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Wally founder Luca Bassani: The man at the cutting edge of yacht design

Yachting World

  • October 1, 2020

Luca Bassani, the visionary founder of Wally Yachts, created an iconic brand and shaped the trend for clean aesthetics in yachting. Mark Chisnell interviews Luca Bassani


Photo: Guillaume Plisson

Try a game of word association with any superyacht industry professional and I’d be surprised if the word innovation didn’t bring the response Wally. Since 1994, Wally Yachts has – initially in sail and then in power – brought to the market a series of game changing initiatives. It’s often true that innovative companies (think Apple or Dyson) are driven by a singular mind, a powerful creative force and vision. In the case of Wally, Luca Bassani is that man.

“I had the freedom and the possibility, the financial possibility to realise my ideas,” he told me. “When you just have the ideas, but you never have the chance to realise the ideas because you have to find the finance to do the prototype and then the product… it becomes very difficult. I had this big, big chance to be able to finance my ideas, my innovations. That freedom was extremely important, because it put us at a completely different level from any competitor.”

Luca Bassani was born to a successful Milanese business family, and his early career followed a conventional roadmap. He was educated in Milan, attending Bocconi University where he earned a PhD in Economics. He then went to London for a year, to work at the St James’s office of McKinsey & Company before returning to Italy to join the family firm, BTicino, a manufacturer of residential and industry electrical equipment, where Bassani was CFO.


The latest Wally, a 45m/148ft Frers design, is currently in build

The family sold up in 1989, and Bassani could then give more attention to his life’s real passion – and his path started to diverge from the expected. “Sailing has been my passion since I was very, very young because we were spending a lot of time in Portofino during the summer, where we had a house… I learnt everything about the sea. How to fish, how to sail, how to paddle, everything.”

Sailing roots

“My family always had a power boat and a sail boat, and when I was 12, the captain of the sail boat told me, ‘Hey, why don’t we spend more time aboard, because we are only using the boat during the weekend when your father is here?’

“I said, ‘Okay, let’s go.’ We sailed 5,000 miles during that summer and the big passion started – from there I’ve been sailing, sailing, sailing.”

Article continues below…


Frers design: The family dynasty behind some of the world’s most beautiful yachts

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Video: See inside 9 of the most amazing modern sailing superyachts

1. Aquarius The brief for Aquarius included that she should be, ‘an elegant, muscular sailing yacht with a classic profile…

The boat was an S&S 37-footer skippered by Tito Prato, and they would sail her from early in the morning to late in the evening. Soon the attention turned to racing . There were several of the top Italian boats in Portofino at the time and in 1971, when Bassani was 15, the S&S 37 was changed for a Swan 43.

“We started to race – I’m going to say seriously – but seriously for that time. Nothing to compare to what seriously means today. So, we started to build up a crew and were doing all the races in Italy, between Italy and France.”

They won the Two Ton Cup in 1972, and an Ericson 46 followed in 1973 and then in 1975 a C&C 66 called Phantom . “At that time, it was considered the first maxi,” said Bassani. “We raced two or three years with that boat. Then we went to the International 6-metre class and we had a long career and five different boats.” Bassani raced for almost 15 years in 6-metres, winning two European Championships (1986 and 1990) and placing third at the 1983 World Championships.


During this time Bassani also raced a Laser, introduced the J/24 to Italy, and then moved into the Mumm 30 when it arrived on the scene in the mid-nineties. He won the world championships at Hilton Head in 1998 and was 2nd at the Europeans the same year. It’s a long racing pedigree and, unsurprisingly, when he came to build a cruising boat for his family, he looked for speed and efficiency.

The first Wally emerges

It was the tail end of the 1980s and the International Offshore Rule (IOR) still held sway over the world’s racing fleets. “Racing boats were absolutely uncomfortable. Also, [they were] not very fast, because the handicap system was producing slow boats. At the same time, cruising boats were just following this formula. They were racing boats just transformed into cruising boats and they were again, not so comfortable… and slow.

“I knew that… there were already technologies and materials that could have made the boats much faster, much easier. That’s why I decided to choose a naval architect to design and build the boat that I had in my mind. It was the first Wallygator [named after the cartoon character], the 83-footer, designed with Luca Brenta and built by Sangermani… That was the mother of all the Wally’s, actually.

“I built that boat only for myself and my family. I didn’t have the idea of starting a company, but I really wanted a boat that could be fast and comfortable, and easy to manage. Once I launched the boat in 1991, I used it for a couple of years and I was very, very happy with it; everything was beyond my expectations, in terms of reliability, in terms of performances and easiness to use.

“I said, ‘Oh, why is nobody trying to copy this boat?’ Something that I wouldn’t say today… at that point we had sold the family company, so I had more time, more finances available, and I said, ‘OK, why not start a small business around this idea?’”

The first Wallygator was sold in 1993 to an Italian owner, becoming Mr Gecko. Luca Bassani then built another two boats to his own specification to get things moving. Wallygator II (now Nariida ) a 105ft ketch that was launched in 1994 and was sold in 1997 to a Norwegian owner. It was this boat that introduced the hydraulics-led push-button handling that enable the sweeping, open and uncluttered decks that have become synonymous with Wally design.


Bassani describes the 32m Wallygator II (now Nariida ) as “the first big sailing yacht with a modern racing hull, changing the look with a plumb bow, a very beamy hull and stern, a very flush deck and carbon fibre construction and sails”. Photo: Guy Gurney

In 1995 the ketch was followed by Genie of the Lamp , a 79-footer also sold in 1997, this time to a Swiss owner. “Between these two boats,” said Bassani, “I finally convinced the market that that was the way to go.”

The proof of that was really the first person to commission a Wally: former Chairman and CEO of L’Oreal, Sir Lindsay Owen-Jones. He saw a photo of Genie of the Lamp and knew almost instantly that it was what he wanted.

Bassani explained how Owen-Jones asked if he could test the yacht and how he then lent it to him for a week’s cruising. “He came back saying he wanted to buy the boat. I convinced him to build a sister ship, which was the first Magic Carpet .” Owen-Jones is now on his third Wally, Magic Carpet3 .


“The first new generation yacht, [ Magic Carpet 3 ] brings very high performances, but also a lot of comfort for cruising,” says Bassani. Photo: Nico Martinez

It’s an ambition that has always found its expression in the boats, through the wide range of designers and shipyards that have been involved in the Wally yachts.

“I think, let me say, sorry, but we influenced them,” said Bassani, of the designers he has worked with – a list that includes Luca Brenta, German Frers , Bill Tripp and Reichel Pugh.


Bassani in his office in Monaco in January 2019. Photo: Toni Meneguzzo

Function before form

“What is today recognised as Wally design style was a result of the systems that I wanted to build for our boats… always to be faster, to be more comfortable, to be easier to manoeuvre, easier to maintain, and the aesthetic was a result, it was not a target.

“It’s what they call the fault of function… I just applied my personal style when I was deciding that I liked that line or the other line, this kind of finish or a different finish… but it was not a target for me to do something stylish. I wanted beauty – for my eyes – but mainly very functional.”

Luca Bassani can identify three core features of the boats that have driven much of the design. The first is the sail plan. In the dying days of the IOR when the first Wallygator was designed, a big overlapping headsail and a small mainsail was the norm. “We abandoned the big, overlapping genoa because we wanted to have self-tacking and we wanted the boat to be fast.”


The serious racing side of Wally – a big fleet start at the Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup 2017. Photo: Carlo Borlenghi

That concept at that size required a carbon fibre mast. It was the only way to make a mast that would stay up without runners and an inner forestay. “If you have an inner stay, you cannot have a self-tacking [headsail],” said Bassani. The carbon fibre mast was inspired by the Kiwi big boat [KZ-1] that was built for the 1988 America’s Cup . Laurent Esquier sailed with Bassani in the 6-metre, was with the Kiwi Cup team and told him about the impressive new material.

The second and third features were the hull, and the appendages. “We wanted the boat to be wider, to be much faster reaching, but with the right appendages to have good performance… so they surf easily, but they are still very, very fast upwind. This was made possible by all the new materials, the composites, carbon fibre and titanium.” And it’s really the materials that have enabled the innovation in all these three areas and driven the journey that Wally has been on for the last 25 years.

“Innovation is based mainly on the new materials. The computer, cars, aeroplanes; it’s just the materials that have allowed the big steps forward. I come from an industry where technology and engineering are fundamental; the electrical industry, and also from the entrepreneurial philosophy of my father, who always said that the product is the company… I mean, you cannot make a product by a brand, but you can make a brand by a product. The product, in this case, is based on engineering and materials.”


The clean lines of the Wally 110 Barong D . Photo: Kurt Arrigo

An innovative future

Twenty-five years ago Bassani had to rely on himself and his team to find the materials that could drive the next innovation. “Today, there is a huge movement of people that are inventing, that are proposing new ideas and new materials. We have a position, an image in the world, and everybody looks at us as real innovators. So, we receive, practically every week, some new ideas and, at the end, we find some that are very, very interesting. So, not only do we have our own team, but we have the world helping us.

“Today, there are so many new ideas in naval architecture… they will allow it to be more sustainable, to be more comfortable, but you have to be brave enough to follow this path, otherwise you remain as everybody is now… There are innovations that will be applied both on the big displacement yachts, or in the medium semi-displacement, and in the planing yachts. In sailing, you see from the America’s Cup that there are extremely interesting new ideas about the sail plan. In a few years we will see yachts that are very, very different from today.”

I talked to Luca Bassani during the Düsseldorf boat show , not long after the announcement of the sale of Wally to Ferretti. Bassani was clear about his motives.


Photo: Toni Meneguzzo

“I realised that I didn’t have any more of the energy, the finances that the size of the market today needs, and I realised that was the moment to have a big partner. Alone, I was no longer strong enough to go on with the development of the company.

“I found, in the Ferretti group, the right mentality. A very young group of managers, very motivated, who were loving what we did. They love Wally, and they are very confident that together we could do a lot of things. So, I think this is the next step that Wally deserved to go on.

“I will be doing what I love to do. Inventing and designing, and promoting the development, promoting the innovation.”

And, let’s hope, doing it for another 25 years.

Luca Bassani on his milestone designs

“The sailing yacht would be Genie of the Lamp . On the power boat I would take the 118 Wallypower. They both looked very crazy when they were launched but, after many years, you can recognise they radically changed the industry.”


1995 – Genie of the Lamp [24m/80ft] “In terms of deck layout [this boat] changed the market. Today, practically 95% of the yachts up to a 100ft are a copy.” Photo: Guido Grugnola.


1998 – Tiketitan [27m/89ft] “ Tiketitan was the first boat with the ‘terrace on the sea’ — today, you see all of the boats, mainly the motor yachts, need to have the famous beach on the stern. There were also the metallic colours, a fully battened mainsail, and a canting keel.” Photo: Guy Gurney


2001 – Wallytender [14m/46ft] “The Wallytender opened a huge market that didn’t exist 15 years ago.” Photo: Gilles Martin-Raget


2003 – 118 Wallypower [36m] “This was commercially a flop… but in reality, everybody else in power boats then changed following the Wallypower. Both in the hull, with the vertical bow, in the superstructure and with all the glass.” Photo: Gilles Martin-Raget


2006 – Esense [44m/143ft] “It was kind of a traditional boat with the high bulwarks, and inside the bulwarks the boat is absolutely flush. So, I created a kind of open space cockpit, instead of having the usual little cockpit on the traditional big yachts.” Photo: Gilles Martin-Raget


Photo: Pedro Martinez

Luca Bassani Biography

Born: 24th November 1956

Nationality: Italian

Education:  1980, graduated in business/economics from Bocconi University, Milan, Italy; 2004, honorary degree in industrial design from the University of Architecture, Genoa, Italy.

Honours:  Two-time winner of the Compasso d’Oro (in 2004 and in 2008) – the leading industrial design award.

Inspirations: “He [Tito Prato, skipper of the family’s yacht] was my teacher. He was really the person that, more than anybody else, introduced me to the sea and to sailing, yes… and then, also, to racing.”

Career highlights and lowlights

“On the sports side, OK, I can say the things that I won; the world championships or the European championships. From the business side, it’s difficult to say because it’s a high when you are able to sell a new boat, not just because it’s new but because it’s different, it’s innovative.

“When you find a client who accepts your new idea, this is a fantastic moment, this is a real high in your career. And it’s a low when you don’t find a client accepting or understanding your new ideas. So, you cannot sell it. I mean, ideas are the base of everything for an entrepreneur, and if you’re able to sell your idea, that’s a high. If you’re not able to sell it, that’s a low.”

First published in the April 2019 issue of SuperSail World.

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ESENSE // Wally

Esense is a 43m high-performance sloop built in 2006 by wally ..

Esense has a radical design. Wally typical: No deck house appears on her flush deck and only the bare necessities. That makes her the biggest keel jolly-boat in the world. In German, we would say: Die wohl größte Kieljolle der Welt.

Her exterior lines were designed by Wally in-house by the visionary founder Luca Bassani. The naval architecture work was done by Tripp Design . Her Hall Spars rig carries a sail area of 836 m².

Esense Yacht Wally

Clean interior design on ESENSE

The interior was created by Odile Decq  from France. She gave her very modern lines compatible with her exterior design. Esense can accommodate 8 guests and a crew of 6 on cruising tours. She has three guest cabins which can be opened to the saloon. Table and seats are available for people of 10 – 12.

Esense Yacht Wally Interior

Statement by Odile Decq about the project

The interview is in French with German subtitles.

Main Specifications of ESENSE

43.70 m
8.57 m
4.20 - 6.20 m
Caterpillar 550 hp
Wally / Luca Bassani
Odile Decq
Bill Tripp


62m concept // aristotelis betsis // lürssen, nataly // benetti yachts, amels 60 // espen øino, soaring // abeking & rasmussen, legacy lc60, solarimpact – solar-powered yacht with swath technology, moonen to build a second martinique (36m), excellence // abeking & rasmussen // winch design.

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Yard : Wally
Type : Sailing yacht
Guests : 8
Crew : 6
Length : 43.7 m / 143′5″
Beam : 8.57 m / 28′2″
Draft : 4 m / 13′2″
Year of build : 2006
Classification : RINA
Maximum speed : 14 knots
Cruising speed : 12 knots
Hull : GRP
Superstructure : GRP
Interior designer : Odile Decq
Exterior designer : Wally Yachts
Water capacity : 6000
Fuel Capacity : 14000

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Deep-sea dinghy : "Esense"

Martin Hager

 ·  15.07.2012

Deep-sea dinghy: "Esense"

This yacht takes your breath away. She lies there like a rocket emerging at an angle from the water, shimmering grey-blue, mysterious, with the typical Wally bow thrust forward. The deck is wide, a centre cockpit dug in like a sandy hollow. The mast base is surrounded by huge winches. On the port and starboard ends of the deck, which is covered with long teak poles, the designers have placed two solitary helm stations, with an equally lost console between them, reminiscent of a keyboard on spindly legs. Otherwise: emptiness. Wally emptiness. Of course, the stepped terrace deck, which has long been part of the Wally standard, is not missing, as are the dark smoked glass windows looking out over the terrace onto the wake. Invented back then for "Tiketitan". The extremely wide bulwark only appears new at first glance because it was copied from old schooners. It surrounds the entire deck, turning it into a gigantic cockpit. It increases the freeboard by almost 90 centimetres and is probably also good for the dimensional stability of the hull. It leaves the stern open.

When casting off, the crew show why the deck is so conspicuously empty. Equipment for mooring, hoisting sails, trimming and everything else needed for enjoyable sailing disappears behind flaps in the bulwark. This is 60 centimetres deep. This is where the shipyard installed the bollards, the air intake for the air conditioning system, the engine compartment fans and the forecastle boxes. And this is where they installed Magic Trim, hydraulic rams for hauling the sheets and adjusting the rigging.

"Esense" in action: 900 square metres of sailcloth allow it to reach 15 knots even in light winds. | n.

The sea is like lead, we motor into more open water. And we stretch our legs: no problem doing jogging laps, because the deck is gigantic. We don't feel the engine. It operates quietly and vibration-free in the well-insulated engine compartment. Its exhaust gas is discharged under water.

Enough time to look around: At the height of the steering wheels, we discover the hydraulics behind flaps. "Trimming sails using winches," says Wally inventor Luca Bassani, "is backward and slow." Instead, Italian manufacturer Cariboni provides us with its flexible Magic Trim tackle, whose opposing rollers are pushed apart by a hydraulic ram, thus shortening the furling section extremely quickly. "'Esense' hauls and furls its sheets within seconds," says Bassani, "sensitively controlled via proportional joysticks: a light tap for slow trimming, a firm push for fast hauling and furling. All from the helm stations."

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If you have any questions about the ESENSE information page below please contact us .

A Summary of Sailing Yacht ESENSE

The sailing yacht ESENSE is a superyacht of capacious proportions. This 44 m (143 ft) luxury yacht was made by at Wally in 2006. The yacht is a recent cruising yacht. Superyacht ESENSE is a upscale yacht that can accommodate a total of 8 guests on board and has a total of 6 crew members. The firm of naval architecture whom authored this yacht's design work for this ship was Tripp Design Naval Architecture and Wally. Odile Decq was the one who saw out this boat's interior styling.

ESENSE the 43-meter (143ft) high-performance Wally sloop is characterised by innovative design both on and below deck, combining vintage and contemporary concepts. S/Y Esense has a very aggressive look, similar to that of a huge America’s Cup boat, yet offers great comfort style and space (almost 180 sqm – 2,000sqft deck space).

Building & Designing relating to Luxury Yacht ESENSE

The yacht's general design work came from Tripp Design Naval Architecture and Wally. The formal naval architect intellectual property are the products of Tripp Design Naval Architecture. Sailing Yacht ESENSE received her elegant interior designing from the interior design office of Odile Decq. Built at Wally this vessel was constructed in the known yacht building country Italy. She was officially launched in Fano in 2006 before being transferred to the owner. A fairly large feeling is manifested with a maximum beam (width) of 8.57 metres / 28.1 feet. With a 6m (19.8ft) draught (maximum depth) she is 6 (19.8 ft). The material composite was used in the building of the hull of the sailing yacht. Her superstructure above deck is created from composite. In 2007 extra refit work and modernisation was also performed.

S/Y ESENSE Engineering & Speed:

The yacht sustains a single quality CATERPILLAR diesel engine(s) and can drive at a impressive top end continuous speed at 14 knots. The main engine of the ESENSE gives 550 horse power (or 410 kilowatts). Her total HP is 550 HP and her total Kilowatts are 410. Coupled to the ESENSE engines are a single screw propeller servogear. With respect to bow thruster maneuverability she was built with Maxpower Retractable.

Superyacht ESENSE Has The Following Guest Accommodation:

With quarters for a maximum of 8 yacht guests sleeping aboard, the ESENSE accommodates everyone comfortably. Under normal conditions she uses approximately 6 able qualified crew to operate.

A List of the Specifications of the ESENSE:

Superyacht Name:Sailing Yacht ESENSE
Built By:Wally
Built in:Fano, Italian
Launched in:2006
Refitted in:2007
Length Overall:43.7 metres / 143 feet.
Waterline Length:38.1 (124.11 ft)
Naval Architecture:Tripp Design Naval Architecture and Wally, Tripp Design Naval Architecture
Designers Involved in Yacht Design:Wally
Interior Designers:Odile Decq
Hull / Superstructure Construction Material:composite / composite
Owner of ESENSE:Unknown
ESENSE available for luxury yacht charters:-
Is the yacht for sale:-
Helicopter Landing Pad:No
Material Used For Deck:teak
Class society used:RINA (Registro Italiano Navale)
Completed survey under Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) Large Yacht Code:Yes
Max yacht charter guests:8
Number of Crew Members:6
Her Engine(s) is one 550 HP / 410 kW Caterpillar. Model: 3406E DITA diesel.
Giving the combined power of 550 HP /410 KW.
Her top Speed is around 14 knots.
Fuel Capacity: 14000 L.
Fresh water: 6000.00.
Power generation: Westerbeke 2 times 45 kilowatts.
Thrusters: Maxpower Retractable.
A/C: Condaria X2.
Total Sail Size: 836 Metres Squared.
Beam: 8.57m/28.1ft.
Waterline Length (LWL): 38.1m/124.11ft.
Draught Maximum: 6m/19.8ft.
Draught minimum: 4m/13.1ft.
Yacht Type: cruising yacht.

Miscellaneous Yacht Details

The yacht was supplied with Condaria X2 air con. ESENSE features a teak deck.

ESENSE Disclaimer:

The luxury yacht ESENSE displayed on this page is merely informational and she is not necessarily available for yacht charter or for sale, nor is she represented or marketed in anyway by CharterWorld. This web page and the superyacht information contained herein is not contractual. All yacht specifications and informations are displayed in good faith but CharterWorld does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the current accuracy, completeness, validity, or usefulness of any superyacht information and/or images displayed. All boat information is subject to change without prior notice and may not be current.

Quick Enquiry

“You look around the market today and I would say that 95 per cent of yachts from 40 to 140 feet have copied Genie of the Lamp. That kind of layout, that kind of style and deck, it’s clear. I don’t think it’s too much to say that Genie has influenced the last 20 years.” - "Today, everyone has ‘invented’ the vertical bow. We didn’t invent it, it was invented in the 19th century, even before that, but when we introduced it in 2003, everyone was against it. Even the naval architects, they were saying, ‘no, this boat will have big problems’. And now everyone understands that there are a lot of advantages in having a vertical bow. And everyone is claiming they invented it!” - Luca Bassani, founder and president of Wally

ESENSE - Courtesy of Wally Yachts

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Sailing yacht Esense of Wally the older brother of Tango.

Esense, is a high performance cruising yacht that has definitively decreed the affirmation and validity of the simplified esthetics used by wally to create innovative, modern, elegant and unmistakable exteriors of its yachts., in truth, the wally esthetics was born initially to hide all the maneuvering devices on deck that can be dangerous especially if there are children among the guests that’s why the bridges of wally boats are free dishes aesthetically beautiful to see., over the years, wally has continued with its innovations, experimenting with new forms and functions, never neglecting the overall aesthetic beauty of the structure of its yachts., luca bassani, creator, founder and president of wally built esense tailored to achieve a private dream. the yacht is 43, 70 meters long was launched in 2006 but still today is one of the most exceptional sailing boats that sail our seas., unmistakable for its graceful modern and elegant lines a 143-foot sloop that can be managed by a very limited number of crew., the blanket that, as luca bassani says, “is the great novelty of this boat” has a huge space, the teak deck completely satin and free from everything there are no wells, no accessories and not even a sight-mounted chute for the helms an immense flush deck., in place of the side rail, the deck is surrounded by a particular 60-80 cm high battened area, like the large sailing ships of yesteryear and inside it runs all the maneuvers of the yacht. in view on deck we find only the twin steering wheels on the rear deck with a dashboard in the middle, where all the navigation control displays are embedded and closed and 4 robust winches under the mast., even if the esense bridge re-introduces the bulwarks of the old sailing ships, the technology is that wally’s advance with the ever present self-tacking jib and the magic trim automated system that manages all the navigation maneuvers., on the deck almost at the center of the boat between the skylight and the tree outside the maneuvering area a teak protected table is installed for 12 people with a wrapping sofa to enjoy life on board the open area and to socialize with guests , covered with two concealed bimini which, if necessary, provide the necessary shading., the hull was made entirely of carbon so the tree and this is nothing new considering that wally is known for being one of the first to adopt carbon fiber as a material for yachts., we remember wallygator which in 1991 was the first cruise yacht in the world to have a carbon mast. “seventeen tons of carbon for the hull alone, we are the biggest carbon consumers in italy …” bassani commented during the construction of the boat., among the main features of this yacht is certainly the presence of a terrace overlooking the sea at the stern with access through two side stairs that lead from the main deck on this huge platform below teak of 21 square meters that in addition to being very nice to to see is functional in fact it is used to facilitate the boarding of guests in the moorings or as a large sunbathing area as well as being the access to the main hall with its beautiful window., the downstairs descent is via a staircase that is accessed by an inn located at the stern of the mast while the second entrance is from the stern terrace through the main hall., wally conceived and developed the project, while for the water lines he asked for the collaboration of the famous designer bill tripp, founder of tripp design naval, where engineers and architects specialize in the design of yachts with exceptional performances. “my boats have to fly on water, do not sink”, is the basic principle of bill tripp., the performance of esense is exceptional, with a weak wind of about 8 knots, manages to reach 11 knots. the 57-meter carbon mast is equipped with a 17-meter boom. the sailing surface of the most stabled mainsail is 900 square meters. . the retractable keel of 48 tons allows you to adjust the draft from 6 to 4 meters., “it was a real pleasure to create something unique” commented bill trip after the works “we believe that esense is an extraordinary yacht from all points of view”, the interior design instead is the work of a famous french architect odile decq, who also designed the museum of contemporary art in rome (macro), this project was his first experience in the construction of yachts., upon specific request of the owner apart from the kitchen amidships and the owner’s suite in the bow of the mast consists of a cabin with double bed with bathroom with tub with adjoining music room and the area reserved for accommodation for 6 crew members , which is located immediately after the owner’s suite, all the interiors are modular, so that guests’ bedrooms cabins can be transformed and become part of the living area of ​​the stern and vice versa, thanks to the versatility and compatibility of the environments designed by odile decq with a style of the early ’70s, a trend that is also developing in the latest luxury motor yachts., the areas can be joined or separated by means of bulkheads or sliding doors creating environments as you want, living life on board, also depending on the guests present at that time. with this flexibility in the salon you can create up to two guest cabins and another in the middle of the boat. in total, aboard esense there is space to accommodate six guests in three cabins each with its own bathroom over the couple of owners in their suite., below deck the natural light arrives through the windows located along the perimeter of the bridge: “i wanted that below the light came oblique,” says odile decq, who designed the rooms by modulating spaces and light starting from the large aft salon with the window that gives on the terrace., the lighting system was designed in such a way that at night the direct and reflected light highlight the shapes of the hull with a truly spectacular result., the propulsion of the yacht is always guaranteed for the presence in the engine room of a 550 hp caterpillar engine that ensures a cruising speed of 12 knots and a maximum of 14 with a huge autonomy that can cross the atlantic., this boat that for some opinion of the sector would represent one of the most successful sailing boats of all time a real work of art on the sea, among other things, manageable by a few nice crew units inside and out, chosen to turn entirely the last summer film by leonardo guerranse, surely represents a reference boat for designers and shipyards of the sector also of the same brand wally., bassani himself asserts that the tango sailing yacht, the fourth in the wally 100 series launched in 2017, was awarded with the honorable mention at the compasso d’oro adi award 2018 was born from the idea developed on esense a flush deck boat with a classic curved boat and history of a time with the smooth blanket that taught us to understand what is the beauty of a boat. clearly, beauty or design is not enough to first take care of functionality, safety, comfort and maneuverability. about this, luca bassani antivari comments:, “ we will always keep our soul as a company that always brings something new and functional to the market. we never consider adventure, the experience of finished design. “, main technical characteristics.

Length ft: m 43.70 Floating length: 38.10 m Maximum beam: 8.57 m Draft: from 4.00 am to 6.00 am Displacement: t 140 Places to sleep: 2 owners, 6 guests, 6 crew Diesel: l 14,000 Water: 6000 Design: Wally Naval Architect: Tripp Design Naval

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The 5 tragic minutes that sank a superyacht

PORTICELLO, Italy — Survivors of a storm that sank a superyacht off Sicily recounted their ordeal to one of the doctors who rushed to their aid, with some saying it took mere minutes for the 180-foot ship to go down. 

Dr. Fabio Genco, head of the Palermo Emergency Medical Services, told NBC News on the phone Thursday that he arrived in the seaside village of Porticello before dawn Monday, about an hour after the $40 million Bayesian sank in the violent and sudden storm.   

Of the 22 people onboard, 15 survived despite storm conditions and darkness, climbing onto a lifeboat before being rescued by a nearby sailboat. The crew members have made no public statements so far, though some have been interviewed by investigators.

“They told me that it was all dark, that the yacht hoisted itself up and then went down,” Genco said, recounting what the survivors told him. “All the objects were falling on them. That’s why I immediately made sure, by asking them questions, if they had any internal injuries,” he said. 

It appears they had just minutes to abandon the sinking ship, Genco said. 

Divers Retrieve Bodies From Tech Tycoon Mike Lynch Yacht Sunk Off Sicily

“They told me that suddenly they found themselves catapulted into the water without even understanding how they had got there,” he said, “And that the whole thing seems to have lasted from 3 to 5 minutes.”

Giovanni Costantino, CEO of The Italian Sea Group, which owns Perini Navi, the Bayesian's shipbuilder, told Sky News that there were no flaws with the design or construction of the yacht. He said their structure and keel made boats like that “unsinkable bodies.”

In an interview with the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, he disavowed responsibility, blaming instead the actions of the crew. “Mistakes were made,” he said. 

Genco said one of his colleagues who arrived at the scene before him initially thought that only three people survived, but the coast guard reported there were other survivors and more emergency services were called in. 

When Genco arrived, he found scenes of panic and despair. 

“Unfortunately, we are used to such panic scenes because we are used to the shipwrecks that happen on Lampedusa ,” Genco said, referring to the island southwest of Sicily, where the wreckage of boats carrying migrants on the sea journey from North Africa to Italy are often found . 

Six of the passengers were declared missing Monday, and by Thursday, the bodies of five had been recovered from the wreck , some 160 feet underwater.

Among those who survived is Angela Bacares, wife of the British tech mogul Mike Lynch , whose body was recovered Thursday. 

Divers searching for six missing people following the sinking of a superyacht off Sicily in a storm have found fifth bodies.

Another survivor has been identified as Charlotte Emsley, 35. She told the Italian news agency ANSA that she had momentarily lost hold of her year-old daughter, Sofia, in the water but managed to retrieve her and hold her over the waves until a lifeboat inflated and they were pulled into safety.

Dr. Domenico Cipolla at the Di Cristina Children’s Hospital in Palermo is also part of a team of medical professionals treating the shipwreck survivors. He told the BBC on Wednesday that Emsley and her daughter, as well as the father of the child, who Cipolla said also survived, are continuing to receive psychological help. 

“Psychological support was constant and is constant even today, because basically it is the wounds of the soul that are the most in need of healing in these cases,” Cipolla said.

Genco also told NBC News that he was especially concerned about the child. “She did not understand anything. She was soaking wet and cold,” he said. 

Karsten Borner, the Dutch captain of the Sir Robert Baden Powell, a yacht that was anchored near the Bayesian, said by phone Wednesday that he saw a thunderstorm come in at around 4 a.m. local time (10 p.m. ET) Monday, followed by what looked like a waterspout, a type of tornado that forms over water. 

The International Centre for Waterspout Research noted on X that there was a “waterspout outbreak” off Italy on Monday, the day the Bayesian sank. 

All the men missing after a luxury yacht sank off Sicily -- who included UK tech tycoon Mike Lynch -- have been found, a coastguard official told.

“I turned on the engine and made maneuvers so that we wouldn’t collide with the Bayesian, which was anchored about 100 meters from us,” Borner said. “Then all of a sudden it disappeared. Then the wind calmed down, we looked around and saw a red flare.”

Borner said he got into his boat’s tender and saw a life raft with 15 people on it. Members of the crew were administering first aid. 

“I don’t know why it sank so quickly, but it may have something to do with the mast which was incredibly long,” he said. Questions have been raised about whether the mast was to blame for the accident as tall masts, even with the sails down, have more surface area exposed to the wind, which can contribute to tipping a vessel in a storm.

The CCTV footage that emerged Tuesday showed the yacht’s 250-foot mast, believed to be one of the tallest aluminum sailing masts in the world, lashed by the storm as it appears to tilt to one side before disappearing.

Claudia Rizzo is an Italy based journalist.

Claudio Lavanga is Rome-based foreign correspondent for NBC News.

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Yuliya Talmazan is a reporter for NBC News Digital, based in London.

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Body of British tech magnate Mike Lynch is among those recovered from yacht wreckage, officials say

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PORTICELLO, Sicily -- The Italian coast guard said Thursday the body of British tech magnate Mike Lynch is among those recovered off the coast of Sicily from the wreckage of a superyacht whose builders had called unsinkable.

One woman remains missing. She has not been identified, but Hannah Lynch, Lynch's 18-year-old daughter, is reportedly unaccounted for. The family had been celebrating his recent acquittal on fraud charges with the people who defended him at trial in the United States.

Five others were recovered by rescue crews following Monday's tragedy.

The Bayesian, a 56-meter (184-foot) British-flagged yacht, went down in a storm early Monday as it was moored about a kilometer (half a mile) offshore. Civil protection officials said they believe the ship was struck by a tornado over the water, known as a waterspout, and sank quickly.

Termini Imerese Public Prosecutor's Office investigators were collecting evidence for a criminal investigation, which they opened immediately after the tragedy despite no formal suspects having been publicly identified.

The chief executive of The Italian Sea Group, which owns the Bayesian's manufacturer, told AP in an interview on Thursday that superyachts like these are "designed to be unsinkable."

"And it is unsinkable not only because it is designed in this way, but also because it is a sailing ship and sailing ships are the safest ever," CEO Giovanni Costantino said.

Costantino added that "obviously they must not hit the rocks violently, discarding the hull, and they must not take in water," suggesting the second possibility was the most likely in this case.

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Investigators are now looking at why the Bayesian, built in 2008 by Italian shipyard Perini Navi, sank while a nearby sailboat remained largely unscathed. Fifteen of the 22 people aboard survived by escaping in a lifeboat, including a mother who reported holding her 1-year-old baby over the waves to save her. They were rescued by the sailboat Sir Robert Baden Powell.

The sailboat's captain, Karsten Borner, said his craft sustained minimal damage - the frame of a sun awning broke - even with winds that he estimated had reached 12 on the Beaufort wind scale, the highest hurricane-strength force on the scale.

He said he had remained anchored with his engines running to try to maintain the ship's position as the forecast storm rolled in.

"Another possibility is to heave anchor before the storm and to run downwind at open sea," Borner said in a text message. But he said that might not have been possible for the Bayesian, given its 75-meter (246-foot) tall mast.

"If there was a stability problem, caused by the extremely tall mast, it would not have been better at open sea," he said.

Yachts like the Bayesian are required to have watertight compartments that are specifically designed to prevent a rapid, catastrophic sinking even when some parts fill with water.

Lynch is the only person confirmed dead; the other bodies have not been formally identified by the Italian coast guard.

Besides Hannah Lynch, those missing are Christopher Morvillo, one of Lynch's U.S. lawyers, and his wife, Neda; Jonathan Bloomer, chairman of Morgan Stanley's London-based investment banking subsidiary, and his wife, Judy.

The body of chef Recaldo Thomas was the first to be recovered, on Monday. His death was confirmed by his family.

Divers have struggled to find the bodies in the yacht's hull on the seabed 50 meters (164 feet) underwater.

"We would need a crystal ball to know when we'll be able to find the next body," said Luca Cari, spokesperson for the fire rescue service.

"It's very difficult to move inside the wreckage. Moving just one meter can take up to 24 hours," Cari said.

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56m perini navi sailing yacht BAYESIAN yacht sinks off coast of sicily

Live updates: Seven dead in 56m superyacht Bayesian sinking tragedy

Seven people have died in the Bayesian sinking disaster, according to the BBC. These include the six missing people who were inside the yacht when it sank, as well as a seventh person who was located shortly after the disaster. The seventh person is understood to be the yacht's chef, Recaldo Thomas. The other six are:

  • British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch, once dubbed 'Britain's Bill Gates'
  • Lynch's 18-year-old daughter, Hannah
  • Morgan Stanley's chairman, Jonathan Bloomer
  • Judy Bloomer, wife of Morgan Stanley chairman
  • Chris Morvillo, a lawyer working for London-based law firm Clifford Chance
  • Neda Morvillo, an American jewellery designer and Chris' wife

It is understood that the yacht was being used to celebrate Lynch's recent victory in a 13-year £8 billion fraud acquittal.

No one remembers the mast snapping before 56m superyacht Bayesian sunk, says crew

No one recalls seeing the mast snap on board the 56-metre Perini Navi sailing yacht Bayesian which sank off the Italian island of Sicily on 19 August. The eyewitness account of a crewmember on board the vessel, which was obtained by BOAT International , said that the boat was struck by a freak weather event which led to the yacht heeling at around 20 degrees to starboard. As crewmembers were securing items, the heeling angle began to increase rapidly until the yacht started taking on water and sank rapidly.

The crewmembers who were up on deck were able to evacuate the yacht with minor injuries. The yacht is understood to have sunk in just twelve minutes, and it is believed that a "major ingress" of water from the top down would have caused the sinking, according to a captain who wishes to remain anonymous. This is based on the fact that no breaches have been reported in the yacht's hull, and the fact that the yacht should have been able to remain afloat with two flooded compartments.

"Very difficult to understand what could have overwhelmed a vessel of that size" says captain of sistership

The captain of the sistership to the sunken 56-metre Perini Navi sailing yacht Bayesian has said it is "very difficult to understand what could have overwhelmed a vessel of that size" and called the 56-metre Perini Navi series "bulletproof".

David Hutchinson, captain of Rosehearty , said he had taken the yacht around the world multiple times and he had "total faith in the boat".  "We've been to Antarctica and Chile, and we've had her in 70 knots of wind," he says, and the vessel had never put them in a situation that felt unmanageable.

However, Hutchinson noted there were differences between Bayesian and Rosehearty ; notably, Bayesian's  74-metre mast, which would have been heavier and added increased windage. The yacht's layout was also different, with guest accommodation on Bayesian located further forward.

Live updates

  • A search and rescue for six missing people has concluded. The final missing person is understood to be Hannah Lynch. 
  • According to Reuters, six bodies have now been found in the sunken yacht. These include Mike Lynch, a British technology entrepreneur who co-founded Autonomy Corporation and founded Invoke Capital, although Italian authorities have not confirmed this.  
  • One person was found immediately after the yacht sunk, and this is understood to be the yacht's chef. 
  • Lynch’s wife, Angela Bacares, and a one-year-old are among the fifteen people rescued along with Bayesian' s captain, James Cutfield.
  • Another sailing vessel in the area, the 42-metre Sir Robert Baden Powell ,  stepped in to offer assistance in the initial rescue.
  • Divers have been able to reach Bayesian' s sunken hull, which lies at 45 metres of depth about half a mile from the coast. The yacht had the largest aluminium masts of any sailing yacht on the water.
  • Eyewitnesses in the area reported "hurricane" conditions off the coast but local weather websites did not indicate any severe squall, which suggests that the weather event was not forecast.
  • At around 5am local time on 19 August, Bayesian was hit by bad weather and sunk.  The sailing yacht was anchored or idle at the time of the incident.

Built in Italy by renowned builder Perini Navi and delivered in 2008, the yacht's naval architecture was developed by Ron Holland Design while the interior design is by Rémi Tessier . She was formerly known as Salute and was last refitted in 2016. She was listed for sale earlier this year, according to BOATPro . The yacht had accommodation for nine guests and 12 crew.

BOAT International will update the story as it develops.

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43.7m  /  143'4 | wally | 2006.

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Yacht Sank in Sicily Due to ‘Endless Chain of Errors,' Ship Maker's Owner Speculates: ‘Everything Was Predictable’

"A series of activities should have been done to avoid finding oneself in that situation," argues Giovanni Costantino, who owns the firm that built the vessel in 2008

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  • Giovanni Costantino — who is the CEO of The Italian Sea Group, the company that now owns Perini Navi, which built the  Bayesian  in 2008 — blames an "endless chain of errors" for the luxury yacht’s sinking on Monday, Aug. 19
  • "Everything was predictable. I have the weather charts in front of me here," Constantino told Italian newspaper  Corriere della Sera  of the storm the boat was caught in
  • "An unsinkable ship but from the crew an endless chain of errors," the CEO claimed to the outlet

The sinking of the luxury Bayesian  yacht off the coast of Sicily this week  resulted from an "endless chain of errors" by the crew, the ship maker's CEO is speculating.

"This episode sounds like an unbelievable story, both technically and as a fact," Giovanni Costantino — who leads The Italian Sea Group, the company that now owns Perini Navi, which built the  Bayesian  in 2008 — said,  according to CNN .

While speaking to  Italian newspaper  Corriere della Sera , Costantino said he believes those on board should not have been in their cabins, as he claims they were, when the Bayesian sank in the early hours of Monday, Aug. 19. 

Many details of why the yacht went into the water so quickly remain unclear and it's not yet known what the passengers and crew were doing before tragedy struck.


The 183-foot British vessel sank around 5 a.m. local time on Monday after a "violent storm" while near Porticello, the Italian coast guard said in a statement that was previously obtained by PEOPLE.

"Everything that has been done reveals a very long sum of errors. The people should not have been in the cabins, the boat should not have been at anchor. And then why didn't the crew know about the incoming disturbance?" Costantino said in his interview, translated from Italian.

"The passengers reported an absurd thing, namely that the storm came unexpected, suddenly. It's not true. Everything was predictable. I have the weather charts in front of me here. Nothing came suddenly ... Ask yourself, why was no fisherman from Porticello out that night? A fisherman reads the weather conditions and a ship doesn't? The disturbance was fully readable in all the weather charts. One could not not know," he argued.

"An unsinkable ship but from the crew an endless chain of errors," the CEO asserted.

The coast guard has said 22 people were aboard the  Bayesian  when it sank — 12 passengers and 10 crew — and that 15 of those were subsequently rescued.

The body of the yacht's chef, Recaldo Thomas, was recovered nearby. 


Costantino's comments came as it was reported that five bodies had been found in the search for the missing six people as of Wednesday, Aug. 21, a source close to the rescue operations confirmed to PEOPLE. Authorities have said that their work is ongoing. 

An Italian government official, Massimo Mariani, reportedly named one of the dead as British tech tycoon Mike Lynch . The other bodies have not yet been publicly identified by authorities. 

Lynch was celebrating with family and friends on the yacht following his acquittal in a fraud trial in June, PEOPLE previously reported.

Costantino offered his view of how the tragedy could have been avoided: "To begin with, in a weather alert situation it was inappropriate to have, as I read, a party. Not that evening. The hull and deck needed to be secured by closing all doors and hatches, after putting the guests at the ship's meeting point as per emergency procedure. Then start the engines and pull up the anchor or release it automatically, put the bow to the wind and lower the keel.

"The next morning they would have departed with zero damage." 

Jonathan Brady/PA Images via Getty

When discussing whether the crew were at fault, Costantino reiterated to the Italian outlet that he believes "errors were made."

"A series of activities should have been done to avoid finding oneself in that situation," he said. "I as the ship's captain would have moved, but even if for some reason I had to stay there, I would have managed those weather conditions which then, let's face it, weren't so crazy."

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Costantino contended that there would have been "a zero risk if the correct maneuvers had been made and if situations that compromised the ship's stability had not occurred," adding to the newspaper that reports that the boat went down in seconds is "nonsense." He believes the yacht would have "went down" after water "started to enter" within "six minutes."

The remaining missing  Bayesian  passengers are Lynch's daughter Hannah as well as Chairman of Morgan Stanley International  Jonathan Bloomer, his wife, Judy , and New York City-based lawyer  Christopher Morvillo and his wife, Neda , sources have said.

Lynch's wife, Angela Bacares, was among those rescued, PEOPLE previously reported.

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What we know about the Bayesian superyacht that sank

The Bayesian, which capsized in the early hours of Monday, was an award-winning yacht with the second-tallest mast in the world.

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News reporter @niamhielynch

Friday 23 August 2024 12:37, UK

Pic: Perini Navi

The Bayesian, an award-winning superyacht, sank during bad weather off the coast of Sicily in the early hours of Monday.

On Thursday, authorities confirmed divers had found the bodies of British tech tycoon Mike Lynch, Morgan Stanley International boss Jonathan Bloomer, his wife Judy, and one of Mr Lynch's lawyers Chris Morvillo, and his wife Neda.

Recaldo Thomas, the on-board chef, was the first to be confirmed dead earlier this week.

Mr Lynch's wife, Angela Bacares, was rescued along with 14 others - including Charlotte Golunski, a mother who told la Repubblica she held her one-year-old baby above the waves to save her from drowning.

Mr Lynch's 18-year-old daughter Hannah is missing, but believed to be the seventh body recovered from the wreckage on Friday.

But what do we know about the ship?

The British-flagged 56-metre ship - previously called the Salute - was built in 2008 by Italian shipyard Perini Navi, and refitted in 2020.

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Hannah Lynch

Lynch family 'devastated' and being 'comforted by friends' after deadly superyacht sinking

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How is the sinking of Mike Lynch's Bayesian superyacht being investigated?

News of the sinking left CEO of The Italian Sea Group Giovanni Costantino in ‘sadness on the one hand and disbelief on the other’.

Superyacht boss asks why Bayesian crew were not in 'state of alert' for storm

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Its 72-metre mast was the world's tallest aluminium mast, and the second-tallest overall. The yacht could reach a maximum speed of 15 knots and weighed 543 tonnes.

The French design house Remi Tessier fitted out the Japanese-style interior decor, with touches of light and dark beige and dark wood furnishings, as well as a teak deck.

Pic: Danny Wheelz

It won the best exterior styling at The World Superyacht Awards in 2009, and best interior at the International Superyacht Society Awards 2008.

It had six guest bedrooms - one master, three doubles, and two twins - holding 12 people, and could carry another 10 crew members.

Pictures show air conditioning units in several of the bedrooms, which could counter expert claims open windows may have caused water to rush in and tip the boat over faster. says it was owned by a firm called Revtom Limited. Mike Lynch's wife, Ms Bacares, is named as the sole shareholder of the firm on company documents.

Read more from Sky News: Lynch's co-defendant dies after being hit by car We can learn from Lynch's unsuccessful prosecution

The yacht's name would resonate with Mr Lynch because his PhD thesis and the software that made his fortune involved a statistical method known as Bayesian inference, based on an 18th-century theory, which helps forecasters predict outcomes more reliably.

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It was listed for rent for up to €195,000 (£166,000) a week, according to online charter sites.

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Who Was on the Sunken Yacht? Tech Mogul Mike Lynch, His Family and Friends.

Mr. Lynch, the former chief executive of the software firm Autonomy, who was acquitted on fraud charges in June, was with friends and family when the yacht went down in a severe storm.

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Mike Lynch, in a suit and carrying a leather briefcase, is walking toward a building.

By Michael J. de la Merced

Michael de la Merced reported on Mike Lynch’s career and legal battles over the course of 13 years across two continents.

A cruise on the Mediterranean Sea aboard a superyacht was supposed to be a celebratory event for the British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch , who was acquitted in June of fraud charges tied to the sale of his company, Autonomy, to the tech giant Hewlett-Packard.

Instead, it turned into a disaster after the yacht, a 180-foot boat called the Bayesian, sank off the coast of Sicily in a violent storm. Of the 22 people aboard, 15 were rescued and seven others died . Search operations ended on Friday after the final body was recovered from the site of the sunken yacht .

Here’s what we know about the passengers.

Mike Lynch and his family

Mr. Lynch, 59, is a British software entrepreneur who had once been described as his country’s Bill Gates. He founded the software firm Autonomy, which analyzed clients’ unorganized data, and turned it into one of the most prominent British technology companies of its time. He became a widely known corporate leader, who advised David Cameron, the British prime minister at the time, and joined the board of the BBC.

In 2011, Mr. Lynch sold Autonomy to Hewlett-Packard for $11 billion, which was far above its market value, earning him hundreds of millions. But HP investors almost immediately soured on the transaction, and the American tech giant quickly fired its chief executive — and then Mr. Lynch.

HP later accused Mr. Lynch of misleading it about the state of Autonomy’s business, setting off a decade-long legal ordeal for the British executive, who denied the accusations. U.S. prosecutors charged him and other executives with fraud, and Autonomy’s chief financial officer was convicted in 2018.

Despite appeals to the British government, Mr. Lynch was extradited to the United States last year and was confined to a townhouse in San Francisco ahead of his criminal trial, which began in March. Facing the possibility of decades in prison if convicted, Mr. Lynch and another colleague were instead acquitted of all charges.

An official in Palermo, Sicily’s capital, said on Thursday that Mr. Lynch’s body had been recovered. His wife, Angela Bacares, 57, accompanied him on the yacht, and she was rescued on Monday when it sank. She was a consistent presence at his trial in the United States. Records show that she controlled Revtom, the company listed as the owner of the Bayesian.

The body of Hannah Lynch , Mr. Lynch and Ms. Bacares’s 18-year-old daughter, was thought to be recovered on Friday.

The other guests

Jonathan Bloomer, 70, chair of Morgan Stanley’s international arm and the chairman of Hiscox, an insurance provider that trades on the London Stock Exchange, was on the yacht when it sank, along with his wife, Judy Bloomer, 71. Their bodies are thought to be among those recovered, but Italian authorities have not identified them.

Christopher J. Morvillo, 59, a New York-based partner at the international law firm Clifford Chance, was also on the yacht. A former federal prosecutor who comes from a family of prominent lawyers, Mr. Morvillo represented Mr. Lynch during his criminal trial in San Francisco. His wife, Neda, 57, was with him on the yacht. Their bodies are also assumed to be among those recovered.

“We are in shock and deeply saddened by this tragic incident,” a representative of Clifford Chance said in a statement.

Surviving passengers rescued from the yacht include Charlotte Golunski, a partner at Mr. Lynch’s venture firm, Invoke Capital; Ms. Golunski’s husband, James Emslie; and their one-year-old daughter Sophie. Also rescued were Ayla Ronald, a lawyer at Clifford Chance, and her partner, Matthew Fletcher.

The yacht had a crew of 10, and nine were rescued. The body of the chef, Recaldo Thomas, was recovered from the water, the Sicilian Civil Protection Department said.

Elisabetta Povoledo contributed reporting, and Kitty Bennett and Susan Campbell Beachy contributed research.

Michael J. de la Merced has covered global business and finance news for The Times since 2006. More about Michael J. de la Merced


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