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  • Intrepid class starships
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Intrepid class

  • 1.1 24th century
  • 1.2 25th century
  • 1.3 31st-32nd century
  • 2 Known vessels
  • 3.1 Connections
  • 3.2.1 Apocrypha
  • 3.3 References and notes
  • 3.4 External links

History and specifications [ ]

24th century [ ].

This class shared its name with the Intrepid -class light cruiser launched by United Earth Starfleet in the 22nd century , which continued service in the UESPA branch of the newly formed Federation Starfleet in 2161 . ( ENT - Rise of the Federation novel : A Choice of Futures )

Intrepid patch

Development patch .

Intrepid cutaway

Intrepid -class schematics.

Initially the construction of four vessels were approved by Starfleet Command : the prototype USS Intrepid , USS Voyager , USS Stargazer , and the USS Pathfinder . ( ST reference : Starship Spotter ; TNG comic : " Heart of Darkness ")

The first two ships to be constructed, Intrepid and Voyager , were launched from the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards at the end of 2370 and the beginning of 2371 ( stardate 48038 ) respectively. ( ST reference : Starship Spotter )

By late 2377 , there were dozens of Intrepid -class starships in operation, and many were involved in operations against the Borg in that year . Ships of this class also saw action in the events surrounding the inauguration of the Unity One starbase in 2379 . ( ST video game : Armada II , ST video game : Starfleet Command III )

The Intrepid -class was introduced in the early 2370s decade and was Starfleet's answer to their growing need for a versatile and quick class of starships which were capable of excellent maneuvering at both impulse and warp speed . With their variable geometry warp nacelles , the Intrepid s had a greater control of their warp field , with the added bonus of not damaging the subspace layer. ( TNG video game : Armada II manual)

As well as being designed to be quick and maneuverable in combat, the Intrepid s were primarily designed to perform exploration, survey , and courier missions. The Intrepid 's advanced sensors made them an excellent exploratory vessel. ( ST reference : Starship Spotter )

The Intrepid -class was also one of the first Federation starship classes to be equipped to make a routine planetfall and be able to take off again with ease. ( ST reference : Starship Spotter ; VOY episodes : " The 37's ", " Tattoo ", " Basics ")

The Intrepid s were also equipped with some of the most advanced computer systems of the time, with bio-neural circuitry replacing most of the isolinear circuitry that had been prevalent on previous starship classes. The bio-neural circuitry sped up the computer's data functions and improved overall performance. ( VOY episode : " Caretaker "; ST reference : Starship Spotter )

Armored Intrepid class ortho

Intrepid class with ablative armor .

Following the return of USS Voyager from a seven- year odyssey through the galaxy 's Delta Quadrant in December 2377 , the futuristic technology the ship had brought back, like the ablative armor generator and transphasic torpedos , were classified, and studied under Project Full Circle . ( VOY novels : Homecoming , The Farther Shore , Full Circle )

USS Voyager Cross Cult FC

USS Voyager following its post-return refit .

The breakthrough in understanding the quantum slipstream drive recovered by Voyager from Species 116 , while hampered by a scarcity of benamite , allowed the installation of the QSD into select starships. Voyager and a fleet of ships were refitted with QSD. ( VOY novels : Full Circle , Unworthy )

An additional modification enabled the Intrepid -class ship to perform saucer separations , including during emergencies and at warp speed . ( VOY novel : The Eternal Tide )

25th century [ ]

As a result of the Voyager journey, this class was considered highly successful. By the 2400s decade , the Intrepid class was kept in service and had also spawned several subclasses of long-range science vessels . This included the larger Pathfinder -class starship in 2410 . ( STO Issue 07: "USS Pathfinder ")

In that year, Voyager was a leading ship during the Khitomer Alliance 's Operation Delta Rising . ( STO - Delta Quadrant missions : " Mindscape ", " Dust to Dust ")

Continued retrofits maintained the Intrepid class and its sister ships as state-of-the-art spacecraft into the era of the Khitomer Alliance in 2411 . ( STO - Legacy mission : " The Measure of Morality (Part 2) ", STO website : Legendary Miracle Worker Multi-Mission Science Vessel )

31st-32nd century [ ]

Voyager-J schematic

3180s configuration.

Ships of the class were active in the 31st century . By the 3060s decade , the Temporal Wars were over. In 3069 , ships of this class were destroyed in the Burn . ( DSC episode : " People of Earth ")

At least one ship of this type remained in service by the 3180s . Around that time, the USS Voyager -J operated from inside the distortion field hiding the location of the Federation Headquarters . Unlike the launch configuration of the Intrepid -class, this refit did away with nacelle pylons altogether and had detached nacelles. The ship's "J" suffix on the registry number caught the attention of the time-displaced USS Discovery crew when they arrived at Federation HQ in the year 3189 . ( DSC episode : " Die Trying ")

When this ship type was acquired by the Khitomer Alliance in 2411 , [6] its official designation was Janeway -class command science vessel, thus differentiating this subclass from the baseline Intrepid . ( STO website : House Reborn : The Janeway Class Takes Flight )

During the conflicts around the Omega particle and the Undine incursion in 2376 and 2377 , portions of the ships' hull would change color to indicate allegiance. When assimilated by the Borg , the hull and warp plasma changed further. ( ST video games : Armada , Armada II )

In the 25th century, the design of the Intrepid -class long-range science vessel allowed its commanding officer to choose from different designs of livery, which could be modified further at starbases . These options were numbered Types, Upgrade and Veteran. ( STO - Klingon War mission : " Welcome to Earth Spacedock ")

Furthermore, the installation of deflector shields from specific factions modified the hull appearance, including shields from the Reman Resistance , the Breen Confederacy and the Dominion . ( STO missions : " Coliseum ", " Cold Storage ", " Boldly They Rode ")

Default configuration, 2370s

Known vessels [ ]

This article or subsection has an associated .
, standard configuration • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -A • -B • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -A • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
variant configurations -subclass: -A • -B • -subclass: • -subclass: • • : • • -subclass: -J • -subclass: • -B • -subclass: • -subclass: • : • -subclass:
-A • -B • • • • • :

Appendices [ ]

Connections [ ].

classes of the
subclass groups

( • • ) • ( • • ) • ( frigate / light cruiser) • ( ) • ( ) • ( • ) • ( battlecruiser • ) • ( deep space explorer) • heavy destroyer ( ) • ( • • • • • • • • ( • ) • ( ) • ( ) • ( • • • • • escort) • ( • escort • • ) • ( • • ) • ( ) • ( • • • • ) • ( (25th century) • • • • cruiser • • cruiser • dreadnought) • scout ( • ) • ( battlecruiser • ) • ( ) • ( • science vessel • (25th century) • • • • ) • ( • ) • ( • • • ) • ( (escort)) • ( (tug)) • ( • • ) • ( (dreadnought)) • ( ) • ( ) • ( ) • ( ) • ( • • ) • ( • ) • ( • (23rd century) • • ) • ( • (cruiser)) • ( • science vessel) • ( • • • ) • ( • • ) • ( ) • ( • ) • ( ) • ( • • ) • ( • cruiser • ) • ( (25th century)) • ( • • ) • ( • • • cruiser • ) • ( • ) • ( • ) • ( • ) • ( • • )

other named classes

• • • • • • • destroyer / escort • • • • (24th century) • • • • • • • • • • • (scout) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • fast frigate • • (25th century) • • transport • • (raider) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (24th century) • • • • • • • • • • • • fast cruiser • • • • cruiser • • • • (22nd century) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (courier) • (escort) • (scout) • • (dreadnought) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • laboratory vessel • escort • • • • • • • • • • battlecruiser • destroyer • • (24th century) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • battlecruiser • explorer • scout • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • scout • scout • • • • • • • • • • • •

general type

pathfinder • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ( ) • ( -variant light cruiser • -variant light cruiser) • ( -variant medium cruiser) • • •

Background [ ]

Apocrypha [ ].

The ebook The Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of Armageddon , published by Last Unicorn Games after they had lost their Star Trek licence listed several other Intrepid -class starships: USS Trailblazer (NCC-74697), USS Vor'kann (NCC-74712), USS Gallant , USS Nelson , USS Vanguard , USS Goliath , USS Zealous , USS Theseus and the USS Audacious .

References and notes [ ]

  • ↑ ST video game : Starship Creator
  • ↑ DSC episode : " Die Trying "
  • ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 ST reference : Starship Spotter
  • ↑ ST video game : Armada II
  • ↑ STO - Klingon War mission : " Welcome to Earth Spacedock "
  • ↑ STO - Legacy mission : " Measure of Morality (Part 1) "

External links [ ]

  • Intrepid -class (32nd century) article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • Intrepid Long Range Science Vessel article at Star Trek Online Wiki .
  • 1 Odyssey class
  • 2 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 3 Typhon class

Intrepid Class

In 2370 a new class of ship entered service in Starfleet. The ship would be, when commissioned, the fastest class of starship in service in any fleet. She would be a frigate/light explorer/scout ship. Well armed, maneuverable, well protected, and posses a sensor suite comparable to the Galaxy Class'. The ship features a unique warp nacelle design, which allow the nacelles to pivot up when in warp flight, improving the warp field. The class was also the first to use bioneural gel packs in the computer systems.

intrepid class captain's yacht

Starfleet's shipbuilding policy of the last century has emphasized ever larger, more capable designs capable of carrying out a wide variety of missions within a single hull, and many times simultaneously. However, this has led to a gradual fall in the numbers of vessels which can be fielded - where the Excelsior Class numbers well over a hundred, the Ambassadors were limited to a production run of twenty six, and the Galaxy Class to six ships initially, fourteen ships at present. While the exploration capacity of these Classes is still sufficient to meet the tasks demanded of them, the lack of numbers has led to a certain restriction in flexibility. Losses among the Galaxy Class have also emphasized that placing "all the eggs in one basket" is not necessarily the wisest choice.

The Intrepid design was fielded partly to correct this situation. The design requirement, issued in 2358, called for a vessel in the 360 meter range with a volume some 15% that of a Galaxy Class. Although the limited size meant that the vessel would have much lower overall capabilities than the Galaxy Class, this was to be in some part offset by the use of the latest technology. The ships computer system would be the most advanced model in service; the increased automation this afforded combined with a new generation of sensor equipment would allow the Intrepid Class almost 70% of the scanning and analysis capabilities of a Galaxy Class starship. A top cruise speed some three times that of the Galaxy would further enhance the vessels exploration capabilities.

intrepid class captain's yacht

Diplomatic functions would be more problematic - hosting such functions requires supporting large numbers of extra personnel, and the Intrepid Class simply would not have the room for this. Her diplomatic capabilities are therefore limited to relatively small events generally involving Federation negotiations with a single party.

The Intrepid's combat role was also somewhat limited by her size; unable to carry large numbers of torpedoes or high power phaser banks, Starfleet settled on a scouting and support mission for the ship. Fitted out with type-VIII phaser arrays and single fire torpedo tubes standard. The Intrepid would be capable of engaging vessels the size of a K'T'inga Class Battle Cruiser or Galor Class Destroyer one-on-one. Her high speed and maneuverability combined with the advanced sensor system would also make her a perfect platform to conduct long range reconnaissance missions ahead of fleet operations. Within a major fleet battle the Intrepid would also act in support of larger ships, harrying enemy fleet units and drawing fire away from larger Federation ships.

intrepid class captain's yacht

Development of the intrepid Class went relatively smoothly in the early and mid stages, but a major problem arose in 2370 with the discovery that the energy emissions of standard warp drives caused considerable cumulative damage to the structure of subspace. Starfleet called for all designs then in progress to be modified to eliminate this effect, and it was decided to use the Intrepid Class as a test bed for this technology. After some experimentation it was found that the effect could be avoided by using a warp field with a much elongated Z-axis, combined with complex warp field modulation and the utilization of new materials during the manufacture of warp coils. This has led to the ships saucer section having the forward ellipse now becoming common on Federation designs. The new warp field configuration did lead to a 15% reduction in the speed of the Intrepid Class across all flight regimes, bringing the top cruise speed down from Warp 9.99 to Warp 9.975, and the maximum rated speed from Warp 9.992 to Warp 9.985.

The program suffered a serious setback when the USS Voyager, second in the Class, was apparently lost on her first mission. Building was suspended on the Class while the designs were subjected to intense scrutiny; after a year without results the Intrepid project was resumed. It has since been discovered that Voyager was in fact displaced to the other side of the Galaxy, in the Delta Quadrant, by an alien technology, from where she is now attempting to make her way home.

One feature unique to the Intrepid Class among Federation Starships of this size is the ability to land on a planetary surface. This feature has been incorporated after several incidents in which transporters and shuttle craft have been unable to operate through exotic environmental conditions during evacuations or other surface related operations.

In the early 2390s the class was upgraded with new Type-XIII phaser arrays, slipstream drive, improved computer hardware with the latest LCARS version, and improved power allocation systems.

intrepid class captain's yacht

2358: Starfleet issues a general design brief for a multi-purpose vessel capable of scouting, high speed, exploration, and the ability to land on the surface of a planet. The general idea is for a modular starship based on a totally new design. The Class will be called the Intrepid Class.

2360: Starfleet views the theoretical proposals for the Intrepid and approve briefs for the propulsion, computer, weapons and spaceframe parameters are sent out to Starfleet design agencies for consultation.

2361: Propulsion dynamic are approved and sent to the Jupiter Station for in-depth study. Mid year M/ARA design is standardized for the Intrepid Class. Spaceframe design is approved and full specifications are forwarded to Utopia Planitia for designations. USS Intrepid Production begins with a projected 8 year turnover for the prototype ship.

2362 : Design work on Intrepid Class warp coils are approved. The stardrive section nears chassis completion. Saucer section nears 30% chassis completion.

2363: Primary and secondary chassis's now at 100% completion on USS Intrepid . Computers are delivered for fitting work.

2364: Work continues on habitat and out hull sections for USS Intrepid . Late in year computer cores are activated and ship functions begin to be transferred from station control to ship control.

2366: Computer system now operating at 72% of maximum. System expected to become self aware within 14 months. Warpcore begins primary testing. Antimatter regulation control is found to be outside acceptable levels. Primary magnetic containment malfunction found to be a problem. Stardrive section near completion with final attachment of navigational deflector array. Bridge module attached to primary hull.

2368: Warp Core passes Review Three and it tested to 90% peak. Computer system fully self aware and umbilical from the station are cut as the ship become self sufficient. Impulse systems pass Review Three and being autonomous low level power control. Secondary Back up Generators are shut down and become Auxiliary system control. USS Intrepid leaves Dry Dock for primary testing.

2370: High warp speeds found to cause damage to subspace. USS Intrepid docked while solutions are found. Eight months later, when solutions are found, USS Intrepid goes to Utopia Planitia and warp stress coating is applied. USS Intrepid begins deep space assessments. USS Intrepid returns to the San Francisco Yards for final exterior markings and paint. On 1, March 2370 the USS Intrepid is officially commissioned by Starfleet at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards during a brief ceremony. Bridge plaque is put in pride of place and Captain Fred Stone takes command of the Intrepid. USS Intrepid is ordered to begin shakedown cruises estimate to last two years.

Intrepid Layout

Technical Specifications for Intrepid Class ships

  • expected duration: 80 years
  • time between resupply: 1 years
  • time between refit: 4 years
  • category: Explorer/Scout/Destroyer  
  • officers: 35
  • enlisted crew: 115
  • marines: 74
  • passengers: 10  
  • cruising speed: Warp 7
  • maximum speed: Warp 9.8
  • emergency speed: Warp 9.975 (for 10 hours)
  • Slipstream: Quantum Slipstream Velocity equivalent to 9.999997359835618 ( for 12 hours before a 'cool down' of 7 hours )  
  • Auxiliary Craft:
  • shuttle bays: 1
  • shuttles: 2
  • attack fighters: 2
  • runabouts: 1  
  • Defensive Systems:
  • phasers: 13 type-X phaser arrays
  • torpedoes: launchers: 4 (2 forward, 2 aft)     hellfire: 40     photon: 200     quantum: 200     transphaisic: 6     tri cobalt: 10
  • shields: Class 10 Hull Conformal, regenerative shielding system
  • hull armor: Type-1 Ablative Armor
  • Dimensions:
  • height: 66.2 meters
  • width: 133 meters
  • length: 343.1 meters
  • decks: 15  
  • Sensors: Four primary arrays (2 lateral, 1 forward, 1 aft), Range of 20 Light Years. Each primary array has a back up Secondary array. Range of 14 Light Years. Each array can be set long, medium, or short range.
  • Tactical: Four primary arrays (2 lateral, 1 forward, 1 aft), Range of 20 Light Years. Each primary array has a back up Secondary array. Range of 14 Light Years. Each array can be set long, medium, or short range.
  • Navigational Deflector:
  • Type: Molybdenum & Duranium Mesh
  • Power: Six Graviton Polarity Generators
  • Output: 400 Gigawatts
  • Field Strength: 650 Millicochranes
  • Tractor Emitters:
  • Power: 3-15 Gigawatt Multi-phase Graviton Polarity Sources
  • Field Strength: 480 Millicochranes
  • Minimum Range: 126 Million tons at 2 Kilometers
  • Maximum Range: 1 ton at 30.000 Kilometers  
  • Personal Transporters:
  • Rooms: 2 Transporter Rooms, six persons per cycle
  • Payload: 960 kilograms
  • Range: 40,000 kilometers
  • Operations Per Hours: 100 persons per hour, per room  
  • Cargo Transporters:
  • Rooms: 2 Transporters, 1 per primary cargo bay
  • Payload: 800 tons
  • Operations Per Hours: 100 cycles per hour, per room  
  • Computer Systems:
  • Core: Type 5, Bio-Neural Processing Core
  • Software Version: LCARS 6.2
  • Storage Capacity: 1145 TeraQuads
  • Processing Speed: 645,000 ExaFLOPS  
  • Communications Systems:
  • Short Range: 2,500,000 Kilometers
  • Long Range: 18 Light-years for Real-Time Transmission
  • Transmission Capacity: 17.2 kiloquads per second
  • Transmission Speed: Warp 9.9997  
  • Additional Information: Currently, there are 62 in service with 8 building per year through 2404. 9 were lost during the Dominion and Borg conflicts.

Star Trek: Vanguard

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Quadrant News

New Engine to be Tested

It's been well over a year in the works, but the new transwarp drive that has been so painstakingly installed on the U.S.S. Vanguard is almost ready to be tested. Invented by a Bajoran team lead by...

Shipboard News

Vanguard to Test Experimental Transwarp Drive

With the U.S.S. Vanguard having been chosen by Starfleet Command to test the new transwarp drives developed by Professor Sizaen Yatri of Bajor and her team of Starfleet Scientists, the Vanguard has...

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USS Vanguard Returns to Earth Dock

USS Vanguard returns to Earth dock to install experimental drives.

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Experimental Transwarp Drive Testing

USS Vanguard to test experimental transwarp drives.

edit this panel

2370 onwards
344.5 meters
132.1 meters
64.4 meters
700,000 metric tons
Phasers, Photon Torpedoes, Tricobalt Devices
Deflector Shields
2 Workpods, 4 Shuttlecrafts (type-6, type-8, type-9), 1 Aeroshuttle

The Intrepid -class starship is a Federation design that entered service in the latter half of the 24th century. At less than half the size of a Galaxy-class starship, the Intrepid -class is considered "quick and smart."

General Overview

When first commissioned, the Intrepid -class featured many innovations then becoming available, not least being the tricyclic input manifold of the warp core and variable-geometry pylons. The class is also the first to incorporate bio-neural gel packs and is equipped with the Mark 1 Emergency Medical Hologram system.

Capabilities upon introduction are equally impressive. The class boasted the best navigational sensors, and the highest top speed of any Starfleet vessel until the development of the Prometheus-class. Its multi-mission design is backed up by a main computer processor capable of simultaneously accessing 47 million data channels and sustaining 575 trillion calculations per nanosecond in operational temperatures from 10 Kelvin to 1790 Kelvin.

Class History

Development and construction of the Intrepid -class occurred at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards with the class entering service by 2370. The second ship, USS Voyager, is commissioned in 2371. She is the first ship to test the class 9 warp drive in deep space.

The performance of the Intrepid -class is well reflected by Voyager. That ship is notable for independently, and successfully, completing an unscheduled seven-year journey across the previously unexplored Delta Quadrant, 70 thousand light years from Federation space, from 2371 to 2378. The vessel is completely cut off from communication with Starfleet until 2374, and has no access to any Starfleet supplies or facilities for the entire length of its journey

Technical Data

Physical arrangement.

The hull configuration of the Intrepid -class adopted the saucer-type shape of previous starship classes, that of primary hull, secondary hull, and nacelles driven by the physics of warp generation and control. One of the Intrepid -class' most notable characteristics are its warp nacelles, which angled when going to warp, a quality which has not been observed in any other starship. The Intrepid -class used a duranium hull structure, a plasma-based power distribution system, and tricyclic life-support systems.

Following the Starfleet standard, Deck 1 is reserved for the main bridge, with the briefing room and captain's ready room located to port and starboard sides of the bridge. Located in the front section of Deck 2 is the crew's mess hall and the Captain's private dining hall, served by three windows that offered a spectacular view of space in front of the vessel. One deck below, located in the front section of Deck 3, are the quarters of the starship's commanding officer, served by five windows.

The dorsal saucer section is covered by four phaser arrays, two of which extended from the aft curvature along the length of the saucer and. The aft firing arc is covered by two smaller arrays, angled on the rear of the saucer section. The relative bottom of the ship is protected by two similar arrays as on the dorsal saucer section, extending to the rear of the saucer and following the curve towards the bow. Docked to the underside of the Intrepid -class' primary hull is the vessel's aeroshuttle.

Further aft, the main navigational deflector dish is found at the foreside of the Intrepid -class' secondary hull. Located right above the deflector are the forward photon torpedo launchers. On the underside of the secondary hull are located three sets of plates that support the warp propulsion system. The forward plate covered the reserve intermix chamber; the middle plate contained the antimatter loading port, a large magnetic valve that kept the antimatter from coming in contact with matter during the transfer to the storage pods; and the aft cover plate contained the operational intermix chamber hatch, for ejecting the warp core in case of emergency.

One of the few Starfleet starship classes capable of atmospheric entry and planetary landing, the Intrepid -class starship is equipped with antigravity generators as well as impulse and lifters strategically placed at the mass and stress points on the bottom portion of the secondary hull. Prior to and during landing or takeoff procedures, the vessel typically went to blue alert, indicating to the crew they are to assume their code-blue stations.

With 15 decks and a mass of 700,000 metric tons, there are 257 rooms on a Intrepid -class vessel.

Deck Number Departments Deck Number Departments
1 Bridge, Captain's Ready Room and Briefing Room 9 Officer's Quarters
2 Mess hall and Captain's Private Dining Hall (Cabin 125 Alpha) 10 Shuttlebay
3 Captain's Quarters 11 Engineering, Deflector Control, Environmental Quarters
4 Transporter Rooms 1-3, Cargo Bay 1 12 Crew Quarters
5 Sickbay, Morgue and Science Labs 13 Crew Quarters
6 Holodecks 1 & 2, Gym and Weapons Locker 14 Environmental Controls
7 Officer's Quarters 15 Plasma Relay Room
8 Astrometrics Lab, Cargo Bay 2, Docking Ports

Command and Control Systems

The main bridge of the Intrepid -class starship is ovoid and served as the nerve center of the vessel. At the bridge's rear is a large bank of consoles and data readout screens. Center of that area is the master systems display; control consoles flanked it on both sides. Starboard of the information center, past the starboard side turbolift, is the station of the chief tactical officer. This area is maintained mostly for internal security and combat situations. Other systems that could be commanded by tactical included long- and short-range sensor arrays, sensor probes, message buoys, and tractor beams. An identical station is found on the other side of the bridge, where the operations console is found. This panel presented the operations officer with a continually updated list of current major shipboard activities. This list permitted Ops to set priorities and allocate resources among current operations. This is especially critical when two or more requests required the use of the same equipment, entailed mutually exclusive mission profiles, or involved some unusual safety or tactical considerations.

Forward of the upper ship operations areas are doorways to the briefing room at one side and the captain's ready room at the other. There, the commanding officer could engage in administrative work with all relevant office equipment at hand without interfering with bridge operations. Also, this room is usually the preferred place where the captain could hold private discussions or receive classified communications. Aboard the Intrepid -class starship, the work desk is the focal point of the ready room, located ahead of the main entrance door. A raised level in the forward section of the room featured a small table, a curved couch, and a replicator. The wall behind the couch featured three windows looking toward the bow of the vessel. Compared with the much larger Galaxy-class starship, the Intrepid -class curiously has a more spacious, luxurious ready room.

In the center of the Intrepid -class' bridge is the command area. Here, seating is provided for the vessel's commanding officer and his or her first officer, seated to the captain's left. Between these chairs is a miniaturized status display. Using keyboard or vocal commands, the commanding officer could use these controls to override the basic operation of the starship. Directly aft of this area, integrated in the handrail encircling the aft section of the central command area, is another command console that could be operated to perform more bridge duties.

Directly forward of and two steps lower than the central command area is the conn station. From here, the flight control officer served as helmsman and navigator for the starship. Despite many of these functions being heavily automated, their critical nature demanded a humanoid officer to oversee these operations at all times. During spaceflight at impulse, conn monitored relativistic effects as well as inertial damping system status. When the ship is traveling at warp speed, conn monitored the subspace field geometry in parallel with the engineering department. During warp flight, the conn console continually updated long-range sensor data and made automatic course corrections to adjust for minor variations in the density of the interstellar medium.

To the right of conn sat the chief engineer. Though the position is far better served in main engineering, situations arose where the engineer's presence is needed on the bridge. The console allowed complete control over all engineering systems. Directly opposite sat the chief science officer at a similar console.

Propulsion Systems

Main engineering aboard an Intrepid -class starship is located on Deck 11. The room is constructed around the matter-antimatter reaction assembly warp core, a class 9 warp drive with a tricyclic input manifold. The core provided a maximum output of 4,000 teradynes per second. The warp drive allowed the ship a top sustainable cruise velocity of warp factor 9.975. The Intrepid -class also featured a secondary warp assembly.

The main engineering room featured two levels. In front of the warp core is a large monitoring area on the lower engineering level. Also located on this level is the chief engineer's office and an open work area for special projects or situational analysis. A second tier ringed the upper level of main engineering. A small, single-person elevator, as well as a ladder on the opposite side, provided access to this catwalk.

The main impulse engines on an Intrepid -class starship are located on the aft end of the pylons leading to the warp nacelles. Intrepid -class starships are also equipped with auxiliary impulse reactors.

Warp Core Ejection

n the event of a warp core breach, the Intrepid -class starship could eject the warp core. This procedure required the authorization code of the chief engineer or a member of the senior staff. The core is ejected through the ejection port on the underside of the secondary hull. Magnetic rails inside the channel accelerated the core once disengaged from the vessel and fired it away from the ship. Under normal circumstances, the vessel then moved away from the core as fast as possible under impulse power.

Should the core not go critical, the vessel could recover it with tractor beams and careful manipulation.

Tactical Systems

Phaser systems.

The Intrepid -class utilized a ship-mounted phaser array system. The dorsal saucer section is covered by four phaser arrays, two of which extended from the aft curvature, along the length of the saucer and stop short of the auxiliary deflector incision. One smaller phaser array extended behind the bridge. The aft firing arc is covered by two smaller arrays, angled on the rear of the saucer section. The relative bottom of the ship is protected by two similar arrays as on the dorsal saucer section, extending to the rear of the saucer and following the curve to the auxiliary deflector incision. More protection is provided by an array that extended across the ventral engineering hull just fore of the warp core ejection port. Far-aft strips are provided on the underside of the variable-geometry nacelle pylons and under the shuttlebay landing deck on the underside of the ship for a total ship's complement of fourteen phaser arrays.

Additional phaser banks included at least four separate phaser emitters, two in the aft torpedo launcher, one aft phaser bank located behind the second tractor beam emitter, in the aft section of deck 14, and an embedded emitter on the ventral surface of the ships right nacelle.

Torpedo Systems

The Intrepid -class housed five standard torpedo launchers (two fore and two aft, and one on the dorsal side of the ship ). The USS Voyager is loaded with type-6 photon torpedoes in 2371. She also has at least four class-10 photon torpedo warheads and two tricobalt devices in her torpedo arsenal, as well as spatial charges. Cardassian quantum torpedoes are also compatible with Intrepid -class launchers, with some modification.

Deflector Shields

The Intrepid -class' deflector shield is a symmetrical, oscillating subspace graviton field. During combat, the shield sent data on what type of weapon is being used on it and what frequency and phase the weapon used. Once the tactical officer analyzed these data, the shield could be configured to have the same frequency as the incoming weapon, but different nutation. This tactic dramatically increased shield efficiency. There are a total of fourteen shield grids on the Intrepid -class.

Tractor Beam

Each Intrepid -class tractor beam emitter is directly mounted to the primary members of the vessel's framework. The forward emitter is located on the underside of the secondary hull under the main deflector dish. The second emitter is located at the aft end of the secondary hull in the aft section of Deck 14.

Crew Support Systems

Medical facilities.

There is one large sickbay facility located on Deck 5, equipped with an intensive-care unit (ICU), biohazard support, critical care, a morgue, the chief medical officer's office, a load-out of three standard biobeds and one surgical bed in the main ward, and a small medical laboratory. The standard medical staff consisted of a doctor and a nurse, supplemented by the Emergency Medical Hologram, the Intrepid-class being one of the first to be equipped with this medical technology.

Three biobeds lined the walls of sickbay's ICU; these are for patients receiving medical care and are equipped with biofunction monitors. Located in the corner of the main ward is a surgical bed, where major surgeries are performed and critical patients are treated. A large, sophisticated sensor cluster is installed in the ceiling directly above this bed. Working with a medical tricorder, the sensor suite could give detailed information about a patient's condition. The bed is also designed to use a surgical support frame. The small area that the surgical bed is located in could be isolated by a force field. If necessary, surgery could be conducted in the intensive care ward if there is an overflow of patients or if another patient is present to donate blood.

Located in the center of the sickbay facility is the chief medical officer's office. Here, the CMO is provided with an area to work in privacy or conduct meetings with patients, staff, and others. Its proximity allowed the CMO to be present in sickbay almost immediately. Located behind this office is a small medical laboratory facility. The medical staff or other associated personnel could monitor experiments or run tests here during their duty shifts. Just off the medical lab is located a tiny area for storage of the deceased.

Recreational Facilities

There are two holodecks aboard the ship. Located on Deck 6, these holodecks are proprietary Federation technology and could comfortably support fifteen people at a time. The Intrepid-class' holodecks are of a next generation of holographic technology, even further advanced than those applied on board Starfleet vessels during the 2360s, being able to impersonate matter even at the molecular level.

On the Intrepid-class vessels, the mess hall is on Deck 2, Section 13. Some ships are equipped with four food replicators, with a private captain's dining room just behind the mess hall. This dining room could be reconfigured to serve as a kitchen, as done by Neelix aboard Voyager. The USS Vanguard's mess hall is also fitted in this manner.

The mess hall is typically host to many social gatherings, including diplomatic affairs, birthday parties, and holiday celebrations. The mess hall could also serve as a makeshift sickbay whenever that facility is disabled or otherwise overwhelmed.

A crew's lounge is located in the far aft section of the vessel's secondary hull, providing a view of space aft of the Intrepid-class starship.

The Intrepid-class also has a gymnasium.

Crew Accommodations

All crew and officers' quarters (except the captain's quarters on Deck 3) are located on decks 2, 4, 8, 9, and 13, with special variable environment quarters on Deck 11 for crew with special comforts. Although the Intrepid-class is highly advanced, the quarters in general are smaller than those of other vessel classes because of its smaller dimensions.

There are several types of crew quarters aboard:

Standard Crew Quarters These small quarters units are located within the primary hull and lack windows. They included a living area, a bedroom, and a bathroom. Crew members of Lieutenant Junior-Grade are given their own quarters; Ensigns and crewmen are required to share their quarters (except for senior officers). The living area contained a replicator terminal and is customizable with a variety of furniture and decorations.
Officers' Quarters These quarters lined the edge of the saucer section and contained a living area, a bedroom, and a bathroom area. They are generally reserved for those of ranking lieutenant or higher. Members of the senior staff are typically assigned quarters featuring a pair of larger, wider windows.
Captain's quarters The captain's quarters, located on Deck 3, are similar to the officers' quarters but are slightly larger. The captain has a large desk area and work terminal. His or her quarters featured five windows (below the navigation lamp), which offered an excellent view of space in front of the vessel; the captain's quarters are positioned below the mess hall.

Transporter Systems

The Intrepid-class featured three transporter facilities that were located on Deck 4. In case of emergencies, injured personnel could be directly transported to sickbay from anywhere in transporter range, including inside the ship.

Like many Federation starships, the Intrepid-class' transporters had six standard pads located in front of a control console. Here the transporter controls were located in an elevated booth, and two officers could operate them in conjunction with a wall panel for more complicated transports. Like most systems aboard the Intrepid-class, the transporters utilized bio-neural gel packs in their processor systems.

Auxiliary Spacecraft Systems

Located in the aft dorsal portion of the secondary hull, the main shuttlebay was the primary port for entrance and egress, as well as management of auxiliary craft and shuttles.

Inward from the main shuttlebay was a secondary storage and maintenance area behind huge inner airlock doors. This secondary area was almost as large as the main shuttlebay and was commonly referred to as Shuttlebay 2.

The Intrepid-class starship was typically equipped with the following types of shuttlecraft:

  • Class 2 Shuttle
  • Type-6 Shuttlecraft
  • Type-8 Shuttlecraft

The crew of the USS Voyager, stranded in the Delta Quadrant, constructed the Delta Flyer for more complex auxiliary spacecraft operations. The craft was in operation since early 2375. The Intrepid-class was also equipped with an aeroshuttle, which was visible on the underside.

Ships Commissioned

  • USS Avalon (NCC-74733)
  • USS Bellerophon (NCC-74705)
  • USS Blackthorne (NCC-76719)
  • USS Gallant (NCC-74882)
  • USS Intrepid (NCC-74600)
  • USS Jefferson (NCC-74626)
  • USS Nelson (NCC-74718)
  • USS Odyssey (NCC-74650)
  • USS Pathfinder (NCC-74562)
  • USS Sagan (NCC-75055)
  • USS Stargazer (NCC-2893-A)
  • USS Trailblazer (NCC-74697)
  • USS Tsunami (NCC-74996)
  • USS Vanguard (NCC-76393)
  • USS Vor'kann (NCC-74712)
  • USS Voyager (NCC-74656)
  • USS Zealous (NCC-74731)

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Intrepid class

intended to replace the outdated research ships of the Oberth class. Intrepid class starships are equipped with new, partially experimental technologies, which make the ships of this class superior to the most other vessels of this time, particularly regarding propulsion and computer systems. Nevertheless, the starships of this class are very small, much smaller than the powerful ships of the Galaxy and Sovereign classes. The Intrepid class is the only class of this time that has bioneural computer components, which partly replace the conventional isolinear systems. Another revolutionary feature is the class' warp drive, which is equipped with mobile nacelles, allowing the arbitrary alteration of the warp field geometry, and enables high warp up to the amazing maximum speed of warp 9.975.

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Monday 1 September 2014

Aeroshuttle test footage, and more voyager behind the scenes goodies.

intrepid class captain's yacht

This was a visual effects concept test to show the producers of Voyager what a launch sequence of the (as of yet) unused "Aeroshuttle" might look like. This special craft was capable of warp speeds and able to fly in a planetary atmosphere. Ultimately, the decision was made to leave the Aeroshuttle alone and introduce the Delta Flyer (this was shortly before the movie "Insurrection," which featured a launch sequence of the Captain's Yacht - the producers didn't want Voyager to "steal the thunder" of such a scene from the upcoming movie). The test was created by Voyager CGI Supervisors Rob Bonchune and Adam "Mojo" Lebowitz, under the supervision of VFX Producer Dan Curry.

intrepid class captain's yacht

The not-so-small AeroShuttle tucked up under the Voyager forward hull was based roughly on the Starfleet Runabout spaceframe, in hopes that if we ever saw it, we could modify the existing set from DS9. Ah, sadly, it was not to be, but we did get to see the ventral side and I did get to write a bit of imagined history for Star Trek The Magazine. The craft began life as a concept patterned after a manta ray and was nicknamed as such. That turned into the AeroWing, which coincidentally was a copyrighted name for a toy connected to The Mighty Ducks. Headscratching ensued. AeroShuttle became the in-house term.

intrepid class captain's yacht

One of the preliminary views of the ship based on some Runabout hardware styling, following an early approval from the producers for a smaller (smaller than Ent-D), slightly pointy vessel with down-turned pylons.

intrepid class captain's yacht

Here's a front view of the early, more angular Voyager (going backwards just a little in time). A few changes were made to the forward hull and the shape of the shuttlebay landing deck to make the third phase drawings and foamcore study model.

intrepid class captain's yacht

This sizing chart is still earlier than the first pic in this series, but it shows the thinking of the possible size for the angular third phase. I did a few versions of the chart with the ship at different lengths for the producers; this one comes in at 1250 feet. Other Starfleet ships are added to show the size relationships.

intrepid class captain's yacht

Here's a cutaway from the front of the angular Voyager, or at least a version of it, partly to get a sense of the deck numbers and partly to place standard bits of Starfleet hardware. Whatever sets got designed and built would be fit into the eventual blueprints (to marry up the interior and exterior), like Captain Janeway's ready room, the conference lounge, and crew quarters, but at this early stage it was still pretty fluid.

intrepid class captain's yacht

One additional angle on the foamcore mockup of the ship, just before curvitization. I may have mentioned this before, but this particular mockup escaped our custody, I assume about the time the art department was shutting down in 2001, but I can report that it is now in safe hands (not mine) and will be restored and a few dings repaired. A few other foamcore mockups I built, like a very early Type 6 TNG shuttle and the alien shuttle Nenebek, also went this way or that, but c'est la vie.

intrepid class captain's yacht

Once the perspective sketch of the curvy Voyager was approved, a preliminary set of ortho views was drawn up on our standard 24"x36" blueprint paper. The producers and the VFX folks were given copies of this one, with the added notice "Not for Construction - For Discussion Purposes Only." At this time, we still didn't have a final approval on the nacelle articulation, but I kept drawing sketches and played with the ship in rough CG printouts. As you can see, most all of the hull surface details were falling nicely into place.

intrepid class captain's yacht

Once the preliminary blueprints had been approved, drawn on 24"x36" tracing vellum, the real blueprints were started. The producers and VFX decided that the miniature would be five feet long, and that's how big I made the construction drawings. Full size, 60" long, on slightly longer paper. Luckily my drafting table was long enough to hold them. The first tricky part was getting the top/bottom plan view -and- the starboard elevation on the table together to match up. The other tricky part was having to reach three feet or more near the top of the table to draw with the t-square and triangle and a bunch of templates. Worked out, though. The general hinge area for the pylons is indicated, but the final look would be determined by the model makers based on how things came together structurally. The manta shuttle is still there, soon to be replaced. All of the other hull features are pretty much locked.

intrepid class captain's yacht

I like the Manta, but I can see why they scrapped it--looks very Cardassian.

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Intrepid class/Class Profile

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Class Profile by Oddas Aria , SCE

In service for a little over two decades, the Intrepid platform continues to be a favorite among both Starfleet captains and engineers, and with good reason. The class itself pioneered many technologies that ships across the fleet take for granted, and its legacy can be seen in the blueprints for ships and classes still on the drawing board.

Class Introduction

During the early 2360s, Starfleet increasingly found itself in the need for a short-range, nimble, multi-mission starship. Mission types would include intelligence gathering, space defense, short-range scientific exploration, and other "problem solving" missions. Focusing on missions not well-suited for a ship carrying large numbers of civilians, such as a Galaxy class vessel, or where the risk of a larger piece of capital was unacceptable, this new class would need to be a small, adaptable platform sharing many features with Starfleet's beginnings.

The class's requirements and needs assessments were laid out in 2361, and the class was officially designated Intrepid in 2362. After initial hull design reviews in 2361 and 2366, the final hull configuration design was completed in 2367. Noting the timeline involved with the Defiant class in development to combat the Borg , many saw and still see the Intrepid as the more traditional explorer compliment to the Defiant class escort of the era. When USS Intrepid was launched in 2370, its time from initial design to launch (9 years, 8 months and 16 days) was a record that has not been broken since.

intrepid class captain's yacht

Equipped with bio-neural gel packs (backed up by the fastest main computer of its day) and a class 9 warp drive, the Intrepid class launched as the most advanced and fastest class in the fleet. The class pioneered many other technologies and innovations, including the Mark 1 Emergency Medical Hologram . Due to its agility, adaptability, and proven abilities, the class was put into service during the Dominion War from 2373 to 2375, with the USS Bellerophon serving as the personal flagship of Admiral William Ross during the conflict. Several other vessels of the class served with distinction during hostilities and after the ceasefire. Many of the class's subsystems are the direct ancestors of systems in most modern starships.

The discussion of the Intrepid class cannot be complete without mention of the USS Voyager . Voyager itself was the first to test the class 9 warp drive and during its first mission found itself stranded for seven years in the unknown space of the Delta Quadrant . The Intrepid class was designed to refuel, resupply, and have minor repairs every two years. Voyager's seven year mission proved the adaptability of the Intrepid platform to accept new technologies and components and its resilience to survive conditions well beyond those of standard operations.

Retrofits from the 2380s to the present have focused on including new platforms such as the quantum slipstream drive, improved hull strength, and quantum torpedo launchers. The success of these upgrades is evidence the Intrepid platform is versatile enough to remain a staple of the fleet for years to come.

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Captain's yacht

  • Thread starter Josh_Lyman
  • Start date Aug 4, 2008
  • Aug 4, 2008

What is the Captain's Yacht used for other than as a shuttle craft?  


  • Aug 5, 2008

The captain's personal chariot, or for any dignitaries that may come along. It is just an extra-large shuttle, kinda like a runabout. The inclusion of such a craft never made sense, when the space it takes up could've been devoted to more hangar space for standardized craft... like runabouts...  


Of course the Captain's yacht was never seen onscreen, but as far as I know the Captain's yacht was a personal shuttle for the Captain (and probably dignitaries and the like). I would assume it would have more luxurious accomodations than the typical shuttlecraft. As for armament and speed, I'm not sure which would be superior, the typical shuttle or the yacht.  



Boldly going....

Wingsley said: The captain's personal chariot, or for any dignitaries that may come along. It is just an extra-large shuttle, kinda like a runabout. The inclusion of such a craft never made sense, when the space it takes up could've been devoted to more hangar space for standardized craft... like runabouts... Click to expand...

I'd mentioned that the Captain's yacht had never been seen on-screen. I appearantly was wrong. The Captain's yacht shown in INS.  

Fleet Admiral


Starfleet Design

Josh_Lyman said: What is the Captain's Yacht used for other than as a shuttle craft? Click to expand...


Fleet Captain

Timo said: The yacht on the Enterprise -D is never seen, and indeed we can't be sure it ever existed. Click to expand...


Lieutenant Commander

  • Aug 6, 2008
Probert said: Just as American Naval officers of 21st century Earth had their own Captain's Gig or Admiral's Barge, Naval tradition dictates that Picard would have his own Captain's Yacht. It is a sub-warp ship that can carry up to 10 people comfortably (or 30 standing), with a crew of three plus two armed security personnel (or Marines). It has port & starboard phaser banks (normally retracted) and is capable of planet-fall. The docked Yacht is accessed via turbolift which remains on the ship, once all are aboard. The Yacht has two small staterooms, a common head, and a two-place transporter. The center-forward is the flight deck and in front of that is a small windowed crew lounge. Behind the flight deck is the guest lounge with seating, entertainments, and refreshments. On the port side there is the 'lift' platform (to access a planetary surface), centered within a decontaminating pressure field. This ship is indeed necessary, as a luxurious means of transporting Dignitaries, Ambassadors, and Planetary Delegates who prefer not to be beamed to & from their destinations. It also provides a prestigious vehicle with which the Captain of a Starship may present himself and accompanying staff, when arriving at official events or visiting other cultures. Andrew- Click to expand...
Konundrum said: Probert said: Just as American Naval officers of 21st century Earth had their own Captain's Gig or Admiral's Barge, Naval tradition dictates that Picard would have his own Captain's Yacht. It provides a prestigious vehicle with which the Captain of a Starship may present himself and accompanying staff, when arriving at official events or visiting other cultures. Andrew- Click to expand...


Konundrum said: P.S. You've described the interior, but are there any actual sketches or anything of Calypso 's interior? Click to expand...


Probert said: Konundrum said: Probert said: Just as American Naval officers of 21st century Earth had their own Captain's Gig or Admiral's Barge, Naval tradition dictates that Picard would have his own Captain's Yacht. It provides a prestigious vehicle with which the Captain of a Starship may present himself and accompanying staff, when arriving at official events or visiting other cultures. Andrew- Click to expand...
hellsgate said: Dear Mr. Andrew Probert, You don't know me. I'm Jason Kim Scott Hauck of Surrey B.C. Canada. I run a Trek fanon site ("Star Trek: Hell's-Gate") & I'm wondering if you have interior "scribbles" as you put them of the Intrepid-Class aerowing's docking bay or the interiors of the Aerowing itself, since we're discussing Captain's Yachts of Starfleet/The Federation. Click to expand...



  • Aug 11, 2008


  • Aug 12, 2008

^I think you just did!  

Apropos of nothing, and maybe it's just a consequence of bad pizza and being up all night, but I am suddenly possessed of the suspicion that Josh_Lyman and Rush Limborg are the same person. Marian  


Vice Admiral

Wouldn't it more properly be called a "Captain's Gig" rather than yacht?  

  • Aug 13, 2008

The Captain's Gig of the old used to be one of the smallest boats aboard the ship, so that it would be easy and swift to operate. In practice, this wasn't necessarily so because a ship would typically carry three boats stowed upside down and nested inside each other, so that the largest one (for operating the anchor - often called Longboat) was on top, and you had to lift it and the medium one (for general errands - often called Launch) to get to the Skiff or Gig. In that sense, the Star Trek craft is not a Gig, as it is significantly larger than the other utility craft aboard. A VIP-configured light or medium shuttle would be the Captain's Gig (as seen in "Samaritan Snare", for example), while the large special craft at the bottom of the saucer would probably indeed be a Yacht or perhaps a Barge. Timo Saloniemi  

Mysterion said: Wouldn't it more properly be called a "Captain's Gig" rather than yacht? Click to expand...

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Sunday, January 10, 2016

Intrepid class.

intrepid class captain's yacht

Aerowing Type Runabout


Areowing Class

The Areowing Class Runabout was built and largely equipped as the Captain's Yacht for Intrepid Class Starships. It was docked in a specially created space under the Intrepid class primary hull. It was too large to fit in the Intrepid class shuttle bay.

It was very similar in capabilities and construction to the Danube class Runabout popular in Starfleet at the time.

It is not known if other classes of ships, the Norway Class or the Steamrunner Class , for example, were equipped to dock an Areowing type runabout. It is not known how many were built or how many are in use.

The Areowing was designed as the Captain's Yacht for the USS Voyager In Star Trek: Voyager, but was never used. The shape of the main cabin and the cockpit windows make it plain that the Areowing was intended to use the Danube Class sets built for Deep Space Nine.

Instead the Crew was said to have created the Delta Flyer .


The america's cup, the america’s cup – 1958, text by kane rogers.

View photographer Cory Silken’s “Yacht Columbia – America’s Cup Winner 1958” gallery here .

Click here to read “The America’s Cup: An Insider’s View,” by Bob Bavier.


Prior to 1958, the last defense of the America’s Cup had been in 1937, by the J-Class yacht Ranger , owned by Harold S. “Mike” Vanderbilt. The J-Class rules prescribing a vessel of some 120 feet in length were promoted by Vanderbilt and others for the defense planned for 1958, but economic concerns and the desire among aspiring competitors to employ smaller dual-purpose yachts won the day. The New York Yacht Club settled on the twelve-meter class rules, reducing the length of the average vessel to around sixty-five feet. Harry Sears, then the club’s commodore, formed a syndicate to build the ship and asked Briggs to join to help with finances.

Although building and racing his cars had long been Briggs’ primary field of endeavor, he had never stopped sailing, and he agreed to join the effort. Sailing legend Cornelius Shields was appointed as the team’s skipper but, when he suffered a heart attack, Sears asked Cunningham to take Shields’ place.

As a member of five East Coast yacht clubs, with almost thirty years’ experience racing several different classes of vessel, Briggs was a solid choice to lead. The one thing he lacked was experience with the starting strategy required by the head-to-head style of America’s Cup competition. Shields, a master of this type of racing, was happy to impart his knowledge to Cunningham, who proved an able student.

Unfortunately, as skipper it was Briggs who had to inform Shields that he could not remain a member of the crew; if he suffered an attack during competition and had to be taken to the hospital, it would leave them a man short and result in their disqualification. It was a tough moment for both men, but it was also characteristic of both to do what was best for the team.

The eliminations for the American side would prove to be more exciting than the final races. Four twelve-metre yachts, Easterner , Weatherly , Vim and Columbia , survived two months of run-offs to compete in the final eight-day round of match races to determine the defender of the America’s Cup. Of the four contenders, only the Vim had raced previously, but the nineteen-year-old vessel was so completely refitted as to be virtually brand new. The Easterner and Weatherly had been hurriedly completed and neither was fully prepared to compete, although the Weatherly would successfully defend the Cup in 1962.

Columbia benefited from a strong syndicate whose membership included Harry Sears, Olin Stephens, the designer of the Vim , and Cornelius Shields, Jr., who occasionally spelled Briggs as skipper. The competition finally narrowed to Vim and Columbia , which prevailed by virtue of her ability to better handle rough seas and strong winds.

The British challenger, Sceptre , entered by the Royal Yacht Squadron and skippered by Graham Mann, was a quite rotund 68,000 pounds compared to the svelte Columbia at 57,000 pounds, and the event was decided in four straight wins by the Americans.

During the post-race celebrations, Briggs located a pay phone and called Alfred Momo at Watkins Glen, where Ed Crawford had just won the main race. As Briggs was returning to join his crew, a reporter approached and commented, “Briggs, that was a fine race!” to which Briggs, still with the Glen on his mind, replied, “That’s what I just heard. I wish I could have seen it.”

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Memory Alpha


A graphic of an aeroshuttle also appeared in Daniels ' database while it was being viewed by Captain Archer and T'Pol in 2152 . ( ENT : " Future Tense ")

The Yeager -type and Elkins -type starships also appeared to carry aeroshuttles. [1] (X) [2] (X) Both are kitbashes utilizing the Intrepid -class .

  • 2.1.1 Specifications
  • 2.1.2 History
  • 2.2 CGI model
  • 2.3 Apocrypha
  • 2.4 External link

See also [ ]

  • Captain's yacht

Appendices [ ]

Background information [ ].

The aeroshuttle was initially not represented on Voyager' s master systems display as devised by Doug Drexler , seen in the early episodes, but showed up in the graphic from " Phage " onward. Dexler clarified, " I drew the original MSD for the back of the bridge. After that, Wendy cut and pasted it to suit episode specific situations, " [3] (X) to which designer Rick Sternbach half jokingly added, " The screenshots that do show the AeroShuttle (outline or filled) seem to be of the early shape that I can only describe as looking like George Jetson's flying car. I don't believe the true elevation was ever inserted into the cutaway art. " [4] (X) Details regarding the aeroshuttle appear in Star Trek: The USS Voyager NCC-74656 Illustrated Handbook . According to the title, the craft was intended as a "high-speed reconnaissance ship that was capable of atmospheric travel" and also intended for defense and evacuation purposes. For unspecified reasons, not noted in the ship's log , the vessel was never used during the seven years Voyager spent in the Delta Quadrant . The manual suggests that it may have been never used because the destruction of a vehicle that formed an integral part of the outer hull could pose a serious long-term problem and that the vessel was further rendered obsolete by the development of the Delta Flyer type vessels.

Specifications [ ]

Sternbach's original design for the Aeroshuttle of March 1994, listed the following specifications: [5] (X)

  • Starfleet styling
  • Evolved runabout -type structural elements
  • Integrated impulse and warp reactors
  • In-wing embedded warp nacelles
  • Side and aft entry hatches
  • Shuttle underside contiguous with Voyager hull bottom
  • Wingtip lift engines
  • Forward microtorpedo launcher
  • Standard Starfleet features; phasers , maneuvering thrusters , sensor strips, windows, and hull markings

History [ ]

The official name of this spacecraft was changed from AeroWing because of an existing Mighty Ducks trademark. [6] According to the Voyager writers' guidebook, Star Trek: Voyager Technical Manual , when detached, its aeroshuttle was capable of atmospheric flight as well as interstellar travel at speeds up to warp 3 . The cockpit was designed for a crew of four.

Despite this description, the writers never used Voyager 's aeroshuttle, prompting Rick Sternbach to develop the following explanation for his in-universe Starfleet Technical Database article " Intrepid -Class Lineage" in Star Trek: The Magazine :

"The Aeroshuttle was the only upgraded component to the Intrepid -class that remained in the development cycle long after the other major systems had been frozen and released for fabrication and assembly. Based on the existing Starfleet runabout platform, the Aeroshuttle was given a 450 percent increase in atmospheric flight and hover endurance over standard shuttlecraft. This was accomplished through the use of hybrid microfusion and EM driven airflow coil engines. Although the Aeroshuttle spaceframe and basic systems were completed by Stardate 46875.3, final outfitting of mission-specific hardware was delayed until simulations and flight testing with the USS Intrepid could be completed." ( Star Trek: The Magazine  Volume 3, Issue 1 , pp. 52-53)

Sternbach revisited the aeroshuttle in far more detail in Star Trek: The Magazine  Volume 3, Issue 12 , pp. 82-85:

  • Mission requirements: Independent warp flight operations, defense of home vessel, extended planetary landing, and reconnaissance tasks and crew evacuation
  • Design based on the Danube -class runabout hull, without the modular approach
  • Construction started in 2369 with an initial procurement order of two prototypes and fifteen production vehicles, of which seven were slated to be integrated into the Intrepid -class starships, while the remaining eight others were assigned to other starships (as shuttles), miscellaneous Starfleet installations, or as independent flyers
  • Unlike the Danube -class, aeroshuttles were not to be designated unique vessel class status and thus did not receive registry numbers
  • Status report on the units whose missions were not classified as per stardate 56734.21:
AS-501 Operational
AS-502 Operational
AS-503 Operational; Overhaul in progress
AS-506 Operational; Warp research
AS-508 N/A; Classified
AS-509 Operational; Experiment transport
AS-511 Starbase 524 N/A; Classified
AS-514 Operational; Courier
AS-515 Starfleet HQ Operational; Research; Testing upgrades

CGI model [ ]

Aeroshuttle, three-quarter view

Three-quarter view of unrealized aeroshuttle

Aeroshutlle CGI model

Bonchune's CGI model

The aeroshuttle originated as a design by Rick Sternbach who conceived it as early March 1994 as part of the design process of the USS Voyager , labeling his design "Manta Shuttle". [7] (X) As to the function of the wings, he stated, " Wings aren't so much wings in the 24th century when we have EM field effect lift and impulse thrust and mass-reduction technology. The AeroShuttle appendages are more pylons for the warp nacelles and landing gear and RCS gear. They look cool, but they aren't designed to be aerodynamic. " [8] (X) Sternbach purposefully endowed his design with a Danube -class cockpit so that use could be made of the existing interior cockpit sets from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine of that class. " The original proposal drawing of the "Manta" shuttle was included in the ton of other Voyager drawings for the producers, and the idea for using at least the Runabout cockpit was part of that. Foundation requested the Manta art as a starting point for the Aerowing (more properly called the AeroShuttle due to a toy licensing conflict), so that was provided, along with the ventral outline from the 5' Voyager blueprints. It's really too bad that we couldn't have used the AeroShuttle somewhere, but we can chalk that up to weird decisions about captain's yachts, money, and segregation of the different series' assets. " [9] (X)

Aeroshutlle CGI model disembarkation

The envisioned aeroshuttle disembarking

Sternbach shortly revisited his design, as the aeroshuttle was tapped to make an appearance, not in the show, but in the licensed book, Star Trek: Starship Spotter , " Basically, I did the original "Manta" sketch and the bottom view (more for the Voyager miniature than anything else at the time). I think I pretty much just eliminated the protrusions in the front and bobbed the tail; sometimes something just looks better or fits the originating culture more consistently. Foundation extrapolated the full AeroShuttle from both bits of art, with the bottom view driving some minor shape changes like the nacelle fronts. I didn't do any revising after that and there was no real feedback related to the original art bits. " [10] (X) Rob Bonchune , who eventually created a full rendering of Voyager 's aeroshuttle, added, " In a nutshell, back at Foundation, we got into our heads that it would be cool to see the " captain's yacht " of the Voyager , that being the AeroShuttle. Rick Sternbach gratuitously did a prelim design and I used part of that and designed the ship you see here. Mojo and I did a whole launch sequence, on spec, meaning "free" and then had it shown to Rick Berman . The response: Mr. Berman thought it was nice, but didn't want to trump the captain's yacht launch sequence from the upcoming film Star Trek: Insurrection . As you remember that was a VERY dramatic, epic and cool launch sequence. " [11]

With regards to the design, Bonchune stated, " Well, I remember Rick Sternbach saying that the four protruding rectangles represent landing pads. Seems silly as in scale they are way oversized. But, for the big Voyager miniature, I guess it was added detail. " [12] As for what happened to the initial project, Bonchune said that " if we had aired the ship, I was going to refine the wings to be a little less "blunt trauma" to the aerodynamics. But when we got nixed, we moved on... so, it stands as is. " [13] Rob Bonchune's website features a video of an aeroshuttle launch, likely from the original proposal.

The CGI model was first presented to the general public in 2001 , in the Star Trek: Starship Spotter to which co-author Alex Rosenzweig commented, " When I worked on aeroshuttle text for Starship Spotter , I had a whole paragraph that I wrote, talking about how the Voyager 's aeroshuttle hadn't been ready when the ship went on its mission into the Badlands, and how the completed shuttle was finally fitted to the refitted Voyager with great ceremony and circumstance after the ship's return from the Delta Quadrant. Alas, the rule from Licensing was that we weren't allowed to invent stuff like that, which hadn't been established on the show, so nothing came of said idea. But it was very much based on my agreement with you that a vehicle like the aeroshuttle would have made the Delta Flyer utterly unnecessary. Oh, well... " [14] (X) Rosenzweig's notion was partially followed by Sternbach in his later Starfleet Technical Database article.

Orthographic views of the model were published in 2003 , in the Star Trek: The Magazine  Volume 3, Issue 12 , pp. 83-85. Bonchune's render of Voyager 's aeroshuttle was featured in the April spread of the Star Trek: Ships of the Line (2007) calendar, entitled "Deployed".

Apocrypha [ ]

The aeroshuttle, called an "aerowing", was used in the comic book Star Trek: Voyager - Splashdown issue 2.

While the playable Intrepid -class science vessel in Star Trek Online initially didn't feature the Aeroshuttle, it was added as an optional console that came with the Tier 6 Pathfinder -class variant in the Delta Rising expansion.

External link [ ]

  • Aeroshuttle at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • 1 Bell Riots
  • 3 Daniels (Crewman)


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  1. Captain's yacht

    Constitution-class built-in auxiliary vehicle. In the 1969 UK Comic strip series, the dome at the bottom of the saucer section of the Constitution-class USS Enterprise is also seen detaching as a similar auxiliary vehicle.. The Captain's yacht is an obtainable ship in Star Trek Online.It is one of the game's many bonuses for subscribers and Lifetime subscribers, obtainable once a player ...

  2. star trek

    Vessels superior to shuttles in terms of range/firepower and endurance, living accommodations. A runabout that doesn't take up space in the shuttlebay. Following the 2360's Starfleet vessels began to adopt accessory craft the attached to the main ship. Galaxy -class Yacht Sovereign class - Yacht Intrepid class - Aeroshuttle Nova class - Waverider

  3. Intrepid class

    The Intrepid-class starship was a Federation design that entered service in the latter half of the 24th century. The Intrepid-class was designed for long-term exploration missions. At less than half the size of a Galaxy-class starship, it was considered "quick and smart." (VOY: "Someone to Watch Over Me", "Scientific Method", "Relativity") When it was first commissioned, the Intrepid-class ...

  4. Intrepid class

    2 work bees; 4 Federation shuttlecraft ( type-6, type-8, type-9 ); 1 aeroshuttle. The Intrepid class was a 24th century Federation starship class, a cruiser [4] and science vessel [5] in Starfleet service from the 2370s decade. At the time of its introduction, it was Starfleet's fastest and most maneuverable ship, and the only capital ship able ...

  5. Star Trek: Intrepid Class Starship

    Explore the design, history and capabilities of the Intrepid Class Starship, the iconic vessel of Star Trek: Voyager and other series.

  6. Intrepid Class

    The new warp field configuration did lead to a 15% reduction in the speed of the Intrepid Class across all flight regimes, bringing the top cruise speed down from Warp 9.99 to Warp 9.975, and the maximum rated speed from Warp 9.992 to Warp 9.985. ... Bridge plaque is put in pride of place and Captain Fred Stone takes command of the Intrepid.

  7. USS Atlantis

    The captain's yacht attached to the Intrepid-class is a special ship known as an "Aeroshuttle." Patterned in part after the Danube-class runabout, it is larger and more maneuverable than a typical yacht, and capable of hosting a wide range of mission platforms.

  8. USS Voyager (Star Trek)

    USS Voyager (NCC-74656) is the fictional Intrepid-class starship which is the primary setting of the science fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager.It is commanded by Captain Kathryn Janeway. Voyager was designed by Star Trek: Voyager production designer Richard D. James and illustrator Rick Sternbach.Most of the ship's on-screen appearances are computer-generated imagery (CGI), although ...

  9. Intrepid Class

    Auxiliary Craft. 2 Workpods, 4 Shuttlecrafts (type-6, type-8, type-9), 1 Aeroshuttle. The Intrepid -class starship is a Federation design that entered service in the latter half of the 24th century. At less than half the size of a Galaxy-class starship, the Intrepid -class is considered "quick and smart." Fold.

  10. Class specifications

    The Intrepid class is the only class of this time that has bioneural computer components, which partly replace the conventional isolinear systems. Another revolutionary feature is the class' warp drive, which is equipped with mobile nacelles, allowing the arbitrary alteration of the warp field geometry, and enables high warp up to the amazing ...

  11. Aeroshuttle test footage, and more Voyager behind the scenes goodies

    Here's what Mojo had to say about the footage: This was a visual effects concept test to show the producers of Voyager what a launch sequence of the (as of yet) unused "Aeroshuttle" might look like. This special craft was capable of warp speeds and able to fly in a planetary atmosphere. Ultimately, the decision was made to leave the Aeroshuttle ...

  12. The FIRST CRUISER- NX-Intrepid Class

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  13. Legendary Universe: Intrepid-class Aerowing / Captain's Yacht

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  14. Intrepid class/Class Profile

    Equipped with bio-neural gel packs (backed up by the fastest main computer of its day) and a class 9 warp drive, the Intrepid class launched as the most advanced and fastest class in the fleet. The class pioneered many other technologies and innovations, including the Mark 1 Emergency Medical Hologram.Due to its agility, adaptability, and proven abilities, the class was put into service during ...

  15. Captain's yacht

    What is the Captain's Yacht used for other than as a shuttle craft? Josh_Lyman, Aug 4, 2008 #1. Wingsley Commodore Commodore. Joined: Feb 18, 2007 Location: Wingsley. The captain's personal chariot, or for any dignitaries that may come along. It is just an extra-large shuttle, kinda like a runabout.

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  17. Legendary Universe: Intrepid Class

    Intrepid Class General Information Accommodation: 168 crew (42 officers, 126 enlisted), 12 guests, 500-person evacuation limit ... (Captain's Yacht) 1 x Type-11 Shuttlecraft 4 x Type-8 Shuttlecraft 4 x Type-9 Shuttlecraft 6 x M1-A1 Work Bees Transporter Systems 4 x 6-person General Purpose

  18. Aerowing Type Runabout

    The Areowing Class Runabout was built and largely equipped as the Captain's Yacht for Intrepid Class Starships. It was docked in a specially created space under the Intrepid class primary hull. It was too large to fit in the Intrepid class shuttle bay. It was very similar in capabilities and construction to the Danube class Runabout popular in Starfleet at the time. It is not known if other ...

  19. Cross-section of the Intrepid Class Starship by Cydonia6 ...

    Cross-section of the Intrepid Class Starship by Cydonia6. Complete set in comments. Locked post. New comments cannot be posted. ... They left it next to the captain's yacht/aeroshuttle. ... between designing and building his own class of shuttle craft, they just forgot to mention it. ...

  20. The America's Cup

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  21. Aeroshuttle

    An aeroshuttle was a runabout-sized spacecraft embedded in the saucer underside of Intrepid-class starships. In 2376, Dala and Zar, posing as Captain Kathryn Janeway and Chakotay, showed Varn a schematic of the USS Voyager which identified its aeroshuttle. (VOY: "Live Fast and Prosper") A graphic of an aeroshuttle also appeared in Daniels' database while it was being viewed by Captain Archer ...

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