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Riverboat Jazz Festival, Silkeborg

Riverboat Jazz Festival – Silkeborg

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Blues på Riverboat Jazz Festival 2023

riverboat 2023 silkeborg

I perioden fra den 21. til den 25. juni 2023 er der Riverboat Jazz Festival i Silkeborg. Den traditionsrige festival har eksisteret siden 1966, og selv om der har været både underskudsår og dyk i publikumsinteressen undervejs, har det siden 1986 været en festival i vækst.

Hvert år besøger 40.000-50.000 mennesker Riverboat Jazz Festival og hører de 70-80 orkestre, der optræder på byens spillesteder og pladser.

Blandt de besøgende er også bluesfans, for dels har Riverboat Jazz Festival sit fokus på den traditionelle jazz, ofte med afsæt i New Orleans – hvor bluesen er en central del af musikkens dna – dels afholdes der deciderede blueskoncerter, blandt andet i samarbejde med den lokale bluesforening B’Sharp.

Bluesnews.dk har studeret dette års festivalprogram, som kan ses her , og vi har udvalgt de koncerter, der bør have særlig interesse for den blueselskende festivalgæst.

Vi tager forbehold for ændringer eller tilføjelser til programmet.

Torsdag den 22. juni

riverboat 2023 silkeborg

Margrete Grarup og Niels Nello Mogensen (Grarup Allstars) Foto: Frank Nielsen

Der er enkelte koncerter allerede onsdag den 21. juni, men Riverboat Jazz Festival åbnes officielt torsdag den 22. juni. Her byder B’Sharp – Silkeborg Rhythm’n Blues Association ind med ”Riverboat Blues Night” i Danspån-teltet på Torvet.

Bluesaftenen åbnes af Grarup Allstars , som spiller klokken 19. Grarup Allstars lever op til sit navn med en besætning, der udgøres af Margrete Grarup (vokal), Niels Nello Mogensen (bas), Esben Bach (trommer), Uffe Steen (guitar), Niels Mathiasen (saxofon) og Rasmus Stenholm (orgel). De spiller soul- og jazzinflueret blues på højt plan, hvilket man kan høre på bandets to album That’s what love can do – live (2017) (læs anmeldelse her ) og Steamrolling live (2022) (læs anmeldelse her ).

riverboat 2023 silkeborg

Latvian Blues Band Foto: Frank Nielsen

Riverboat Blues Nights andet koncertnavn er Latvian Blues Band , der måske ikke helt overraskende kommer fra Letland. Latvian Blues Band har en stor stjerne hos de danske bluesforeninger og har besøgt landet mange gange. Bluesnews.dk så dem for eksempel hos Bluesforeningen Crossroads i Vejle i 2018 (læs her ) og på Randers City Blues Festival i 2019 (læs her ). Og begge gange bekræftede Latvian Blues Band deres ry som et publikumsvenligt og særdeles underholdende elektrisk bluesband.

Latvian Blues Band består af Jānis Bukovskis (guitar og vokal), Rolands Saulietis (trommer), Artis Ločmelis (tangenter og saxofon), Mārcis Kalniņš (bas) og Viesturs Grapmanis (trompet). De spiller i Danspån-teltet på Torvet klokken 21.30.

riverboat 2023 silkeborg

Jonas Starcke (Jazz Five) Foto: Jakob Wandam

Samtidig har man mulighed for at lægge vejen forbi spisestedet og caféen Evald, beliggende på adressen Papirfabrikken 10. Her spiller kvintetten Jazz Five klokken 21.30, og det betyder New Orleans blues, jazz og funk. Jazz Five kunne sidste år fejre 25-års jubilæum, og det markerede de med den fremragende ep In the meantime … (læs anmeldelse her ). Jazz Five består af Johan Bylling Lang (alt- og barytonsaxofon), Jeppe Zacho (tenorsaxofon), Jonas Starcke (bas og vokal), Stefan Andersen (trommer og vokal) og Esben Hillig (klaver). NB! Ifølge det officielle program spiller Jazz Five ved denne og andre Riverboat-koncerter ”m. solist”, men det er en fejl, oplyser bandet til Bluesnews.dk.

Tid – Kunstner(e) – Sted 19.00 – Grarup Allstars – Danspån-teltet, Torvet 21.30 – Jazz Five – Evald 21.30 – Latvian Blues Band – Danspån-teltet, Torvet

Fredag den 23. juni

riverboat 2023 silkeborg

Dusty Rag Jazz Band Foto: Jakob Wandam

Om fredagen kan man passende begynde i Danspån-teltet på Torvet klokken 16.15, hvor der er koncert med Dusty Rag Jazz Band . De er et gadejazz-band med skiftende besætning, der sædvanligvis består af nogle eller alle af de følgende: Nada Dayeh (vokal), Jeppe Cloos (sopransaxofon), Ali Badreldin (alt- og barytonsaxofon), Dwayne Clemons (trompet), Andrea Crespi (klarinet), Daniel Rodrigues (banjo og guitar), Rasmus Rhode (guitar og vokal), Anders Hermansen (sousafon), Pelle Fabæch (lilletromme og vaskebræt) og Emil Efferbach (stortromme og vokal).

Dusty Rag Jazz Band spiller en blanding af tidlig blues, gospel og jazz samt viser og folkemelodier fra både USA, Europa og Mellemøsten. De har udgivet to album, senest Dragged through dirt and mud , der udkom i 2021 (læs anmeldelse her ).

riverboat 2023 silkeborg

Esben Bach (Organic3) Foto: Frank Nielsen

Klokken 19 er der på Skoletorvet mulighed for at høre Organic3 feat. Kira Martini . Organic3 består af Niels Ole Sørensen (orgel), Uffe Steen (guitar) og Esben Bach (trommer) og har udgivet de to plader Doctor NO’s shuffle (2012) og Kirken den er et gammelt hus (2016). De spiller jazzede salmer, gospel, souljazz og blues med mere, og i Silkeborg får de altså selskab af sangerinden Kira Martini. Hun kendes som leder af sit eget band og for sine samarbejder med blandt andre Fessor. Kira Martini var også igennem en årrække et fast indslag på Mojo Blues Bars akustiske Monday Juke Joint-scene.

riverboat 2023 silkeborg

Buffeten Jazz & Blues Band

Fredag klokken 21 kan man vælge at tage på Sportspubben Målet på Bindslevs Plads. Her spiller nemlig Buffeten Jazz & Blues Band , som består af Søren Peter Frøsig (trompet og vokal), Brian Svendsen (klarinet, saxofon og vokal), Steffan Grarup Jensen (klaver), Mads M. Jacobsen (trommer) og Gavin Rutherford (bas). Buffeten Jazz & Blues Band spiller kendte klassikere fra den traditionelle jazz, New Orleans jazz og swingende blues.

riverboat 2023 silkeborg

The Funky Butts

Man kan dog også i stedet se Thomas Albrechtsen (klaver og vokal), Mads Pugholm (trommer og vokal) og Claus Hansen (bas og vokal) alias The Funky Butts , når de ligeledes klokken 21 optræder på Babba, beliggende Nygade 19. The Funky Butts spiller New Orleans rhythm & blues inspireret af navne som Dr. John, Professor Longhair, Fats Domino og hjemlige SP Just Frost.

riverboat 2023 silkeborg

SP Just Frost Foto: Frank Nielsen

Netop SP Just Frost spiller også selv på Riverboat Jazz Festival. Klokken 21.30 er Henrik ”SP” Schou Poulsen (bas), Esben Just (klaver og vokal) og Søren Frost (trommer) på plads i Danspån-teltet på torvet. SP Just Frost er vel Danmarks førende navn inden for New Orleans R&B. De blev dannet i 1998 og har siden da underholdt danskerne med både traditionelle New Orleans-numre og egne sange i samme stil. Der har dog også været pauser undervejs, og sidste år udgav SP Just Frost med ep’en Lys det op deres første nye sange i sytten år (læs anmeldelse her ).

riverboat 2023 silkeborg

The Vooo Ca Ray Foto: Jakob Wandam

Der er mere New Orleans-musik med The Vooo Ca Ray , som spiller på Evald klokken 22.30. Bandet består af Emil Otto (klaver og vokal), Søren Pedersen (trommer), Jonathan Bruun Meyer (trombone), Scott Westh (trompet) og Adrian Christensen (bas). Emil Otto har på det seneste dyrket crooner-jazzen med en solokarriere og albummet Ain’t love a beautiful thing , men med det erfarne festivalband The Vooo Ca Ray er det altså rhythm & blues fra ”The Big Easy”, der dyrkes.

Bluesnews.dk hørte The Vooo Ca Ray på Riverboat i 2019 (læs her ) og på Copenhagen Jazz Festival samme år (læs her ).

Samtidig er der et gensyn med Latvian Blues Band, som spiller i Havneteltet på Åhavevej 1 klokken 22.30. Også Jazz Five vender tilbage fredag aften, idet de spiller på Skoletorvet klokken 23.

Tid – Kunstner(e) – Sted 16.15 – Dusty Rag Jazz Band – Danspån-teltet, Torvet 19.00 – Organic3 feat. Kira Martini – Skoletorvet 21.00 – Buffeten Jazz & Blues Band – Målet 21.00 – The Funky Butts – Babba 21.30 – SP Just Frost – Danspån-teltet, Torvet 22.30 – The Vooo Ca Ray – Evald 22.30 – Latvian Blues Band – Havneteltet 23.00 – Jazz Five – Skoletorvet

Lørdag den 24. juni

riverboat 2023 silkeborg

Emil Otto (The Vooo Ca Ray) Foto: Jakob Wandam

Om lørdagen er der mulighed for enten at gense nogle af de ovennævnte kunstnere eller gå til koncerter med dem, man måtte være gået glip af de foregående dage. Buffeten Jazz & Blues Band er således tilbage på Målet, denne gang klokken 14.

Dusty Rag Jazz Band optræder på Skoletorvet klokken 16.30, og om aftenen kan man vælge mellem The Vooo Ca Ray og Jazz Five. Vælger man at blive på Skoletorvet, kan man høre The Vooo Ca Ray her klokken 21.30. Samtidig spiller Jazz Five, og det er i Havneteltet.

Tid – Kunstner(e) – Sted 14.00 – Buffeten Jazz & Blues Band – Målet 16.30 – Dusty Rag Jazz Band – Skoletorvet 21.30 – The Vooo Ca Ray – Skoletorvet 21.30 – Jazz Five – Havneteltet

Søndag den 25. juni byder også på enkelte koncerter, men ingen, som vi vil karakterisere som blues. Som altid vil vi dog opfordre til, at man tager til festival med et åbent sind, og der vil med garanti være endnu flere end de nævnte koncerter, der vil appellere også til blues-ører.

Der er med ganske få undtagelser fri entré til Riverboat Jazz Festivals koncerter. Læs mere om festivalen på Riverboat Jazz Festivals hjemmeside her .

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riverboat 2023 silkeborg

Riverboat Jazz Festival

Riverboat Jazz Festival er en af Nordeuropas største internationale jazzfestivaler for klassisk jazz. Her er mere end 70 bands, der giver koncerter overalt i byen, på torve og gader, på vandet og i telte. 

International jazz i særklasse

Til Riverboat Jazz Festival vil du kunne opleve en sand perlerække af danske og udenlandske jazz navne.

Festival i by og på vandet

Festivalen foregår på Silkeborg søerne og Gudenåen, hvor der er mulighed for de traditionsrige sejladser med Hjejlebådene med jazzorkestre ombord. Festivalen foregår også i byens centrum, på torve og gader, på restauranter og værtshuse, i kirker, på spillestedet RAMPELYS, i tre store telte placeret centralt i byen, samt i Kedelhuset, Car Lounge og i Jysk Musikteater på Papirfabrikken. Alt inden for gå-afstand fra centrum.

De fleste koncerter er gratis, men til enkelte særlige koncerter skal der købes billet.

Jazz for alle aldre

Festivalen inviterer også små jazzhoveder og hele familien til at træde ind i jazz'ens verden, når børnejazz-orkestre spiller op til leg i festivalens børneområde "Jazzland".

Her kan du læse meget mere om festivalen.

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riverboat 2023 silkeborg

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Riverboat Jazz Festival

Alljährlich Ende Juni treffen sich Zehntausende Jazzbegeisterte in der Mitteljütländischen Stadt Silkeborg zum Riverboat Jazz Festival. Auf den Schiffen, mit denen man flussaufwärts zum höchsten Berg Dänemarks, dem Himmelbjerget, gelangen kann, spielen dann Jazzbands aus aller Welt klassischen Swing und Jazz. Aber auch auf den Plätzen, in Kneipen und Kirchen hält die Live-Musik Einzug.

Termine 2023: 21. - 25. Juni

In der Umgebung

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Dyk ned i Søhøjlandets mange forskellige festivaler og find dine minder for sommeren 2023 herunder.

Vi ses derude!

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Oplev barske riddere, skønne jomfruer og muntre musikere, når Blicheregnens haver summer af markedsstemning og spændende aktiviteter til årets middelaldermarked.

Se hesteshowet, lyt til musikken, besøg boderne med historiske varer og meget mere.

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Hede Rytmer er tilbage for fuld musik, og glæder sig helt ubeskriveligt til at feste med os alle igen.

Se hele programmet og køb din billet på linket herunder.

riverboat 2023 silkeborg



Tag hele familien med til årets litteraturfest i Silkeborg!

Lørdag den 10. juni er en festivaldag for både børn og voksne, så tag hele familien med til Silkeborg Bibliotek og Bindslevs Plads, hvor I kan opleve et væld af spændende forfattere, masser af sjove børneaktiviteter, musik og hyggelige workshops.

riverboat 2023 silkeborg


21.-25. JUNI 2023 | SILKEBORG

Riverboat Jazz Festivals musikalske profil er den klassiske jazz, som New Orleans og Dixieland Jazz, swing og mainstream, men i de senere år har der også været plads til fornyelse med yngre jazz og unge talenter.

Se årets program via linket her.

riverboat 2023 silkeborg



Dørene slås igen op for en festival, hvor den gode vin er i fokus.

Kom og mød spændende leverandører og vinhuse som har medbragt masser af forskellige smagsoplevelser.

riverboat 2023 silkeborg



Silkeborg Classic præsenterer klassisk kammermusik af høj kvalitet.

Dørene slås igen op for en festival, hvor den gode klassiske musik er i fokus.

riverboat 2023 silkeborg



Noget Bedre er Silkeborgs alternative festival, der byder på fest og nærvær i skoven.

Fra torsdag den 3. august går bands på scenen over tre dage og danner rammen om nogle fantastiske dage i musikkens tegn.

riverboat 2023 silkeborg


12. AUG 2023 | ANS BY

Med sin placering på bredden af en af Midtjyllands største naturperler – Tange Sø – er rammerne perfekte til en festival, som byder på et bredt musikprogram, der hylder populærmusikken i alle dens afskygninger.

Se programmet og køb billet på linket herunder.

riverboat 2023 silkeborg


18.-20. AUG 2023 | SILKEBORG BY

Glæd dig, når Silkeborg Gadeteaterfestival igen klæder Silkeborg på med spektakulære opvisninger, moderne gadeklovneri og uventede oplevelser om hvert et gadehjørne.

riverboat 2023 silkeborg



Danmarks Outdoor Festival er for alle, og vi vil gerne inspirere til mere udeliv.

Festivalen har et bredt udvalg af aktiviteter, der alle har det til fælles at det foregår udenfor.

riverboat 2023 silkeborg



Den 8. & 9. september 2023 fyrer vi op under ”Danmarks Største Vejfest – part 3”.

Musikbudgettet bliver af hidtil uset karakter for Silkeborg events, og med flere absolutte Danske topnavne.

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‘Green River Killer’ transferred from state penitentiary to county jail: report

Gary ridgway pleaded guilty in 2003 to murdering 49 women in king county, washington, from 1982 to 1998.

Greg Wehner

Fox True Crime Podcast with Emily Compagno "Crimes On Campus"

A true crime podcast in which Emily Compagno takes you through a new crime each week.

"Green River Killer" Gary Ridgway was booked into the King County Jail in Washington state Monday morning, though reasons for the transfer are unknown, according to reports.

FOX 13 in Seattle reported that Ridgway, who pleaded guilty in 2003 to murdering 49 women in King County from 1982 to 1998, was booked into the jail just after 10:40 a.m. on an institutional hold put in place by the King County Sheriff’s Office.

The notorious serial killer was serving 49 consecutive life sentences at the Washington State Penitentiary in Walla Walla, without the possibility of parole.

The transfer to a lower-level jail has raised questions, though officials have not provided details as to why Ridgway was moved.


Gary Ridgway

Gary Ridgway prepares to leave the courtroom where he was sentenced in King County Washington Superior Court, Dec. 18, 2003 in Seattle. (Josh Trujillo-Pool/Getty Images)

Fox News Digital has reached out to the King County prosecutor’s office for comment.

In November 2003, Ridgway pleaded guilty to the murder of "Bones #20," Denise Bush, and Shirley Sherrill, along with 45 other victims. He also later pleaded guilty to the murder of the 49th victim. 

Throughout the 1980s, Ridgway terrorized and instilled fear across the state of Washington. He was convicted of killing 49 women but has confessed to 71 murders. However, investigators believe that he killed more victims.


Green River killer true crime documentary

In an undated King County prosecutor's office handout photo, Green River killer Gary Ridgway sits in the backseat of a vehicle while taking investigators to one of the sights where he allegedly buried one of his victims. (King County Prosecutor's Office via Getty Images)

In December, authorities identified one of the victims as 15-year-old Lori Anne Razpotnik, who ran away from her home in Lewis County in 1982.

Razpotnik’s remains were found in 1985, on a road embankment in Auburn, south of Seattle, alongside the remains of two other victims. Investigators could not determine who those victims were, and the remains were listed as "Bones 16" and "Bones 17."


Gary Ridgway

Green River killer Gary Ridgway listens during his arraignment on charges of murder in the 1982 death of Rebecca "Becky" Marrero at the King County Regional Justice Center in Kent, Wash. (AP Photo/Elaine Thompson/File)

Bones 16 was identified through DNA testing in 2012 as Sandra Majors, but the identity of Bones 17 remained unknown until a forensic genetic genealogy firm, Virginia-based Parabon Nanolabs , was able to develop a new DNA profile and determine they belonged to Razpotnik.

Razpotnik's mother provided a DNA sample that confirmed the results, the King County Sheriff's Office said.


After authorities linked Gary Ridgway to the killings through DNA evidence in 2001, he led them to the site where the three victims had been found. 

Bones 16 and Bones 17 were among the 48 slayings he pleaded guilty to in 2003. Many of his victims were young female runaways or sex workers.

Fox News Digital’s Stepheny Price and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Greg Wehner is a breaking news reporter for Fox News Digital.

Story tips and can be sent to [email protected] and on Twitter @GregWehner.

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riverboat 2023 silkeborg

  • Law & Justice

Green River killer booked in King County Jail, but no one will say why

Sara Jean Green

Gary Ridgway, who terrorized the Seattle region in the 1980s and early 1990s, abducting and killing nearly 50 young women and teens before he was unmasked as the Green River killer in 2001, was booked into the King County Jail Monday morning.

The King County Sheriff’s Office is holding the reason for Ridgway’s return close to the vest.

“Since Gary Ridgway’s arrest in 2001 pertaining to the Green River murder investigation, the King County Sheriff’s Office continues to actively investigate potentially related cases,” spokesperson Brandyn Hull said in an email.

No other information was given.

  • Last known set of remains linked to Green River killer identified
  • How DNA and an obituary helped ID a victim of the Green River killer

Ridgway, now 75, has been serving 49 consecutive life sentences at the Washington State Penitentiary in Walla Walla. He pleaded guilty to 48 murders in 2003 and pleaded guilty to murdering his 49th victim, 20-year-old Rebecca Marrero, in 2011. In exchange for pleading guilty and helping detectives find some of his victims’ remains, Ridgway was spared the death penalty.

Ridgway was booked into jail under his 2001 criminal case, and court records show that both the Aug. 26 order to transport him back to King County and a motion and declaration to seal have indeed been sealed. The order to seal the documents was also unavailable Monday. The Aug. 26 items were the first to be added to the case file since 2017.

In January, the Sheriff’s Office announced that the last known remains of one of Ridgway’s victims, previously known only to investigators as Bones 20, had been positively identified through DNA as Everett teenager Tammie Liles. Liles was first identified as a victim in 1988 through the match of dental records to a separate set of discovered remains.

A month earlier, investigators also announced that a victim previously known as Bones 17 had been identified as a Lewis County teen last seen in 1982. The remains of Lori Anne Razpotnik, who was 15 when she ran away from home, were found in Auburn in 1985.

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Colorado man on river trip to Grand Canyon found dead in 7th death since July

Fatality along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park-Sep. 2024

A Colorado man on a river trip to the Grand Canyon was found dead over the weekend, officials said Monday, in what appears to be the seventh death at the park since July 31.

Patrick Horton, 59, was on day 10 of a noncommercial trip along the Colorado River when others in his party found his body Saturday morning near the river, the park said in a news release.

Rangers were dispatched to an area known as Poncho's Kitchen at 5:30 a.m. and found Horton's body, according to the release.

An investigation by park officials and the local medical examiner’s office is ongoing, the release said. No cause or manner of death were provided.

Other people who have died at the Grand Canyon since July 31 are a woman who was swept away by flash floods, a boater whose vessel flipped in the Colorado River , a BASE jumper whose parachute failed , a college student who fell to his death from an overlook, a North Carolina hiker who went missing on a remote trail and a woman from New Mexico whose body was found below the Grand Canyon’s South Rim.

The park did not immediately respond to a request for comment Monday.

The Grand Canyon recorded an average of 17 deaths per year from 2014 to 2023, a park spokeswoman has said.

The spokeswoman, Joëlle Baird, said extreme heat and increased visitor activity during the summer present challenging conditions at the park, increasing the number of dangerous incidents and deaths.

Since 2019, 2 million to 5 million people have visited the Grand Canyon each year,  park data shows . Park data that looked at mortality reports from 2014 to 2019 shows that "photographing" was the most lethal recreational activity at the Grand Canyon.

An NBC News analysis last year  found that Washington state’s North Cascades National Park had the highest death rate in the country within the park system.

Tim Stelloh is a breaking news reporter for NBC News Digital.

Severe drought drops water level to historic low on the Paraguay River, a regional lifeline

A powerful drought in the Amazon rainforest has led to the lowest water levels on the Paraguay River in more than a century, disrupting commerce on the major waterway, creating hazards for local transport and offering a grim warning for other parts of ...

ASUNCIÓN, Paraguay -- A powerful drought in the Amazon rainforest led on Monday to the lowest water levels on the Paraguay River in more than a century, disrupting commerce on the major waterway, creating hazards for local transport and offering a grim warning for other parts of the world.

Paraguay's Department of Meteorology and Hydrology reported that water levels on the country's namesake river, a regional economic lifeline , dipped 89 centimeters (35 inches) below the meter's benchmark at the port of Asunción, the capital, the lowest point in 120 years.

The previous record-breaking drop occurred just three years ago, in October 2021 — a sign, experts say, of how droughts that starve the region's waterways are becoming more frequent and intense. The Amazon — the world’s most voluminous river — and one of its main tributaries, the Madeira River, have also registered new daily record lows at the city of Tabatinga.

The most immediate effect is being felt across landlocked Paraguay, one of the world’s leading exporters of agricultural commodities, which relies on the river to move 80% of its international commerce.

The head of Paraguay’s fishing union said Monday that the decline in water levels has put 1,600 fishermen out of work. On Monday, dozens of boats that would normally ply the waterway sat on bone-dry banks of sand.

“I have no way out,” said Fermín Giménez, a sailor who became trapped Monday as the river literally dried up beneath his small barge. “It's a disaster.”

Originating in Brazil, the Paraguay-Paraná waterway runs 3,400 kilometers (about 2,110 miles) through Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia and into the open seas, making the region a vital transport hub for grain, corn, soy and other agricultural products.

In the last few days, disruptions have rippled from Paraguay across neighboring countries, with more than half of the river's shipping capacity halted or tied up in delays, according to Paraguay’s main shipping association. Only so much can be loaded onto cargo ships without the risk of getting stuck along the river’s shallow parts, it said.

That has created expensive headaches in countries including Brazil, which exports iron ore along the river, and Bolivia, which has been forced to reroute badly needed fuel shipments via a slower overland path. Paraguay, which relies on the river to generate electricity, also faces the eventual possibility of cuts in supply, said Raúl Valdez, president of Paraguay’s Center of River and Maritime Shipowners.

With no rainfall expected in the coming weeks, industry officials said there's no relief in sight. They anticipate losses in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

“Our main question is, will this now be a new pattern? No one is expecting a quick recovery,” Valdez said. “It’s a major concern for the whole region.”

Experts said the drying of the Paraguay River — as with other rivers from Colorado to France to Brazil's Amazon — reflects how population growth, climate change and deforestation have increasingly conspired with weak governance and inefficient irrigation practices to transform landscapes, upending delicate ecosystems and sending scores of communities scrambling for fresh water.

“All over we are seeing increases in droughts; they are longer, more intense, more frequent and more difficult to recover from,” said Rachael McDonnell, deputy director-general for research at the International Water Management Institute.

As rainfall becomes more erratic and the warming climate intensifies the cycles of flood and drought, McDonnell added, “we've lost the slack in the system."

With Brazil in the grips of the worst drought since since nationwide measurements began over seven decades ago, wildfires are also raging further downstream, in the forests along Paraguay’s northeast border with Brazil, where residents said Monday the air smelled of acrid smoke, and in parts of Bolivia, where the government has declared a national emergency.

DeBre reported from Montevideo, Uruguay.

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Walpole man faces new charges after River Road search: OPP

More light has been shed on what landed a Walpole Island man already facing a long list of drugs and weapons charges back in jail on 18 new charges.

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More light has been shed on what landed a Walpole Island man, already facing a long list of drugs and weapons charges, back in jail on 18 new charges.

Walpole man faces new charges after River Road search: OPP Back to video

Richard Hinojosa, who was arrested twice in a three-day span in March 2023 and charged with a dozen criminal offences, appeared in a Sarnia courtroom Aug. 29 on a raft of new charges linked to drugs and firearms. No information was available from Lambton OPP at the time.

But in a statement Thursday, they said several specialized squads with a warrant found firearms, ammunition, prohibited weapons, suspected fentanyl and other offence-related items while searching a Walpole Island home on River Road Aug. 29.

Hinojosa, 60, who lives on River Road, faces multiple new charges, including:

  • Two counts each of possessing fentanyl for the purpose of trafficking, assault with a weapon, carelessly using a firearm, carelessly storing a firearm, and possessing a prohibited or restricted firearm without authorization.
  • Single counts of using a firearm while committing an offence, possessing a loaded prohibited or restricted firearm, uttering threats to cause death or bodily harm, and breaking and entering with intent.
  • Five counts of breaching bail.

Hinojosa, who repeatedly yawned while sitting in the prisoner’s box the day he was arrested, said little before all of his cases were adjourned to last Wednesday. He was held and banned from talking to five people. After another brief appearance, his cases were adjourned to Sept. 13.

In the other case, Lambton OPP have said Hinojosa, then 58, faces two counts each of possessing drugs and breaching an undertaking, and single counts of drug trafficking, drug possession, possessing stolen property, possessing a banned or restricted firearm, possessing a banned or restricted firearm with ammunition, possessing a firearm knowing the serial number had been tampered with, resisting police, obstructing police and fleeing police, after back-to-back incidents.

The initial arrest occurred about 3 p.m. March 3, 2023, when officers who pulled over a vehicle with stolen licence plates found suspected fentanyl, police said.

The second arrest took place at 9:30 p.m. March 6, 2023, when local First Nation police tried to stop an unplated car on River Road. The vehicle fled to a nearby home, where police arrested the driver and found a loaded firearm and suspected fentanyl, police said.

Lambton OPP have been targeting drug trafficking on Walpole Island, a small First Nation community between Sarnia and Chatham, after officials there declared a state of emergency  in 2021 due to drug overdoses.

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National Integrated Drought Information System

Drought Status Update for the Missouri River Basin

NIDIS and its partners will issue future Drought Status Updates as conditions evolve.

Drought May Persist, Worsen Through September Amid Warm, Dry Conditions

  • According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, 32% of the area within Missouri River Basin states are in drought. The most intense conditions are in Montana, Wyoming, and South Dakota, where Extreme Drought (D3) persists.
  • Drought conditions deteriorated in many areas of the basin over June–August, especially in the western half of the basin.
  • Drought impacts are most prominent across Wyoming, Montana, and the Dakotas where soil moisture is very low, and large wildfires fueled by dry vegetation are impacting the agriculture and tourism industries.  
  • The Climate Prediction Center’s  monthly precipitation and temperature outlooks for September 2024 predict increased chances of below-normal precipitation and above-normal temperatures across the basin. This combination could result in further degradation of soil moisture, range/pasture conditions, and surface water levels. These conditions  may impact navigation on the lower Missouri River and therefore agriculture across the High Plains.
  • The Climate Prediction Center’s  monthly drought outlook for September predicts existing areas of drought will persist and drought will develop along the eastern half of the border between South Dakota and Nebraska. 

The U.S. Drought Monitor depicts the location and intensity of drought across the country. The map uses 5 classifications: Abnormally Dry (D0), showing areas that may be going into or are coming out of drought, and four levels of drought (D1–D4).

The U.S. Drought Monitor is a joint effort of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and National Drought Mitigation Center.

A  drought index  combines multiple drought indicators (e.g., precipitation, temperature, soil moisture) to depict drought conditions. For some products, like the U.S. Drought Monitor, authors combine their analysis of drought indicators with input from local observers. Other drought indices, like the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), use an objective calculation to describe the severity, location, timing, and/or duration of drought. 

Periods of drought can lead to inadequate  water supply , threatening the health, safety, and welfare of communities. Streamflow, groundwater, reservoir, and snowpack data are key to monitoring and forecasting water supply.

Drought can reduce the water availability and water quality necessary for productive farms, ranches, and grazing lands, resulting in significant negative direct and indirect economic impacts to the agricultural sector. Monitoring  agricultural drought typically focuses on examining levels of precipitation, evaporative demand, soil moisture, and surface/groundwater quantity and quality.

Drought & Dryness Categories

D0 – abnormally dry.

Abnormally Dry (D0) indicates a region that is going into or coming out of drought.  View typical impacts by state.

D1 – Moderate Drought

Moderate Drought (D1) is the first of four drought categories (D1–D4), according to the U.S. Drought Monitor.  View typical impacts by state.

D2 – Severe Drought

Severe Drought (D2) is the second of four drought categories (D1–D4), according to the U.S. Drought Monitor.  View typical impacts by state.

D3 – Extreme Drought

Extreme Drought (D3) is the third of four drought categories (D1–D4), according to the U.S. Drought Monitor.  View typical impacts by state.

D4 – Exceptional Drought

Exceptional Drought (D4) is the most intense drought category, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor.  View typical impacts by state.

Total Area in Drought (D1–D4)

Percent area of the states in the Missouri River Basin that is currently in drought (D1–D4), according to the U.S. Drought Monitor.

The U.S. Drought Monitor is released every Thursday morning, with data valid through the previous Tuesday at 7 a.m. ET.

Current Conditions for the Missouri River Basin

  • According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, 32% of the states within the Missouri River Basin are in drought. Severe Drought (D2) persists in Kansas, Wyoming, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, and Montana, with Extreme Drought (D3) impacting portions of Montana, eastern Wyoming, and western South Dakota.  
  • Conditions deteriorated in many areas of the basin over the summer season (Figure 1). The most severe drought conditions are found in the western half of the basin. 
  • Below-normal summer precipitation was one driver of this deterioration in many areas (Figure 2). Large parts of Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, eastern Colorado, and the western portion of South and North Dakota received 5–70% of normal precipitation over June–August. Some of the largest deficits were in Wyoming, Montana, and western South Dakota, where drought conditions worsened.  The exception is portions of Kansas and eastern parts of North and South Dakota, which received 100–200% of normal precipitation. 
  • Somewhat warmer-than-normal maximum air temperatures over the long term (June - August) and short term (7 days) further drove deteriorating conditions across the western part of the basin (Figure 3). These high temperatures dried vegetation and decreased soil moisture, increasing the likelihood of additional drought development. 
  • August runoff in the Missouri River Basin was 1.2 MAF (million acre-feet), 86% of average above Sioux City. Gavins Point winter releases will be at minimum rate. 

Western Parts of the Missouri River Basin Saw Large Drought Degradations Since June 4 

Key Takeaway:  The western half of the Missouri River Basin states saw drought degradation of 1-3 categories throughout the summer. Areas with drought improvement were very limited. 

Parts of western Nebraska, western South Dakota, western North Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, and northern Kansas have seen a one- to three-category degradation on the U.S. Drought Monitor over the last 13 weeks (since June 4, 2024).

Summer Precipitation Totals Were Mixed Across the Missouri River Basin

Key Takeaway: Precipitation totals were mixed across the Missouri River Basin over the summer. Large areas of the Basin received below-average to significantly below-average precipitation (below the 50th percentile), especially parts of Montana, Wyoming, western Nebraska, and western South Dakota. Some areas of the Dakotas saw precipitation totals greater than 130% of average due to some very heavy isolated rain events.  

Portions of Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, and Nebraska have received 5% to 50% of their normal precipitation over the summer (June–August). Other areas, including eastern North and South Dakota, received near-normal to above-normal precipitation (100% to more than 150% of normal).

Western Basin Sees Warmer-Than-Normal Temperatures for Summer and the Last Week

Key Takeaway: Late August was cool compared to the long-term average across North Dakota, South Dakota, and parts of Nebraska. Above-average temperatures occurred across the rest of the Missouri River Basin throughout summer. Exceptionally high temperatures occurred in Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, and North Dakota as a high pressure system settled over parts of the High Plains in late August. 

Over the summer from June to August, maximum temperatures were above normal across most of the Basin with the exception of eastern North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska. Eastern Wyoming, western South Dakota, and western Nebraska saw maximum temperatures 2 to 6 degrees above average during this period. Parts of eastern North Dakota and South Dakota saw temperatures that were closer to the 1991-2020 normals.

Missouri River Basin Drought Impacts

  • Below-normal precipitation and above-normal temperatures across the western part of the region this summer caused negative impacts on the agriculture industry. Pasture and range conditions deteriorated in areas with continued or worsening drought. These poor conditions are coupled with reduced soil moisture across most of the basin (Figures 4, 5, 6). Impacts included heat-stressed crops, grasses curing early, reduced or no second cutting of hay, removal of livestock from pastures early, weaning calves and selling livestock earlier than usual, reducing herd size, buying and feeding hay, and reduced surface water quantity and quality for livestock. 
  • Nebraska experienced record-breaking temperatures during July 23–August 5, 2024. 
  • Dry conditions in northeast Wyoming and southeast Montana fueled numerous wildfires, which consumed nearly 500,000 acres of rangelands and reduced air quality. The largest of these fires includes the  Remington Fire (at over 196,000 acres as of September 2, 2024) and the  House Draw Fire (at nearly 175,000 acres as of September 2, 2024). 
  • The  river runoff forecast for the Missouri River Basin is still below normal due to drought conditions in the western half of the Basin, and reservoir systems continue to release water to meet downstream navigational targets. 
  • Poor precipitation timing and spotty or limited precipitation totals throughout the summer reduced crop yields for some producers in western North Dakota. 
  • Portions of Montana saw fishing  restrictions or closures to protect fish species amid high water temperatures. 
  • According to the  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers , the six mainstem Missouri River power plants generated 631 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity in July. Typical energy generation for July is 954 million kWh. These power plants are expected to generate 8.0 billion kWh this year, compared to the long-term average of 9.4 billion kWh.

Vegetation Is Drying Across the Western Basin

Key Takeaway: Large precipitation deficits and above-normal maximum temperatures led to significant vegetation drying across Montana, Wyoming, western parts of North Dakota and South Dakota, and Nebraska. Despite above-normal temperatures, recent rains in eastern South Dakota and Nebraska improved vegetation conditions.

Vegetation conditions across Wyoming, Montana, and western parts of Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota show moderate to extreme drought. Eastern parts of Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota show vegetation conditions from unusually moist to extremely moist.

Pasture and Range Conditions Deteriorated, Especially in Montana and Wyoming

Key Takeaway: P asture and range conditions in Montana and Wyoming were affected by drought, with less than 20% reported as good to excellent. South Dakota and Nebraska report less than 40% of pasture and range in good to excellent condition. Pastures in North Dakota are faring better with 58% in good to excellent condition. Conditions in South Dakota and Nebraska deteriorated over the previous week due to above-average temperatures in late August. 

The greatest percentage of pasture and range in good to excellent condition is found in North Dakota, while the lowest percentage in good to excellent condition is found in Montana and Wyoming.

Soil Moisture Conditions Worsened Across the Basin

Key Takeaway: Below-normal precipitation and above-normal maximum temperatures have   worsened soil moisture conditions across much of the Basin.  The recent heat wave in Nebraska and Kansas has  rapidly reduced soil moisture.

Current 0-100 cm soil moisture is in the 20th or lower percentile compared to historical conditions across much of the Missouri River Basin , as of September 4, 2024.

Poor Pasture Conditions in North Dakota 

Key Takeaway:  Above-normal temperatures and dry conditions have resulted in vegetation curing early and poor pasture conditions.

Photo from August 30, 2024 of poor pasture conditions with grasses curing early in Bowman County, North Dakota.

Outlooks and Potential Impacts for the Missouri River Basin

  • The NOAA Climate Prediction Center’s outlook for September 2024 shows an increased chance of above-normal temperatures across the basin. The warm temperatures are coupled with an increased probability of below-normal precipitation across the basin (Figure 8), further increasing the chance of drought degradation. 
  • Through the end of September, the Climate Prediction Center’s  Monthly Drought Outlook predicts that drought will likely persist in areas already in drought, with drought degradation likely in South Dakota and Nebraska. Drought improvement is not expected in the basin (Figure 9).
  • The next three months (September–November) have  increased chances of transitioning from  El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) neutral to La Niña conditions. La Niña can cause cooler winter temperatures in the northern High Plains.   
  • Combined with above-normal temperatures, below-normal precipitation could mean lower streamflows, reduced soil moisture, crop stress, and additional livestock impacts. The combination of hot and dry weather could hamper establishment of fall-planted crops such as winter wheat and cover crops, but could also help with drydown of fall-harvested grain corn. 

Increased Chances for Hotter and Drier Weather in September 2024

Key Takeaway: According to the National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center, there are increased chances of above-normal temperatures across all of the Missouri River Basin states during September 2024. Most of the region is predicted to see below-normal precipitation during September 2024.

The Climate Prediction Center predicts greater chances for above-normal temperatures and below-normal precipitation across the Missouri River Basin in September.

Drought Predicted to Continue or Develop in September

Key Takeaway:   The Climate Prediction Center predicts drought conditions will likely persist across parts of Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska, and will likely develop across parts of northern Nebraska, southern South Dakota, and western Iowa through the end of September. No drought improvement is forecasted for the basin.

NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center expects drought to persist in portions of the region where drought is already occurring. Drought development is expected in southern South Dakota, northern Nebraska, and western Iowa. No drought improvement is forecasted for the basin.

Additional Resources

  • Register for the  North Central U.S. Climate and Drought Summary & Outlook Webinar on Thursday, September 19 at 1 p.m. CT/12 p.m. MT, which will provide an overview of climate and drought conditions, impacts, and outlooks.
  • Register for the  Wyoming Conditions & Outlooks Webinar on Thursday, September 19 at 2 p.m. CT/1 p.m. MT by  emailing Windy Kelley , USDA Northern Plains Climate Hub coordinator.
  • Your state climatologist
  • Your state page on Drought.gov
  • National Weather Service Drought Information Statements
  • NDMC’s  Condition Monitoring Observer Reports (CMOR)
  • CoCoRaHS Condition Monitoring Reports  

Prepared By

Jason Gerlich Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), CU Boulder NOAA/National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS)

Doug Kluck NOAA/National Centers for Environmental Information

Dannele Peck, Windy Kelley, and Dennis Todey USDA Northern Plains and Midwest Climate Hubs

Audra Bruschi NOAA/National Weather Service Central Region

Kevin Low NOAA/Missouri Basin River Forecast Center

Rezaul Mahmood and Gannon Rush High Plains Regional Climate Center/University of Nebraska

Laura Edwards South Dakota State University State Climatologist

Zachary Hoylman University of Montana Assistant State Climatologist 

Daryl Ritchison  North Dakota University State Climatologist

This Drought Status Update is issued in partnership between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the National Drought Mitigation Center to communicate a potential area of concern for drought expansion and/or development within the Missouri River Basin DEWS based on recent conditions and the upcoming forecast. NIDIS and its partners will issue future Drought Status Updates as conditions evolve.

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National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS)

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High Plains Regional Climate Center logo

High Plains Regional Climate Center

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American Association of State Climatologists

American Association of State Climatologists

North central u.s. climate and drought summary and outlook webinar: september 2024, missouri river basin.


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