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Marina Yachting bokserice

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marina yachting beograd




marina yachting beograd

“Rent our boat and feel the true Belgrade River Trip”

Up to 8 persons aboard 1h from 70 eur

Phone: +381 63 239 438

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marina yachting beograd


marina yachting beograd

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marina yachting beograd


UŠĆE Shopping Center

La Casa De Papel


Maksimalan broj osoba u objektu u isto vreme je 150 osoba

-100 sedećih mesta

(mogućonost i do 150 sedećih mesta uz doplatu)


Radnim danima od ponedeljka do četvrtka cena zakupa je 42 000 din do 25 osoba.

Akcija ponedeljkom 36 000 din do 25 osoba.


Ceo dan sa noćenjem (od 13h do 09:00h narednog dana)


Leti imate klima uređaj u svakoj prostoriji tako da temperaturu možete podesiti kako vama najviše odgovara.


Dodatne aktivnosti.

marina yachting beograd

Profesionalno ozvučenje

Neka se vaša zabava daleko čuje! Ozvučavanjem sala se bavimo više od 10 godina… Ne propustite priliku da se za zvuk pobrinemo bas mi!

marina yachting beograd

Rasveta Cunami

Ako ste se vec opredelili da se vasa zabava čuje, neka se onda i vidi! Cunami rasveta će dati drugu dimenziju vašoj proslavi gde ce provod biti zagarantovan!

marina yachting beograd

Profesionalni fotograf

8000 rsd / 3 sata slikanja.

Ukoliko želite svoju nezaboravnu žurku da zauvek obeležite kvalitetnim slikama tu smo za vas! Obrađene slike vam šaljemo na email adresu 24h nakon proslave!

marina yachting beograd

Vožnja gliserom

24000 rsd / 60min.

Panoramska vožnja gliserom zavidnih performansi… 6200 kubika i 350 konjskih snaga će vam omogućiti vožnju u kojoj čete uživati!

marina yachting beograd

Po dogovoru

Kupovinom pića kod nas ćete uštedeti i vreme i novac! Takodje smo zaboravili da napomenemo da nećete morati da prenosite tone i tone pića i samim tim ćete ustedeti energiju za vašu zabavu a piće će vas čekati rashlađeno kod nas na spalvu!

marina yachting beograd


Prema iskustvu naših gostiju imamo vrhunsku preporuku hrane za vaš dogadjaj! Kada uzimate ketering preko nas dobijate kompletan pribor za jelo i nudimo vam mogućnost angažovanja konobara.

marina yachting beograd

Aparat za vodu + boca 17 litara

Ostanite hidrirani! 17 litara ledene, vrele ili mlake vode će vas čekati na splavu spremno za upotrebu! Donošenje vode na splav preko Savskog nasipa vam nikako ne preporučujemo!

marina yachting beograd

Plinski profesionalni roštilj

Za one koji žele sami da budu svoji majstori! Nudimo vam profesionalni plinski roštilj. Jedno smo sigurni a to je da će vaš kuvar imati zagarantovano najbolji pogled iza ove lepe mašine

marina yachting beograd

Dekoracija za različite proslave

Ukoliko želite da vaš dan bude magičan ovo je pravo rešenje za vas! Naše dekoracije možete pogledati na instagram i fejsbuk stranici #cunamihouse


Đakuzi sa pogledom na reku Savu. U letenjem periodu ovo je topla preporuka.
 Vodu i filtere menjamo svaki dan, čisto da se zna! Đakuzi poseduje grejač vode i vazdušne masaže.


Puno bure leda za rashlađivanje pića

3000 rsd / 100 kg.

Hladite vaše pice na najšmekerskji način, hit, egzotika Cunami led. Više od 90% našiih klijenata hladi piće na pravi način… Da li ste to i Vi?

Untitled-2_0005_viber image

Sportovi na vodi

(Banana, Gume, Wakeboarding, Skijanje na vodi, Iznajmljivanje skutera na vodi)

marina yachting beograd

DJ će dodatno podgrejati atmosferu i obezbediti garantovan provod!


Snimanje dronom

Slikanje i snimanje iz vazduha.


Vožnja limuzinom

Dolazak limuzinom će defintivno biti upečtljiv.


Vatromet će podgrejati atmosferu.

 <img src=“https://cunamihouse.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/NIK_2610.jpg“>  <ul class=“submenu“>
     <li id=“menu-item-2581″ class=“menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-2581″><a href=“https://cunamihouse.com/deciji-rodjendani/“>Dečiji rođendani</a></li>
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     <li id=“menu-item-3980″ class=“menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-3980″><a href=“https://cunamihouse.com/korporativne-proslave/“>Korporativne proslave</a></li>
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  • Venčanja i proslave

Poslovni događaji

Gabbiano Exclusive

  • Virtuelna tura

Gabbiano sala i bašta

Venčanja, proslave i poslovni događaji - Gabbiano Yachting Club

"gabbiano exclusive" hall, nova banket sala, proslavite vaše venčanje, recite "da", na najlepšoj bašti na dunavu, organizujte poslovni događaj, u jedinstvenom i modernom ambijentu, prepustite se uživanju, u vrhunskoj kuhinji, yachting club & event centar.

U sklopu Event centra "Gabbiano" nalazi se moderan Caffe & Restoran otvorenog tipa, na dva nivoa, sa najvećom baštom na Dunavu. Od Novembra 2018. godine, Gabbiano se ponosi i novom banket salom "Gabbiano Exclusive", iz koje pruža veličanstven pogled na Beograd i reku. Gabbiano raspolaže i velikom marinom sa dva moderna broda za krstarenje i panoramska razgledanja: Trajan i Livade.

Organizujemo sve vrste proslava

Venčanja i privatne proslave.

Mogućnost organizacije svadbenih svečanosti svih veličina od 80 pa do 250 osoba, gde se u bilo kojoj varijanti ima osećaj savršeno iskorišćenog prostora. Prelepa bašta daje još jednu mogućnost, a to je venčanje na otvorenom.

Pustite mašti na volju!

Uspešno organizujte kompanijsku proslavu, team building, koktel parti, poslovni skup, kompanijski event, seminar, prezentaciju, promociju, kurs, press konferenciju, modnu reviju.

Možemo Vam obezbediti profesionalnu i detaljnu pripremu kompletnog programa!

Dostupni smo za sve informacije i dogovor

Ako želite da provedete prijatne trenutke sa svojim prijateljima, porodicom, sklapate posao, preporučujemo Vam najlepši splav na Dunavu, sa kojeg se pruža blistav pogled na reku i znamenitosti Beograda.

Pogledajte sve fotografije u našim galerijama

Gabbiano Bašta Gabbiano Exclusive --> Marina

Rekli su o nama

Jelena simić.

Dizajn restorana i mesto gde Dunav ljubi nebo i Beograd su bili "ljubav na prvi pogled". Bez sumnje smo odlučili da u Gabbianu izgovorimo naše DA,OUI,SI,YES i okupimo prijatelje iz 22 zemlje sveta, od Australije i Indije, preko Francuske i cele Evrope do Čilea i Meksika. Najtoplije preporučujemo Gabbiano za Vaš D-Day, za trenutke kad želite da se vratite sebi, za jutarnju nedeljnu kafu, ili after work relax koktel, vikend žurke nikako ne propustite, i slobodno dovedite Vaše najmilije, provešćete nezaboravne životne trenutke! Beskrajno Hvala, Merci, Gracias, Thank You!!!

Ogroman aplauz, dubok poklon i Vivan!!!

Dragana Pešić - Lević

Moderno uređen postor i najlepša letnja bašta na Dunavu nisu najjači aduti splava Gabbiano, već fantastična usluga, predusretljivost osoblja i izvanredna hrana!

Kao neko ko se bavi organizacijom skupova više od deceniju, brižljivo biram prostore u kojima održavamo skupove, a ovo mesto često je naš izbor zbog fleksibilnosti i spremnosti menadžmenta da izađu u susret specifičnim zahtevima.

Jedno je sigurno, ova ekipa pružiće vam najviše za uloženi novac, često i mnogo više od onoga što očekujete! Preporuke iz sve snage!

Beba Radetić

Švedski sto je izgledao kao na slici. Naši gosti su oduševljeni hranom, sve je bilo veoma ukusno i bogami, vraćali su se i po nekoliko puta. Još jednom se zahvaljujemo gospodinu Milenku i svima koji su mu pomagali i već sada znamo da će Gabbiano biti naš restoran za jutarnju kafu, za nedeljne ručkove kao i za manje i veće proslave.

S poštovanjem porodica Radetić

Jorge Ignacio Leyva

Yesterday I was at Gabbiano and it is great. It is a wonderful place to share and relax.

Kontaktirajte nas za informacije i dogovor

Uvek smo raspoloženi da Vam pružimo dodatne informacije kako bismo izašli u susret Vašim željama

Posetite nas, biće nam drago da Vas ugostimo!

Poštovani dragi klijenti,

Sa zadovoljstvom vas obaveštavamo da je Event Centar Gabbiano na javnoj licitaciji obezbedio dozvolu za postojeću lokaciju , pa smo sada vaša dugoročna destinacija za nezaboravne proslave!

Naša posvećenost stvaranju magičnih trenutaka i organizaciji prelepih venčanja i poslovnih događaja ostaje nepromenjena.

Hvala vam što ste važan deo našeg puta. Neka ovo bude samo početak mnogih radosti koje ćemo deliti u Event Centru Gabbiano!

Srdačan pozdrav, Tim Event Centra Gabbiano


Marina Yachting

marina yachting beograd

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Other places inside Ušće Shopping Center

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Movie Theater

Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 4 (Ušće)

"Well decorated theater with a friendly staff. I wish there was a little break in movies for your needs"

Samet l.

Coffee Room

Coffee Shop · $

Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 4 (Ušće)

"Filter coffee is awesome! Try some of the cakes as well."

Ana K.


Fast Food · $

"Nice for a McDonald's and plenty places to sit."

Ivana M.

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boats found

Marina Šangulin, Biograd

Home Destinations Zadar region Biograd na Moru Yacht Charter Marina Šangulin, Biograd

The marina is open year round. It is located north of the ferry pier in the southern part of the town harbour; Marina Šangulin is located in the northern part of the harbour.

E-mail Marina Šangulin, Biograd Phone +385 23 38 50 20 Address (Street and number) Kraljice Jelene 3, 23 210 Biograd na Moru, Biograd na Moru, Croatia Coordinates VHF Channel 17

Marina Šangulin is centrally located on the Croatian coast, situated between Zadar and Split in the town of Biograd na Moru . Marina's position in the bay on the city's peninsula is providing excellent protection from all winds. Marina Šangulin has 200 secure berths available. Each berth comes with water and electricity hookups .   Biograd's Marina Šangulin is conveniently located about 30 kilometers from Zadar International Airport , making it easily accessible for international travelers and is a great nearby location for exploring the northern Dalmatia. The marina also features a reception area where you can find all the necessary information and is equipped with all the amenities that a modern yacht charter harbor should have. The sanitary facilities, which include showers and toilets, are well-equipped, and housed in containers in the western 

and main sections of the park. The gas station is not within the marina complex, but it is located nearby . Parking is available both within and outside the marina. All the amenities of the town of Biograd na Moru, such as restaurants, supermarkets, a post office, a gas station, pharmacies, and the harbor master's office, are just a short walk away from the marina. Marina Šangulin also offers boat servicing and rental services. As one of the centers of nautical tourism on the Dalmatian Coast, Marina Šangulin is open all year . It upholds strict environmental standards and has been awarded the prestigious Blue Flag for nearly a decade . With its state-of-the-art equipment, excellent professional service, and strong commitment to the environment, Marina Šangulin is also one of the leading charter bases in Croatia.

Zadar region

Amenities and facilities

Equipment and services.

  • Electricity hook-up
  • Water hook-up
  • Technical service

Sanitary Premises

  • Restroom facilities

Additional Content

  • Restaurants
  • Laundry shop (Sanja)
  • Tourist agencies

Rent a boat in Marina Šangulin

Croatia Yachting Charter offers a wider range of sailboats , a selection of catamarans , and a handful of motorboats for rent at Marina Šangulin . Each yacht category page provides detailed information about the available boats, including the year of construction, length, width, number of berths and cabins, and pricing details. Explore our selection and find the perfect vessel for your sailing adventure!


Sailboat (30)

Search all Sailboats in Marina Šangulin, Biograd


Catamaran (9)

Search all Catamarans in Marina Šangulin, Biograd

Motor boat

Motor boat (4)

Search all Motor Boats in Marina Šangulin, Biograd

About Biograd Na Moru

Biograd Na Moru is located in the middle of the Croatian coast , surrounded by five national parks and two nature parks. Close to the Kornati Archipelago and Lake Vrana , it has a rich tourist tradition and offers a variety of activities and amenities. Historically, Biograd na Moru was the coronation city of Croatian kings. Today, it is a well-known tourist and nautical center and the focal point of the Biograd Riviera .

Situated on a peninsula, the town is flanked by modern marinas and a scenic promenade that offers beautiful views of the Pašman Canal and surrounding islands. The town's beautiful, clear sea is perfect for swimming, with pebble beaches shaded by pine trees located just a short walk from the city center . For those who prefer more secluded spots, the wooded islands in the Pašman Channel are ideal. Biograd retains traces of its Roman past , including the remains of two early Croatian churches. The 18th-century parish church of St. Anastasia is another highlight. The Homeland Museum showcases an array of archaeological artifacts from prehistoric, antique, and early Croatian times , as well as ship cargo from the 16th century.

In the summer, Biograd comes alive with numerous exhibitions, concerts of both popular and classical music , a cappella performances, folklore shows , and the vibrant Biograd Night celebration in August . The town is a popular holiday and sailing destination, thanks to its deeply indented coastline, perfect for exploration by sea. The large marina, one of Croatia’s best, features 805 berths. Located about 30 km south of Zadar and 50 km north of Šibenik , Biograd na Moru is easily accessible and serves as a great base for visiting several of Croatia’s national and nature parks.

Frequently asked questions

Is there a gas station within the marina complex.

No, the gas station is not within the marina complex, but it is located very close by, just across U.O.AMY Caffe Bar.

What kind of dining options are available near Marina Šangulin?

There are various restaurants close to Marina Šangulin, offering a range of dining options. The closest restaurant is Restaurant  Guste , located just across the marina entrance. The restaurant is famous for seafood specialties like shellfish, shrimp, squid, and other seafood types, all prepared with traditional Dalmatian recipes . They also serve vegetables from their garden and are renowned for meat dishes like beefsteak and those roasted under an iron bell. The wine list features around 25 Croatian varieties and 10 international ones.  The house specialty is Gregada "Guste", one of the most famous Dalmatian seafood meals.

There are also restaurants Roko , Europa , Konoba Barba , Konoba Bazilika , Pizzeria Domestico and various other eateries nearby.

Are there any parking facilities at Marina Šangulin?

Yes, parking is available both within and outside the marina, ensuring convenient access for visitors.

Is Marina Šangulin opened throughout the year?

Yes, Marina Šangulin is open all year.

What sanitary facilities are available at the marina?

The marina is equipped with clean, well-equipped sanitary facilities, including showers and toilets, housed in containers in the western and main sections of the park.

Nearby marinas

Marina Šangulin is situated among several neighbouring marinas in Biograd Na Moru , and not far away from other marinas in Zadar Region . Each marina is offering excellent amenities and services for sailors keen on discovering Dalmatian captivating coastline and islands. 

Marina Kornati, Biograd na Moru

Marina Kornati is located in Biograd. It is a modern nautical center, which is located opposite the Kornati archipelago, a famous national park with more than 150 islands and 200 rocks. Open all the year.

Lučica Biograd

Marina drage, croatia yachting - headquarters.

Address: Dražanac 2/a , 21 000 Split, CROATIA

Booking Office: +385 21 332 332

E-mail: [email protected]

Office working hours: 8:00 – 16:00 CET

Follow us on Social Networks

Feel free to ask us anything – our team is on your side!

For any yacht charter questions during the office hours please call our booking team in our Split headquarters on +385 21 332 332 or send us an e-mail on the address croatia-yachting.hr .

For urgent inquiries after working hours, you can contact our booking agents individually on their mobile phones or send an e-mail and you will get a response as soon as possible:

Ms. Ružica Jozipović (English and German speaking clients) Tel: +385 91 331 3341

Ms. Monika Trumbić (English and German speaking clients) Tel: +385 91 332 3362

Mr. Roko Kovač (English speaking clients) Tel: +385 91 332 3370

Ms. Martina Barač  (English, Italian speaking clients) Tel: +385 21 332 332

Ms. Aleksandra Borjan (Italian, French, English speaking clients) Tel: +385 91 331 3343

Ms. Jelena Matkovic (English speaking clients) E-mail: croatia-yachting.hr

Zadar region

marina yachting beograd

Great Pond Marina is the Boating Headquarters of Belgrade Lakes

For over 50 years, the Marina has been the center of boating in Belgrade Lakes. Whether you wish to rent a boat for the family vacation, have a mooring installed, upgrade your dock, or purchase a boat lift; Great Pond Marina in Belgrade is ready to serve you. Customer Service is our specialty. Year after year our customers return for Boat Rentals, because "We get you on the water fast".

As we say "Enjoy Great Pond at its Best "From the Water"

marina yachting beograd

Boat Rentals | Docks | Fuel | Dining in the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine

Boat rentals and dockage on great pond in belgrade lakes maine, great pond marina.

Site by Lloyd Printing & Web Design

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Marine Beograd

1. lider klub marina.

  • Savski nasip 1A, 11197 Beograd (Novi Beograd)
  • 063/223-889

2. Marina 4. juli

  • Kej oslobođenja bb, 11080 Beograd (Zemun)
  • 011/3168-575

3. Marina Dorćol

  • Bulevar vojvode Bojovića bb, 11000 Beograd (Stari Grad)

4. Marina Gradska

  • Višnjička 117, 11060 Beograd (Palilula)

5. Marina Nautec

  • Kej oslobođenja 3A, 11080 Beograd (Zemun)
  • 011/307-7792

6. Marina Sidro

  • Savska 2A, 11251 Ostružnica
  • 063/112-6202

7. Marina Stenka

  • Bulevar vojvode Mišića bb, 11000 Beograd (Savski Venac)

8. Marina Vidra

  • Omladinskih brigada bb, 11070 Beograd (Novi Beograd)
  • 065/6811-022

9. Yachting Club Marina Lazar

  • Višnjička 113D, 11060 Beograd (Palilula)
  • Višnjička banja
  • 063/808-6745

Upis novih objekata na PlanPlus je uvek dobrodošao.

Sindalah Marina: A Your Gateway to Unrivalled Luxury

Your gateway to unrivaled experiences

Sindalah Marina is perfectly located for travelers and yacht enthusiasts seeking a vibrant experience in the Red Sea. Just 17 hours by boat from main Mediterranean yachting destinations, it will be the perfect hub for visitors from Europe, Saudi and the wider Middle East. The state-of-the-art marina will be home to 86 berths for yachts up to 50m, as well as 76 offshore buoys for superyachts up to 180m. Guests and crew will enjoy a full suite of services and facilities including the Sindalah Yacht Club, featuring two restaurants and a pool, sailing school, concert venue and private members’ lounge.

Sindalah Marina is operated by IGY, the world's superyacht network


Based in the South of France, IGY is the world’s leading globally integrated superyacht network of deep-water iconic marina destinations. The most trusted brand in nautical hospitality, it has marinas everywhere from Miami to Cannes, and will bring nearly two decades of experience to Sindalah Marina.



With 86 berths for yachts up to 50m and 76 offshore buoys for superyachts up to 180m, the marina will have the space and amenities you need to make your arrival and stay both smooth and comfortable.


From fine dining and live music to a private member’s lounge and pool, the Stefano Ricci-designed Sindalah Yacht Club will bring opulence, elegance and exceptional experiences for the most discerning tastes.

Whether you require fuelling, power, water or repairs to your yacht, the marina will be at your service, taking care of all essential maintenance needs while you enjoy the Marina’s services.

Marine life at Sindalah Marina

Available Services

Facilitating entry and exit clearance of vessels

Catering to special events on board and onshore

Arranging and coordinating yacht repairs

Tailored fuelling services

Waste management and potable water

Arranging flights, transfers and hotel reservations

Organising transportation of crew or passengers

Day-to-day running and crew assistance


jlsyachts logo

Former yacht club commodore died after falling into water at Poolbeg marina, inquest hears

Former yacht club commodore died after falling into water at Poolbeg marina, inquest hears

Seán McCárthaigh

A former commodore of a yacht club in Dublin drowned after falling into the water at a marina on the River Liffey while trying to get onto a boat after a social event last year.

An inquest at Dublin District Coroner’s Court heard the body of John Wedick (78) – a well-known figure in sailing circles and a senior member of the Poolbeg Yacht & Boat Club – was found floating in the water at the club’s marina on Pigeon House Road, Ringsend on the morning of November 19, 2023.

The widower and father of five from Camolin, Co Wexford, who had been commodore of the club on several occasions, had attended a social function to mark its 50th anniversary on the previous evening.

The deceased’s son, John Wedick Junior, who gave evidence of formally identifying his father’s body to gardaí, told the coroner, Clare Keane, that his father was in good health and spirits when he last saw him, which was the day before his death.

He described how his father was looking forward to attending the event at the yacht club as the anniversary celebrations had been delayed for a number of years due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mr Wedick said the deceased would have known the area around the marina and the yacht club well, and he had also grown up in the area.

In reply to a question from the coroner, he said the area around the marina was “relatively well lit.”

The inquest heard that Mr Wedick was due to stay the night on board his son’s boat which was moored at the club’s marina.

The deceased’s son said he understood that his father slipped while getting into the boat and fell in the water.

He confirmed to Dr Keane that his father was able to swim.

In a written statement, a bar manager at the yacht club said Mr Wedick had attended a private members’ function in the clubhouse and was “in great form” and did not appear in any way upset or distressed when leaving the event sometime after 1am.

Garda Paul Fay of Donnybrook Garda station, gave evidence of being alerted to the discovery of a body in the River Liffey at the Poolbeg Yacht & Boat Club’s marina at around 9am on November 19th, 2023.

Garda Fay said he saw a body laying face down in the water between a pontoon and rocks when he arrived at the scene.

He also recalled noticing a large cut on the victim’s forehead.

The inquest heard the victim’s body was recovered from the water by Dublin Fire Brigade personnel and brought ashore at the Jeanie Johnston marina where Mr Wedick was formally pronounced dead at 9:27am.

Garda Fay said CCTV footage from the yacht club had caught the deceased’s last moments and showed him going through a gate that led to a pontoon in the marina before going to his son’s boat.

He described how the footage did not show Mr Wedick falling into the river but that his body was visible in the water afterwards.

Garda Fay said the victim looked fine as he was walking to the boat and did not look unsteady on his feet.

He also confirmed that the weather was dry at the time.

The deceased’s son pointed out that his father would generally wear sailing shoes when he was in the marina but was wearing dress shoes on the night because he was attending a black tie event.

“I’m not sure what grip they had,” he observed.

Although two other people had gone into the marina around the same time, Garda Fay said they had gone in a different direction on the pontoon and he was satisfied there was no third party involvement in Mr Wedick’s death.

“It just looks like a tragic accident,” the garda remarked.

Dr Keane said postmortem results showed he had sustained some abrasions on his scalp but it had not been possible to determine how they had been caused.

The coroner said there was some evidence of chronic heart disease but she did not regard it as a contributory factor in his death.

Dr Keane said Mr Wedick had mild alcohol intoxication, but the levels were “certainly not at the high end.”

Returning a verdict of accidental death, she said the deceased had died as a result of drowning.

She offered her condolences to members of Mr Wedick’s family who attended the inquest and acknowledged how traumatising such an “out of the blue and unexpected death” was for them.

Mr Wedick, who was known as “Johnny”, was also a founding member of the Dublin Bay Old Gaffers Club and was involved in the restoration of a 50-foot fishing vessel, The Bracan Lass, which had been docked in a dilapidated state in Grand Canal Dock for many years.

His love affair with sailing was formed in his youth where he grew up in his grandmother’s house in Ringsend and he joined the local sea scouts at the age of 10.

A former chef who set up his own wholesale meat distribution business, Mr Wedick moved from his home in Artane to Wexford in his retirement but remained actively involved in the Ringsend club until his death.

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Goga Yachting Club - Krnjača

Ul. Save Kovačevića 4E / II red 11210 Beograd – Krnjača GPS koordinate: 44.859816; 20.481368

+381 11 3317 317 +381 11 271 00 52 +381 11 271 00 53 +381 63 572 084

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Goga Yachting Club - Zemun

Zemunski Kej bb (ugao Džona Kenedija i Bulevara Nikole Tesle) 11080 Beograd – Zemun GPS koordinate: 44.833702; 20.421411

Radno vreme Ponedeljak-utorak: 12-20 časova Sreda-nedelja: 09-21 čas

Salon prodaje nautičke opreme (Zemun) +381 63 573 653 [email protected]

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Pratite nas na socijalnim mrežama @jobe.watersports.srbija

Goga Adriatic - Porto Montenegro

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Prodajni salon +381 63 572060 [email protected]

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    Goga Yachting Club. Save Kovačevića 4E / II red, 11210 Beograd - Krnjača, Srbija +381 11 3317 317 [email protected] Goga YCI. Marina i Yachting Club Goga. Zemunski kej bb, 11080 Beograd - Zemun, Srbija (ugao Džona Kenedija i Bulevara Nikole Tesle) +381 63 573 653 [email protected] @jobe.watersports.srbija.

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    Goga Yachting Club. Save Kovačevića 4E / II red, 11210 Beograd - Krnjača, Srbija. +381 11 3317 [email protected] YCI. Marina i Yachting Club Goga. Zemunski kej bb, 11080 Beograd - Zemun, Srbija (ugao Džona Kenedija i Bulevara Nikole Tesle) +381 63 573 [email protected]@jobe.watersports.srbija. Goga Adriatic - Porto Montenegro.