The Enchanting Sea Witch




E-Mail Directory


of the Sea Witch

"Heritage of a Sea Witch"

Perhaps Angelman - WILBO's
most famous boat


with the available on DVD from .


In the webmaster's considerably biased opinion, if any boat ever deserved its own home page it would be Hugh Angelman's 36 foot auxiliary ketch, the Sea Witch – a boat that not only became a classic, but (in spite of the relatively small number that have been built), went on to win the Trans Pac race and become a "class" in itself – known as the "Sea Witch Class." It is a boat that has never since been equaled, much less surpassed, for romantic appearance and living space and comfort in a small cruising design.

This is a "One Boat" (or, rather, one design), web site. It's "my boat" only in the sense that I've had a long and ongoing  Love Affair with the design. Many others have fallen under the spell of Sea Witch too, and this site is intended as a place where they can all come together.

As fellow Sea Witch admirer, Greg Jordan (owner of the Sea Spirit, Lobo de Mar ), has put it, Sea Witch is, "... not merely a boat but a piece of art that evokes a romantic desire to break free from all the pomp and pretense..." (see quote at greater length below )

Sea Witch owners and other interested parties are invited to participate in this web page by submitting photos and information about their Sea Witch. If you have something to contribute to the Sea Witch Home Page, please feel free to make submissions by email in care of this webmaster at:

w [email protected] .

This site will remain under construction for the foreseeable future. And separate pages featuring photos, articles, and comments will be added from time to time. If you send material or information about a Sea Witch, be sure to let me know if you "don't" want your email address posted with your material or comments on this site.

Though this is a non-commercial web site, I do have an ulterior motive. I'm in hopes of eventually finding (and maybe obtaining), a set of p lans of the SEA WITCH . It is hoped we can make it possible that future Sea Witches will be built and Hugh Angelman and Charles Davies' crowning artistic achievement will be materially immortalized.


Hugh Angelman designed Sea Witch in 1937. Stephen Carlson (owner of the American Marine built, Sea Quest ), tells me that Dave Lee was Angelman's original collaborator on the design, but was apparently one of those invisible helping hands, and Charles Davies later became the acknowledged co-designer.

Angelman built the original Sea Witch for himself in 1939 at his Wilmington Boat Works in Wilmington, California, and sailed her for a year and a half before selling her. According to Dorothy Douglas:

"He found her to be comfortable at all times and with a fair turn of speed particularly on a reach. He failed to realize her fatal charm however, until he had sold her. Oh but the lucky fellow that he is, he built a duplicate, the Sea Rover, just able to launch before turning his ship yard over to work for the Navy. He said, 'Since I couldn't improve on her, I built a second Sea Witch.'" and Dorothy added, "We wonder if that could be possible."

Apparently Haldane and Dorothy Douglas were the ones who bought the Sea Witch from Angelman (or WILBO), and Dorothy penned an article about Sea Witch in an early magazine article (quoted in previous paragraph), the clipping of which remains in my possession. Unfortunately, the article was clipped but the identity and date of the magazine was not preserved (circa early 1940s).

The second Sea Witch, completed in 1941, was named Sea Rover and Angelman kept this one for many years. He and his wife, Leslie, made it their home in the late 1950s and early 1960s.

As shown above, the Sea Witch initially had only a single bowsprit, but Angelman decided to go the extra mile with the Sea Rover and put a double bowsprit on her. The owners of Sea Witch had him refit it the same fashion, so the two boats became true twins. Dorothy Douglas' article included the above photo by W. C. Sawyer, as well as the famous shot of the Sea Rover and Sea Witch (right, below) side by side, with Hugh Angelman between – with Sea Witch newly fitted out with bowsprit and jibboom.

The Sea Witch placed remarkably well in the 1949 and 1951 Transpac races from California to Honolulu, winning the 1951 race on corrected time. Stephen Carlson, of the Sea Quest, has dug up the headline from the TIME/CNN archives: 

" Sea Witch Wins LA to Honolulu Race July 30, 1951, 2,225 miles, 14 days, 14 hours, 46 minutes."

That surprised a good many people, and sparked a great deal of interest in the design. It became a "class" in itself, and orders for more of the same started coming in. Additionally, Angelman and Davies sold several sets of plans to amateur boat builders.

Including those first two Sea Witches, about thirty have been built over the years. A few more of this design were built at Wilmington Boat Works. Some hull and keel design changes were made in the plans dated 1956 and most Sea Witches built afterwards, including the Golden Hind (built in 1959), have a reconfigured keel and forefoot.

American Marine in Hong Kong built close to a dozen in 1960-61 – more than any other yard. Cheoy Lee, also of Hong Kong, built half a dozen or so. Others were built in Taiwan, Vietnam, Denmark, and an undetermined number have been built by amateurs, mostly in the United States.

and . The Sea Forth was in the Tahiti scenes and the Southern Cross in the California scenes. The movie is a Factor - Newland Production, owned by CBS).




, has informed us that the Driscolls' is now available on DVD from .


Herb and Nancy Payson shucked their shore jobs and spent the next few years cruising with their children aboard their Sea Foam . Herb's books Blown Away (shown here with two dust jackets) and You Can't Blow Home Again , written as only Herb could, tell of their adventures and misadventures sailing the broad Pacific. Both books, as well as Herb's Advice to the Sealorn , can be found at

, with a fictitious Sea Mist in a star role. Get details at his website at:

The original Sea Witch is still sailing, and is presently owned by Henry and Barbara Whittier, home ported in Florida. The Sea Rover doesn't appear in the registry, and we were told she sunk in Ala Wai Yacht Basin, Honolulu. Robby Coleman has told us she is was salvaged and is now in Kauai. Many others are still around too.      It seems no Sea Witches have been built since 1974, mainly due to the growing popularity of plastic production designs and the increasing expense of building quality wooden boats. And there is one other very prominent reason – Sea Witch plans have not been available for many decades.

See Robby Coleman's "Heritage of a Sea Witch" The "autobiography" of the Southern Cross Cross.htm


First and foremost, I'm dedicating this site to the men who gave us the Sea Witch – "The Grand Old Man of Pacific Yachting," himself, Hugh Angelman (1886 – 1967), and to his long time business partner, and Sea Witch co-designer, Charles Davies ( – 1998). Both of these men have long passed into better cruising grounds, but their generous legacy lives on in many boats, hearts, and minds.

  , dated March, April, and May of 1991. Contributed by Greg Jordan

The AOA published a newsletter called the Angelman News (Sent out from Pier 2, Berth 54, Long Beach, CA). Perhaps a web based version will someday be resurrected.

Well over a decade ago, Cynthia Curtis, then Research Associate for the WoodenBoat magazine (upon receiving my query about the availability of Sea Witch plans), sent me a packet of photocopies of several magazine articles featuring the Sea Witch. She filled in several gaps in my Sea Witch file. She didn't know whether the plans were available, but provided Charles Davies' address as a probable source for information. Ms. Curtis's effort, I'm sure, went far above and beyond the call of duty, and I remain most appreciative.

And, in addition to all who have written or published articles about the Sea Witch down through the years, I'd like to acknowledge WoodenBoat magazine itself, and its editors, along with writers Robby Coleman (owner of the Southern Cross), and Thomas G. Skahill, for the excellent article that appeared in WoodenBoat No. 147 (March/April 1999), entitled "The Grand Old Man of Pacific Yachting, the Enduring West Coast Legacy of Hugh Angelman" – and the "Pure SEA WITCH" sidebar by "RJC" (Robby Coleman), which included a drawing of the original 1937 lines of the Sea Witch – the first I had seen, and perhaps the first ever published. (See Robby & Lorraine Coleman's Web Site at: ).

In 2005, I made the email acquaintance of Stephen Carlson, owner of Sea Quest (which he presently lives aboard in the San Francisco Bay area). Stephen sent me a considerable amount of helpful material including many fine photos of his beautifully restored boat. Perhaps more than anything else, Stephen caused me to create this web site. Until he sent me photos of his boat, the idea of a Sea Witch web site had just been another of those "something that ought to be" notions languishing in the back of my mind.

Last, but not least, I must acknowledge my late father, James R. Carr, who (in spite of remaining firmly anchored far inland in the Heartland), initially opened my eyes to the "world out there," and to cruising sail. He introduced me to Slocum and several other early world cruisers, showed me the fundamentals of celestial navigation and yacht design, and provided me with the books that still make up a large part of my cruising and boat designing and building library. And, of course, he introduced me to the Sea Witch.


At the time this site was launched, this landlocked webmaster had had contact with only one Sea Witch owner. Since then he has had the pleasure of meeting (via email), several other members of the Sea Witch and "Angelman" communities. All have offered encouragement and had something of interest to contribute.

Since I am endeavoring to keep the focus of this site strictly on the Sea Witch (rather than the much broader "Angelman/Davies/WILBO community"), some of the contributions have not been transformed into content on this site – but they are nonetheless very welcome and much appreciated. I'd particularly like to acknowledge the contributions of the following individuals:

Stephen Carlson, owner of Sea Quest David and Janet Peters, former owner's of the Sea Mist . Greg Jordan, former owner of the Sea Spirit, Lobo de Mar George Hylkema, owner of the Sea Dragon Robby and Lorraine Coleman, owners of the Southern Cross Dr. Ted Nolan Thompson, former owner of Sea Belle Dwight Alderdyce, owner of the Hestviken Barbara and Henry Whittier, owners of Sea Witch Godwin Pelissero, Jr., son of former owners, Godwin, Sr. and Deborah Pelissero, contributed photos of Sea Witch . William Heritage, former owner of the Leeway, featured on the ( WILBO Page) Dave Lee, Jr., contributed photos for the WILBO and Sea Queen Pages. Beth Campbell and Jeff Berg, co-owners of   Hannah Girl Gary Gero, owner of the Sea Pirate Barbara (Buchanan) Medders, contributed to WILBO page. Anita C. Mason, contributed to WILBO page. Robin (Carlson) Miles, contributed to WILBO page. Roger Marlin, former owner of the Golden Hind , has contributed images of the 1956 Sea Witch Plans . Mark Robertson, owner of the Sea Mist , has contributed images of the 1956 Sea Witch Plans .

And thanks to all of the Sea Witch owners who have contributed photos and information for display on the various individual Sea Witch pages featured on this site.


[email protected]

Webmaster: William R. Carr

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Ocean Navigator

Clipper ship Sea Witch

A Nineteenth Century oil painting of Sea Witch by an unknown Chinese artist.

A lthough it wasn’t the first clipper ship to be designed and built in New York, Sea Witch is one of the ships that marks the advent of the great clipper ship era in America. During a relatively short period of time, from the mid 1840s to perhaps a decade later, the rise of naval design, as evidenced in the design of clipper ships, transformed American shipping, propelling American ship design into world preeminence.  

All of this primarily occurred in just two places: Boston and New York. In Boston Donald McCay was making a name for himself with ships like Stag Hound , Sovereign of the Seas , Westward Ho and, of course, the great Flying Cloud . In New York John Willis Griffiths, was perhaps the first to approach the subject of ship design with a mathematical scientific approach, as evidenced by his design of Sea Witch .

Griffiths’ radicalized ship design by rejecting the prevailing concept of “a cod’s head, mackerel tail” shape of a ship that the British used for genrations, excellent for cargo-carrying but deficient in speed.  

Griffiths’ design hollowed out the bows, narrowed the stern and had fine runs aft; his ships would be fast. The first of these ships, Rainbow , was built for the China trade. The owners delayed Rainbow’ s completion for more than a year, beleiving it would be a disaster.

Rainbow was launched in 1845, departed for China and returned to New York in a record time of seven months, 17 days for the round trip.

It was Griffiths next design, Sea Witch , that cemented his reputation. Built in 1846, Sea Witch , was the gold standard of the clipper ship era. Designed to carry porcelain and tea, Sea Witch was 192 feet LOA with a 43-foot beam and a main mast 140 feet tall.  

In March of 1849 Sea Witch , with Capt. Robert Waterman in command, sailed into New York from Hong Kong two weeks before it was expected. A 14,000-nautical mile passage in 74 days and 14 hours, a record so substantial it was only eclipsed by a multihull sailboat in 2003.

It was just one of many fast passages. Sea Witch went on to earn its owners substantial profit.  

When gold was discovered in California, Sea Witch established the short-lived record from New York to San Francisco of 97 days, the first vessel to do so in less than 100 days. In 1854, that record was beaten by Flying Cloud , which made the passage in 89 days, 8 hours.  

By the end of the 1850s, Sea Witch was consigned to carrying steerage passengers from China to Cuba. The clipper ran aground off Havana in 1856.

Let’s join Captain Waterman for a noon sight aboard Sea Witch . It is February10 (use the 2022 almanac) and Sea Witch is bound for New York. The height of eye is 20 feet and Waterman is taking an upper limb sight of the sun as it crosses his meridian. The DR puts the ship at S 25° 22’ by W 18° 25’. The Hs of the sun is 79° 18’.

A. What is the time of meridian passage? B. What is the Ho? C. What is the latitude?

Answers: A. Meridian passage is 13:27:40 GMT B. Ho is 78° 57.4’ C. Latitude is S 25° 17.3’

Angleman Sea Witch Ketch

The URL for this page is

Sea Witch Ketch Added 17-May-2024

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Postcards From the Edge

Sea Witch 36 Sailboat Review

sea witch sailboat

Built by Cheoy Lee Shipyard and designed by Hugh Angelman, the Sea Which is a 36-foot ketch that not only became a classic but (in spite of the relatively small number that has been built), went on to win the Trans Pac race and become a “class” in itself – known as the “Sea Witch Class.” It is a boat that has never since been equaled, much less surpassed, for romantic appearance and living space and comfort in a small cruising design.

American Marine in Hong Kong built close to a dozen in 1960-61 – more than any other yard. Cheoy Lee, also of Hong Kong, built half a dozen or so. Others were built in Taiwan, Vietnam, Denmark, and an undetermined number have been built by amateurs, mostly in the United States.

The original Sea Witch is still sailing, and is presently owned by Henry and Barbara Whittier, home ported in Florida.

It seems no Sea Witches have been built since 1974, mainly due to the growing popularity of plastic production designs and the increasing expense of building quality wooden boats.

Sea Witch 36 Sailboat

Sea Witch 36 Sailboat Specifications

  • Hull Type: Long Keel
  • Rig Type: Staysail Ketch
  • Length Over All: 36 ft
  • Length at Waterline: 32 ft
  • Beam: 13.25 ft
  • Total Sail Area: 821 sq ft
  • Draft: 5.5 ft
  • Displacement: 22000 lbs.

Ships Captain The Dread Pirate Dave

David is the Editor in Chief of Postcards From the Edge. I was born on a cold November morning on the showy plains of Colorado. Like my father, before me, I am an American Nomad.

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Sea Witch Angelman

The sea witch angelman is a 35.75ft staysail ketch designed by hugh angelman/charles davies and built in wood by wilmington boat works / american marine hong kong / cheoy lee hong kong / other yards between 1937 and 1974., 30 units have been built., it accomodates 8 people in 2 cabins plus salon..

The Sea Witch Angelman is a heavy sailboat which is a reasonably good performer. It is stable / stiff and has a good righting capability if capsized. It is best suited as a bluewater cruising boat.

Sea Witch Angelman sailboat under sail

Sea Witch Angelman for sale elsewhere on the web:

sea witch sailboat

Main features

Model Sea Witch Angelman
Length 35.75 ft
Beam 13.25 ft
Draft 5.50 ft
Country United states (North America)
Estimated price $ 0 ??

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sea witch sailboat

The Angelman Sea Witch website by William R Carr

sea witch sailboat

See how Sailboatlab works in video

Sail area / displ. 16.80
Ballast / displ. 0 %
Displ. / length 306.86
Comfort ratio 33.05
Capsize 1.90
Hull type Monohull long keel
Construction Wood
Waterline length 31.75 ft
Maximum draft 5.50 ft
Displacement 22000 lbs
Ballast 0 lbs
Hull speed 7.55 knots

sea witch sailboat

We help you build your own hydraulic steering system - Lecomble & Schmitt

Rigging Staysail Ketch
Sail area (100%) 821 sq.ft
Air draft 0 ft ??
Sail area fore 0 sq.ft ??
Sail area main 0 sq.ft ??
I 0 ft ??
J 0 ft ??
P 0 ft ??
E 0 ft ??
Nb engines 1
Total power 0 HP
Fuel capacity 0 gals


Water capacity 0 gals
Headroom 0 ft
Nb of cabins 2
Nb of berths 8
Nb heads 2

Builder data

Builder Wilmington Boat Works / American Marine Hong Kong / Cheoy Lee Hong Kong / other yards
Designer Hugh Angelman/Charles Davies
First built 1937
Last built 1974
Number built 30

sea witch sailboat

Hugh Angelman's Bio

sea witch sailboat

Wilmington Boat Works shipbuilding history

sea witch sailboat

American Marine Ltd boatyard

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Review of Sea Witch

Basic specs..

The hull is made of wood.

The boat equipped with a ketch rig. A ketch rig is generally considered easier to handle, because the sails are smaller, and because it can sail on most points to the wind with one sail completely taken down for repair or while reefing. The sail configuration of a ketch allows for better comfort and stability when sailing downwind or on a broad reach.

The Sea Witch is equipped with a long keel. A full keel provide a better directional stability than a similar boat with a fin keel; on the other hand, better directional stability means also that the boat is more difficult to handle in a harbour with less space.

The boat can enter most marinas as the draft is just about 1.68 - 1.78 meter (5.51 - 5.81 ft) dependent on the load. See immersion rate below.

Sailing characteristics

This section covers widely used rules of thumb to describe the sailing characteristics. Please note that even though the calculations are correct, the interpretation of the results might not be valid for extreme boats.

What is Capsize Screening Formula (CSF)?

The capsize screening value for Sea Witch is 1.89, indicating that this boat could - if evaluated by this formula alone - be accepted to participate in ocean races.

What is Theoretical Maximum Hull Speed?

The theoretical maximal speed of a displacement boat of this length is 7.6 knots. The term "Theoretical Maximum Hull Speed" is widely used even though a boat can sail faster. The term shall be interpreted as above the theoretical speed a great additional power is necessary for a small gain in speed.

The immersion rate is defined as the weight required to sink the boat a certain level. The immersion rate for Sea Witch is about 262 kg/cm, alternatively 1467 lbs/inch. Meaning: if you load 262 kg cargo on the boat then it will sink 1 cm. Alternatively, if you load 1467 lbs cargo on the boat it will sink 1 inch.

Sailing statistics

This section is statistical comparison with similar boats of the same category. The basis of the following statistical computations is our unique database with more than 26,000 different boat types and 350,000 data points.

What is Motion Comfort Ratio (MCR)?

What is L/B (Length Beam Ratio)?

What is Displacement Length Ratio?

SA/D (Sail Area Displacement ratio) Indicates how fast the boat is in light wind: - Cruising Boats have ratios 10-15 - Cruiser-Racers have ratios 16-20 - Racers have ratios above 20 - High-Performance Racers have ratios above 24 Sail-area/displacement ratio (SA/D ratio): 16.73


When buying anti-fouling bottom paint, it's nice to know how much to buy. The surface of the wet bottom is about 28m 2 (301 ft 2 ). Based on this, your favourite maritime shop can tell you the quantity you need.

If you need to renew parts of your running rig and is not quite sure of the dimensions, you may find the estimates computed below useful.

Jib sheet 10.9 m(35.8 feet)14 mm(0.55 inch)
Genoa sheet10.9 m(35.8 feet)14 mm(0.55 inch)
Mainsheet 27.2 m(89.4 feet)14 mm(0.55 inch)
Spinnaker sheet24.0 m(78.7 feet)14 mm(0.55 inch)

This section is reserved boat owner's modifications, improvements, etc. Here you might find (or contribute with) inspiration for your boat.

Do you have changes/improvements you would like to share? Upload a photo and describe what you have done.

We are always looking for new photos. If you can contribute with photos for Sea Witch it would be a great help.

If you have any comments to the review, improvement suggestions, or the like, feel free to contact us . Criticism helps us to improve.

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Hugh Angelman

The best biography I’ve seen can be found at the link listed here.

4 Sailboats designed by Hugh Angelman

sea witch sailboat

Island Trader 38

sea witch sailboat

Sea Witch (Angelman)

sea witch sailboat

Mayflower 40

sea witch sailboat

Magellan 36

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SEA WITCH (ANGELMAN) Detailed Review

If you are a boat enthusiast looking to get more information on specs, built, make, etc. of different boats, then here is a complete review of SEA WITCH (ANGELMAN). Built by Cheoy Lee Shipyard and designed by Charles Davies, the boat was first built in 1937. It has a hull type of Long Keel and LOA is 10.9. Its sail area/displacement ratio 16.80. Its auxiliary power tank, manufactured by undefined, runs on undefined.

SEA WITCH (ANGELMAN) has retained its value as a result of superior building, a solid reputation, and a devoted owner base. Read on to find out more about SEA WITCH (ANGELMAN) and decide if it is a fit for your boating needs.

Boat Information

Boat specifications, sail boat calculation, contributions, who designed the sea witch (angelman).

SEA WITCH (ANGELMAN) was designed by Charles Davies.


SEA WITCH (ANGELMAN) is built by Cheoy Lee Shipyard.

When was SEA WITCH (ANGELMAN) first built?

SEA WITCH (ANGELMAN) was first built in 1937.


SEA WITCH (ANGELMAN) is 9.68 m in length.

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What is it like to own a Snark Sunchaser?

The following was copied from the Snark Sailboat Owners Group discussion on Yahoo.  The topic was the Snark Sunchaser:

RE:  Snark Sunchaser / Lockley Sea Witch Sailboat

I can bring someone along for the adventure with plenty of room to spare for even someone else and all that is needed for a day's long adventure. These boats main drawback is that it takes more initiative to handle them off the water. 

With a cart and load bar extensions it is very manageable for one person in moving them to and from storage, and loading on top of a vehicle. And they are light enough that a simple rope and pulley system can be used to lift them up for overhead storage. I'd just be sure to have straps secured overhead for the boat to rest on with the pulley system used only for lifting, lowering, and supplemental storage is no problem for two people to load her on top of  a car that has wide enough load bars ( 5 foot )."

-- Walt (an owner talking about his beloved Sea Witch, which is the same as a Snark Sunchaser II).

In an earlier post he had this to say:

sailing session by Sunday afternoon. It was a little on the chill side over here in SE Michigan on Stony Creek lake, but the winds were spirited enough I think I even had the old witch
planing on a couple of reaches."

Like other Snarks, Sunchasers last a long time.  

This one is from decades ago, when it was called  the Lockley Sea Witch -- Same design and materials, just different name.  It's an old boat, but these are 2012 photos posted by "Walt" to the Yahoo Snark Sailboat Owners Group discussion board.


After more than 20 years of bringing pleasure and adventure to hundreds of salty charterers, Captain John and Sea Witch are going cruising - full time!  It has been a delight and a privilege to sail with you over the years. Thank you for all your help hoisting the sails and sharing all those wonderful sunsets. Keep a “Weather Eye” out for us in ports around the world.  

Fair winds, Capt. John Stephenson

Copyright © 2024 Sea Witch Sailing Charters - All Rights Reserved.

sea witch sailboat

Snark Sailboats

Snark's History

Snark product line through the years.

Sea Snarkactive model
Super Snarkactive model
Sunflower (prior to 1973)discontinued
Sunflower (1982 model)discontinued
Sunflower (1974 to 1981 & 1983 to current)renamed Sunflower 3.3, active model
Sea Skimmercurrent model
Sunchaser Icurrent model
Sunchaser IIcurrent model
Sundancerdiscontinued in 1984
Super Snark IIdiscontinued in 1984
Sandpiper 100discontinued in 1984
Super Scamper 115discontinued in 1984
Windsailerdiscontinued in 1982
Mach IIdiscontinued in 1982
Hookerdiscontinued in 1981
Super Scamper 101discontinued in 1979
Sandpiper 55discontinued in 1979
Sandpiper 60discontinued in 1979
Mayflowerdiscontinued in 1979
Wildflowerdiscontinued in 1979
Mach Vdiscontinued in 1979
Triumph Trimarandiscontinued in 1973
Moby Dinkdiscontinued in 1973


printed a statement concerning her �peculiar model and sharp bows [that] have for the past few months attracted so much attention.�  The article went on to state that �the SEA WITCH is, for a vessel of her size, the prettiest vessel we have ever seen, and much resembles the model of the steamer GREAT BRITAIN, only on a smaller scale.� 

described the particulars:


, where Captain Lang assumed command.  His command was short, however, as SEA WITCH continued on to



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Sea Witch

Historical Summary:

Sea Witch was originally used as a  lifeboat in the early 1900's in the San Francisco  Bay. She was later moved up to Everett, WA in the 1950's and refurbished  into  the cruiser she is today.

Sea Witch was originally built in 1906 from British lifeboat plans. She was the first motor powered lifeboat in San Francisco in 1907. She was retired from the Coast Guard in 1913, and the house was added in 1937.

Boat Images

Sea Witch (2023)

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For Year 2001 Information on Sea Witch , Please See

Project sea witch, introduction: executive summary, project sea witch : american clipper ship rediviva.

by Richard Linton
2 THE VISION Part 1 The Building
Part 2 Ship Operations
Part 3 The Ship Enshrined


2 the vision part 1: building the ship.

It could happen only in America. The identical clipper ship replicated exactly 150 years later. And handsomely carved and beautifully gilded on her graceful transom gleam four simple words:


2 the vision part 3: the ship enshrined, 3 order of priorities.

SEVENTH: Upon the completion of her stated mission, the vessel will be permanently enshrined as a monument to that great age of sail when we knew no equal on the oceans of the world. Alexander Laing pointed out in his book The Sea Witch , "When calling her the finest of clippers, I am guided likewise by the fact that several larger ships were built specifically to beat her, none of which was able to do so..." Among her many achievements are two unmatched sailing ship records home with tea from China followed by another astounding record-breaking passage from New York to San Francisco Bay just seven weeks before California became the thirty-first state td join the Union in 1850.


5 project conclusion, 6 construction timetable and costs.

Register 170'3" x 33'll" x 19'O"
Construction Wood 
Rig Ship
Length on Deck l78.lft 
Waterline  165.0 ft
Beam Molded 33.0 ft
Depth Molded 21.5 ft
Draft Loaded 16.5 ft
Displacement 1110.9 tons 
Sail Area 19007.0 sq ft


8 california's sesquicentennial, 9 the national maritime historical society, 10 the american clipper trust, 11 the project builder and manager, 12 project summary and evaluation.

Financial projections indicate full return of the initial investment in both cash and kind after fourteen months of operation and increasing many times over the five year period. The project's quintessential value lies in its unusual combination of beauty, science, and commerce; the very same ingredients that led to the birth of the original ships. It has academic value, historic importance, great public interest, and the ship is destined to enjoy enduring recognition and substantial returns far beyond the original investment on every level. The project has indeed every characteristic to make it an overwhelming success.



Version 1.03, 7 Sep 2018


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    SEA WITCH (ANGELMAN) Save to Favorites . Beta Marine. BOTH. US IMPERIAL. METRIC. Sailboat Specifications Definitions Hull Type: Long Keel: Rigging Type: Staysail Ketch: LOA: 35.75 ft / 10.90 m ... Kelsall Sailing Performance (KSP): Another measure of relative speed potential of a boat. It takes into consideration "reported" sail area ...

  2. Hugh Angelman's SEA WITCH

    INTRODUCTION TO THE SEA WITCH HOME PAGES. In the webmaster's considerably biased opinion, if any boat ever deserved its own home page it would be Hugh Angelman's 36 foot auxiliary ketch, the Sea Witch - a boat that not only became a classic, but (in spite of the relatively small number that have been built), went on to win the Trans Pac race and become a "class" in itself - known as the ...

  3. Sea Witch (Angelman)

    Sea Witch (Angelman) is a 35′ 9″ / 10.9 m monohull sailboat designed by Hugh Angelman and Charles Davies and built by Cheoy Lee Shipyard between 1937 and 1970.

  4. 1960 American Marine Seawitch Ketch

    Sea Forth turns heads whether she is underway, anchored, or participating in boat parades. She was chosen for the movie "Overboard" in 1978, starring Angie Dickinson and Cliff Robertson, for the parts filmed in Tahiti. This is a true world cruiser. Entering through the companionway, there is a hanging locker to starboard.

  5. Sea Witch (clipper)

    Sea Witch was an American clipper ship designed by naval architect John W. Griffiths for the China trading firm of Howland & Aspinwall. ... 2013, Sea Witch continues to hold the Hong Kong-New York record for a monohulled sailing vessel. [7] Voyages. Clipper ship sailing card.

  6. Clipper ship Sea Witch

    Built in 1846, Sea Witch, was the gold standard of the clipper ship era. Designed to carry porcelain and tea, Sea Witch was 192 feet LOA with a 43-foot beam and a main mast 140 feet tall. In March of 1849 Sea Witch, with Capt. Robert Waterman in command, sailed into New York from Hong Kong two weeks before it was expected.

  7. 1961 Angleman Sea Witch Ketch sailboat for sale in California

    6'. California. $115,000. Description: Sea Dragon is one of 10 boats built in the 1960s by American Marine in Hong Kong. She is planked with 1 1/4" teak. She is the only Sea Witch with a pilot house. Equipment: Radar, GPS, Water Heater, Cabin Heater, Autopilot, Wood Stove, Force 10 3 burner stove with oven.

  8. Sea Witch 36 Sailboat Review

    Sea Witch 36 Sailboat Review. Built by Cheoy Lee Shipyard and designed by Hugh Angelman, the Sea Which is a 36-foot ketch that not only became a classic but (in spite of the relatively small number that has been built), went on to win the Trans Pac race and become a "class" in itself - known as the "Sea Witch Class.".

  9. Snark Sailboats (Meyers Boat Co.)

    An abbreviated history of 'Snark type' boats in the US (from Meyers Boat Co. website): LOCKLEY - Boat business purchased from Siltronics of Oakmont, Pennsylvania in 1970 - Started out with one mold (Sea Devil / Sea Swinger) and hull covered with sprayed Eurethane - Began vacuum forming ABS plastic on hull in 1973 - Sea Witch introduced to the market in 1974 - 1974 through 1984 ...

  10. Sea Witch Angelman

    The Sea Witch Angelman is a 35.75ft staysail ketch designed by Hugh Angelman/Charles Davies and built in wood by Wilmington Boat Works / American Marine Hong Kong / Cheoy Lee Hong Kong / other yards between 1937 and 1974. 30 units have been built. It accomodates 8 people in 2 cabins plus salon.

  11. Review of Sea Witch

    The immersion rate is defined as the weight required to sink the boat a certain level. The immersion rate for Sea Witch is about 262 kg/cm, alternatively 1467 lbs/inch. Meaning: if you load 262 kg cargo on the boat then it will sink 1 cm. Alternatively, if you load 1467 lbs cargo on the boat it will sink 1 inch.

  12. Hugh Angelman

    4 Sailboats designed by Hugh Angelman. Sailboat. Island Trader 38. 1975 • 37 ′ 4 ″ / 11.4 m Sailboat. Sea Witch (Angelman) ... ©2024 Sea Time Tech, LLC This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google ...

  13. SEA WITCH (ANGELMAN) Detailed Review

    If you are a boat enthusiast looking to get more information on specs, built, make, etc. of different boats, then here is a complete review of SEA WITCH (ANGELMAN). Built by Cheoy Lee Shipyard and designed by Charles Davies, the boat was first built in 1937. It has a hull type of Long Keel and LOA is 10.9. Its sail area/displacement ratio 16.80.

  14. Sailboats To Go » Sunchaser Sailboat Owner Report

    Like other Snarks, Sunchasers last a long time. This one is from decades ago, when it was called the Lockley Sea Witch -- Same design and materials, just different name. It's an old boat, but these are 2012 photos posted by "Walt" to the Yahoo Snark Sailboat Owners Group discussion board. A Sunchaser owner shares his experience.

  15. Sea Witch Boat

    After more than 20 years of bringing pleasure and adventure to hundreds of salty charterers, Captain John and Sea Witch are going cruising - full time! It has been a delight and a privilege to sail with you over the years. Thank you for all your help hoisting the sails and sharing all those wonderful sunsets. Keep a "Weather Eye" out for us ...

  16. Snark Sailboats

    - Boat business purchased from Siltronics of Oakmont, Pennsylvania in 1970 ... - Began vacuum forming ABS plastic on hull in 1973 - Sea Witch introduced to the market in 1974 - 1974 through 1984 the names of the existing boats were changed: - Sea Swinger was renamed Suncatcher - Sea Witch was renamed Sunchaser - Sea Devil was renamed Sea Skimmer.

  17. Ship Modelers Association

    The SEA WITCH was a clipper ship with the following dimensions: Length, 192 feet; breadth, 34 feet; Depth, 19 feet; tons, 908 om. She was a wooden hulled vessel built by Smith & Dimon of New York in 1846. ... One of the major accomplishments of the SEA WITCH was the sailing record that she established over the course of the ten voyages in as ...

  18. American Marine Seawitch Ketch boats for sale

    Price Drop; 1960 American Marine Seawitch Ketch. US$125,000. ↓ Price Drop. KAM Yacht Sales | Dana Point, California

  19. Sea Witch

    Sea Witch was originally used as a lifeboat in the early 1900's in the San Francisco Bay. She was later moved up to Everett, WA in the 1950's and refurbished into the cruiser she is today.. Sea Witch was originally built in 1906 from British lifeboat plans. She was the first motor powered lifeboat in San Francisco in 1907. She was retired from the Coast Guard in 1913, and the house was added ...

  20. Sea Witch Sailing Charters

    Sea Witch is a luxurious 58 foot LOA Pearson Ketch and is stunningly beautiful when all four of her sails are set. Her 37 ton weight and deep draft keel provide a very smooth sail. Based in Martha's Vineyard, Ma from mid-June to mid-September offering 2, 4 or 8 hour daily charters .

  21. Project Sea Witch

    Introduction: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The American Clipper Trust intends to recreate the American clipper ship Sea Witch, the first of nearly 500 sailing vessels of distinctly American design that eclipsed the great age of sail in the mid-1800s.Samuel Eliot Morison wrote, "Never in these United States has the brain of man conceived, or the hand of man fashioned, so perfect a thing as the clipper ship.

  22. Sailing LBI

    The Barnegat Witch offers whale and bird watching trips, a fireworks cruise, and an introduction to sailing. More info ©Barnegat Witch 2021 | Barnegat Witch | P.O. Box 473 Barnegat Light, NJ 08006 | 609.494.0500 | |

  23. Sea Witch

    The famous clipper ship, Sea Witch, was built by Smith & Dimon in their yards at the foot of Fourth Street, New York City in the year 1846. Her plans were drawn by J. W. Griffiths for her owners Howland and Aspinwall, merchants and ship operators of New York. Griffiths was the first marine architect to employ testing models and other scientific ...