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Our Lummi Island Community

Its name on charts and maps, but historically, islanders have always referred to it as “Deepwater Bay” .

The land and tidelands are owned by the Lummi Island Land Company , and is leased to the Bellingham Yacht Club .

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Team Notes:

Updated: 2022/08/10 @ 8:42 pm Tark Henderson

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Scouting trip to Lummi Island

One of our close friends has a cabin on Lummi Island, and for her birthday we decided to all go up and spend a few days there. I had never visited Lummi, so I was excited to see the island and learn more about it. Having spent a lot of my childhood and then later my 30s on Vashon Island, I knew that island life in Puget Sound was different than the “mainland”, and Lummi didn’t disappoint.

While there, I was able to fly my quad copter around a bit, as well as explore future anchorage spots for a trip up north hopefully later this year.

Lummi Island Map overview from Google Maps

Lummi Island is technically part of the San Juan Islands, located about 2 hours north of Seattle via car. The nearest big town is Bellingham, and you have to drive through the Lummi Indian Reservation to reach the 6 minute ferry crossing.

Lummi Island Ferry Whatcom Chief

I tend to get motion sick on longer trips, but this day was windy and blustery with what I saw to be almost 4 foot waves, and the ride across was quite exciting. I got sick.

Cabin Panorama View

Panoramic view from the cabin

The cabin had a wonderful view towards Portage Island and in the distance Bellingham. Because we had so many people, a few of us stayed at a rental beach house down near the ferry dock.

Beach rocks and view towards Lummi Island Ferry

Beach rocks and view towards Lummi Island Ferry

We spent a lot of time driving around the island and visiting various art locations as it was their yearly studio tour . There were lots of diverse artists and things to see.

Lummi Island view towards Orcas Island

Orcas Island in the distance

While on the island, I tried to find a spot on the western side where I had a clear view towards Friday Harbor, Steve Roberts of , and specifically to test out his automated marine radio check system on VHF channel 28 . Unfortunately I was not successful. Whenever I am messing around with radio stuff, I head over to and generate a panorama to see what is in my way.

HeyWhatsThat map

HeyWhatsThat map

You can see in the map above that I have little chance of being successful. A panorama and more details are here .

Sucia Island from Lummi Island

Sucia Island in the distance

Josh spent a lot of time growing up on his parents sailboat, and one of the places he talks about fondly is Sucia Island. He hadn’t realized that it was within sight of Lummi, where he had been coming for years beforehand. It was great to show it to him in the distance and know it was an easy sail away if we ever come back on the sailboat.

Amazing sunset from Lummi Island

The sunset was absolutely spectacular that evening and I have far too many pictures of it to post here, but the one above is a favorite which I’ve added to my desktop background rotation.

Our beach house

Our beach house

I finally had the opportunity to spend some time with the quad copter on this trip. Above is our amazing beach house, formerly the island library, and a hotel of sorts in the 60’s. It is one of the best places I’ve rented in the last 10 years, with beautiful views, wonderful original wood floors, and plenty of space.

Mt. Baker and the Three Sisters from the beach house

Mt. Baker and the Three Sisters from the beach house

Beach house from the air

Beach house from the air

I always love the details you can see beneath the water from the quad copter. Above you can see some of the rocks that I was photographing earlier in the trip, along with even more down the beach.

Ferry terminal from the air

Ferry terminal from the air

You can see similar things from the air around the ferry terminal. Of course the sun has to be at the right angle, and the water has to be fairly clear and wind-free.


The friends cabin is part of a grouping of houses that has a clubhouse and dock. I checked this out as a possible spot to anchor for a future trip, but it had some challenges.  It’s not very protected except from the west, and the dock is too shallow for a sailboat to get close to. There are a couple of buoys further out, but they don’t look strong enough for a sailboat. Anchoring might be possible, but the protection…

Portage Island and Bay

Across the channel is Portage Island, which at low tide has a spit that connects it to the mainland. There appears to be a pretty protected bay inside, which might be a potential spot to anchor. However, it would be a couple mile trip across the channel by dinghy to get to the cabin clubhouse, and then a long walk up the hill. I’d still like to visit Portage Island as the spit looks like a fantastic place to explore.

Lummi Island looking south along eastern coastline

Along the south eastern point of the island is Inati Bay, which appears to be one of the only good anchorages on the entire island.  The Bellingham Yacht Club has an outstation there , and they indicate that the shoreline is heavily restricted.  In fact, if you look at a road map for Lummi Island, you will not see any roads even near the bay or at that end of the island. Much of it is a preserve, while the rest is privately owned.

Overall the trip to Lummi was super fun – I love the small-island mentality and miss it from living on Vashon Island. I do not think it’s a great destination for sailors because of the lack of good anchorages and limited services. There are still tons of places to explore and experience, and I will definitely be going back again. One of my favorite land-trips in the last few years!

The gang posing for our 80's album cover in front of the Lummi Island Church

The gang posing for our 80’s album cover in front of the Lummi Island Church

Steve Mitchell

Steve Mitchell

Meet Aruna!

Meet Aruna!

2023 Trip Highlights and Stats

2023 Trip Highlights and Stats

Kaos after 8 months

Kaos after 8 months

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lummi island yacht club

Uncharted Islands: Inati Bay and Teddy Bear Cove

We motored north from Clark Island towards Cherry Point to round the north tip of Lummi Island. The bar towards the north end, coupled with a strong wind, and an ebbing tide created a considerable swell. We unfurled the headsail to push our way through and steady the rock of the boat. Rounding Lummi we were greeted by postcard views of Mt. Baker and a pod a seals sunning themselves and their pups in the heat of the first rays of August.    

lummi island yacht club

We were headed to Inati Bay on Lummi Island. Inati is a small cove across from Bellingham Bay on the East side of Lummi. Anybody is welcome to anchor there, but to go ashore you need to be a member of the Bellingham Yacht Club or have a reciprocal as we did from Anacortes Yacht Club. Upon arrival we were greeted by a bald eagle and a great blue heron as we disturbed their peace. We dropped anchor and made a B.L.A.T.s for lunch before heading ashore for a little exploration.

lummi island yacht club

There wasn’t a lot to see or do on shore so we followed a logging road up into the hills. It was a steep climb that ultimately offered no views and lots of bugs but was littered with interesting old heavy equipment of logging efforts past. Exploring them made for eerie post apocalyptic conversation (mostly zombies).

lummi island yacht club

Back to Pangaea for a sail across Bellingham Bay to Chuckanut Bay where we dropped anchor near Teddy Bear Cove. My father, who did his undergraduate studies at Western Washington University, mentioned “I helped haul many a keg to that beach over 50 years ago”. As we anchored nearby the beach the wee hours of night would prove that many a keg was still being hauled to Teddy Bear Cove on a hot summer night, and that college student  reveries and midnight swims hadn’t changed much in half a century. Although, Western Washington students on summer break wasn’t the only thing that kept us up at night. We had dropped anchor near the railroad tracks on the East side of the bay in order to optimize our 270. “I wonder how many trains use this track?”. We certainly found out, with half a dozen passing by before dusk and at least another half dozen through the night. 

But before we were kept up much of the night we first we decided the cold waters of the Salish Sea looked inviting enough for a swim as we headed into the dog days of summer on August 1st. My daughter was the first to inspire us to take the plunge. 

lummi island yacht club

As the shadows grew longer we treasured our perfect positioning across the bay to optimize our 270. We decided we had won the best anchorage because the last rays of summer sun fell across our bow as we ate our dinner in the cockpit.

lummi island yacht club

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LA: Walt’s Bar; Pinball!, Fine Wine, Hot Dogs

LA: Walt’s Bar; Pinball!, Fine Wine, Hot Dogs

NY: A Gothic Gilded Past, Lyndhurst Mansion

NY: A Gothic Gilded Past, Lyndhurst Mansion

LA: Musso & Frank

LA: Musso & Frank

Vermont: Kipling’s Tavern, Brattleboro

Vermont: Kipling’s Tavern, Brattleboro

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lummi island yacht club

Racers and Cruisers Welcome!

Interested in learning how to race, or want to join a race crew? You came to the right place. Our club hosts a sail feet and a cruise fleet! We are always happy to share our passion for boating. Please contact Aaron Hale at or sign up to be on a Crew or the Race Committee here.

Join us for Club PHRF racing and  Windseeker sailing/racing.  

For information on Youth Sailing Events, click here.

Are you a Captain looking to register for a regatta or series? Here are the events we host.

Thursday Club Races, Whidbey Summer Classic Regatta,   Round Whidbey.  

Thursday night results.

Results from Round Whidbey 2024

Results from Whidbey Sprint 2024

Stan Stanley result’s 

2023-2024 schedule Information has Arrived for the winter and summer.

Winter schedule, October 5th and 12th no fleet meetings at the club

October      19 … Pizza night with yearly trophy’s and a movie

October      26… Rules of sailing by Gabe

November    2… Cost Guard Mike Bove will be talking about safety and rules of                                                  commercial traffic.

November    9… Movie night

November 16… Rules of sail racing by Shawn O’Connor

November 23… No Sail Fleet. Happy Thanksgiving.

December    3… Pro racing videos.

December    7… Rules of Sail Racing By Gabe Hill

December14… Movie Night 

December 21… Holiday Break

December 28… Merry Christmas 

January         4… Back together BBQ and Friendship night happy new year.

January      10…WSCR Planning Session 5:30 pm (Clubhouse) 

January      11… Movie Night

January      18… Rules of sail racing with Gabe Hill

January      25… Pro racing videos

February      1… Movie night

February      8… Rules of Racing with Gabe Hill

February    15… Pro racing videos

February     22… Movie night 

February     29… Rules of Racing with Shawn O’Connor 

March              7… Opening meeting for the 2024 season of racing

2024 Oak Harbor Yacht Club Buoy Racing Schedule  

Frost bite Series Races

March         14, 21 and 28                     April    4

Jim McAlpine Series

April           11, 18, 25                                May    2, 9, 16, 23

May             11, 12… Round Whidbey

Stan Stanley Series

May               30,  June    6, 13, 20, 27   July   4 

Hot August Night Series 

 July              11, 18                                  August 1, 8, 15, 22

Whidbey Summer Classic Regatta (WSCR)

July               26, 27, 28 

Fall Follies 

September   5, 12, 19, 26 

Sailnight Socials

September      5… Pirate night, 

September   12… 80’s, night

September   19… Comicon night

September    26.. Pajama nights 

Scott Cline Regatta 

October             5, 6 

North Sound Party Circuit  Schedule 

East Sound Spring Regatta,  April 13-14

Round Whidbey, May 11-12

Windermere Regatta, May 18-19

Round Orcas, June 22

Whidbey Summer Classic Regatta , July 26, 27, 28

Northern Century, August 16, 17, 18

PITCH, August 31 September 1

Round Lummi Island Race, October 12


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Laying Low on Lummi Island

by | Aug 4, 2017

You can count on one hand, all the activities you might care to do on Lummi Island, and frankly, that might be the best reason for going there.  Semiahmoo Mariners that venture south will find that Lummi Island just might offer that peace and quiet you expected to get over on Matia or Sucia.  With a sixteen-hundred-foot mountain comprising the southern third, the rest of the island is home to a bevy of artists, a venerated fishing community, and one of the most famous restaurants in the world.

Peace and quiet If you’re looking to connect with your Zen spirit, anchoring in Inati Bay might be for you. Protected from the west by Lummi Mountain and heavily treed right up to its rocky shoreline, this anchorage keeps you safe from rough water and wind from most directions. It’s small enough to suggest to encroaching boaters, that the fewer the merrier. While certain summer weekends will find this bay chock full of serenity seekers, most times of the year peace and quiet reigns supreme.

More than a famous restaurant The Willows Inn has been mentioned in the New York Times and a host of other travel publications. The Willows restaurant features a unique menu of local produce and seafood that once enabled by its world-famous chef, Blaine Wetzel, can arguably provide you with the only reason you need to visit the island.  The Willows Inn, located on the northwestern side of the Island, offers two mooring buoys for its nautically inclined visitors.

lummi island eagle

Besides Eating Home to many artists and artisans, Lummi Island hosts three Gallery tours during the year.  The island’s limited access offers visitors a great opportunity to bicycle the incredibly scenic countryside without being run down by oversized diesel trucks, RVs or significant commercial traffic.  Kayakers love exploring the edges of the island. In fact, Moondance Kayak offers kayaking tours of the Lummi Island and others in the San Juan archipelago.

The Artists I’ve always wondered why artists tend to live on islands. I’ve decided (without asking them) that the main reason is simply that we’d all like to live on a beautiful island, the only difference is they can, so they do. Lummi is no exception. Painters, wood carvers, glass artist, and sculptors inhabit every corner of the island. Much of the Island’s home-grown art can be seen at the Lummi Island Art Gallery .

The Name Lummi Island is home to less than a thousand full-time residents and occupies less than ten square miles.  Originally, the Lummi people called the island Sa Nam .  Spanish explorers call it Isla de Pacheco before the British came along and decided to name it McLoughlin Island . That didn’t sit with the U.S. Geodetic Survey which called it Lummi Island . Not to make life easy for anyone, The US Post Office referred to it as Beach, Washington in 1882. Luckily, reason prevailed somewhere along the way and it simply became known as Lummi Island.

whatcom chief

If you and your Semiahmoo shipmates are looking for a bit of adventure that won’t take forever to get to, you might consider dropping anchor at Lummi Island.  Learn more about Lummi Island at this link .

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Location: Lummi Island

San Juan Islands Yacht Charter

San Juan Islands

San juan islands yacht charter.


48°40'31.584''N 122°29'20.292''W

© 2024 Bellingham Yacht Club, All rights reserved.

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lummi island yacht club

We're back for 2024!!!! Come sail and party with us in North Sound!

The Anacortes , Bellingham , Orcas Island and Oak Harbor yacht clubs have again joined together to offer the third annual North Sound Party Circuit. Each club will host three professionally-run and fun buoy racing events and three challenging and unique distance races.


lummi island yacht club

Orcas Spring Regatta

April 13-14, 2024


[email protected] Event page

lummi island yacht club

Round Whidbey

May 11-12, 2024

OHYC Aaron Hale (360) 929-0655

[email protected] Event page

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Round Orcas

June 22nd, 2024

[email protected]

lummi island yacht club

Whidbey Summer Classic

July 26-28, 2024

(360) 929-0655 [email protected] Event page

lummi island yacht club

Northern Century

Aug 16-18, 2024

AYC John Sanford ( 206) 697-0098 

[email protected]

lummi island yacht club

PITCH Regatta

Aug 31st-Sep 1st, 2024

BYC Shauna McGuinn

360-305-9616 [email protected]

lummi island yacht club

Round Lummi Island

October 12th, 2024

360-305-9616 [email protected]

The details

We’re all about  putting more fun into our top regattas … sharing ideas between clubs, improving events wherever possible, and ultimately increasing participation and upping the competition.

If you're going to sail in the North Sound (and why wouldn't you??), the eight races in this circuit are THE ones to hit.  This is a relatively new championship series that rewards active boats in the North Sound.

No sign-up is needed! Simply register for any event in the circuit and you automatically become scored for the series.

Every buoy racing event in the circuit will feature professional race management and as much social activity as health conditions permit. Distance races will continue to offer their unique challenges of circling beautiful islands.

lummi island yacht club

Results & scoring


2023 Winners

1st | Juan Solo

2nd | Wild Rumpus

View 2023 detailed results >

View 2022 detailed results >

View 2021 detailed results >

View 2020 detailed results >

Click here to see 2023 results.

Series scoring will follow the same simplified process as last year. We will only track performance points for boats placing in the top ten overall at an event (or by division when overall isn't possible). Read the scoring summary for all the fine print.

Awards will be provided for 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd overall, plus a special recognition award for the top scoring double-handed team, courtesy of the PNW Shorthanded Sailing Society . 

Our sponsors

Platinum sponsor, supporting sponsors.

lummi island yacht club

Interested in sponsorship? Email us at [email protected]

[email protected]

Boris luchterhand, orcas island yacht club, [email protected], 360.951.6941, stephanie campbell, anacortes yacht club, [email protected], 360.770.9460, john stocklass bellingham yacht club, [email protected], (360) 927-3239, aaron hale oak harbor yacht club, [email protected].

(360) 929-0655

lummi island yacht club

Club Amenities

The St. Petersburg Yacht Club offers a variety of amenities, programs and special interest groups for members and their guests.

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Members of the St. Petersburg Yacht Club enjoy the prestige of belonging to an exclusive private club.

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Smooth Sailing is the St. Petersburg Yacht Club's monthly newsletter. Learn about club activities, functions and events.

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Florida Council of Yacht Clubs

St. Petersburg Yacht Club

St. Petersburg Yacht Club Burgee

Phone: 727-892-3873

Address: 11 Central Avenue St. Petersburg, Florida 33701


Situated in a bustling arts community on the downtown St. Petersburg waterfront, the St. Petersburg Yacht Club has been a part of the sailing community for over 100 years.

We pride ourselves in creating a relaxed private club atmosphere with a warm, friendly, family-oriented environment. We offer a wide variety of social activities and our Clubs Within a Club meet a plethora of special interests for our members where they can mix and mingle.

Membership is by Invitation Only Founded 1909

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September 1, 2024, 07:29 PM

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About This Home

Includes deeded boat slip with lift! Nestled within the serene Waterside at Coquina Key, this meticulously updated residence offers the perfect blend of island tranquility and urban convenience. Enjoy the luxury of a separately deeded 13,000 lbs BOAT LIFT just outside your door, allowing you to fully embrace the coastal lifestyle. This waterfront oasis boasts unparalleled views and access to 3 miles of seawall and walking paths on 88 acres of lush, landscaped grounds. This open-concept 1st floor condo features 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, with an oversized patio and covered side porch to maximize outdoor living. Recent renovations have enhanced both the exterior and interior, including new Roof and HVAC system, electric panel, impact windows, sleek stainless steel appliances, and more. Residents of Waterside at Coquina Key indulge in resort-style amenities. Enjoy cocktails and dinner at the exclusive, private two-story Waterside Yacht Club, which offers full liquor sports bar, nightly specials in the restaurant and gorgeous water views. The community also features two pools, one of which is right on the bay with a hot tub. The clubhouse also offers fully equipped fitness center open 24/7, business center, billiards room, library/game room, vending machines, ice machine and laundry facilities. This private yacht club may be booked for private events. Relax and do some fishing from the Fishing Pier, play tennis under the lights, or opt for Pickleball, basketball, sand volleyball, horseshoes, or shuffleboard. Or take a stroll with your pooch at the on-site dog park with walking paths. Bicycle and Kayak racks are available to rent. Golf cart friendly community. Waterside South is a short commute from the bustling downtown and waterfront area of St Petersburg with its boutique shopping, dining, numerous museums, and many entertainment venues. Short drive to Fort DeSoto and the beautiful sands of St Petersburg Beach. Easy commute to Tampa and Tampa International Airport to the north and the iconic Skyway Bridge and Sarasota/Bradenton area to the south. Discover the epitome of care-free waterfront living at Waterside at Coquina Key, where every day brings the allure of island living within reach of vibrant urban amenities.

Built in 1979

Price Summary

$510 per Sq. Ft.

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6 day(s) ago

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Full Bathrooms:

Living Area:

1,018 Sq. Ft.

Building Area:

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  1. Lummi Island sailboat race May 12 2012 on Flying Circus via Bellingham

    lummi island yacht club

  2. Lummi Island

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  3. How to Spend Two Days on Lummi Island

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  4. First-ever public dock coming soon to Lummi Island

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  5. Lummi Island Heritage Trust 20th Anniversary

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  1. Eat & Drink

    A charming and homey atmosphere with inviting staff that serve fresh, local cuisine. Exceptional artisan wines at affordable prices. The general store supplies groceries, snacks, wine and beer, movie rentals, and local conversation. Unique blends of spices and sauces for kitchen and table.

  2. Erik Arntsen and Brie Boroughs's Wedding Website

    The Lummi Island Yacht club features a newly renovated indoor/outdoor space with beautiful flowers, trees, and views of the ferry crossing Hale Passage. As guests arrive after the ceremony, we will have lawn games including corn hole and a few small lawn golf holes. As the evening progresses, we will celebrate the newly weds with dinner, drinks ...

  3. Inati Bay

    The land and tidelands are owned by the Lummi Island Land Company, and is leased to the Bellingham Yacht Club. Google Earth. Keywords: Team Notes: Updated: 2022/08/10 @ 8:42 pm Tark Henderson. About LICA (Lummi Island Community Association) Support your Community - Donate; Our Services;

  4. Scouting trip to Lummi Island

    Lummi Island is technically part of the San Juan Islands, located about 2 hours north of Seattle via car. ... which appears to be one of the only good anchorages on the entire island. The Bellingham Yacht Club has an outstation there, and they indicate that the shoreline is heavily restricted. In fact, if you look at a road map for Lummi Island ...

  5. Uncharted Islands: Inati Bay and Teddy Bear Cove

    Mt. Baker Pod of Seals, North Lummi. We were headed to Inati Bay on Lummi Island. Inati is a small cove across from Bellingham Bay on the East side of Lummi. Anybody is welcome to anchor there, but to go ashore you need to be a member of the Bellingham Yacht Club or have a reciprocal as we did from Anacortes Yacht Club.

  6. Sail Fleet

    2024 Oak Harbor Yacht Club Buoy Racing Schedule Frost bite Series Races. March 14, 21 and 28 April 4. Jim McAlpine Series. April 11, 18, 25 May 2, 9, 16, 23. May 11, 12… Round Whidbey. Stan Stanley Series

  7. Lummi Island sailboat race 27 June 2020 sailing around Lummi and

    This annual sailboat race organized by Bellingham Yacht Club is a favorite for local sailors, offering a variety of conditions circumnavigating Lummi Island....

  8. Laying Low on Lummi Island

    Painters, wood carvers, glass artist, and sculptors inhabit every corner of the island. Much of the Island's home-grown art can be seen at the Lummi Island Art Gallery. The Name Lummi Island is home to less than a thousand full-time residents and occupies less than ten square miles. Originally, the Lummi people called the island Sa Nam.

  9. Lummi Island sailboat race May 12 2012 on Flying Circus via ...

    Every year Bellingham Yacht Club organizes the "Around Lummi Island" sailboat race using a "Rabbit" start (J36 Jamoca as the rabbit). Melges 24, J29, J30, Ki...

  10. L.D. Race #6

    Hosted by Bellingham Yacht Club. 2625 S. Harbor Loop Drive, Bellingham, WA 98225. Contact Host Date. Location. ... View results Notice Board Bellingham Yacht Club Presents the (Round Lummi Island - Long Distance Race) Round Lummi Race is the 6th of 7 BYC's Long Distance Series Racing!

  11. Village Point Marina Boat Launch

    Village Point Marina Boat Launch. This launch ramp is the only public boat access on Lummi Island. The fee is $10 per day including parking. Get an annual launch pass for $140. (360) 296-4963.

  12. Lummi Island Yacht Charter

    Experience Lummi Island on a private yacht charter. Featuring custom Lummi Island yacht itineraries and unique destination information.

  13. Cruising

    Hosted by Bellingham Yacht Club. Inati Bay - Lummi Island. Contact Host Date {{ return_date_string() }} Location. Inati Bay - Lummi Island. Signups closed Details. Commodore's Picnic to Inati Bay on Lummi Island. Come join the commodore Kevin at the exclusive BYC outstation in Inati Bay for a day of fun. Here's our itinerary:

  14. Lummi Island Yacht Club Lummi Island WA, 98262

    Lummi Island Yacht Club. UNCLAIMED . This business is unclaimed. Owners who claim their business can update listing details, add photos, respond to reviews, and more. Claim this listing for free. UNCLAIMED . 2540 Taft Drive Lummi Island, WA 98262 ...

  15. The Tome, 50 Years of Community

    Lummi Island Community Club Newsletter, May 1981 He would rename the newsletter The Tome of Lummi Island as the editions piled up. Previous editors didn't think to save an archival copy. ... Glenn Schuler is equipping his fishin' "yacht" with safety belts (fiber and liquid types) just in case he snags pnto any more 200 lb, halibut like last ...

  16. Membership

    © 2024 Bellingham Yacht Club, All rights reserved. Contact. Secondary address

  17. North Sound Party Circuit // Sail! Party! Repeat!

    Round Lummi Island. October 12th, 2024. BYC Shauna McGuinn. 360-305-9616 [email protected]. ... Orcas Island Yacht Club [email protected] 360.951.6941. Stephanie Campbell Anacortes Yacht Club ... [email protected] (360) 927-3239. Aaron Hale Oak Harbor Yacht Club [email protected] (360) 929-0655. Share by: ...

  18. Rudders & Moorings Yacht Sales, Lummi Island, WA 98262, US

    Get more information for Rudders & Moorings Yacht Sales in Lummi Island, WA. See reviews, map, get the address, and find directions.

  19. Home

    What's happening at St Petersburg Yacht Club? Address: 11 Central Avenue, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 | 2301 Pass-a-Grille Way, St. Pete Beach, FL 33706 Phone: 727-822-3873

  20. Membership

    Address: 11 Central Avenue, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 | 2301 Pass-a-Grille Way, St. Pete Beach, FL 33706. Phone: Pass-a-Grille 727-360-1646. The St. Petersburg Yacht Club offers something to entice every member of the family every day. With two clubhouses, three marinas, full service catering, a fleet of sailboats, live entertainment weekly and ...

  21. St. Petersburg Yacht Club

    Situated in a bustling arts community on the downtown St. Petersburg waterfront, the St. Petersburg Yacht Club has been a part of the sailing community for over 100 years. We pride ourselves in creating a relaxed private club atmosphere with a warm, friendly, family-oriented environment.

  22. Lummi Island Land Company · 2094 W Shore Dr, Lummi Island, WA 98262

    LUMMI ISLAND LAND COMPANY is a business entity in Lummi Island, Washington registered with the Secretary of State of Washington State. The Unified Business Identifier (UBI) of the entity is #601112701, the entity type is Wa Profit Corporation and the business category is Regular Corporation. ... Lummi Island Yacht Club: 2540 Taft Dr, Lummi ...

  23. St. Petersburg Yacht Club

    St. Petersburg Yacht Club, Saint Petersburg, Florida. 5,928 likes · 85 talking about this · 51,433 were here. SPYC is a Private Yacht Club ~ Founded in 1909, and one of the oldest Yacht Club's on...

  24. Saint Petersburg, FL 33705

    Find Property Information for 5134 Salmon Drive Se #A, Saint Petersburg, FL 33705. MLS# U8255442. View Photos, Pricing, Listing Status & More.