Greek Shipping Miracle

Greek Coastal Shipping 1945-2000

marianna latsis yacht

1. NAFSIKA 1896 The 1896-built NAFSIKA. HISTORY Built in 1896 as a yacht by David J. Dunlop & Co., Glasgow, UK. Initial name CHRISTINE, British flag. Subsequently sold to James Dredging Towage & Transport Co. Ltd. and renamed CORYCIA. Acquired by Eleftherios Velliotis and Panaghis Zarifis in 1920, renamed PANAGHIS and placed under Greek flag. Sold to Alexandros G. Yannoulatos in 1923 and renamed NAFSIKA. Sold to Parnassis Steamship Co. of Efthymios T. Stoforos in 1924. Requisitioned by the Greek Government in November 1940. On May 23, 1941, hit during a German air-raid in Suda Bay and sank. Eventually raised after the end of the war and deployed on the Greek coastal service. Broken up in 1952.

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2. ELENI 1903 The 1903-built ELENI. HISTORY Built in 1903 by Société Anonyme John Cockerill, Hoboken, Belgium, for Russian Transport & Insurance Co. Initial name TSCHERNOMORE, Russian flag. Requisitioned by the Russian Navy in March 1916 and used in Black Sea Transport. Seized by the Germans in 1918 and subsequently returned to her owners. Sold to George M. Embiricos in 1923, renamed ELENI and placed under Greek flag. Seized on April 27, 1941 by the Germans, renamed KONSTANZ and used as a hospital ship. Captured by the British Navy in May 19, 1943, and taken to Malta. Transferred to the Greek Government after the end of the war, however a legal issue developed as to whether vessels that had been seized by the enemy and eventually were recaptured by the Allied Forces should be considered as war prize or should be returned to their initial owners. Given back to her owners, Mrs. Ekaterini C. Canaris, née Embiricos, heir of the late G. M. Embiricos in 1948 following long legal procedures. Broken up in Italy in 1952.

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3. KORYTZA 1893 The 1893-built KORYTZA. HISTORY Built in 1893 by Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co., Ltd., Glasgow, UK, for G. & J. Burns Ltd. Ιnitial name HOUND, British flag. Transferred to Burns & Laird Lines, Ltd. in 1922. Sold to Manuilides Navigation Co. Ltd. in 1925, renamed MARY M. and placed under Greek flag. Transferred to Hellenic Coast Lines Ltd. in 1929. Renamed LESBOS in 1933 and KORYTZA in 1942. Taken over by the British Ministry of War Transport in 1945 and placed under British flag. Returned to her owners in 1946 and placed under Greek flag. Broken up in 1949.

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4. KALAMARA 1898 The 1898-built KALAMARA. HISTORY Built in 1898 as a yacht by Vickers, Sons & Maxim Ltd., Barrow, UK. Initial name JEANNETTE, British flag. Later renamed SEA NYMPH and subsequently CALA MARA. Acquired by Ioannis A. Drosopoulos, governor of the Bank of Greece, in 1937, renamed KALAMARA and placed under Greek flag. Sold to Nikolaos G. Mavris in 1945 and to Georgios P. Iosifides in 1947. Sold to Georgios N. Vatikiotis and Georgios S. Vatikiotis in 1948. Sold to Touristiki Aktoploia Argosaronikou in 1959 and renamed POROS. Acquired by John S. Latsis and Ioannis Tripos in 1960. Broken up in Perama, Greece, in 1961.

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5. MESSARIA 1889 The 1889-built MESSARIA. HISTORY Built in 1889 by W. Lindbergs Mekaniska Verkstads, Stockholm, Sweden, for Angfartygs A/B Gotland. Initial name POLHEM, Swedish flag. Sold to Landskrona Stads Kom. Styr. in 1930 and renamed LANDSKRONA. Sold to Blekinge Angbats A/B in 1941 and renamed BLEKINGE. Aquired by Evangelos P. Nomikos in 1945, renamed MESSARIA and placed under Greek flag. Sold to Antonios L. Diamantopoulos and Mrs. Sgouri D. Thomadis in 1949 and to Panagiotis A. Stefanis in 1950. Sold to Ioannis K. Dimakis in 1966. Deleted from ship registers in 1986.

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6. EFFIE 1890 The 1890-built EFFIE. HISTORY Built in 1890 by Bergsunds Mekaniska Verkstads Aktiebolag, Stockholm, Sweden, for Blekinge Angbats A/B. Initial name RONNEBY, Swedish flag. Acquired by Evangelos P. Nomikos in 1945, renamed EFFIE and placed under Greek flag. Sold to John S. Latsis in 1949. Stranded off Aegina island in 195, declared a constructive total loss and laid up. Sold to Antonios G. Georgiou in 1954, converted into a cargo ship and renamed ANTONIOS.

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7. HEIMARA 1905 The 1905-built HEIMARA. HISTORY Built in 1905 by Stettiner Oderwerke Akt. Ges., Stettin, Germany, for Stettiner Dampfsch. Ges. J. F. Braeunlich m.b.H. Initial name HERTHA, German flag. Requisitioned by the German Navy in October 1914 and used as a hospital ship and subsequently as an auxiliary minelayer. Returned to her owners in 1918. Rquisitioned by the German Navy from 1938 to 1945. Transferred to the Greek Government in 1946 in the context of war reparations, repaired and deployed on Greek coastal service as the HEIMARA. On January 19, 1947 sank after striking rocks in the South Evoikos gulf causing the loss of 389 passengers and crew.

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8. CHALKIDIKI 1900 The 1900-built CHALKIDIKI. HISTORY Built in 1900 by G. Seebeck A.G., Bremerhaven, Germany, for Hamburg-Amerika Linie. Initial name KEHRWIEDER, German flag. Requisitioned by the German Navy from 1914 to 1918 and used as a hospital ship. Taken over by the French Government in 1919, while returned to her German owners in 1922. Transferred to the Greek Government in 1946 in the context of war reparations and deployed on the Greek coastal service until 1949 as the CHALKIDIKI. Broken up in 1951.

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9. KYKNOS 1930 The 1930-built KYKNOS. HISTORY Built in 1930 as a yacht by Bath Iron Works Corp., Bath Maine, USA, for Logan G. Thomson. Initial name SYLVIA, US flag. Requisitioned by the US Navy in 1941 and renamed TOURMALINE with signal letters PY-20. Transferred to the New York-based Greek War Relief Association Inc. in 1946 and renamed ADELPHIC. Acquired by Hellenic Maritime Enterprise Co. Ltd. “Saronikos” in 1947, renamed KYKNOS and placed under Greek flag. Sold to Loucas Matsas in 1977. Broken up in Megara, Greece, in 1981.

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10. HELIOPOLIS 1903 The 1903-built HELIOPOLIS. HISTORY Built in 1903 as a yacht by Ailsa Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., Troon, UK, for Kenneth M. Clark. Initial name KATOOMBA, British flag. Sold to Madame Heriot in 1904, renamed SALVATOR and placed under French flag. Sold to Anthony J. Drexel in 1924, renamed SAYONARA and placed under US flag. Sold to Baron Empain in 1930, renamed HELIOPOLIS and placed under Belgian flag. Acquired by the British Admiralty in 1940, while sold to Petros Paschalis in 1946 and placed under Panamanian flag. Acquired by Aegean Steam Navigation (Typaldos Bros.) in 1947, converted into a passenger ship and placed under Greek flag maintaining the same name. Broken up in Perama, Greece, in 1960.

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11. MOSCHANTHI 1913 The 1913-built MOSCHANTHI. HISTORY Built in 1913 as a yacht by Hawthorns & Co. Ltd., Leith, UK, for John Nairn. Initial name ST. SERF, British flag. Requisitioned by the British Admiralty and used as a patrol vessel from 1915 to 1919. Acquired by Thos. N. Mordey in 1919 and by Harold Swithinbank in 1923. Sold to Montague S. Napier in 1926 and renamed NOREEN. Sold to Lord Tweedmouth in 1929 and renamed TIERCEL. Requisitioned by the British Admiralty in 1939. Sold to Panamanian interests in 1946 and renamed JUAN. Acquired by Evangelos C. Toyias, Alkiviades C. Toyias, Constantinos A. Georgiades and Antonios A. Loumidis in 1947, converted into a passenger ship and renamed MOSCHANTHI under Greek flag. Acquired by George F. Frangoudakis in 1963. Broken up at Perama, Greece, in 1966.

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12. SOFIA TOYIA 1908 The 1908-built SOFIA TOYIA. HISTORY Built in 1908 as a yacht by Day, Summers & Co., Ltd., Southampton, UK, for Duc de Valencay. Initial name SAGITTA, British flag. Requisitioned by the British Admiralty from 1914 to 1918 and used as an armed yacht. Acquired by Edward D. Morton in 1920. Requisitioned by the British Admiralty in November 1939, while taken over by the Ministry of War Transport in 1941. Sold to Lucinda Navigation Ltd. in 1946 and placed under Panamanian flag. Sold to John Toyias in 1947, renamed SOFIA TOYIA and placed under Greek flag. Sold to Evangelos I. Tseppas in 1949 and renamed VARVARA TSEPPA. Sold to Nicolaos Diapoulis in 1950 and renamed ANDROS. Broken up at Perama, Greece, in 1962.

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13. KARYSTOS 1902 The 1902-built KARYSTOS. HISTORY Built in 1902 as a yacht by D. & W. Henderson & Co. Ltd., Glasgow, UK, for Sir F. H. Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe. Initial name OMBRA, British flag. Acquired by John Toyias and Evangelos Tseppas in 1947, renamed KARYSTOS and placed under Greek flag. Sold at auction to Evangelos C. Toyias in 1958 and renamed CONSTANTINOS. Broken up in Piraeus, Greece, in 1960.

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14. CADIO 1943 The 1943-built CADIO. HISTORY Built in 1943 as a corvette by The Collinwood Shipyards Ltd., Collingwood, Ontario, Canada, for the Canadian Navy. Initial name OWED SOUND, Canadian flag. Acquired by Cadia Compania de Navegacion S.A. in 1946, converted into a passenger ship, renamed CADIO and placed under Panamanian flag. Transferred to Cadio G. Sigalas in 1947 and placed under Greek flag, maintaining the same name. Transferred to Teti G. Mamai, née Sigalas, in 1950, while the 49% of the owning shares were taken over by Compania Navegacion Ripa S.A. de Panama in 1952. Laid-up in mid-1950s and broken up in Piraeus, Greece, in 1964.

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15. GLAROS 1904 The 1904-built GLAROS. HISTORY Built in 1904 as a yacht by Scott’s Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. Ltd., Greenock, UK, for Wyndam Francis Cook. Initial name BERYL, British flag. Acquired by Lord Hollenden in 1911 and renamed LORNA. Requisitioned by the British Admiralty from 1914 to 1919 and used as an auxiliary patrol vessel. Subsequently sold to Sir Walter R. Preston. Requisitioned by the British Admiralty from September 1939 to May 1941 and used as an armed boarding vessel. Sold to G. Gounaris and N. Maris after the end of WWII, renamed THESSALIA and placed under Panamanian flag. Acquired by Kavounides Shipping Co. Ltd. in 1947, converted into a passenger ship, renamed GLAROS and placed under Greek flag. In December 12, 1966 she sank following collision with the laid-up steamship RITA in Salamis island, Greece. Subsequently refloated and broken up in 1969.

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16. HERAKLEION 1925 The 1925-built HERAKLEION (depicted with subsequent name LACONIA). HISTORY Built in 1925 as a cargo ship by Norderwerft A.G., Hamburg, Germany, for Bugsier Reed. & Bergungs A.G. Initial name WIEDAU, German flag. Taken over by the British Ministry of Transport in 1945, renamed EMPIRE CONTRACT and placed under British flag. Transferred to the Greek Government in the same year in the context of war reparations, converted into a passenger/cargo ship, renamed HERAKLEION and placed under Greek flag. Sold to Ioannis Tsengas and Spyros Bilinis in 1948 and renamed LACONIA. Sold to Hellenic Levant Lines in 1954 and placed in liner service. Sold to Sinai Manganese Co. in 1965, renamed MANGANESE and placed under Egyptian flag.

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17. IONION 1894 The 1894-built IONION. HISTORY Built in 1894 by Fevigs Jernskibsbyggeri, Fevig, Norway for Arendals Dampskibsselskab. Initial name DRONNINGEN, Norwegian flag. Transferred to Det Helgelandske Dampskibsselskab in 1946. Acquired by Aegean Steam Navigation (Typaldos Bros.) in 1948, renamed IONION and placed under Greek flag. Broken up in Piraeus, Greece, in 1963.

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18. LUCINDA 1899 The 1899-built LUCINDA. HISTORY Built in 1899 as a yacht by Ramage & Ferguson Ltd., Leith, UK, for A. R. & J. M. Sladen. Initial name SHEMARA, British flag. Sold to the Government of New South Wales in the same year, renamed VICTORIA and placed under Australian flag. Sold to Camper & Nicholson Ltd. in 1905, renamed SHEMARA and placed under British flag. Requisitioned by the British Admiralty from 1914 to 1919 and used as an auxiliary patrol vessel. Sold to Sir Charles D. Burney in 1933 and renamed LUCINDA. Sold to Lucinda Cia. Panamena de Navegacion S.A. in 1946 and placed under Panamanian flag. Acquired by Mikes N. Filinis, Nikolaos M. Filinis, Petros Paramythiotis and Georgios Vougiouklis in 1947, converted into a passenger ship and placed under Greek flag maintaining the same name. Broken up in Italy in 1952.

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19. ANATOLI 1897 The 1897-built ANATOLI. HISTORY Built in 1897 as a yacht by Scott’s Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. Ltd., Greenock, UK, for William Clark. Initial name TUSCARORA, British flag. Acquired by Walter & O. B. Jennings in 1901 and placed under US flag. Sold to Ramon de la Sota in 1911, renamed GIOIZEKO IZARRA and placed under Spanish flag. Acquired by Godfrey H. Williams in 1923, renamed again TUSCARORA and placed under British flag. Requisitioned by the British Admiralty from 1940 to 1946 and used as an anti-submarine patrol vessel. Sold to Bienvenido Steamship Co. Ltd. (J. Livanos & Sons Ltd.) in 1946, converted into a passenger ship, renamed ANATOLI and placed under Panamanian flag. Acquired by Antonios L. Diamantopoulos and Georgios P. Pyliaros in 1948 and placed under Greek flag maintaining the same name. Sold to Michail N. Ezonis in December 1950. Sold to Nicolaos, Ioannis and Leonidas G. Domestinis, Dimitrios N. Angelopoulos and Achilles M. Cambanis in 1951, converted into a cargo ship and renamed EVGENIA. Acquired by Nicolaos Moundreas & Co. in 1959 and by Ar. Georgakakos & Co. in 1961. Sold to foreign interests in 1968, renamed ALHELAL and placed under Saudi Arabian flag. Sank on October 4, 1968, under adverse weather conditions.

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20. TETI 1943 The 1943-built TETI. HISTORY Built in 1943 as a frigate by Canadian Vickers Ltd., Montreal, Canada. Initial name HMS LOSSIE, British flag. Acquired by Cadio Cia. de Navegacion of the G. Sigalas Sons group in 1946, converted into a passenger ship, renamed TETI and placed under Panamanian flag. Placed under Greek flag in 1949. Sold to Aegean Steam Navigation (Typaldos Bros.) in 1954, while extensively rebuilt in 1956 and renamed ADRIATIKI. Laid up in Perama in 1967. On April 6, 1973 she broke adrift due to a strong gale and sank on the following day at Drapetsona, Greece.

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21. PINDOS II 1907 The 1907-built PINDOS II. HISTORY Built in 1907 as a yacht by Ailsa Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., Troon, UK, for William K. Millar. Initial name MAID OF HONOUR, British flag. Sold to Marion G. Thorton in 1913. Requisitioned by the British Admiralty from 1915 to 1919 and used as an auxiliary patrol vessel. Sold in 1922 to Courtney C. E. Morgan and renamed SYLVANA. Sold to Bury Court Shipping Co. Ltd. (G. Potamianos) in 1947. Transferred to Epirotiki Steamship Co. Georgios Potamianos S.A. in 1948, converted into a passenger ship and placed under Greek flag. Renamed PINDOS II in 1949, while in 1951 acquired by Panos D. Papaoikonomou, Ioannis D. Tripos, Georgios N. Vatikiotis and Manthos P. Vettas. Acquired at auction by the Commercial Bank of Greece in 1964. Sold to Panagiotis P. Thanopoulos in 1965, renamed ARIS and PINDOS subsequently. Acquired again by the Commercial Bank of Greece in 1968.

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22. ADRIAS 1893 The 1893-built ADRIAS. HISTORY Built in 1893 by Harland & Wolff Ltd., Belfast, UK, for Belfast Steamship Co. Ltd. Initial name MAGIC, British flag. Renamed CLASSIC in 1919. Sold to City of Cork Steam Packet Co. Ltd. in 1925, renamed KILLARNEY and placed under Irish flag. Sold to Coast Lines Ltd. in 1932 and placed under British flag. Requisitioned by the British Admiralty from 1940 to 1946. Acquired by Bury Court Shipping Co. Ltd. (G. Potamianos) in 1947 and renamed ATTIKI maintaining the British flag. Transferred to Epirotiki Steamship Co. Georgios Potamianos S.A. in 1948, renamed ADRIAS and placed under Greek flag. On October 6, 1951 driven ashore on Falconera island, Greece, and became a total loss.

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23. LEMNOS AND SYROS 1941 The 1941-built SYROS. HISTORY Built in 1941 as a corvette by Harland & Wolff Ltd., Belfast UK. Initial name BERGAMOT, British flag. Acquired in 1946 by the Greek Government, renamed SYROS and placed under Greek flag. Acquired by Kavounides Shipping Co. Ltd. in 1950, converted into a passenger ship and renamed DELPHINI. Renamed EKATERINI in 1955. Broken up in Perama, Greece, in 1976.

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24. MARIE 1911 The 1911-built MARIE. HISTORY Built in 1911 as a yacht by J. I. Thornycroft & Co. Ltd., Southampton, UK, for Henry J. Mason. Initial name MARYNTHEA, British flag. Requisitioned by the British Admiralty from 1915 to 1919. Sold to Sir Arthur P. du Cros in 1919 and renamed EMERALD. Sold to H. Gordon Selfridge in 1926 and renamed CONQUEROR. Requisitioned by the British Admiralty from September 1939 to 1945. Sold to Lamyra Cia. de Vapores S.A. in 1947, converted into a passenger ship, renamed PATRIS and placed under Panamanian flag. Transferred to Georgios P. Hadoulis & Co. in 1948, renamed MARIE and placed under Greek flag. Sold to Evangelos C. Toyias in 1949 and renamed COSTAKIS TOYIAS in 1950. Acquired by Lazaros S. Lagas in 1958 and renamed MARILENA. Extensively rebuilt in 1961. Broken up in Chalkis, Greece, in 1979 after a long lay-up period.

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25. HYDRA 1906 The 1906-built NIKI [depicted with subsequent name HYDRA (Michael Matantos archive)]. HISTORY Built in 1906 as a tug by Garston Graving Dock and Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., Garston, UK, for Mersey Towing Company Ltd. Initial name BISON, British flag. Acquired by Velissaris C. Katoulas in 1946, converted into a passenger ship, renamed NIKI and placed under Greek flag. Transferred to the heirs of V. C. Katoulas in 1948. Sold to John S. Latsis in 1949 and renamed HYDRA in 1950. Sold to Nikolaos G. Lambiris in 1954, converted into a cargo ship and renamed NIKOLAS L. Sold to Antonios and Ioannis Mavrellos in 1958. Acquired at auction by Vassilios Zavitsanos in 1963 and renamed AGIOS GEORGIOS. On October 5, 1968 she sank off Mytilene island.

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26. ANGELICA 1910 The 1910-built ANGELICA. HISTORY Built in 1910 by Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. Ltd., Glasgow, UK, for the Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Initial name PRINCESS ADELAIDE, Canadian flag. Acquired by Aegean Steam Navigation (Typaldos Bros.) in 1949, renamed ANGELICA and placed under Greek flag. Broken up in 1966 in Italy.

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27. NERAIDA 1939 The 1939-built LAURANA (depicted with subsequent name NERAIDA). HISTORY Built in 1939 by Cantieri Navali del Quarnaro S.A., Fiume, Italy for Soc. Fiumana di Navigazione. Initial name LAURANA, Italian flag. Sold to John S. Latsis in 1949 and placed under Greek flag maintaining the same name, while renamed NERAIDA in 1950. Transferred to Hellenic Coastal Transport S.A. in 1970 and to Neraida Shipping Co. in 1978. The ship operates as a floating museum since 2010.

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28. ALEXANDRA 1941 The 1941-built ALEXANDRA. HISTORY Built in 1941 as a corvette by Alexander Hall & Co., Aberdeen, UK. Initial name COLTSFOOT, British flag. Sold in 1946 to Divisa Compania de Vapores, renamed ALEXANDRA under Panamanian flag and converted into a passenger ship. Acquired in 1949 by Michail N. Piangos. Sold in 1950 to Piraiki Steamship Co. of G. Pyliaros & A. Diamantopoulos and placed under Greek flag maintaining the same name. Acquired in 1952 by N. Diamantis. Sold to Erietta A. Papageorgiou and Elli G. Thomopoulos in 1951. Acquired in 1952 by N. Diamantis. Sold in 1952 to Foustanos Brothers and renamed ERMOUPOLIS in 1953. On November 20, 1954, stranded on rocks off the port of Syros island due to heavy fog and became a total loss.

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29. CYCLADES 1943 The 1943-built CYCLADES. HISTORY Built in 1943 as a minesweeper (algerine class) by Toronto Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., Canada. Initial name PERSIAN, British flag. Left over in ODISY after the end of the War. Acquired in 1950 by John Toyias, renamed CYCLADES and was converted into a passenger ship. Transferred to John Toyias Steamship Co. S.A. in 1954. Taken over at auction by the National Bank of Greece in 1958. Acquired in 1958 by the Ionian Steamship Navigation Co. Ltd. (Petros Potamianos) and renamed ADRIAS. Taken over in 1961 by National Bank of Greece, placed under the temporary management of the Kavounides Shipping Co. Ltd. and renamed ATHINA. Sold in the same year to the above group and renamed POLIKOS. Broken up in Piraeus in 1974.

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30. AEGEON 1911 The 1911-built AEGEON. HISTORY Built in 1911 by Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd., Newcastle, UK for Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Initial name PRINCESS ALICE, Canadian flag. Acquired in 1949 by Aegean Steam Navigation (Typaldos Bros.), renamed AEGEON and placed under Greek flag. On December 2, 1966, while she was towed from Piraeus to Savona, Italy, in order to be delivered to local breakers, she grounded off Civitavecchia during heavy storm.

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31. DESPINA 1943 The 1943-built DESPINA. HISTORY Built in 1943 as a Navy escort and patrol vessel by Pullman Standard Car Manufacturing Co., Chicago, USA. Initial name KILMORE, British flag. Left over in Greece after the end of WWII and she became the property of ODISY. Acquired in 1950 by Foustanos Brothers, converted into a passenger ship and renamed DESPINA under Greek flag. Sold in 1969 to Georgios Kousouniadis & Co. and renamed EVANGELISTRIA. Broken up in Elefsis, Greece, in 1980.

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32. AVRA 1904 The 1904-built AVRA (depicted with subsequent name ELENA). HISTORY Built as a yacht in 1904 by Scott’s Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. Ltd., Greenock, UK. Initial name GRIANAIG, British flag. Requisitioned by the British Admiralty in 1914 and used as an auxiliary patrol vessel, while used for anti-submarine patrol service in 1916 and later on as a hospital ship. Returned to her owner Earl of Dunraven in 1919. Sold in mid-1920s to A.J. Drexel, Jr. and renamed ALOMA. Subsequently acquired by Aymar Johnson, renamed ENCHANTRESS and placed under US flag. Sold in 1937 to Moss S. Myers and renamed LADY SHAHRAZAD under British flag. Requisitioned by the British Admiralty in September 1939 and used for anti-submarine patrol service. Sold in 1946 to Compania Maritima Corthi S.A., converted into a passenger ship and renamed ANTONIO under Panamanian flag. Acquired in 1948 by Giannoulis Z. Gounaris and renamed AVRA under Greek flag. Sold in 1950 to Lazaros S. Lagas and renamed ELENA in 1951. Broken up in Greece in 1959.

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33. MIAOULIS 1952 The 1952-built MIAOULIS. HISTORY Built in 1952 by Cantieri Riuniti dell’ Adriatico, Monfalcone, Italy for the Greek Government in the context of Italy’s war reparations to Greece. Acquired on delivery by Petros M. Nomikos Ltd. Sold in 1973 to Athenian Cruises S.A. and in 1976 to Miaoulis Shipping Ltd. of the Strintzis group. Acquired in 1977 by Agapitos Brothers. Broken up in Pakistan in 1988.

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34. KANARIS 1952 The 1952-built KANARIS. HISTORY Built in 1952 by Cantieri Riuniti dell’ Adriatico, Monfalcone, Italy for the Greek Government in the context of Italy’s war reparations to Greece. Acquired on delivery by Petros M. Nomikos Ltd. Sold in 1973 to Maleas Shipping Co. Ltd of Stathakis Bros. and V. Manousos and transferred to Kanaris Shipping S.A. in 1979. Sold in 1980 to Forecast Line Co. Ltd. Renamed TRAFALGAR in 1981 but never traded under this name. Broken up in Elefsis, Greece, in 1984.

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35. KARAISKAKIS 1952 The 1952-built KARAISKAKIS. HISTORY Built in 1952 by Ansaldo S.p.A., Italy for the Greek Government in the context of Italy’s war reparations to Greece. Acquired on delivery by Petros M. Nomikos Ltd. Sold in 1972 to A.N.T.E.P. S.A. – Sunny Cruises and renamed ALEXANDROS. Sold in 1982 at auction to ETBA. Sold in 1984 to Mediterranean Ionian Cruises S.A. and renamed SEA NYMPH. Acquired in 1988 by Sunseeker Lines Ltd. and renamed SEA BRIDE under St. Vincent flag. Sold to High Life Tours S.A.E. in 1989 and renamed SHADWAN under Egyptian flag. Renamed LOVE BOAT in 1990 and STAR OFFSHORE in 1996. Broken up in 2000.

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36. KOLOKOTRONIS 1952 The 1952-built KOLOKOTRONIS. HISTORY Built in 1952 by Cantieri Navali di Taranto, Taranto, Italy for the Greek Government in the context of Italy’s war reparations to Greece. Acquired on delivery by The New Epirotiki Steamship Navigation Petros Potamianos. Except the name KOLOKOTRONIS she was also bearing the name GEORGIOS POTAMIANOS. Sold in 1971 to Georgios Kousouniades & Co. and renamed ACHILLES. Broken up in Perama, Greece, in 1983.

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37. SEMIRAMIS 1935 The 1935-built SEMIRAMIS. HISTORY Built in 1935 by Harland & Wolff Ltd., Belfast, UK for Elder Dempster Lines Ltd. Initial name CALABAR, British flag. Acquired in 1954 by Epirotiki Steamship Co. Georgios Potamianos S.A. and renamed SEMIRAMIS under Greek flag. Refitted and deployed on Greek coastal service. In 1955 she was the first ship chartered by the National Tourism Organisation of Greece for the promotion of organized cruises in the Aegean. Sold in 1979 to Shobokshi Maritime Co., Jeddah and placed under Saudi Arabian flag. Broken up at Singapore in 1980.

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38. PHILIPPOS 1940 The 1940-built PHILIPPOS. HISTORY Built in 1940 by Ailsa Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., Troon, UK for P. & A. Cambell. Initial name EMPRESS QUEEN, British flag. Requisitioned during her construction in 1940 by the Admiralty, completed as an auxiliary anti-aircraft ship and renamed QUEEN EAGLE. Returned to her owners in 1943 under her initial name. Acquired in 1955 by Kavounides Shipping Co. Ltd. and renamed PHILIPPOS under Greek flag. Deployed on the Greek coastal service as well as in cruises in the Adriatic. Seriously damaged by fire on 23 February 1972, while undergoing repairs at Keratsini, Greece. Declared a constructive total loss and broken up at Lavrion, Greece, in 1974.

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39. PHRYNH 1928 The 1928-built PHRYNI. HISTORY Built in 1928 by Wm. Denny & Bros. Ltd., Dumbarton, UK for Southern Railway. Initial name WORTHING, British flag. Requisitioned by the Admiralty from 1940 to 1946 and renamed BRIGADIER. Transferred in 1948 to the British Transport Commission. Acquired in 1955 by John S. Latsis and renamed PHRYNI under Greek flag. Broken up in Greece in 1964.

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40. MEDITERRANEAN 1908 The 1908-built MEDITERRANEAN. HISTORY Built in 1908 by Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. Ltd., Glasgow, UK for Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Initial name PRINCESS CHARLOTTE, Canadian flag. Acquired in 1950 by Aegean Steam Navigation (Typaldos Bros.) and renamed MEDITERRANEAN under Panamanian flag. Following extensive conversion works including the replacement of her three funnels with a modern one, she was placed on routes serving Mediterranean destinations. Placed under Greek flag in 1966 maintaining the same name. Broken up in Vado Ligure, Italy, in 1966.

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41. PANTELIS 1944 Τhe 1944-built PANTELIS (Photo Megalokonomou/Aris Bilalis collection). HISTORY Built in 1944 as a fleet minesweeper by Associated Shipbuilders Inc., Seattle, Wash., USA. Transferred to the British Navy as the JASPER and placed under British flag. Left over in Greece after the end of the War and became the property of ODISY. She was used as an energy station providing electricity for the city of Salonica. Acquired in 1956 by Foustanos Bros., converted into a passenger ship and renamed PANTELIS under Greek flag. Laid up at Ambelakia, Salamis in 1969. On 6 December 1971 she developed a list due to intake of water and became semi-submerged. In 1976 she was taken over by the Piraeus Port Authority. Broken up in Greece in 1981.

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42. MYRTIDIOTISSA 1929 The 1929-built MYRTIDIOTISSA. HISTORY Built in 1929 by Harland & Wolff Ltd., Glasgow, UK for David McBrayne Ltd. Initial name LOCHNESS, British flag. Sold in 1955 to Lloyd Mediterraneo S.p.A. and renamed VALMARINA under Italian flag. Acquired in 1958 by Lakoniki Steamship Navigation of S. Billinis & Co. and renamed MYRTIDIOTISSA. Broken up in Perama, Greece, in 1973.

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43. ATREUS 1914 The 1914-built ATREUS. HISTORY Built in 1914 by A/S Burmeister & Wain, Copenhagen, Denmark for Det Forenede Dampskibs Selskab. Initial name AALBORGHUS, Danish flag. Rebuilt in 1936 and renamed FREDERIKSHAVN. Sold in 1958 to Compania de Navegacion Alange of the Potamianos group, renamed ATREUS and placed under Costa Rican flag. Transferred to Epirotiki Steamship Co. Georgios Potamianos S.A. in 1959 and placed under Greek flag maintaining the same name. Transferred in 1967 to Maritime Anepirot and placed under Panamanian flag. Broken up in Italy in 1968.

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44. ELLAS 1936 The 1936-built ELLAS. HISTORY Built in 1936 by Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. Ltd. for London, Midland & Scottish Railway. Initial name MARCHIONESS OF GRAHAM, British flag. Sold in 1939 to the Caledonian Steam Packet Co., Ltd. Acquired in 1958 by Nicolaos Diapoulis and renamed ELLAS in 1959. Acquired at auction in 1963 by Kavounides Shipping Co. Ltd. and renamed NEA HELLAS. Renamed GALAXIAS in 1964. Taken over by Nicolaos Diapoulis in 1965 and renamed ANDROS II. Sold in 1966 to Delphi Cruises S.A. and renamed EL GRECO. Taken over by the Commercial Bank of Greece in 1968. Broken up in Greece in 1977.

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45. AEGEUS 1929 The 1929-built AEGEUS (Photo Megalokonomou/Aris Bilalis collection). HISTORY Built in 1929 by Nylands Verksted, Oslo, Norway for A/S Arendals Dampskibsselskab. Initial name OSLO, Norwegian flag. Acquired in 1969 by Epirotiki Steamship Co. Georgios Potamianos S.A. and renamed AEGEUS under Greek flag. Tranferred in 1960 to the The New Epirotiki Steamship Navigation Petros Potamianos and renamed KEFALLINIA in 1965. Seriously damaged following a fire while being laid-up at Ambelakia, Salamis island and was semi-submerged. Declared a constructive total loss and broken up in Greece.

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46. ARCADIA 1933 The 1933-built ARCADIA. HISTORY Built in 1933 as a cargo ship by Société Anonyme John Cockerill, Antwerp, Belgium for Soc. Anon. John Cockerill. Initial name AMÉTHYSTE, Belgian flag. Bombed and sunk on 18 May 1940 at Dieppe but later raised by the Germans. In 1944 she sank again at St. Malo following an air-raid. Subsequently raised and repaired in Antwerp in 1946. Transferred in 1958 to Soc. Anon. Cockerill-Ougrée. Acquired in 1959 by Greek Tankers S.A. of Constantinos Th. Diamantis, converted into a passenger ship and renamed ARCADIA under Greek flag. Broken up in Elefsis, Greece, in 1970.

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47. KRITI 1929 The 1929-built KRITI. Built in 1929 as a passenger/cargo ship by Earle’s Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. Ltd., Hull, UK for Hull & Netherlands Steamship Co. Ltd. Initial name MERLOSE ABBEY, British flag. Sold in 1935 to Associated Humber Lines Ltd. Renamed MELROSE ABBEY II in 1958. Acquired in 1959 by Aegean Steam Navigation (Typaldos Bros.), converted into a passenger ship and renamed KRITI under Greek flag. In the late 1960s she was laid up in Piraeus. Acquired at auction by National Bank of Greece in 1972. Broken up in Perama, Greece in 1976.

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48. DELOS 1955 The 1955-built DELOS. HISTORY Built in 1955 by Steinwerder Industrie A.G., West Germany for Hafen-Dampfsch. A.G. Initial name WAPPEN VON HAMBURG, West German flag. Acquired in 1961 by Hellenic Star Maritime Co. Ltd. of Marcos P. Nomikos group and renamed DELOS under Greek flag. Sold in 1967 to Alaska Cruise Lines and renamed POLAR STAR under Canadian flag. Acquired in 1970 by West Cruise Lines and renamed PACIFIC STAR under Panamanian flag. Sold to Donald L. Ferguson Cruises Ltd. in 1972 and renamed XANADU. Converted into a non-propelled barge in 1980 in the USA.

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49. HELLAS 1934 The 1934-built HELLAS. HISTORY Built in 1934 by A. Stephen & Sons Ltd., Glasgow, UK for Tasmanian Steamers Pty., Melbourne. Initial name TAROONA, Australian flag. Acquired in 1959 by Aegean Steam Navigation (Typaldos Bros.) and renamed HELLAS under Greek flag. Following a refit and the removal of one of her funnels, she was deployed on Greek coastal service as well as on various Adriatic Sea routes. Laid up in Piraeus in late 1960s, and was finally broken up in Turkey in 1989.

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50. LEMNOS 1943 The 1943-built LEMNOS. HISTORY Built as a corvette in 1943 by Midland Shipyards Ltd., Midland, Ontario, Canada. Initial name LINDSAY, Canadian flag. Sold to Clarke Steamship Co. Ltd. and renamed NORTH SHORE. Acquired in 1961 by Aegean Steam Navigation (Typaldos Bros.), converted into a passenger ship and renamed LEMNOS under Greek flag. Broken up in Perama, Greece in 1970.

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51. EPIROS 1947 The 1947-built EPIRUS. HISTORY Built in 1947 by Caledon Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. Ltd., Dundee, UK for Clyde Shipping Co. Ltd. Initial name TOWARD, British flag. Acquired in 1962 by The New Epirotiki Steamship Navigation Petros Potamianos and renamed EPIRUS under Greek flag. Stranded in 1970 on rocks off Skyros island in dense fog. Towed to Piraeus, declared a constructive total loss and broken up in Perama, Greece, in the same year.

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52. ESPEROS 1943 The 1943-built ESPEROS. HISTORY Built in 1943 as a minelayer by Danziger Werft Schiffs & Maschinenbaunstalt, Danzig, Germany. Towed to Odense Staalskibsvaerft, Odense, Denmark for completion. Delivered to German Navy in 1944 as the LINZ. Taken over by British Ministry of Transport in 1945 and renamed EMPIRE WANSBECK under British flag. Acquired by Kavounides Shipping Co. in 1962, converted into a passenger ship and renamed ESPEROS under Greek flag. Broken up in Spain in 1980.

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53. PHAISTOS 1951 The 1951-built PHAISTOS. HISTORY Built as a tanker in 1951 by Köckums Mekaniska Verkstads A.B., Malmö, Sweden for Swedish enterprise Stig Gorthon. Initial name MARIA GORTHON, Swedish flag. Acquired in 1963 by Constantine S. Efthymiades, extensively converted into a passenger/side-loading ferry and renamed PHAISTOS under Greek flag. Laid up at Piraeus in 1977. Broken up at Elefsis, Greece, in 1983.

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54. SOFOKLIS VENIZELOS 1943 The 1943-built SOFOKLIS VENIZELOS. HISTORY Built in 1943 by Forges et Chantiers de la Mediterranée, Le Havre, France. Laid down for Soc. Nationale de Chemins de Fer, as the LONDRES, she was seized on stocks by the Germans. Completed as the minelayer LOTHRINGEN and placed under German flag. Returned to her owners in 1945 and renamed LONDRES again under French flag. Transferred to the British Transport Commission in 1955 and placed under British flag. Acquired in 1963 by the Aegean Steam Navigation (Typaldos Broos.) and renamed IONION II. Following a refit she was renamed SOFOKLIS VENIZELOS in 1964. Seriously damaged by fire on April 14, 1966, while being repaired at Piraeus. Declared a constructive total loss and sold to local breakers in 1968.

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55. KEFALLINIA 1965 The 1965-built KEFALLINIA. HISTORY Built in 1965 by Th. Zervas & Sons, Perama, Greece for Dimitrios, Demosthenes and Dionysios M. Strintzis and Constantinos and Haralambos A. Strintzis. Transferred in 1982 to Strintzis Bros. Shipping Co. Sold in 1993 to Katapoliani Maritime Co. and renamed EXPRESS PAROS. Acquired by Victoria Passenger Marine Transport Ltd. in 1999 and renamed ZAHARA under Tanzanian flag.

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56. MINOS 1952 The 1952-built MINOS. HISTORY Built in 1952 as a tanker by Köckums Mekaniska Verkstads A.B., Malmö, Sweden for Olof Wallenius. Initial name SOYA-MARGARETA, Swedish flag. Acquired in 1964 by Constantine S. Efthymiades, converted into a passenger/side loading ferry and renamed MINOS under Greek flag. Sold in 1974 to Minoan Lines. Broken up at Split, Croatia, in 1984.

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57. LETO 1947 The 1947-built LETO. HISTORY Built in 1947 by Forges & Chantiers de la Mediteranée S.A., Le Havre, France, for Soc. Nationale des Chemind de Fer Francaise. Initial name ARROMANCHES, French flag. Acquired in 1965 by Petros M. Nomikos Ltd. and renamed LETO under Greek flag. Broken up at Elefsis, Greece, in 1972.

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58. HERAKLION 1949 The 1949-built HERAKLION. HISTORY Built as a passenger/cargo ship in 1949 by Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. Ltd., Glasgow, UK, for Bibby Line Ltd. Initial name LEICESTERSHIRE, British flag. Acquired in 1965 by the Aegean Steam Navigation (Typaldos Bros.), converted into a passenger/slide loading ferry and renamed HERAKLION under Greek flag. Sank off Falconera island on December 8, 1966, resulting to heavy human losses but also the collapse of Typaldos Brothers group within a short period of time.

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59. SOPHIA 1953 The 1953-built SOPHIA. HISTORY Built as ta tanker in 1953 by Köckums Mekaniska Verkstads A.B., Malmö, Sweden, for the Olof Wallenius group. Initial name SOYA-BIRGITTA, Swedish flag. Acquired in 1965 by Constantine S. Efthymiades, converted into a passenger/side loading ferry and renamed SOPHIA under Greek flag. On May 17, 1976, while at the port of Keratsini, developed a list and partially submerged. Declared a constructive total loss and broken up in Greece in 1985.

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60. ELLI 1967 The 1967-built ELLI. HISTORY Built in 1967 by Kamitsis & Galatis, Perama, Greece, for Georgios F. Frangoudakis. Transferred in 1968 to his heirs, his widow Angeliki and children Frangiskos, Irini, Elli and Marianna. Transferred in 1982 to Elli S.A. Sold to Hellenic Coast Lines S.A. in 1986 and renamed SCHINOUSSA. Sold in 1990 to Katapoliani Shipping Co. and renamed PAROS EXPRESS. Acquired by the Greek Government (Ministry of Aegean) in 1993, converted into a hospital ship and renamed IPPOKRATIS. The whole project however failed to materialize and the ship was donated in 2002 to the charity organization “To xamogelo tou Paidiou”, which failed to operate it within its functions. Remained laid-up and finally sold to Turkish breakers in 2005.

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61. HANIA 1948 The 1948-built HANIA. HISTORY Built in 1948 as a passenger/cargo ship by Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. Ltd., Glasgow, UK, for Bibby Line Ltd. Initial name WARWICKSHIRE, British flag. Acquired in 1965 by Aegean Steam Navigation (Typaldos Bros.), converted into a passenger/side loading ferry and renamed HANIA under Greek flag. Sold to Kavounides Brothers in 1971, renamed SIRIUS and operated as a cruise ship.

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62. ADONIS 1965 The 1965-built ADONIS. HISTORY Built in 1965 by C.R.D. Adriatico, Monfalcone, Italy, for the Hellenic Tourism Organisation. Subsequently placed under the management of the Aegean Steam Navigation (Typaldos Bros.). Sold in 1966 to Kavounides Shipping Co. and renamed ATLANTIS in 1976. Seriously damaged by fire on March 7, 1983, at Piraeus. Declared a constructive total loss and broken up in Megara, Greece, in 1988.

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63. APOLLON 1953 The 1953-built APOLLON. HISTORY Built in 1953 by Forges & Chantiers de la Mediteranée S.A., Le Havre, France for Soc. Nationale des Chemins de Fer Francaise. Initial name LISIEUX, French flag. Acquired in 1966 by Petros M. Nomikos Ltd. and renamed APOLLON under Greek flag. Sold in 1975 to Ioannis & Vassilios Agapitos. Broken up in Elefsis, Greece, in 1982.

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64. AEOLIS 1948 The 1948-built AEOLIS. HISTORY Built in 1948 by Mitsubishi Jukogyo KK., Kobe, Japan, for the Japanese Government. Initial name TAISETSU MARU, Japanese flag. Acquired in 1966 by Constantine S. Efthymiades, refitted and renamed AEOLIS under Greek flag. Sold at auction in 1977 to Deutsche Schiffahrtsbank. Subsequently acquired by Sol Maritime Services and renamed SOL PHRYNE under Cyprus flag. Sold to Ben Hadji Choubaki Fouad in 1991 and placed under Honduras flag. Sank following an explosion and fire on December 6, 1991, south of Vis island, carrying Yugoslavian troops and ammunition.

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65. LINDOS 1952 The 1952-built LINDOS. HISTORY Built in 1952 by Forges & Chantiers de la Mediteranée S.A., La Seyne, France, for Cie. de Navigation Paquet. Initial name LYAUTEY, French flag. Sold in 1965 to Cie. Francaise de Navigation and renamed GALILEE and a year later LYAUTEY. Acquired in 1967 by Constantine S. Efthymiades and renamed LINDOS under Greek flag. Broken up in Castellon, Spain, in 1974.

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66. KALYMNOS 1948 The 1948-built KALYMNOS. HISTORY Built in 1948 by Aalborg Vaerft A/S, Aalborg, Denmark, for the Government of Iceland. Initial name HELKA, Iceland flag. Acquired by Dodekanissiaki Steamship Navigation S.A. in 1966 and renamed KALYMNOS under Greek flag. Sold in 1968 to Constantine G. Doulger and renamed ARCADIA. Acquired in 1969 by Evdoxos Shipping Co. S.A. and renamed KALYMNOS. Broken up in Megara, Greece, in 1981.

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67. MEGALONISOS KRITI 1952 The 1952-built MEGALONISOS KRITI. HISTORY Built in 1952 by Arsenal de Lorient, Lorient, France, for Cie. General Transatlantique. Initial name VILLE DE TUNIS, French flag. Acquired in 1967 by K Shipping Enterprised Ltd. and renamed MEGALONISOS KRITI under Greek flag. Renamed CITY OF ATHENS in 1969. Sank on March 26, 1980, southeast of Formentera island, while being towed from Piraeus to Barcelona for delivery to local breakers.

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68. OIA 1949 The 1949-built OIA. HISTORY Built in 1949 by Wm. Denny & Bros. Ltd., Dumbarton, UK, for General Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. Initial name QUEEN OF THE CHANNEL, British flag. Acquired in 1968 by Aghia Ypapanti Compania Maritima S.A. (Katsoulakos group) and renamed OIA under Greek flag. Transferred to Kriton Shipping Co. in 1970. Seriously damaged on September 12, 1974, after hitting rocks off Serifos island and declared a constructive total loss. Acquired in 1976 in damaged condition by Demetrios J. Carras and renamed LETO. Repaired and transferred to Blye Sky Line Limited Ltd. in 1977. Sold at auction in 1978 to Georgios Kousouniades Shipping Co. S.A. Broken up in Elefsis, Greece, in 1983.

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69. KYKLADES 1972 The 1972-built KYKLADES. HISTORY Built in 1972 by United Shipyards, Perama, Greece, for Agapitos Brothers. Sold to Kyklades Islands N.E. in 1989 and renamed EXPRESS EVOIKOS in 1993. Sold to Aghia Methodia Kimolou Shipping Co. in 1994 and renamed METHODIA. Acquired at auction by Express Delphini N.E. of Agapitos Express Ferries group in 1996 and renamed EXPRESS DANAE. Sold to Minoan Flying Dolphins Maritime S.A. in 2000. Sold in 2004 to Pastel Hostess Ltd. and renamed ERKE under Cambodian flag.

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70. KNOSSOS 1953 The 1953-built KNOSSOS. HISTORY Built in 1953 as a passenger/cargo ship by Arsenal de Lorient, Lorient, France, for Cie. des Messageries Maritimes. Initial name LA BOURDONNAIS, French flag. Acquired in 1968 by Constantine S. Efthymiades and renamed KNOSSOS under Greek flag. Sold at auction to Deutsche Schiffahrts Bank A.G. in 1977 and subsequently broken up in Perama, Greece.

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71. KYDON 1953 The 1953-built KYDON. HISTORY Built as a tanker in 1953 by N.V. Machinefabriek en Scheepswerf van P. Smot, Jr., Rotterdam, The Netherlands, for Suomen Tankkilaiva O/Y. Initial name WIRAKEL, Finnish flag. Acquired in 1968 by Anonimi Naftiliaki Eteria Kritis (ANEK), renamed KYDON and placed under Greek flag. Converted into a passenger/side loading ferry and completed in 1970. Sold in 1989 to Jo-Dim Investment Trust Ltd. and renamed CITY OF TARANTO under Maltese flag. Broken up in Malta in 1998.

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72. IONION 1972 The 1972-built IONION (Michael Matantos Archive). HISTORY Built in 1972 by Hellenic General Enterprises Co., Perama, Greece, for Strintzis Bros. Shipping Co. Sold in 1978 to Minas Stathakis and Vassilios Manoussos. Stranded on October 6, 1991, at Gramvoussa Kissamou in Chania, partly submerged and subsequently declared a constructive total loss.

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73. GEORGIOS 1971 The 1971-built GEORGIOS. HISTORY Built in 1971 by United Shipyards, Perama, Greece, for Shipping & Tourist Co. Frangiskos Frangoudakis S.A. Sold in 1985 to China National Machinery Import & Export Corp. and renamed HONG MIAN under Chinese flag. Sold in 1995 to Dalian Marine Transport Co. and renamed TIAN LU under Chinese flag.

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74. MIMIKA L 1949 The 1949-built MIMIKA L. HISTORY Built in 1949 by Helsingør Skibsværft & Maskinbyggeri A/S, Helsingør, Denmark, for Det Forenede Dampskibs Selskab. Initial name KRONPRINSESSE INGRID, Danish flag. Sold to Rederi-og Handelsselskapetr Montana A/S in 1969 and renamed COPENHAGEN. Acquired in the same year by Costas S. Latsis, renamed MIMIKA L and placed under Greek flag. Acquired at auction by the National Bank of Greece in 1977, while sold in 1978 to Astir Shipping Enterprises Co. Ltd. of Dimitrios G. Ventouris and renamed ALKYON. Broken up in Pakistan in 1985.

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75. SANTORINI 1982 The 1982-built SANTORINI (Photo by G. Kouroupis/George Koveos collection). HISTORY Built in 1982 by Argo Shipbuilding & Repairing Co., Perama, Greece, for Santorini Shipping Co. S.A. Transferred in 1986 to Hellenic Coastal Line S.A. Sold in 1988 to the Republic of Algeria and renamed TIPU SULTAN under Algerian flag.

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76. FIVOS 1973 The 1973-built FIVOS (Photo by S. Valakis). HISTORY Built in 1973 by United Shipyards, Perama, Greece, for Labut S.A. of Spyros Lalis group. Deployed on coastal service in 1974 and 1975. Sold in 1976 to Cross Ferry Line S.A. and renamed CHRYSOVALANDOU. Acquired by Naxos Shipping S.A. in 1979 and renamed PAROS. Acquired by Hellenic Coastal Lines S.A. in 1986 and by Arkadia Lines of Costas Moulopoulos group in 1991. Renamed IOANNIS EXPRESS in 1992, while sold to Paros Shipping Co. in 1995. Acquired by Ventouris Northwest Ionian Lines Shipping Co. in 1996 and renamed PANAGIA PAXON. Taken over at auction in 2001 by the National Bank of Greece. Broken up in Turkey in 2002.

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77. MARIANNA 1965 The 1965-built MARIANNA (Christos Gavras collection). HISTORY Built in 1965 by Rolandwerft G.m.b.H, Bremen, West Germany, for A/S Skagerakpilen. Initial name STELLA MARINA, Norwegian flag. Sold to Mercantile Holding A/S in 1970 and subsequently to Grunstadts Rederi A/S and renamed HOLIDAY PRINCESS. Acquired in the same year by Greek Seaparadise Co. Ltd. and renamed MARIANNA under Greek flag. Sold to Platania Shipping Co. Ltd. in 1975 and renamed CHRYSANTHEMUM under Greek flag. Acquired by Hellenic Adriatic Lines S.r.L. in 1980 and renamed ESPRESSO BRINDISI under Italian flag. Sold to the Government of Senegal in 1982 and renamed CASAMANCE EXPRESS.

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78. DODEKANISOS 1971 The 1971-built DODEKANISOS. HISTORY Built in 1971 by D. Kamitsis & Co., Perama, Greece, as AETOS for N.E. Ochimatagogon Kikladon, however she did not sail under this name. Sold to Piraiki N.E. in 1977 and renamed DODEKANISOS. Acquired at auction in 1980 by bankers ETBA. Sold in 1984 to Agapitos Brothers, while renamed CORFU SEA in 1985. Sold to Achillion K.N.E. in 1988. Sold in 1996 to Karistos Maritime Co. and renamed EXPRESS KARISTOS. Broken up in India in 2004.

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79. NAIAS 1950 The 1950-built NAIAS. HISTORY Built in 1950 by Helsingør Skibsværft & Maskinbyggeri A/S, Helsingør, Denmark, for Det Forenede Dampskibs Selskab. Initial name JENS BANG, Danish flag. Acquired in 1971 by Sbarbara Cia. Maritima S.A. and renamed NAIAS under Greek flag. Transferred in the same year to Kriton Shipping Co. and to Naias Shipping Co. S.A. in 1972. Broken up in Elefsis, Greece, in 1985.

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80. ARCADI 1948 The 1948-built ARCADI. HISTORY Built in 1948 by Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd., Newcastle, UK, for Cie. de Navigation Mixte. Initial name PRESIDENT DE CAZALET, French flag. Renamed MÉDITERRANÉE in 1967. Acquired in 1971 by Constantine S. Efthymiades and renamed ARCADI under Greek flag. Broken up at Perama, Greece, in 1982.

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81. AGAPITOS I 1948 The 1948-built AGAPITOS I. HISTORY Built in 1948 by Cammell Laird & Co. Ltd., Birkenhead, UK, for Fishguard & Rosslare Railways & Harbours Co. Initial name ST. PATRICK, British flag. Sold in 1959 to British Transport Commission, while transferred in 1963 to British Railways Board. Acquired in 1972 by Gerassimos S. Fetouris and renamed THERMOPYLAI under Greek flag. Taken over in 1972 by the Panamanian enterprise Kimi Compania Naviera S.A. with the consent of the National Bank of Greece who has provided finance for its acquisition. Sold in 1973 to Agapitos Brothers and renamed AGAPITOS I. Laid up in 1976 and broken up in Piraeus, Greece, in 1979.

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82. RETHIMNON 1971 The 1971-built RETHIMNON. HISTORY Built in 1971 by Sumitomo Shipbuilding & Machinery Co., Uraga, Japan, for Central Ferry Co. Ltd. Initial name CENTRAL No. 5, Japanese flag. Acquired in 1972 by Anonimi Naftiliaki Eteria Kritis (ANEK) and renamed RETHIMNON under Greek flag. Sold in 2001 to Naif Marine Services (Pvt) and renamed JABAL ALI 2 under United Arab Emirates flag.

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83. CANDIA 1971 The 1971-built CANDIA. HISTORY Built in 1971 by Sumitomo Shipbuilding & Machinery Co., Uraga, Japan, for Central Ferry Co. Ltd. Initial name CENTRAL No. 2, Japanese flag. Acquired in 1972 by Anonimi Naftiliaki Eteria Kritis (ANEK) and renamed CANDIA under Greek flag. Sold in 2001 to Naif Marine Services (Pvt) and renamed JABAL ALI 3 under United Arab Emirates flag.

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84. SAPFO 1966 The 1966-built SAPPHO. HISTORY Built in 1966 by Camell Laird, Birkenhead, UK, for Ellerman’s Wilson Line Ltd. Initial name SPERO, British flag. Acquired in 1973 by Naftiliaki Eteria Lesvou and renamed SAPPHO under Greek flag. Sold to Lacerta Shipping Agencies in 2002 and renamed SANTORINI 3.

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85. NAXOS 1975 The 1975-built NAXOS. HISTORY Built in 1975 by United Shipyards, Perama, Greece, for Naxos Shipping S.A. Acquired in 1986 by Hellenic Coastal Lines S.A. and in 1991 by Arkadia Lines of C. Moulopoulos group. Sold in 1994 to Hainan Libaou Shipping Company of the People’s Republic of China.

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86. LEMNOS 1976 The 1976-built LEMNOS. HISTORY Built in 1976 by Hellenic General Enterprises, Perama, Greece, for Lemnos Maritime Co. Ltd. (Loucas Nomicos Sons). Sold to Minoan Flying Dolphins Maritime S.A. in 1999. Transferred to Hellas Flying Dolphins Maritime S.A. in 2002. Sold in the same year to C Link Ferries Maritime Company and renamed PANAGIA TINOU. Sold to Trabzon Shipping Inc. in 2009, renamed TRABZON and placed under Moldovan flag. Sold to Med Star Shipping Co. S.A. in 2013, renamed MED STAR and placed under Togo flag.

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87. AGIOS GEORGIOS 1955 The 1955-built AGIOS GEORGIOS. HISTORY Built in 1955 by Aalborg Vaerft A/S, Aalborg, Denmark, for A/S D/S Oresund. Initial name ABSALON, Danish flag. Acquired in 1975 by Constantinos G. Ventouris and renamed MASTROGIORGIS under Cyprus flag. Placed under Greek flag in the same year, while renamed AGIOS GEORGIOS in 1976. Acquired by Kimolos Navigation Co. Ltd. in 1988 and renamed ERGINA under Maltese flag. Broken up in Turkey in 2004.

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88. ARIADNE 1967 The 1967-built ARIADNE. HISTORY Built in 1967 by Lübecker Flender-Werke A.G., Lübeck, West Germany, for A/B Tor Line. Initial name TOR HOLLANDIA, Swedish flag. Acquired in 1975 by Minoan Lines and renamed ARIADNE under Greek flag. Sold in 1999 to Fragline Ferries Ltd. and renamed OURANOS under Maltese flag. Sold in 2007 to F Lines and renamed F. DIAMOND.

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89. ARION 1965 The 1965-built ARION. HISTORY Built in 1965 by Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. Ltd., Glasgow, UK, for Nil-Somerfin Car Ferries Ltd. Initial name NILI, Israeli flag. Sold in 1967 to Kavim Hervat Oniyat B.M. and renamed JAMAICA QUEEN. Sold to Weston Shipping Co. Ltd. in 1968 and to Kavim Shipping Co. Ltd. in 1969, while subsequently renamed NILI. Acquired in 1975 by Maritime Co. of Lesvos and renamed ARION under Greek flag. Seriously damaged following a terrorist attack on December 20, 1981, while at the port of Haifa. Declared a constructive total loss and sold for demolition.

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90. SAMAINA 1962 The 1962-built SAMAINA. HISTORY Built in 1962 by Hanseatische Werft G.m.b.H., Hamburg, West Germany, for J. A. Reinecke. Initial name NILS HOLGERSSON, West German flag. Sold in 1967 to P/R m.s. Gosta Berling and renamed GOSTA BERLING. Sold back to J. A. Reinecke in the same year and renamed ESCAPADE and immediately after sold to Travemunde-Trelleborg Linie G.m.b.H. and renamed GOSTA BERLING. Sold in 1973 to T.T. Cruising Line Ltd. and placed under Cyprus flag. Sold again in 1975 to Travemunde-Trelleborg Linie G.m.b.H. and renamed MARY POPPINS under West German flag. Acquired in 1976 by Shipping & Tourist Co. of Samos & Ikaria and renamed SAMAINA under Greek flag. Acquired in 1986 by Hellenic Coastal Lines S.A. Sold in 1991 to Samaina Naftiliaki N.E. of the C. Moulopoulos group. Collided on November 4, 1996, with the Greek fast attack craft ANTHYPOPLOIARHOS KOSTAKOS, which subsequently sank. Four crew members of the naval craft were lost. The SAMAINA was repaired but finally laid up until 2000 when she was sold for demolition in India.

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91. AIGAION 1958 The 1958-built AIGAION. HISTORY Built in 1958 by Cockerill-Ougrée S.A., Hoboken, Belgium, for Regie voor Maritime Tpt. Initial name ARTEVELDE, Belgian flag. Acquired in 1976 by Vassilios and Ioannis Agapitos and renamed AIGAION under Greek flag. Transferred in 1992 to Ioannis and Constantine Agapitos. Seriously damaged from fire on February 19, 1996, while undergoing repairs in Drapetsona, and eventually sank.

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92. KRITI 1972 The 1972-built KRITI. HISTORY Built in 1972 by Kanda Zosensho K.K., Jure, Japan, for Hiroshima Green Ferry K.K. Initial name GREEN ARROW, Japanese flag. Acquired in 1977 by the Polemis group and renamed ARGO under Greek flag. Sold in the same year to Anonimi Naftiliaki Eteria Kritis (ANEK), converted and renamed KRITI. Sold in 1996 to Super Naias Shipping Co. of the Agapitos group. Sold in 1999 to Minoan Flying Dolphins Maritime S.A. and renamed EXPRESS ARIS. Transferred in 2002 to Hellas Flying Dolphins Maritime S.A. Broken up in 2005.

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93. HOMERUS 1958 The 1958-built HOMERUS. HISTORY Built in 1958 by Helsingør Skibs Værft og Maskinbyggeri A/S, Helsingør, Denmark, for Statens Järnvägar. Initial name TRELLEBORG, Swedish flag. Acquired in 1977 by Maritime Co. of Lesvos S.A. and renamed HOMERUS under Greek flag. Sold in 1993 to Cyprohellenic Shipping Co. and renamed NISSOS KYPROS under Cyprus flag. Broken up in India in 2003.

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94. KNOSSOS 1966 The 1966-built KNOSSOS. HISTORY Built in 1966 by Lindholmens Varv. Aktiebolaget, Gothenburg, Sweden, for Stockholms Rederi A/B Svea. Initial name SVEA, Swedish flag. Sold in 1969 to Svenska Lloyd A/S and renamed HISPANIA. Renamed SAGA in 1972. Acquired in 1978 by Minoan Lines and renamed KNOSSOS under Greek flag. Sold in 1998 to Ferro Ferry Boat & RoRo Transportation Co. and renamed CAPTAIN ZAMAN II under Turkish flag.

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95. ICARUS 1961 The 1961-built ICARUS. HISTORY Built in 1961 by Marinens Hovedverft, Horten, Norway, for A/S Grenaa-Hundested. Initial name KATEEGAT, Danish flag. Sold in 1969 to A/B Jacob Lines and renamed NORDEK under Finnish flag. Sold in 1973 to Tourship Co. Ltd. and renamed CORSICA STAR under Panamanian flag. Acquired in 1979 by Shipping & Tourist Co. of Samos & Ikaria and renamed ICARUS under Greek flag. Acquired in 1986 by Hellenic Coastal Lines S.A. Sold in 1991 to Sealine Enterprises S.A. and renamed EUROPEAN GLORY under Maltese flag. Sold to Ferro Ferry Boat & RoRo Transportation Co. in 1997 and renamed CAPTAIN ZAMAN under Turkish flag.

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96. EL GRECO 1972 The 1972-built EL GRECO. HISTORY Built in 1972 by Hayashikane Shipbuilding Co., Shimonoseki, Japan, for Meimon Car Ferry K.K. Initial name FERRY ATSUTA, Japanese flag. Sold to Kehan Rentan Kogyo K.K. in 1978. Acquired in 1979 by Minoan Lines and renamed EL GRECO under Greek flag. Sold to Greco One Maritime Ltd. in 2002 and placed under Cyprus flag. Sold in 2004 to Mercury Faith S.A. and renamed CAPTAIN ZAMAN under Panamanian flag.

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97. NISSOS CHIOS 1967 The 1967-built NISSOS CHIOS. HISTORY Built in 1967 by Titovo Brodogradiliste, Kraljevica, Yugoslavia, for Alandsfarjan A/B. Initial name KAPELLA, Finnish flag. Sold to SF Line A/B in 1971. Acquired in 1979 by Chios Shipping Co. S.A. and renamed NISSOS CHIOS under Greek flag. Broken up in Turkey in 2006.

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98. CAPTAIN CONSTANTINOS 1960 The 1960-built CAPTAIN CONSTANTINOS (depicted with subsequent name PANAGIA TINOU). HISTORY Built in 1960 by De Merwede, Hardinxveld, The Netherlands, for Stoom. Maats. Zeeland. Initial name KONINGIN WILHELMINA, Dutch flag. Acquired in 1980 by Constantinos G. Ventouris and renamed CAPTAIN CONSTANTINOS under Greek flag. Renamed PANAGIA TINOU in 1981, while transferred in 1982 to Aktoploia C. G. Ventouris N.E. Acquired in 1996 at auction by Minoan Cruises, renamed ARTEMIS and operated as a cruise ship. Broken up in India in 2001 where she arrived under the name TEMIS.

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99. KIMOLOS 1962 The 1962-built KIMOLOS. HISTORY Built in 1962 by N.W. Werf Gusto, Schiedam, The Netherlands, for Townsend Bros. Ferries Ltd. Initial name FREE ENTERPRISE, British flag. Renamed FREE ENTERPRISE I in 1964. Acquired by Constantinos G. Ventouris in 1980 and renamed KIMOLOS under Greek flag. Renamed ERGINA in 1993 and VENTOURIS in 1994. Acquired in 1995 by Sinderella N.E. and renamed METHODIA II. Sold in 1996 at auction to Saronic Cruises & Shipping and renamed KALLISTI. Sold to Ionian Lines Cruises & Ferry Boat Shipping Co. in 2005 and renamed OKEANIS.

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100. KAMIROS 1966 The 1966-built KAMIROS. HISTORY Built in 1966 by Wärtsilä Α/Β, Ο/Υ, Turku Shipyard, Abo, Finland, for A/B Bonnierforetagen. Initial name PRINS HAMLET, Swedish flag. Sold to Hafen Dampschiffart AG in 1969 and renamed PRINZ HAMLET under West German flag. Sold to Cie. General Transméditerranée in 1970 and renamed ROUSSILON under French flag. Acquired by Dodekanissiaki A.N.E. in 1980 and renamed KAMIROS under Greek flag. Sold to Thessaloniki Shipping Ltd. in 1995 and renamed THESSALONIKI under Maltese flag. Sold to Anez Shipping Ltd. in 2000 and renamed QUEEN CALLIOPE under Cyprus flag. Transferred to Queen Calliope Lines Ltd. in 2002, renamed OPI and sold for demolition in Turkey.

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101. SIFNOS EXPRESS 1961 The 1961-built SIFNOS EXPRESS. HISTORY Built in 1961 by Ailsa Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Troon, UK, for Atlantic S.N. Co. Ltd. Initial name CERDIC FERRY, British flag. Acquired in 1981 by Cia. Armadora de Sudamericana and renamed ATLAS I under Greek flag. Sold in 1987 at auction to Alpamar N.E. and then to Aktoploikai Grammai of C. G. Ventouris Sons. Renamed SIFNOS in the same year and SIFNOS EXPRESS in 1990. Acquired by Aktoploikes Grammes Ellados-Italias in 1994 and renamed IGOUMENITSA EXPRESS. Acquired in 1996 by Watercrest Navigation Inc. and placed under Panamanian flag. Sold in 1998 to Orestes Seatrade Corp. and renamed ORESTES.

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102. ALCAEOS 1970 The 1970-built ALCAEOS. HISTORY Built in 1970 by Titovo Brodogradiliste, Kraljevica, Yugoslavia, for Alandsfarjan A/B. Initial name MARELLA, Finnish flag. Acquired in 1981 by Maritime Co. of Lesvos and renamed ALCAEOS under Greek flag. Broken up in Turkey in 2004 where she arrived under the name SOCHI EXPRESS.

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103. GOLDEN VERGINA 1966 The 1966-built GOLDEN VERGINA. HISTORY Built in 1966 by Chantiers de l’ Atlantique, St. Nazaire, France, for Cie. Générale Transatlantique. Initial name CORSE, French flag. Sold to Soc. Nat. Mar. Corse-Méditerranée in 1978. Acquired in 1982 by Universal River Inc. and renamed GOLDEN VERGINA under Greek flag. Transferred to Agios Efthymios N.E. in 1986, while sold to Corfu Island Maritime Co. in 1987. Transferred to Golden Vergina N.E. in 1995. Sold to Minoan Flying Dolphins Maritime S.A. in 1999 and renamed EXPRESS SAMINA. Hit rocks on September 26, 2000, while sailing off the island of Paros and quickly sank with the tragic loss of 81 passengers and crew members.

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104. NEREUS 1964 The 1964-built NEREUS. HISTORY Built in 1964 by Aktiebolag Udevallavarvet, Udevalla, Sweden, for Stockholms Rederi A/B Svea. Initial name SCANIA, Swedish flag. Acquired in 1971 by O/Y Vaasa-Umea A/B and renamed SCANIA EXPRESS under Finnish flag. Sold to Rederi A/B Gotland in 1976 and renamed POLHEM under Swedish flag. Acquired in 1981 by Agapitos Brothers and renamed NEREUS under Greek flag. Stranded off Sitia, Crete, on July 20, 1989 and became a total loss.

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105. IALYSSOS 1966 The 1966-built IALYSSOS. HISTORY Built in 1966 by Wärtsilä Α/Β, Ο/Υ, Helsinki Shipyard, Helsinki, Finland, for Amer-Tupakka O/Y. Initial name FINNPARTNER, Finnish flag. Sold in 1968 to O/Y Svea Line (Finland) A/B and renamed SVEABORG in 1969. Sold to Stockholms Rederi A/B Svea in 1972 and placed under Swedish flag. Renamed PEER GYNT in 1977. Sold to Stena Line A/B in 1978 and renamed STENA BALTICA. Acquired by Dodekanissiaki A.N.E. in 1982 and renamed IALYSSOS under Greek flag. Sold to foreign interests in 2002. Broken up in India in 2003.

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106. NAIAS II 1966 The 1968-built NAIAS II. HISTORY Built in 1966 by Société Anonyme de Chantiers et Ateliers de Provence, Port de Bouc, France, for Cie. Générale Transatlantique. Initial name COMTE DE NICE, French flag. Sold in 1970 to Cie. Générale Transméditerranée and in 1978 to Soc. Nat. Mar. Corse-Méditerranée. Acquired in 1983 by Oia Shipping Co. and renamed NAIAS II under Greek flag. Sold to Naias Shipping Co. S.A. in 1990. Acquired in 2000 by Minoan Flying Dolphins Maritime S.A. and renamed EXPRESS NAIAS. Laid up in 2003 and subsequently broken up in Turkey.

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107. GEORGIOS EXPRESS 1965 The 1965-built GEORGIOS EXPRESS. HISTORY Built in 1965 by Société Anonyme Cockerill-Ougrée, Hoboken, Belgium, for the Belgian Government. Initial name ROI BAUDOUIN, Belgian flag. Acquired in 1983 by Constantinos G. Ventouris and renamed GEORGIOS B. under Cyprus flag. Transferred in the same year to Elliniki Aktoploia C. G. Ventouris N.E. and renamed GEORGIOS EXPRESS. Sold to Santorini Shipping Co. in 1988, while acquired in 1997 at auction by Agios Georgios Shipping Co. Broken up in 2009.

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108. APTERA 1973 The 1973-built APTERA. HISTORY Built in 1973 by Hayashikane Shipbuilding, Shimonoseki, Japan, for Taiyo Ferry K.K Initial name PEGASUS, Japanese flag. Sold to Kyushu Kyuko Ferry K.K. in 1978. Sold in 1982 to Osaka Shosen Mitsu Senpaku K.K. and renamed OSAKA. Acquired by Anonimi Naftiliaki Eteria Kritis (ANEK) in 1984 and renamed PEGASUS under Greek flag. Renamed CHANIA in 1985, while extensively refitted and renamed APTERA in 1987. Sold to Oriental Pearl Ferry S.A. in 2006 and renamed ORIENTAL PEARL III under Panamanian flag. Subsequently broken up.

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109. FESTOS 1966 The 1966-built FESTOS. HISTORY Built in 1966 by Lindholmens Varv., Gothenburg, Sweden, for Rederi A/B Svenska Lloys. Initial name SAGA, Swedish flag. Sold in 1972 to Stena A/B and renamed STENA ATLANTICA. Acquired in 1973 by Thomesto O/Y and renamed FINNPARTNER under Finnish flag. Renamed OLAU FINN in 1976. Sold to PSP-Finance Ltd. in 1982 and renamed FOLKLINER. Acquired in 1984 by Minoan Lines and renamed FESTOS under Greek flag. Sold in 1998 to Sirene Shipping & Trading Inc. and renamed CAPTAIN ZAMAN I under Belize flag.

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110. SITIA 1967 The 1967-built SITIA. HISTORY Built in 1967 by Helsingør Skibsværft og Maskinbyggeri Aktieselskab, Helsingør, Denmark for Det Forenede Dampskibs-Selskab A/S. Initial name STAFFORD, Danish flag. Renamed DANA GLORIA in 1984. Sold to Tzamar Voyage Ltd. in 1985 and renamed VOYAGER under Cyprus flag. Renamed MONACO in 1987. Acquired in 1988 by Cross Med Maritime Co. and renamed SITIA under Greek flag. Renamed TROPIC STAR in 1991, PACIFIC STAR in 1993 and AEGEO STAR in 1995. Sold in 1998 at auction to Fortune Ship Investments Ltd. and renamed NEW YORK FORTUNE under Panamanian flag. Renamed ATLANTIS in 2002 and placed under Greek flag. Sold to Island Breeze International in 2007 and renamed ISLAND BREEZE under Panamanian flag.

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111. OLYMPIA 1965 The 1965-built OLYMPIA. HISTORY Built in 1965 by Dubigeon-Normandie S.A., Nantes, France for Société Nationales des Chemins de Fer Francais. Initial name CHANTILLY, French flag. Acquired in 1987 by Olympiada Maritime Co. of Agapitos Brothers and renamed OLYMPIA under Greek flag. Sold in 1990 to Windspoint Shipping Co. Ltd. and renamed EUROPA LINK under Bahamas flag. Sold in 1993 to Polish Hansa Lines and renamed BALTAVIA under Polish flag. Sold in 1996 to European Maritime Transportation S.A. and renamed AL SALAM 93 under Panamanian flag.

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112. THIRA II 1972 The 1972-built THIRA II (depicted with subsequent name HELLAS EXPRESS). HISTORY Built in 1972 by Oshima Dock K.K., Yoshiumi, Japan for Shinki Ferry K.K. Initial name SHIRAHAMA, Japanese flag. Acquired by Epirus Line Co. Ltd. in 1978 and renamed EPIRUS 5 under Cyprus flag. Sold to Grammi Ipirou E.P.E. in 1981 and renamed CHRISSI AMMOS III under Greek flag. Sold to Accorn Shipping Co. Ltd. in 1986, renamed ACCORN I and placed under Cyprus flag. Acquired in 1987 by Therean Lines Maritime Co. and renamed THIRA II under Greek flag. Renamed HELLAS EXPRESS in 1989. Sold to Kerkyraikes Grammes & Krouazieres N.E. in 1994 and renamed AGIOS SPYRIDON.

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113. KING MINOS 1972 The 1972-built KING MINOS. HISTORY Built in 1972 by Kanasashi Co., Shimizu, Japan, for Nihon Enkai Ferry K.K. Initial name ERIMO MARU, Japanese flag. Acquired in 1987 by Minoan Lines and renamed KING MINOS under Greek flag. Sold in 2004 to Arturo Shipping Co. and renamed MAWADDAH under Panamanian flag.

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114. LISSOS 1972 The 1972-built LISSOS. ΗISTORY Built in 1972 by Koyo Dockyard Co., Mihara, Japan, for Shinnihonhai Ferry Co. Ltd. Initial name FERRY HAMANASU, Japanese flag. Acquired in 1987 by Anonimi Naftiliaki Eteria Kritis (ANEK) and renamed LISSOS under Greek flag. Extensively converted before being deployed on coastal service in 1989. Broken up in 2012.

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115. LATO 1975 The 1975-built LATO. HISTORY Built in 1975 by Naikai Shipbuilding & Engineering Co., Setoda, Japan, for Taiheiyo Enkai Ferry K.K. Initial name DAISETSU, Japanese flag. Sold in 1985 to Higashi Nippon Ferry K.K. and renamed VARUNA. Acquired in 1987 by Anonimi Naftiliaki Eteria Kritis (ANEK) and renamed LATO under Greek flag.

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116. APOLLO EXPRESS I 1973 The 1973-built APOLLO EXPRESS. HISTORY Built in 1973 by Arsenal de Brest, Brest, France, for the British Railway Board. Initial name SENLAC, British flag. Transferred to Sealink (U.K.) Ltd. in 1979 and to Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Francais (SNCF) in 1985 and placed under French flag. Acquired by C. Ventouris Sons Shipping Co. in 1987 and renamed APOLLO EXPRESS under Greek flag. Renamed APOLLO EXPRESS 1 in 1993, while sold to Express Ikaros N.E. and renamed EXPRESS APOLLON in 1996. Sold in 1999 to Minoan Flying Dolphins Maritime S.A. and transferred in 2002 to Hellas Flying Dolphins. Sold in 2007 to Apollonas Maritime S.A. and renamed APOLLON under St. Vincent flag.

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117. MILOS EXPRESS 1969 The 1969-built MILOS EXPRESS. HISTORY Built in 1969 by Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd., Wallsend, UK, for British Railways. Initial name VORTIGERN, British flag. Sold to Sealink U.K. Ltd. in 1979. Acquired in 1988 by Lindos Shipping S.A. and renamed MILOS EXPRESS under Greek flag. Sold in 1999 to Minoan Flying Dolphins Maritime S.A. and renamed EXPRESS MILOS. Sold in 2003 to Mare N.E. and renamed NISSOS LIMNOS. Sold in 2004 to N.S. United Co. Ltd. in Hong Kong.

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118. IERAPETRA 1968 The 1968-built IERAPETRA. HISTORY Built in 1968 as a cargo/ferry by Hayashikane Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. Ltd., Shimonoseki, Japan, for Hankyu Ferry K.K Initial name FERRY HANKYU, Japanese flag. Sold in 1985 to Iolaos Navigation Co. Ltd. and renamed SUNBOAT under Cyprus flag. Renamed ARIANE I in 1987. Acquired in 1988 by Falcon Maritime Corp. and renamed IERAPETRA under Greek flag. Sold in 1990 to Achaic Lines Shipping Co. and renamed RAFAELLO. Sold in 1994 to Laird Maritime Ltd., renamed BRINDIZI and placed under Maltese flag. Sold to Starlight Ferries Ltd. in 1999 and renamed ATHINA I. Sold in 2002 to Five Star Lines and renamed PALLADA. Broken up in India in 2007.

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119. MILENA 1970 The 1970-built MILENA. HISTORY Built in 1970 by Hayashikane Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. Ltd., Shimonoseki, Japan, for Diamond Ferry K.K. Initial name FERRY GOLD, Japanese flag. Acquired in 1988 by Paros Shipping Co. and renamed MILENA under Greek flag. Laid up in 2009 and broken up in 2012.

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120. DALIANA 1970 The 1970-built DALIANA. HISTORY Built in 1970 by Hayashikane Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. Ltd., Shimonoseki, Japan, for Diamond Ferry K.K. Initial name FERRY PEARL, Japanese flag. Acquired in 1988 by Kefallonia Shipping Co. Ltd. and renamed DALIANA under Greek flag. Laid up in 2009 and broken up in 2012.

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121. IONIAN SEA 1968 The 1968-built IONIAN SEA. HISTORY Built in 1968 by Italcantieri S.p.A., Castellammare, Italy, for Traghetti Sardi S.p.A. Initial name CANGURO BRUNO, Italian flag. Transferred to Linee Canguro S.p.A. in 1974. Sold to Fayez Trading & Shipping Establishment in 1982 and renamed YUM under Saudi Arabian flag. Acquired by Strintzis Lines Aegeon Shipping Co. in 1988 and renamed IONIAN FANTASY. Transferred in 1990 to Vorios Adriatiki N.E. and renamed IONIAN SEA. Sold in 1994 to Agios Gerasimos N.E. and renamed DIMITRA. Sold in 1997 to Dodekanissiaki A.N.E. and renamed LEROS. Destroyed by fire at Piraeus on December 14, 1998 and declared a constructive total loss. Broken up in Turkey in 2001.

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122. POSEIDON EXPRESS 1974 The 1974-built POSEIDON EXPRESS. HISTORY Built in 1974 by Cantieri Navali di Pietra Ligure, Pietra Ligure, Italy, for Cie. General Transméditerranée. Initial name PROVENCE, French flag. Transferred to Société Nationale Corse-Méditerranée in 1978. Acquired in 1989 by Laurel Sea Transport Ltd. N.E. and renamed POSEIDON EXPRESS under Greek flag. Struck rocks on April 19, 1996, while entering the port of Paros island and subsequently semi-submerged. Eventually raised and towed to Piraeus. Declared a constructive total loss and was laid up. Sold in 1997 to Beacon Marine Enterprises Ltd. and renamed BEL AIR under Panamanian flag. Broken up in Turkey in 1999.

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123. RODANTHI 1974 The 1974-built RODANTHI. HISTORY Built in 1974 by Naikai Shipbuilding & Engineering Co., Setoda, Japan, for Higashi Nippon Ferry K.K. Initial name VIRGO, Japanese flag. Acquired in 1989 by Ikaria Shipping Co. and renamed RODANTHI under Greek flag. Laid up in 2009 and broken up in 2012.

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124. DIMITRA 1971 The 1971-built DIMITRA. HISTORY Built in 1971 by Cantieri Navali S.p.A., Breda, Italy, for British Railways Board. Initial name AILSA PRINCESS, British flag. Transferred in 1979 to Sealink (UK) Ltd. Renamed EARL HAROLD in 1985. Acquired by Samos Shipping Co. in 1989 and renamed DIMITRA under Greek flag. Sold in 1994 to Naias Express Maritime Co. and renamed NAIAS EXPRESS. Sold in 1999 to Minoan Flying Dolphins Maritime S.A. and renamed EXPRESS ADONIS in 2000. Transferred to Hellas Flying Dolphins Maritime S.A. in 2002 and to Hellenic Seaways Cargo N.E. in 2005. Broken up in 2006.

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125. AGIOS RAFAEL 1968 The 1968-built AGIOS RAFAEL. HISTORY Built as a cargo Ro/Ro in 1968 by J. J. Sietas Schiffswerft, Hamburg, West Germany, for Northumbrian Shipping Co. Ltd. Initial name CARIBBEAN VENTURE, British flag. Sold to Cia. Sarda di Nav. Mar. S.p.A. in 1975 and renamed GOLFO PARADISO under Italian flag. Acquired in 1989 by Maritime Co. of Lesvos and renamed AGIOS RAFAEL under Greek flag. Broken up in 2002.

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126. N KAZANTZAKIS 1972 The 1972-built N. KAZANTZAKIS. HISTORY Built in 1972 by Kanasashi Co., Shimizu, Japan, for Nippon Enkai Ferry K.K. Initial name SHIRETOKO MARU, Japanese flag. Acquired in 1989 by Minoan Lines and renamed N. KAZANTZAKIS under Greek flag. Sold in 2001 to Pacific Cruises (Hainan) Ltd. and renamed MING FAI PRINCESS under Panamanian flag.

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127. RODOS 1973 The 1973-built RODOS. HISTORY Built in 1973 by Nipponkai Heavy Industries, Toyama, Japan, for Taiheiyo Enkai Ferry K.K. Initial name ARGO, Japanese flag. Renamed FERRY KOGANE MARU in 1980 and sold in 1983 to K.K. Kurushima Dockyard. Sold in 1984 to Taiyo Ferry K.K. and renamed PEGASUS. Acquired in 1989 by Dodekanissiaki A.N.E. and renamed RODOS under Greek flag. Sold in 2007 at auction to the Blue Star Ferries group and subsequently sold for demolition.

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128. LASITHI 1977 The 1977-built LASITHI. HISTORY Built in 1977 by Hitachi Zosen, Mukaishima, Japan for Japanese National Railways. Initial name ISHIKARI MARU, Japanese flag. Sold in 1990 to Santolino Shipping Co. Ltd. and renamed LADY TERRY under Cyprus flag. Acquired in 1990 by Achaian Lines Maritime Shipping Co. and renamed LASITHI under Greek flag. Renamed SEA HARMONY II in 1992. Sold in 1993 to Delrem Shipping Co. Ltd. and placed under Cyprus flag. Renamed OLYMPIA in 2001. Sold to Nautical Star Inc. in 2003 and renamed ARIELLE under St. Vincent flag.

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129. MARINA 1971 The 1971-built MARINA. HISTORY Built in 1971 by Kanda Zosensho, Kure, Japan, for Hiroshim Green Ferry K.K. Initial name GREEN ACE, Japanese flag. Sold in 1982 to Kurushima Dockyard K.K and renamed OKUDOGO No. 6. Acquired in 1990 by Kassos A.N.E. and renamed MARINA under Greek flag. Laid up in 2009 and broken up in 2012.

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130. EXPRESS OLYMPIA 1973 The 1973-built EXPRESS OLYMPIA. HISTORY Built in 1973 by Jos L. Meyer, Papenburg, West Germany, for Rederi Ab. Sally. Initial name VIKING 4, Finnish flag. Sold in 1980 to W. & G. Industrial Ltd. and renamed EARL GRANVILLE under British flag. Acquired in 1990 by Aegeon Pelagos N.E. and renamed EXPRESS OLYMPIA under Greek flag. Sold to Agapitos Express Ferries in 1996. Sold in 1999 to Minoan Flying Dolphins Maritime S.A. and transferred in 2002 to Hellas Flying Dolphins Maritime S.A. Broken up in India in 2005.

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131. MYTILENE 1973 The 1973-built MYTILENE. HISTORY Built in 1973 by Naikai Shipbuilding & Engineering Co., Setoda, Japan. Initial name VEGA, Japanese flag. Sold to Shin Higashi Nippon Ferry K.K. in 1983. Acquired by Maritime Co. of Lesvos in 1990 and renamed MYTILENE under Greek flag.

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132. PATMOS 1972 The 1972-built PATMOS. HISTORY Built in 1972 by Hashihama Zosen K.K., Imabari, Japan, for Ocean Ferry K.K. Initial name ALBATROSS, Japanese flag. Sold to Ocean Tokyu Ferry K.K. in 1978 and renamed IZU No. 11. Acquired in 1991 by Dodekanissiaki A.N.E. and renamed PATMOS under Greek flag. Sold in 2007 at auction to Blue Star Ferries group and subsequently sold for demolition.

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133. ROMILDA 1972 The 1972-built ROMILDA. HISTORY Built in 1972 by Arsenal de Brest, Brest, France, for Carpass Shipping Co. Ltd. Initial name HENGIST, British flag. Sold to British Railways Board in 1975 and to Sealink (UK) Ltd in 1979. Renamed STENA HENGIST in 1991. Acquired in 1992 by Tilos Shipping Co. S.A. and renamed ROMILDA under Greek flag. Sold in 1993 to Apollo Express II Shipping Co. and renamed APOLLO EXPRESS II and immediately after APOLLO EXPRESS 2. Sold in 1996 at auction to Milos Aktoploiki N.E. and renamed PANAGIA EKATONTAPILIANI. Sold to Minoan Flying Dolphins Maritime S.A. in 1999 and renamed EXPRESS ARTEMIS. Renamed PANAGIA EKATONTAPILIANI in 2001, while transferred in 2002 to Hellas Flying Dolphins S.A. Sold in 2004 to Panagia Odigitria N.E. and renamed AGIOS GEORGIOS. Renamed PANAGIA TINOU in 2015.

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134. EL VENIZELOS 1992 The EL. VENIZELOS, acquired half-constructed in 1992 by Anonimi Naftiliaki Eteria Kritis (ANEK) and subsequently completed. HISTORY Laid down in 1984 at Stocznia Gdynia S.A., Gdynia, Poland for the Swedish enterprise Stena Line AB. The order was cancelled in 1986 and subsequently she was acquired by the Norwegian enterprise Fred Olsen. Launched as BONANZA. Acquired in 1992 by Anonimi Naftiliaki Eteria Kritis (ANEK), temporarily renamed KYDON II and towed to Piraeus where she was completed as the EL. VENIZELOS.

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135. ROMILDA 1974 The 1974-built ROMILDA. HISTORY Built in 1974 by Verolme Scheepswerf, Alblasserdam N/V, Alblasserdam, The Netherlands, for Townsend Car Ferries Ltd. Initial name FREE ENTERPRISE VIII, British flag. Sold in 1987 to P. & O. European Ferries (Dover) Ltd. and renamed PRIDE OF CANTERBURY. Transferred in 1991 to Abbey National March Leasing Ltd. Acquired by Nissyros Shipping Co. in 1993 and renamed ROMILDA under Greek flag. Placed under Maltese flag in the same year. Transferred to Zakinthos Shipping Co. in 1994 and placed under Greek flag. Laid up in 2009 and broken up in 2012.

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136. PANAGIA TINOU 2 1973 The 1973-built PANAGIA TINOU 2. HISTORY Built in 1973 by N.V. Boelwerf S.A., Tamise, Belgium, for the Belgian Government. Initial name PRINS PHILIPPE, Belgian flag. Sold in 1986 to Nv. Archipelago Maddalenino S.p.A. and renamed MOBY LOVE under Italian flag. Acquired in 1993 by Kykladiki Aktoploia and renamed PANAGIA TINOU 2 under Greek flag. Sold in 1996 at auction to Agapitos Express Ferries and renamed EXPRESS ATHINA. Sold to Minoan Flying Dolphins Maritime S.A. in 1999. Transferred to Hellas Flying Dolphins Maritime S.A. in 2001. Sold to SAOS A.N.E.S in 2007 and renamed EXPRESS LEMNOS. Laid up in 2012.

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137. EXPRESS SANTORINI 1974 The 1974-built EXPRESS SANTORINI. ΗISTORY Built in 1974 by Dubigeon-Normandie S.A., Nantes, France, for Société Nationale de Chemins de Fer Francais (SNCF). Initial name CHARTRES, French flag. Acquired in 1993 by Express Santorini Shipping Co. and renamed EXPRESS SANTORINI under Greek flag. Sold to Minoan Flying Dolphins Maritime S.A. in 1999. Transferred to Hellas Flying Dolphins Maritime S.A. in 2001.

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138. VITSENTZOS KORNAROS 1976 The 1976-built VITSENTZOS KORNAROS. HISTORY Built in 1976 by Aalborg Vaerft, Aalborg, Denmark, for Monarch Steamship Co. Ltd. Initial name VIKING VISCOUNT, British flag. Sold to P. & O. European Ferries (Portsmouth) Ltd. in 1987 and in 1989 renamed PRIDE OF WINCHESTER. Transferred to Howill Shipping Ltd. in 1991. Acquired in 1994 by Lasithiotiki A.N.E. and renamed VITSENTZOS KORNAROS under Greek flag.

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139. PREVELI 1980 The 1994-built PREVELI. HISTORY Built in 1980 by Imabari Zosen, Imabari, Japan, for Shikoku Kaihatsu Ferry K.K. Initial name FERRY ORANGE No. 2, Japanese flag. Acquired in 1994 by Rethimniaki Naftiliaki Touristiki A.N.E. and renamed PREVELI under Greek flag. Renamed PREVELIS in 2000. Transferred to Anonimi Naftiliaki Eteria Kritis (ANEK) in the same year and renamed TALOS. Renamed again PREVELIS in 2004.

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140. THEOFILOS 1975 The 1975-built THEOFILOS. HISTORY Built in 1975 by Nobiskrug G.m.b.H. Schiffbau Werft, Rendsburg, West Germany, for Travemunde-Trelleborg Linie. Initial name NILS HOLGERSSON, West German flag. Sold in 1985 to the Tasmanian Government and renamed ABEL TASMAN under Australian flag. Acquired in 1994 by Delba Maritime S.A., renamed POLLUX and placed under Cyprus flag. Acquired in 1995 by Maritime Company of Lesvos S.A. and renamed THEOFILOS under Greek flag.

Greek Shipping Miracle

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marianna latsis yacht

mid ship


Some of the finest passenger ships have been the mid-sized, hardworking, but not terribly speedy intermediate "blue water" liners like the MARIANNA VI, which was built for Elder Dempster Lines in 1951 as the AUREOL.

Vessels like AUREOL are spared the superlatives of history books, but never leave the hearts of their loyal passengers and crew. I can think of no ship in all my years of pursuing ocean liners that has bewitched me as much as this little beauty. And I do not swoon for her alone. Scores of people from former officers to passengers have contacted me over the years to relay their tales of life onboard.

AUREOL, although moderate by North Atlantic standards, was the largest, finest member of the Elder Dempster Line's fleet. At 14,083 gt, she could carry 253 first class and 76 cabin class passengers with 74 interchangeable berths. She sailed on fortnightly voyages from Liverpool to Lagos and was named for a mountain in Sierra Leone. Her raked bow, lovely curved superstructure and tapered afterdecks earned her the well-deserved nickname, "The White Swan".

It is rumored that despite full loads and still turning a profit, the 23 year old mail ship was withdrawn in 1974 due to the brittle post war steel used in her construction. Unlike her contemporaries, she found a buyer other than the Taiwanese scrap merchants, and sailed off to Greece for oil tycoon John S. Latsis.

Renamed MARIANNA VI after one of Latsis' daughters, she served as a stationary accommodation ship at Jeddah for Moslem pilgrims and later at Rabigh for workers constructing oil refineries there. During her time in the Latsis years, she was maintained beautifully, and save for the remodeling of her forward suites and cabin class lounge, she remained very much the "empire liner" with exotic polished hardwoods, nickel, brass, and etched glass fixtures. According to past officers, every important diplomat to visit Saudi Arabia at the time managed to stay on board the MARIANNA VI, including Henry Kissinger.

In 1989, MARIANNA VI was laid up at Eleusis. For several years, she was well-maintained. But, as Mr. Latsis' health deteriorated, so did his collection of magnificent vintage British ocean liners. By 1998, when I finally got to visit the

ship, she was still beautiful, but sadly decrepit. In 2001, she sailed under her own power to be beached at Alang. I salvaged many of her fixtures for my home and personal collection, but will soon be offering much of her crockery and silver, which is a cross selection of vintage Elder Dempster and P&O (moved to MARIANNA VI from the stores saved from the former STRATHEDEN and STRATHMORE, which were last owned by Latsis, as well).


Elder Dempster Line Mini Cups





Yiannis Latsis

Yiannis Latsis ( September 14 , 1910 – April 17 , 2003 ) also known as John S. Latsis , was a Greek shipping tycoon notable for his great wealth, influential friends, and charitable activities.

Latsis was born in Katakolo —a fishing village in the prefecture of Elis —and was educated at the Pyrgos School of Commerce and the School for Merchant Navy Captains. He began working as a deckhand, eventually holding posts as a ship's captain. He bought his first cargo vessel in 1938 and by the 1960s owned a fleet of ships. In the late 1960s he diversified his business to include oil — establishing Petrola — and construction before gradually expanding into banking and financial services. His European Financial Group owns banks in the UK, Switzerland, Monaco, the Channel Islands, and Greece. The family's $4.4-billion fortune landed Latsis in the 101st position on the 2004 Forbes Billionaire's List.

His charitable works began with the establishment of the Latsis Scholarships Institute in 1970 and also included the provision of aid to earthquake victims and the creation of the Latsis Foundation .

Latsis lent his private yacht, The Alexandros to notable figures such as The Prince and Princess of Wales, Camilla Parker Bowles, George H. W. Bush, Colin Powell and Marlon Brando.

He died in Geneva, Switzerland, on April 17 , 2003 and left most of his fortune to his children Spiros and Marianna Latsis.

  • Paris Latsis , his grandson, fiancé of Paris Hilton

A portion of content for this article is credited to Wikipedia . Content under GNU Free Documentation License(GFDL)

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John S. Latsis, 92, Billionaire Who Built Empire in Shipping

By Paul Lewis

  • April 18, 2003

John S. Latsis, the last of a generation of extremely rich Greek shipowners and businessmen that included household names like Aristotle Onassis and Stavros Niarchos, died on April 17 in Athens. He was 92.

The Latsis business empire included shipping, banks, oil refineries and construction companies. This year Forbes magazine rated him 101 among the world's richest people, with a fortune worth $5.4 billion.

Unlike some of his fellow Greek billionaires, Mr. Latsis pursued neither publicity nor reckless living, keeping himself well away from the public eye. But he did court the powerful and the famous, making friends with kings, presidents, prime ministers and actors.

John Spyridon Latsis was born Sept. 14, 1910, in the southwestern Greek fishing village of Katakolo. He began his working life as a laborer, deckhand and ship's captain. In 1938, he bought his first freighter and he owned a fleet of ships by the 1960's.

He then diversified into construction and the oil business, specializing in projects in the Arab world. In 1969, he established Petrola, the first export-oriented oil refinery in Greece and set up another oil refinery in Saudi Arabia.

Next, Mr. Latsis moved into banking and finance. In 1979, he bought the Deposit Bank in Geneva from the Onassis family. In 1989 he established the Private Bank and Trust Company in London.

In 1999 Mr. Latsis handed over management of his business interests to his son Spiro, who survives him, along with his wife, Erietta Tsoukala, and two daughters, Marianna and Margarita.

Prince Charles, the heir to the British throne, was one of Mr. Latsis's influential friends. He lent his yacht, the Alexandros, to the prince for a second honeymoon with Diana, Princess of Wales, in 1991, and last year Prince Charles borrowed the vessel again for an Aegean cruise with his companion, Camilla Parker-Bowles.

The Latsis yacht has also been lent to former President George Bush and his family, as well as to Colin L. Powell, now secretary of state, and to the actor Marlon Brando.

Mr. Latsis was a close friend of many members of the Saudi royal family. But he angered some Greeks by maintaining close ties with former King Constantine, who was deposed.

In 1991, Mr. Latsis created a political storm in Britain when it was learned he had given the Conservative Party, then in power, a gift of $3 million.

Mr. Latsis devoted some of his fortune to philanthropy, creating the Latsis Foundation, which financed many cultural works including a Greek translation of the Koran. He also made large donations to aid earthquake victims in Greece, Egypt and Armenia.

In 1986, Mr. Latsis sent his 20,000-ton cruise ship, Marianna 9, to the south Greek city of Kalamata to serve as a floating home for more than 900 people left homeless by an earthquake there. He also donated $1.5 million to Prince Charles's charitable foundation, the Prince's Trust.

Mr. Latsis maintained homes in Athens, Geneva and London but was careful not to advertise his wealth. The Guardian in Britain once described his London home, Bridgewater House, not far from Buckingham Palace, as ''almost absurdly accessible and a bit scruffy.''



Death of legendary shipowner and philanthropist Yiannis Latsis

Shipowner, industrialist and businessman Yiannis Latsis, who died this week in Athens at the age of 93, played with ships, oil, banks and property like beads on a «komboloi». The boy from a humble family in Katakolo in the prefecture of Ileia, long outlived his rivals Stavros Niarchos and Aristotle Onassis. «Io sono il duce di Katakolo,» he would say to Italian officials, who used to pore over the map to find the place. From a young age he worked as a boatman to help his father Spyros feed the family of 16 children and their mother Aphrodite. He married a Pyrgos girl, Erietta, who remained devoted to him to the end. He now leaves to his son, Professor Spyros Latsis, a fortune that will put him among the world’s richest men, a position for which Spyros abandoned an academic career in the USA. The three siblings – Spyros and his two sisters Marianna and Margarita – gave their parents a total of 10 grandchildren. To them, he left a letter urging them to work hard if they wanted to make progress and get rich, his own motto for success. Another of his characteristics was his sociability – he mingled with royalty and political leaders whom he invited to his magnificent home in London, or onto his yacht, the Alexander, for Aegean cruises. He talked with them as equals. They didn’t care, as long as they had the friendship and support of such a powerful person as Yiannis Latsis. Margaret Thatcher, John Major and even George Bush Sr and his wife Barbara have been guests at Bridgewater House in London. Prince Charles, first with Diana and then after her death with his two sons, spent holidays aboard the Alexander. His children have carried on the tradition, but it was Captain John, as he liked to be called in order to recall his life as a seaman, who turned it into a fine art. His other trait was his famous generosity, particularly in health issues, in helping earthquake victims and in providing technical and vocational training for ethnic Greeks from northern Epirus, now in Albania, to honor his parents’ origins in that part of the world. Helbi herself was witness to one incident. At an annual presidential reception to mark the restoration of democracy, then-President Constantine Karamanlis came out into the garden and wondered where the photographers were. «Yiannis Latsis has just arrived and they’ve all gone over there to see him. As soon as they’ve finished, they’ll be back,» he was told. Two great patriots, a politician who marked the history of his country, the other a man determined to raise the country’s economic standards, both self-made men, now give their places to their heirs. Certainly, they will be remembered for all their special qualities.

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Your Yacht Management Company

PrivatSea manages some of the world’s most famous mega yachts and has been a pioneer in this field since the 1970s.

Since the very beginning, PrivatSea has worked tirelessly to uphold its core values throughout every service: providing a transparent, professional service with every detail accounted for.

As part of the Latsis Group of Companies, PrivatSea leverages an extensive network to offer our clients the highest-quality products and services at competitive prices. With a 360° approach, we offer our clients complete services under one roof from yacht management to project management with a trusted yacht shipyard at hand. As experts in the field and a trusted partner, we tailor bespoke services to fulfil our clients’ needs in-house so they can enjoy their yachts to their maximum potential.

Yacht Management Company

From Trade and Shipping to the Birth of the Yacht Management Company

The Latsis group was founded in Greece in the 1940s by the late John S. Latsis. John S. Latsis’ first entrepreneurial ventures focused on trade and shipping and quickly expanded to diverse business interests such as commercial shipping, energy and real estate.

The Latsis group

In 1949, John S. Latsis, then a young Captain himself, purchased the Laurana to service the small islands around Athens. The vessel was also enjoyed by family and friends, entertained on short cruises.

Inspired by the joy seen amongst his loved ones on these voyages, John S. Latsis established the chartering company Alcyonides and routed the vessel on the Agrosaronic Gulf Line. Shortly after her first voyage in the line, she was renamed Neraida , meaning “fairy” in Greek, after a vote was held on board with the presence of politicians and journalists and the soon-to-be Prime Minister of the country, Nikolaos Plastiras.

Neraida carried passengers almost every day of her career, hosting politicians and celebrities and appearing in Greek and foreign films until 1974 when she retired from service. Her most frequent route was Piraeus – Aegina – Methana – Poros – Hydra – Hermioni – Spetses, but she also used to visit Leonidion, Monemvasia, Salamina, Nafplion, and Epidaurus. But that would not be the end for Neraida, find out how her legacy lives on in The Neraida Floating Museum.

Neraida Floating Museum

The Neraida Floating Museum & Legacy of John S Latsis

After Neraida retired in 1974, she remained laid-up at a Latsis-owned shipyard in Elefsis, Attica, until 2007; John S. Latsis refused to send his lucky ship for scrap. Following John S. Latsis’ death in 2003, his family launched an ambitious project to assemble an archive of his life and work. In 2007, the decision was made to convert the vessel into a floating museum showcasing part of this collection. On 9 September of the same year, she was loaded onto the Maria, a heavy cargo vessel, for the voyage to Sibenik in Croatia, where a three-year refit took place. Finally, in April 2010, the vessel returned under her own steam to Elefsis.

Yacht Charter Company Alcyonides

On February 6, 1963, the newly established Yacht Charter Company Alcyonides sent personal letters to companies and entrepreneurs in Athens and abroad promoting a new and unique kind of luxury vacation: sailing on a private charter yacht.

Alcyonides managed five classic wooden yachts, built in and around the Greek islands and the Mediterranean. Each vessel was constructed in the old and classic Greek shipbuilding tradition in Perama, Athens. The wooden boats boasted Rolls-Royce engines and reached speeds of 10 knots, all held Lloyds certificates, and could accommodate up to 12 passengers.

Henriette - a 53-meter yacht built in 1949

In 1977, the acquisition of Henriette – a 53-meter yacht built in 1949 – signalled the entrance of the company into the pleasure yacht industry. Gradually, the company became involved in yacht management , conversions, yacht refits , operations, charter and brokerage.

The 58 MY Henriette was designed by the New York-based Naval Architect and Marine Consultant John Wells (1879-1962). She was built by welding shipyards in Norfolk, Virginia and was launched in 1950. At the time, the yacht represented the pinnacle of American Shipbuilding and was the finest example of the true craftsmanship that characterized the yachts of her era. In 1977, the yacht was brought by the late John S. Latsis and her acquisition signalled the transition of the Latsis Group into the yacht management business.

Sete Yacht Management was established in 1998 and was followed by PrivatSea in 2004.

PrivatSea a yacht management company

PrivatSea Today

Today PrivatSea is a trusted yacht management company, known for its management and project management services.

Our core principles remain the same: to provide a transparent, professional service with every detail accounted for. We continue to strive for improvement to offer an exceptional service to all. We understand the importance of efficiency and conscientiousness which is why teamwork is a top priority, always working to improve as individuals and as team members.

We continue to leverage our extensive network as part of the Latsis Group, sharing the benefits with our clients from priority services to the procurement of the highest-quality products from trusted sources. This network sets us apart, able to provide complete yacht services as one dependable provider.

Our clients are truly at the heart of what we do, relieving our clients of the related stresses of yacht ownership is an honour and privilege.

A message from our Chairman, Mr Xenakis

“As the numbers of mega yacht owners grow, so does their need for movement, connectivity, simplicity and opulence, all manageable through customised services and discretion. And what better way to fulfil all the above needs than being onboard their yacht, equipped like a state-of-the-art company headquarters, while offering services of a seven-star hotel? I would easily guess that the need for floating headquarters in the form of super yachts will multiply in the coming years, reinventing the way of conducting business while being on the move. And we will be waiting to assist.”


marianna latsis yacht

Latsis eyes entry into LNG arena

Greek owner says expansion into LNG carriers is the next logical step for transportation group.

Latsco Shipping, a Greek owner of product tankers and LPG carriers, is interested in expanding into the LNG market.

There are no specific plans yet to enter the LNG arena, but Latsco principal Paris Kassidokostas-Latsis said there is no doubt in his mind that his company will eventually move in that direction.

marianna latsis yacht

“It is the obligation of the new generation of shipowners to be heading towards new, cleaner forms of energy and their transport,” said Kassidokostas-Latsis -- grandson of the Latsis Group’s legendary founder John.

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If not, could you forward this site to this person?

in order to visit

Sory for my poor english translation.


I have done it for Margarita Latsis

Spiro Latsis is a Greek businessman.

Born in Athens and is the son of the owner Yiannis Latsis and Errietta Tsoukalas. He studied at the London School of Economics and then took over the family business Latsis. Though descended from shipping family founded The EFG Group - which is part of the Greek bank EFG Eurobank-Ergasias and Swiss bank EFG International, with approximately 40% in each - a multinational banking group with significant market positions in Private Banking Switzerland .

Spiro Latsis has one of the biggest and luxurious yachts in the world and according to Forbes magazine in 2008 was in 68th position on Forbes magazine's list of richest people in the world with 11 billion dollar fortune, being the richest Greek in the world. [ 1].

He is married to Dorothy Bradley and has two children. Resides in Geneva, Switzerland.


Spiro Latsis hired the president of Eurobank ... "until yesterday" president of state oil!

May be legitimate, but morale is ...? The so "yesterday" representative of the Greek government in the oil states (HEP) Timos (Timmy) Christodoulou announced that she will be appointed by the next regular meeting - in June - the EFG Eurobank Ergasias SA ... President of the Bank (non-executive ...) after the departure of Xenophon Nikita!

The phenomenon of top executives and place appointed by the state to represent - in theory - public interest, ... next to the removal companies are hired immediately traders were supposed to ... competitors are well-known phenomenon (Mr S. Kokkalis, for example, utilizes the business executives of OPAP, soldiers are recruited directly from arms companies and so on). How and why then do the k.Spyros Latsis ... President of the Bank of the ... president of the Greek Petroleum. Obviously as chairman of HEP because they were ... the opposite of Petrola k.Latsi. Will we Mr Giorgos Papandreou to break the bad pimple? Ban "on pain of death" the possibility of a public officer exercising command and make decisions on behalf of the government, when removed for any reason to be recruited by enterprises interest operator had dealings with state enterprises working. If so, is prosecuted on both sides. To avoid looking ... government officials engaged in administration and handing out business ... and money ... to traders. The k.Latsis So did the bank's president, ... the president of state oil! Very nice ... As you may recall that the "primary right" has served as Minister of Finance of Mitsotakis and MEP, Governor of the Bank of Greece and National Bank, General Manager of National Investment and Chairman of the Union of Greek Banks. He has also served as President and Olympic Airways.



Spyros Latsis: "No" to reduce salaries in ELPE

Particularly important was the awarding of ELPE as the company with the largest investment project in the productive sector, an event conducted by Stat Bank on «reek commerce-Social Responsibility-Export leaders 2011».

H awarding the distinction made by Environment Secretary John Mani to the Managing Director of John ELPE Costopoulos.

Between government and ELPE but has existed for about a month an unknown number of plywood for the salaries of workers.

H first "collision" took place in late December 2010, when Finance Minister Giorgos Papakonstantinou ELPE wrote in asking to be cuts in salaries of employees and listed DEKO.

H letter but coincided with the strengthening of the percentage of the Latsis group in the equity of ELPE from 36% to 41% with the government owning 35%. H change the balance might not brought any change in the administrative status ....... of ELPE, but brought up against the government with Spyros Latsis. Because of the group's main shareholder diaminythike the Minister of Finance that do not belong to ELPE DEKO and that state oversight is exercised in accordance with the provisions relating to public limited liability companies.

The information even say that Spiro Latsis instructed not affected at all on cutting the wages of workers.

------------ Site for Margarita Latsis

Dynasty LATSIS one hundred and first
From the legendary founder of the group Yiannis Latsis as his son Spiros

"The destiny wanted the Bank of Athens, which began as the Bank Cardassilaris the Tower of Elis, in 1920, to return after so many years in the ownership of shareholders who have common ancestry with the founders. An unknown detail revealed Mr George Gondicas, president of the bank Eurobank, which purchased from the Korean Hanwha of the 58.05% stake in Bank of Athens, and concerned what else strange coincidences or games in history.

The latest acquisition of the Latsis group of highly distinguished in the 1990 general banking and finance, having significantly alter the investment options and business guidelines started off from the same soil in which took its first steps and the Mr. John Latsis, the founder of a family financial empire that came to be included along with members of the lists of the strengths of the world. Recently, the American magazine «Forbes» said in a enviable position (101th) list of the son of the founder, the 51chrono Spyros Latsis. The net value of assets and in accordance with published data of the American magazine, is 3.1 billion dollars, or if you prefer an account in our national currency, close to 1 trillion drachmas.

But the value of the property referred to by the name of his firstborn son harmoniously combined with the Greek flag to the corresponding page «Forbes» Internet is not a personal matter. Anyway, whatever the name of "owner" was the first father, now son billions always belong to a family group, individual properties which are lost in a maze of holding companies and trust with its headquarters in Luxembourg , Liechtenstein or the Channel islands.

What controls which of the family members of John Latsis's father, mother Erieta, the son of Spyros and two daughters, Marianna and Margarita did not play very big role. Besides the total power counts. The rest is just ... details that create feelings of curiosity to ordinary mortals. Beyond that, everything seems to be arranged, powers known as the area of responsibility of the individual and personal relationships monakrivou son and two daughters of the founder at optimal levels. "Spiro" says Athens who are knowledgeable in the family affairs "over-protected and fond the two sisters. The same sources claim that "Spiro does not have to talk about his love for his sisters. A nod, a gesture, a look, even during a board meeting where they usually meet family members, is sufficient to illustrate the sentiments that fed for one another. "

The professional obligations and ... km did not allow the frequent family gatherings. That is also why when given the opportunity pursue "celebrations and festivals. The last big occasion was the marriage of Mrs Margaret Latsis with Mr. George Katsiapi Ekali. Mr. John Latsis that night Saturday 29.6.1996 dressed in white, electric blue bow and tissue was found in the arms of two daughters of the youthful vigor to welcome guests high politicians, businessmen, colleagues and friends and their filepsei the jokes and the amazing indiscretion, a central element of "external appearance" who always acted as a competitive advantage. Even if addressed to a planitarchi like George Bush or an iron lady as in Lady Thatcher, who welcomed in his own special way to the palace Bridgwater House in the heart of London to the historic meeting of leaders of NATO (5 July 1990), a meeting which was signed the death certificate of the Cold War. But Mr. Yiannis Latsis as tolerant greeted with the same ease and the last leader of the "Red Empire", Mikhail Gorbachev and stylish for the Russian action, his wife Raisa in September 1993 for a mini cruise in the Aegean with the 'Alexander' Prince of the royal comforts and values.

Spyros Latsis live permanently in the French-speaking Switzerland Geneva, where are concentrated many of the activities of the group but is present anywhere in the world calls him a duty to Athens for meetings of the Board of Eurobank, in London for shipping matters or for investment in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet territory in New York, ports and shipyards in the Far East.

The older sister, Mrs. Marianna Latsis, living permanently in Athens and beyond all other business activities, is the soul of the Latsis Foundation has succeeded in bringing in "Pallas Athena" the former hotel strike Kifissia some of the most loud the names of art, intellect and culture in the late 20th century. The passage, for example, Marlon Brando from Kifissia made around the world.

As for the youngest daughter of Mr John Latsis, Mrs. Margaret Latsis, has chosen to live in Monaco, next to her husband Katsiapi Mr. George, who heads the financial services company EFG Eurofinanciere d Investissements SAM a company that acts as a the many investment arm of the group and soon becomes a bank.

The three succeeded by his son and two daughters of Mr. John Latsis have their own separate interests in personal and professional level are in many cases if not all of the other side of the secular requirements of the international scene. Spyros Latsis, for example, like being able to reassure his immediate colleagues in Athens and London, can easily be incorporated into the category of "alcoholics work": work tirelessly, no holidays and never be fond of a simple , almost ascetic, lives with his wife Dorothea and their children.

But the faces of real life, even the richest people in the world do not find welcoming space in magazines and the windows of the TV. Truth be told, not a workaholic billionaire sells. The American journal «Forbes», for example, in a brief statement of Mr Spyros Latsis prefers to make specific reference to the 397 foot yacht "Alexander", which became much more sparkle than the fact that the deck, in the luxurious lounges and the glamorous "bedroom" of hospitality, for the second honeymoon, the heir to British throne Charles and Princess Diana unlucky.

"Seating operator, naturally banker" is characterized in a recent article in U.S. magazine «Forbes» today's "skipper" of the group. Truth or lies? Things are always somewhere in the middle. The youngest Latsis is the one who pushed the group into new business and investment, expanding the boundaries and scope of initiatives and measures to the requirements of a globalized market. At the same time that he was cut out without the tradition established by his father to sea gave new content in shipping and commercial activities. The fleet slowly rebuilt from scratch and the refinery Petrola modernized to meet the new competition formed the domestic market following the entry of Aramco in the nearby refinery and import a part of shares of public company oil in the Greek stock market.

The group has ordered the Hyundai shipyard in Korea seven new ships type «product carriers» a capacity of 46,000 tons each. The cost of construction of each estimated at around 220 million U.S. dollars and funding is done by banks, as they say, 'queue to lend the Latsis, clearing near their supplies. If today the bankers make the tail, it was not so 50 years ago, when Mr. John Latsis began dealings with the banks for the purchase of boats. Then the site was only the National Bank and the loans were given did not exceed a few thousand dollars, as in the case of the small cruise ship "Fairy" left literally era and the lounges have passed all politicians without exception the first postwar decade.

The newly built ships will begin to arrive by next year in 1999 received the first five ships and two others in 2000. The seven ships, they say shipping cycles Miaouli coast, part of a long-term program to restructure the fleet but overall the group's activities at sea and transport. The stories of ships carrying crude oil only, Libya and Saudi princes are now in the distant past. Ships arriving from Korean shipyards will go to the free market for maritime transport and whoever gives the most fares.

In the same way restructuring is also the site of oil. The refinery in Saudi Arabia may have been sold at good prices but there is always Petrola area of Eleusis and huge, by Greek standards, investment program. Back in Petrola an increase of the share capital by 200 billion drachmas.

------------Text for Margarita Latsis



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  2. Yiannis Latsis

    In 1955, Latsis purchased a cargo vessel, the Marianna. Three years later, he purchased his first oil tanker, the Spyros, which was used for the transportation of liquid molasses from Egypt to Greece and the UK. ... Latsis also invested in yacht management and established a private airline, LatsisAir (later renamed PetrolAir). In the early ...

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  4. Greek Coastal Shipping 1945-2000

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    Renamed MARIANNA VI after one of Latsis' daughters, she served as a stationary accommodation ship at Jeddah for Moslem pilgrims and later at Rabigh for workers constructing oil refineries there. During her time in the Latsis years, she was maintained beautifully, and save for the remodeling of her forward suites and cabin class lounge, she ...

  6. Spiro Latsis & family

    Spiro Latsis inherited the fortune of his late father, Greek shipping tycoon John S. Latsis (d. 2003) alongside his siblings Marianna and Margarita. The siblings split up the family fortune in ...

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  9. My grand ambition

    Pictured: Marianna Latsis, Henrietta Latsis and Paris Kassiodokostas-Latsis at Posidonia 2014. Although Kassidokostas-Latsis has childhood memories of being taken onboard ships, his main ...

  10. Yiannis Latsis

    Latsis lent his private yacht, The Alexandros to notable figures such as The Prince and Princess of Wales, Camilla Parker Bowles, George H. W. Bush, Colin Powell and Marlon Brando. He died in Geneva, Switzerland, on April 17 , 2003 and left most of his fortune to his children Spiros and Marianna Latsis.

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    Latsis is survived by his wife Erieta and two daughters, Marianna and Margarita. Some of the Latsis group's charity work Fire-fighting planes donated to the Greek State. - The new town hall in Pyrgos. - The Latsis Scholarship Foundation, which grants 150 scholarships to students from Elis every year. - Patrol cars donated to the Greek ...

  12. SPIRO LATSIS • Net Worth $2.7 Billion • House • Yacht

    Born into a dynasty known for its robust footing in the shipping industry, Dr. Spiros J. Latsis continues to carry forward his family's legacy in business and philanthropy. Born in August 1946 in Athens, Greece, Spiros is the son of the eminent Greek shipping magnate, John Latsis, who passed away in 2003.

  13. Bodies of Mike Lynch and four yacht guests pulled from Bayesian wreck

    A team of divers has struggled for days to access the interior cabins of the 540-tonne yacht, due to the volume of debris inside a wreck that lies 50 metres below the surface. ... Marianna Giusti ...

  14. John S. Latsis, 92, Billionaire Who Built Empire in Shipping

    In 1986, Mr. Latsis sent his 20,000-ton cruise ship, Marianna 9, to the south Greek city of Kalamata to serve as a floating home for more than 900 people left homeless by an earthquake there.

  15. Death of legendary shipowner and philanthropist Yiannis Latsis

    Shipowner, industrialist and businessman Yiannis Latsis, who died this week in Athens at the age of 93, played with ships, oil, banks and property like beads on a «komboloi». The boy from a humble family in Katakolo in the prefecture of Ileia, long outlived his rivals Stavros Niarchos and Aristotle Onassis. «Io sono il duce di Katakolo,» he ...

  16. Latsis Shipping becomes latest to evolve group branding

    By Harry Papachristou. Paris Kassidokostas-Latsis is rebranding his shipmanagement companies to reflect the rapidly evolving nature of his wider Latsco Shipping group. Latsis has joined a growing ...

  17. The Company

    After Neraida retired in 1974, she remained laid-up at a Latsis-owned shipyard in Elefsis, Attica, until 2007; John S. Latsis refused to send his lucky ship for scrap. Following John S. Latsis' death in 2003, his family launched an ambitious project to assemble an archive of his life and work. In 2007, the decision was made to convert the vessel into a floating museum showcasing part of this ...

  18. Μαριάννα Λάτση

    Ο πατέρας της εναντιώθηκε αμέσως στον γάμο αυτό και μετά από πέντε χρόνια, το 1987, η Μαριάννα Λάτση κατέθεσε αίτηση διαζυγίου, το οποίο εκδόθηκε μετά από μερικούς μήνες. Λίγο αργότερα, συνήψε ...

  19. Rich shipping babes sail to the top

    Marianna Latsis is the wealthiest woman in shipping, according to a new survey.She is worth EUR 1.3bn ($1.22bn), slightly ahead of 15-year-old Athina Onassis wi

  20. Greek Shipping Great John Latsis Dies

    In 1986, Latsis dispatched the 20,000-ton cruise ship, the Marianna 9, to the southern Greek city of Kalamata to provide shelter for more than 900 people left homeless following a devastating ...

  21. Paris Kassidokostas-Latsis

    Latsis is the son of Marianna Latsis and Grigoris Kasidokostas, who was mayor of the affluent seaside town Vouliagmeni from 1986 to 2012, where he also ran a large water-ski school and was also a former polo player for Panathinaikos. [2] His mother is a major philanthropist who donated funds for Greek earthquake relief and the Athens Olympics.

  22. Ladies' Day Evening on the River

    Flotilla Radisson Royal: Ladies' Day Evening on the River - See 1,127 traveler reviews, 1,533 candid photos, and great deals for Moscow, Russia, at Tripadvisor.

  23. Latsis eyes entry into LNG arena

    He made his statements to reporters in a meeting with the press ahead of Posidonia on board his yacht Marla, named after his mother Marianna Latsis. Latsco would not enter the LNG business on a ...

  24. Spiros Latsis

    Yiannis Latsis. Erietta Tsoukala. Spiros J. Latsis ( Greek: Σπύρος Λάτσης; born 1946) is a Greek billionaire and business magnate. He is the son of the late tycoon Yiannis Latsis, who died in 2003. [1] In 2018, Spiros Latsis ranked #729 on the Forbes World's Billionaires list, with wealth listed at US $3.2 billion.

  25. Margarita Latsis

    Spiro Latsis has one of the biggest and luxurious yachts in the world and according to Forbes magazine in 2008 was in 68th position on Forbes magazine's list of richest people in the world with 11 billion dollar fortune, being the richest Greek in the world. ... The older sister, Mrs. Marianna Latsis, living permanently in Athens and beyond all ...