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Amel Super Maramu

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Any one have some first hand knowlege or opinions on Amels? Looking for something safe and confortable for liveaboard and cruising the east coast and the Carribean. At this point comfort and safety are higher on the list than speed.  

amel yacht owners forum

Sailmc, Fellow named Eric, who goes by Kimberlt or something close to that on here, owns an Amel. I know he has posted about his boat before. Maybe check the archives for either the boat name or his name on here.  

Hi, i own an Amel Super Maramu. what would you like to know? fair winds, eric  

you can also e-mail me at [email protected] fair winds, eric  

I hope you don''t mind joining this thread. Some time ago I stepped on board of an Amel Super Maramu (on a boat show in Germany). Although I had a very short glance I got impressed by what I saw. I will need to have a more thorough look and have been invited by the yard to come and visit. I am curious about some aspects now, like: - how do you like the bowthruster, is it a problem that it raises in the forecabin? - to me the head seems rather small. Is it workable in port and at sea. No problem with the curtain? Can you keep the rest of the head dry when you take a shower? - Does the aft bed work in port. Is it easy to get in? - Did you consider to have an electric cooker installed, so you can get rid of butane/propane altogether. - I don''t see any dorades. Is the ventilation sufficient, even in wetter climates? - did you install any other gear, than the standard inventory? thanks, Eddy May Windfall, IP380  

Kimberlite, I recall your posts from quite a while back. I have several questions. I should preface this by saying I have not seen one in the flesh yet. The first question is performance oriented. Does the boat go to weather well enough to get you off a lee shore safely? I have no experience with ketches although I understand the rational on a short handed cruising boat of this size. Are the berths comfortable enough for long term liveaboard. They look good for sea berths. Is there adequet ventilation? It appears that there are no hatches in the aft cabin which I presume is the master. The constrution details that I have read indicate this is a very stiff solid boat. Is this in fact true? Are the systems all as easy to maintain as the literature says? Meaning is everything eaisly accessable? It seems that Amel uses quite a few propritary parts. Has this been a problem for you? Is there some support for these problems? Has storage space been adequate for your purposes? Does the boat have any bad habits? What don''t you like? My intended use for the boat is long term cruising of the East coast, Florida, Bahamas and the entire Carribean chain. Then probably liveaboard in Florida. I don''t anticipate any ocean crossings as my wife has no intention of doing that but that doesn''t rule out her meeting the boat on the other side. I.E. No circumnavigation in the plans. I''ve done my share of racing and performance cruising and now I''m looking for comfort, livability and safety for the long haul.  

Hi, I have owned my Amel for almost 3 years now and have accumulated about 20,000 blue water miles on her. To date I have no complaints or problems with the boat. The shrouds are fastened to the sides of the boat so the Genoa angle can not be brought in to point very high, But 30-35 degrees is a max. You also have a hundred horsepower engine and enough fuel to motor from New York to Bermuda. Getting off a lee shore is not a problem. It does however make a very strong water proof boat. The boat can be lifted by the chainplates. And the hull to deck joint is laminated this coupled with the deck stepped masts makes for a bilge so dry that we always keep paper towels and such in the bilge. The ketch rig is an advantage as there is a lot of sail up but without the hernia of handling very large sails. Having electric furling on main and genoa allows me to sail this boat solo. The berths are low and come with removable Lee boards. We have sailed this boat in 25 + foot seas with a comfortable and safe ride. Our first passage was from LaRochelle to Guernsey England where we beat up the English Channel in very rough seas for 2 days. No squeaks, no rattles, and nothing came loose and no drawers or cabinets opened. This was a first for me as any boat I have been on in the past had everything on board flying around after a few days of abuse at sea. The aft cabin has a port in the head and an after hatch. You can also order 2 additional ports in the aft cabin if you wish. We have an optional fresh air system where outside air is drawn in and blown through a vent system throughout the boat. I am a big guy and never have had a problem getting to any of the mechanical equipment as it is all laid out in an orderly and easy to get to fashion all in the stand up engine room. The Amel factory has the finest customer support in the industry starting from the one week class for all new owners, to a dedicated person to handle any warrantee problems, to a whole department to handle any issues and spares for out of warrantee. ALL spares are in stock and it usually takes 3-4 days to get spares in the U.S.A. and Caribbean. They ship worldwide. The boat also comes with 5 large loose-leaf books of operating instructions and manuals. When we crossed the Atlantic we had a crew of 5. Everyone had their own cabinet storage, and their own bunk. We had enough storage for all the gear, spares and food (2 freezers) For 25 days, with enough spare room for food for 50 days. We didn’t even come close to filling up all the storage. We also made enough water (40 gallons an hour) for hot showers every day. My friend rounded Cape Horn 4 days ago with only his wife on board in a factory stock Amel with stock sails. If you want the finest ocean cruising boat ever built {quote from sail magazine) The Amel is your boat. Are you looking at a new Amel or used boat? When do you plan on making a decision? Where do you live? If you live near New York you can come up here to see Kimberlite when I get back from the Caribbean the end of April. Fair winds, Eric SM 376 Kimberlite  

Eddy, It is important to remember that Amel has delivered more 50 foot ocean cruising boats than any other builder in the world. They are 100% employee owned and the employees are always refining the boat. They know a lot more about offshore boat building than almost anyone. Their boats are all CE rated “A” the highest rating for a sailboat in Europe. There is an agent for Amel in Ft Lauderdale his name is Joel Potter. I have no problem with the bow thruster or it’s location in the forecabin. It is essential when docking in most of the world as you usually go stern to the quay in most places except in the U.S.A. I love backing up the boat 100, 200, 300 feet as straight as an arrow. Why do you ask about the bow thruster? The head is small, as the philosophy of Amel is to maximize the space in the boat. Lets face it how much time do you spend in the head. I am a big guy and find the head quite serviceable. The head remains dry when showering as the curtain wraps around you and is held to the bulkheads by Velcro. It can be quite comfortably used at sea. The curtain is made out of some amazing stuff as it has never developed a spot of mold. I do not understand your question about the aft cabin berth- please expand on this I can’t see running the genset to fry an egg. Propane/butane is much more efficient. Better kitchens have gas and not electric stoves. Why are you considering an electric cooker? The ventilation is very sufficient. I think dorades are much overrated –when offshore prudent sailors close and remove the dorades and it gets nasty below. The Amel is engineered to be comfortable below without dorades. The stock Amel is ready to circumnavigate as delivered. I wanted to install a bunch of things when I ordered Kimberlite. Amel talked me out of them. They were right and they saved many tens of thousands of euros buy doing this. I did install some optional equipment, mostly electronic, but nothing out of the ordinary. Where do you live/sail? Fair winds, Eric Freedman SM 376 Kimberlite  

Eric, Thank you very much for your excelent review. You have answered all my questions. I think we will pursue this further. As to your questions I live in Wisconsin which is why we don''t have a good oportunity to see and Amel in the flesh. I will probably be looking for a new boat when the time comes to "slip the warps" and take off in a couple of years. I understand the wait for a new boat can be up to a year. Was this your experience? Hopefully the Euro will have calmed down by then. Thank you for your invitation to see your boat. When the time comes I might be able get to New York. Will you be stopping in the keys on your way back? I will be there the beginning of April. Could you explain in a bit more detail how your fresh air ventilation works. This is a new one to me. Enjoy the rest of your Cruise and thanks again for your reply. Miles Cherkasky S/V Ariel Jeanneau 43DS  

Eric, thank you for your information. I live in the Netherlands and sail in and around it. Currently I own an Island Packet 380 and I think it is one of the better boats. I amlooking at a larger boat, like an IP485 or an Amel. I spoke to someone about the Amel and he was not impressed about the way the bow thruster is positioned in the boat, hence my question. Glad to hear about the head and about the quality of the shower curtain. I always hate these when the are drawn to the body, during a shower. The question about the aft berth came up, since beds in the latest Island Packets are placed diagonally, giving access from two sides. The berth in the Amel can only be ''entered'' from one side. I was just curious how this works out in this particular situation. I have been thinking about an electric cooker because of safety reasons. I am still a little bit afraid of those heavy gasses, which can enter the bilge and wait there for a spark to happen. I thought you could probably run an electric stove from an inverter hooked up to your batteries, so that you do not need to start the genset everytime you want to make some tea. I understand that you are quite satisfied with the construction and safety measures of the butane installation. ( Being Dutch, I am still struggling with ''gas'', to drive a car and ''gas'', to cook with) Just being curious: what kind of boat did you have before the Super Maramu? Thanks again, Eddy May Windfall, IP380  

Dear Miles, As most things on an Amel the installation is straight forward. The fresh air system draws air in from the cockpit to a blower located in the port locker behind the backrest. From there the air travels through the ductwork and into the aft cabin above the berth, between the companionway steps, and into the forward cabin. To retain the watertight integrity of the second forward watertight bulkhead , Amel installed a device which allows you to close the vent in the forward cabin from the saloon. They are always thinking ! fair winds, Eric  

Dear Eddy, I don’t know if you would want to use an inverter to power an electric stove. Most stoves use a few kilowatts to operate the burners. Even with Amels main bank of 12 batteries this would put a serious dent in your battery bank and would need immediate charging with a genset. Most people that I know who have a bow thruster wish theirs operated like the one on the Amel. The thruster is located directly aft of the first watertight bulkhead. If it were located any further forward, it would be inaccessible. The fact that it retracts into the hull leaves the hull smooth and without drag. The fact that it drops down puts the thrust of the unit deep in the water. This is much superior to any other design I have seen. With respect to the bed in the aft cabin offshore we usually sleep in separate bunks as there is just too much motion to sleep. When in port or sailing locally we do have to climb over one another to get out of the bunk. You can however save 4000 euros and not have a queen bed installed and go for the stock two bunk aft cabin setup. Fair winds, Eric  

Eddy, before i had the Amel I had a tartan 37 which i stripped to the hull and rebuilt the boat myself. I replaced everything ! Tartan said it was the finest 37 ever built. i logged many offshore miles on her before buying my Amel. fair winds, eric  

Dear Eddy, Nothing comes to mind with respect to any problems I have had with either my Amel sailboat or the Amel factory. They make a truly world class ocean cruiser. The only thing I would have the factory change is a fuel tank of about 250 gallons instead of 160 gallons. Please keep me in mind if you have any other questions. I also keep in touch with a number of folks who have sailed their dream and have their Amel up for sale. fair winds, Eric  

Eric, My question does not apply to the Amel Super Maramu (wish it did), but instead to the previous Amel models. The Super Maramu is beyond our current budget, so we are considering several mid-80''s Amel models--either 52-ft Mango or regular 48-ft Maramu. Have you seen either of these models? Any input?  

hi, i have seen both the santorin and the mango. they are awesome boats . some of the newer mangos have electric furling which is a great feature. the beauty of the amel is that they are constantly evolving and each one is better than the last one built. good luck in your shopping-- did you check in with joel potter to see if he has any used older Amels for sale? fair winds, eric  

our Amel kimberlite is the sweetest boat i have ever been on. we have been through europe , the med, across the atlantic, and back and forth to the carib from NY and we LOVE it. fair winds, eric  

Eric, How have you handled the voltage differences on Kimberlite when you were in the States. As I understand the Amel is wired for 220 volt at 50 cycles. What have you done to be able to uses your AC systems while at the dock? I also understand that the DC system is 24 volt. Has this been a problem when you wanted to add something to the boat. Were you able to find 24 volt items in the states?  

Eric, I used to visit your old T37 website periodically. Do you have a new website for your Amel? Doug  

Doug, i hope to have that website as well as one for the amel up and running soon. fair winds, eric  

Dear Sailmc, the 220 volt is no problem. you can use a regular 50 amp 220 volt plug and hook right into US electric. the air conditioners (3) and battery chargers (2) will run on 50 or 60 cycles. the microwave, dishwasher, watermaker, and washing machine have to be run on 50 cycles. When you are plugged into shore power you don''t have to Make water, or do clothes. the only problem would be the dishwasher or the microwave. I have never used the dishwasher. If i need the microwave i just start the genset for a couple of minutes. the genset start switch is right next to the Microwave. With respect to the 24 volt systems. if you look into bigger boats you will find many including Swan use 24 volts as the standard.wire sizes are half the size for 24 volts. consider what wire size you would have to run if you were using 12 volts and 1000 amps for the Bow Thruster! All things i need are easily obtainable in 24 volts such as hella fans and jabsco pumps. we also have a 12 volt supply ( provided as stock with the boat). we also have an inverter with one outlet which i use for my soldering iron and to charge phones and computers. Fair winds, eric  

We own a Super Maramu 1998 #207 and will be hauling out this summer. Does anyone have any suggestions on parts and/or proceedures for this process. We have owner our Amel for 2 years and this is the first haulout we have done ourselves. Thanks Jim Desalvo  

amel yacht owners forum might try the Amel mailing list under the resources tab if you don't get responses here. These members above last posted a long time ago. Welcome aboard...fine boats!!  

Yahoo group for amel owners amelyachtowners : Amel Yacht Owners - Forum for owners of Amel sailboats if you read French C A R A M E L have fun Leopold  

Been on a few in the last month or two. Bomb proof, but the interior always seems dated. Not a big deal though, owners always seem safety and equipment focused. I'd rather have well kept equipment than fancy new cushions.  

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Common Issues With Amel Yacht Sailboats

Common Issues With Amel Yacht Sailboats | Life of Sailing

‍ Key Takeaways

  • Older Amel yachts require more physical effort to sail due to their size
  • An Amel yacht can be complicated and have less interior volume than other boats
  • Plenty of electrical components you have to keep maintained like an electric furling
  • These are quite expensive in comparison to other boats on the market
  • Too many creature comforts can be over the top for first time Amel owners

‍ Amel yachts are some of the most popular sailboats of all time. But what are the common issues with Amel yachts?

Issues that are most common among Amel yachts include it being a complicated boat, it is not cheap, and the layout is not as big as it seems. There are also issues with the amount of electric motors onboard and too many creature comforts like multiple refrigerators and air conditioning units.

Based on my analysis an Amel yacht has plenty to offer for anyone wanting to sail throughout the world. But there are pros and cons to any boat brand based on your situation.

Table of contents

‍ Issues with Amel Yachts

Amel yachts have a handful of issues that are not going to be the end of the world for Amel owners. If you are comparing these to other boats or modern yachts then you will likely find similar problems.

Complicated to Sail

New Amel owners that have very little experience sailing will likely feel a little overwhelmed to sailing one. Most Amel models are quite large like the Amel 55 and will need at least another person on board to help sail. Even with plenty of experience by yourself you will be tested to sail single handedly.

Not a Cheap Option to Cruise

Amel yachts are expensive to say the least. According to yachtworld an Amel yacht will average between $35,000 to over $2 million. Two boats stand out among the crowd for Amel.

The Amel Super Maramu for example averages $200,000 for used models. An Amel 64 costs around $2.45 million. These boats are some of the higher priced models but you can spend much less on older or different ones.

There are more options of course that you could be interested in for your search. You will likely need to come up with the funds or take a loan to purchase one unless this fits within your budget.

Lots of Maintenance with Big Costs

An Amel yacht that you have your eyes on will likely be over 50 feet in length which means there is a lot of room for potential maintenance. You would likely want a rugged sailboat that you can conduct repairs as needed but an Amel yacht might be a different story. The first big ticket item is the generator and it has to be powerful enough to power the large boat.

They also have a lot of electrical features onboard such as winches and an electric furling. These use electric motors to help power them and these motors do not hold up well in salt water over long periods of time.

You will need to have extensive knowledge of these electrical systems and be up for the task of making big repairs yourself. If not then you will need to hire someone to make any repairs. This will cost a lot of money and you will likely need to stay near countries that offer repairs on such electrical components.

Too Reliant on Electrical

During a storm or harsh winds anything could happen. Sometimes this cause electrical systems to kick out under load and might be a dangerous situation. If you are using line drum furlers then you know exactly what it should look and feel like in those situations.

Layout Not as Big

Amel owners have reported that the layout is not as big as it seems. A lot of pictures or videos have wide lenses that make the view more appealing but this causes the image to be larger than it appears.

Too Many Creature Comforts

A lot of sailboats might have added comfort features over the years to make sailing more appealing to different audiences. Amel yachts might be overkill to some sailors that want to keep the basics intact.

A lot of Amel yachts have multiple refrigerators and AC units that draw a lot of power and might be unnecessary to have. Many Amel owners have also reported that the aft AC unit had gone out over time. With the amount of creature comforts on board it can add up the maintenance costs.

Not Very Fast

All Amel boats are quite heavy and roughly 50 feet long. They were not designed to go very fast on the water or for racing events.

These boats are essentially floating houses that are capable of withstanding tough blue water conditions. If you are wanting a boat that is fast and bluewater capable you might have to look elsewhere.

Different Keel Materials

Modern yachts will use a variety of different keels with specific types of metal. Some Amel yachts use iron instead of lead based on the year they were manufactured.

Iron is great but lead can help with righting the ship and sailing upwind better in comparison. This also affects maintenance long term. If you want to see the differences up close you could always check out a boat show and have someone explain the differences in detail.

Age of Amel Boat

The first Amel boats were being built in the 1960’s. That is a long time for a boat to be alive and in sailing condition today. During your search for an Amel you will need to find one that has excellent repair history to know if it is worth your time.

Multiple Owners

Since Amel yachts are an older boat it has already had a long life sailed on it. This also means it has likely gone through multiple owners along the way.

If a previous owner did not care much for their Amel it could greatly impact the life of the boat. If the boat is in poor shape you will need to have it repaired to refit and that might be worth more trouble in the long run than trying to find another Amel.

Difficult to Add New Electrical Wires

In most all of Amel yachts the bulkheads are used for a hull breach and are watertight. In different boats you can drill holes in the bulkheads to install and run electrical wiring. This makes it a mess when trying to hide wires or create a path.

Amel Surveyors

Before you think about buying a used Amel boat you need to have it surveyed. The problem is that there are not as many Amel boats in comparison to others on the market and they are older.

You will need to have someone with extensive knowledge of these yachts in order to give you the best point of view. This could cost you a little more than other surveyors.

Avoid Cheap

As with any boat purchase you should never buy one solely based on the price but to have your budget as a guideline. Amel boats are not going to be cheap but if you happen to find one there might be good reason for it being that way. Make sure you do your research beforehand to know a good deal from a bad one.

Should You Purchase an Amel Yacht?

An Amel yacht has plenty of pros and cons just like any other yacht would. The key here is to balance that out based on your needs and sailing goals.

For most first time sailors they will likely choose a boat based on their budget and see what options that brings. Without a doubt Amel has some of the best sailing yachts you could ask for and they still make quality ones today. Most Amel boat owners are in love with their’s because these boats are meant to last.

Amel was also unique in that they never really made many versions of a certain boat. So the quantities were limited on a certain model and you either had to get one then or wait for another owner to sell theirs. If your budget and sailing goals line up with an Amel yacht you should go for it.

History of Amel Sailboats

Henri Amel founded Amel yachts in La Rochelle in 1965 during World War II. He noticed naval forces were using watertight structures made out of polyester resin to float in the water and it gave him the idea to start producing boats with the same materials.

Amel’s first boat was the Super Mistral Sport back in 1961 when he took over a shipyard. The company was split off and he began Amel yachts shortly after that paved the way for his success.

There have been numerous types of sailboats made by Amel over the years but only a handful of the designs used a ketch rig since sloop was more popular. Upon Amel’s death in 2005 he donated roughly 92% of his shares of his company back to the employees.

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Daniel Wade

I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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Yachting Monthly

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Yachting Monthly cover

  • Theo Stocker
  • February 27, 2018

Ketch builder Amel has launched its first sloop for 20 years, a sloop with modern twin rudders at that. Pip Hare travels to La Rochelle to test her

Product Overview


French builder Amel has, for 50 years, been selling a dream, and the Amel 50 is no exception; with this boat you could head off anywhere. Imagine cruising through the Chilean channels with a panoramic view from your warm and cosy doghouse, shortening sail at the touch of a button.

Amel’s philosophy is everything on board should be designed in such a way to make the owner’s life easier and the onboard experience more pleasurable – making long distance cruising achievable for anyone who can afford one.

Although Amel’s current smallest, this boat is still 50ft and made for the open ocean, but don’t expect to tack through narrow channels, even though she’s the first sloop the company has produced in two decades.

The decision to make her a sloop was chosen to keep costs down, while still having a rig that can be easily handled.


Cocooned under a hardtop, surrounded by glass on three sides I was surprisingly engaged by sailing Amel 50.

I didn’t expect to feel connected to the sailing experience without feeling the wind, but in a full range of conditions I really enjoyed it.

I did, however, prefer to open the windscreen windows and get a bit of breeze in my face when the weather allowed.

Upwind in reasonable seas and 20 knots of true wind our close-hauled angle was not great but acceptable for offshore passage making and our boat speed a good 8.4 knots.

More impressive was our light airs upwind performance; managing to hold 4.4 knots of boat speed in only 5 knots of true wind.

The steering system uses push-pull cables, rather like those on an engine control, to move the quadrant.

Combined with the well-balanced twin rudders this results in a helm that gives little feedback, but has a good level of response when the wheel is turned.

It takes good concentration to hand steer but the autopilot coped well in all situations.

We tried additional offwind sails during our test, boosting our light airs performance and increasing downwind boat speed from 7.8 to 9.2 knots in the heavy breeze.

If haring downwind with a spinnaker is not your cup of tea, the poled-out headsail gave us reasonable performance in all but the lightest airs.

However, I feel the boat really benefitted from the extra sail area and would recommend a code zero on a furler as an easy-to-manage compromise that will keep you sailing for longer.

There is no hiding the size of the Amel 50.

It looms over an alongside pontoon requiring a fender step to get up the high topsides – the alternative is to drop the bathing platform and come over the stern.

Despite the size I found the steering position high enough to have good vision of all the ‘corners’ while manoeuvring in the marina, and I was comfortably able to reverse into a finger berth using the joystick bow thruster control and minimal wheel steering.

Turning tightly without the bow thruster is almost impossible as the position of the rudders relative to propeller gives very little turning moment from prop wash.

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The Amel 50 is a luxurious, well-engineered yacht which genuinely exceeded my expectations on sailing performance – for a boat designed to cross oceans in luxury.

The Amel philosophy of a maintenance free boat results in features that are clever but at times chunky.

Thanks to this approach I believe this is a vessel that could sail tens of thousands of miles and show little sign of wear and tear.

At €790,000 ex VAT the Amel 50 would clearly suit couples seeking adventures in their retirement and I believe she caters well to this market, offering a sailing experience with minimal physical effort and a high standard of living accommodation.

There are some aspects of sailing the Amel 50 that smaller people, women in particular, may struggle with, such as the seated steering position and handling the jib pole.

However, the electric furling and winches make sailing this boat a generally inclusive experience.


This boat is clearly aimed at couples with occasional guests who are looking for maximum comfort and space.

It is designed to sail well but with minimum effort.

This type of low engagement sailing offers a compromise; it allows those with a thirst to see the raw beauty of remote places to do so without having to endure physical hardship along the way.

This boat will not suit those seeking more interactive quality of sailing but it will be great for effortless offshore passage making; and when you eventually decide to drop the hook, the Amel 50 will provide a sumptuous standard of living on-board regardless of conditions on deck.

For those looking to explore the world by boat, and who have the funds to do so, the Amel 50 offers the opportunity to take on the challenge with a mix of luxury, style and practicality few other boats this size offer.


Price as tested €1,128,000 Inc VAT (Approx £995,180) LOA 16.47m (54ft) Hull Length 15.51m (50ft 10in) LWL 14.51m (47ft 7in) Beam 4.79m (15ft 9in) Draught 2.15m (7ft 1in) Displacement 18,750kg (41,337 lb) Ballast 5,360kg (11,817 lb) Ballast ratio 28.6% Displacement / Length 170.7 Sail area 126m2 (1,356sq ft) SA/D ratio 18.2 Diesel 675 litres (148 gal) Water 600 litres (132 gal) Engine 110hp Transmission Shaft Drive RCD category A Designer Berret-Racoupeau Yacht Design Builder Amel Tel +33 546 55 17 31 Website


Building robust, comfortable and easy-to-handle sailing yachts was Henri Amel’s ethos. Offering sailing enthusiasts the opportunity for an adventure on all the world’s seas requires impeccable construction in terms of quality, safety and comfort. We have successfully built on these key elements of the AMEL spirit in our latest 50-foot and 60-foot models, with, as ever, focus on attention to detail, using 100% French know-how, which, having defined our yard for 50 years, guarantees a refined finish for our customers.  As a result, Amel have succeeded in achieving the perfect combination of the robustness and manoeuvrability essential for long-distance sailing and the luxury of a French way of life.

The history of the AMEL shipyard is perfectly encapsulated in our “ensemble’’ logo; each yacht built brings together the best of our skills to offer a unique pleasure to our clients

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8 rue Joseph Cugnot, 17180 PERIGNY, FRANCE.

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Under the above French law, since the 1st of January 2022, each producer (company that places a product in the market) has his unique producer identifier number (Article L.541-10-13). This unique identifier number, assigned by the ADEME (French agency for the environment and energy management), proves that the placer on the market is a member of the APER (French association for eco-friendly pleasure boating) and that it fulfills its regulatory obligations. The AMEL SHIPYARDS’ U-ID number is: FR028009_18AOCF.

Amel Owners Yacht School Prepare to Cast Off

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. The award was presented via Video Conference and it was the first time it was presented to a couple. 

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28-06-2014, 11:44  
Boat: Lidgard 50ft performance cat/ Canados50s
going 24 hrs a day if any one knows the owner can you let them know as marina staff won't do a thing about it , i am 5 berths down and can here it all night above the of the marina bars

And for those intending to come here I suggest you book a berth in advance as it's full here to the max , and if you have a deep yacht be aware the entrance is shallow at moment due to very rough seas past few days , and at moment I can't get out , one yacht got stuck right in the middle of entrance today it took 3 ribs and the yacht owner to put main up to heel yacht over to get her free
28-06-2014, 12:41  
Boat: 45' CC ketch
seems to know him - quick search for "amel 54 elyse" returned some posts on yahoo amel owners group from an owner (at least he was an owner in 2011) named Wolfgang Weber <webercardio@...>. Further searches for "Wolfgang Weber webercardio" returned proper address at <[email protected]>. You can try it, he either is an owner, or may know the owner. A bit more searching returns his city of Recklinghausen, using this as an additional info for search returns this:

Dres.Annette-Maria Feja und Wolfgang Weber

Königswall 16-18
45657 Recklinghausen

Festnetztelefon: 02361/186818

You can try reaching him by this number too , too
29-06-2014, 00:23  
Boat: 36' solaris sunrise catamaran
going 24 hrs a day if any one knows the owner can you let them know as marina staff won't do a thing about it , i am 5 berths down and can here it all night above the of the marina bars

And for those intending to come here I suggest you book a berth in advance as it's full here to the max , and if you have a deep yacht be aware the entrance is shallow at moment due to very rough seas past few days , and at moment I can't get out , one yacht got stuck right in the middle of entrance today it took 3 ribs and the yacht owner to put main up to heel yacht over to get her free
17-11-2014, 01:03  
Boat: Unique 1400 14M
hyd a few years ago. Am looking at one myself to fit as main driver with a cable (weak one) already installed on cable system.

My is 46' 22 ton but fin a balaanced almost same as yours, how does it perform now....still good?

I like the look of the specification, any views please let me know, if PM not working/...


PS: I loved the Red Sea and found Hurgada good too when there last in 2000.
17-11-2014, 21:32  
Boat: 36' solaris sunrise catamaran
18-11-2014, 01:04  
Boat: Amel SM 53 - BeBe
and . No alarm has sounded while docked here.

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  1. Amel Yachts Forum Q&A. [email protected]. About: The Amel Yacht Owners Group is over 20 years old and has over 1,400 active members. It is a Forum where questions and answers are shared. The Group has been modified several times to stay up-to-date with technology and content.

  2. Amel Owners

    This group is for: - The discussion of all things related to Amel yachts - Amel owners - Potential Amel owners who are actively shopping.

  3. Amel Yacht Owners

    Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required. 2. Answer the questions. Only applications to the group with a satisfactory reply to the questionnaire will be evaluated and approved. Post what ever is of interest to Amel yacht owners. Mainly pictures and adventures that are difficult to be documented on a text based website.

  4. Show quoted text. Barbara Nairne. 10/09/15 #23191. Hi all. Just to let y know Sueno Azul has been sold to Lynette and Andrew Mcclaren. And will be staying in southport qld Australia. The boat has gone to a great couple and I really appreciate their enthusiasm and adventurous spirit.

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  9. Amel Super Maramu

    87689 posts · Joined 1999. #16 · Mar 31, 2005. Eric, My question does not apply to the Amel Super Maramu (wish it did), but instead to the previous Amel models. The Super Maramu is beyond our current budget, so we are considering several mid-80''s Amel models--either 52-ft Mango or regular 48-ft Maramu.

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    Posts: 14. Amel 50 - my experiences. This is a great opportunity for me, and a dream come true - so I would like to share my experience with you. Last year, I finally made the decision to buy a new boat and my and my wife's choice finally is: Amel 50. There is no perfect boat that meets 100% of the owner's requirements - and anyone who bought ...

  12. Amel 55, 50, 60, & 64. This subgroup is for owners of Amel models newer than Santorin, Super Maramu, and A54. This Subgroup is specifically for the Amel models A55, A50, A60, & A64. We encourage every owner of these models to join this Subgroup. The posting rules are the same as the Main Amel Yacht Owners Group. Created: 4/16/22.

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  14. Amel Yacht Owners Public Group

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  17. Home

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  18. Buying or Selling Amel yachts (You can join this subgroup while applying for the main group, or anytime after): * Amel yacht owners wanting to sell their Amel and Buyers wanting to buy an Amel can post details once every 60 days. Postings expire in 6 months from the posting date. Once you are a member of YachtsForSale, You can post by sending an email to: [email protected] ...

  19. Amel manuals

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    Licensed by the US Coast Guard as Captain in 2006. Author of the 400-page Amel Book - currently in its 10th printing. The book is the single source for Amel yacht maintenance and operations procedures. Recommended by hundreds of Amel yacht owners. Advise & Support consultant to over 500 hundred Amel owners worldwide.

  21. Log In

    By continuing to use our service, you are agreeing to the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy.. Our site uses cookies so that we can remember you and understand ...

  22. Amel owners

    Join Date: Sep 2008. Location: Galveston Island, Texas, USA. Boat: Amel SM 53 - BeBe. Posts: 953. Re: Amel owners. Amel 54 yacht S/Y Elise has been in Porto Touristico Marina di Ragusa since September while owner Wolfgang travels Netherlands and Florida. No alarm has sounded while docked here. Judy.