a attiré votre attention Click&Boat vous conseille d’autres destinations donnant accès au bassin Méditerranéen susceptibles de vous plaire pour une location de bateau :

En France :

  • Location de bateau à Nice
  • Louer un bateau à Cannes
  • Location de bateau en Corse
  • Louer un bateau à Marseille
  • Location de bateau aux Antibes
  • Louer un bateau à Dubrovnik
  • Louer un bateau à Zadar
  • Louer un bateau à Pula
  • Louer un bateau à Split
  • Louer un bateau à Trogir
  • Louer un bateau à Ibiza
  • Louer un bateau à Marbella
  • Location de bateau en Sicile
  • Location de bateau en Sardaigne

Quel est le prix d’une location de bateau en Tunisie ?

Lorsqu'il s'agit de louer un bateau, beaucoup de gens ont l'impression que le processus est coûteux et compliqué. Mais avec Click&Boat, il est toujours possible de trouver le bateau parfait pour vos besoins de voyage, et pour votre budget.

En général, le prix de la location d’un bateau en Tunisie dépend du type de bateau, de l'itinéraire, de la durée de votre location et de la nécessité ou non d'avoir un capitaine à bord.

Voici les prix moyens pour la location de bateau en Tunisie :

Pour une location de catamaran en Tunisie, il vous faudra un budget de 2857 € pour la journée en moyenne. Mais les propriétaires n’hésitent pas à faire des promotions sur leurs bateaux. Il ne faut pas oublier que ce prix est à partager entre les différents participants.

Pour la location d’un bateau à moteur en Tunisie, le coût varie en fonction de la taille et de la puissance du moteur. Mais la location d’un bateau moteur coûte en moyenne 350 € la journée à partager entre les différents participants.

Que faire sur la Méditerranée depuis la Tunisie ?

Depuis Sousse , vous pourrez louer un bateau à moteur ou un semi-rigide afin de vous balader près des plages aux alentours et rejoindre la magnifique ville de Monastir en longeant la côte en direction de l’est.

Au sud du pays, sur l’île de Djerba , vous n’aurez aucun mal à rejoindre Gabès ou Sfax par la mer en vous arrêtant sur le petit archipel des Kerkennah. Avec votre location de bateau en Tunisie, vous pourrez partir de la capitale pour rejoindre Bizerte à l’ouest ou encore Al Haouaria dans la partie la plus à l’est du Golfe de Tunis.

Une location de voilier ou de catamaran vous permettra d’envisager une navigation plus longue, de ce fait, vous pourrez partir en direction de la Sicile qui se trouve à une centaine de miles de Tunis, ou encore aller en direction de la petite île de Malte. En partant de Bizerte, allez en direction de la Sardaigne au nord et arrêtez-vous dans le très beau port de Cagliari .

Louer un bateau en Tunisie sur Click&Boat

Leader de la location de bateau entre particuliers en Tunisie, Click&Boat vous propose de louer un bateau à moteur, un semi-rigide, un voilier, un catamaran ou même des jet-skis à moindre frais.

Vous trouverez facilement sur la plateforme le bateau de vos rêves . Le principe est simple : une fois que vous aurez eu un coup de cœur pour le bateau d’un de nos propriétaires, vous n’aurez plus qu’à le contacter afin de vous mettre d’accord avec lui sur votre navigation.

Pour des projets de navigation de longue durée, rassurez-vous, notre équipe relation clients saura vous aider et vous conforter dans votre choix de bateau à moteur, de semi-rigide, de voilier ou de catamaran. 

Click&Boat, c'est la confiance et la transparence. Avec un large choix de bateaux à la disposition des usagers et une croissance folle, Click&Boat est le leader français de la location de bateaux de particuliers et professionnels. Si vous voulez réserver un bateau, vous pourrez le faire en toute quiétude. Click&Boat vous propose de louer un bateau à moteur, un semi-rigide, un voilier, un catamaran ou même des jet-skis à moindre frais.

Vous trouverez facilement sur la plateforme le bateau de vos rêves. Le principe est simple : une fois que vous aurez eu un coup de cœur pour le bateau d’un de nos propriétaires, vous n’aurez plus qu’à le contacter afin de vous mettre d’accord avec lui sur votre navigation.

Pour des projets de navigation de longue durée, rassurez-vous, notre équipe relation clients saura vous aider et vous conforter dans votre choix de bateau pour des vacances inoubliables.

Foire Aux Questions Tunisie

Combien coûte une location d'un bateau pour une journée à tunisie .

Le prix moyen d'une location de bateau à Tunisie est généralement de 325 € par jour. Plusieurs facteurs influencent le prix de la location d'un bateau, comme la saison, l'année de construction et son équipement. Les prix peuvent varier entre 150 € et 1 360 € par jour.

Quel est le prix d'un skipper à Tunisie par jour ?

Le coût d'un skipper varie en fonction du propriétaire du bateau et de la destination. En Tunisie, vous payez en moyenne 100 € par jour pour un skipper.

Le carburant est-il compris dans le prix d'une location de bateau à Tunisie ?

Pour la plupart des bateaux, le carburant n'est pas compris dans le prix de la location. En Tunisie, le carburant est inclus dans le prix de 2 bateaux.

Comment de cabines possède un bateau à Tunisie ?

Les bateaux à Tunisie ont en moyenne 2 cabines. Si vous voyagez avec un grand groupe, vous pouvez réserver des bateaux avec jusqu'à 3 cabines.

Est-il possible d'ajouter des équipements tels que du matériel de plongée, des planches de SUP ou une planche de wakeboard à ma location de bateau à Tunisie ?

Il y a plusieurs extras que vous pouvez ajouter à votre réservation à Tunisie, offerts par de nombreux propriétaires, tels que Echelle de bain, Bimini ou GPS.

Bon à savoir

Nombre de bateaux :20 bateaux disponibles
Types de bateaux :Bateau à moteur, Semi-rigide, Catamaran
Prix moyen :325 € par jour
Prix minimum :150 € par jour
Prix maximum :1 360 € par jour
Fabricants :Dufour, Capelli et autres

Louer un bateau à proximité de Tunisie

À Tunisie, des bateaux de particuliers et professionnels sont disponibles à la location. Découvrez d'autres bateaux dans les environs.

  • Location bateau Tunisie avec ou sans skipper/équipage
  • Océans Evasion

Location Bateau à moteur Fairline Phantom 40 Monastir

Bateau à moteur - 12.50m - Fairline - Phantom 40  (2005)

À partir de 1 380 € par jour.

Location Bateau à moteur Yamaha 200ps Storm 200 pd Hammamet Sud

Bateau à moteur - 7.00m - Yamaha 200ps - Storm 200 pd  (2008)

À partir de 300 € par jour.

Location Semi-rigide hippocampe 460 Djerba Midun

Semi-rigide - 4.60m - hippocampe - 460  (2020)

À partir de 200 € par jour.

Location Bateau à moteur COBA COBA5.5 Bizerte

Bateau à moteur - 5.50m - COBA - COBA5.5  (2020)

À partir de 280 € par jour, la tunisie, entre désert et mer.

La Tunisie est un État situé dans la partie nord de l'Afrique, entre l’Algérie et la Libye. Ces dernières années, cette nation a acquis une solide réputation, principalement en raison de ses belles plages et de ses faibles coûts. Cette belle terre avec son long littoral offre non seulement des sites naturels magnifiques mais aussi beaucoup de culture. Pendant votre séjour, vous aurez l'occasion de connaître ces traditions locales et d'admirer l'architecture typique de l'Afrique du Nord qui se fond dans la nature.

Louer un bateau en Tunisie est l'occasion parfaite pour profiter de vacances nautiques dans un endroit totalement nouveau, en profitant d’une belle liberté sur l’eau. 

Combien coûte la location d'un bateau en Tunisie ?

Océans Évasion bénéficie d’un large choix de location de voiliers et de catamarans. Avec près de 17 000 bateaux à louer dans le monde entier, vous trouverez rapidement votre coup de cœur pour les vacances.

Le prix de la location dépend de plusieurs critères. La saisonnalité, le port de départ, la taille du bateau, sa puissance, sa capacité d’accueil, son année de construction et ses équipements vont influencer le prix final.

Ainsi, voici un tarif indicatif pour une location de bateaux en Tunisie, pour une durée d’ une journée : le prix minimal est de 300 € pour 6 à 8 personnes, pour un bateau à moteur .

Pour avoir un tarif plus précis, contactez directement les propriétaires des bateaux via la messagerie interne d’Océans Évasion, afin de leur demander un devis gratuit et personnalisé . Profitez-en pour leur poser des questions sur le bateau et sur la destination.

Que faire en Tunisie ?

  • L'île de Djerba

Djerba est la plus grande île de la Tunisie et l'une des destinations méditerranéennes où le tourisme est en plein essor. C'est une région à l'atmosphère très détendue, caractérisée par une âme mixte, c'est-à-dire à la fois méditerranéenne et saharienne. La population multiculturelle anime cette île avec ses maisons blanches, ses plages de sable et sa mer magnifique.

Bizerte est un petit bijou du littoral nord de la Tunisie, avec sa vieille ville, ses ports et son lac. Elle possède une longue côte de sable entourée d'arbres maritimes et des installations pour les touristes, telles que des restaurants, des appartements et des hôtels. Ne manquez pas l'occasion de vous aventurer dans les terres pour découvrir l'histoire de ce pays.

Tunis est la capitale du pays et est souvent négligée en tant que destination touristique. En réalité, la ville offre de nombreux sites culturels et des attractions vraiment intéressantes. Divisée en deux parties, l'une abrite la partie la plus historique de la ville, avec ses mosquées, ses madrasas, ses souks et ses anciens palais ; l'autre est la partie la plus moderne, la plus actuelle et la plus touristique.

Quand partir en Tunisie ?

Il y a deux bonnes périodes pour voyager en Tunisie : de mars à mai et de septembre à décembre. En effet, les températures ne sont pas trop élevées et le climat reste agréable. Il est possible de visiter la Tunisie pendant la saison estivale, mais les températures peuvent être très élevées, ce qui rend la vie beaucoup plus difficile.

Partir avec ou sans skipper/ équipage ?

Si vous êtes titulaire d'un permis de navigation, vous ne pensez peut-être pas qu'il soit nécessaire d'opter pour un bateau avec skipper, auquel cas vous avez le choix entre plusieurs locations sans skipper/ équipage.

Cependant, si vous souhaitez passer des vacances relaxantes et sans souci, nous vous recommandons de choisir un bateau avec un skipper et un équipage à bord. Les skippers s'occuperont de toute la logistique sur l'eau, comme l'accostage, l'ancrage et, bien sûr, la navigation. Ils offrent également une expérience plus complète puisqu'ils travailleront avec vous pour compléter votre itinéraire de navigation en Tunisie, et ils peuvent vous donner des recommandations sur ce qu'il faut voir et faire pendant votre séjour.

Alors, qu'attendez-vous pour partir ? Louez un bateau en Tunisie et découvrez ce magnifique pays ! 

Foire Aux Questions Tunisie

Quel est le prix pour louer un bateau à la journée à tunisie .

En moyenne, la location d'un bateau à Tunisie coûte 352 € par jour. Plusieurs éléments peuvent faire varier ce coût, comme la saison, l'année de fabrication du bateau et ses équipements. Les tarifs peuvent osciller entre 168 € et 1 439 € par jour.

Combien faut-il payer pour un skipper par jour à Tunisie ?

En Tunisie, le prix moyen d'un skipper par jour est de 110 €, bien que ce montant puisse changer selon le propriétaire du bateau et la destination.

Le prix de la location d'un bateau à Tunisie inclut-il le carburant ?

Généralement, le carburant n'est pas inclus dans le tarif de location des bateaux. Toutefois, à Tunisie, 2 bateaux incluent le carburant dans leur prix de location.

Combien de cabines y a-t-il sur un bateau à Tunisie ?

En moyenne, les bateaux situés à Tunisie disposent de 2 cabines. Pour les grands groupes, il est possible de trouver des bateaux offrant jusqu'à 3 cabines.

Peut-on ajouter des équipements comme du matériel de plongée, des planches de SUP ou une planche de wakeboard à la location d'un bateau à Tunisie ?

À Tunisie, vous avez la possibilité d'ajouter divers équipements supplémentaires à votre location, disponibles chez plusieurs propriétaires, incluant GPS, Echelle de bain et Bimini.

Louer un bateau proche de Tunisie

À Tunisie, des bateaux sont disponibles à la location. Découvrez-en d'autres aux alentours.

  • Sailing Yachts
  • Motor Boats
  • Motor Yachts
  • Power Catamarans
  • Traditional Gulets
  • Destinations

Harmony 38 DJERBA

Bareboat charter means that you rent the boat without a skipper or crew. You are responsible for operating the boat or hiring an additional captain or crew if you do not have enough experience.

  • Security Deposit 2000.00€


Oceanis 48 | STROMBOLI


Oceanis 38.1 | MODENA


Sun Odyssey 519 | MESSIAEN


Dufour 460 Grand Large | DRONGO

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location yacht djerba

Useful information

Media Centre

  • Destinations

Djerba Island

location yacht djerba

  • > What to DO ?
  • > What to SEE ?
  • > NEARBY

location yacht djerba

The great island of the Tunisian South and Zarzis, its neighbour on the mainland, are one of the most marvellous holiday destinations in the Mediterranean. Djerba is also a traditional land and a gateway to the nearby Sahara.

The beaches of Djerba and Zarzis

Are you a daydreamer? You will love Djerba for its fine sandy beaches fringed with palm trees , its seas in multiple shades of turquoise, its serene landscapes and its colourful sunsets .

location yacht djerba

Take a dip on a beach far away from the hotels. See how the migratory birds gather. Gossip with the fishermen to learn their traditional ways… Or go on a pirate boat trip to take a swim on a beautiful wild beach.

Also on offer are numerous massages and treatments proposed by the many spas and thalassotherapy centres of Djerba and Zarzis. With its end-of-the-world atmosphere, Djerba is the ideal place to relax! 

Do you think that holidays are made for moving around and having fun? You will have many holiday clubs to choose from and you can try multiple beach activities .

Aghir beach:

Where to sleep in Djerba and Zarzis?

Choose your accommodation and book without intermediaries


For an exotic massage , a perfumed clay wrap in the hammam , or a complete thalassotherapy treatment program , Djerba and Zarzis have magnificent spas and thalassotherapy centers.

location yacht djerba

A must: go on a pirate boat trip to have lunch on the ‘ Pink Flamingo Island ’ and take a swim on this sandy peninsula in wonderfully pure water. And enjoy the lively atmosphere on board!

location yacht djerba

An island worth discovering

Explore sandy trails by bike . Admire the small countryside mosques .

location yacht djerba

Other options: going out in the evening to restaurants and nightclubs , taking a trip out to sea on board a pirate ship , or along the lagoons riding a quad bike .

Did you know? You can also play golf in Djerba. Read more about golfing in Tunisia .

Finally, don’t forget that Djerba and Zarzis are your gateway to the Sahara . Berber villages, Ksour and sand dunes are a 4x4 ride away!


Are you a street art fan? Take a stroll through Djerbahood , the village of Erriadh transformed by artists from all around the world… And also look for works of art scattered around the countryside. Read more about Djerbahood, the street art village .

location yacht djerba

Buy fresh fish at the market in Houmt-Souk , the island’s main town. You can have it grilled and then taste it straight away in one of the small neighbouring restaurants!

Explore Djerba island on foot : a charming hike between old Menzels , small mosques and olive trees . Read: hiking in Djerba .

location yacht djerba

On a quad bike or buggy , ride along the sandy tracks in the palm groves , between the dunes or along the lagoons .

location yacht djerba

In Houmt-Souk , have a drink in the courtyard of an ancient Fondouk (caravanserai): the Youth Hostel or the hotel Arischa .

location yacht djerba

For a more muffled and jazzy atmosphere, choose the lounge-bar La Taverne just a stone’s throw from the beach of Sidi Mahrez.

Explore traditional weaving shops : woollen blankets, hand-woven bedspreads and shimmering fabrics will enchant you!

location yacht djerba

In the south of the island, visit the pottery workshops of Guellala . Some of them will offer you to try your hand at pottery, to visit to a clay quarry , or to taste the famous lamb ‘à la gargoulette’ , a roast cooked in a clay pot.

location yacht djerba

Visit a ‘ houch ’, the traditional house of Djerba. These all-white houses, consisting of vaulted rooms around a patio, are perfectly suited to the hot climate.

The Djerba Explore park includes the reconstruction of a ‘ menzel ’: the houch with all its outbuildings (well, weaving workshop, potter’s kiln).

location yacht djerba

Attend the feeding of crocodiles at the Djerba Explore centre! This leisure park is home to a Nile crocodile farm. The reptiles are fed in front of visitors on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays at 5pm ( on Facebook ).

location yacht djerba

Play golf between the sea and the sand dunes! The Djerba Golf Course (27 holes) stretches at the foot of the palm trees in a typically Djerbian landscape. More information about the Djerba Golf Course.

location yacht djerba

What to see on Djerba island?

A thousand-year-old synagogue , original traditions , beautiful museums and even a colourful street art village: places of interest are plentiful.

The Borj Ghazi Mustapha fortress

The walls of this seaside fortress still ring with the battles that raged there, in the 16th century, between the Spanish and the Turkish corsairs led by the famous Dragut . Practical information .

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The Museum of Traditional Heritage of Djerba

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Found in Houmt-Souk , this modern museum showcase many aspects of Djerba’s unique heritage: agricultural techniques, the tradition of pottery , an extremely beautiful collection of costumes and jewellery … Practical information.

The craft village of Houmt-Souk

This centre brings together workshops of talented craftsmen as varied as traditional weaving loom or art pottery (on Facebook ).

The town of Houmt-Souk

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This small town is today the main locality of Djerba. In the past, it had many caravanserais , or fondouks : you can still see their beautiful white arcades, sometimes in ruins, sometimes converted into craft shops.

Also worth seeing: the souks , the silver jewellery shops, the covered market where fish is sold by auction, the church of Saint Joseph built in the past by the small Maltese community.

The Fadhloun Mosque-Museum

location yacht djerba

Fitted for visiting, this small countryside mosque is typical of Djerba.

Built in the 14th century, it was a community center including a school, defence devices in case of an invasion, a mill and a bread oven for nearby farmers…

Its sober architecture is astonishingly beautiful.

Open for visits in the morning from 7 to 12. Read more about the Fadhloun mosque .

Practical information.

The synagogue of La Ghriba

location yacht djerba

Jews and Muslims have peacefully cohabitated for centuries on the island of Djerba.

Visit this pretty synagogue decorated with ceramic tiles in shades of blue. It is said to have been founded in the 6th century BC, evidence of a very longstanding Jewish presence on this island.

Djerba Explore park: crocodiles and heritage!

location yacht djerba

A large farm of Nile crocodiles is the other attraction of the park: feedings are particularly impressive!

You can also visit one of Djerba’s traditional dwellings , a potter’s workshop , an oil press … all faithfully reconstructed ( on Facebook ).

Hotels and guesthouses in Djerba and Zarzis

Choose your accommodation and book without intermediaries    

Djerbahood, the street art village

See also the Djerbahood website .

Guellala, the village of potters

location yacht djerba

Located in the south of the island, Guellala is the village of the potters of Djerba. Since time immemorial, they have worked with clay in the coolness of their underground workshops . Jars, gargoyles, vases and trinkets made of raw clay are their speciality.

Also worth seeing: the Guellala Heritage Museum presents amusing reconstructions of daily life.

What to visit around Djerba and Zarzis?

The medina of Gabes and its maritime oasis – the only one in the Mediterranean – are worth a detour.

One of them – now the Sidi Driss hotel – was used as a set in an episode of Star Wars . Read more: Star Wars in Tunisia, to the birthplace of the Skywalkers .

Visit other Berber villages like Tamezret and Toujane in the surrounding area.

More about Matmata and its subterranean homes.

The land of the Ksour

Around Medenine and Tataouine stretch majestic landscapes of arid mountains and rocky spurs.

Unusual structures arise out of this “desert of stone”: the Ksour , collective granaries formed of superimposed chambers, and Berber villages dug into mountainside.  Read more about the Ksour of the Tunisian South .

More about the Tunisian South .

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On the trail of Djerba’s mosques

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Djerba: a gourmet island

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Djerba, Club Med and the sponge fishermen

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Penelope Thalasso & Spa: thalassotherapy with the colors of the Odyssey…

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Athénée Thalasso, 20 years on top

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Stroll through the BARDO MUSEUM

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Tunisia’s Culinary Journey

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Thalasso, a good reason to go to Tunisia

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The Bardo Museum reopens!

Our partners.

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Technische Details

Main sail type Full batten
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Wasserkapazität 500.00 l
Kraftstoffkapazität 200.00 l
Motor 39 hp
Tiefgang 1.50
Length 11.67
Beam 3.82
Build Year 2008

Yacht Details

Berths Total
Toiletten 0 1
Service type Bareboat
Check-in Saturday, 17:00
Check-out Saturday, 09:00
Deposit 2,500.00 €
Name Dream Yacht Charter Croatia
Name Marina Zaton

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  • 220V/12V inverter
  • Cockpit fridge
  • Cockpit plotter
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Djerba or Jerba is an island of paradoxes. In itself it is a fairly large island, just off the North African coast, which has almost no other islands along it. And it’s a tourist resort, a big one, with plenty of wide open spaces for effortless living. It’s easy to access as there is a narrow causeway linking it to the mainland at El Kantara.

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Djerba has a long and interesting history. It was a well-known port for the Phoenicians and its soft sandy shores were particularly kind to their fragile wooden boats. At that time the island was called Meninx and the Phoenicians harvested the prolific beds of murex shellfish and were responsible for building the first causeway.   The Romans later rebuilt a more substantial pathway through the sea when they arrived to set up a trading port at Djerba. In the Middle Ages when Europe was divided, Djerba was constantly being invaded and was ruled by many different powers. Roger de Loria of Aragon took control in 1284 and built the Borj El Kebir at Houmt Souk. By 1497 the Sicilians had moved in. Shortly after that, Djerba became the headquarters for the Barbarossa bothers who set about expelling the Spanish from Algiers. Privateers, knights, merchants and other groups have all left their mark on Djerba which is reflected in the diverse trades, weaving, agriculture, sponge fishing, olive oil production and ceramics all flourishedhere.

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A portion of the inhabitants on modern-day Djerba are Kharijites, the third group in Islam after the Sunnis and Shi´is. The Kharijites have always been known for their unwillingness to get in touch with other people. However there are still some Christians as well as about 1,000 Jews living here.

Whitewashed Buildings

Jerba is appreciated for its definitive architecture, made up of square whitewashed houses. The whole island is like a separate world of its own, so compact that even the laziest travellers can cover most of it. Yet it has enough variety and attractions to satisfy even the most well-travelled globe-trotters who can happily occupy themselves here and have a great time here for at least two weeks.

The topography of Jerba is flat and low-lying. The villages are all a few kilometres apart and each has its own individual character, telling its own unique story.   Jerba can be laid back, at times surprising and just as charming as enthusiastic Tunisians tell you it is.  Life on Jerba is suited to both Tunisians and foreigners (you meet lots of Libyans and Europeans here). Tunisians are keen to throw off their inhibitions when they come here.  As so many can stay here without meeting neighbours or relatives, Jerba is the one place in Tunisia where some Tunisian women appear in only the lower halves of their bikinis.  On the island of Jerba there are many villages, but almost no towns (click hereto open interactive map). The only real town is the beautiful Houmt Souq, while the second town, Midoun, is less exciting.

Many travellers arriving at Jerba pass through the village of Ajim, but far more picturesque is the little-visited Guellala. Many visitors are intrigued by the presence of Jews, whose main synagogue is in Hara Sghira, while the majority live in Hara Kebira. One of the most photographed places in Jerba is the mosque in El May.  Unfortunately, many of the people visiting Jerba only stay in the Zone Touristique and never get to see any of the fascinating small places on this unique island.  Houmt Souq is the only place on Jerba that can really be called a city, even if there are not many thousands living there. The city, close to the sea, is centred around the beautiful and lively markets. There are two, one vaulted suq which sells everything and another for foodstuffs. The small and colourful suq ends in a couple of squares that are filled with outdoor cafés. They are popular with local Tunisians and consequently have normal prices, and much better quality than places aiming at the tourist trade.

It could be said that Houmt Souq has been turned into a tourist trap, but this is only partially true. The style has been here longer than the German tourists, who seem to make up the majority of the foreigners here. It makes a refreshing change for visitors who are unlikely to be hassled by troublesome vendors or hustlers as in some other Tunisian cities.

Houmt Souq is quite different from any other Tunisian town south of Sidi Bou Said, which could be considered its lost brother. One of the great things about Houmt Souq are the funduqs that have been hotels for, in some cases, hundreds of years. They are still run in the traditional way and few accommodations have been added, but they are well-priced. For around US$10 each or less per night, you can expect a memorable experience.  I myself stayed in a hotel with vaulted rooms which were shaded by a chalk-white arcade.  The doors opened out onto the central courtyard-like atrium which was full of green plants and red flowers with a small pool in the middle.  This atrium was a restaurant with traditional music performed live every evening. It is an experience that you will never forget. The upper picture is from this hotel, the Arischa.

Houmt Souq has a nice little church lying just between Hotel Arischa and the Mosque of the Turks (picture higher up). Services are still performed here, but the church is now mostly used for non-religious activities among Jerban youth. The other noticeable mosque in Houmt Souq is the Mosque of the Strangers (just above). Down by the sea side, the fort Borju l-Kabir, charges a small admission fee and is well worth the walk down from town centre.

Borj el-Kebir, sometimes called Borj Ghazi Mustapha, has had many rulers over the years. It was a Roman building and was the first recorded stronghold here, but it was the king of Sicily, Roger de Loria, who in 1289 built the very first fortress here.

In 1560, the Spanish (who had it transferred from Sicily earlier in history) were driven out by the Ottoman forces. Hundreds, if not thousands, of skulls from the Spanish soldiers were kept on display inside a tower for almost 200 years. Most of the fort was rebuilt by the Ottomans, and hence little now remains of the original building from the time of the Sicilians.

Aerobics on the Beach

You will notice that the majority of the tourists on Jerba are German. They fill up the touristic zone of Jerba, and the canny small vendors and hustlers down here address you first in German, before they try their halting French. Listen out for the standard opening sentences: “Wie geht’s?”, “Eine Frage bitte”. Unfortunately the touristic zone which has such potential to be the base and starting point for some lazy and pleasurable explorations of the island, seems to have turned into a tourist ghetto. Every hotel comes with at least one restaurant, bar and discotheque, as well as ‘animators’, people that have actually gone to school for a couple of years to learn how to amuse charter tourists. Fake Tunisian folklore, jokes and aerobics on the beach seem to have been dominating their curriculum and the true culture of Jerba is lost.

Golf at Jerba

In a place as historic as Jerba this loss of Tunisian culture is sad. Great things are so close, so easy to get to, and people are very friendly. So, even if the beaches are great and you have a good time, these mindless types of holidays on Jerba are really a waste and you could be anywhere in the world.

The Synagogue

The little community of Hara Kbira is not really remarkable. It has a main street with some grocery stores and a café or two. However, just out of the town centre to the east, past the school and a mosque in typical Jerban style, the main centre of the Jerban Jews can be found – the Ghriba synagogue. This synagogue serves as the focal point of Jews in the whole of North Africa. This is the place where a stone is said to have fallen from heaven and where miracles were performed when the sanctuary was originally built. While this has been a holy place for 1400 years, the present buildings are not more than 75 years old. Most of the construction is a hostel for pilgrims, but it rarely fills up very much anymore.

Inside the Synagogue

The synagogue can be entered by non-Jews, as long as they leave a small gift (money), and the men must wear kippahs. The interior is only slightly more interesting than the modest exterior, a little bit too gaudy and glaring for most people’s taste. It is said that the inner sanctuary contains one of the oldest Torahs that is still preserved.The relationship between the 100 Jews and the Muslim majority seems to be relaxed, but the Jews of Jerba are considered very conservative, and have suffered from anti-Jewish acts many times. Last time was in 1985 when three worshippers were gunned down inside the synagogue.

Hara Kbira: Still quite Jewish

There are as many as 11 synagogues here, and close to 1,000 Jews make up a substantial part of the population. As this is a place where people work, there are little to see of normal tourist attractions, but while walking around the place, you can look out for the signs in blue colour that have been painted on doorways to guard the families against the evil eye. These signs vary, but may be in the form of fish, hands, or candelabras.

Magic Camels

Do not let the main street packed with souvenir stalls, mislead you. Most of the time while you are in remote Guellala, there are no other tourists around. Apart from the timid Kharijis who live in this part of Jerba, people down here are very friendly. (The Kharijis are the third and smallest group in Islam. The Kharijis of Jerba still speak their own language and participate little in the local society)The main attraction in the main street is the only souvenir stall that comes without strong colours, the underground one, just where the street bends. This is the only one left in Guellala that shows how ceramics were made before in this town, and the only one selling authentic stuff without the totally inaccurate paintings.Life here is much more simple and civilized and there is less need for heavy haggling on the prices. The people running the shop will in a friendly manner show you the different parts of the workshop, and if you leave without buying anything, they just say good bye with the same friendliness, before lying down again on the bench next to the tiny door leading up into the kitchy main street.If you give yourself time to pause for a moment you will soon have the local specialty demonstrated – the magic camels. These are actually mugs with a spout as a camel’s head, and then a hole in the bottom and the top. You pour water into one hole, turn the camel over, and the water doesn’t leak out. Magic!

Jerba Mosques

Lonely Mosque

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Walking down to the beach mosque, the road leads past residential quarters and people will stare and smile, or call out friendly greetings while you walk past. The mosque is set in a beautiful location, right next to the sea. This is most unusual as mosques almost always represent the centre of a village or a town. This one, 500 years old, has nothing but palm trees and the sea surrounding it.Mosque of the Turkish Mother

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Somewhat disappointing, mainly because of the glaring gas (petrol) station 5 metres away, the Turkish mosque is strongly reduced in its appearance and effectiveness. Photographers, who cannot enter if they are not Muslims, find themselves fighting to get a good angle by cutting out the cables stretched over the mosque, the neighbouring houses and the dominating strong red glare of the gas station, in order to make their photos capture the concept of Jerba’s tranquility.  The mosque as it stands is small, but simply beautiful. The minaret stretches no more than 5-6 metres high, and everything is whitewashed and the walls are soft, almost as if it was a cream covered cake.  El May as a village is quite typical, but it has a feeling of always being in the rush hour, as the main road has many cars passing through. The market of El May is small and charming, and is set in a backstreet, about 200 metres from the mosque of the Turkish Mother.

Jama’ Fadhloun

As this mosque, just a few kilometres out of Midoun, is apparently no longer in active use it is fully open for visitors to explore within.

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What it shows to its visitors is that the elegant minimalism of Jerba mosques is continued on the inside and well as the outside. There are no mosaics, no colour, only white walls and vaults. Even the niche in the wall indicating the direction of Mecca, is unadorned.

Jama’ Ghizen

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This small mosque is only a few kilometres from the northern coast and is easy to get to when you drive along the main road. It is the focal point of a small village of houses scattered around the palm trees. Note its distinct minaret, where we see a rather unusual fusion of Jerba’s coned roofs and the more standard Tunisian pointed roof.

Jama’ Mastiri

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There is only one distinct thing that makes this mosque a mosque. Most of the structure is typical of Jerba’s profane architecture, but from one corner a one-of-a-kind minaret points to the sky. Since the minaret is small, and it doesn’t really look like a minaret, someone must have come up with the idea of emphasizing its functionality with a light bulb – an element I have never seen used like this before!

Jama’ Mazline

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This mosque is located half way between Jama’ Fadloud and Jama’ Tajdid, and is typical of most small mosques that you stumble across on Jerba. There is little that is special in it, but it is easy to find and is worth a short stop.

Jama Mezraya

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This mosque lies right before Midoun and serves a larger congregation than most other small mosques of Jerba. It is a mix of typical Jerban mosque designs and has a standard Tunisian minaret.When I visited I asked about the minaret, but none of the locals could tell me whether it belonged to the original structure or was a newer addition. I’m inclined to believe that it is fairly new compared to the rest of the mosque.

Jama’ Tajdid

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Of all the small mosques around Jerba, the one at Tajdid is among the most likely to be features in brochures or on wall posters in the hotels. The main reason is the nice setting – it is out in the fields with many trees around it.

Underground oil-presses

Somewhat less exotic today, the camel that used to walk around in circles in order to power the olive oil press has retired and a profane machine does the job today. Nevertheless, the underground construction, resembling what is found in the Matmata area, takes care of the humidity that is vital for the production of olive oil during the winter. Today Midoun has only one underground oil press left, but this is easy to visit in the winter months, from November to January.

Real Jerban life is not really evident in Midoun. The town is too close to the Zone Touristique to have preserved the culture of the local society. People here have long since adjusted to the presence of photography and the skimpily dressed foreign tourists. Visitors are mainly appreciated by vendors in fairly ordinary souvenir shops. Some of the old Tunisian life returns on Fridays, which is market day.

In Aghir too there is less and less of what used to be. Today all that is visible of this once traditional village is a string of package hotels; no local Tunisian houses, simple cafés or hole-in-the-wall shops.

Aghir Beach is the Tunisians’ own beach. People camp here and have good swim in one of the few remaining zones that have not been annexed by a huge hotel complex. The beach is still divided into two zones, but one is public and open for all. This is a cherished place for normal Tunisians and both the sea and the beach are full of people. But never more than a few hundred metres away is the closed private beach of the posh white hotels.And this is where it will all eventually end up, I think. More and more private hotel beaches with all the amenities that the western society demands.

The octopuses of Ajim never learn. Every evening they take refuge in nice hiding places, but they have not yet discovered that any of them using one of those nice smooth ceramic pots will never be seen again! The fishermen in the small port of Ajim – which is the first settlement you get to when you arrive by ferry from the main land – puts out many grey ceramic pots in the sea in the evening. They pull them out every morning, to the great surprise of the hiding octopuses.Sponges are the other catch of the local fishermen. Natural sponges of high quality are taken from the sea bed and sold at relatively inflated prices in Houmt Souq

If you want to swim in these waters you should be very careful as there are many large jellyfish out here. If you get stung seek out a lifeguard if its really bad if not you can find cream at nearly all pharmacies. You can tell the sting by their long lash like marks they leave which can be really unplesant, you may also find the tentacle still all attached.

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Our rooms to feel good

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Familien-Appartement 2 Schlafzimmer

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Familien-Appartement 2 Schlafzimmer

31-35 sqm, garden view, non-smoking, wheelchair accessible (room bookable on request), wheelchair accessible (room bookable on request), shower or bathtub, toilet, air conditioning, centrally controlled, approx. 15.6.-15.9., minibar (extra charge), safe, TV (satellite TV, German-speaking programme, country-specific programme, flat screen), no. of rooms: 114

Calimera Familien-Appartement 2 Schlafzimmer

Occupancy: 3 Adu, 2 Chi

36-40 sqm, quadruple bed, with connecting door, children's play area, 2 separate bedrooms, garden view, non-smoking, 2 single beds, 1 double bed (king-size), 1 bathroom, shower or bathtub, WC, tiles, air conditioning, centrally controlled, approx. 15.6.-15.9., minibar (extra charge), safe, TV (satellite TV, German-speaking programme, country-specific programme, flat screen), balcony or terrace, no. of rooms: 25

Calimera Familien-Appartement 2 Schlafzimmer

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Calimera Familien-Appartement 2 Schlafzimmer

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Your dream holiday starts here: Discover our family-friendly beach resort

Fantastic location: direct on the beach of djerba.

Discover the magic of Djerba at Calimera Yati Beach, a family-friendly 4-star resort located directly on the crystal-clear Mediterranean Sea. Imagine spending your days on the 500 metre long, fine sandy beach while the kids play in the gentle waves. With its quiet location, just a few kilometres from the lively centres of Houmt Souk and Midoun, our resort offers the perfect mix of relaxation and adventure. Enjoy the warm sun and cool sea breeze while you relax on the comfortable loungers or read a good book under the parasols. The beach is part of the resort and is equipped with all the amenities you need for a carefree day by the sea.

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Comfort and style: our rooms and suites

At Calimera Yati Beach, 326 stylishly furnished accommodation units await you, perfectly tailored to the needs of families. Choose between our cosy double rooms, spacious family rooms and exclusive duplex suites - all with magnificent garden or sea views. Each room is equipped with modern amenities such as air conditioning, satellite TV and minibar to make your stay as comfortable as possible. For families, we also offer special Calimera family accommodation with connecting doors and child-friendly facilities. Enjoy the comfort and privacy of your own retreat while you savour the view of the picturesque landscape or the sparkling sea.

Culinary delights: Our restaurants and bars

The Calimera Yati Beach also has a lot to offer in terms of cuisine. Look forward to a buffet restaurant in a modern marketplace style, as well as delicious international and local dishes. Our à la carte restaurant will delight you with Italian cuisine and a magnificent view from the terrace. Enjoy a cool drink or an aromatic tea in one of our bars or the Moorish Café.

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A paradise for kids

Endless fun at the calimigo children's club.

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There is also plenty for teenagers to discover at Calimera Yati Beach. Our special teen programme offers young people between the ages of 13 and 17 the perfect mix of action and chilling out. They can meet up, relax and have fun together in the separate teen lounge. With sports activities, evening events and exciting excursions, we ensure that older kids also have an unforgettable holiday.

  • Calimigo Children Club: A paradise for kids with age-appropriate activities.
  • Teens Lounge: A separate area for teenagers to relax and meet friends.
  • Kids' entertainment: Daily entertainment with games, sports and fun.
  • Children's and baby pools: Safe swimming fun for kids.
  • Children's disco: Dance and music for the young night owls
  • Ball school event 21.07.-30.08.24

At Calimera Yati Beach, fun for your kids is our top priority. Our Calimigo Children's Club offers a varied programme for kids between the ages of 3 and 12. Here they can play, learn and make new friends in a safe and supervised environment. With creative workshops, exciting theme days centred around the Mascot Calimigo and fun sports activities, we ensure that your little ones experience something new every day. Our qualified child carers speak several languages and are always ready to listen to your kids' needs.

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Activities and events

Sport and fun à la calimera.

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When the sun goes down, Calimera Yati Beach comes to life. Our discotheque and theatre offer you a variety of evening entertainment. Dance to the latest hits in the discotheque or enjoy one of our live shows in the theatre. Our evening entertainment offers entertainment for the whole family and is the perfect end to an eventful day. Be enthralled by our professional entertainers and experience unforgettable nights at Calimera Yati Beach.

There's something for everyone at Calimera Yati Beach. Whether you want to work off your energy with beach volleyball, archery or on the tennis courts, you'll find a wide range of sports options here. For water sports enthusiasts, we offer activities such as windsurfing, sailing and water skiing. Our daytime and evening entertainment programme also provides constant entertainment and fun for the whole family. Take part in our fitness courses or try out new trend sports - we have something for everyone.

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Gallery of Calimera Yati Beach

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Everything at a glance

Tunisia, Djerba - Djerba Island

  • directly on the beach
  • to the city centre: Houmt Souk, approx. 22 km
  • to the airport: Djerba International Airport, approx. 35 km
  • to the town centre: Midoun, approx. 7 km
  • Sandy beach: part of the resort, approx. 500 m long, parasols, sun loungers, beach towel/bathing towel (deposit required), sanitary facilities (shower), sanitary facilities (WC)
  • Official national category: 4 stars
  • Year of construction: 1994
  • Hotel language: German, English, French, Arabic, Italian
  • Number of buildings: 2, Number of floors in main building: 2, Number of accommodation units: 326, Number of beds: 816
  • Payment methods: MasterCard, Visa, Girocard
  • Facilities/public areas are barrier-free
  • Facilities/public areas are wheelchair accessible
  • Child-friendly, family-friendly, typical local style
  • Reception (24-hour reception) (earliest check-in time 1pm, latest check-out time 12pm)
  • Lift, air conditioning, luggage room
  • Wi-Fi, throughout the entire resort
  • Disco (from 16 years), theatre
  • Boutique, souvenir shop, kiosk, hairdresser
  • Drinks machine, cash machine/bank machine, events, gala
  • À-la-carte restaurant: Italian cuisine, typical local cuisine, with terrace
  • Buffet restaurant: in marketplace style, non-smoking, air-conditioned
  • Lobby bar, bar, Moorish Café, pool bar, snack bar
  • Greeting drink, porter, medical service (subject to charge), transfer service (subject to charge), luggage service, doctor in hotel (German, English), laundry service (subject to charge), currency exchange
  • Indoor pool: approx. 15.11.-15.3., heatable, fresh water
  • Terrace, garden area
  • 1 pool: open all year round, fresh water, water slides, parasols, sun loungers, towel (deposit required)
  • 1 pool: relaxation pool, open all year round, parasols, sun loungers, towel (deposit required)

All Inclusive Plus Breakfast (buffet), late riser breakfast until 11am, lunch (buffet), dinner (buffet), dinner in the à-la-carte restaurant (1x per stay), drinks free of charge (soft drinks, mineral water, coffee/tea, table wine, beer, juices, selection of  spirits, 00:00), coffee/tea and pastries (3.30pm-5pm)

  • Children' club/miniclub: Calimigo Children Club, 3-12 years
  • Teens programme during the holidays, separate teens lounge
  • Calimigo Dance
  • Kids' entertainment: 3-12 years, daytime entertainment (6x per week), 3-12 years, evening entertainment (daily), 3-12 years, sports entertainment (daily), language: German, English, French, local language
  • Youth entertainment: 13-17 years, daytime entertainment (6x per week), 13-17 years, evening entertainment (daily), 13-17 years, sports entertainment (daily), language: German, English, French, local language, approx. 22 June - 11 September
  • Playground (outside)
  • Children's disco
  • Games hire (board games)
  • Baby pool (outside): Fresh water, open all year round
  • Kids Pool (outside)
  • Babysitting service (for a fee)
  • Room facilities: baby crip, high chair

Wellness included 

  • Moorish bath

Wellness for a fee (partly external supplier) 

  • Spa: 200 square meters, from 16 years
  • Massages: classic massage, shiatsu
  • Cosmetic treatments: Manicure, pedicure, peeling

Sports & entertainment included (some external suppliers) 

  • Extensive entertainment and sports programme with various trend sports, e.g. beach volleyball, beach soccer, fitness courses, water polo, crossboccia®, shuffleboard
  • Beach volleyball
  • Beach sports, darts, mini golf, polo
  • Aerobics, aqua gymnastics
  • Tennis: 4 hard courts, floodlights (subject to charge)
  • Tennis equipment hire
  • Table tennis
  • Daytime entertainment, 6x per week
  • Evening entertainment, 6x per week
  • Sports entertainment, 6x per week
  • Animation: German, English, French, local language
  • Themed days, club activities
  • Ball school event 21 July - 30 August

Sports & entertainment for a fee (some external suppliers)

  • Water skiing: in the hotel, sports equipment hire, lessons
  • Banana boat: at the hotel, sports equipment hire
  • Sailing: Sports equipment hire, lessons
  • Catamaran: at the hotel, sports equipment hire, lessons
  • Boat: at the hotel, sports equipment hire
  • Pedal boat: in the hotel, sports equipment hire
  • Wave riding/surfing: in the hotel, sports equipment hire, lessons
  • Windsurfing: in the hotel, sports equipment hire, lessons
  • Jetskiing: in the hotel, sports equipment hire, lessons
  • Tennis courses (German, English, French, Italian)
  • Diving equipment hire, diving lessons

Frequently asked questions about the Hotel Calimera Yati Beach

Where is the calimera yati beach located.

The Calimera Yati Beach is located directly on the shallowly sloping sandy beach.

What room categories does the Calimera Yati Beach offer?

The Calimera Yati Beach offers various room categories, including double rooms with garden or sea view, economy double rooms, family rooms, family rooms duplex and Calimera family accommodation. All rooms have modern facilities and offer comfort for families and couples.

Are there special offers for kids at Calimera Yati Beach?

Yes, the Calimera Yati Beach is very family-friendly and offers a Calimigo Children Club for kids aged 3-12, a teens' programme, kids' entertainment, a playground, children's and baby pools and a babysitting service.

Is the Calimera Yati Beach barrier-free?

Which events does calimera yati beach off in 2024.

The Calimera Yati Beach offers the following events in 2024:

  • Body & relax - Relaxation training for body, mind & soul 31.03.-26.04.2024 (free of charge)
  • Nordic walking - explore the hotel's surroundings 25.02.-22.03.2024 (free of charge)
  • Calimera Yati Beach: Ball school event 21.07.-30.08.

What are you waiting for?

Enjoy your dream holiday now at the Calimera Yati Beach

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location yacht djerba

Things to do in Yekaterinburg

Yel'tsin Center

Yel'tsin Center

Raduga Park

Raduga Park

V. Mayakovskiy Central Park of Culture and Recreation

V. Mayakovskiy Central Park of Culture and Recreation

Leroy Merlin

Leroy Merlin


Yekaterinburgskiy Zoopark

Aqua Park Limpopo

Aqua Park Limpopo

Ekaterinburg Arena

Ekaterinburg Arena

Zelonaya Roshcha

Zelonaya Roshcha

What to eat.

Seoul Cafe

Engels Coffee

Britannia English Pub & Whisky Cellar

Britannia English Pub & Whisky Cellar

Kapcho Bar


Cafe Planetariy

Cafe Planetariy


Mammas Big House


Yekaterinburg Moments: Through Travelers' Eyes


Best of Yekaterinburg

Top 5 premium hotels in yekaterinburg.


Vyisotskij Hotel

Apartments Vysotsky

Apartments Vysotsky

Ramada Ekaterinburg Hotel

Ramada Ekaterinburg Hotel

Atrium Palace Hotel

Atrium Palace Hotel

Top 8 4-star select hotels in yekaterinburg.

Park Inn by Radisson Ekaterinburg

Park Inn by Radisson Ekaterinburg

Four Elements Ekaterinburg

Four Elements Ekaterinburg

Renome Hotel

Renome Hotel

Hyatt Regency Ekaterinburg

Hyatt Regency Ekaterinburg

Place Ekaterinburg

Place Ekaterinburg

Hotel Onegin

Hotel Onegin

Azimut City Hotel Airport Ekaterinburg

Azimut City Hotel Airport Ekaterinburg

Oktyabrskaya Hotel

Oktyabrskaya Hotel

Other recommended cities.

location yacht djerba

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  3. Sailing yacht Harmony 38 Djerba for rent

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  4. Yacht Charter Sailing yacht Harmony 38 „DJERBA“ in Croatia

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  5. Yacht Charter Sailing yacht Harmony 38 „DJERBA“ in Croatia

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  6. Yacht Charter Sailing yacht Harmony 38 „DJERBA“ in Croatia

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  3. Location Bateau Djerba Midun avec ou sans Skipper

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  4. Sailboat Harmony 38 DJERBA for rent in Croatia

    Harmony 38 DJERBA , the model from 2008. With 11.67 Length and 3 cabins. Boat is available for skippered charter. Enjoy your 2024 holidays! +49 211 54 69 22 23. FormResult. ... Set sail on a memorable journey with a yacht charter aboard the Harmony 38, DJERBA , crafted by Harmony Yachts.

  5. Yacht charter in Djerba Midun · Oceane

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  6. Location bateau Tunisie avec/sans skipper

    Location de bateau Tunisie Embarquez avec Click&Boat pour votre location de bateau, ... Yacht à moteur . Voile . Voilier . Catamaran . Goélette . Yacht à voile . Prix par jour . 0 - 1200+ € ... Au sud du pays, sur l'île de Djerba, ...

  7. Location bateau Tunisie

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  8. The BEST Djerba Boats & yachts 2024

    Djerba: Jet Ski Experience with Dolphin Sightings 15/30 min. Embark on a jet ski journey along the picturesque shores of Djerba, where the turquoise waves of the Mediterranean await. Feel the rush of wind and water as you navigate with freedom, within a safe, buoy-marked area that promises no interference with swimmers.

  9. THE TOP 5 Djerba Boat Cruises, Sailing & Water Tours (w/Prices)

    The best Cruises & Sailing in Djerba according to Viator travelers are: Djerba Flamingo Island Pirate Ship Full-Day Trip; Diving initiation (Initiation) Private getaway in the desert like no other; Kitesurfing Discovery Course in Djerba; 2 days tour to Douz & Ksar Ghilan oasis. and an overnight in the sahara under bedouin tent ..

  10. Harmony 38 DJERBA ≫ Sail boat Rental

    Harmony 38 DJERBA Rent a Sail boat from Marina Zaton, Croatia Sail boat Service Type. Bareboat Year. 2008 Length. 11.67 m. Cabins. 3 Bathrooms. 1 Water. 500 ...

  11. THE 10 BEST Djerba Island Boat Rides & Cruises

    Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, number of page views, and user location. Clear all filters. 1. Club de Plongée La Sirène - Djerba Diving Center. 121. Scuba & Snorkelling ... Visited djerba in the end of April 2022 and booked a 5 days kitesurf course for my 14 year old son and rented material myself.

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    Djerba: Guided Camel Ride with Blue Lagoon Visit. Take a guided 1H30 tour on the back of a camel in Djerba, Tunisia. Experience Djerba's wild coast, sandy paths, palm trees, lagoons, and other natural features alongside a professional instructor. This experience can be customized for both beginner and experienced riders.

  13. Djerba Island

    The Djerba Explore park includes the reconstruction of a ' menzel ': the houch with all its outbuildings (well, weaving workshop, potter's kiln). Attend the feeding of crocodiles at the Djerba Explore centre! This leisure park is home to a Nile crocodile farm. The reptiles are fed in front of visitors on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays at ...

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    Book Calimera Yati Beach, Djerba Island, Tunisia on Tripadvisor: See 646 traveler reviews, 1,454 candid photos, and great deals for Calimera Yati Beach, ranked #22 of 108 hotels in Djerba Island, Tunisia and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor. ... Good location, super quiet and spacious, very clean, well mantained (inside and out), bedrooms cleaned ...

  16. Yacht Club Djerba (@yachtclubdjerba)

    3,305 Followers, 969 Following, 79 Posts - Yacht Club Djerba (@yachtclubdjerba) on Instagram: "Salon de thé ️Restaurant ️Espace de fêtes @arpegestore"

  17. Djerba

    Djerba has a long and interesting history. It was a well-known port for the Phoenicians and its soft sandy shores were particularly kind to their fragile wooden boats. At that time the island was called Meninx and the Phoenicians harvested the prolific beds of murex shellfish and were responsible for building the first causeway.

  18. Family holiday on the dream beach of Djerba

    Discover the magic of Djerba at Calimera Yati Beach, a family-friendly 4-star resort located directly on the crystal-clear Mediterranean Sea. Imagine spending your days on the 500 metre long, fine sandy beach while the kids play in the gentle waves. With its quiet location, just a few kilometres from the lively centres of Houmt Souk and Midoun ...

  19. Yacht Club Djerba événementiel

    Yacht Club Djerba événementiel, Djerba, Madanin, Tunisia. 4,852 likes · 6 talking about this · 456 were here. Espace d'évènements , Loisirs , Activités Sportives, Restauration

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    The Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore (Russian: Свердловский областной краеведческий музей) (abbreviated as SOCM) [1] is a museum in Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia.The museum is one of the oldest in Yekaterinburg, having been founded in 1870. In addition the main branch of the museum, the institution manages several other museums in the ...

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    Atlantik by USTA Hotels, Yekaterinburg, Russia - Sverdlovsk Oblast: See 176 traveler reviews, 149 candid photos, and great deals for Atlantik by USTA Hotels, ranked #36 of 67 hotels in Yekaterinburg, Russia - Sverdlovsk Oblast and rated 3 of 5 at Tripadvisor.

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    Yekaterinburg Travel Guide. Yekaterinburg is a city in Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia. It has many popular attractions, including Yel'tsin Center, Raduga Park, V. Mayakovskiy Central Park of Culture and Recreation, perfect for a trip! Show Less. Cloudy 11 - 13℃.

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    Hyatt Place Ekaterinburg, Yekaterinburg, Russia - Sverdlovsk Oblast: See 44 traveler reviews, 37 candid photos, and great deals for Hyatt Place Ekaterinburg, ranked #22 of 67 hotels in Yekaterinburg, Russia - Sverdlovsk Oblast and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor.